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5:30 pm, May 11th, 2017 - 57 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
These days, whenever I hear Paula Bennett’s voice, I’m reminded of the music of Steely Dan.
Some consider cars to be sex toys. Chester, by driving his at a woman, confuses the issue and the roles of those involved.
Be brave decrypter, be brave.– Any way, wonder how cinny is getting on these days, been a while.
Way tempting, especially with the aggressive manner in which the article has been cropped.
Why – oh if its not Cinny,– well I never.– some body a while ago mentioned you, and up you popped . Things are getting a bit heated further down ,–I’m hiding back up here. James was down there somewhere probably amongst it? Great drying weather up here in the north . looked up cropped —
[in case I weakened} Seems like you could have been trying to steer me towards say paulas leopard tops.–Awake up to your tricks. He he
A bizarre defence, surely!
Ugh – I hate it when I agree with the greens. Hope that this gets drawn and is successful.
Personally I was against it until I read the stuff from Helen Kelly, whilst I did not agree with a lot of her views, this is one area where she changed my views, sadly under tragic circumstances.
It is the curse of left wing ideas. They tend to be bitterly opposed by right wingers until eventually they realise the idea is good and then change occurs.
Nope, they don’t “realise” it. They have good ideas forced upon them, generation after generation, and still they cling to authority and lies.
They sometimes get there eventually. Like Auckland’s City Rail Link. Shame it took six years more than it should have.
I believe ‘six’ should be ‘fourty-five’ in your sentence there. A little bird told me…
Everything else you believe is bullshit too.
Bit tough OIA. I once voted, of all things, for the Values party.
Good to hear James.
And there it is again.
A RWNJ simply cannot mention Helen Kelly without stating they they don’t agree with her views. Disagreement with her views is constantly at the forefront of their morally corrupt thinking, even after her death.
“morally corrupt thinking’, ffs you sound stupid
[Can’t you do better than this? Argue the point otherwise your ability to comment will be limited – MS]
Great contribution. Must have been a big effort.
RWNJs are not interested in community wellbeing and ideas which benefit a whole society. They are only interested in themselves as individuals. It’s socially and morally corrupt.
that is the worst generalisation I have read on this site, you do your cause no good whatsoever by making such sweeping,inaccurate comments.
It is a very accurate observation in my opinion. RWNJs all think like this to a greater or lesser extent. That society and community aren’t really things to be nurtured or protected or managed in any way and that individuals’ independent self-centred decisions will benefit all eventually. They deny increasing inequality and believe the powerful and able are voluntarily benevolent enough to paper over the cracks without having an agreement between all people about what the future should look like.
I remember you, Alan. You’re the one who wanted people to think Andrew Little and Jacinda Ardern were a romantic item.
you need to get out more
[You need to learn how to argue persuasively. Last warning – MS]
And you need to put more effort into your comments. I think you’ve had
onetwo warnings already. Don’t expect another.What about telling the forum how RWNJs like yourself are very invested in the health of society top to bottom? How about even explaining how RWNJ amateur property investors help stable, healthy communities through house flipping, and their inherent distrust of tenants?
Just a couple of ideas to get you started.
I am very interested in the health of society, i fully subscribe to providing a hand up to those in need.
So you are appalled by the levels of inequality in the country?
So you are appalled by the levels of homelessness in the country?
So you are appalled by the state of the health system in the country?
Thanks for your concern about our cause.
Muttonbird’s comment didn’t seem to be too far off the mark to me, but whatevs. It’s not like you neglected to provide a list of selfless tories that proves how inaccurate MB was /sarc
But really, the worst generalisation on this site? Ever? That’s a big call, dude. I mean, people have picked up bans for anti-semitism or saying protestors should be shot. Even the list that didn’t pick up a ban has some bold positions, like the rich are all a blight on society or all imports should be banned. Aren’t you being just a wee bit precious?
MBs assertion that only the left has a heart is whats precious – utter delusion
Back it up. Provide proof and arguments. Go on, knock yourself out.
Case for the prosecution: our child poverty rates.
Case for the defense: “utter delusion”.
Yes denying there’s a housing crisis shows real heart.
Underfunding mental health services shows real heart.
Underfunding our hospitals shows real heart.
This extreme right wing government is so full of heart.
And there you go again. I think what I said regarding Helen Kelly was very respectful.
Yes – my views differ greatly from her on almost everything, but I can also point out where she has caused me to change my views (one that I disagreed with to start).
But – hey you want to make it a pissing match and make it insults to people who simply disagree with you politically.
I think your behaviour is way more ‘morally corrupt’ than what I said.
Im pleased that you have stated your respect for Helen. Muttonbird expressed the frustration of many of us that people like Helen accurately analyse the issues and the solutions from an early stage, get opposed by conservatives, and then eventually, way too late, their ideas become mainstream.
Lol. The first thing you said was ‘I hate the Greens but here’s one thing…’
The second thing you said was ‘I disagree with Helen Kelly on everything but here’s one thing…’
I just pointed out that for you the hate for the Greens and the disagreement with HK is more important to you than their progressive ideas.
How about next time you just say what a good idea it was instead of saying first how much you dislike the person with the idea?
Actually why don’t you learn to read. I never said I hated the greens as you say.
I said I hate agreeing with them.
pathetic attempt at starting a false narrative.
Which, in context, means that you hate the Greens.
You were against it?
Why, pray tell?
Pleased, btw, that you support it now.
Good on you james, at least you’re an honest tory . Not one eyed like Smith and co. Two sides to everything I always say.
– Yes,
– Because I am pretty much against all drugs.
– Because – because Reading the Helen Kelly story, I can see the difference it made to somebody who desperately needed it, and how it was (simply put) wrong and inhumane to not make something available to somebody in need.
Do you drink alcohol?
Very rarely. And when I do very little.
Hi James, well done on yr contribution to this thread.
I would like to know why you are against all drugs.
he states,
Because I am pretty much against all drugs. @ James
so i think we can safely assume that he is not against the drugs that he takes, be that alcohol or heavy duty pain killer that his doctor prescribes for back pain or headaches. just to name two of the legal drugs.
But hey, if you are dying he is generous enough to let you have what ever gets you through the day. He is generous.
It takes a bitter person to try and turn what I said into a personal attack.
It’s quite a laugh that you even try to make pissing comments at or about me when my views have changed and actually agree with you.
Here I am saying I hope the greens bill gets drawn – and I’m a prick.
some of you are so bitter and twisted it’s laughable.
its not a personal attack.
you stated…… a. you hate to disagree with the Greens on that,
but in saying that, many many people other then the Greens have argued for years now to make medicinal mj legal. So frankly you used your comment for a cheap shot against the Greens, as if agreeing with the greens would give you the hives. Are you a bitter fellow?
you stated…..b. that you disagree literally with everything Helen Kelly stood by, but in reading her history you would have given her the right to use medicinal MJ. That is mighty generous of you, is it not?
you then state that you are against almost all the drugs there are, to which I simply state that i assume these to be all the illegal drugs that you are against, but would possibly be ok with Alcohol or legal pain killers (and i am sure on occasion you have used alcohol and pain killers as most of us have).
Nothing bitter about that. Just an observation that i think might even be accurate.
What is bitter about your comment is that you need to make sure we all know that you ‘hate to agree with the Greens’ and that ‘you disagree with literally everything Helen Kelly stood for”.
Which has got nothing to do with anything, as the debate about medicinal MJ has been going on now for years, and Helen Kelly very much like many others is just the latest to have been vocal about the fact that a. our procedures are not adequate to deal with end of life pain care, b. that someone is criminalizing him/herself in order to procure Helen Kelly and others with a pain medication that works for them, and that c. if we were to look at amending our current laws we could a. clear out our prisons of inhabitants, b. create a cash crop, c. create jobs, d. create tax revenue.
You could just have stated that you agreed with making medicinal MJ available to those that get relieve from it. Full stop. And maybe now you would be bathing in love instead of the cynicism that you yourself use.
James: “Here I am saying I hope the greens bill gets drawn – and I’m a prick.”
I think James is a bitter person.
Wow. MSD either has no control of its regional managers or an unofficial directive was issued by one particular regional manager which MSD would have not wanted to be known.
In both cases the current government has no idea what its ministry is doing, or (and I suspect this is the case) that simply don’t care because there are no votes in it for them.
The poster known as Alan would applaud this as good politics, of course.
Interesting. I heard a bit of this on the radio earlier but didn’t catch the whole thing, just the bit about NGO staff feeling intimated by being told not to talk to the media. And I thought that makes total sense, this is National.
Sadly, also Labour.
“Fears, constraints, and contracts: The democratic reality for New Zealand’s community and voluntary sector
The important role of community and voluntary sector organisations to democratic debate and policy development is widely acknowledged by governments, academics, and the sector itself. However, our survey of 153 NZ community and voluntary sector groups shows that democratic engagement has been constrained under both Labour-led and National-led governments in the last decade. The ‘contract’ environment dominating funding for social service providers; a lack of understanding and appreciation of those who work in the sector; and, disparaging remarks and treatment of ‘dissenters’ by political elite were major factors constraining democratic debate in NZ.
Citation: Grey S. and Sedgwick C. (2013)”
The paper itself is well worth a read.
Answered more than a few questions I had after futilely seeking support from NGOs and Advocacy groups over certain disability/carer issues.
On Tv3’s the Project tonight Minister Paula was the guest. She was questioned by ordinary citizens about being able to afford housing in queenstown if you’re on $15 an hour and feeding kids in schools as one of the other guests was doing it. Should have seen the evils she briefly gave after the shouldnt the gov be feeding kids question.
Hmmkay. After being accused of promoting property porn stories in an attempt to prop up the government’s narrative that there is no housing crisis, the MSM have dig up this guy who bought a house in Masterton for 190K. Excuse me? How is this non-story relevant to young Auckland families, also on minimum wage, facing a deposit of 190K if they are lucky?
It seems Stuff just dug up the cheapest house in one of the most remote towns in the country in order to push Bill English’s agenda.
More fake news from the corporate mainstream media.
Muppets and puppets.
Yeah but look at the funny thing about the deposit – I mentioned this this afternoon.
He says he haggled the price down 20k and “He was able to use the difference as the effective deposit for the loan.”. So… wtf does that even mean? He had a mortgage for 190k but flipped the 20k back to the bank thus making the 10% deposit? And of course this was all five years ago. The same house today is probably 250k lol.
Aussie visionary builds tree house to show kiwis yes they can build higher than one story. Kiwi land owner wad so incensed he got the chainsaw out. Wandeing round i see new builds but they are all one story high, even when set in suburds with two story homes. It should be, in a functioning market, an incentive to build up to the limit. But our market isn’t functioning, a third of Nat MP are housing investors. Thats the consequence of having so few MPs, they can align easily behind a rort to our economy.
More GPs needed!
“50 new doctors were needed to allow primary care to keep up with the demands posed by a growing population.
College of General Practitioners chair Tim Malloy said most GPs were aged 50 or older, and many intended to retire within the decade.
He said many felt burnt out, but were increasingly busy managing populations boosted by 70,000 immigrants.
Urgent action was required, he said”…
You know the left’s fucked when you’ve got Labour MPs saying “MPs who have some money to invest are just making the most sensible investments they can.”