Daily review 05/12/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 5th, 2022 - 34 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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34 comments on “Daily review 05/12/2022 ”

  1. adam 1

    Now I put this on twitter, and ever since I've been getting nothing but porn. Shows how misogynistic the people who wrote the algorithm are. And how much they lack a basic understanding of…

  2. observer 2

    TVNZ poll:

    Headline story: Nats plus ACT win.

    Real story: Luxon is single-handedly reviving Winston. It didn't seem possible, but the old truth always stands: a vacuum must be filled.

    Emptiness is a dumb National strategy, and it's going to cost them.

  3. MickeyBoyle 3

    The trend continues with tonight's poll, the left are down and the right are up.

    I've been saying it for months, but Three waters will be the death of this government, you could also now put the RNZ/TVNZ merger into that category, given the publics disdain for the policy.

    What's more important, forcing this through against the will of the majority and losing the election, only for NACT to reverse these policies. Or could Labour grow a brain, ditch these divisive policies and have a genuine chance of winning next year and hopefully another three budgets, where real transformational change can be delivered.

    You won't get both…

    Why are the left so willing to die on this hill when so much more could be achieved without it? Is it stubbornness, ideological, or are they really just that stupid?

    • Anker 3.1

      I watched the Daily Blog Hamilton West Candidates debate tonight. Interesting on many fronts. A couple of times the Labour candidate was booed. The most notable was when she talked about Labours record on mental health. TBH I felt a bit sorry for her.

      But yes I think Three Waters is deeply unpopular.

      • MickeyBoyle 3.1.1

        Yes, you don't often see that in NZ live political debates. Georgie Dansey copped a lot of flak tonight. It wouldn't have mattered who the Labour candidate was, the audience was fired up and ready to vent against the government.

    • Gabby 3.2

      Or they could communicate better. Why is 3 waters essential? HOW WILL IT SAVE MONEY? Surely they realise by now that this is crucial?

  4. joe90 4

    Lotsa banned cluster munitions.


    Kharkiv. Cemetery of shells. I am the author of the photo. Please, when you see this photo under a different signature, ask to correct it. We will not build a rule of law by neglecting copyright.


  5. ianmac 5

    Given the awful publicity about terrible Cost of Living, rising interest rates house values etc etc this poll is quite good for the Government. And the 11% Undecided is significant.

    And the constant bad spin by the Media, especially from a "neutral" Jessica, it could be much worse. Optimistic are we.

  6. Corey Humm 6


    National and Act increasing their lead with NZ first verging on re-entering parliament. Its now been over six months of national leading Labour. Terrifying.

    The government and it's tribal supporters can either go down with the ship and continue denying the Titanic is sinking by defending and apologizing for the govts inaction, out of touch coms and weird priorities during a time of major economic pain in NZ

    Or the govt and it's tribal supporters can do some soul searching and start fighting to actually win the next election which is an existential crisis for the left.

    Labour supporters with platforms like this blog need to start pushing for the government to actually fight and deliver, not just defend it cos it's our team.

    The labour government needs to reset, bad, retake the narrative and start announcing some bold univeral popular, populist reforms and policies that are non inflationary spending just like the Biden administration recently did.

    A cheap and extremely popular populist policy would be universal dental at a price of just $1 billion annually it would cement this governments legacy and be a game changer

    It would cost 1/5 of the increased tax take we get due to the govt increasing wages but not adjusting the tax thresholds.

    Something major and revolutionary like that will take back the narrative and convince the voters that this is more than just a party of tired , visionless technocratic managers and tell the public they actually meant it when they said they'd be transformational.

    Enough defending this govt it's time to give constructive criticism and demand they start delivering on their promises to make this country a fairer more equal place (so far they've made it less fair and less equal and NZ already was pretty unfair)

    Universal dental is already labour party policy, it is incredibly popular, and if the govt announced something like that the media narrative would be a flurry of excitement, it's time labour and it's tribalist supporters to step up and deliver unless we wanna be outmaneuvered on the left by Joe Bidens democrats who started announcing major policies out of nowhere and changed the narrative and brought out a high turn out.

    Lets actually do this. For once.

    Orrrrr we can continue being the party of "no" and "can't" and waste a historic majority solely on administrative and bureaucratic reforms that benefit noone and retreat to our echo chambers and fiddle while Rome burns.

    • Anker 6.1

      Correy, I have made the point previously that the Govt have spent $11.1 billon on the new health authority. Most people don't give a toss about this, but they know about people who can't get into a GPs practice, or young nurses going to Australia or waiting, waiting too long for elective surgery. And they can see that Mike King was able to provide free counselling for many, while the Govts record on this is tardy to say the least.

      As I commented earlier on this thread I watched the candidates for Hamilton West tonight, and the Labour woman was booed when she talked about their record on mental health.

      I am/was a Labour voter, but I have given up on them. I am profoundly disillusioned and I can't imagine what they could do that would change this.

      • aj 6.1.1

        $11.1 bill


        Establishing the new health entities and addressing cost pressures

        Budget 2022 provides the new health entities with $1.8 billion in 2022/23 and an additional $1.3 billion in 2023/24 to address historic and future cost pressures.

        This addresses the DHB’s final deficits for 2021/22 and enables the new health entities to increase investment across the system in response to a growing and ageing population, inflation, wage and price pressures, and changes in health technologies and clinical practice.

        The funding is part of a total cost pressures allocation of up to $11.1 billion over four years, which includes new operational funding of $5.1 billion and ‘contingency’ funding of up to $6.0 billion.

        • Incognito


        • Shanreagh

          AJ, good to see the 'real oil' about this so called set-up cost of $11.1b.

          First of all it is over 4 years.

          I wonder what parts of the $1.8b & the $1.3b for historic and future cost pressures is the set-up cost?

          seems to be pretty much operational that I can see

          increase investment across the system in response to a growing and ageing population, inflation, wage and price pressures, and changes in health technologies and clinical practice.

          Perhaps it is in these figures?

          new operational funding of $5.1 billion and ‘contingency’ funding of up to $6.0 billion.


          NB over 4 years,

          NB 'contingency' does not mean it will be spent. It is good accountancy practice.

          Collins Dictionary


          '1. VARIABLE NOUN

          A contingency is something that might happen in the future.


          I need to examine all possible contingencies.

          Synonyms: possibility, happening, chance, event More Synonyms of contingency

          1. ADJECTIVE [ADJECTIVE noun]

          A contingency plan or measure is one that is intended to be used if a possible situation actually occurs.


          We have contingency plans'.

          Do I think the talk/rumour of $11.1b set-up costs is incorrect?


    • Gabby 6.2

      Universal dental would create a massive dentist shortage overnight. That would go nicely with the other health shortages wouldn't it.

      • Sabine 6.2.1

        Well is it then not lucky that we don't have universal dental care and only those with access to money can afford it. And if you are one of those unfortunate that don't have access to money buy some pliers at Mitre Ten and pull them teeth yourself.

      • SPC 6.2.2

        Except that unmet dental needs do have an impact on general health and thus will place strain on the wider health system.

        But yeah we would have a shortage of dentists and a free service would result in dentist surgeries establishing client registers and not taking on new people (albeit with a demand for migration of dentists).

        One option is to do it all step by step

        1. expand the limited to hospital based treatment service for those with CSC to include checks and preventative work by dentists.
        2. ensure the existing free cover to those under 18 actually delivers.
        3. expand 1 to include those over 65 in aged care, and some of the parents on the lower income levels of WFF.
        4. develop a plan for dental insurance for the next generation.
        • Sabine

          I wonder just how many health issues are created by not providing affordable dental care.

          And two be honest, a regular visit at the dentists – every six month check up and a clean, would not need to be expensive but could save a lot of health dollars down track. Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Diseases etc, soft food – fast food, sugary drinks, etc all that is linked.

          It might actually be cheaper to provide fee dental care.

  7. joe90 7

    Dude called it.

  8. joe90 8

    Be nice to know what the risk of newly diagnosed diabetes is post other viral infections.


    • UncookedSelachimorpha 8.1

      There is literature on this going back more than 50 years, a lot of papers published.

      Evidence for a few different viruses being implicated (especially an enterovirus for Type I and Hep C for Type II). Quantum of increased risk looks quite large for these – as in the recent covid findings.

    • Sabine 8.2

      Al-Aly and Yan Xie, an epidemiologist also at the VA St Louis Healthcare System, looked at the medical records of more than 180,000 people who had survived for longer than a month after catching COVID-19. They compared these with records from two groups, each of which comprised around four million people without SARS-CoV-2 infection who had used the VA health-care system, either before or during the pandemic. The pair previously used a similar method to show that COVID-19 increases the risk of kidney disease3, heart failure and stroke4.

      The latest analysis found that people who had had COVID-19 were about 40% more likely to develop diabetes up to a year later than were veterans in the control groups. That meant that for every 1,000 people studied in each group, roughly 13 more individuals in the COVID-19 group were diagnosed with diabetes. Almost all cases detected were type 2 diabetes, in which the body becomes resistant to or doesn’t produce enough insulin.

      From here


      there were reports about diabetes diagnoses post Covid in people who were previously healthy from the very beginning of the pandemic.

      • joe90 8.2.1

        People were being inconvenienced and getting tired of masks and wanted to get back to normal so we traded mask mandates for a tsunami of ill health.

        Well done us.

        • SPC

          Unfortunately a little inevitable after the less dangerous omicron variant got around the vaccines. The consequence of infection diminishing resistance to other illness (an irony given some claim the vaccines themselves reduced general immunity).

          And some forget early research was suggestive that coronavirus infection would lead to quicker ageing/decline in cell regeneration performance.

          In the end the one is reminded of the importance of good health – nutrition, exercise and sleep, lifestyle managing stress – strong immunity (supplements of Vitamin D with aging or earlier with colour of skin and sufficiency of zinc for cell health).

  9. RP Mcmurphy 10

    bishflap throwing fits all over twitter. off his head!