Lowly science

Written By: - Date published: 5:42 pm, October 30th, 2014 - 15 comments
Categories: Deep stuff, education, science - Tags: , ,

A brief note on a piece that caught my eye last week:

Judith Collins relegated to lowly select committee

Two former ministers will settle into life as backbench MPs sitting together on one of the lower profile select committees.

Details of the make up of select committees are expected to be announced soon, however it’s understood National has lined up former Justice Minister Judith Collins and former Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson to sit on the education and science committee.

The “lower profile” education and science committee. “Lowly” education and science. I’m sure it’s true, but – but – imagine a country in which education and science were valued?

15 comments on “Lowly science ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    There’s a new player in the science and education market.

    Just call Oravida Learning Through Experience™ Corp for all your education and science needs.

  2. BLiP 2

    You have to learn to parse Nationalese. The term “low profile” can be literally translated back into standard Kiwi english as “marked for extinction”. Its a bit like how the term “higher effecal stindirds” means “getting better at lying”. But, wait, there’s more: in this particular case, the select committee concerned is preparing to “bring on-board corporate partners for policy development going forward in a tight maul”. The less the profile the less the chance the public twigs to “the piecemeal privatisation of education, especially in the sciences”.

  3. TheContrarian 3

    Science: it fucking works. And it is fucking important.

    Same with education I might add. Lowly?…we’re fucked

    • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1

      You helped fuck us. Congrats.

      • TheContrarian 3.1.1

        And I did this how?

        I voted Green you fucking numbnuts. The same party who has a member extolling the virtues of homeopathy.

        You broke my irony meter. You own me a new one.

  4. Draco T Bastard 4

    I’m sure it’s true, but – but – imagine a country in which education and science were valued?

    It’d be truly awesome: Technologically advanced and progressive.

  5. Tracey 5

    but but but

    dotcom sped

    and and and

    a green mp said nothing to lose by homeopathy

    I dont get why you guys dont understand the real important stuff to nu zulinders

  6. The last thing the Gnats needs is an educated and scientifically literate public. They have given up on the “knowledge economy”, now they are pushing a two-tier economy instead. If you’re on the inside track with the Nats it’s pretty sweet

    (land-bankers, speculators, foreign investors, high earners are getting bigger rewards than ever…)

    No need to doubt the words of smiley teflon john, he seems like such a nice chap. Critical thinking, what’s that?

  7. Clemgeopin 7

    I hope these two distinguished ex-ministers do not get new Science ideas as being meted out to lowly workers to save company production time;

  8. greywarshark 8

    In the piece about the select committees it refers to
    Mike Sabin MP for Northland, Mark Mitchell and Chester Borrows – all former policemen in
    National Party.

  9. NZJester 9

    Education is not a priority to them as National have been running all the public schools down so that they can sell them all off as unnecessary public assets at bargain basement prices to the private sector for use as Charter Schools. As in other countries that have tried them out you will see kids receive half the education for twice the price.
    This works well for Nationals future goals of turning New Zealand into a land of uneducated and overworked surfs getting just enough to live on and dying off early so that the old will no longer be a problem to them.