Daily review 22/11/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 22nd, 2023 - 7 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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7 comments on “Daily review 22/11/2023 ”

  1. Kat 1

    Is this silly amateur interference from the Greens…..I would say it is more Luxon's political naivety that is the real issue there is no govt….


    • observer 1.1

      Not amateur interference, only preparing for the opposition's questions over the next 3 years (if it even lasts that long). He has summed it up accurately.

      "Does the PM from Party X agree with his Cabinet Minister Y or his Cabinet Minister Z"?

      No government has ever had this problem before. (Keyword: Cabinet).

    • Anne 1.2

      Nothing amateurish about it. Presume it was this response by James Shaw to a media question on the DPM issue :


      Its about two and a bit minutes into the item.

      I can understand his enjoyment when the Greens received 9% more of the vote than NZ First, and 4% more than ACT.

      • Kat 1.2.1

        Ok…maybe its just the usual amateurish fourth estate……as usual these days….nothing in depth….all just glossed over with catchy headlines….

  2. Johnny on the spot 2

    David Farrar in New Plymouth today, has Shane as Minister for Energy

    • Peter 2.1

      Jones Minister of Energy? Well he was the one who got all of the ‘fuzzies off the couch.’ Didn’t he? Yeah right.

  3. AB 3

    Compromise candidate will be needed for Deputy PM. Sam Uffindel seems like a perfect candidate as he exhibits the worst characteristics of both contenders – Seymour's cruelty and Peters' insouciance. Oh and Luxon's wit and originality as a bonus. He's what we deserve.