Images of the GCSB scandal

Written By: - Date published: 11:10 am, April 12th, 2013 - 9 comments
Categories: accountability, blogs, cartoons, john key, Media - Tags: , , ,

We do a lot of words here at The Standard – but sometimes a picture is worth 1000. Among his many other activities, Bryce Edwards does occasional compilations of political images. Check out his latest on images of the GCSB scandal – it’s a parade of condemnation. Here’s just one of the many…

Dominion Post 8 April 2013

9 comments on “Images of the GCSB scandal ”

  1. Treetop 1

    Death by a thousand paper cuts looks likely.

  2. veutoviper 2

    Great compilation – made my Friday. We all need a bit of light relief – except certain pollies, that is.

    And two more from today’s Herald

    And a funny bit of satire from Toby Manhire – PJ as producer? And could he expand it to three movies or an ongoing TV show?

  3. ianmac 3

    Fantastic. I had no idea that there were so many good cartoonists and so widespread. What a pity there were not more on-the-ball journalists around as well. Knuckleheads!

  4. Te Reo Putake 4

    Hmmm, Pinokeyo will never be quite as witty as Dunnokeyo, but nice to see the meme getting an airing in the msm.

  5. Dan1 5

    How is it that cartoonists can summarise the criticism/doubts that most of us feel, but column writers and MSM generally are asleep on the job?
    A very uplifting compilation. Well done.

  6. Anne 6

    How is it that cartoonists can summarise the criticism/doubts that most of us feel,..

    Because they’re sharper and smarter.

  7. BrucetheMoose 7

    Man this thing gets all so confusing. Perhaps we should take Johnny’s take on the whole thing and treat it with a bucket of salt. I am willing to do so, as long as Johnny stops shovelling out the bullshit.

    • Pascal's bookie 7.1


      He was on Q&A this morning saying his answer in parliament about Fletcher was 100% correct.

      What he said in Parliament was that Rennie appointed him, which is 100% opposite to the current story that Key can appoint whoever he likes so no biggie.