Happy Father’s day

Written By: - Date published: 7:44 am, September 6th, 2015 - 4 comments
Categories: afghanistan, aid, Europe, International, iraq, Syria, war - Tags: ,


Happy father’s day to all the fathers out there.  Rather than give your dad or granddad consumerist goods that are bad for them and the planet why don’t you think of making a donation to the charities supporting refugee families in the Middle Eastand Europe?

Michael Nolan has created a Facebook group suggesting that lotto winners should contribute some of their winnings to charities helping the refugee families.  Nice touch.

And there are these charities or organisations who provide aid to the area:

There are also a number of grassroots projects, from people driving to Calais with sleeping bags, to kids buying books to send to refugee camps. Check out JustGiving in the UK and Givealittle in NZ and see what takes your fancy to support.

4 comments on “Happy Father’s day ”

  1. Clemgeopin 1


  2. Bill 2

    Anyone remembering the people banged up in Nauru?

    Here’s a link to the ‘Refugee Council of Australia’ that contains a donate button. http://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/media/nauru-senate-inquiry-royal-commission-must-consider-nauru-child-abuse/

  3. Sabine 3

    people need to actually have money for this.

    and there is a problem here in NZ, the money is gone.

  4. Alan Radford 4

    There have been campaigns to use Fathers day to vilify men as if all are offenders. I have heard women claiming that they should be acknowledged on father’s-day because in their view – they do the role of Dad. To my experience. men and fathers are denigrated and treated as suspect such that they have little real influence left in their own families. I am a proud father. I have met so many others as worthy as I am, but like me the victims of untruths, malice, and prejudice. And like those women who would line up for recognition on Father’s day, I would equally be entitled to line up on Mother’s day. Somehow my doing that would not be as acceptable in our NZ community. Fleeing violence with children to save them from a violent woman, we are treated as if the offender anyway. So why is it okay to simply assign Father’s day willy-nilly to other causes? Why not similarly assign Mother’s day to Refugees etc? We dads get precious little positive acknowledgement – so in my view Dad’s Day is for Dads. By all means, create a new day for refugees – but don’t just convert Dads day.