Daily review 20/02/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 20th, 2023 - 13 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

13 comments on “Daily review 20/02/2023 ”

  1. Tony Veitch 1

    Great to see Lydia Ko won the Saudi Womens Open – in front of huge crowds of local women cheering on their fellow females – not!

    • bwaghorn 1.1

      Your post makes me think of how hard it is to be a concise person,

      On the one hand ,he'll yes go get them Lydia,

      On the it's fucking ridiculous that anyone gets $1.2 mill for hitting a golf ball around a green golf course in a desert.

      • Patricia Bremner 1.1.1

        She is a Kiwi doing well on the world stage. Stop expecting her to be in sack cloth and ashes. I don't see you expecting that for the men. Stop peeing on her parade .

  2. lprent 2

    Ok, it looks like the caching culprit is somewhere in cloudflare. I wonder if they have a log of option changes.

    • lprent 2.1

      Lots of responses.

      Looks like the problem was at cloudflare.

      I will have a look at it when I get a little time. But for the moment, it can run direct to the server.

      • Muttonbird 2.1.1

        Fairly sure the site is stuck again on phones. Desktop version on phone shows the last comment is yours at 9:01am.

  3. The Fairy Godmother 3

    My phone now updated to the 19th. Its an android using chrome.

  4. weka 4

    One of the many reasons why many feminists and women generally consider gender ideology regressive nonsense. Plus the fact that I never see genderist left wing men pushing back against this although they would if a conventional man was saying it. I don’t know who tocktotwelve is but this kind of thinking and politically argument is not uncommon.


  5. pat 5

    "There is a lesson to be learned from Cyclone Gabrielle, but far too many New Zealanders are refusing to learn it. From Climate Change Minister James Shaw’s portentous quoting of Winston Churchill, to Jack Tame’s hectoring of Finance Minister Grant Robertson for supposedly moving away from “mitigation”, Gabrielle is fast becoming one of those crises that political actors deem “too good to waste”.


    Events, dear boy, events.

    Sadly we are no different (despite claims otherwise)…as the world reels from multiple tragedies carbon emissions continue to increase.