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notices and features - Date published:
11:10 am, April 12th, 2013 - 9 comments
Categories: accountability, blogs, cartoons, john key, Media -
Tags: bryce edwards, GCSB, images, scandal
We do a lot of words here at The Standard – but sometimes a picture is worth 1000. Among his many other activities, Bryce Edwards does occasional compilations of political images. Check out his latest on images of the GCSB scandal – it’s a parade of condemnation. Here’s just one of the many…
Death by a thousand paper cuts looks likely.
Great compilation – made my Friday. We all need a bit of light relief – except certain pollies, that is.
And two more from today’s Herald
And a funny bit of satire from Toby Manhire – PJ as producer? And could he expand it to three movies or an ongoing TV show?
Fantastic. I had no idea that there were so many good cartoonists and so widespread. What a pity there were not more on-the-ball journalists around as well. Knuckleheads!
And the winner is….. Evans. (towards the end) Just brilliant.
Hmmm, Pinokeyo will never be quite as witty as Dunnokeyo, but nice to see the meme getting an airing in the msm.
How is it that cartoonists can summarise the criticism/doubts that most of us feel, but column writers and MSM generally are asleep on the job?
A very uplifting compilation. Well done.
Because they’re sharper and smarter.
Man this thing gets all so confusing. Perhaps we should take Johnny’s take on the whole thing and treat it with a bucket of salt. I am willing to do so, as long as Johnny stops shovelling out the bullshit.
He was on Q&A this morning saying his answer in parliament about Fletcher was 100% correct.
What he said in Parliament was that Rennie appointed him, which is 100% opposite to the current story that Key can appoint whoever he likes so no biggie.