Written By:
- Date published:
7:08 pm, November 25th, 2010 - 2 comments
Categories: Economy -
Tags: fabians
The Fabians’ Resilient Economy series run through this year has been stressing the looming problem with New Zealand’s private debt and the need to focus more on exports. Now everyone has noticed the problem, including the Reserve Bank, the Treasury and Standard and Poors. Financial journalist Bernard Hickey of interest.co.nz and Selwyn Pellett of the Productive Economy Council will discuss the need for a complete rethink of the old approach to economic policy Friday evening in Auckland at the University of Auckland Business School at 6.00pm.
Besides writing regular opinion pieces and providing information on his site, Bernard Hickey writes a regular column in the Herald and has had some interesting things to say recently on “Plan to rebalance economy shredded” and “Why we must dodge the currency elephants“. Selwyn Pellett will also discuss why we need to rebalance our economy towards exporting.
The venue will be sign-posted in the Owen Glenn Building foyer. Places may be limited. You can register here. If you know of others who might be interested in attending, please use this Forward to a Friend link.
Arggh. I’m heading up to see my godson (aka “the wrinkled prune”) tonight. Otherwise I’d have been along. The couple of sessions of the fabins I have been to have been really useful