Dams have not been above average storage since March 19, and when were restrictions put in place ? post lock down. After high water usage as every water blaster was utilised in the lock down period washing down paths etc. every car was washed and swimming pools were continually been topped up. Where was the leadership around Christmas/January when lower than average rainfall was being forecast ? But don't let facts get in the way ….
It was in response to Indiana and the Auckland councils $750m financial hole ($250m Watercare), and the apparent need for this rates increase. And how with any leadership, this financial crisis would have been reduced.
Jeery Browneye got quite cross when Lisa Owen repeatedly interrupted him while he was answering the question he wanted her to have asked.
[You have used the same infantile name-calling of Brownlee 12 times on TS, not counting the one that I deleted yesterday, but you may have missed it. Here it is for your convenience: https://thestandard.org.nz/if-judith-and-gerry-are-the-answer-it-must-have-been-a-desperate-question/#comment-1730344. I think it’s time you grow up and call people by their proper names starting with Gerry Brownlee. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance – Incognito]
I have done a preliminary search and it doesn’t look so good for you. It seems to support my initial suspicion. I have been quite busy lately and have not had time to wrap it up. Do you still maintain your innocence or do you want to change your plea after I have presented the evidence to you? Good behaviour is taken into consideration when sentencing. I’m serious, BTW, as I intend to start a Pre-Election Clear-Out here.
You're being too hard on Gabby. I had a similar battle with weka over trans rights and no evidence was found to ban me so I think you should just drop it if it's too complicated.
Only difference is I didn’t keep prodding weka about it…Gabby.
I appreciate you putting in a good word for Gabby but there is evidence, as I said, I just haven’t found the right time to collate it. I’ve also mentioned previously to Gabby that I cannot stand dishonesty and that’s the real ‘crime’ as far as I’m concerned, the TERF issue is secondary. I don’t mind being reminded but please don’t start crying then when it comes to crunch time. Best not to get in the way when it comes to that
No, you’re right, it isn’t, but it is a matter of principle that commenters don’t lie here. Almost nobody will come clean, confess, and apologise when caught out and many a ban is because of a lie of some kind AKA making up shit and/or not providing supporting info to show that their ‘fact’ or assertion is nothing more than their opinion, for example. If one word captures or describes behaviour that is associated with bans here, it is dishonesty.
PS I cannot be 100% certain that none of the commenters here is paid.
Muttonbird your comment that Incognito keeping matters on an even keel and reasonably sane as we discuss this most important and contentious of topics, politics, "doesn’t seem to be a great use of your time" shows what seems youthful carelessness about the quality of our lives. He/she is doing a difficult job out of principle, as you say unpaid, and we who think and yearn for better-thinking, discussing and debating and civilised society and conditions thank this person for it. (Even when it annoys us personally by calling taihoa on a tirade. By the way sorry if this is tl:dr Gabby.)
I always enjoy Gabby's irreverent comments and the titles she bestows. She's/he's cheeky, not snide, imo, but I do recognise that tone is hard to gauge and once you feel someone's unkind, it's hard to un-feel that. I don't think Gabby's unkind at all (but wouldn't like to be the target of her attentions
Thanks Robert. I find that Gabby’s comment range from infantile crude shit (AKA poppycock) to hilarious and some are even a contribution to ‘normal’ conversation. I didn’t dig the hole and I didn’t remind that the hole needed to be filled and covered. I will close this chapter soon and then we can move on to the Election, one way or another.
It's your call (you wield the Sword of Righteousness – perhaps your de-scabarding will be enough to rein in Gabby's gabiosity without having to lop off her head). She will be sorely tempted though, by the characters in the latest Punch'n'Judy Show; Gerry's a big target and lampooning the Creature from the Kauri Swamp seems irresistible.
I know it can be a fine line between witty and crude. I’ve asked nicely to stop the crudeness; I don’t find “Browneye” funny, personally. When the same word(s) becomes over-used (e.g. “neocon Den” six times), it becomes tedious even if it was funny the first time. Other blog sites are much worse than TS when it comes to bad name-calling, infantile labelling/mocking, and bullying & intimidating of targets (victims). Social media are full of it too. If people feel the need to express themselves in these kinds of manners and use language from and fit for the gutter then they know where to go. If people come here to be entertained by third grade crass comedy then they have come to the wrong place too. There’s a place & audience for all occasions but TS is not that. IMHO.
I'm starting to think you may have 'erected' this hole in your mind. You'd like this terf thing to be recurring so you've decided it is. I look forward to seeing the results of your quest.
The above are the ones in which you’re directly linked to the acronym. In addition, many other commentaries use, explain, or discuss the acronym that you would have seen although you didn’t contribute directly to those specific discussion threads.
You like word-plays and joking around and you seem to be generally very well informed.
Overall, I think it is beyond reasonable doubt that you knew the meaning of the acronym on 6 July and, therefore, that you repeatedly lied about it.
I look forward to your response. It better be good.
One thread on terfs with a definition given by Matthew Whitehead in a loong jargon ridden post I doubt I made it to the end of, a couple of Open Mike comments on a day when some people were commenting upthread, and a SPOTY post that mentions 'terf' and I comment on Bridges' croaking? And this is all from 2018. About a fairly niche issue of little interest to people not directly involved. You are drawing a very long bow. I guess your persistence is admirable but it's slim, slim pickings. And what's this 'repeatedly lied' nonsense?
You’re on a bit of a crusade, aren’t you.
Ok, let me get this straight: you still deny that you did not know the meaning on 6 July when you had your contemptuous outburst? That’s “the lie”. It was less than 20 months ago and it has appeared many times since here on TS but never triggered an irreverent comment from you. Why might that be? I don’t believe you and I’ve already stated that I cannot stand dishonesty. Are you deliberately acting thick again or do you hold me for an old senile fool? Do you want me to drop this now?
What are you talking about? Deny that I did NOT know?? It's patently obvious that I did NOT know. Evidently it was an insult, but I did NOT know what terf stood for. It was well over 19 months ago, which is a very long time. As for it never triggering an irreverent comment in the interim, why, it might be that I didn't notice, or didn't care, or didn't read that thread or any number of things. I'm sure you're not senile.
I guess I will have to take your word for it then, won’t I? Such a shame of all the effort I put it into it. Never mind, it wasn’t all wasted. You never answered my question at the end though; maybe you don’t trust me
BTW, “well over 19 months ago” is almost as good as “less than 20 months ago”. Well done!
What question? I'm sure you're not senile. It might be because I didn't notice etc etc. Denying I did not know something? I'd have to know what you meant by that, ie that you intended the double negative, before an answer would mean the same thing to both of us. I can certainly say that when I asked wtf terf was, I was unaware of what words the letters stood for though obviously it was an insult. Matthew Whitehead spelling it out at great length many moons ago doesn't equal me retaining the info.
Never mind, I dropped it anyway for your and my sake, but you seem very keen to waste more time on this!?
The double negative was my bad, sorry; this “not” should not have been there. It was many moons ago, more than 20 months, when I was taught English at school and I must have forgotten to retain the info. Shit happens.
I'll bring this up now, but it should get much more attention as we get closer to the election. Two things will be consistently, annoyingly misleading in coverage of the campaign: the words "Election day" and "Election night".
Advance voting begins on Sept 5, two weeks before "Election day". This year there will probably be more advance voting than ever before. Polls will be published after many people have already voted.
After "Election night", we wait for the special votes. In 2017 they totalled 446,287 or 17% of total votes cast. That includes 61,524 overseas votes. (source: official site).
Given the nature of special voters (late enrolments, especially students, and Kiwis overseas) I would not be at all surprised if they swing heavily Ardern's way, and seats change hands.
The no. of overseas votes may not be as high as we've seen in the past because many of those voters have returned to NZ or are preparing to return to NZ soon due to C19.
Labour is vulnerable in two areas, Kiwibuild and Auckland light rail.
Labour is going to have to present policy on these two areas and it had better be good.
I'd like to see compulsory acquisition of large tracts of land north and south of Drury close to rail. Take land speculators out of it because they are the very definition of inefficient. Finish the electrification gap. Use this newly redundant workforce we have to build, build, build without the obsession with profit. Clearly the private sector is both unwilling and unable to do this.
Drop light rail for the moment and just do the Puhinui spur. That is what is needed for people movement to and from Auckland International Airport. Future tourists actually pay for this so it's a no-brainer! The light rail concept was trying to do too many things at once and became confused. It’s quite a long way from the bottom of Dominion Road to the airport, not so far from the airport to the main trunk line.
Along with Law & Order the Nats under Collins will be targeting Labour on Kiwibuild and light rail and Labour had better be ready for it.
Given the importance of health at the moment a couple of attack ads highlighting National’s legacy of shit dripping out of the walls at Middlemore Hospital might go some way to squaring up balance don’t you think?
ScottGN – It came through the ceiling, not the walls. Get it right, or you will be accused of lying, just as Jacinda Ardern was earlier on, when she made the same minor error…
Judith will attack these areas because that's been her job on TV over the last three years and because Twyford has not been good at all*. Those spots on the AM show have literally paved the way for her resurrection. Without them she would be a distant memory right now.
She will also attack on Law & Order – she was in the thick of that policy area when she forced the Police to under report crime when the Nats were last in government so she knows all the tricks. Also National Party pollster and blogger, David Farrar, has built his blog on Maori bashing as it relates to Law & Order.
*Hard to blame Twyford too much on light rail because that concept was not at all thought though when it was floated. It’s simply not what we need right now. In 10 or 20 years, maybe.
*Hard to blame Twyford too much on light rail because that concept was not at all thought though when it was floated. It’s simply not what we need right now. In 10 or 20 years, maybe.
We needed it a hundred years ago when it was first proposed as a subway.
That horse has bolted. Nothing to be done about it now.
What is required is clear thinking about what Auckland will look like in 20 years. The essential bones of it must be built first, the rest of it can wait.
Did you know you have to walk between Auckland International and Domestic? Put a rail line in, ffs.
Not so sure National would be stupid enough to launch an attack re KiwiBuild. To do so would mean they would have to have a better proposition for achieving the same goals. That would imply there was an affordable housing problem that they denied when last in Government. As for Auckland Light Rail, discretion would be needed there too. They know damned well that NZ First stuffed that. To attack would imply they would be able to succeed in getting Auckland moving if in Government – possibly with having to have Winston in tow. How would they do that? Cover the city in tarseal?
Violent gang crime is up in people's minds if not actually in statistics. We know why this is – 501s – but the general voting public might not understand as much, so Farrar and Collins will push gang and Maori related crime stories in front of the media for full effect.
Don't agree about Kiwibuild. As I have been saying Kiwibuild is last years story. People don't give a f..k about it. They care of course about housing and Labour has made good progress, particularly on social housing. National made none. Everybody knows it………
Its Covid and the economy. That's all that is in peoples minds now. The question is do people want a competent well tested decisive leader that has saved us all from the ravaged of Covid. Or do the want a Donald Trump version of a leader. I actually trust NZders on this.
There's all that but Kiwibuild remains something which Labour can be attacked on. And rightly so, it was and is a complete failure because they bottled the balance between government and private sector. The government should have taken a much, much bigger role.
According to that pathetic excuse for shithouse paper called the Herald. Another up and coming bit of odious bit of shit that has risen to the surface in the National sewer called Goldsmith has wonderous solutions to the economical recovery of this country, like freezing contributions to the Cullen fund what he calls the Supernation Fund, plus a freeze on the April planned minimum wages increase. In other words same old failed Tory fuck you Jack policies that have almost destroyed this country,
Who the fuck would want to vote for this pack of crap. Yesterdays failed policies in today's "completely" different world I just don't believe that these fuckwits are so fucking brain dead to suggest policies like that.
Doubt those earning the minimum wage would regard the raise as a mistake "in the current economic situation." Can only conclude that you're not on the minimum wage.
This is entirely the right time to increase the minimum wage towards the living wage. The fiction called the economy needs simulating. Putting money into hands of those with less is the best way to do this.
It really is so terrible that some seem to have missed the 'be kind' memo.
I like it though when nasties remind victims that they're meant to play nice when the supposed-to-be-nice-ones who missed the memo reciprocate as they've been treated. The umbrage taken at not acting on the memo is quite lovely.
Of course you do, you're part of the subset that thinks screwing over the majority of people and destroying the economy to make a few rich people richer is great.
Knew our Gov were long on rhetoric and extremely short on action but didnt realise quitr how missing in action we have been…
"That means over the next decade we need to find 93.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent to cut out to meet our targets – more than the entire country's gross annual emissions. Even if we took every car in Auckland off the road for the entirety of the next decade, that would only close the gap by 35 Mt CO2e."
"So how has a supposedly transformational Government led by a Prime Minister who has pledged to treat climate change as her prime focus failed to meaningfully implement emissions-reducing policies? How can Jacinda Ardern promise to treat emissions as her generation's nuclear-free moment without consequence?
Simple: New Zealand is letting her get away with it."
And with National self destructing the political motivation to move has disappeared….perhaps the self destruction serves a purpose after all.
What crazy effing logic – how do you expect the PM to cut the emissions? To help achieve the goal, join the others who are getting off their backsides and walk, bike or use public transport. It's time for the team of 5 million to carry the load again!
Hi James How are you doing? I hope life is treating you well better than some of the unfortunates that are struggling on low wages having to pay for things like Cheese that has risen by nearly 30 % in price. in the last few weeks, That is if they have any money after paying rent to some parasitical property owner
It is a different world now pal they are failed yesterdays policies and unless the right realises that there is going to be one hell of an "adjustment" something I would hate to see.
Hi Mutton Nice to see that, We told the local veggie shop to shove them. But they do have an excuse I understand that they are imported from Queensland and because of the virus etc etc etc we have to expect those prices.
But what I cannot accept is the winging farmers who are always bleating how hard done they are expecting us(New Zealanders), to pay through the nose for their product because
Yep, there's always something involved in keeping vegetable prices at stratospheric heights. Yet it's all out of their control according to the power players.
I'd rather see no fucking courgettes at all in the supermarket than seeing them for an obscene $28/kg…
My understanding is it's not the farmers & growers setting the prices, but the supermarkets (I guess they would argue they ship and package etc). If something is too expensive, I just don't buy it, as protest & necessity.
Obviously the things will sit and start to rot, then be fed to the pigs.
Who will buy them at that price? (Although they are not heavy, and how many of them make a kilogram? But why buy them? They desperately need added flavours.)
Am looking at way to promote New Zealand's Covid response and Covid-free status. Sanzaar hopes to hold the entire Rugby Championship in Covid free New Zealand.
Unlike most other countries we have free association and the ability to pack Eden Park with 50,000 people for the very first, and probably only, international rugby matches in 2020, full stop.
Imagine the scenes on TV for those less fortunate, watching the only international test matches in front of a full stadium when they are struggling to even open pubs let alone gather in crowds.
Grant Roberston should make this a priority as it builds on New Zealand's international reputation in pandemic management.
If the flood of returning Kiwis has slowed enough that there's room in isolation and quarantine facilities for the players, and the players are OK with spending two weeks in managed isolation (while NZ players get to train as much as they want), and they pay for the managed isolation, and they're OK with the idea that very few if any of their supporters will be able to come and the crowds will be entirely kiwi, plus a bunch of other restrictions that are likely needed for safety that I haven't thought of, then sure, go nuts.
Yes, there's a few things to be addressed, chiefly how SA, AUS and Argentina will train. Athletes at the highest level are on a program and two weeks watching Netflix in your room is not part of that program.
If it's deemed important enough the other considerations can be overcome. A full Rugby Championship has got to be worth quite a bit locally and globally in the absence of any other rugby altogether. I'm sure quarantine costs can be dealt with in this context.
The players, the fans, the Unions, and Sanzaar will not be too worried about offshore fans not being able to attend.
I'm not that bothered about the rugby itself, but proposing it is brilliant politics.
What are National going to do, oppose the All Blacks playing? The timetable works very well – get it in the headlines between now and the election, and have the games (and any stuff-ups) after the election.
It was the lead story on TV3 news tonight. Score one for the comms team.
I'm thinking about the wider benefits of having this comp up and running. We look like a country which gets things done in a Covid world. Our Sanzaar partners and their players will be gagging to come here for two months to showcase the game to the rest of the world. We as a country would gain huge benefits from that exposure.
The Alex Salmond Show interviews top public health academic, Professor Michael Baker of Otago University, who details the reasons for New Zealand’s success in eliminating Covid-19 and warns of the worldwide dangers yet to come. Meanwhile the author of ‘Pandemic Century’, Dr Mark Honigsbaum, explains why some countries have succeeded in taming the coronavirus when so many others have struggled.
Let me get this straight. Simon Bridges has used an interview to take a swipe at his own front bench colleague Todd Muller who is no doubt still on health leave.
United caucus? Nope. Considerate of mental health? Nope. Same old National Party brutality.
I was not impressed with the statement by Winston Peters about Todd Muller's health issue. Especially as Winston demands privacy and keeps very tight lipped about his own medical issues.
Loyalty is sadly missing in the National caucus ; leaks to Tova just after Judith Collins won the leadership and now Simon Bridge's little dig at Todd Muller. Not looking good for the party if this is how they plan to build up to the election.
Peters might demand privacy and to be treated with respect. That didn't happen before the last election when some minion decided that his personal information held by a Ministry should be handed to politicians with no reasonable justification.
Sacha, it was the headline, I too thought the comments fairly tame, it is curious that the Newshub/ Herald (?) guys spun it as such, coz it prob would have passed unnoticed really. I missed the Peters bit.
A desperate journo trying to spin a story out of nothing is sadly to be expected; and by now we ought to be able to distinguish that from the underlying facts – hence me quoting what Bridges said, not what the writer said he did.
Absolutely, I've said here many times, Collins, Brownlee etc will say some barmy things, will do dirty politics, they can't help themselves. I was just surprised to see the headline.
Australia is now clocking up Covid deaths. They'd stopped at about 102 when we also eradicated. Now they are up to 113 which when they passed 110 is officially more than NZ in deaths/capita.
Australia's covid response once vaunted by Mike Hosking and his followers Simon Bridges and and the rest of NZ's rump-right seems to be unravelling.
A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 23, 2025 thru Sat, March 1, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
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As Lady Bracknell almost said, ‘to lose one may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness.’ And so a second Government Statistician has made a hasty exit, The official reason in each case was the management of the population census but the cult of generic management ...
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The Government is set to announce a levy system and new rules around housing infrastructure aimed at making housing developments and transport corridors more financially attractive to councils. The job market is potentially showing signs of recovery according to more positive advertising data which shows the rate of decline has ...
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Hi,Because the Webworm community is consistently a glowing light in my life, I wanted to share a few insights readers shared about Franks Ogilvie, the feral law firm that sent a threatening legal letter to Kiwi health professionals.(A lot of you asked for a copy of the original threatening letter, ...
Hi,Quite a few readers have asked to see a copy of the original letter Stephen Franks of Franks Ogilvie law sent out to various New Zealand health practitioners.So, here is a copy.I am not going to do a fact check here, but would advise you keep these emojis in mind ...
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It is now clear that the Government is singling out Cook Islands Premier Mark Brown as the person to blame for the Islands signing three partnership agreements with China. China itself appears to be standing aside. After a meeting in Beijing on Wednesday night, Foreign Minister Winston Peters even got ...
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I am pleased that the under-recognized scholar (and previous co-author of mine) Kate Nicholl has decided to join Substack and publish her thoughts on comparative politics. By using Substack she wants to bridge the gap between scholarly articles and opinion editorials (op eds). Her gift as a writer is to ...
Fleur Fitzsimons has been appointed as the new National Secretary of the PSA. The Government has confirmed it will amend the Crimes Act to give all citizens greater ability to arrest or detain thieves stealing from retail stories amid an increase in retail crime – the move is opposed by ...
Sunny Kaushal - National Party member and donorThere are few things that make me viscerally irritable in politics, but seeing the government proposing citizens’ arrest as a method to curtail crime - while losing more police officers than it can hire because it’s unwilling to pay for professionals - does ...
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I've been caught stealin', once when I was 5I enjoy stealin', it's just as simple as thatOh well, it's just a simple factWhen I want something, man, I don't wanna pay for itHow much would you pay to change the law to whatever you want it to be? Probably quite ...
“We were one of the first central banks in the world to be tightening; we were one of the first central banks in the world to be easing” Those were Adrian Orr’s words last Thursday to Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee at their hearing on the Bank’s latest Monetary Policy ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the City Centre Advisory Panel …and what can we do to increase its success? Here at Greater Auckland it is axiomatic that cities are, or at least can and should be, forces for good for their inhabitants and host nations. This of course explains ...
Things are starting to come right for the Government. Though recent polling has placed it behind Labour and the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, keeps tripping up in public, the economy is picking up, which may be enough to stop further poll falls. Better still for National, it is picking up ...
The New Zealand Supreme Court describes detention as the “most punitive and most liberty-depriving” of the penalties the law can impose. Because of this, they have always been incredibly careful to give a wide interpretation and hefty weight to the right not to be arbitrarily detained. This is an interpretation ...
If there’s any one person to be praised for finding receipts and sticking them in this government’s complacent face, that person would be Craig Renney.His most recent effort is a thorough rebuttal of some tough-on-crime puffed-chest- beating that went like this:You can find the full rebuttal here but the essence ...
I have been trying to make sense out of the shifts in US foreign policy under Trump 2.0. I understand his admiration for authoritarians and supination to Putin (which I believe is because Putin has dirt on him), and I also understand the much vaunted “transactional” nature of his view ...
The Government’s announcement to change citizen’s arrest powers shows workers will bear the brunt of their lack of a plan to deal with retail crime, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “If the proposed changes to citizen’s arrests laws are any indication of what is to come, there ...
For the past few years I've been waging war on secrecy clauses, submitting at select committee where clauses in legislation seem to over-ride the Official Information Act. One of the drivers of this was a 2014 decision by the Ombudsman (unpublished, but posted here), where they interpreted an exemption in ...
This morning I saw a line on social media that got my attention —"More cycle and walking lanes that nobody uses to kill economy. Absolute genius!”But cycle ways only cost 1% of the entire transport budget!That's not what is killing the economy.Business liquidations are at a 10 year high. Unemployment ...
Recently, Auckland’s Mayor Wayne Brown expressed bewilderment in a social media post about the current changes to Victoria Street in the city centre. “Welcome to Cone Central,” he says, adopting the universally recognised arms-wide position of exasperation, and gesturing around him at the works under way. “Nobody knows what it’s ...
Economic growth – and the lack of the sustained productivity growth that underpins it – is again briefly in focus. 70 years of relative economic decline still shows no sign of being durably reversed, but the last few years have been particularly tough and there is an election next year, ...
Back in January the government held a public consultation on its draft Regulatory Standards Bill. The bill is a piece of neoliberal bullshit which seeks to bind all future lawmaking to some highly contentious (and not public accepted) Libertarian ideological principles, in an effort to deter future lawmaking with the ...
Risin' up, straight to the topHad the guts, got the gloryWent the distance, now I'm not gonna stopJust a man and his will to surviveSongwriters: Frank Sullivan / James Peterik.Butter Chicken is one of the most popular takeaway dishes in Aotearoa. It’s the curry to have when you don’t like ...
Yesterday, I received a few messages telling me that my article on school lunches was being heavily discussed on Reddit -I was pleasantly surprised it hadn’t been zapped, so took a look.95% of the comments were positive, and many Kiwis appear to feel angry at the ‘free market, public-private enterprise ...
The new report details the effects of unmet dental need and the financial strains, such as incurring debt including large MSD loans. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong story short, I spoke to researcher and campaigner Kayli Taylor in the interview above about her ActionStation Aotearoa report into unmet need ...
Hi,Late yesterday afternoon Webwormpublished a story on our website (www.webworm.co) — which this morning is top of New Zealand reddit, which is nice.But I wanted to get it to your inbox first thing today with a bit of added background.Webworm can report that various health professionals involved in gender ...
Germany had its Federal Election this week, and, well, people are talking about the map: Yes. That looks very much like the old German Democratic Republic (GDR) reborn, aka East Germany. Only this time, rather than Communism, the region has given itself over to the Far-Right (the Alternative ...
Prof Jane Kelsey examines what the ACT party and the NZ Initiative are up to as they seek to impose on the country their hardline, right wing, neoliberal ideology. A progressive government elected in 2026 would have a huge job putting Humpty Dumpty together again and rebuilding a state that ...
So. Farewell thenAndrew Bayly.It’s not easy to imagine something a minister could do in the Luxon Beehive that would be beyond the pale.But youseem to have a knack for finding it.I took the discussion too far and I placed a hand on their upperarm, you said.You sound like the sheriff ...
Back in January, Samoan cabinet minister La’auli Leuatea Schmidt was charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. When he refused to resign, samoan prime minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa sacked him - triggering a political crisis. Because a majority of her political party felt that she should have not ...
Hi,Webworm can report that various health professionals involved in gender affirming care in New Zealand have received a threatening legal letter from Wellington law firm Franks Ogilvie.The law firm who sent the letter.The letter was sent on behalf of Inflection Point NZ, an anti-trans lobby group that boasts speakers including ...
Ryman Healthcare last year abandoned plans for a ‘boutique retirement village’ and sold this central Wellington site, after demolishing the former factory (seen here) and leaving it to sit vacant for 14 years. Now it has announced it will slash its building rate and look to dump more of its ...
Yesterday we covered a big part of a recent speech by Minister of Housing and Transport Chris Bishop. One aspect we didn’t cover was about the City Rail Link and his announcement of $200 million towards the removal of level crossings. On the CRL he notes: I’ve been down to ...
Long story short, I interviewed Reserve Bank of New ZealandChief Economist Paul Conway yesterday in the full video above about:the Monetary Policy Committee’s decision to cut the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points to 3.75% last week;the bank’s projection in its Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for three more ...
Stay where you areYou're not going, just leavingI will sit around, let everybody talkAnd they will say what they knowThey will end up believingI will sit around, let everybody talkAndrew by Fur Patrol.Subscribe to Nick's Kōrero and save 20%Around lunchtime yesterday, I started seeing notifications about Andrew Bayly’s resignation. To ...
Hi,Something interesting has happened in Aotearoa, where one of the country’s most toxic Christian churches has pushed things too far, and properly fucked New Zealand off.As I wrote last week, members of Destiny church protested a Pride event in a library, pushing and punching their way inside.Destiny has always been ...
Allegedly, the defence environment has changed, and New Zealand thus needs to spend significantly more on Defence. The rationale is that China (our main trading partner) has been raising its profile in the Pacific, a region hitherto seen to be our own backyard, and an American lake. The cheek of ...
Germans went to the polls today, in what looks to be their most important election since 1945. The good news is that they seem to have kept the fascists out, with the Putin/Trump/Musk-backed Alternative für Deutschland coming second and effectively excluded from power. Instead, it looks like a Christian Democrat ...
I relaxed myself into the dentist chair first thing this morning. I was back for a quick second filling that couldn’t be done on the last visit because it had to go alongside the one he’d just done.I like the dentist, Geoff, very much. You may recall me mentioning the ...
The Way We Were - And Hoped To Remain: The iconic photograph of Prime Minister Norman Kirk holding the hand of a little Māori boy at Waitangi on 6 February 1973 held out the promise of a future founded upon the uncomplicated and uncontested acceptance of racial equality.WAITANGI DAY commentary ...
Over the weekend, David Seymour announced the government’s plans to “overhaul” the Overseas Investment Act.The Act looks after overseas investments in sensitive assets in New Zealand. Its main purpose is balancing foreign money in our sensitive assets/lands/fisheries/forestries with the risks associated with that.This includes considering New Zealand’s national and economic ...
Last month, David Seymour’s press release on school lunches said:“The [school lunch] programme was reformed to deliver the same outcomes while costing taxpayers less. This was achieved by embracing commercial expertise, using government buying power, and generating supply chain efficiencies…”And while that all sounded fair, the end result is - ...
Here are some thoughts about the hysteria surrounding a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) flotilla conducting freedom of navigation exercises in the Tasman Sea, including live fire drills. 1) The flotilla has been tracked for over a week by New Zealand and Australian forces. The tracking began when the ...
Insurance premia are already sky high, especially in Wellington and other places deemed high risk, and now another cost of living shock is set to be delivered by a Government. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things that stood out to me in our political ...
On Friday, Chris Bishop, the Minister of Housing, Transport, Infrastructure and RMA Reform, gave an absolutely fantastic speech to the Committee for Auckland. As a starter, he really sums up well why we need better cities with this line. I make no apologies for being an urbanist. Well-functioning urban environments ...
You can be amazingYou can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drugYou can be the outcastOr be the backlash of somebody's lack of loveOr you can start speaking upNothing's gonna hurt you the way that words doWhen they settle 'neath your skinKept on the inside and no sunlightSometimes, ...
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton, wagged a metaphorical finger at the National Party on Saturday, and RMA Minister Chris Bishop wagged straight back. A former National Party Environment Minister, Upton was a keynote speaker at the party’s Blue Greens Forum in Methven. His speech went right to ...
A listing of 33 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 16, 2025 thru Sat, February 22, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Several years ago, as an intellectual exercise, I had the fun of ranking the worst Emperors of the Western Roman Empire (https://phuulishfellow.wordpress.com/2020/09/04/the-five-worst-western-roman-emperors/). I even followed it up with a look at Honorius historiography. But there was still a missing piece of the puzzle. I was limiting myself to Emperors from ...
Prof Jane Kelsey examines what the ACT party and the NZ Initiative are up to as they seek to impose on the country their hardline, right wing, neoliberal ideology. A progressive government elected in 2026 would have a huge job putting Humpty Dumpty together again and rebuilding a state that ...
Kia Ora,I was reading about the history New Zealand Timekeeping and I think I may have identified a factual error on this page from 2006:Page 1. Time past - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand[The rest of the Te Ara article is included for substack readers]In Europe other markers ...
None of the official measures of child poverty improved in the year to June, 2024. Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories short, the top six things that stood out to me in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty in the week to Sunday, February 23 were:Stats NZreported on Thursday ...
1/ Join community / common cause organisations Find organisations you resonate with. Join them and/or donate. In the fight against the state, it’s critical we pool together in all cases. If you don’t have the financial resources, sign up for information & updates. Knowledge is power. These groups, and the ...
Long story short: Aotearoa-NZ now has to make some difficult and probably expensive decisions about how we work and trade with China and the United States, our two largest trading partners. That’s because Donald Trump just overturned 80 years of certainty about how the US deals with and protects the ...
The Government’s levies announcement is a step in the right direction, but they must be upfront about who will pay its new infrastructure levies and ensure that first-home buyers are protected from hidden costs. ...
New Zealand First continues to bring balance, experience, and commonsense to Government. This week we've made progress on many of our promises to New Zealand.Winston representing New ZealandWinston Peters is overseas this week, with stops across the Middle East and North Asia. Winston's stops include Saudi Arabia, the ...
Green Party Co-Leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
At this year's State of the Planet address, Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick announced the party’s plans to deliver a Green Budget this year to offer an alternative vision to the Government’s trickle-down economics and austerity politics. ...
The Government has spent $3.6 million dollars on a retail crime advisory group, including paying its chair $920 a day, to come up with ideas already dismissed as dangerous by police. ...
The Green Party supports the peaceful occupation at Lake Rotokākahi and are calling for the controversial sewerage project on the lake to be stopped until the Environment Court has made a decision. ...
ActionStation’s Oral Healthcare report, released today, paints a dire picture of unmet need and inequality across the country, highlighting the urgency of free dental care for all New Zealanders. ...
The Golden Age There has been long-standing recognition that New Zealand First has an unrivalled reputation for delivering for our older New Zealanders. This remains true, and is reflected in our coalition agreement. While we know there is much that we can and will do in this space, it is ...
Labour Te Atatū MP Phil Twyford has written to the charities regulator asking that Destiny Church charities be struck off in the wake of last weekend’s violence by Destiny followers in his electorate. ...
Bills by Labour MPs to remove rules around sale of alcohol on public holidays, and for Crown entities to adopt Māori names have been drawn from the Members’ Bill Ballot. ...
The Government is falling even further behind its promised target of 500 new police officers, now with 72 fewer police officers than when National took office. ...
This morning’s Stats NZ child poverty statistics should act as a wake-up call for the government: with no movement in child poverty rates since June 2023, it’s time to make the wellbeing of our tamariki a political priority. ...
Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson’s Consumer Guarantees Right to Repair Amendment Bill has passed its first reading in Parliament this evening. ...
“The ACT Party can’t be bothered putting an MP on one of the Justice subcommittees hearing submissions on their own Treaty Principles Bill,” Labour Justice Spokesperson Duncan Webb said. ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
As the world marks three years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced additional sanctions on Russian entities and support for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. “Russia’s illegal invasion has brought three years of devastation to Ukraine’s people, environment, and infrastructure,” Mr Peters says. “These additional sanctions target 52 ...
Associate Finance Minister David Seymour has today announced the Government’s plan to reform the Overseas Investment Act and make it easier for New Zealand businesses to receive new investment, grow and pay higher wages. “New Zealand is one of the hardest countries in the developed world for overseas people to ...
Associate Health Minister Hon Casey Costello is traveling to Australia for meetings with the aged care sector in Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney next week. “Australia is our closest partner, so as we consider the changes necessary to make our system more effective and sustainable it makes sense to learn from ...
The Government is boosting investment in the QEII National Trust to reinforce the protection of Aotearoa New Zealand's biodiversity on private land, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. The Government today announced an additional $4.5 million for conservation body QEII National Trust over three years. QEII Trust works with farmers and ...
The closure of the Ava Bridge walkway will be delayed so Hutt City Council have more time to develop options for a new footbridge, says Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Mayor of Lower Hutt, Campbell Barry. “The Hutt River paths are one of the Hutt’s most beloved features. Hutt locals ...
Good afternoon. Can I acknowledge Ngāti Whātua for their warm welcome, Simpson Grierson for hosting us here today, and of course the Committee for Auckland for putting on today’s event. I suspect some of you are sitting there wondering what a boy from the Hutt would know about Auckland, our ...
The Government will invest funding to remove the level crossings in Takanini and Glen Innes and replace them with grade-separated crossings, to maximise the City Rail Link’s ability to speed up journey times by rail and road and boost Auckland’s productivity, Transport Minister Chris Bishop and Auckland Minister Simeon Brown ...
The Government has made key decisions on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) framework to enable businesses to benefit from storing carbon underground, which will support New Zealand’s businesses to continue operating while reducing net carbon emissions, Energy and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “Economic growth is a ...
Minister for Regulation David Seymour says that outdated and burdensome regulations surrounding industrial hemp (iHemp) production are set to be reviewed by the Ministry for Regulation. Industrial hemp is currently classified as a Class C controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, despite containing minimal THC and posing little ...
The Ministerial Advisory Group on transnational and serious organised crime was appointed by Cabinet on Monday and met for the first time today, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello announced. “The group will provide independent advice to ensure we have a better cross-government response to fighting the increasing threat posed to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will travel to Viet Nam next week, visiting both Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, accompanied by a delegation of senior New Zealand business leaders. “Viet Nam is a rising star of Southeast Asia with one of the fastest growing economies in the region. This ...
The coalition Government has passed legislation to support overseas investment in the Build-to-Rent housing sector, Associate Minister of Finance Chris Bishop says. “The Overseas Investment (Facilitating Build-to-Rent Developments) Amendment Bill has completed its third reading in Parliament, fulfilling another step in the Government’s plan to support an increase in New ...
The new Police marketing campaign starting today, recreating the ‘He Ain’t Heavy’ ad from the 1990s, has been welcomed by Associate Police Minister Casey Costello. “This isn’t just a great way to get the attention of more potential recruits, it’s a reminder to everyone about what policing is and the ...
No significant change to child poverty rates under successive governments reinforces that lifting children out of material hardship will be an ongoing challenge, Child Poverty Reduction Minister Louise Upston says. Figures released by Stats NZ today show no change in child poverty rates for the year ended June 2024, reflecting ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the most common family names given to newborns in 2024. “For the seventh consecutive year, Singh is the most common registered family name, with over 680 babies given this name. Kaur follows closely in second place with 630 babies, while ...
A new $3 million fund from the International Conservation and Tourism Visitor Levy will be used to attract more international visitors to regional destinations this autumn and winter, Tourism and Hospitality Minister Louise Upston says. “The Government has a clear priority to unleash economic growth and getting our visitor numbers ...
Good Evening Let us begin by acknowledging Professor David Capie and the PIPSA team for convening this important conference over the next few days. Whenever the Pacific Islands region comes together, we have a precious opportunity to share perspectives and learn from each other. That is especially true in our ...
The Reserve Bank’s positive outlook indicates the economy is growing and people can look forward to more jobs and opportunities, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. The Bank today reduced the Official Cash Rate by 50 basis points. It said it expected further reductions this year and employment to pick up ...
Agriculture Minister, Todd McClay and Minister for Māori Development, Tama Potaka today congratulated the finalists for this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy, celebrating excellence in Māori sheep and beef farming. The two finalists for 2025 are Whangaroa Ngaiotonga Trust and Tawapata South Māori Incorporation Onenui Station. "The Ahuwhenua Trophy is a prestigious ...
The Government is continuing to respond to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care by establishing a fund to honour those who died in care and are buried in unmarked graves, and strengthen survivor-led initiatives that support those in need. “The $2 million dual purpose fund will be ...
A busy intersection on SH5 will be made safer with the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of SH28/Harwoods Road, as we deliver on our commitment to help improve road safety through building safer infrastructure, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Safety is one of the Government’s strategic priorities ...
The Government is turbo charging growth to return confidence to the primary sector through common sense policies that are driving productivity and farm-gate returns, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay announced today. “The latest Federated Farmers Farm Confidence Survey highlights strong momentum across the sector and the Government’s firm commitment to back ...
Improving people’s experience with the Justice system is at the heart of a package of Bills which passed its first reading today Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says. “The 63 changes in these Bills will deliver real impacts for everyday New Zealanders. The changes will improve court timeliness and efficiency, ...
Returning the Ō-Rākau battle site to tūpuna ownership will help to recognise the past and safeguard their stories for the benefit of future generations, Minister for Māori Crown Relations Tama Potaka says. The Te Pire mō Ō-Rākau, Te Pae o Maumahara / Ō-Rākau Remembrance Bill passed its third reading at ...
A new university programme will help prepare PhD students for world-class careers in science by building stronger connections between research and industry, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Dr Shane Reti says. “Our Government is laser focused on growing New Zealand’s economy and to do that, we must realise the potential ...
Health Minister Simeon Brown has today announced funding of more than $14 million to replace the main water supply and ring mains in the main building of Auckland City Hospital. “Addressing the domestic hot water system at the country’s largest hospital, which opened in 2003, is vitally important to ensure ...
The Government is investing $30 million from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy to fund more than a dozen projects to boost biodiversity and the tourist economy, Conservation Minister Tama Potaka says. “Tourism is a key economic driver, and nature is our biggest draw card for international tourists,” says ...
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters will travel to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea later this week. “New Zealand enjoys long-standing and valued relationships with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both highly influential actors in their region. The visit will focus on building ...
Minister for Rail Winston Peters has announced director appointments for Ferry Holdings Limited – the schedule 4a company charged with negotiating ferry procurement contracts for two new inter-island ferries. Mr Peters says Ferry Holdings Limited will be responsible for negotiating long-term port agreements on either side of the Cook Strait ...
Ophthalmology patients in Kaitaia are benefiting from being able to access the complete cataract care pathway closer to home, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. “Ensuring New Zealanders have access to timely, quality healthcare is a priority for the Government. “Since 30 September 2024, Kaitaia Hospital has been providing cataract care ...
Asia Pacific Report The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has accused Israel of “blackmail” over aid and urged the US government to act more like a neutral mediator in the ceasefire process. “We call on the US administration to stop its bias and alignment with the fascist plans of the war ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Matthew Sussex, Associate Professor (Adj), Griffith Asia Institute; and Fellow, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University Has any nation squandered its diplomatic capital, plundered its own political system, attacked its partners and supplicated itself before its far weaker enemies as ...
Political voices have become very familiar since the beginning of radio, but they haven't always sounded the same. Listen to 14 former Prime Ministers from 1912 to 1990. ...
Pacific Media Watch With international media’s attention on the Israeli and Palestinian captives exchange, Israel’s military and settlers have been forcibly displacing tens of thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, says Al Jazeera’s Listening Post media programme. The European Union has condemned Israel’s military operation in West Bank, ...
ANALYSIS:By Ali Mirin Last week, on 26 February 2025, President Prabowo Subianto officially launched Indonesia’s first bullion banks, marking a significant shift in the country’s approach to gold and precious metal management. This initiative aims to strengthen Indonesia’s control over its gold reserves, improve financial stability, and reduce reliance ...
More than 180 remained in detention without a clear indication of when or if they would be released, the physicians’ report said. “Detainees endure physical, psychological and sexual abuse as well as starvation and medical neglect amounting to torture,” the report said, denouncing a “deeply ingrained policy”. Healthcare workers were ...
While the Minister of Education Erica Stanford said difficult decisions would need to be made, she said the government was not looking to defund expert teachers who support literacy or te reo Māori. ...
Analysis: The challenge facing him was convincing Vietnam of the ways it does actually need us, and so in that metric, striking such a deal is a success. ...
Asia Pacific Report In the year marking 40 years since the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior by French secret agents and 71 years since the most powerful nuclear weapons tested by the United States, Greenpeace is calling on Washington to comply with demands by the Marshall Islands for nuclear justice. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Stefan Wolff, Professor of International Security, University of Birmingham The visit of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to the White House has not gone to plan – at least not to his plan. There were extraordinary scenes as a press conference between Zelensky ...
Scientist Shaun Ogilvie recalls a hui at Wairewa marae, south of Christchurch, to discuss monitoring the polluted local lake, known by pākehā as Forsyth.Kuia Naomi Bunker got to her feet, Ogilvie told the High Court on Friday, and said: “You guys have been coming here and measuring stuff for a ...
It’s nearly one o’clock in the afternoon and my mother is entering a vegan restaurant called Salad Days. The vibe is Birkenstocks and natural fibres; she is wrongly dressed as always in a sparkly dress and heels. A young woman greets her. Her nametag says Rose. She shows my mother ...
The Wellington Indian Association is celebrating its centenary Monday, and mid this year a new book will lift the lid on the community’s long history with the city.That history goes back much further than 100 years, with the first Indian migrants jumping ship in the late 1700s.Jaqueline Leckie says that’s ...
The stakes in our women’s Super Rugby Aupiki are higher than they’ve ever been in the competition’s short history. The winner will face the Australian Super Rugby champion in April, and those who flourish will be selected for the Black Ferns Rugby World Cup campaign in August.The Blues victory over ...
Mike Hosking: Good morning Prime Minister, good to have you with us on Newstalk ZB. How are you?The Prime Minister: Well, I hold pretty high standards of wellness, of personal wellness but also the wellness of my team, and ultimately the wellness of New Zealand. So it’s really a holistic ...
Palestinian cultural expression should be treated with the same respect as any other, without fear or scrutiny. The keffiyeh is not a political threat - it is a symbol of history, survival, and belonging. ...
Gabi Lardies is here to reflect on the week as Mad Chapman is on leave.After the grabbing saga this week, there was the word salad saga. No matter how many times Mike Hosking tried to get a straight answer out of Chris Luxon on whether or not he would ...
Three cinemas, 1,315 minutes, two streaming platforms, too much sand and one vaping cardinal. Every hero’s journey starts with a call to adventure. Maximus Decimus Meridius, or Russell Crowe as we call him, found his family dead and was sold into slavery. Forrest Gump started running. Luke Skywalker was summoned ...
She once eliminated The Bachelor on Celebrity Treasure Island. Now Brynley Stent is the one on a televised quest for love.Having first burst onto New Zealand screens in Funny Girls, Brynley Stent has gone on to have a rich and varied television career. She’s worked on shows like Jono ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Teuila Field.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.Teuila Field (Sāmoan/Pākehā) has a decade of experience working as first assistant director (1st AD) ...
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi marked the start of a wave of cosy, melancholic Japanese and Korean fiction in translation. But what’s behind the popularity of books that are designed to make us have feelings? @Grapiedeltaco can hardly speak through her tears. “Why would someone be crying ...
Are you replacing real relationships with online interactions? This article was first published on Madeleine Holden’s self-titled Substack. Last month, the writer Rob Henderson threw out a delicious provocation on Substack: “The reason you feel alienated and alone is too many of your finite Dunbar number slots aren’t occupied by ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra The Albanese government will temporarily freeze the indexation on draught beer excise, in what it describes as a win for drinkers, brewers and businesses. The freeze is for two years and starts from the ...
By Khalia Strong of Pacific Media Network Tongan community leaders and artists in New Zealand have criticised the Treaty Principles Bill while highlighting the ongoing impact of colonisation in Aotearoa and the Pacific. Oral submissions continued this week for the public to voice their view on the controversial proposed bill, ...
"This is an overwhelmingly significant public response considering the submission period was over Christmas and the New Year,” said Claire Bleakley, president of GE Free NZ "Especially as the deadline of 17 February allowed only 4 weeks, after ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gavin Brown, Lecturer in Religious Education, Australian Catholic University Wikimedia Commons Most people recognise organisations such as the YMCA and the Boy Scouts, or events such as the Modern Olympic Games, summer camps and wilderness retreats. Few, though, have ever ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Christopher Ferrie, A/Prof, UTS Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research and ARC DECRA Fellow, University of Technology Sydney PsiQuantum American quantum computing startup PsiQuantum announced yesterday that it has cracked a significant puzzle on the road to making the technology useful: manufacturing quantum chips ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gemma Hamilton, Senior Lecturer, RMIT University Jacob Lund/Shutterstock As International Women’s Day approaches, we must redouble our efforts to champion social justice and the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). These are under unprecedented attack by some political leaders. In ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard seven hours of submissions.Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.It’s the final day of the Justice Committee’s hearings of oral submissions on the Treaty principles bill. The road has been ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Susan Thorp, Professor of Finance, University of Sydney Marek Masik/Shutterstock You might remember Pesto, the king penguin chick who became a star attraction at Melbourne Aquarium last year. Good food, good genes and a safe home let Pesto grow into a ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Julaine Allan, Professor, Mental Health and Addiction, Rural Health Research Institute, Charles Sturt University Lenscap Photography/Shutterstock Nitrous oxide – also known as laughing gas or nangs – is cheap, widely available and popular among young people. Yet it often flies ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Dunley, Senior Lecturer in History and Maritime Strategy, UNSW Sydney Over the past few days, the Australian media has been dominated by the activities of the Chinese navy’s Task Group 107 as it has progressed south along the Australian coast and ...
If found it strange that if you were asked if you'd like a 3.5% increase or a 2.5% increase…where was the option for no increase?
that was on Planet Key.
“…where was the option for no increase?”
They may have had to cut executives salaries and bonuses for that to happen.
Ah, yes, the delusional idea that governments can always do more with less.
Dams have not been above average storage since March 19, and when were restrictions put in place ? post lock down. After high water usage as every water blaster was utilised in the lock down period washing down paths etc. every car was washed and swimming pools were continually been topped up. Where was the leadership around Christmas/January when lower than average rainfall was being forecast ? But don't let facts get in the way ….
WTF has that got to do with what I said?
It was in response to Indiana and the Auckland councils $750m financial hole ($250m Watercare), and the apparent need for this rates increase. And how with any leadership, this financial crisis would have been reduced.
It's difficult to get good financial leadership when all the politicians are following the same, failed, economic ideology.
The latest opposition National party ‘reshuffle‘:
Got to admit – that was funny.
well played.
Jeery Browneye got quite cross when Lisa Owen repeatedly interrupted him while he was answering the question he wanted her to have asked.
[You have used the same infantile name-calling of Brownlee 12 times on TS, not counting the one that I deleted yesterday, but you may have missed it. Here it is for your convenience: https://thestandard.org.nz/if-judith-and-gerry-are-the-answer-it-must-have-been-a-desperate-question/#comment-1730344. I think it’s time you grow up and call people by their proper names starting with Gerry Brownlee. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance – Incognito]
See my Moderation note @ 6:16 PM.
How did that other search go? Any luck?
I have done a preliminary search and it doesn’t look so good for you. It seems to support my initial suspicion. I have been quite busy lately and have not had time to wrap it up. Do you still maintain your innocence or do you want to change your plea after I have presented the evidence to you? Good behaviour is taken into consideration when sentencing. I’m serious, BTW, as I intend to start a Pre-Election Clear-Out here.
You're being too hard on Gabby. I had a similar battle with weka over trans rights and no evidence was found to ban me so I think you should just drop it if it's too complicated.
Only difference is I didn’t keep prodding weka about it…Gabby.
I appreciate you putting in a good word for Gabby but there is evidence, as I said, I just haven’t found the right time to collate it. I’ve also mentioned previously to Gabby that I cannot stand dishonesty and that’s the real ‘crime’ as far as I’m concerned, the TERF issue is secondary. I don’t mind being reminded but please don’t start crying then when it comes to crunch time. Best not to get in the way when it comes to that
I get that you are unpaid. We all are.
But you searching for evidence of Gabby’s alleged indiscretions doesn’t seem to be a great use of your time.
No, you’re right, it isn’t, but it is a matter of principle that commenters don’t lie here. Almost nobody will come clean, confess, and apologise when caught out and many a ban is because of a lie of some kind AKA making up shit and/or not providing supporting info to show that their ‘fact’ or assertion is nothing more than their opinion, for example. If one word captures or describes behaviour that is associated with bans here, it is dishonesty.
PS I cannot be 100% certain that none of the commenters here is paid.
Muttonbird your comment that Incognito keeping matters on an even keel and reasonably sane as we discuss this most important and contentious of topics, politics, "doesn’t seem to be a great use of your time" shows what seems youthful carelessness about the quality of our lives. He/she is doing a difficult job out of principle, as you say unpaid, and we who think and yearn for better-thinking, discussing and debating and civilised society and conditions thank this person for it. (Even when it annoys us personally by calling taihoa on a tirade. By the way sorry if this is tl:dr Gabby.)
I always enjoy Gabby's irreverent comments and the titles she bestows. She's/he's cheeky, not snide, imo, but I do recognise that tone is hard to gauge and once you feel someone's unkind, it's hard to un-feel that. I don't think Gabby's unkind at all (but wouldn't like to be the target of her attentions
Thanks Robert. I find that Gabby’s comment range from infantile crude shit (AKA poppycock) to hilarious and some are even a contribution to ‘normal’ conversation. I didn’t dig the hole and I didn’t remind that the hole needed to be filled and covered. I will close this chapter soon and then we can move on to the Election, one way or another.
It's your call (you wield the Sword of Righteousness – perhaps your de-scabarding will be enough to rein in Gabby's gabiosity without having to lop off her head). She will be sorely tempted though, by the characters in the latest Punch'n'Judy Show; Gerry's a big target and lampooning the Creature from the Kauri Swamp seems irresistible.
I know it can be a fine line between witty and crude. I’ve asked nicely to stop the crudeness; I don’t find “Browneye” funny, personally. When the same word(s) becomes over-used (e.g. “neocon Den” six times), it becomes tedious even if it was funny the first time. Other blog sites are much worse than TS when it comes to bad name-calling, infantile labelling/mocking, and bullying & intimidating of targets (victims). Social media are full of it too. If people feel the need to express themselves in these kinds of manners and use language from and fit for the gutter then they know where to go. If people come here to be entertained by third grade crass comedy then they have come to the wrong place too. There’s a place & audience for all occasions but TS is not that. IMHO.
BTW That was a funny comment
I really enjoy Gabby's comment, but respect moderators decision. Would miss Gabby very much
Gabby is not going anywhere. Gabby is just going to do a bit of growing up and become even wittier and sharper as a result.
I'm starting to think you may have 'erected' this hole in your mind. You'd like this terf thing to be recurring so you've decided it is. I look forward to seeing the results of your quest.
You’re stiff competition but I’m up for it.
Dear Gabby,
My apologies for the delay but you did remind me and asked for an update and I felt I had to keep my promise and oblige.
Here are the results of my search as to whether you, in all probability, knew the meaning of TERF, which you denied. https://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-06-07-2020/#comment-1726241
You commented under this post, less than two years ago – the title alone is telling enough: https://thestandard.org.nz/terfed-out/
You commented under this post: https://thestandard.org.nz/the-spotys-2018/
The above are the ones in which you’re directly linked to the acronym. In addition, many other commentaries use, explain, or discuss the acronym that you would have seen although you didn’t contribute directly to those specific discussion threads.
You like word-plays and joking around and you seem to be generally very well informed.
Overall, I think it is beyond reasonable doubt that you knew the meaning of the acronym on 6 July and, therefore, that you repeatedly lied about it.
I look forward to your response. It better be good.
One thread on terfs with a definition given by Matthew Whitehead in a loong jargon ridden post I doubt I made it to the end of, a couple of Open Mike comments on a day when some people were commenting upthread, and a SPOTY post that mentions 'terf' and I comment on Bridges' croaking? And this is all from 2018. About a fairly niche issue of little interest to people not directly involved. You are drawing a very long bow. I guess your persistence is admirable but it's slim, slim pickings. And what's this 'repeatedly lied' nonsense?
You’re on a bit of a crusade, aren’t you.
Ok, let me get this straight: you still deny that you did not know the meaning on 6 July when you had your contemptuous outburst? That’s “the lie”. It was less than 20 months ago and it has appeared many times since here on TS but never triggered an irreverent comment from you. Why might that be? I don’t believe you and I’ve already stated that I cannot stand dishonesty. Are you deliberately acting thick again or do you hold me for an old senile fool? Do you want me to drop this now?
What are you talking about? Deny that I did NOT know?? It's patently obvious that I did NOT know. Evidently it was an insult, but I did NOT know what terf stood for. It was well over 19 months ago, which is a very long time. As for it never triggering an irreverent comment in the interim, why, it might be that I didn't notice, or didn't care, or didn't read that thread or any number of things. I'm sure you're not senile.
I guess I will have to take your word for it then, won’t I? Such a shame of all the effort I put it into it. Never mind, it wasn’t all wasted. You never answered my question at the end though; maybe you don’t trust me
BTW, “well over 19 months ago” is almost as good as “less than 20 months ago”. Well done!
What question? I'm sure you're not senile. It might be because I didn't notice etc etc. Denying I did not know something? I'd have to know what you meant by that, ie that you intended the double negative, before an answer would mean the same thing to both of us. I can certainly say that when I asked wtf terf was, I was unaware of what words the letters stood for though obviously it was an insult. Matthew Whitehead spelling it out at great length many moons ago doesn't equal me retaining the info.
What question? This question:
Never mind, I dropped it anyway for your and my sake, but you seem very keen to waste more time on this!?
The double negative was my bad, sorry; this “not” should not have been there. It was many moons ago, more than 20 months, when I was taught English at school and I must have forgotten to retain the info. Shit happens.
Post a link as well please.
I'll bring this up now, but it should get much more attention as we get closer to the election. Two things will be consistently, annoyingly misleading in coverage of the campaign: the words "Election day" and "Election night".
Advance voting begins on Sept 5, two weeks before "Election day". This year there will probably be more advance voting than ever before. Polls will be published after many people have already voted.
After "Election night", we wait for the special votes. In 2017 they totalled 446,287 or 17% of total votes cast. That includes 61,524 overseas votes. (source: official site).
Given the nature of special voters (late enrolments, especially students, and Kiwis overseas) I would not be at all surprised if they swing heavily Ardern's way, and seats change hands.
The no. of overseas votes may not be as high as we've seen in the past because many of those voters have returned to NZ or are preparing to return to NZ soon due to C19.
Good point. I wonder if they will have ballot boxes in all the isolation hotels …
I imagine they would be duty bound to, because every NZer regardless of circumstances has a right to vote.
And yes, imo, that includes those in prison. The right to vote should be above the laws of the land.
I think people overseas will vote Ardern for all the obvious reasons. Time to email friends and loved ones!
Labour is vulnerable in two areas, Kiwibuild and Auckland light rail.
Labour is going to have to present policy on these two areas and it had better be good.
I'd like to see compulsory acquisition of large tracts of land north and south of Drury close to rail. Take land speculators out of it because they are the very definition of inefficient. Finish the electrification gap. Use this newly redundant workforce we have to build, build, build without the obsession with profit. Clearly the private sector is both unwilling and unable to do this.
Drop light rail for the moment and just do the Puhinui spur. That is what is needed for people movement to and from Auckland International Airport. Future tourists actually pay for this so it's a no-brainer! The light rail concept was trying to do too many things at once and became confused. It’s quite a long way from the bottom of Dominion Road to the airport, not so far from the airport to the main trunk line.
Along with Law & Order the Nats under Collins will be targeting Labour on Kiwibuild and light rail and Labour had better be ready for it.
Labour is vulnerable in two areas, Kiwibuild and Auckland light rail.
those two areas being over promising and failing to deliver.
I think you can be confident that’s where National will attack – and for good reason.
National have been attacking on many fronts, putting out press releases, making speeches, announcing roads.
For some reason these don't seem to be the stories making the news headlines. Wonder why?
Given the importance of health at the moment a couple of attack ads highlighting National’s legacy of shit dripping out of the walls at Middlemore Hospital might go some way to squaring up balance don’t you think?
ScottGN – It came through the ceiling, not the walls. Get it right, or you will be accused of lying, just as Jacinda Ardern was earlier on, when she made the same minor error…
Judith will attack these areas because that's been her job on TV over the last three years and because Twyford has not been good at all*. Those spots on the AM show have literally paved the way for her resurrection. Without them she would be a distant memory right now.
She will also attack on Law & Order – she was in the thick of that policy area when she forced the Police to under report crime when the Nats were last in government so she knows all the tricks. Also National Party pollster and blogger, David Farrar, has built his blog on Maori bashing as it relates to Law & Order.
*Hard to blame Twyford too much on light rail because that concept was not at all thought though when it was floated. It’s simply not what we need right now. In 10 or 20 years, maybe.
We needed it a hundred years ago when it was first proposed as a subway.
That horse has bolted. Nothing to be done about it now.
What is required is clear thinking about what Auckland will look like in 20 years. The essential bones of it must be built first, the rest of it can wait.
Did you know you have to walk between Auckland International and Domestic? Put a rail line in, ffs.
Put a rail line in for a 5 minute walk ?
Not really as we still need it. Cities really don't do well with personal cars as the main transport system.
Of course, with the better technology available to day and better planning techniques we'd probably end up with a better system.
Not so sure National would be stupid enough to launch an attack re KiwiBuild. To do so would mean they would have to have a better proposition for achieving the same goals. That would imply there was an affordable housing problem that they denied when last in Government. As for Auckland Light Rail, discretion would be needed there too. They know damned well that NZ First stuffed that. To attack would imply they would be able to succeed in getting Auckland moving if in Government – possibly with having to have Winston in tow. How would they do that? Cover the city in tarseal?
I’m not sure Law & Order is going to be particularly fertile for National this election cycle.
Violent gang crime is up in people's minds if not actually in statistics. We know why this is – 501s – but the general voting public might not understand as much, so Farrar and Collins will push gang and Maori related crime stories in front of the media for full effect.
Don't agree about Kiwibuild. As I have been saying Kiwibuild is last years story. People don't give a f..k about it. They care of course about housing and Labour has made good progress, particularly on social housing. National made none. Everybody knows it………
Its Covid and the economy. That's all that is in peoples minds now. The question is do people want a competent well tested decisive leader that has saved us all from the ravaged of Covid. Or do the want a Donald Trump version of a leader. I actually trust NZders on this.
We've got this
There's all that but Kiwibuild remains something which Labour can be attacked on. And rightly so, it was and is a complete failure because they bottled the balance between government and private sector. The government should have taken a much, much bigger role.
According to that pathetic excuse for shithouse paper called the Herald. Another up and coming bit of odious bit of shit that has risen to the surface in the National sewer called Goldsmith has wonderous solutions to the economical recovery of this country, like freezing contributions to the Cullen fund what he calls the Supernation Fund, plus a freeze on the April planned minimum wages increase. In other words same old failed Tory fuck you Jack policies that have almost destroyed this country,
Who the fuck would want to vote for this pack of crap. Yesterdays failed policies in today's "completely" different world I just don't believe that these fuckwits are so fucking brain dead to suggest policies like that.
I get the feeling you missed the be kind memo.
and I think they are good suggestions.
Raising the minimum wage was a mistake when last done and it’s a mistake to do it again in the current economic situation.
It's still not a LIVING wage yet, James.
James comes to troll. Not worth responding to
Agreed Anker…sometimes can't help myself.
Doubt those earning the minimum wage would regard the raise as a mistake "in the current economic situation." Can only conclude that you're not on the minimum wage.
This is entirely the right time to increase the minimum wage towards the living wage. The fiction called the economy needs simulating. Putting money into hands of those with less is the best way to do this.
It really is so terrible that some seem to have missed the 'be kind' memo.
I like it though when nasties remind victims that they're meant to play nice when the supposed-to-be-nice-ones who missed the memo reciprocate as they've been treated. The umbrage taken at not acting on the memo is quite lovely.
Of course you do, you're part of the subset that thinks screwing over the majority of people and destroying the economy to make a few rich people richer is great.
Knew our Gov were long on rhetoric and extremely short on action but didnt realise quitr how missing in action we have been…
"That means over the next decade we need to find 93.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent to cut out to meet our targets – more than the entire country's gross annual emissions. Even if we took every car in Auckland off the road for the entirety of the next decade, that would only close the gap by 35 Mt CO2e."
and our infrastructure spend is on……roads!
"So how has a supposedly transformational Government led by a Prime Minister who has pledged to treat climate change as her prime focus failed to meaningfully implement emissions-reducing policies? How can Jacinda Ardern promise to treat emissions as her generation's nuclear-free moment without consequence?
Simple: New Zealand is letting her get away with it."
And with National self destructing the political motivation to move has disappeared….perhaps the self destruction serves a purpose after all.
What crazy effing logic – how do you expect the PM to cut the emissions? To help achieve the goal, join the others who are getting off their backsides and walk, bike or use public transport. It's time for the team of 5 million to carry the load again!
care to name any gov actions that have reduced our emissions?
How has it happened?
Uh, the Winston veto..
answer to James @6.1
Hi James How are you doing? I hope life is treating you well better than some of the unfortunates that are struggling on low wages having to pay for things like Cheese that has risen by nearly 30 % in price. in the last few weeks, That is if they have any money after paying rent to some parasitical property owner
It is a different world now pal they are failed yesterdays policies and unless the right realises that there is going to be one hell of an "adjustment" something I would hate to see.
Went to the supermarket today and saw the glistening green courgettes sitting lonely and untouched at $28/kg. They’ll have to be thrown out.
Broken neoliberalism.
Hi Mutton Nice to see that, We told the local veggie shop to shove them. But they do have an excuse I understand that they are imported from Queensland and because of the virus etc etc etc we have to expect those prices.
But what I cannot accept is the winging farmers who are always bleating how hard done they are expecting us(New Zealanders), to pay through the nose for their product because
A. Prices have fallen overseas or
B Prices are so buoyant overseas.
Yep, there's always something involved in keeping vegetable prices at stratospheric heights. Yet it's all out of their control according to the power players.
I'd rather see no fucking courgettes at all in the supermarket than seeing them for an obscene $28/kg…
Agree Mutton 200%
My understanding is it's not the farmers & growers setting the prices, but the supermarkets (I guess they would argue they ship and package etc). If something is too expensive, I just don't buy it, as protest & necessity.
Obviously the things will sit and start to rot, then be fed to the pigs.
Who will buy them at that price? (Although they are not heavy, and how many of them make a kilogram? But why buy them? They desperately need added flavours.)
Am looking at way to promote New Zealand's Covid response and Covid-free status. Sanzaar hopes to hold the entire Rugby Championship in Covid free New Zealand.
Unlike most other countries we have free association and the ability to pack Eden Park with 50,000 people for the very first, and probably only, international rugby matches in 2020, full stop.
Imagine the scenes on TV for those less fortunate, watching the only international test matches in front of a full stadium when they are struggling to even open pubs let alone gather in crowds.
Grant Roberston should make this a priority as it builds on New Zealand's international reputation in pandemic management.
If the flood of returning Kiwis has slowed enough that there's room in isolation and quarantine facilities for the players, and the players are OK with spending two weeks in managed isolation (while NZ players get to train as much as they want), and they pay for the managed isolation, and they're OK with the idea that very few if any of their supporters will be able to come and the crowds will be entirely kiwi, plus a bunch of other restrictions that are likely needed for safety that I haven't thought of, then sure, go nuts.
People used to go to the commonwealth/olympic games/rugby/cricket tours by boat. That was a 6 week trip. Two weeks in isolation is not that much.
Great idea! Come to NZ on a Covid-19 floating incubation chamber to watch a rugby game or two and expect to not be quarantined?
Yes, there's a few things to be addressed, chiefly how SA, AUS and Argentina will train. Athletes at the highest level are on a program and two weeks watching Netflix in your room is not part of that program.
If it's deemed important enough the other considerations can be overcome. A full Rugby Championship has got to be worth quite a bit locally and globally in the absence of any other rugby altogether. I'm sure quarantine costs can be dealt with in this context.
The players, the fans, the Unions, and Sanzaar will not be too worried about offshore fans not being able to attend.
I'm not that bothered about the rugby itself, but proposing it is brilliant politics.
What are National going to do, oppose the All Blacks playing? The timetable works very well – get it in the headlines between now and the election, and have the games (and any stuff-ups) after the election.
It was the lead story on TV3 news tonight. Score one for the comms team.
I'm thinking about the wider benefits of having this comp up and running. We look like a country which gets things done in a Covid world. Our Sanzaar partners and their players will be gagging to come here for two months to showcase the game to the rest of the world. We as a country would gain huge benefits from that exposure.
Oh, I agree. Brand NZ is strong internationally, and this is one more possible plus.
Or, just ask a bit more for the tv rights, and nobody has to travel.
The Alex Salmond Show interviews top public health academic, Professor Michael Baker of Otago University, who details the reasons for New Zealand’s success in eliminating Covid-19 and warns of the worldwide dangers yet to come. Meanwhile the author of ‘Pandemic Century’, Dr Mark Honigsbaum, explains why some countries have succeeded in taming the coronavirus when so many others have struggled.
Let me get this straight. Simon Bridges has used an interview to take a swipe at his own front bench colleague Todd Muller who is no doubt still on health leave.
United caucus? Nope. Considerate of mental health? Nope. Same old National Party brutality.
After the Brownlee interviews (Garner & Owen) they really will say some barmy stuff, their confidence is so exuberant!
I was not impressed with the statement by Winston Peters about Todd Muller's health issue. Especially as Winston demands privacy and keeps very tight lipped about his own medical issues.
Loyalty is sadly missing in the National caucus ; leaks to Tova just after Judith Collins won the leadership and now Simon Bridge's little dig at Todd Muller. Not looking good for the party if this is how they plan to build up to the election.
We might as well add Winston Peters to the National Party now because there's no way NZF will be in a Labour led government.
He only went with Labour for personal reasons – that much is widely suspected.
I thought his comment on Muller was a serious breach of good conduct which he himself pretends to subscribe to.
I do hope NZF is finished on September 19, I really do. They are such a pathetic waste of space.
I get it about Peters and Muller.
Peters might demand privacy and to be treated with respect. That didn't happen before the last election when some minion decided that his personal information held by a Ministry should be handed to politicians with no reasonable justification.
Oh that's so savage. I'm off to clutch my pearls and sniff my salts. Call me when civility reached acceptable levels again.
You can trivialise it if you want but the point is that the National Party is not even remotely united as they now profess to be.
You do not need to wildly over-egg comments here to make that point. They are enough of a trainwreck without our help.
Sacha, it was the headline, I too thought the comments fairly tame, it is curious that the Newshub/ Herald (?) guys spun it as such, coz it prob would have passed unnoticed really. I missed the Peters bit.
A desperate journo trying to spin a story out of nothing is sadly to be expected; and by now we ought to be able to distinguish that from the underlying facts – hence me quoting what Bridges said, not what the writer said he did.
Absolutely, I've said here many times, Collins, Brownlee etc will say some barmy things, will do dirty politics, they can't help themselves. I was just surprised to see the headline.
Australia is now clocking up Covid deaths. They'd stopped at about 102 when we also eradicated. Now they are up to 113 which when they passed 110 is officially more than NZ in deaths/capita.
Australia's covid response once vaunted by Mike Hosking and his followers Simon Bridges and and the rest of NZ's rump-right seems to be unravelling.
It's sort of like Christmas when you were a kid. You go to bed on Christmas Eve expectant and excitef about what the next day will bring.
Who will be National's big player of the day when you wake up the next morning!
Some wit on Twitter, "more people have escaped the National Party in the last month than have escaped quarantine".