Daily review 22/12/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 22nd, 2022 - 16 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

16 comments on “Daily review 22/12/2022 ”

    • Sacha 1.1

      Can therapy cure selfishness?

      • SPC 1.1.1

        People wanting therapy to become less selfish and trying the therapy approach out on an unwilling public

        [image resized]

    • Ed1 1.2

      Is there a setting that would enable me to see the whole width of the cartoons?

      • Incognito 1.2.1

        I've resized it; can you see the whole width now?

      • mpledger 1.2.2

        A little tedious but you can right click on the image and choose "open image in new tab" on firefox – options will vary with browser. That displays the image alone.

        You can resize it, if nesc, using zoom functions – ctrl/mouse wheel spin on my computer – options will vary with computer/mouse set-up.

  1. adam 2

    So the coup in Peru is now killing people peacefully protesting.

    Sucks to be indigenous in Latin America.

  2. Ad 3

    Eugenie Sage is a loss.

    She's the last time there was any expansion of the conservation estate.

  3. SPC 4

    In February, the government gave Kāinga Ora the green light to deal with disruptive tenants, using measures including a 'three strikes' complaints scheme laid out in the Residential Tenancies Act.

    • 21 households issued a first-strike notice under Section 55A of the Residential Tenancies Act since February, with seven households going on to receive a second notice.
    • 1 third-strike notice issued under Section 55A of the RTA since February
    • 0 applications made to the Tenancy Tribunal to end a tenancy under Section 55A of the RTA.
    • 0 the number of evictions by Kāinga Ora so far this year.


    "While we have issued only one third notice what we've found is issuing the first notice has quite an important effect and two-thirds of people who receive that first notice have not gone on to receive a second."

    Four disruptive households have been moved to another Kāinga Ora property using another section of the Residential Tenancies Act.

    There have been 113 tenants moved to new properties.

    Often after working with us for a period of time or perhaps after a really severe event they ultimately acknowledge they cannot repair the relationship with their neighbours and their communities and they will decide they want to go, they will willingly move."

    The remainder of those households that have moved have done so after discussions with their housing managers without recourse to the Act – including more than 50 trying to get away from unruly neighbours.

    Problem solved or an ongoing one …

    A Nelson Kāinga Ora tenant said both she and her teenagers had been threatened by their neighbours who are also Kāinga Ora tenants. "I've had to give up work because my kids are terrified."

    She had not noticed any difference in Kāinga Ora's approach this year.

    The woman was open to Kāinga Ora offering her a place elsewhere.

    There seems to a reluctance to move towards enforcement so a resort to agreement to a move to another property by one of the parties so a go slow approach when faced with intransigence. 113 moved tenants and only 29 strikes …

    Kāinga Ora's Shannon Gatfield said it was the landlord of last resort for about 200,000 New Zealanders – half of them children. She said removing tenants from a property was lengthy process and used only when there was no other option.

    Until people are moved from their tenancy to another one somewhere else, they will not take the strikes process seriously.


    • Visubversa 4.1

      At least these days they have some sort of process. About a decade or so ago I was involved in a matter where HNZ put a violent, racist drunk – straight out of an institution – into the other half of a duplex next to an older African woman refugee friend of mine. He racially abused her before he even moved in – "all you ni******ers have AIDs" was his favourite, and he homophobically abused me when I tried to help her. Despite a litany of complaints to HNZ and 2 letters to the Minister about him terrorising my friend and other neighbours, very little was done. Eventually the problem was solved by one of his drugged and drunken friends who hit him on the head with a spade and set fire to his body on the front lawn. My friend came home in time to see his body burning on the grass. If HNZ (or some other agency) had done half a job he would have been back in the institution from whence he came and still be a drain on the taxpayer to this day.

  4. joe90 5

    Distributed generation has it's own set of problems but the scale of 'Murica's conversion to renewables is astonishing.


    To achieve America’s goal of shifting 80 percent of the country’s electricity away from fossil fuels by the end of the decade, there will have to be a massive transformation. That means solar farms peppering the landscape from California to New York; offshore wind turbines standing high above the waves off the coast of New Jersey; nuclear power plants emitting steam in rural areas. Together, these projects would have to add around 950 gigawatts of new clean energy and 225 gigawatts of energy storage to the grid.

    And right now, projects accounting for at least 930 gigawatts of clean energy capacity and 420 gigawatts of storage are waiting to be built across the country.

    They just can’t get connected to the grid.

    These roadblocks — known as “interconnection queues” — are slowing America’s energy transition and the country’s ability to respond to climate change.


    Getting the okay to connect has gotten harder and harder. According to Rand’s research, between 2000 and 2010 it took around two years for a project to make it through the queue. Now, it’s taking almost twice as long. At the end of 2021, there were 8,100 projects sitting in line, waiting for permission to get connected. Together, they represent more than the combined power capacity of all U.S. electricity plants.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/12/20/clean-energy-bottleneck-transmission-lines/ (freebie)

    • Bearded Git 5.1

      T has been well documented over many years that Muricas main problem is energy use per person….if the culture around energy usage changed that would be a significant climate gain and much of the renewables proposed would not even be needed.

    • RedLogix 5.2

      Which more or less aligns with what I have been saying about renewables, that while the nameplate cost of a project might look enticingly low, when you include the total cost of integrating it into a reliable grid – suddenly the numbers look a lot less attractive.

  5. Bearded Git 6

    Energy use per person

    USA 7050

    UK. 3183

    I can’t work out how to put the source link on here but many many sources are available

    • Visubversa 6.1

      American middle class housing seems to be very large and they seem to have no idea about curtains – for privacy or insulation purposes. We watch HGTV "House Hunters International" sometimes and what strikes me is the number of Americans who have no concept that you actually can live with people across the street having windows which look at your windows. The solution is curtains – or "drapes" as they are known there. They all want to live in the city, in a place with historic "charm" – but of course with modern amenities and plumbing, plus outdoor space and no overlooking!

    • Shanreagh 6.2

      I'm sure there is a clause in the US constitution about not being forced in any way, shape or form to conserve electricity. it's the land of the free remember!
