Written By:
Ben Clark - Date published:
10:33 am, September 9th, 2011 - 93 comments
Categories: sport -
Tags: All Blacks, rugby world cup
Non-political post, but I don’t think The Standardistas can ignore the small event starting in Aotearoa today.
I’ve got my ticket to the opening game, and I’m desperately looking forward to cheering on the ABs, tonight and through to October 23.
So – what are everyone’s plans? Today and through the tournament?
If you’re in Auckland, if you’re going to the game they’d like you there by 7. If you’re not going to the game, but want to join the fun, here’s the program at Queen’s Wharf:
4pm – Opening Night starts at 4pm with the arrival of a fleet of 20 Te Herenga Waka
4.40pm – Dave Dobbyn and band sing Welcome Home at Queens Wharf
5pm – Kaihoe procession and mass haka
5.55pm – Mayor Len Brown welcome
6.10pm – The Finn Brothers concert (headline act) at Queens Wharf
7.30pm – Opening Ceremony at Eden Park live on big screens at the waterfront
8pm – Sound and Light Show All Lit Up
8.15pm – Opening match at Eden Park
8.30pm – Kick off: New Zealand versus Tonga live on from Eden Park on the big screens
10.15pm – Live performances at Queens Wharf by Dane Rumble, Midnight Youth, Kora and DJ Manuel Bundy
2am – Queens Wharf closes
Elsewhere around the country the Party Zones will be going off as well.
Use this post for your World Cup related chat…
Although this post should be covered by the opinion section of electoral law and shouldn’t need authorisation, here’s mine anyway, just to be safe:
Authorised by Ben Clark, 54 Aramoana Ave, Devonport
The click thru-pic is the Tshirt I’m wearing today:
“Today, I am wearing mainly black”
As a start to rugby-related chat – if you’re at home, watch on Maori TV if you can – then you won’t get ads between the haka and the game…
Today on TS there is an important item about how corporations are destroying the planet we live on via manipulation of society.
Flying teams from all over the world to compete here must rate as one of the most idiotic actions of the year. Oh, I forgot, we ‘have to’ burn up the oil as quickly as possible so there is none left for the next generation, and we ‘have to’ bring about abrupt climate change as quickly as possible so that no one will be able to survive on this planet.
I see the corporations have taken over your brain Ben. If you think the RWC is anything to do with sport you are a deluded fool. It’s all about money. And keeping the braindead masses entertianed as we ‘fall off the cliff’.
‘So – what are everyone’s plans? Today and through the tournament?’
Avoid it as much as possible and try to ensure that none of my money goes to the corporations that are running the show.
As DYB pointed out, 70% of NZers have no interest in rugby and a large portion of them absolutely hate it. So how come we have it constantly rammed down our throats, Ben?
This is about more than a silly game.
As Ben’s list shows this is a celebration of New Zealand culture. There will be New Zealand music, food, hospitality and performaces on display tonight throughout Auckland and the rest of the country.
We don’t often get the opportunity to stop and celebrate being Kiwi.
Today is one of those opportunities. Don’t refuse to participate because you dislike rugby. It is free to enjoy yourself today with fellow kiwis and strangers on the street.
“Free”? I just paid my fecking rates bill last week. Stadium line item.
I’m not going near a stadium or tv for that matter,
I’m talking about the community….the street
Well said, biked past a game in Carterton last season, humble country club game. The sideline was crowded, a real rural community event. Fine day and the people out talking, chatting, cheering, socialising. Its easy to miss this in the city, but if you go down to the ground Saturday afternoon in Otara, Petone, Sydenham you will see the same. Its more than a game.
My community is in hock for at least the next 20 years to pay for a rugby stadium because a few rugby-head councillors wanted to yet again bail out their financially incompetent rugby union. Excuse me for going bah humbug.
Enough is enough:
Im guessing rugby fans wouldnt get invovled if this was the basketball world champs or the football world cup.
Enough is enough:
Something tells me that, as a football hater, you’re going to be hatin’ life for the next seven weeks.
Im guessing rugby fans wouldnt get invovled if this was the basketball world champs or the football world cup.
This is the football world cup, you mean-spirited twit.
Er, no. It something called Rugby World Cup, which shouldn’t be confused with the real world cup, which is known formally as the FIFA World Cup.
By the way, anybody know why there is no ‘the’ at the start of RWC? It’s almost as ungrammatically annoying as the police referring to themselves as ‘police’.
As grammatically annoying as it is, when I think of a reason, I suppose that it may be helpful to be able to very quickly and assertively identify themselves, by reducing the amount of time taken to introduce themselves. Simply as ‘Police’ instead of as ‘the police’ could be advantageous when seconds count.
Well perhaps that’s how it got started, I realise it’s pretty much a defacto term now, even for routine stuff.
It something called Rugby World Cup, which shouldn’t be confused with the real world cup, which is known formally as the FIFA World Cup.
Fair enough. I was reacting to this bitter hater and denouncer of rugby football, who was (in his inept and clumsy way) trying to score a point.
Look here AFKTT, to some of us this is a matter of religion. We ex players of all grades who can proudly display scars gouged into our backs at the bottom of a ruck see your attitude as a serious slight. Money or no money it hurts. It takes bravery, its honourable and we love our boys in Black…amen.
Now if you don’t like our childish attachment to chasing around an inflated pigskin and trying to cripple one another be our guest, change channel (and bring us a beer).
I’m one of the 70% of NZers that have no interest in rugby.
And also arguably the most miserable negative person in New Zealand.
Dont be mean, Draco is decidedly positive. I have not asked him who is going to win…that could be the clincher.
Cost of a beer (at games / party central): $7.50 for 330ml.
That’s virtually ₤4 for just over half-a-pint of beer – but cheaper than surrounding bars apparently, some of which will be charging >₤5. What will the Brits & other visitors make of our very high beer prices?
(And is Heineken being socially responsible and stepping in where the govt wouldn’t to make drunkenness unaffordable to youth? 😈 )
Don’t believe the PR – they probably found 3 inner-city bars with “fuck off, poor people” prices to benchmark against.
I hope NZ loses.
Hope to see the waka on TV. Later I will watch the game and cheer for Tonga.
I like watching rugby, but I don’t like all the extraneous hype.
I would support the All Blacks more if they came out strongly against the domestic violence that occurs when they lose.
While I deplore physical violence, I can hardly imagine why anyone would think the ABs should drop everything (not the ball I hope) and speak out against violence in the home should they lose
Why need an excuse – I must say those depression ads (JK? I don’t really know rugby players) seem to have had an effect on my more macho former colleagues.
Damned fine job.
John Kirwan, what a great wing, what a great human for putting his personal demons on the line to help others. Going back a bit Meads did the same for IHC, selfless fund raising. These guys are our heritage, they are our heroes, lets get right behind them. Go the Blacks.
What the fuck? If you deplore physical violence, then you should think anything that could be done to prevent it would be a good thing. The number of women bashed rises hugely whenever the ABs lose, just ask women’s refuge. It must naturally follow that the bashers are strong ABs fans, therefore if the ABs fronted a campaign against domestic violence, they would be listened to. I’m not saying drop everything, I’m just saying maybe those who are constantly talked about as role models should actually take a stand on something that is a huge blight on our nation, and is something they could do something about.
The use of profanity in your first sentence is symptomatic of the verbal violence in this country. My experience tells me that it is only a short step from that sort of language to the physical violence experienced in the houses of those with anger management problems and a lack of self control.
If you feel so strongly about it, maybe you could write a letter to the appropriate channels and set the ball rolling, rather than hijack a thread that is about supporting our team the ABs.
Go the boys in black – we’re with you.
My comments are about the All Blacks, and their lack of support for social issues. My profanity was a reaction to your inability to connect the dots between role models and more positive social outcomes. Look at the stats from women’s refuge. They are clear and compelling. This is not a thread hijack, it is merely a comment on how when thinking about the All Blacks, we focus on the wrong things.
And furthermore, no I don’t have anger management problems, nor have I ever hit a person in anger in my life. Ever. How dare you be so disgustingly cynical about ‘verbal violence’ when you ignore real physical violence?
And finally, yes, I do want the All Blacks to win, as does everyone else here. The thing is though, I want them to win so women in violent households don’t get the bash. Go the boys in black – the at risk families of the nation are with you.
“I do want the All Blacks to win, as does everyone else here”
I don’t.
me neither.
i just hope they lose early – that would mean less domestic violence than if they lost in the final.
alex…try not to confuse the love of a game, or team with much deeper, long term issues….. as i’m sure you know, domestic violence has been an integral part of the majority of human cultures for millenia..
simply blaming one of the many triggers is entirely missing the point……
so let’s just enjoy some good rugby, or if you have to, then avoid it…. either way….. it’s going to be an interesting few weeks….
I would support the All Blacks more if they came out strongly against the domestic violence that occurs when they lose.
What an idiotic, ridiculously P.C. thing to say.
Also, go the Warriors and Tall Blacks!
Also, go the Warriors and Tall Blacks!
Hating life, he is. Nobody cares about those teams—-or those sports.
Calling something PC is essentially a privileged person expressing their wish to stay that way.
Calling something PC is essentially a privileged person expressing their wish to stay that way.
Fair enough. Let’s say instead that your comment was absurdly punctilious, and no one would take it seriously.
Yeah because women and children who get the crap beaten out of them are “no one”. Not really shifting from your privileged stance there at all, Morrissey.
Still who gives a fuck? The rugby is the most important thing, right?
Do you not see the irony of your own aggression in this matter?
Did you see the Tongans arrive, huge crowd to greet them? One player said there were more people in front of him than the whole of Nuku alofa. Will be the same with Samoans, this event is in the right place because we have three Pasifika teams plus NZ playing at “home”.
Yeah, was practically blinded by the gold blinging off their teeth 🙂
Ummm you wouldn’t be a Samoan would you? Those Tongans have really shown you all up this time in the organizational front….
…but I don’t think The Standardistas can ignore the small event starting in Aotearoa today.
Speak for yourself. I can quite happily ignore it. In fact so much so that I’m referred to as being the “grumpy old man” at work because of my attitudes to it. Everyone else will be ambling along the waterfront shortly to see where the missing millions are going… I’m heading home to work. Lyn is down with a nasty flu and I suspect that it may be difficult to get out of here later.
However I will say one thing about the RWC. I know who deserves to win and it isn’t the AB’s

May the best team win and whoever that is it does not detract from a much more important event this year that has so much more bearing on everyone’s life from herein……the election.
Aye TC …
ya it is very exciting having all these teams here and getting to watch the entire tournament in our front room.
Have to say though, it is a shame that the game has been sold to the highest bidder. Especially when it wasn’t even theirs to sell. And what about those who can’t afford a ticket? Why were they not catered for? I betcha you get the highest concentration of millionaires in NZ’s history at most of these games.
and all of them hanging about in the slug… quaffing the champagne and scoffing the prawn cocktails we shouted them… good thing bin laden’s dead…. we’re saved from having all our economic problems solved in one big bang…
It’s only on 3 channels…
RWC is all about corporate profit extraction masquerading as a cultural event.
it’s got very little to do with sport or NZ’s interests.
it’s also an excellent circus to placate and distract the prols while National continues to pillage what remains of our public wealth.
yay yay hooray RWC!
yay yay hooray the advertising platform known as the All Blacks!
It amazes me that we demonstrate to the world Tolley’s 20 percent tail (tale) of failure every time the media interviews Steve Hansen and Richie McCaw. Hopefully some time will be given to interviewing the captains and managers of the European teams (and occasionally Australian). At least they are capable of speaking in more than monosyllabic monotones.
It amazes me that we demonstrate to the world Tolley’s 20 percent tail (tale) of failure every time the media interviews Steve Hansen and Richie McCaw. Hopefully some time will be given to interviewing the captains and managers of the European teams (and occasionally Australian). At least they are capable of speaking in more than monosyllabic monotones.
Richie McCaw says a lot of annoyingly vapid things—this morning he was wittering on about the “learnings” from the 2007 loss to France.
However, he speaks as well as any player from any other country.
Anyway, he’s judged on his football, not his speaking.
… his footballing prowess is not in dispute. As for being articulate – afraid not. And Hansen? Please save us from another interview. Remember, the public statements tell us constantly that the “eyes of the world” are on New Zealand from tonight. Just hope they have the sound turned down.
As for being articulate – afraid not.
I didn’t claim he was specially articulate—in fact I pointed out that he is prone to recycle the most grievous mumbo-jumbo (e.g., “learnings”). However, you are wrong to say the Australians or Europeans are better speakers than he is. They are not.
I share your misgivings about Hansen’s public comments.
Pity about sideshow who is meant to have a grip on the language…..
Interviewer: So how did you see the game today?
Richie: Game of two halves…Have I explained to you the Newtonian theory of equal and opposite reactions?
Interviewer: Yes your second half was bettter..
Richie: All credit to the opposition, they came out with a bit more impact, as I was saying Newton would have explained this as….
Is that the kind of less vacuous thing an AB captain should say?
Argumentum ABsurdum!
‘ya it is very exciting having all these teams here and getting to watch the entire tournament in our front room.’
Let’s face item the world is full of uniformed fuckwits who couldn’t care less about the future of NZ socety or the future of humanity. Indeed, they don’t even care about their own futures. Just as long as they are distracted/entertained for a few hours they are happy.
That is one of many reasons why there really is no hope for western ‘civilisation’.
You mean your repetitive alarmist spiels aren’t going to save us?
Ps. Go the Abs!
RWC 2012. Bringing the most succesful corporate whores the ‘rugby world’ can muster to a TV screen near you. Enjoy.
RWC 2012??
Wishing it into the future won’t make it so, Bill.
Just heard Dave Dobbyn wailing through his “Loyal”. Hate to say it, but the last time he sang that on the waterfront, Team New Zealand got pasted by Alinghi. Woops…
A good showing of security measures. Be it accidental or pre-arranged it was still a mirth making mishap that will appeal to many who have issues with the Tournament. Can’t have riff raff talking their way in,
Go the All Blacks !!!
Funniest story of the day. That poor young fella. He was only trying to do his job proper…
The fact that many commentators can put their political differences aside and support the AB’s is good to see. All Blacks for the win! But I also agree that it’s been badly managed by the government, like nearly everything else lately.
This really shows the negativity of the left.
You lot are so miserable. I hate rugby. But watching everyone getting so excited is quite fun in its self. I will be going out tonight just for the atmosphere.
… There was a dress rehearsal a week or so back for our transport system in Auckland, moving people to Kingsland Station / Eden Park. Apparently it went swimmingly.
On the day however, it’s floundering. What chance Steven Joyce putting some urgent money our way … wouldn’t bank on it. He has a holiday highway to fix first.
Yes, it seems the ferries are no longer running from the Nth Shore, so people with tickets may not make the match. Trains aren’t running because people keep pulling the emergency chord.
Swimmingly because it had nowhere near the actual numbers. I catch trains every day and the system breaks regularly under normal load.
Gosh this opening ceremony is bad enough, some fantastic visual and performance elements strung together in a confusing haphazard manner with no flow or overall plan it seems. What a waste of some fantastic positions up PWC tower, akl war memorial, seeing fireworks from street level….oh dear.
Yeah because of some retards hitting emergency stop on the trains. Money is really going to fix that. Jesus.
Prick – when there is only one way in and out a logjam will occur. Make a circular route and you halve the problem. Combine that with a network of light-rail and you begin to join the 21st century. I guess you are looking forward to shorter journey times to your bach up at Omaha then …
Scored myself corporate box tickets to the finals
My predictions: The Blacks hoist the trophy and the Nat’s get another term
Welcome, getting crowded under that bridge yet?
“Scored myself corporate box tickets to the finals”
Well done. I’m extraordinarily envious. You lucky guy. AND you drive BMWs (apparently).
What a colossal waste of money.. Dancing container cranes and fireworks, Oh and Shonky getting yet another Photo Op (thank god for the remote) Now I just have to dodge the infestation on All tv channels of this, this, this, game. Oh and Martin I’ll abuse the cabin crew Devlin Oh Joy.
Opening ceremony, what a joke. Listening to the presenters talk about it like it was the height of culture, ugh.
Wtf was up with those container cranes anyway? Bizarre.
I wept with pride, what a wonderful opening ceremony. I love this country God bless us all.
wierd crane footage and inane event commentry aside,
that opening ceremony was of a much higher standard than i had expected.
Come on Tonga
In the bonds of love we meet……
Guard Pacific’s triple star from the shafts of strife and war…..
Fine young men doing their countries proud.
Bunch of philistines and grinches. Long may you rot in Opposition… Jenny excepted – you go girl! Oh, and Freedom.
After going to a NYE event in Melbourne last year, I thought the opening ceremony was pretty meh.
Tongas second half was excellent. Well deserved try.
Well from what I saw on the News confirmed to me that NZ could not organise a piss up in a brewery ,without the transport system falling over as usual. And the brilliant (not) crowd control that was shown down on the waterfront. Now how many pissed off people are they going to have to deal with because the trains died and the supposed footpaths were congested and people who had paid hundreds of bucks to go and watch the opening ceremony could not even get there. Well done AK lets hope the rest of the country does not embarrass us any more than Jafaland is doing!!!
Great opening ceremony, right up ’til I heard John Key being announced. ahhh!
Why do tvnz people have to talk inane, unrelated to the vision, crap all the way through what is supposed to a visual experience. ahhh!
What a massive infrastructure cock-up with those poor people stuck in trains for hours. What good is a holiday highway of National (party) significance if you’re stuck in public transport. ahhh!
I bet none of the people paying $2500 a plate at the cloud got stuck in public transport and lost value in their tickets and disappointing their expectant kids! ahhh!
And Michael Holland on TVNZ news reading out the menu of those $2500 a plate meals – why? Who gives a shit? It was like Marie Antoinette reading out the menu from her latest meal to the crowds of hungry from Paris. ahhh!
OOPPSS Shonky opens mouth inserts both feet..
He should have waited till AFTER the opening. Now I should take bets on the odds of him fronting the media tomorrow.
I actually laughed out loud.
Bloody hell a year in the planning and little old NZ can’t hold a RWC without thousands of people being screwed by transport systems. (And people screwing with the transport systems).
I wonder how many tourists were stuffed by this. Tourists who overseas take the dependability of the subway, the underground or the MRT for granted.
At least the waka work.
Watching John Key’s simpering performance before the cameras at the opening of the world cup, I was struck by how closely in mannerisms and looks he resembles the Hogan’s Heroes character Colonel Klink.
I was quite unnerved by the resemblance
Was I the only one?
Brilliantly accurate description.
I was in the crowd at the Viaduct, and when John Key came on he was loudly cheered and a group of young people even got a “John Key” chant going (which itself was applauded).
It just struck me as how out of touch (not to mention wildly unsuccessful) Labour is with its attempts to foment personal hatred towards Key.
the media’s uncritical good news/john key promotional campaign continues…
I’m not a rugby guy but I like that the Cup’s making lots of people happy. I watched the opening ceremony and I really liked it. Dressing Jonah Lomu as a pimp was inspired, what better way to underscore the mercenary realities faced by today’s ABs?
I thought he was dressed as a waiter. Or maybe a croupier.