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- Date published:
9:15 am, May 2nd, 2013 - 156 comments
Categories: election 2014, greens, john key, labour, spin -
Tags: negative campaigning, panic
The John Key brand used to have a couple of big advantages. First, he was successfully sold as different, not an ordinary politician. Second, he was sold as positive, sunny, optimistic, a nice guy. Well, the first advantage crumbled under the weight of repeated lies, “brain-fades”, and attacks on the media. Now the second is on its way out too. Key has gone negative. Check out the latest example:
Labour, Greens in lockstep to far left: PM
Prime Minister John Key says the economy is in pretty good nick, but he claims the Green Party’s involvement in a future government could see “all hell break loose”.
The National Party leader made the comments during a speech on the economy delivered to a BNZ-hosted client event in South Auckland this afternoon. … Having delivered a brief summary of the country’s economic outlook, Key hit out at political rivals. …
“If you want my blunt view of what’s happening at the moment, Labour have decided to lock step with the Greens and go very far left.” If there was a change in government tomorrow, Key trusted the Labour party and its leader, David Shearer, wouldn’t do “stupid” things in China. … But he said the Green Party was another story. Key said his enduring memory of Green co-leader Russel Norman was seeing him “just about get shot” by Chinese protection agents after trying to wrap a Tibetan flag around the then Vice-Premier of China.
So that’s the framing for 2014. The Greens are far left loonies (practically inviting poor innocent security guards to shoot them no less), Labour will be shackled to the Greens, if they get in we’ll see “all hell break loose”. Put it together with recent rants about North Korea and communism and it’s clear that Key has gone hard negative.
Negative is where you go when you don’t have a positive story to tell the electorate. I wonder if the Nats’ internal polling has got Key spooked…
(ht to chat on Twitter – you know who you are…)
Then the time is right to prick the prick with ridicule.
r0b criticising people for being negative. Well, I never.
And if I was the leader of a political party that would be a fair cop!
People who write blogposts can be negative or positive according to their mood and inclination. Leaders of political parties are required to be relentlessly positive.
Got it.
Leaders of political parties are required to be relentlessly positive.
Nothing is required, but it is certainly recommended.
Wassamatter GF, you upset that Key is on the long slide?
I am not upset. I am relentlessly positive.
Seems to be a particularly long slide. You lot have been screaming “people are waking up” since 2007.
I am not upset. I am relentlessly positive.
That’s the spirit!
Seems to be a particularly long slide.
Well if Key loses the next election it will be the first ever Nat government not to go 3 terms. So no, not particularly long as these things go.
(You got kids GF? The Long Slide was one of our favourites. A psychedelic gem disguised as a children’s story…
Actually, I think the point is that Key made claims to being relentlessly positive early in his political career.
How do you explain Key then? The very first thing I noticed about him after he became leader of the opposition after Brash is that he maintained a continuously negative attack on the government while never espousing what he would do apart from “cutting taxes”.
If that’s what you think, lprent, I think your argument is with r0b, not me.
Ah I see what you mean after I looked at the threaded context 🙂
I really should look at context when I write comments from the backend (as opposed to moderating notes where I must not look at context outside of the comment and the post contents).
But I often disagree with r0b. Probably not as much as I disagree with some of the other authors. We tend to disagree because he is usually nice and charitable and I’m much harder edged and judgemental. We share a blog rather than sharing opinions.
Which is interesting because this post is more in my usual style rather than his. Maybe we’re dragging him to the dark-side? 😈
Hmmm – tell me more about this “dark-side” – is there a pension plan?
Funded by long term investment in the SOEs flagged for privatisation…
Only now do you recognise the true power of the dark side.
Sounds even more inane when written down. But you can see that you get some good treachery and a hammed up plot in the benefits 🙂
Actually, it does read a bit like the traditional fate of every National party leader apart from Holyoake. I wonder when Key will start being “mortally wounded by his master’s lightning”
Or killed off by his (not so young) Apprentice…
Actually I think the reality is a little more complicated than that.
In the House, Key attacked Clark’s government in pretty negaitive ways.
But they focused their campaign around Key and his positive approach, as shown by this NBR article of Sept 2008.,
this National Party retrospective,
and this Sunday Star Times article.
Bryce Edwards shows the reality was more complex. A lot of the positive stuff was in Key’s presentation.
However, late in the campaign there were some negative National Party ads. All party of their slipperiness, and slickness.
Yep and all he has done is, yep, cut taxes.
Take a peek on Key’s views on negative politics below link to youtube), this was 2008, I think he’s forgotten those views…
Nice to see he has an “enduring memory”.
Not that Key is in serious lock step with his advancing corporate buddies.
Meanwhile, I’m trying to envisage a cross section of Green supporters in some sort of grim lock step formation and….nope, just not working for me.
I am sure they could do a decent lock step if pushed. The difference to the ramshackle goose step of the right would be that the Greens would do it with a conscious effort to work in unison and dare i say it, even in harmony with the score laid out by the many contributors to the manuscript of our society.
It’s the Keith Locke step… ^_~
Key just showing what a brainwashed neoliberal clone/puppet he is; a front man for the greedies who have only contempt for less fortunate kiwis, that the latter should have a commongood democratic voice in the restriction of excessive monopoly profits is abhorrent to him, after all he made his millions from the currently collapsing neoliberal ponzi scheme.
A little Humour found this really funny cartoon video: Hell rejects Maggie Thatcher: LOL LOL 🙂
I hate negativity. It’s unbecoming and moronic. That Key is a total arsehole along with the rest of those evil Nats.
Key’s policies are those of the Far Right, and should be regularly described as such.
Enough of the ‘Centre-Right’ whitewash.
From where you sit, Red Rosa, Pol Pot is in the centre.
Didn’t a whole pile of Conservative led governments of the western world recognise and support Pol Pot and insist the Khmer Rouge was given a voice in the UN because…what was it again? oh yes… the evil communist government of neighbouring Vietnam had to be taught some lesson or other.
I’ll leave the working out of the implications of that to your own good self Gormless.
The main backers were other communist nations like China, North Korea, Vietnam (at first) and Cuba.
Don’t leave Thatcher off the list
The Thais too
complicated as though:
“I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. Pol Pot was an abomination. We could never support him, but China could.” – Brzezinski
They also supported Mosley and his Blackshirt Fascists in the 1930s .Their mates in the business world blacklisted workers who fought in the Spanish Civil war.
Labour/Greens power policy will bring huge amounts of cash to the Nat’s funds because the greedies are running scared . Kia kaha Lefties be prepared for dirty tricks via Tex tor -Crosby
If only I could have a chocolate fish for every time Key is going to repeat this line before the next election I would be rather fat …
All too delicious. the garnish of righties showing up here to say ‘bu b u t buuuut Labour was negative’.
Yeah, PB, hypocrisy is a real knee-slapper.
What hypocrisy?
The fact that National and it’s supporters have been saying Labour is a negative and nasty for ages, and yet, oh. Crickets.
the only hypocrisy here is flowing from you fools, but keep it up.
nom. nom.
What a telling comment from Key that he framed his memory of that event as Norman just about getting himself shot.
A real NZer with a connection to this country and a shred of respect for our democratic institutions would have framed it as a memory of the visiting Chinese security forces just about shooting an elected representative on NZ soil.
Yep, interesting to know that we allow armed guards to escort the leaders of the world’s biggest dictatorship when they are in town. Somebody should tell whoever supervises our spy agencies … oh, wait.
The Secret Service have assault weapons and sniper teams in the country when the US President visits. What’s good enough for one superpower…
Norman just wrapped himself with a tibetan flag and stood away from the official entourage.
So that makes you a target ?
Its a bit Freudian , as of course Key is very ‘security entourage’ orientated. Perhaps thats what
‘his people’ told him they would do ?
What’s that John Key? Norman is a plonker for exercising his right to peaceful protest in his own country, and (according to you) nearly getting shot by foreign security guards?
Good to see that Key is not even bothering to hide his contempt for democracy anymore, maybe more people will see it.
Actually that’s not even what he’s doing. He’s just doing what comes instinctively to him, framing his opponents in a negative way. He doesn’t believe in fundamental democratic rights, they are annoying beliefs of stupid people that can get in the way of business deals with human-rights-are-for-pussies counties like China. He’s dog whistling to those who think the same way.
He will pay lip service to democratic rights when he’s obliged to, (reading from his cue cards like an automaton since he himself couldn’t come up with anything magnanimous to save his own life), just like a multi-national corporation will talk about ‘social responsibility’ while butt raping society as furiously as they can.
And a REAL NZ Politician would have stood up for Norman when he was nearly shot? ( Surely Foreigners are NOT allowed to carry guns in NZ No matter who they are and who they Protect) Try pulling that shit in the US.
r0b this is nothing to whinge about.
We can only dream about Labout taking a hard leap to the left. How great this country would be if Key’s predictions were to come true.
Why don’t we just reply to him by saying yes John, and we are coming for you and your rich mates. You and your policies are on borrowed time.
I wouldn’t be too comfortable with it if I was you.
You may think it will be special privaleges and extra rations for you party members, but I have seen just how quickly you lefties turn on each other.
I have a guillotine on standby…
Personally I think once the Greens actually get into government, the public at large will be pleasantly surprised at how well they do the job and don’t lead the country to ruin. We just have to give them a chance to show it.
This same think has been said about some mentally ill people who have been released into the community that has ended with terrible consequences.
Yeah just look at the National Party
I blame their irresponsible ACT caregivers….
Every Righty commenting above reflects their secret knowledge that ShonKey Python is damaged, more or less by his own conceited forget the veneer hand.
DomPost editorial – “People now know that they cannot rely on the prime minister’s word.”
That’s what’s making the Righty people above so vinegary. They KNOW it.
Have you done something terrible KK????
Labour and National were both first term Governments once. They challenged each other proudly in epic battles. Win or lose they fought. With blood and grit and muck and little consideration for the condition of the field, they got back into training earlier and earlier. Scoring points became the obsessive goal as they swapped the trophy with circumspect regularity.
Then a few amateurs got some time on the field, the competition changed, the amateurs turned pro.
Maybe it’s time NZ engraved a new name on the trophy.
The Green party and their ideas are the only way forward for NZ – we just need to make sure that the party is hijacked by the careerists like Russel and that sensible voices and opinions like those of Metiria are heard more of.
That position will be proven to be 100% incorrect!
The Greens, are no more or less going to operate outside of the orders they’re given, should they ever be forming another government!
Quite honestly, do people still believe the NZ parliament is under its own direction!
Are you as sure about this as you are about Obama being an alien?
Do you consider yourself to be an alpha or a beta, King Kong?
Not sure I have thought much about it though woman want to be with me and men want to be me.
Sure you haven’t thought much about it maaaaaaaaate!
You give it thought, because it causes you confusion!
Agreed. The meme that the sky will fall economically if they make Government is laughable when you consider the current state of the economic”free” world.
The latest polls hurt deeply, but the “I’m with stupid” thing cut to the bone. He’s flailing – and not even caring that he’s hitting the entire next generation. Beginning of the end.
Good play by Key.
The greens are labors Achilles heel, most of the public consider them extremist, anti everything nut bars.
Combine that with a very weak labor leader and everyone except the completely blind can see some serious dog wagging if the labor/melons combo manage to get into power.
Looking into my crystal ball to 2014 I see
1. National getting over 50% of the vote.
2. Shearer getting the boot and replaced with Cunliffe
3. The end of Winston Peters
Don’t hold your breath…….on second thoughts.
You sound like Labour in 06-07, or the Nat’s front bench today.
” most of the public consider them extremist, anti everything nut bars”
based on what evidence exactly?
BM continues to leave out the U in the middle of their name.
[lprent: why? pointless abuse? ]
Type 58,008 into a calculator then turn it upside down. You will love it.
doesn’t work on windows calc.exe
but the unicode upside-down converter gives a thrill a minute 😛
Because he’s seconded from the Teabaggers’ Liberty and Prosperity Foundation to help fight evil in our part of the world? The Australian Labor Party does it too. I suppose it makes things easier for the yanks making identity tags for Gillard when she visits Washington to join in on the next invasion.
The voices in his head… it’s quite a crowd.
BMWhistling in the dark again.
It looks like Key is getting negative. The mud that used to slide right off him is getting stickier and stickier and there is the reality that he’s going to face up to next year, that the 2014 election is going to be unwinnable without a viable coalition partner. The only realistic option is NZFirst, and well, his words about a potential Labour/Green/NZFirst coalition last election will definitely come back to haunt him. I’m fairly certain that he’s ruled out ever having Winston Peters as a coalition partner in the past (if Frank Mackasy sees this, I hope he can provide something to confirm this).
So hang on. Key wanks on about people not doing stupid things in relation to China….then suggests that China are in the game of assassinating the duly elected representatives of other countries during state visits to those other countries?
Either Key’s media team has been going downhill all year…or Key is now actively improvising his own stand up material and his PR team have no control of him.
Neither bodes well for the Blue Team.
Ha! Yup… from the same bods who advised WMDs were a great way to frighten NZers into line. Instead I suspect most NZers fell about laughing or just rolled their eyes at the patheticness of it all.
With this response Key and his team have misjudged the mood of the nation yet again. They used to have a really good ear for the “common man”.
Now they just seem shrill and panicked. They are really losing it.
Jeez, I wouldn’t trust your “mood of the Nation” forecasting. You are the guy who spent the last two elections telling everyone here repeatedly how “on the money” Labours strategy was.
Except I wasn’t on the Standard in 2008, brainbox
Nevertheless, “shrill and panicked” is National’s projection to the electorate at the moment, its very funny to watch.
Not as funny as watching you having to cuddle up to a leader and front bench of your own party that you hate.
It’s like watching someone have to pash their Grandma.
“Cuddle up to” a middle aged married man?
“Pashing your grandma”?
Gawd I think you are revealing way too much about your personal inclinations
Now if I was one of those quick to offend lefties like Felix, I would call you a homophobe about now.
Well actually, a grandma-phobe 😀
But don’t let that stop you, go for gold if it’s what you like
Thanks, but I will decline. It always makes people look like whiny pussys trying to stiffle debate.
Why would I do that, KK?
You’re the one making a value judgement, not CV.
Implying someone is gay as an insult went out with patting women on the bum to show approval.
lol. Just to be clear, it was actually the ‘adultery’ part which was supposed to be the insult, not the ‘gay’ part.
Hey, I like Hone, and Mana has no front bench yet.
Key said his enduring memory of Green co-leader Russel Norman was seeing him “just about get shot” by Chinese protection agents after trying to wrap a Tibetan flag around the then Vice-Premier of China.
I couldn’t remember the sequence of events but couldn’t imagine that Russel Norman would have been so aggressive and undiplomatic. I expected that he wanted to display the flag where it would be seen by the Chinese leader. This is the truth from stuff, not Junkie’s stuff, from his mythical memories.
Photographs clearly showed Dr Norman being grabbed by Chinese security personnel travelling with the vice president at Parliament this afternoon while the Green MP protested the visit by waving a Tibetan flag…
Meanwhile, Prime Minister John Key says an “altercation” between Dr Norman and Chinese security personnel is “disappointing” but says it is too early to say if the Chinese government should apologise….
And while Mr Key valued the relationship with China, he also valued freedom of speech and the rights of New Zealanders and MPs to make their opinions known to others, he said.…
“I think it’s pretty outrageous that Chinese security can come to our country and push around an elected Member of Parliament simply because you’re standing up for democracy and freedom in our own country on our own parliamentary grounds,” Dr Norman said afterwards.
“I mean, the Chinese security guards, they elbowed me out of the way, they put an umbrella over the top of me and they took the flag out of my hands and trampled on it.”
Nothing about Wrapping the Flag around.. or Nearly getting Shot. I think that this practice of our dear Prime Minister is called embellishing the truth. And how mealy mouthed Junkie is. As if he has enough principles about things like human rights that would prompt him to voice them when it would hurt his, his cronies, and his Party’s advantage.
“Gimme back my fwag,gimme back my fwag”
No surprise you support the thugs, you treacherous cretin.
What thugs?, the body guards were only doing their job.
It’s not their fault Norman is a complete fuck wit.
Thats simply not right. Norman, actually, is a complete and utter fuckwit who needs to buy a pair of trousers that are long enough for his legs.
I know the Greens are into sustainability and stuff but, for gods sakes man, you are a the leader of a political party, you can’t be wearing your Dad’s suits.
Keyster’s mugging for the media makes our entire country look like fuckwits
Authoritarian Quislings: don’t trust them with foreign strongmen.
Agreed, JK is a bootlicking flunky around his US & Chinese sponsors
Since when is it the job of Chinese security guards to attack our elected representatives in our country? The right wing are weak kneed worshipers of power and brutality, bullies to the core. Treacherous cretin is too nice a description.
“…memory of Green co-leader Russel Norman was seeing him “just about get shot” by Chinese protection agents after trying to wrap a Tibetan flag around the then Vice-Premier of China.”
Will a brave journalist quote Mr Key on that and ask if he remembers the situation clearly? Can he trust his memory. I think that Mr Norman was standing in silence holding the Tibetan flag.
They may not get the chance Lanthanide if Labour/Greens don’t react with a well thought out response everytime Key and Co. use the fear tactic.The Tories are past masters at scaring the heebie-jeebies out of voters. Anyone over the age of 50 will remember (or will have heard about) the 1951 strikes. The National Party played the Commie workers/bringing the country to its knees scenario for decades afterwards with great success and they’ll do it again.
I don’t subscribe to the theory that Lab/Greens should just ignore them. Helen Clark tried that strategy in her third term of office and it didn’t work.
The Greens will be put under levels of pressure they’ve never experienced before. Congratulations guys, you’ve graduated to the big leagues. It’s what you’ve always wanted. Now show us see what you’ve got. Hint: timidity is not why people have been voting for you, principle is.
As for Labour: your PR response cycle is always 36 hours slower than it needs to be. It’s better than it used to be (for some reason you always used to be up to 72 hours behind the ball…if you even bothered to show up at the match) Expect to be continuously flanked and outflanked until your sort this out.
Your customary “language dense yet substance light” public-servant-speak press releases will get zero cut through in this media environment.
Labour PR: you obtained ‘substantial policy’ momentum with NZ Power. You need to be following that up in the next couple of weeks with another major initiative. Don’t let Robertson style comments make voters think that you are weak and wavering about what you propose.
BTW to all – the 2014 election campaign has just begun in earnest.
A large proportion vote greens because they think they’re tied in with green peace.
Dumb arses.
based on what evidence
stop quoting your own bullshit as somehow being what everyone thinks
Or they are stoners that think they are the legalise dope guys…though they probably are.
Yep, god o’l Nachos tacos really pigeon holed them with the stoner label.
Not helped either by Turei claiming in a TV interview that Maori growing marijuana are developing entrepreneurial and horticultural skills.
So what shall we say about those who grow barley and hops? The only difference being that the products they grow are used in a far worse drug hypocritically permitted and approved by the State. But those legal growers and producers of alcohol are still perfectly aware of the damage they cause to individuals and society at large.
Tenets anyone?
Yep to say Nothing of Sugar cane and Yeast, and a still, and hey presto real cheap fire water. They should have banned Alcohol back in the day, not the Pot.
In quite a few places they did ban alcohol back in the day and that was a bloody silly idea too.
Totally agree. Just making a point about hypocrisy allied with racism..
Some people voted Gnat because they thought they would have a clue about the economy and ease taxes.
But mostly (like bernie madoff’s customers) they like slick Johnny the bankster.
Yep, it’s highly ironic to see these Nat cheerleaders suggest that people voted Green without understanding who or what the party represents.
Pretty funny.
And they believed him when he said “BigTaxCut” very quickly. Just so he couldn’t get quoted when he shafted the silly pricks for putting him back into power,
Well, some people did get big tax cuts. Key himself, English, other National cabinet ministers, the Telecom CEO, etc.
Do you mean the 1951 waterfront lockout, Anne? Let’s give it it’s proper name. It was the shipping companies, the government, and a filthy scab called Fintan Patrick Walsh who nearly brought the country to its knees, aided by a “neither for nor against” Labour leader who was as useful as wet toilet paper. We cannot afford such weak Labour leaders. Why have we got another one?
My mistake Murray Olsen. I should have said “National govt.” – not National Party. Yes, I am referring to the waterfront lockout, but it was my understanding that many workers went on strike in support of the water-siders. I was only knee high to a grass-hopper at the time so can’t say I remember it.
I wasn’t at all worried about the use of either National Party or National government – it was the use of the word “strike.” Some workers struck in support, but the FOL and the Labour leaders called for talks. Neither supported the strike action that took place.
I am always very careful to call the dispute a lockout, because that is what was at the heart of it. I don’t think that subsequent strike action changed the essential nature of the dispute, but I do think that calling it a strike plays into the bosses’ propaganda.
Key’s last comment “I the end whenever I’m gone I’ll look back and say I did my best and I hope you like it” sounds like he knows he’s a goner (politically speaking) and is scared of going out as the most disliked,ineffectual puppet of a pm that NZ has ever had. His vanity would take an enormous hit.So he is appealing to his previously adoring subjects to not judge him harshly. Too late!!!
It’s the sort of thing ol C+ Augustus was saying on his way out. “History will be the judge of my presidency” etc
Yeah but whats he trying to do be the NZ’s Douglas Adams?
“In the end whenever I’m gone I’ll look back and say I did my best and I hope you like it” (WE DIDN’T)
More like so long, and thanks for all the power companies.
This eventuality is what his Hawaii home is for.
Speaking of flags, Key seems awfully quick to wrap himself in the red flag of the People’s Republic.
He and his cabinet are turning into a pro-Chinese Vichy government as each day passes.
And their supporters would be waving little Chinese flags when the PLA marches up Queen St. I can just imagine Farrar, Slater, O’Sullivan, Hooten etc throwing flowers at the Chinese troops, welcoming them as liberators, and sending their CV’s off to the puppet government to see what work they could get there. Slater could become editor of the New Zealand edition of the People’s Daily, while Hooten would be the head PR man for the pro-Chinese vassal government.
It must be Key getting in touch with his “socialist streak”.
“He and his cabinet are turning into a pro-Chinese Vichy government as each day passes.”
Some business happening in the background where some real action is haha. Three names of very busy people … the best thing is they are outside scrutiny of cabinet or parliament:
Pansy Wong
Jenny Shipley
Sammy Wong
What are they doing? Tip: they are not exactly snoozing.
to Jim Nald – 21.2 – maybe they’re busy setting up dairy farms and production of milk powders jointly with various Chinese interests ? ? Just a bit of speculation …..
Jenny Shipley skulking along the wall avoiding the fracas is my main memory of the Russell Norman incident with the Tibetan flag. She has been treasonous in my opinion. There must be video of it somewhere .. watch her run ! Guess she’s busy today hosting the Crafar farms billionaire as he treats us like a corner shop. Makes me bilious while precious kids here are starving and being forced to fail.
You just get a glimpse of Shipley in the background of this video.
Thx Karol .. there is someone else’s footage ( maybe TV3) that showed her running along the wall as the violence erupted.
There is a germ of truth in many comments above.
A politician needs the oxygen of publicity and, right now, he has been blindsided by the death of a popular Maori politician. It will be interesting to watch his reception tomorrow, and speculate why he could not attend Parekura’s burial on Saturday. What could be so imperative ? His image ? Helen would have done it with dignity. This is one space where the Crosby-Textor Yolngu playbook will not help. Tangata Whenua will be watching with interest.
His relationship with the media has broken down after a series of abrasive incidents, culminating in the GCSB affair. His ‘nice guy’ persona is exposed so he has gone onto the front foot.
We now see John Key in white pointer mode, developed on a booming trading floor and applied to Merrill’s staff in Sydney .. but those days are gone.
Nevertheless, I think is it too soon to write him off. Before he retires to Hawai’i, there is one task he must accomplish.
He must reprise the role of narrator in the Rocky Horror Picture Show on the stages of the nation.
Please, no !!!!
This can only be good for Greens/Labour. The thing about going negative this far from the election is that the constituency are going to get really sick of it. It’s usually the Left that has that problem so it’s great to see the Right struggling to catch its breath between invectives.
If Green/Labour just keep releasing properly left-wing policy it should hold National in a frothing, bigoted, ferment quite nicely.
Yep, the fangs are showing, but I think John Key’s comment . . .
. . . is the most telling. That’s the second time in recent days he has referred to his “legacy”. In his mind, he’s already gone. Its stopped being fun. Shouting the DPS holidays in Hawaii, buzzing around the country in rich mates’ helicopters, holding hands with a girl from the underclass, spouting ashpahrashunal platitudes to an adoring public, going AWOL to watch baseball games state-side . . . its all lost its allure. For John Key, its now just a matter of going through the motions and repeating his Crosby/Textor lines, waiting for the next election so he can get the hell out.
Fuck off now, John. If you’ve seriously done your best for the environment, the unemployed, Maori, the elderly, youth, the low paid, and those who’s hopes have shifted across the Tasman, you’ve done enough. And, no, I don’t like it.
Some similar thinking from Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho, whose time in Spain seems to be up:
Mourinho said he wants to be “where people love me”. He added: “I know I am loved in England. I am loved by some clubs, especially one.”
Substitute ‘my Hawaiian mansion’ for ‘England’ and ‘clubs’ and it could be Dunnokeyo.
to BLP “Fuck off now, John. If you’ve seriously done your best for the environment, the unemployed, Maori, the elderly, youth, the low paid, and those who’s hopes have shifted across the Tasman, you’ve done enough.”
Nope – he hasn’t finished yet. He’s still got all the oceans down the west coast to fill with his oil-drilling mates, and of course – all the land in the north, the Coromandels, and elsewhere to cover with mining
equipment. And to make sure that all gets done before he leaves, he and his poli mates are looking to dismantle the Resource Management Act. There’ll be nothing left of NZ as we know by the time he leaves !
.. and that’s the point. Key’s formative years coincided with the growth of the US neoconservative movement. Look what they’ve done to Iraq ..
…and his knighthood
If Labour manage to poll in the high 30’s come next election and form a coalition with the Greens & others, and then implement God knows what just don’t spout on that they have a mandate to govern.
Everyone here is constantly on about the Nats not having a mandate on 47%. For one party to get that percentage in an MMP environment is huge. If everyone is so confident in Labour then they should be getting in the 40’s in the next year. However, the reality is that most don’t even know who David Shearer is. Labour needs a better leader.
“The best leaders are scarcely known by their subjects” Lao Tsu.
Either Shearer is going for the Taoist approach, or Labour/Green are happy to be leading on policy rather than personality.
Haha that must be it
“Invisible leadership” must be the best kind 😛
I suspect there will not be 800,000 non voters next year, and National is worried what that may mean
The Nats have plenty of money to spend their way through the 2014 election. There’s no shortage of gullible fools willing to swallow Crosby Textor’s mendacious bullshit and tick the Nats’ boxes twice. Meanwhile, a third of the electorate no longer vote because Labour abandoned them and can’t be arsed trying to get them back.
Unfortunately for Labour since Clark they have encouraged apathy as being a virtue among their voters. Leader choice confirms that.
And yet you keep name checking him, and can’t seem to say anything positive. Are you from the nasty party?
The nasty party as in Labour – no. I surely am not the only person in this country with nothing positive to say about Shearer. This site confirms that. Then I have really nothing nice to say about Key at the moment either.
I decide from election to election who I am going to vote for. And it is not easy. I believe in a strong economy and less government intervention in the markets (within reason), yet I also believe in making sure the vulnerable and less well off in our society are taken care of. So some elections it is very difficult for me and twice I have not decided until I walked into the voting booth. I am sure there are many others who feel the same, however I always vote.
“… a strong economy and less government intervention in the markets…”
Nice oxymoron.
As Daryl Kerrigan might say, it’s what you do with it.
Key and his govt are constantly meddling with the markets but their interventions are crippling the economy.
I think JK was always negative. He’s the kid in school who secretly antagonises his school mate till he elicits an angry reaction which the teacher sees and canes the other kid.
It’s different when you attack the policy, not the person. The policy has a good goal in mind, but saving people $200-300 a year, maybe, in this fashion, is utterly ludicrous and an epic fail. The policy needs to be vituperated for what it is, cynical, poorly rendered, incorrect in many places (i.e. trying to say this is like Pharmac, when it isn’t, or they do this in South Korea, which uses a lot of nuclear power etc), and unworkable. This is this election cycle’s version of the Electoral Finance Act, with more to come.
“It’s communisms! North Korea! Labour and Greens are extremists! They’ll come for your children next!”
I don’t think that really counts as “attack the policy, not the person”. Do you?
Memo to U&Comer: $200-300 pa may be of no use to you, but then this policy isn’t aimed at fuckwits, it’s aimed at New Zealanders.
Two complaints have now been formally lodged with the CEO of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) alleging criminal market manipulation of the Mighty River Power share offer, by ‘information insiders’, Prime Minister John Key, Minister of Finance Bill English, Minister for Economic Development Steven Joyce and Minister of State Owned Enterprises Tony Ryall.
Are you aware of the Securities Markets Act 1988?
Kind regards,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation’ campaigner
2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate
The brain fades began along time ago
“you’re an honest guy” Paul Henry
Note the references by Key to Clark
Penny don’t stand for the mayoralty unless you want to usher in another right wing mayor.
I doubt Penny’s campaign will have as much impact on the outcome as you suggest. 2010 results: