Daily review 24/06/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 24th, 2021 - 7 comments
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7 comments on “Daily review 24/06/2021 ”

  1. Pete 1

    The Herald's Claire Trevett has a piece (behind the paywall) about the National caucus meting which saw Todd Muller forced out: "How National Party leader Judith Collins felled Todd Muller in 'brutal' meeting."

    Muller has gone for criticising Harete Hipango in an observation to a journalist.

    "The final nail was hammered in by Chris Bishop: Muller's old "numbers" man who played a critical part in engineering Muller's coup of Bridges.

    "The Herald was told Bishop urged Muller to resign and go with dignity rather than force a messy, bloody suspension – using that well-trodden phrase "for the good of the party".

    The reason to avoid a suspension was partly to avoid the added scandal and drama of kicking an MP out of the party, a drama the party did not need."

    Trevett says, "It seemed a very tough penalty for what amounts to a low-grade offence.

    It is not unknown for MPs to brief media, or pass an opinion on someone or something on the quiet. But that falls short of a genuine leak. This was not a leak of information, or of confidential caucus discussions, or even comments critical of the leader."

    I wonder what the punishment would be for leaking details of events to Trevett? With so few in caucus there's not a big list to go through in working out the possible leaker.

    • Treetop 1.1

      I think Muller will exit before the end of the year. The National leader has become too toxic for him.

  2. Robert Guyton 2

    Collins would messily and bloodily suspend an ex-Leader of the Party, for justifiably criticising a misfit MP?

    What IS happening inside of National?

    Smells like cannibalism to me!

    • Robert Guyton 2.1

      The Jackal ain't impressed!

      "What this displays isn’t just how dishonest and cut throat National is, it shows that Collins has a much lower standard of accountability than one of her predecessors, John Key. When former National MP Claudette Hauiti was caught misusing her Parliamentary Services Card, she was unceremoniously made to resign.

      You would think that the similarities between Hauiti and Hipango’s indiscretions should mean they’re treated the same. After all, it’s all taxpayer money they’re misusing. But instead of ensuring Parliament isn’t brought into disrepute again, National's morally bankrupt leader has fired the whistle-blower instead.

      So what is Collins’ excuse for her MPs abuse of the Parliamentary Expense Account? She reckons it’s just a coding error of all things. Of course this is bullshit! "


      • Anne 2.1.1

        I'm picking Hipango has promised her support for Collins remaining leader of the Nats. From the sounds of it, they're two of a kind and every vote counts.

    • Treetop 3.1

      Did you listen to RNZ this morning approx 9.20 am on Ryan's slot? A survivor who resides in Australia who confronted Dr Leeks and the impasse with the legal process.

      45 years is a long time to wait for a police apology. It is a start. The latest police investigation into complaints by those at the unit who were ignored is to be released next month. So bad what happened that it was not believed.