Daily Review 07/09/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, September 7th, 2015 - 26 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

John Key flag penny bright

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26 comments on “Daily Review 07/09/2015 ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    Keith Rankin on The Economy: What’s it for?

    In the first half of any first year economics course, students learn that the economy is a welfare system.

    That is similar to what I said here. and would probably piss off the RWNJs and probably a few on the left as well that see the economy as:

    For non-economists – especially mainstream journalists – it’s worse. They see the purpose of economic activity as being to ‘make money’; a term even more ambivalent than ‘productivity’. Making money – in the collective rather than individual sense of this layman’s term – means economic growth; evermore production, evermore money being made.

    Which is the exact opposite of what an economy is and yet that is exactly how John Key sees it.

    The economy isn’t about making money, isn’t about making anyone rich but is about supporting our society in such a way as to be sustainable and each of us lives reasonably well. It is, quite simply, about mutual support and it’s not free.

  2. mac1 2

    I think that Key’s flag would have six rows of stars, 9 in the first row, 8 in the second row, then 9, then 8, then 9, then 8; 51 stars presuming that we get there before Puerto Rico.

    Then we’d be the southernmost state. Gee haw!

    • Clemgeopin 2.1

      I went to an old post from early last year when Key said he wants to change our flag and found these comments.

      [1] Murphy’s Law: When planning a new $100 million factory, the board will spend more time deciding where to put the water coolers than deciding whether the factory should be built. Why? Because everyone can have an opinion about water coolers.
      So let’s argue about the flag and ignore the country’s social, economic, and environmental fiascoes.
      How many more of these b.s. diversions can Key pull out his ass?

      [2] Brings to mind the old saying “To fiddle while Rome burns”:
      “To ‘fiddle while Rome burns‘ refers to the belief that the infamous Emperor Nero played the lyre (there were no fiddles yet) while Rome was burning.
      Nero was rumoured to have started the fire to clear space for his Domus Aurea.
      Idiomatically it means someone is doing nothing much about serious problems.

      [3] I don’t think an All Black jersey with the sleeves cut off is an inspired choice.

      [4] Key is giving the fingers to NZers by proposing a referendum after totally rubbishing the outcome of the previous one.

      [5] The only Leader being interviewed re the Key/flag distraction, who wondered just why now, was Hone. Exactly Hone. Why now!
      A choice between the present flag and one chosen by Cabinet is another kick in the guts for Kiwis. Arrogance?

      [6] I believe that a new New Zealand flag may appropriately be a giant Red Herring on a background of your choice. What a red herring may look like:

      [7] That Red hearing needs the words (John Keys Red herring $26,000,000) and send it all round the internet social media sites I reckon.

      [8] I’m sure he’d be saddened and disadvantaged if his economic (mis) management were overshadowed by bits of coloured cloth fluttering in the breeze.

      [9] The 85 supreme bludgers that according to Oxfam own more than the poorest 3.5 billion of earth’s citizens, shift their squillions around the globe digitally. They could perhaps do with a new flag–the Jolly Roger?
      A new kiwi flag is easy, just a copy of the US one and replace the stars with logos–Warner Bros, the Aussie Banks etc.

      [10] What Key really wants:

      [11] Key is trying to create an immortal legacy for himself by pushing this issue forward now. The flag issue should be raised sometime in the near or distant future when the PEOPLE are ready to change. And at that time, it would be fair to incorporate some Maori cultural aspect too in the design.

      [12] I also think that a referendum result on such a serious issue as change of one’s nation’s flag should be valid not just on a simple 50% plus majority, but on an overwhelming majority such as 2/3 rds (67%) or 3/4 rs(75%}.

      [13] “By raising the flag topic, it provides a platform that everyone can get involved with, offer an opinion,have a say and vote on what our flag will be, makes people think their opinions count for something.”

      no – thats bollocks. Key intends to put forward his idea and then ask us to pick the current flag or his brainfart. Please point out where that process does anything you claim it does

      [14] [BM said this] Key is not an idiot. This is a feel good, patriotic rah rah gesture, the whole process will be as inclusive as possible.
      I would expect there to be a TV series called something like
      Our National Flag- your vote, your choice…
      where all the flag artists and their designs are show cased and people get to vote on the different designs to narrow the choice down to maybe 3 designs + the existing flag.
      Those chosen designs then become the choices of the referendum.

      [15] “It’s on the All Black’s Jersey”–John Key

  3. les 3

    yanKey doodle dandy ..came from the US riding on a Wall St pony…sucked the sheep in and left zooming to…Hawaii.

  4. Anne 4

    te reo putake hasn’t been around for a while…

  5. vto 5

    french bomb flag bum cheek hosking nose it just all goes together

  6. Hey Mickey-

    Check out Frost interviewing Norm Kirk.

    No flag change, no same sex marriage, no feminism, no racism. In short no progressive BS at all.

    That was when Labour had electoral appeal.

    • adam 6.1

      As you are on it Redbaiter.

      You should also read labours policies from the Kirk era.

      • Redbaiter 6.1.1

        No global warming BS either.

        You see, there is a path around Key that Labour could take if they just dropped all of the Progressive BS that is alienating the voters.

        As Les says below, Kirk projects decency and sincerity.

        That’s because he was decent and sincere, and he wasn’t trying to push a load of largely fraudulent issues down the voters’ throats.

        Labour’s progressive policies are their millstone, and its worse because National has taken them on board and thereby removed or reduced any perceived difference between National and Labour.

        Progressives are killing the Labour party. Someone there needs to wake up and develop some real political strategy.

    • mac1 6.2

      to Redbaiter-

      Norm Kirk
      – no to French bomb testing,
      – no to racist rugby tours (on which Key couldn’t remember his opinion in 1981 (no focus group input then!),
      – no to participation in the Viet Nam war.

      His government made it possible for solo mothers to cash up their child benefit to be able to buy a house.

      Norm Kirk had a moral compass based on strong personal belief.

      I can’t say the same for our present PM.

      I can’t say that I am proud of my government now, as I was in 1973.

      I bet you weren’t a member of the Labour Party then, Redbaiter!

  7. les 7

    Kirk reeks of decency and sincerity.

    • Draco T Bastard 7.1

      Yep which modern politicians can’t, no matter their party, because they’re too busy kowtowing to business and the rich.

      • weka 7.1.1

        Jeanette Fitzsimons would be a recentish example of a modern politician with decency and sincerity. I’d put Rod Donald there too. Hard to know what would have happened to Donald by now if he was still around though.