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notices and features - Date published:
6:02 am, August 19th, 2013 - 25 comments
Categories: families, human rights -
Tags: gay rights, marriage equality
Doesnt that mean the world ends today??
Many people have not liked having their culture, tradition and heritage trampled like this.
But have noted it for future reference when other cultures, traditions and heritages require similar change.
Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Vto’s being repressed.
Yes. Let’s not change anything in society – we should have stuck with Victorian mores and a Dickensian type society – gotta hand it to John & Paula – trying to go back to the true culture, tradition and heritage!
Yes you’re onto it karol. Like halal slaughter was defended for similar reason on this site recently. You are all at sea a lot of the time – no wonder you seem all groggy.
Huh! Who is groggy, vto? When did I say anything about halal? And it’s you who seem to repeating a similar argument to that in defense of halal?
No it wasn’t you who defended halal slaughter on the basis of culture tradition and heritage, it was others. Others who do the opposite in this case. I was merely pointing out the malleable morality…..
Anyways, the point has been stated re marriage for everyone, the debate has been had, and the law has been changed, so on we go from here. Good luck to those who are tying the knot who couldn’t before.
C’mon vto! Whose culture, tradition and heritage is being trampled? Mine isn’t? Is yours?
A big congratulations to the 31 couples getting married today. What a joyous and momentous occasion, at last! May the sun shine upon your day
“Tomorrow we will be a better country”.
Yet today is a day of rules for fools.
Obviously there’s the joy associated with an event like this.
There’s also the shame that we ever let bigots make law in the first place.
bigot (n.) 1590s, “sanctimonious person, religious hypocrite,” from French bigot (12c.)
hypocrite (n.) c.1200, ypocrite, from Old French ypocrite (12c., Modern French hypocrite), from Church Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokrites “stage actor, pretender, dissembler,” from hypokrinesthai (see hypocrisy).
person (n.) early 13c., from Old French persone “human being, anyone, person” (12c., Modern French personne) and directly from Latin persona “human being, person, personage; a part in a drama, assumed character,” originally “mask, false face,” such as those of wood or clay worn by the actors in later Roman theater.
Yawn. noun
a reflex act of opening one’s mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom:
he stretches and stifles a yawn
[in singular] informal a thing that is considered boring or tedious:
the film is just one big yawn
Let me spell it out for you, OAK: in matters of religion there isn’t much that distinguishes persons from hypocrites.
Newsflash, Einstein; bigotry is not confined to the religious, no matter the 16thC context.
Yawn. noun
a reflex act of opening one’s mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom:
he stretches and stifles a yawn
[in singular] informal a thing that is considered boring or tedious:
the film is just one big yawn
Hey! Great news! Congrats to all. Truly something to celebrate.
So, just asking about other issues…what progress on a living minimum wage lately?
I see SSM just as important higher wages.
I think in 1980 or thereabouts the old FOL passed a resolution calling for access to contraception and sex education, etc essentially a charter of social and sexual freedoms.
Sex isnt something we should be ashamed of, yet we comdemn people (especially women and teenages) for enjoying it.
I doubt marriage equality has distracted people from the living wage anymore than snapper has distracted people from the GCSB (which, after tonight’s turnout isn’t very much at all, it seems).
A great day for all same-sex couples who want to have their relationships recognised through marriage. Best wishes to you all.
Respect also to those who had reservations about this change but supported it anyway.
Cv… news is its heading lower via youth rates. You dont mean for all change to halt until the min wage goes up to where it shoukd be do you?
Get our civil union transferred to marriage tomorrow. Louisa Wall, thank you for your courage and class. This is a very good day.
i spose “happy redefining the meaning of marraige” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Good news. This is one of the few things we’ve done right as a country since we stopped nuclear ships. Now same sex couples can choose not to participate in the archaic institution of marriage as freely as different sex couples could. Or, if they like, they can get married.
If not for immigration reasons, I probably wouldn’t have formalised my relationship in the eyes of the state. It didn’t change the nature of our relationship, but it did make it easier for my wife to live with me. I’m pretty ambivalent about the institution, as I am about many things. The important thing is that the people concerned can make the choice.
This was a great day for CONSENTING ADULTS in intamite relationships who wanted to commit to each other for a long period of time, without worrying about those who wanted the government to percecute them because their arrangements conflicted with rules written in a 2000 year old book.
If those who are opposed to SSM had their way, these CONSENTING ADULTS would still be in prison cells. Apparently they were sent to the old prison up here in NP.