Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
12:00 pm, August 5th, 2014 - 81 comments
Categories: act, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, tv -
Tags: David Seymour, jamie whyte, Mihingarangi Forbes, Native Affairs
Māori Television’s Native Affairs program and Mihingarangi Forbes are developing well deserved reputations for being amongst the forefront of current affairs news programmes and as a reporter. Last night’s interview of ACT’s Jamie Whyte will have enhanced that reputation. Because Forbes quietly and efficiently showed that Jamie Whyte is a blithering idiot.
Her questions were well thought through and direct. A question about whether he would disband Māori Television was met with an inevitable “yes”. He thought the support of Māori culture by the state was inappropriate and it should only happen on a voluntary basis. He also thought that support for Māori culture should be on a level pegging with support of Chinese culture, and is obviously completely blind to the reality that Māori culture is indigenous and part of what makes New Zealand special and unique.
My irony detector thought at the time that it was funny that Whyte should be taking advantage of something, being filmed on Māori Television, that philosophically he clearly opposed.
Then came the coup de grace. He was asked if he would disband Whanau Ora. He said that he did not know what it was. If you heard an unusual sound at about 8:45 pm last night it would have been caused by multiple jaws dropping in unison throughout the country.
Mihirangi’s response was wonderfully delicate and diplomatic. She asked gently “you are not on top of Whanau Ora yet?” in a way that made you think she was stating “you are a blithering idiot” to Whyte although in the nicest possible way.
Whyte then complained about inherited wealth. He should explain that to the good people of Remuera, many of whom rely on wealth passed down through their family and unaffected by the wealth confiscation that Māori have suffered from.
Forbes then asked another simple yet perfectly weighted question. Whyte as a businessman would understand what a contract is, and he should understand that the Treaty of Waitangi is a contract which should be honoured. Whyte then started talking about “a recent interpretation” of the treaty. Forbes clearly struggled to keep her jaw from dropping at that time.
The final coup de grace from Forbes was after Whyte had listed different sectors in society and said the state had no right to support these sectors ahead of others. Forbes responded that these groups do not have a treaty to rely on.
The lasting impression that I had from the show, apart from amazement at Whyte’s complete lack of understanding, was the thought of how could ACT and the Māori Party remain in the same coalition?
Whyte’s incompetence should have National really worried. Last time even with a clearly telegraphed message via cup of tea only 60% of National voters in Epsom voted for John Banks. Whyte and Epsom candidate David Seymour will not have the same attraction to the right that Don Brash and John Banks had. The Right’s suggestion that Epsom is in the bag is contemptuous of the democratic choice that Epsom voters have and in my view terribly optimistic.
Was in the centre of auckland this morning and drove through Parnell on the way home. Will these people vote for seymour i asked myself… I think theanswer is probably yes if they think that nice mr key wants them to and will preserve their lifestyles
My favourite bit about Epsom 2011:
BANKS, John ACT 15,835
GOLDSMITH, Paul NAT 13,574
Good chance Rankin will split the tory vote, give that craig is unlikely to go with Labour any time soon.
McFlock: Good chance Rankin will split the tory vote…
This is delusion based on a misrepresentation of who those ACT electorate seat voters in Epsom are.
Those who voted for Banks are National party voters who obediently followed Key’s instruction to vote for Banks. These are the strongest supporters National has in Epsom. They are not voting ACT because they are soft National support. They are voting ACT because they are really, really committed National supporters. If these voters get tired of voting for ACT’s electorate candidate they will just vote for the National candidate.
At best Rankin might attract some of National’s weak support in Epsom — so lower the National candidate’s vote.
If Rankin has any effect it will be attract any Epsomites who didn’t vote at all because there was not a sufficiently loopy candidate to vote for. But that’s a small number of voters and as they don’t come the existing pool won’t have any effect on the relative ACT/National candidate votes.
Rankin is partly running in Epsom to get publicity for the Conservatives.
She is also there to give Key the option to have a cup-of-tea with her close to the election. If National’s polling for itself and ACT looks dire much closer to the election (and the Conservatives look likely to get something like 3-4% of the vote), then Key may decide to switch Epsom’s electorate support from ACT to Conservative. There are lots of risks to that for Key (looks like a shifty flip-flopper attempting to game the system), but running the risk might be better than losing the chance for a third term. Rankin standing in Epsom keeps this a live option.
Fair point, unless some of the nact voters who found they’d ended up with yet another clown switched to Rankin, or get confused as to what the instructions are.
But in 2008 69% of national voters and 89% of act voters also voted for Hide.
With Banks that was down to 60% and 79% respectively. So I’m still hopeful.
Yep the fact that 40% of National voters did not follow instructions must be at least a little bit of a worry. I believe that Seymour will struggle to win it.
Not least because Seymour is a buffoon and there is only so much insult the Nat supporters in Epsom can stand.
Well we assume there’s a limit but it hasn’t been found yet…
bloated self interest has a limit yeah right
However, IF the people of epsom believe the polls they may believe the nats can govern without ACT…
But he does love to say that the Epsom electorate are the most “numerate” in the country – What a weird thing to say over and over? A very strange looking fellow too, looks like Ruth Richardson’s love child!
Whyte continues denying his own privilege, and points to the UK style law as a yardstick. Forbes asks “whose law” is Whyte for? He doesn’t seem to understand he is advocating UK law being visited upon Maori, in contradiction to the Treaty.
But then, He is also dismissive (like Thatcher) of society. For him there’s just individuals living on a level playing field, all with equal opportunities – regardless of who their parents are, whether they are born into poverty or not…..
Whyte Denial!
So aptly named, Mr Whyte.
That he brings up the Chinese shows his total lack of understanding. He says he wants one law for all, well our english based one law for all system says we need to honour the Treaty.
Oh dearie, dearie me, Mr Whyte. First of all, have a gold star for your perfectly apt nominative determinism. Shame on you.
Kudos to Mihingarangi Forbes for being able even to continue with the interview. It could have been a parody done by The Civilian. Whyte’s constant swallowing and indigestion suggests even he might have been having probs with his bullshit and ignorant answers. And maybe next time, someone could help him get a jacket and shirt that fit so he doesn’t look like a bulging bean bag about to burst.
I always enjoy and learn from Native Affairs and honestly, it is simply the best current affairs on TV.
May the good voters of Epsom not be fooled a third time by this idiotic party founded by the dregs of Rogernomics and all the harm it has come to represent. Not sure how Key believes continuing the gross insult of voter manipulation can serve him again. Wake up Epsom, please.
On a better note, check this website for Grace Haden, the little-known independent Epsom candidate. I found this following through on a comment she posted under a Herald article on Lochinver’s potential sale this morning. Her backgrounder on Shanghai Pengshin and its various entities appears very well researched … worth a look imho …. and nb, I have no affiliation and am not an Epsom voter.
Who she is : Grace Haden, why she is standing in Epsom and her anti-corruption website:
Then this re Shanghai Pengshin on her website
Seems like a very impressive candidate going by her page! Sadly, has little chance of winning against the big names and the political reality of Epsom. I wonder why she did not put her name through on one of the political parties rather than as an independent which is too hard to win or be influential in changing laws in our parliament.
From part of her website,
“While you and I are held accountable to the law in the most minutest detail, corporates , wealthy and many lawyers totally flaunt the law .
Court action is taken to pervert the course of justice and because of the complexity of the court , the rules which are not followed and the law societies manner of protecting its own , the law has lost its way.
Lady Justice is not weighing up the rights and wrongs she is weighing up the money that can be extracted from you.
It is recorded that “The latest average hourly wage is $27.55 an hour. That equates to $55,000 a year if you did a 40 hour week” That is before tax Lawyers through the court get daily recovery rates for court work at three levels being $1,320, $1,990,$2,940 depending on the perceived complexity of a matter eve at the lowest rate working on a five day week that is $6,600 per week being $343,200 per year .
People are submitting to the court process and the demands because they simply cannot afford to fight allegations . the rich and those conversant with law therefore have a too by which they can attack any one at any time simply because thy can .
I have already had a petition presented for a commission against corruption see Why I am calling for an independent commission against corruption and more at this link.
I am now commencing a petition to ensure that Lawyers are independently held accountable to the rule of law. Lawyers are supposed to be officers of the court and should not be using the court to bully and beat people up so as to pervert the course of justice.
I intend to post daily blogs highlighting legal issues and corruption issues throughout the time of my campaign.
If you support corruption please vote for the others. if you care an are concerned about teh corruption in New Zealand then please vote for me as I cannot do this on my own I need your support .
Thank you
Authorised By Grace Haden 23 Wapiti avenue Epsom 027 2868239″
Good luck!
grace hadens pursuit of imagined conspiracies wrecked the life of a friend and the collateral damage included my partner. While some of what she, penny and others do is probably right, they shoot at alot of innocent people too. As far as i know she has never paid the damages awarded against her to her victim in a defamation case.
The man is an idea without a context – as ably pointed out at the end of the interview. He’s right that the problems of real life can’t be solved the way governments have been trying to solve them, but he doesn’t realise his solution will only make it worse. The most culturally myopic idea was that everyone should have the same rights under law, regardless of your parents. Takes a real white white man to believe that will end well. The most ignorant idea was that there are no rights/social issues in the UK and everyone is free to make of life what they can. Clearly he’s never heard of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, the Industrial Revolution or any European History. I predict he’ll be voted for by nice white people everywhere.
Great interview – whyte – a mite in flight
Thatcher was a racist former Australian treasurer had a meeting with thatcher and while Swans wife of Asian decent was sitting at the other side of the room Thatcher said to Swan make sure you keep those Darkies out of Australia,.
Whyte racial fermenter looks up to Thatcher and says he wants equal laws applied to Maori but Forgets 170years ago the treaty of Waitangi put those in place but governors of the day denied those rights then subsequent Governments made sure Maori were unable to enjoy those rights Until The 1980’s by then Maori had been kept in poverty while Europeans enjoyed the fruits of insider trading ,
Whytes supporters will include the likes of cretins from the National front Skin Heads Whyte power motorcycle gangs etc he must be proud to have that looser crowd supporting him!
Please provide a link to the claim about Thatcher’s coments to Swan.
read his memoir
Probably a misremembering of this incident: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/bob-carr-recalls-racist-thatcher-advice/story-fncz7kyc-1226616879878?nk=b29f8a54687e9355b875d638f84eed71
Is your Google broken again, Gosman?
When he is opposing racially-oriented special treatment, the fact that he is confronted with yet another example of it that he is unaware of is simply illustrative of what a huge quantity of it there is out there.
You must admit Steve it was astounding that he did not know about Whanau Ora.
mickey its all that incestuous inbreeding most likely a throwback you get when inbreeding occurs genes revert Neanderthal genes in this case!
How do Act always come up with so inane leaders well its a refection of their support fringe lunatics as research has shown that these smaller fanatical parties attract he must have gone to a charter school !
I am not so sure. Those interested in politics, may well understand what Whanau Ora means but many people I work around would have no idea what it means nor even care. Sometimes we forget just what ordinary New Zealander’s actually care about, which probably accounts for the large number of young people that will just not bother voting. Despite GOTV and similar ideas the Internet Party will probably attract young people more easily than any other party.
Doing phone bank last night and struck one delightful lady who was very supportive of Labour but sighed that her 19 year old daughter was more interested in supporting DotCom. Not only supporting but helping.
Not sure major parties will ever learn just why that is.
Whanau Ora is the flagship
bribepolicy of one of his party’s likely coalition partners, and he was unaware of it. It’s like if Hone Harawira were unaware that the Greens had an issue with fossil-fuel mining if his party’s flagship policy was to expand it dramatically.Whyte’s flailing in the water, because he’s in over his head. Even if he’s wearing and inflated ego, he’s still in trouble. If he doesn’t drown, he might still get hypothermia. And circling sharks can smell blood.
lol that metaphor can really go a long way in this case.
He seems to be a nice guy but is out of his depth about NZ politics and history. I think the party’s very wealthy ‘Illuminati’ in the background that chose him to lead the party are the real idiots! Jamie Whyte thinks in terms of the very narrow frog in the well based Libertarian philosophy!
Completely selfish humans support the ACT party anyway!
Correct me if of wrong, but isn’ t Seymour on the record as supporting Whanau Ora?
Probably thinks it is some sort of a money spinner like Sky City for the executive bosses!
its a pretty big one steve
what kind of bumpkin runs for NZ govt and doesnt even know the most recent examples of that which he is opposed to, then he goes on TV to discuss the issue?
who does this? – jamie whyte power, thats who
and that is why many see him as racist – not because they themselves are opposed to equality before the law, but because jamie whyte is making a race based argument from a position of abject ignorance
He is opposing the implementation of the Queen’s obligations to those with whom she entered an agreement. Laterly her position is represented by the Crown. Legal agreements frequently give one party a greater advantage or “treatment” than those not in the agreement.
Not sure what Whanau Ora has to do with race anyway.
Yes, it was the MP that pushed for it and got it implemented, and it takes an approach to wellness and healing that is based upon Maori culture.
But WO is available to people of all races – the MP tried to restrict it to Maori only but were wisely over-ruled by National.
So how is it race-based legislation?
Well for a start it’s got a maree name.
Sick of all this maree stuff. One language for all.
and for god’s sake, how can an approach to wellness and healing that is based upon Maori culture be inclusive for Pakeha?
Of course, no-one wants to talk about the NZ health system being based on Pakeha culture, and that the value of funding health care models from other cultures is that it enables people from those cultures to access health care that works better.
If by “Pakeha culture” you mean “science”
Dear Felix,
It’s Maori not maree and if you are sick of all this maree stuff go back to your cave and stay there.
“One language for all” you say.
How boring would that be … oh about as boring as your racist comment
It’s funny when a newcomer attacks a regular who was posting something completely sarcastically.
I don’t find that kind of thing funny. One joke for all.
Winston has an excellent summation of Whyte – – – “If that man’s a philospher then I’m Einstein.” Perfect.
Poor old Whytey, just can’t escape the circles in his brain…. bit of a mistake putting him in as Act leader, I don’t think he is making much of a fist of it.
Couple of things which Mahingharangi put out there though … one, that the treaty was between two peoples. Nup. It was with the british crown, which is a very different and particular entity. Aint nothing to do with most people, who have merely been subjected to its tyranny over the centuries… the british crown can go jump in the lake.
And second, she referred to the Treaty being a contract to be honoured and that damages incurred due to breaches need to be put right. That is entirely correct. However, it doesn’t necessarily follow that that contract is in the right form for the future. The Treaty is not in the best form for the future, imo… however that is a question for the future, post-honouring and repairing. Honour the Treaty, then fix it.
We had an educated discussion around Waitangi day when the concept of state sucession rights was introduced for those who had not heard of them. The treaty has everything to do with the current government
After watching that extraordinarily ‘ordinary’ performance, you do have to wonder how Whyte obtained a PhD from the University of Cambridge. Surely being able to spout a couple of tired, fact-free, sophistries isn’t sufficient a basis for awarding a qualification that’s predicated on original ‘learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence’?
From what I know of Cambridge the only thing you need to master to get top results is the “reach around”
You clearly don’t know much then, except possibly how to be offensively homophobic
By definition, it’s only possible to have one coup de grace.
yeah, the first one was just a flesh wound
Yep … my blogging and reviewing time is shorter than I would like it ..
What a clown this Whyte supremacist creep is, could be a side effect of consuming ear-wax..
That earwax is all young master Banksie had to waterproof his cabbage boat with
The only answer for Whyte’s behavior is of coarse, his parents are cousins.
don’t be so coarse!
I was expecting to click on the link and find Jamie Whyte say something extraordinary. He appeared very reasoned and intelligent and unlike most politicians gave his actual opinion. There was nothing supremacist or racist in what he said. I admit i was surprised that he appeared to be unaware of Whanau Ora but perhaps that was misheard. I could see Mihi’s exasperation as he coolly and calmly answered her questions. I think she was expecting some “grotesque” comments.
lol he misheard it because the words were in te reo Māori – he blanked out and didn’t listen as I’m sure he does whenever any Māori word comes up like kiwi or something. He did say what he thought though, unfortunately that wasn’t very much at all.
dear oh dear pisseearnie – grotesque comments – oh that’s right, only RWNJ’s would have missed them – what did you have the sound down?
Can you point out a single thing that he said that a reasonable person would describe as grotesque?
Perhaps look up a dictionary first.
Is this a reasonable person who watched the interview or a RWNJ who studiously ignored the detail of what was discussed?
On Planet Earth everyone thought that Whyte was an imbecile. Maybe on Planet Key they thought he was making sense …
“…gave his actual opinion.”
Sure I could buy that Whyte gave his actual opinion.
Potentially, it isn’t his actual opinion. It might just the opinion that he thinks the pseudo-intellectual-ignorant-redneck-wankers who seem to support ACT, think he should have. Although given that pseudo-intellectual-ignorant-redneck-wankers are unlikely to watch Maori TV, you have to wonder why he’d bother.
So, yes fisiani, you are probably right: Whyte really is a pseudo-intellectual-ignorant-redneck-wanker. Perfect for ACT.
Whyte Power is probably egotistic enough that he thinks that Maori who watch the interview will be swayed by his indisputable logic and vote ACT. Or he might just have a close relative who gets the hots for guys who talk shit on tv.
Give this man a one way ticket back to the UK, really this man has had the common sense educated out of him.
Mihingarangi did well not to lose her cool head over this uneducated (in Maori tikanga) buffoon, IMHO this man is doing Epsom a great disservice by just opening his mouth
I’m very interested in who did the deal for Whyte and Seymour to come back to NZ to run ACT. And whether they’re happy with their investment.
the same people who though Brash was ACTs messiah…. Well over 60, very white, very wealthy and very male.
Perhaps the idea of See More Whyte just got the better of them in the their deep reptilian unconscious minds
Woop-de-doo, Whyte didn’t know about a particular government initiative (which in fact, as pointed out earlier, is available to all people, not just Maori). Whyte is making a very good point, creating race based policies is just further marginalises Maori.
If some Maori are not doing so well it is usually due to culture and values rather than having had land taken from them 150 years ago. Look at the Jews in Europe, 6 million died, families destroyed, all assets taken. 60 years later, they are now doing as well as you or I. Culture and values.
There’s so much wrong with your post it’s hard to know where to start.
“There’s so much wrong with your post it’s hard to know where to start.”
Apart from asking for citations, which will probably come from John Ansell and friends, I reckon ignoring it is the way to go.
Wreckingball? is that what gave you brain damage?
So what do you all think about the workings of the New Zealand Government Property Corporation? Going well is it? I presume all your favorite parties have policies that relate to government property
Real cryptic. What does ownership of various properties in the UK have to do with this post?
The point is that there are truckloads of troughs. For those of us who believe in a colorblind state, the details of any particular racially-oriented state entity is moot. We oppose them on principle
You would have to tear up the Treaty, a founding document of this nation. I can’t see the 99.5% of New Zealanders who don’t vote ACT being very happy about that.
What about inherited wealth Steve. Do you think that families should surrender it?
“For those of us who believe in a colorblind state, the details of any particular racially-oriented state entity is moot. We oppose them on principle”
Colourblind in this context = white supremacy. Not the old cross burning on the lawn white supremacy. The new libertarian white supremacy allows for non-whites to join in, so long as the thing being joined remains white. Colourblind my arse.
Kiaora Steve
Of course you would want a colourblind state – as the absence of colour invariably leaves white only.
Black is all the colours including white.
do you think anyone should be able to end a legal agreement when they dont like the terms anymore without paying compensation? Oh, and the party breaching doesnt get to determine the compensation, right?
Oh dear. Dr Whyte isn’t very good, is he?
Is the real candidate- the mysterious unknown…sorry I can’t remember his name, any better?
Epsom people must feel very very short changed if not downright cheated in this campaign of a so called democratic election which is supposed to be about their choice.
They’ve already been handed a couple of dog lemons in the last few elections.
Surely a revolt is in the offing.
I believe he’s named after the bloke from little shop of horrors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl_YEVDnN-Y Where else could ACT buy its freaks and monsters?
Wow. Came across as a blithering idiot, who didn’t understand anything about New Zealand, or about the law or about people. It’s about time someone over ran Cambridge, went back in time in the TARDIS and beat Jamie’s parents every time they spoke English at school and forced them to speak Volgan and stuck him in some small council in his own country. Ehh… well.
Has anyone looked into this fellow’s alleged career as a Cambridge lecturer? From what I’ve seen of him so far, he does not have the wherewithal to talk to a lowly Year 9 class at a provincial high school, leave alone at a university like Cambridge.
Did he actually work as a lecturer? What evidence is there that he did?
I haven’t seen anything to contradict the idea that he could have been a perfectly fine, cogent lecturer in some narrow, esoteric, abstract field.
He seems to flounder around exactly like “clever” academics often do when they mistake knowing lots about something for knowing something about lots of things.
No he’s a muppet and not a very smart one at that. Whyte/ white is so completely out of touch that it was a farcical comedy and Forbes played him perfectly!