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notices and features - Date published:
2:39 pm, February 9th, 2018 - 80 comments
Categories: caption contest -
Tags: caption contest, get in the sea
Wonder where all the New Zealanders will be moving to after we and Labour vote for the CP-TPP?
‘Help, help we are lost,” screech the little blue trolls, just before they are blown off the end of NZ, into the cold, cold southern ocean, never to he seen again. And everything ended happily ever after.
It already has a caption: “Bluff New Zealand” – sounds about right.
Blue with cold.
“the Dirty Half Dozen”…
NORA aka No Other Real Alternative posing wit his posse
“Harcourts Real Estate Bluff Branch Staff”
Ok – that was good.
+ 1 James
Excellent Jack.
+4, caption of the day I think.
Tory leader plans his next move when he’s rolled. Five backstabbers plan where they’ll send the others after they roll the current leader.
Conservative New Zealand, it’s really quite a blokey affair.
Bunch of Old Tossers on Thin Ice.
Sorry,nothing but nothing beats Enzo’s Twitter caption for a side by side image of a photo from the BBQ at Waitangi and this photo from Bluff –
“New Zealand. Old Zealand.”
As Greg Presland said on Twitter The best social media commentary on Waitangi Day 2018. And all it took was 4 words and 2 photos …
Apologies – embedding the image of the two photos is beyond my abilities.
Five Go Backstabbing in Bluff.
Six Arseholes at the Bottom of NZ.
Directionless Tories Get in the Sea.
Mediocrity in Paradise.
End of the Golden Showers.
“They reckon my leadership is headed South. I know they’re bluffing.”
Shadow caucus celebrates Environment Awareness Week at Cape Reinga.
That’s pretty funny, David.
Thanks Rob
Don’t forget David that r0b is the pseudo of our recent, treasured poster Anthony Robins so to keep his identity clear perhaps Guy for short would be good for RG.
Not quite south enough.
David Mac might be being very subtle here!
Me too apparently!
Is your sense of humour not just on the edge but over it, Enzo?
(I misread your comment as replying to David Mac, not as a new caption.)
Many tourists come to have their photos taken beneath Bluff’s sign post, but most dress more comfortably.
Where are your black singlets and khaki shorts you plummy poofters.
Rigor mortis conturbat me
(apologies to William Dunbar)
Thanks for William Dunbar – sounds most interesting.
As for your quote were you considering this was an image of a ‘Cadaveric spasm ‘?
The rigidity of Bill’s pose disturbs (conturbat) me. I wonder if the deed has already been done on him and that rictus grin is an example of the undertaker’s art.
Is he being propped up from behind?
I just remembered Weekend at Bernies where a couple of guys have to pretend that their employer is still alive. By a series of subterfuges they manage to create the impression.
Someone has copied this and giggles his way through it.
I fear that all these desperate Nationals have been reading the exploits of Reginald Perrin, and muttering ‘I didn’t get where I am today by striking out on my own’.
Do you mean that they are about to leave their clothes on the beach?
They will definitely be blue after a swim in the buff.
That could be a slogan for the next National Conference – Swim in the buff at Bluff till you are true blue and a smaller, cleaner man (’embraces’ woman). It would be like visiting Lourdes, and become an annual, spiritual cleansing. For those who had no spirit they could just have tonic. Note to myself: Stop, I’m getting silly.
National; always the finger-pointing.
Haha they giggle, Maori want us to learn about their tikanga. Well we have learned they made a pretence of giving up and going home, and then sneaked round the back at night and took the defending tribe by surprise. Kia kaha mates, follow the plan.
Well look what the king tide washed up!!
Dear National supporters, we record this grand opening of our hikoi back to Wellington and Parliament. Dame Whina Cooper got a gong because of hers and she was only an old Maori lady not the shining face of tomorrow’s prosperity – when we get back into power and reset the delivery end of the pipeline.
(/sarc – Please note that I think Whina Cooper and her like to be deserving the highest awards, old and young.)
BREAKING NEWS … odious blue slime polluting Bluff!
Mary a that is priceless.
“It only hurt a little bit when it came out of the back of my head…”
ROFL !!!
“The Long Road Back”- Bill shows the way to Wellington
A bit of subtle body language here. Note who, and how many, are copying the leader’s stance……….. and how many differentiate themselves.
“Smile and wave”.
They smile, the sea waves back. Who else would?
Six politician’s backs.
Eleven pointy sticks.
Who will be in charge at the end of the day?
Rinse the Blood off my Toga, all about political furore. The great leader is stabbed in the portico ‘more painful than the rotunda’. Bill meets out in the open with the sea behind him so no-one can stab him in the back.
Oh. My. God. I’ve only ever heard it on a Wayne&Schuster record! I didn’t know it was on telly too!
I feel like someone who just heard that their copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was based on a radio play…
Someone said ‘The past is another country’. It’s a mind stretch trying to keep the memories and experiences in mind and still forge onwards into our brrrave new future.
kudos as political nerd if you can name all the faces in the photo, because I bloody well can’t:
2 names, 4 also rans.
Too true.
I counted 2 Chris finlaysons.
A crisp suit then colonic irrigation. Bill was ready for the fight.
“Our work here is done.
Beam us up Toddy.”
Bugger…who forgot to ask Winston for his NO sign! so we can put to bed any leadership questions.
Party leader rolling his Southland rrrrrrrrr’s before they roll the free wacky backy supplied by James and Jacinda.
“Now where’s Simon… he told us to meet everyone in Bluff for a caucus retreat??”
They can’t retreat much further…….
“Don’t worry, Nick told me it’s ‘swimmable’.”
I’d have told them “wadeable”, which was their water quality standard.
Are you sure Siri Simon said meet me at Tuatapere for some sausages?
Just look at what came down in the last shower!
OK guys, I AM THE LEADER, now which way are we going?
Pick a direction. Any direction. And just – go.
“There they are all standing in a row
Big ones small ones some as big as your head
Give ’em a twist a flick o the wrist”
is what the show man said “Oh…..
Proof that NZ is too small for dating apps.
Kiwi astronauts selected for mission to Planet Key.
New species of Little Blue Penguin discovered near Bluff.
National relies on road signs without moral compass.
All signposts point away from National.
No national roads of significance shows insignificance of National.
National on the cusp of Bluff.
The Goof, the Bad and the Smugly.
National MPs photobomb scenic shot.
National emphatically denies signs of weakness and the need to change direction.
Bill English celebrates Waitangi Day with local iwi in Bluff.
Incognito. They are seriously funny
National lost their way.
Not a Blue Dragon in sight.
Headmaster: Did you do this, boy?
Boy: Yes. sir.
Headmaster: Then here’s 6 of the best!
Person: Who’s that in the middle?
Other person: It’s the Dipper from Dipton.
Person: But . . . he’s not in the middle, he’s third from the left.
Other person: Close enough.
The who’s who of Blind man’s Bluff
Boy: Why are they smiling?
Mother: They’re not.
Boy: So, why are their faces contorted?.
Mother: It’s called a grimace, son.
Son: How grim do you have to be to make a grimace?
Mother: Very, just ask your father.
Son: Oh, where is Dad?
Mother: Down at the river with the herd, seems he’s down there most of the time.
“That’s funny, Simon didn’t invite me to his barbecue either.”
I don’t have a caption, but who are those people?
Is it something to do with tailoring?
Keep walking backwards………..i’ll tell ya when to stop.
How far can we get from Waitangi? You know there’s another island right?
Oh what a great load of sardonic humour, this is a terrific post – could be the best caption one so far? Compare and contrast?
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