Daily Review 29/11/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 29th, 2018 - 19 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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19 comments on “Daily Review 29/11/2018 ”

  1. Ed 1

    Climate change is by far the most important news story.
    All other events are dwarfed by it.
    So, rather than wasting an hour this evening watching TVNZ or TV3 and their news of distraction and diversion, I recommend you listen to this outstanding speech by Richard Reid. The first 10 minutes are particularly relevant as it explains how flawed the Paris Agreement was.

    I believe the contents of this depressing yet realistic talk (detailed below) are worth sustained discussion here.

    ‘Dr Rupert Read is a Reader in Philosophy at the University of East Anglia. Rupert is also chair of the UK-based post-growth think tank, Green House, and is a former Green Party of England & Wales councillor, spokesperson, European parliamentary candidate and national parliamentary candidate. He stood as the Green Party MP-candidate for Cambridge in 2015.

    Shed A Light is a series of talks that seek to present alternative framings of future human-nature interactions and the pragmatic solution pathways that we could take to get there.

    By recognising the interlinkages between struggles for ecological, social and economic justice in addition to the desperate need for immediate societal transformation, Shed A Light aims to engage everyone with the green agenda and prompt broad-based discussions on sustainability issues.’

    This was filmed at Churchill College at Cambridge University on 7 November 2018.

    • Jum 1.1

      Perhaps Ed could tell that to the people more intent on destroying a Government, than creating a better society and saving our future…

      See below.,..

    • WeTheBleeple 1.2

      That’s a really good talk. I’ve taken notes for a write up about it.

  2. Fireblade 2

    Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS: There was information that was provided by his wife, for example, who I understand is the National Party’s informant on this matter. [Interruption] Don’t deny it—that’s a fact. His wife was backing him to the hilt. She was then but isn’t now, but the one piece—

    Hon Gerry Brownlee: What’s the problem with that?

    Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS: Well, the problem with that is that the member’s informant has changed her tune now. She asserted one thing when the process was in place—again, falsely—and said something else today. What’s wrong with that is we were entitled to know that the very grounds on which a humanitarian decision was going to be made were, indeed, not extant. That’s the fact of the matter. We didn’t know that—and it’s not in the file, by the way.

    • BM 2.1

      He’s a fucking drug importer who’s currently in prison.

      I get it that it’s your team in bat but for fuck’s sake put down your pom poms, step back and honestly look at this from a neutral non-partisan perspective.

      There is no way this guy makes the cut so there’s no way he should get permanent residency.

      Once his prison term is done, it’s the first plane out of here.

  3. ankerawshark 3

    Very interesting Fireblade……………………

  4. ianmac 4

    Karel Sroubek speaks to Checkpoint from behind bars.
    He could probably say nothing to alleviate the pressure but:

  5. Meanwhile down on the farm those dang devil apes are makin’ life hard to bag a few turkey gobblers again… them apes must be canning them to prepare for the coming nuclear apocalypse…

    ThinkerThunker – Turkey Hunter Bigfoot(s) – YouTube

    • BM 6.1

      Are you a rapture man WK?

      • WILD KATIPO 6.1.1

        Yes I have been known to be rapturous over some events in my life ( National being defeated came close ) but sometimes I think we need to loosen up a bit and get that inquiring mind thing happening a lot more than we do as adults. Else we become dry , stiff and starchy, – and easily led by the nose.

        As for the Biblical rapture – sure.

        They’ve already teleported photons and what not from one place to another , JC walked on water and through walls, as some other cryptids are purported to do. And frankly ? , – not only has ‘orthodox’ science been asleep at the wheel following their prescribed narratives but often criminally negligent with the truth when it comes to who pays their salary’s and who are their sponsors and what reports their sponsors want published.

  6. Ed 7

    Excellent article by Ella Whelan.

    “Meghan Murphy and the silencing of women
    The unholy alliance of trans activists and social-media censors is a threat to women’s freedom.

    It is worth noting that (with some prominent exceptions) the vast majority of people who are being accused of transphobia, and being booted off certain online and offline platforms as a result, are women. And often they are guilty of little more than voicing an alternative opinion on what does and doesn’t constitute being female. In effect, women are being prohibited from talking about womanhood.

    Trans activists insist that we accept the idea that a man is a woman, simply if he feels that way. So-called ‘self-identification’ is at the heart of the debate about the British government’s proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Unsurprisingly, many people have found this view difficult to go along with. It is entirely legitimate for women like Meghan Murphy to query the idea that a man can turn into a woman simply by saying the magic words. Indeed, this is still the mainstream opinion. And yet, by Twitter’s standards, everything you have just read is abusive and should not be allowed to be uttered.”


  7. Cinny 8

    Looking for something to do tomorrow night, Friday 30th Nov

    Come to Motueka, we have the Turangawaiwai Festival at Parklands School, from 3pm 6.30pm with a massive variety of cultural performances, music and wonderful international food, including hangi (yumo). The kids will be performing dances from all over the world, we’ve so many different nationalities at the school, it’s an awesome melting pot.


    Followed by the Starlight Parade, our version of a Santa Parade. Loads of entertainment, and fun for everyone.


  8. Antoine 9

    Question for the mods

    Is transphobic speech acceptable on The Standard? If not, is it a bannable offense?


  9. Politicians of various stripes…

    The Featherbrain Championship – YouTube