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notices and features - Date published:
1:59 pm, December 8th, 2016 - 162 comments
Categories: bill english, Judith Collins, national, Politics -
Judith Collins has withdrawn from the leadership race and pledged support for Bill English, essentially confirming that he has the numbers and will be the next National leader and Prime Minister.
Our thoughts are with Cameron Slater at this most difficult of times.
Smart move by judith.
Leading them to an election loss would be the end of her aspirations whereas blinglush will slink off after a long career on the taxpayers tit.
So it’s Double Dipton as P.M.
Great. Another crooked prime minister. We just got rid of the last one!
I hope Bill gives her the flick asap or he cops one in the back later! but really I couldn’t care less, just as long as they don’t get voted in again.
That is a real pity
I was hoping for an ugly messy dirty few days as they tore strips off each other and leaked innuendo and gossip.
Unfortunately it looks like it will be smooth transition with no internal fighting visible to the rest of us.
Yeah, plus Collins as leader would have handed the election to the left.
Probably, although we should remember that getting too cocky about that sort of thing is a sizable element to Clinton’s downfall.
I agree with that Matthew. Nice to have the balance swing so far in our favour, but yep, let’s not get carried away.
Don’t worry Weka, English is more than capable of that too. He has the track record.
“Unfortunately it looks like it will be smooth transition with no internal fighting visible to the rest of us”
Yes this is a well oiled machine, the cowboys in the Labour party could learn a thing or two from National or the Greens.
What ?… on how to fly in a Smiling Assassin who has the last laugh by shitting all over his former political party so he can stand back , laugh and watch it burn?
Yeah right , mate.
Hey !
Be Patient !!!
That’s all coming in the weeks and months ahead when the Double Dipper returns the same result he did back in 2002 .
Don’t worry – you wont miss out on the circus… believe me … it’ll be action packed and make great viewing !!!
You are right. I may have spoken to early
Check out blubber buy frothing over this
He is throwing his toys out of the pram isn’t he?
“For my part I can no longer support the National party that is led by Bill English. I expect an immediate tanking in the polls.
Unfortunately, it appears that John Key’s legacy will one of wrecking a successful government, but I will write more on that later today.
It is a sad day for the National party, and even though I am not a member of any party I can no longer support the National party.”
-Cameron Slater 08-12-’16
I might frame that and put it up by my desk for a while to raise spirits through til June’s election.
Thanks for the assist TopHat – I refuse to click on any link to the Blubber’s site – I have no interest in financially supporting his vile spew.
Slater has backed Collins for ever. He’s been pushing out posts taking digs at other candidates faster than a locomotive, and with about the same subtlety. He is seriously deluded.
More on the personality and calibre of our new PM.
Unions demand Bill English apologise for describing jobseekers as ‘pretty damned hopeless’.
And backing his mate in calling them drug addled …
As English said, comments taken out of context. Typical union dirty politics.
You again , Weta,…
And now we see you slagging the unions… typical.
Here is an event that happened in West Virginia called the Upper Big Branch mining disaster that happened about 2 months before Pike River. In fact the same parent company that owned that mine had major shares in Pike River .
And like Pike River , it too had 31 in that mine and , – again like Pike River – out of that 31 , – 29 miners also lost their lives.
Complete with the same managerial incompetence including threatening non unionized workers with job loss if workers raised safety issues ( 30:40 – 32: 30 ) , negligent safety regimes and the same issues with substandard ventilation ( 33:01 – 41: 03 ) , and also the same negligence on reporting, checking on , and failing to address issues of fundamental mine safety and dangerous methane level build ups.
And in this post Pike River era,… I really don’t think its too wise to whine on about unions in light of the sort of workplace slaughter that occurs from the neo liberal ideal of a non unionized workforce .
Just for you , Weta.
And the relevance ??
get back to us when youve got evidence of the unions running a secret attack machine using tax payer funds
Unions don;t receive taxpayer funds (thank goodness). Members funds, yes.
so no evidence of them running a secret attack machine then – just saying things publicly.
breaking news – union says stuff publicly and we know who said it!
Thats your limit out of me – not engaging in your evasions beyond this
I never claimed there was. But unions tell porkies as well as any politician,
I am existentially confused by Bill. How can he simultaneously live and not live in Dipton?
Look and learn chaps, this is how the pros do it.
And, no Collins and Coleman won’t get the flick either.
Paula Bennett will be deputy, she’s a bit more mumsie than Collins.
He’s just announced a record surplus. Strangely silent about collapsing Solid Energy and strip mining Housing New Zealand and cutting/freezing other vital public services.
Phone rings in JC’s office.
“Hi Judith, Bill here. Look I got the numbers, if you don’t jump into line come Monday you’ll be on your bike…”
Probably, or she realised that she had at best a handful of votes.
Knowing when to quit is an important skill.
Goodness me. That was exactly the words Justin Lester (Wellington Mayor) is supposed to have used to his predecessor Celia Wade-Brown when he forced her out of the race earlier this year.
Well she jumped, onto her bike and fled.
Are you sure you wire-tapped the correct phone line?
i suspect that
a) she knows the numbers are against her right now
b) shes still got leadership aspirations and is waiting to see what happens at the election
Hopefully that the voters of Papakura develop a sense of morality and throw her corrupt arse out. 😡
Hehehe… Collins the Goosestepper has her boy installed so she has decided to play senior mentor to Simon 10 Bridges Bridges road instead….
Too bad the memory of S.Bridges Bridges butchers such a great song about another 7 bridges though ,…
And more from the empathetic and compassionate Mr English.
‘Let them eat cake.’
Hon BILL ENGLISH: There is no evidence that inequality in New Zealand is increasing.
Working 80 hours a week and still not always able to feed their two young children decent meals . That’s the reality for one family in Porirua. Our employment reporter Max Towle has their story. In response, the Finance Minister Bill English tells Guyon Espiner inequality is not increasing in New Zealand, and while life is tough for low paid families, they are better off here than in comparable countries.
Isn’t it wonderful?
Its a Blinglish the Bland unanimous vote !
Probably the third best thing the Left could have hoped for after Leopard skin Leotard Bennett and Clawface Goosestepper Collins.
But a good result nonetheless.
Any one of these Vaudeville sideshow freaks ensures a win for the Left in 2017 !!!
The left can not win on their skills and attributes alone -they need National to stuff things up to win by default -no glory there.
But win the Left will do,… and conversely ,… take away the veil and their little stage actor Song and Dance man and we see who National really consisted off, – a bunch of ambitious , divided hacks and factions that only presented a public show of unity because of a well paid for dirty politics blogger and his focus group orientated counterpart.
Admit it – the National party facade is crumbling right before your very eyes.
conspiracy theories abound
No glory? Who needs “glory”, we’ll take the win, thanks.
L00L !
I wouldn’t count your chickens before they hatch.
Keep your chicken-counting eyes on your own eggs, James.
James… but some of you fellas gave me a hard time about referring to Key as the outgoing PM… and now look what’s happened. JS
John Key quit rather than lose at the next election, no glory there
Anecdotes are not evidence. This is evidence: http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/snapshots-of-nz/nz-social-indicators/Home/Standard%20of%20living/income-inequality.aspx
Sorry, but is ‘wellfedweta’ a multi of the banned fisiani? You like to quote stats NZ as vigorously as fisiani did.
The forums I come from have very severe penalties for using a new username while banned.
No, not fisiani. I do like to work with hard data though. I find anecdotes satisfy only soft minds.
Right, so figure 1 shows a slowing increase in, stabilising, and then decreasing inequality from 1999 to 2008 then an arrest of that decline, and steady increase since 2008.
How do you explain this?
Bigger picture is – overall an increase in inequality since the 1980’s. Why should anyone be happy with this?
Of course, wealth inequality is always considerably larger than income inequality. As a result, WellFedWetas and their ilk prefer to focus on income. Remember the IRD found around half of a sample of 184 NZers with more than $50m of wealth, had no income at all in the top tax bracket . That alone makes the WellFedWeta’s interpretation of its ‘hard data’ pretty questionable.
Wealth can include personal dwellings, from which there is often no income. In fact it can include many forms of assets that derive no income.
Wealth inequality, indeed income inequality, are not in and of themselves necessarily bad, providing the majority of citizens are better off. In the past 8 years real wages have risen faster than in the previous 8 years.
“Wealth inequality, indeed income inequality, are not in and of themselves necessarily bad, providing the majority of citizens are better off.”
er…no. Strong relative inequality is in and of itself harmful, even if in absolute terms people are better off. Try this from that hotbed of leftwing activism, The World Bank
And your argument also fails due to the observation that high inequality harms economic growth generally – so even in absolute terms people are harmed by it, not helped. From that socialist mouthpiece, the OECD .
“Strong relative inequality is in and of itself harmful”
I disagree, and your own assertions make my argument. You claim NZ has high inequality, yet NZ is doing exceptionally well.
“high inequality harms economic growth generally”
So does NZ have high inequality or not? Current performance clearly contradicts your opinion.
You need to learn to read a chart. The level of income inequality today is virtually a flat line to what it was in 1993.
Our new PM really cares about affordable housing.
Is he corrupt?
Withdraws? I’ve heard it said as some gracious gesture and indication of solidity with and support for English.
Withdraws = scarpering tail between legs
Slater is throwing a real sook on his shitty website. It is a joy to behold.
Be kind of hard to win an election without the dirty politics ,this time round , though.
Especially with the Double Dipper at the helm….
Better pray Goosestepper Collins gets her little sidekick Bridges in to be deputy likkety split , now , shouldn’t you…
the real question there is who is in collins and slater sights after this – they dont just stop their antics when things dont go their way
and Dildo Baggins as Finance Minister…all we need now is Paula as deputy and the “B” team will be complete……..wait for the cock ups to come thick and fast.
Oh the Joy !!!!
The cock-ups will cone at exactly the same rapid pace they have for the last few years. It’s just that they no longer have a cute little performing monkey to distract and entertain.
EXACTLY. The cockups were already there – just had the PR lipstick to smear on the pig!
indeed they were….but less visible further down the chain
The Nat’s don’t do spontaneity, that has an element of risk. Because a mere 3 days after Keys announcement they have a new leader!
According to Collins yesterday, English has known of Keys impending departure for 3 months. Everything would have been put in place a long time back very carefully.
But hey the facade of a leadership contest gave a candle flicker of some kind of democracy within National even though there isn’t although there would have been many a sleepless night, 3 in fact, just in case divisions within the party got the cleansing light of day on them. Their non ministers don’t get a say, they do as they are told.
So bravo Jonathan Coleman, well played sir for the cameo role of ambitious National Party minister and Judith Collins reluctantly for sticking to the script, you both nearly convinced a blind chimp there was a contest to this non race where the winner was known before the race started.
I’m glad though as the insane social experiment and idiotic ideology that English is wedded to will carry on as never before and that is not a vote winner.
Yeah why didn’t National follow Labours lead and run around like headless chooks for a couple of months while the majority of the voting public scratch their heads and wonder what all the fuss is about
Well put !
And yes, Collins did stick to the script magnificently !!!
Magnificently enough to know she only has to bide her time before the Double Dipper bores us all to sleep and annoys us enough to want to give them another 2002 slapping.
I know what you are saying keith, but Collins, English et al are just as bigger liars as John key. To the Nats it is all about perception and spin.
So English leads National to a fourth government with a reduced margin and still needing NZFirst, this fourth government implodes (I mean its Winston) Labour win back power and go for their usual two terms and then Jude comes storming back to lead National to the promised land 🙂
Its all good
New! “Pucky Prozac™ “, sunshine in a capsule. Pucky Prozac™ will have you bouncing from cloud to cloud, turn your pig’s ears into purses, your leopard-print velure into velvet, your fence post into Prime Minister. Pucky Prozac™ eases the pain of reality and allows you to deny what your eyes see and your ears hear. This week, we are offering Pucky Prozac™ in bulk to all National Party supporters when they send back the “I’m a Key Man” t-shirts were sold them earlier. Offer is void if t-shirts are stained with tears (or any other fluid).
I like this a lot.
Would make a good Neetflux poster (wish that dude would get back to making them!)
Thought the same, that dude was great!! Big fan of his work.
ROFL brilliant!!
Brilliant!! ROFL
Nah mate . Oravida Collins went out of fashion with the last corrupt PM. And shes cunning enough to know that.
What she needs – and has found – is a surrogate to live her lifes dreams through. Enter young Bridges. The only problem there is…
“promised land ”
never picked you as a cultist 🙂
“a reduced margin”.
It is possible of course. Certainly Key is going to be a very hard act to follow.
On the other hand I wouldn’t be surprised if the next poll, at the end of January say, has National up to 52%, Labour down to 20% and the Greens on around 11. Winston will be the big beneficiary on about 14%.
“Certainly Key is going to be a very hard act to follow”
Yeah, but Bill can do it,
‘Cause he’s got – (personality)
Walk – (personality) talk – (personality)
Smile – (personality) charm – (personality)
Love – (personality)
‘Cause he’s got a great big heart
Well over -and over
I’ll be a fool for Bill
Well, well, well over and over
What more can I do
Apologies to Jerry Lee Lewis and New Zealand
Now lets be honest is anyone really, truly, interested in the leaders debate between English and Little, maybe it’ll be useful for those suffering from insomnia but that’s about it
Well , Puckish ,…to be honest with you , I kind of like a good boring politician in a way,… with their penchant for quietly spokenness , considered opinions and slow deliberations ,… that’s where I think Joyce, Benett and Collins fall down…as does Bridges,… they just don’t have that boring ‘ X factor ‘ about them…
Maybe there’s hope for either ,… but I really do think Little’s got the edge over English this time.
MMmmPFH …!!!
Key was way more boring than either. An incoherent to boot.
Even if it’s between two supposedly “boring” people, the debates will continue to be critical in swaying the votes of the undecideds. It may be that we’ll get more substance along with the expected and anticipated one-liners. We live in hope.
I’m not in the habit of quoting Generation Zero, but I am going to go out on a limb here and assume their recollection of the evening is accurate..
“He claimed that recent reports “show that the way the world is moving is increasingly towards climate change adaptation rather than mitigation”, and said adaptation policy was “more prudent” than mitigation strategies.”
“In his view, action on climate change is “a luxury that we can’t afford,” and a “non-issue at the moment, because there are more pressing concerns”.
Bills not quite in the Climate Change denier camp, but he appears to be seriously in the shoulder shrugging ‘meh’ camp about climate disasters on the horizon.
All those rich folk think they’re going to build bio domes to live in. Stupid.
In the case of Bill I assume it’s his RC Faith his invisible friend in the sky swooping down just in time to save Bills wee soul from the eternal damnation of an oven baked planet.
Or something.
To be honest I’ve never managed to get any hard core Christian types to exactly explain quite how Climate Change isn’t an issue for them, let alone why they believe in Him Upstairs bit not, you know, Scientific evidence.
Well Siobhan they could start their explanation at the point where they claim the world is only 65,000 yrs old……..
Regardless of scientific evidence of impending doom, they believe that there is a divine plan thanks to the god they believe in, and that is their reality – not the reality that we will all have to face.
garibaldi….” they could start their explanation at the point where they claim the world is only 65,000 yrs old……..”
The Catholic Church does not have a problem with that sort of nonsense. In my memory, which goes back to the early 1960s, Catholic teaching accommodates both evolutionary theories and divine creation. Catholics do not deny evidence based scientific facts.
I think you will find it is the more extreme fundamentalist sects that propogate the view you mention (world is only 65,000 years old).
The RCC is pretty reasonable about science these days and have apologised for the Galileo debacle. They are also really against neo liberal economics, so i hope Blinglish repents of his heretical economic crimes
A serious question – what is Labour’s position on Climate Change?
Grant Robertson is holding a series of seminars around the country to discuss the matter.
They expect a preliminary report in about 2022.
They’re pissed off that National gutted their Emissions Trading scheme, making it ineffectual.
But National didn’t scrap it, so it can be re-constituted and made so carbon actually has a meaningful price that makes business going green make sense to them.
They won’t be accepting dodgy Ukrainian/Russian credits either.
I wish they would hurry up! I have about 100,000 of the worthless f*cking units!
The National Party fraudulently used fraudulent units rendering the scheme untrustworthy. They don’t give a shit about the worth of your units. I expect you voted for them, too.
I only purchased the forest as a way to stop paying tax to freaking Auntie Helen tho !
So in a few years time i am going to pay a huge chunk of tax to Uncle Bill 🙂
Uncle Bill may not be around next year.
Gawd. next they’ll all be singing ;Shoulder to shoulder.–might be bit of humour with Bennett /Brownlee high stepping it though.
Prime minister Bill English , god its going to be a long year.
I think it was a foregone conclusion and have thought that since Monday the spot to watch is who gets the deputy role.
That person will be the new leader of the National party ..unofficially.
If they win a fourth term English wont stay the three years.
Once they have got their dream team they can turn their thoughts to a by-election or general election.
Bill aside it may be interesting after all even without the Crusher-Slater leadership team.
I am sure Slater is already at work bless him.
Nah he’s having a big cry and is currently alienating the people who pay his bills.
Christ, he’s such a tool.
Alienating people who pay his bills !
I hope he doesn’t find god and reverts from the lovely lad he is.
Then he can go bankrupt and disappear.
Hard to believe, but he is a Christian.
Yeah, a typical Christian.
Jesus ! excuse the pun.
Doing Gods work i assume.
Yeah i guess Key behaved like he was the messiah.
At the moment he is having a real pity party over at W.O…
This is what the big lad said today at 2pm :
{ ” We are now back to 2002.
For my part I can no longer support the National party that is led by Bill English. I expect an immediate tanking in the polls.
Unfortunately, it appears that John Key’s legacy will one of wrecking a successful government, but I will write more on that later today. ” }
Expect the Collins revolutionary band to strike up midway through Bonnie Bills term as PM,….
Meanwhile Bridges Bridges says he is the man for ‘ stability and change’ …
How the English language is so full of contrasts and double meanings at times….
WO is not very big, I met the offensive little man, he barely scrapes over 5 ft. He has angry dwarf syndrome
“The dwarf sperm whale is one of three extant species in the sperm whale family. They are not often sighted at sea, and most extant information comes from the study of stranded carcasses.”
I have met JK and he aint 4’10”
Look at this photo
and Farrar aint 3 foot 3 !
He might be 5’6″ if he’s lucky. Not exactly large. Neither is FJK
To be fair everyone is small next to me… except Sam Whitelock I guess 😉
. I will miss her
. Judith is a strange lil person. We all know that. If you want something weird Judy is at your service. Judy + Cameron Slater is a combo made in Heaven.
She was remarkably like John Key. In that she was and is an Actor. With just a set of funny unpredictable ways – that come from a book called the “Worlds best Liars.”
She was also very loyal as far as we know to the Chinese. And spent our money on them. Then saying she didn’t. So Keyish.
As Minister of Police, she lightened their load by not troubling them to find and prosecute Burglers. Papakura like the rest of the Nation was open slather for Break and Enters. I know you think I am making this up, but the fact is that Miss Collins did not want Burglaries investigated or punished.
As I say Judith is an Actor – an offbeat “hey look at me Girl”. I don’t think Judith took little boys to Waitangi. She stayed home and played with Tazers. John the Actor took a lil girl. She later said “she was used”. To be honest, at the end of the day, Waitangi is only another “Hey Look at Me” job. All so very very National.
By John. By Judy. By Cameron. By Farar.
And Coleman throws in the towel. All over.
Yep – Just think if it was that easy in Labour and down to cacacus. Grant would be the leader of the opposition now.
or whoever was competing with Goff in 2008, I guess.
The differing internal arrangements of Lab, Nat, Greens and Maori Party shed light on their values. Decisiveness/inclusiveness is always an interesting tension.
Well done National.
Nice / quick / professional.
The public will be happy with how quickly this has happened.
Knowing that the polls indicate that the majority of people are thinking that the country is heading in the right direction and that English is the architect of a lot of that – I dont see a HUGE drop in the polls coming.
Will be interesting to see the next preferred PM polls – it will be Angry Andy’s best chance of getting into double figures…
It’s clear a change of government doesn’t need a HUGE drop for National in the polls.
A small drop will do. 🙂
Nice / quick / professional…… Pardon me?
More like
Ugly / rigged / coerced
Do you have any evidence for those claims, beyond the meanderings of a weak mind?
People like English but because they see him working hard in the background. Things will change big time now he’s PM. National will head back close to 2002 popularity levels. Yes, nice work indeed!
Time will tell. But I’m guessing you are wrong.
English to Brash. Brash to Key. Key back to English.
So this is what National calls renewal?
More like a dog returning to its vomit….
My assumption is that Mister Key stood down because he did not believe that the National party would win next years election, and he had no wish to go out as a loser.
So Mister English will have his day in the sun, but the ticket needs to be “balanced”.
North Island/South Island, man/woman, urban/rural, those sorts of things.
The real question remains – who will take the helm in 2018.
This is correct and he himself has stated this.
Key sycophants view this as a legitimate quitting while you’re ahead. I think it shows cowardice, betrays a lack of belief in his (lack of) policy, and shows his commitment to the country is dependant on personal popularity.
Key said, ‘I’ll continue as long as new cylinders want me’. Somehow then he saw we didn’t, and that’s why he ran away.
Totally agree Muttonbird. That is how I see it too.
National lose the next election? At 50% in the polls (or close to)? With Key’s popularity at such a high level? You are joking right?
How do you know 50% is accurate? National got a pretty big thrashing in Roskill.
Because in NZ the polls have a history of being accurate.
But that’s all going to change. With English as leader the nats’ popularity mightn’t go as low as 2002 but it’ll get pretty close. Whether we like it or not a heck of a lot of people vote according to which leader they like. People don’t dislike English, but when he’s leader they won’t like him enough. That’s the reality. The other side of the same coin is that the huge support the nats had under Key was because of Key, not because of their policies. And what’s even more interesting is that that huge support under MMP has translated into fuck all of a majority over the last three elections, so it won’t take much for the English factor to fuck things for National. Ultimately, it comes down to the nats’ lack of depth. Key gone means the nats are gone. Labour’s of course just as shallow, but they get a better deal at the moment out of MMP. That’s the difference.
” The other side of the same coin is that the huge support the nats had under Key was because of Key, not because of their policies.”
That’s interesting, because that runs counter to what Frank Macscasy argues, with nationals party popularity remaining high, and Key’s gradually declining over the past 8 years.
There’s no contradiction there. The nats high popularity is still because of Key. His popularity may have dropped slightly, but is still at the heart of why the nats are so popular. There are other factors also, like the perceived lack of competence and depth in the opposition.
Actually I agree with you. I just point out that the opposite view is held by some on the left, including people such as Frank.
“Mister Key stood down because he did not believe that the National party would win next years election, and he had no wish to go out as a loser”
+1 Henry Filth
“essentially confirming that (English) has the numbers and will be the next National leader and Prime Minister”
Ahhhh, I was wondering why I saw white smoke emanating from the top of the Beehive. New Pope elected by National’s College of Cardinals. Very apt.
About time we had a mainlander, and the cream at that. First Southlander since Joey Ward. Go Billy Boy !!!
Ah yeah, you might not want to promote Liberal leader Joseph Ward as a harbinger of National Party success. Lost the Awarua seat at the 1919 Election after the Reform Party-associated PPA launched a vitriolic campaign against him (suggesting his Catholicism meant disloyalty to Britain during WWI and Irish uprising).
Reform and Liberal (later ‘United’), of course, going on to form the National Party.
In other words, Catholic Leaders from Southland tend to symbolise division within the broad Right.
Funny how people still claim Dirty Politics is irrelevant. The country owes a debt of gratitude to Nicky Hager.
+1 OAB
It mildly crimped Cruella’s style this time around. Beware 2018
WhaleOil acknowledges today that Nicky Hager has won.
As Punch used to say, collapse of stout party.
Link? (warning: contains blubber)
There was this cocktail party where a keen young man recorded Bill English speaking openly about his ambitions and plans. Where’s that material now…
Some links.
English is an old school neocon. Wants to privatise everything and strip out all forms of welfare. Wanted to go to war in Iraq. Wants to sell Kiwibank.
He will make Key look like a middle of the road do nothing caretaker. English has a radical ideology that could be pretty damn scary.
I campaigned alongside of English some years back (Green.v.Blue), sat beside him on stage at public meetings, traded asides and generally watched how he does his business. I have some thoughts about him but those can wait…
John Key bows and exits the stage. The audience claps and cheers, they have never seen such a wonderful performance. The curtain goes up and the lights suddenly dim. A grey man steps out of the shadows. He raises his arms and silence falls. A grey fog steals along the aisles of the auditorium and underneath every seat the air goes cold. The grey figure whispers “NOW YOU WILL FEEL THE RIGHTEOUS POWER OF THE SOUTHLANDER…”
hat tip to “the Undertaker”
leaving his politics aside, I have no problem in saying that Bill is the most intelligent politician I have known – apart from David Lange.
You probably need to know more politicians then, given that English doesn’t appear capable of understanding basic economics.
Double-dipping wasn’t so bright though, lost sheep. He’d know less about “the environment” than most.
Cunliffe has more brains in his little finger than the whole Nat caucus
Let’s see the impact on public perception/momentum of the impending Nat cabinet changes brought on by the deal-making this week to secure numbers.
Left parties, the campaign starts as soon as silly season is over. Be ready.
It’s going to be a competition between the two lack-of-depth parties. The nat-lites will win because of MMP.
Well Collins in Parliament looks so sour she must have a severe guts ache.
I wonder if English will demote her,She certainly looks as if she is expecting the worst.
I must say that Collins looks very sour in Parliament and in fact very quite
to.I bet she is scheming something up.Watch your back English.
Collins looks very sour in parliament. I bet she is scheming full time.
All i can say is watch your back English .