Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
9:40 am, August 19th, 2015 - 27 comments
Categories: accountability, brand key, disaster, health and safety, john key, workers' rights -
Tags: broken promises, coward, health and safety, pike river
Met Bodhi the puppy this afternoon. Very wriggly, but very cute. No one tell Moonbeam. pic.twitter.com/UddKG44kl7
— John Key (@RtHon_JohnKey) August 18, 2015
Key is literally meeting a puppy instead of the pike river families. holy shit https://t.co/1mNXAPw4lG
— At The Drive Thru
podcast (@drivethrupod) August 18, 2015
@MorganGodfery @Suzyiam Shame on the Mp's who wouldn't face the Pike River Families.
— David H (@dchwgtn1) August 18, 2015
Sorry Pike River families, but I'm a busy man. https://t.co/x9MSuOTkRG
— Peter Green (@pitakakariki) August 18, 2015
What an absolutely cowardly arsehole
Looks like Ponyboy’s yanking something .
… so Key avoids Pike River familys, to do a photo op where he can’t even hold a dog properly. The dog’s body language is one of pure distrust and discomfort, and why shouldn’t the puppy be? Dogs are usually good judges of character.
When I saw this I wondered if he was attempting to mirror Helen Clark’s meeting Shrek the sheep rather than the foreshore and seabed hikoi. If so, then he and his advisers must be incredibly callous and tin-eared. While the foreshore and seabed dispute was deeply divisive, Clark’s sidestepping the hikoi did not involve a show of contempt for the dead and the bereaved.
but.. but.. labour did it too…?
“When prominent political journalist Mark Sainsbury asked her why she chose to meet with Shrek the Sheep and his owner today instead of hikoi marchers, her exact comment was “I found Shrek to be better company ”
So she dismissed them openly, while Key doesnt even acknowledge PR families.
he was worried about his sidekick moonbeam though.
Good point. Whatever you think about the foreshore and seabed issue, Clark was making a move within the context of a political dispute. He is snubbing people who have lost beloved sons, partners, brothers and fathers to work accidents that should not have happened.
Oh come on every one knows that the puppies real name is Seymour
puppy’s real name is Seymour
LOL! There are three more mongrels with Seymour in the dirty kennel….
Yes but , dunne flavell seymour hoskings -henry is a hell of a mouthful especially when you have to say after”get in behind”
Oh, come on. Let’s not all pretend to be surprised. This is Key we’re talking about. Obviously a puppy is of greater consequence in terms of future re-electability, than the bereaved families of hard-working miners who died as a result of catastrophic incompetence and miserly penny-pinching. Those families aren’t going to vote National anyway, but the puppy might sway a few more animal-lovers to the cause. And that’s all that really matters here on Planet Key.
That’s about right Wensleydale: get heckled by the families of dead miners you gave glib assurances to that turned out to as hollow as all his other assurances about everything, or cuddle a puppy and post a dad joke about it in twitter. It’s a no brainer really.
The puppy’s expression is like Ritchie McCaw’s: ‘This tosser doesn’t like me (I can smell it) why is he pretending to?’
Is that an Audemars-Piguet watch hes wearing ?
completely Craven…………….
There is just something uncomfortable with this man and his relationship with hair.
And the dog knows it too. It’s looking like: Eeeuw, get this creep off of me!
It knows a soul-less being, when it sees one.
Key wasn’t at Parliament when the families gave their speeches?! Typical Wall Street derivatives manager… take the money, fuck the people. This man has to be a sociopath. I can see Hoskings defending his beloved Key with something to the tune of how busy he is.
I feel another crack from John Oliver coming.
You vote for what you deserve: We deserve a PM who does not give a damn about people. A economy which is on the whole, destructive. A society which has the “have a little”, spitting on the “have bugger all”. A amoral government of no hoper’s, who waste the public purse for ideological purpose.
The PM is now the guy who now reaches for the creepy card.
Leaving us with a quite revolting indictment on our society, it is all the people hoovering up – the creepy.
Good god he is carrying a lot of fat under his chin.
by crikey, I hadn’t noticed that before, even more marshmallowy features, Crosby Textor will be all over him
Can someone tell Adolf Key to go to the bunker and well we know the rest
I hope Bodhi shit on his shirt evil little toad. (Key not the dog)
No spirit.
Just money.
As Mike says “It must be awfully hard to face the families of the Pike River tragedy and try to explain that what you’re doing isn’t what they want, but I suppose that’s government isn’t it? ”
Yes Mike, much easier to simply ignore them and go hug a puppy. (CT handbook pg2 -s2 a)
Surely when the families of lost workers make their way to Parliament, the PM’s decision not to meet with them would be worthy of note?
In fact, who exactly from National did meet with the families?
From all accounts, not one solitary member of the National Party fronted up but Mike Hosking seems unaware of this.