If journalists reported the real news

Written By: - Date published: 11:08 am, October 12th, 2015 - 13 comments
Categories: Media, Satire - Tags:

13 comments on “If journalists reported the real news ”

  1. savenz 1

    We need him in NZ! Best 2 minute sum up of news I’ve seen for ages.

  2. joe90 3

    Tom Walker’s twitter account.


  3. weka 4

    Hilarious, tragic and depressing in equal measure.

  4. ianmac 5


  5. tracey 6

    Who ate all the Pies!!!!!

  6. savenz 7

    When actors are better at journalism than journalists.

  7. Gerald 8

    It’s sad that this will be the only news that reflects what’s going on out there. Meanwhile our PM invites prominent “journalists” to dinner parties at his mansion!

  8. linda 9

    they have a pig fucker we have a pony tail puller and a twat called hoskins

    • peterlepaysan 9.1

      Please stop insulting twats. I am rather fond of them.

      Hoskins is utterly repulsive (unlike twats).

  9. riffer 10

    Oh gawd. If this wasn’t so close to the truth it would be funny.

  10. Brian 11

    So funny – shame its also so true.