Colin’s new party!

Written By: - Date published: 10:47 am, June 23rd, 2015 - 83 comments
Categories: humour - Tags: ,

Help Colin name his new party…


83 comments on “Colin’s new party! ”

  1. Andre' 1

    No strings attached ..Party

  2. Paul Campbell 3

    “And I’ll cry if I want to ….”

  3. adam 4

    Working for the Deceiver

  4. Anne 5

    Colin’s New Party.

  5. Craig Glen Eden 6

    Instance Finance Party

  6. Joy Clark 7

    The FOC


  7. r0b 8

    Crazy Colin Craig’s Party (CCCP)

  8. r0b 9

    Party like it’s 1952

  9. Hateatea 10

    I pay, It’s MY way

  10. ianmac 11

    The Resurrectionists.

  11. ropata 12

    Patriarchy Is Great

  12. lprent 13

    Puller Party, John Key invited…

  13. Sabine 14

    mild inappropriate lying and harassment?

    which would be a good rock band name too.

  14. dukeofurl 15

    we had Jim Andertons Progressives – JAP

    Colins Own Conservatives- COC.

  15. One Anonymous Bloke 16

    Princess Party 😈

  16. Kevin 17

    The Narcissists

  17. maui 18

    2015: A Space Oddity

  18. ropata 19

    Fuckwits Anonymous (or we will sue)

  19. Clemgeopin 20

    A few friendly and helpful suggestions:

    * The National Conservatives

    * The Key Cons

    * The Pullers and Shockers

    * The MacGregors

  20. risildowgtn 21

    * Itouchalot party

  21. Joy Clark 22


    Hands On (aka Hard On) Party

  22. Capn Insano 23

    I don’t know about a name but the conservative party poster photos, particularly Colin’s, reminded me of Goa’uld system lords.

  23. Anno1701 24

    The “in my pants” party

    The “i didnt know it was going to be THAT sort of” party

  24. Joy Clark 25

    someone needs to photo shop a snake-in-the-grass… who’s up for that?

    (one of those tiny slithering flashy snakes)

    SNIS (Snake in Sauna)

    SNIG (Snake in Grass)

  25. Joy Clark 26

    CMH Party
    Colin’s Magic Hands


  26. Pipalbany 27


  27. mary_a 28

    Predators United.

    Ponytail pullers and “prominent NZers” very welcome to join.

  28. Chooky 29

    ‘Colin’s Christian Playboy Bunny Party’…come romp with us!

    …unfortunately Christine Rankin has resigned however…she would have looked good in the bunny suit …alongside Colin with big Bunny Ears…and a Bugs Bunny smile

  29. Tracey 31

    “Shocking footage captured the brawl at an indoor playground in Sydney’s west, which was sparked when a father pulled the hair of another child. The crying girl then told her father – who confronted the first man.

    ‘I was on the ground and they pulled my shirt over my head and they were kicking me and punching me – I was just saying to myself ‘get off the floor, if these guys knock me out, I’m going to be dead here,’ the man who was attacked said, according to the ”

    “A child’s hair-pulling stunt led to a shooting on Long Island, cops said Thursday.

    A 28-year-old Long Island man was arrested for wounding the grandfather of a child he claimed had pulled his 6-year-old daughter’s hair, officials said.”

    I guess they just didn’t know it was just “horsing around” and a “bit of fun”

    • Chooky 31.1

      yes adds a rather different perspective to how ponytail pulling is regarded overseas …compared with how it has been portrayed by jonkey and friends

  30. weka 32

    Some classic suggestions in this thread. No-one’s made a colonic joke yet though.

  31. ruup 33

    The ‘Me,Myself,I’ party

  32. Brendan 34

    Wind Back the Clock

  33. Old Mickey 35

    the “once an anonymous bloke” party

  34. Sable 36

    Craig’s Jam….

  35. Chooky 37

    ‘Colin’s magic python party’…pet of the month?…and come eat of the forbidden fruit…

  36. weka 38

    The Moonlander Party

    Toby Morris’s cartoon,

    • adam 38.1

      Almost fell of my chair, thanks for the link weka

    • Clemgeopin 38.2

      “I did not, I repeat, DID NOT land on the moon with that woman”

      “Nor, I repeat, NOR did I leave behind any chem trails”

  37. Puckish Rogue 39

    CCR, Colin Craig Revival

    Fortunate son anyone?

  38. b waghorn 40

    TFA, the fallen angel party

  39. CnrJoe 41

    The GrassRoots Party

  40. rod 42

    The Real National Party Inc.

  41. Chrys Berryman 43

    the “Sue ,Sweat Lodge Party”

  42. McFlock 44

    The Traditional Marriage Party.

    The Bible-Thumping Bunga-Bunga Party.

    The “when I kneel I pray, when you kneel I expect a bj” party.

    The “Me and My Money Party” (MMMP).

  43. Clemgeopin 45


    Naked Zone Intriguing Sauna Inspired System

  44. Ecosse_Maidy 46

    The Issssnsy wincy teenie weeny little all for myself party.

  45. Ecosse_Maidy 47

    The Colin Party,,,in talks for Alliance with the Pete George, I am fecking great Form The ColinPete, arnt we great Ultra Cult Conservative Party….
    Today Dunedin ,,,,,,
    Tommorow Otago, perhaps, maybe

  46. Ecosse_Maidy 48

    The Bring Your Own Fecking Bottle of Chardonay Party, Peasants!

  47. Ecosse_Maidy 49

    The Colins Rights For All Women Party

    aka CRAP

  48. Liberal Realist 50

    Litigation Party of New Zealand (You speak and Colin sues)

  49. Ecosse_Maidy 51

    I’m Too Fecking Sexy For This Shirt Party….NOT

  50. Ecosse_Maidy 52

    I am so bloody good…I did not have sex with myself party.

  51. Ecosse_Maidy 53

    This party will be over in a I will be forced to resign…again…and again..and…well again……………This I promise.

  52. Ecosse_Maidy 54

    The I have to reiterate,,I have never had sex with Pete George party!

  53. Ecosse_Maidy 55

    ColindotcomParty….join now before,,,,i resign in a huff and disband party

  54. Clemgeopin 56

    * Conservative ACT party [CAP]
    * Second ACT Party [SAP]
    * True ACTNAT Party [TAP]
    * Peoples ACT party [PAP]
    * New ACT party : [NAP]

  55. riffer 57

    I guess Screaming Lord Sutch has stolen his preferred party name, hasn’t he?

  56. Clemgeopin 58

    ‘Another Conservative Team’ [ACT] party.
    ‘Debt Always Forgiven Too’ [DAFT] party.
    ‘Conservatives Of Care & Kindness’ party.

  57. fender 59

    Colin’s Folly

    Boy Named Sue

    Conservatively Creepy Hypocrites

    More Money Than Sense or Morals

  58. ropata 60

    Colin’s Organ of Compassionate Konservatism
    Craig’s Onanist Club of Kookiness
    Fundamentalist Union for Conservative Kolinism

  59. cogito 61

    Why not call it the Lie Back and Touch a Nipple Party…. I wonder what Rachel’s thoughts might be on that!

  60. Treetop 62

    The Pretender Party

  61. NZJester 63

    “National Lite”
    As nutty right wing as National but with even fewer brain cells!
    His party flag could be all white.
    After all if you do vote for him the flag of surrender will be appropriate as you have surrendered your sanity!

  62. Brian 64

    Colin’s Colonic Party – because we’re full of shit.