Daily review 04/10/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 4th, 2023 - 57 comments
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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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57 comments on “Daily review 04/10/2023 ”

  1. Bearded Git 2

    Tonights TV1 poll:

    Lab 26 Gre 13 TPM 2 =41

    Nat 36 Act 10 =46

    NZF are on 6

    Undecided 10

    The Left must hope Peters gets 4.9 then it is all still on with the gap only 5 (46-41).

    In this poll the Greens have now overtaken ACT who went down 2.

    I still reckon TPM will get more than 2.

  2. pat 3

    He may be loved to be hated here but when Labour are polling 26% (against a useless and openly tax/services light opposition) what he observes is worth taking note of.


    • Bearded Git 3.1

      Remember Bryce is a National Party patsy. Most of the time he attacks the Left.

      • pat 3.1.1

        In your opinion…his history would suggest otherwise, but never mind.

        • Anne

          He's a male version of Josie Pagani. Pretending to be from the Left. Maybe he was once, but he prefers his bread and butter life experiences to have a good coating of jam. He knows what his paymasters want from him just as Josie P does.

        • gsays

          Funny, two critiques of the messenger, nothing about the message.

          There was some serious food for thought. High expectations, especially with a majority in the second term but underwhelming delivery.

          The lack of discipline amongst cabinet ministers to lose 4 in quick succession, 3 because of integrity.

          What does Labour stand for?

          • Drowsy M. Kram

            – Number 1 Platoon, B Company…
            – Not the Wardens.

            Don't know about Labour, but NAct stand for 'discipline' – as much as the electorate can bear, or more. Hum along with NAct – not the "bottom feeders".

            We must get New Zealand’s economic engine humming again and these initiatives will be part of restoring fiscal discipline that taxpayers deserve, and the economy needs.

            On National’s Tax Cuts [31 August 2023]
            Revealingly, National’s chart setting out the potential income gains has omitted everyone earning below $30,000 as if they don’t exist – and that’s an accurate reflection of how the “bottom feeders” simply don’t register on the centre-right’s voter radar.

            Anyone else remember "Starve the Country Rich"?

            Why are so many people going hungry in such a rich country?
            It used to be said that Britain was a rich country with pockets of depravation [sic]. Many years of rising inequality and economic vandalism means that we are now a poor country with some rich people living in it.

            National's fiscal plan revealed: 'Less tax, lower debt' [29 Sept]
            In a cost-of-living crisis it is morally wrong to put more kids in poverty to pay for the tax cuts of millionaires and property speculators."

            Party Vote Green (or TPM – their Wealth Tax is good too.)


            • gsays

              You make my point brilliantly.

              When asked "What does Labour stand for?" you say you don't know. Not unreasonable, any impartial observer would see they have lost their way. From the redtape bonfire replaced with nothing, ministers dropping like flies, a Prime Minister that cites polling as a reason not bring a wealth tax (or any meaningful tax reform), a union man as health minister resisting giving nurses pay parity and a pay rise in the shadow of a global pandemic!

              For all their faults and as abhorrent as their aims and values are, the Nacts stand for something.

          • Patricia Bremner

            Labour =People rather than National =Money Pat.
            Plus they are a punitive one tax trick pony.
            We know what Bryce is… but you???

            • pat

              What am I Patricia?

              I am a father and grandfather who sees a very troubled future for his offspring (and their peers) being failed by a bereft political class.

              What I am not is a sycopant.

            • gsays

              "…but you???"

              I am a bitterly disappointed, blue collar worker with a family. My wife is a nurse of just shy 30 yrs experience. My grandfather was an organiser that had a photograph of the Queen on his wall and ever so slightly higher, a photograph of MJ Savage. TBH, I think you and I are very closely aligned politically.

              Let down by a party that left me in the '80's and more recently has moved ever so close to National. A party that had a once in a lifetime opportunity to make meaningful changes to the system. But chose to listen to their advisors and pollsters and other members of the professional management class, because they seem to fail to have over riding principles.

              Welfare for working people. It's so sad what we have become and what we will settle for in our politicians.

              Just cause Bryce Edwards isn't on yr Christmas card list, doesn't mean he can't say some uncomfortable truths.

  3. Anne 4

    Did I hear Luxon say on TV1 news:

    "the most positive thing Hipkins has ever done is get Covid"?

    Ok I get the pun, but to me that comes across as truly nasty. In other words he and his mates are dancing with joy because Hipkins caught Covid on the campaign trail.

    So much for his lack of ethics, integrity and maturity. Not in a lifetime would Hipkins – or any senior Labour/Green politician – stoop so low as to say something like that.

    • Belladonna 4.1

      Oh, I don't know… here's Grant Robertson having the time of his life roasting Collins and the rest of the National Party in Parliament.


      • Roy Cartland 4.1.1

        What in that article did you find particularly nasty?

        • Belladonna

          I found "Night of the plastic knives" rather distasteful.

          But wouldn't have felt it necessary to make a song and dance about it.

          Simply evidence that many politicians have a strong tradition of poking the borax at each other.

          • Roy Cartland

            It's have to agree, Lux was pretty distasteful; but hardly in the league of Winston Peters who called Brendan Horan the "Jimmy Savile" of NZ politics! Or the wongs-whites comments he made that he thought was so funny. Gross.

    • SapphireGem 4.2

      Yeah, making a joke about someone's illness isn't a very Christian thing to do, is it? indecision

    • joe90 4.3

      You heard right.


      While it was "a shame" Hipkins came down with the coronavirus, he said: "It’s probably the only thing he’s been positive about in the whole campaign, to be honest with you."


      • Ngungukai 4.3.1

        Definitely not a very Christian like thing to say by Luxon, however these Pollies can not help themselves.

    • Vivie 4.4

      Yes Anne. I saw that TV One news item. Luxon commented that the only positive thing Hipkins had done (I think he was referring to the campaign) was to get Covid. A tasteless, spiteful remark. Luxon repeatedly stated that the Labour Government has committed "economic vandalism". He dismissed as incorrect, Goldman Sachs' analysis that National's tax plan is inflationary, as he has done with other critics of the tax plan.


      "The new analysis from Goldman Sachs reported in the Herald today follows economist Cameron Bagrie when he said: “National tax plan is inflationary.” And economists Michael Reddell, Sam Warburton and Nick Goodall have said the policy to lift the foreign buyer ban for houses over $2m will cause greater house price inflation in New Zealand below the $2m mark as well".

      Luxon said that Hipkins was completely negative and is waking up "grumpy". Luxon then proceeded to attack Labour and Hipkins. He is clearly trying to create a negative narrative about Hipkins, for pointing out that economists have identified National's tax plan doesn't add up. It will obviously cause considerable, compounding socio-economic damage to NZ, but by being filmed rushing about campaigning, Luxon is managing to avoid being challenged in any depth about this.

    • gsays 4.5

      Heh, and the chicken routine was honourable.

      • Anne 4.5.1

        Get a sense of humour!

        The chicken joke was appropriate. Everyone knows Luxon used the occasion to 'chicken' out of another debate with Hipkins. He has neither the wit nor intellect to keep up with Chippy. No comparison between that and declaring somebody with Covid has finally done something positive – a bit like inferring Hipkins is a version of the biblical leper so we need to keep well away from him. Nasty as….

        • gsays


          Hipkins desperately needed the debate and didn't have faith in Kelvin Davis to do the job against Willis. And National were prudent not to give a sucker a break.

          • Anne

            Luxon is the one who chickened out. Not Hipkins. Trying to divert attention by introducing the name of another Labour politician has no relevance.

            Luxon… chickened… out. Get it?

          • Louis

            Ben McKay

            @benmackey Oct 3

            Hipkins tells AM Labour put forward Grant Robertson as a debate stand-in tonight. "Unfortunately the National party weren't happy with that"

            Press editor Kamala Hayman confirmed National was asked if Luxon would debate Robertson, to avoid the need to reschedule the event.


  4. Reality 5

    If Luxon's comment is correct about the PM and Covid, it confirms my long held view that many Nats are plain nasty human beings. His so-called Christianity has well and truly been dumped. The sneer on the face of Erica Stanford for example is horrible to see.

  5. Roy Cartland 6


    Hipkins is doing a "town hall" q and a session stuff right now. In lieu of the debate he didn't get to do I guess.

    • SapphireGem 6.1

      Thanks for the heads up – I'm going to try to watch it wherever it's available later. I hope it goes / is going well for him.

      My impression is that Luxon was desperate to NOT debate Hipkins, after Hipkins thrashed him in the Paddy Gower moderated debate. Once Hipkins got Covid, it was the perfect opportunity for Luxon to weasel out of the Press debate – he didn’t even try to hide his evident relief at not having to face Hipkins again in a challenging environment.

      Of course Luxon is looking forward to the Jessica Mutch-Mackay moderated debate next Thursday, because she has already in the first debate demonstrated her ineptitude as a moderator, her shallowness and superficiality, and her bias towards Luxon nono

    • Roy Cartland 6.2

      He's got a charm and personability that DeLuxe just ain't. Also, he's talking up LP's many achievements, something that's been sorely missing from this election.

      (Also, it seems a bit weird that the questioner has Labour signs up as well, I thought it was a Stuff thing?)

      • Louis 6.2.1

        Not Stuff. Jill Day is the president of the Labour Party.

        • PsyclingLeft.Always

          Good Morn Louis. I know Darien Fenton has previously commented on some of Labours many achievements on The Standard. Would it be possible for someone to do something similar again?

          I'm still optimistic that the Left will carry the win !

    • ianmac 6.3

      Watched the whole hour of our PM Q&A. Good fun though he was talking to Labour supporters I think. A bit wooden but with only a camera to respond to it was understandable. Theme was the pride in our achievements and the facts that challenge the Nact false claims.

      eg: the S&P workings today show that the Nat Tax cuts will be inflationary which means longer inflation and more Cost of L. Luxon rubbished that of course but can't explain why S&P were wrong.

  6. SPC 7

    For a month National has claimed couples with children would get up to $250 a fortnight ($125 a week).

    the Council of Trade Unions – a strong Labour ally – claims only 3000 households would actually benefit from the maximum tax cut National's offering.
    It said its tax plan will help up to $250 a fortnight.

    To get that, the family must be spending at least $300 a fortnight on childcare, and it needs two adults earning between $53,500 and $66,000 to get the $25.30 per week tax cut.

    The Council of Trade Unions has worked out just how many families would get that – it estimates about 3000 households would.


    A rule of thumb – many get $10 a week from the IETC adjustment and others those over the median (to about $120,000) get that and an extra $15 from threshhold adjustments.