Daily Review 29/07/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, July 29th, 2015 - 12 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Cameron slater john key

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12 comments on “Daily Review 29/07/2015 ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    So, this conversation happened about some research. Well, it appears that someone else had similar thoughts as me and they can draw.

  2. Paul 2

    The TPP will literally kill New Zealanders.
    And John Key’s ok with that.


    Just wondering.
    Isn’t it the responsibility of the government to look after its citizens?

    Oh, no …Key is there to assist the global financial elite to loot our land.


    And the miserable trolls who infest this site follow like sheep as he leads NZ to its doom.

    • Skinny 2.1

      Yes I note Wayne pops in today to wax lyrical about the benefits to New Zealand of signing up to the TPPA. I rather got the impression he is rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of a lucrative consulting number he has lined himself with, possible with with meat exporters, and probably clipping the ticket at both end with an importer as well. Meaning Kiwi’s won’t see much of their home grown meat but more of meat from Australia and others.

  3. John 3

    If we change the flag and drop the 3 stars, then we will have to change the anthem as there will be no reason to guard pacifics triple star. Just saying.

    • Paul 3.1

      Changing the flag and changing the anthem are not important.
      Child poverty, the TPPA and Climate Change are.

    • Molly 3.2

      Apparently Thomas Bracken’s “Triple Star” referred to the stars on the Te Kooti’s flag – so we’ve been singing about sovereignty for tangata whenua every time we sing the anthem.

      Don’t know about you, but that gives me a smile every time I hear it.

      The wording and sentiment of the Maori version is also good.

    • Ron 3.3

      Well it might help if you understood that the triple star reference was probably meant to be triple shores. If it was stars it would not rhyme with war in the next line where as the triple shores would rhyme.
      just saying..

      If we change the flag and drop the 3 stars, then we will have to change the anthem as there will be no reason to guard pacifics triple star. Just saying.

  4. greywarshark 4

    I can’t tell from looking at that photo at the head of the post, whose hand is at the back operating which puppet.

  5. greywarshark 5

    What happened to John’s icon thing between 5.25 and 6.38 pm. Was mauve now green? Different John? Perhaps we should leave that name blank ready for input from the great man sometime.

  6. SPC 6

    Re TPP and the merit of any deal.

    The benefit of dairy can be over-stated. Sure there are the exports but there is also the farm debt and the dependence on offshore funding of the farm mortgages. Thus export revenue is negated by the invisibles component of BOP attributable to repayment of farm mortgages.

    And benefit from lower tariffs on dairy (whenever that occurs) will result in a boost to farm land value and thus also to foreign debt financed farm mortgages.

    • Skinny 6.1

      The American’s will weasel out and continue to protect their own dairy industry. Key’s puffery of urgent phone calls to enforce open access will amount to nothing. I am predicting it will do more harm than good with the Yanks dumping on us. Of course when it happens snake oil Key will try con us that it’s only teething problems.