Daily review 14/08/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 14th, 2023 - 28 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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28 comments on “Daily review 14/08/2023 ”

  1. SPC 1

    The consensus, house prices will rise in 2024 – regardless of who wins the election. Because of the level of inward migration – favoured by Labour and NACT placing pressure on housing supply.

    Notable points, National have not yet ruled out a return to allowing foreigners to buy property here.

    Because of decades of under-building of (income related rent) state housing and rising cost of building energy efficient long term (market rent) housing for those who cannot afford to own their homes, are Kiwi Saver Funds a source of funds for the new construction required (as lender to government, or private sector owner)?


    • SPC 1.1

      Note – Kiwi Saver Funds $97B March 2023. NZSF c$65B atm.

    • bwaghorn 1.2

      Housing is probably where labour could salvage a win , shine a big glaring light on nationals plan, while continuing to build build build,

      • Adrian 1.2.1

        Labour is winning on housing, I standing on a corner in Blenheim this morning with 2 mates, yes I do have some , and they pointed out two projects where an old 40s or 50s cold and draughty had been shifted and 2 or 3 houses were being put on each large section. The old houses arent lost, people are snapping them up and rebuilding them. Yesterday 14 one bedroomers close in to supermarkets etc were opened. 165 more in the next few years.

  2. joe90 2

    I guess this is the toe in the water.


    Former National Party campaign manager Steven Joyce says a hypothetical National-ACT-NZ First coalition might not make for strong government though it'd "survive".


  3. SPC 3

    The return of NZF and its incorporation of mandate refuseniks is just in time for the official end of the era of the last pandemic orders. 7 day isolation and masks in health facilities.

    So if one comes across the virally challenged in a health facility without a mask on, consider the precautions recommended in Naked Gun to prevent spread.



    • joe90 3.1

      Hmm, a vaccine that wanes rapidly and provides doubtful protection against onward transmission or long covid, up to 50% of infections could be asymptomatic, and no clean air policies.

      Masking in public is here to stay.

      • Belladonna 3.1.1

        I'm not sure where your 'public' is – but I rarely see anyone masked in public – fewer than 1 in a thousand.
        I'm at the International airport atm (collecting a family member) – and have yet to see one person masked – either the arrivals or the people waiting for them.

        • weka


          I suspect it might look differently if you were in Asian countries. Of particular interest is that people also wear masks to stop transmitting viruses to other people. That's a big difference in attitude to here.

  4. Ngungukai 4

    Does anyone know where we can buy a NZF Make NZ Great Again Caps, I guess NZF Website will have a Marketing Arm selling the Caps, interested to buy x 10 Caps.

    • SPC 4.1

      I cannot see WP agreeing to wear one, which would explain the lack of merch anywhere.

      Maybe something to place near a suit lapel?


      New Zealand Imperial Camel Corps hat badge

      NZF Gospel

      Then Winston said to His disciples; Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for rich men, like John Key and Christopher Luxon, to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for rich men to enter the kingdom of God. They'll need to do good works with NZF to be worthy".

  5. Dennis Frank 5

    Trotter gets paranoid:

    what really is the single gravest threat to this country’s national security – the Act Party. https://bowalleyroad.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-politics-of-national-security.html

    But, Little cannot brand Act a threat to national security – not without exposing Labour (and all the other parties) to an equivalent charge.

    Perceptions of threats are often not reality-based: one could more-accurately call them potentiality-based. For public policy, it depends how much such perceptions are shared. In the USA they have oodles of institutions who all have a go at figuring out the extent of sharing in the most relevant social niches and mutual-interest groups established to drive public policy development, there's a bunch in the UK & a sprinkling here of think-tanks & ngos for the purpose.

    Some collegial meeting of minds between personnel of such groups & the minister's advisors may already happen, but if not it ought to.

  6. Peter 6

    All the back and forth, the ups and downs, the tos and fro. All the thoughtful consideration from any number of angles from any number of sages over years.

    When it came down to it? Labour's in the crap so gst on food is to go.

    That's the sort of last desperate move from a party in a line up which had 65 seats against 33, 10, 10 and 2 in the opposition.

    The treasure, the gold to use to make meaningful changes used how? Well to empower then likes of Winston Peters and Kirsten Peters.

    • Ngungukai 6.1

      The removal of GST on food should have been in place when GST was first introduced, most developed Countries in the Modern World do not put GST on food products, only a Banana Republic like New Zealand is stupid enough to do that. It is definitely a vote winning policy for Labour.

      • miravox 6.1.1

        The removal of GST on food should have been in place when GST was first introduced, most developed Countries in the Modern World do not put GST on food products…

        +1 a "pure" GST system is simply neo-liberal ideology. and anyway, there are exemptions already e.g. on some financial transactions, but not others, "fine metals" e.g gold (but not, say, titanium?), mortgage interest but not rates – a tax on a tax?

        Go figure.

        • weka

          Off topic, and just if you feel like sharing, have you closed your twitter permanently or just taking a break?

          • miravox

            I closed it permanently. I'm trying out BlueSky now, it lacks the NZ media input for now, but I think that will come.

  7. Patricia Bremner 7

    Labour's new addition to paid parental leave makes National"s offer of fund it yourself, plainly what it was… leave for the well off.

    Clever Policy, adding to the previous situation in a meaningful way for new parents, also offering flexibility in when to take it..

    The GST off unprocessed foods is a winner, "Winner winner veggie dinner"

    Unprocessed foods have had a great boost. Now not only "good for all" but cheaper, and will be listed and visible. Specials in frozen veg and fruit will be more popular, and they are first class as they are washed and snap frozen while extremely fresh.