Ngaro goes negative

Written By: - Date published: 8:18 am, October 10th, 2020 - 43 comments
Categories: abortion, drugs, election 2020, national, phil twyford, same old national, the praiseworthy and the pitiful - Tags:

I can understand Alfred Ngaro’s current frustration.  He was an important addition to National’s caucus and gave the party which has traditionally been very white and very conservative some needed diversity.

He is also a very conservative christian and fitted in easily into the god bothering faction of the party.

He was placed at 20 in National’s 2017 list.  Despite all the resignations and retirements he was dropped to 30 in National’s current list.  Collins said at the time that she was confident he could beat Phil Twyford.  I hate to break it to them both but on current polling there is absolutely no way this is going to happen.

So Ngaro has gone septic and accused Twyford of wanting to decriminalise all drugs and that he supports full term abortions as well as abortions based on gender and disability.

The full term abortion claim is one that has previously been said by other National MPs including Hareta Hipanga and Simon O’Connor during the passage of the recent Abortion Legislation bill.  They are only possible in a medical emergency, as they were previously.  Judith Collins herself voted for the law to be passed.

As for the claim that Twyford will support the legalisation of cannabis I think Ngaro should have thought this through more carefully.  Out west I sense that this is not an unpopular policy and besides we are all voting on the proposal in the referendum.

What really strikes me is the total lack of discipline being shown by National’s caucus.  It seems pretty clear that either there is no central vetting of what MPs are going to say or advertise or that discipline has broken down that much that they are saying what they think.

The advert has since been taken down.  Ngaro’s problem is that screen shots live forever.

I can confidently say that next week Ngaro will be unemployed.  Based on his outburst I think this is a good thing.

43 comments on “Ngaro goes negative ”

  1. Stunned Mullet 1

    I pity the people of the Te Atatu even by NZ standards the electorate candidates in Te Atatu are particularly woeful.

    • Anne 1.1

      Your judgement of Twyford is based on a National Party orchestrated litany of negativity which began almost 3 years ago. His Chinese sounding names were taken out of context to the debate concerning off-shore purchasing of houses that was occurring at the time. And the irony is: it transpired he was correct that the bulk of the problem was indeed caused by off-shore buyers from China and Hong Kong.

      As for Kiwibuild. Yes he was overly optimistic there, But a large part of the problem was the building industry didn't pull their weight. They stuck with the high end market because they made more money out of it. I accept that was a problem which should have been foreseen but at least this government has wasted no time setting up apprenticeships and other training enterprises which should start to see the house building programme gather momentum from now on.

      Personally, I think Phil (who I know quite well) should start to openly talk about suing these Nat pollies whose own back-grounds are far more questionable than his.

      • Stunned Mullet 1.1.1


      • Herodotus 1.1.2

        Kiwibuild was not as you say overly optimistic – it was a policy in 2012, but then only 50,000 houses in 10 last election Labour decided to double the build. It was to be kind to labour all promise and no idea how to implement. And worst it was an outright lie – a promise that was known at the time could not be kept.

        • AB

          Don't think Twyford was dishonest – more a case of being naive:

          • about the willingness of private sector developers to engage in socially-useful endeavours at the expense of their profits. Some serious cool-aid has to be drunk to become so oblivious to how capitalism actually works
          • about the possibility of building 'affordable' houses in an environment where wages were staying low and demand for houses was through the roof due to foreign money, high immigration, a tax system that favours property investment over working, and price-gouging cartels in the construction sector. These boils needed to be lanced first.

          If you want to do good, but can’t bring yourself to properly understand how bad occurs, you’ll go in some funny directions.

          • Gabby

            Phil's touching faith in the market maybe needs to be removed surgically.

          • Anne

            Don't think Twyford was dishonest – more a case of being naive:

            Yes he was. But remember the context in the lead up to the 2017 election. Labour was trailing badly in the polls and were clearly in for another drubbing. That was the back-drop to an overly optimistic Phil trying to make headway for his Party. As it turned out it was unnecessary but nobody knew that at the time.

            Phil is not dishonest and nor is he a racist yet they were the memes a dishonest and racist National Party succeeded in creating for him.

            Projection much!

          • Herodotus

            In 2013 we had this from Twyford "“We want KiwiBuild to be ready to roll when Labour takes office. " What was he doing between this date pre election 2014 and 2017. That questions the defence of being naive – and more to dishonest in regard to Kiwibuild. So we have wasted anther 3 years and the situation has worsen. And now we see Auckland housing medium price has recently increased by over 16%. Aad IMO housing is the source of most of our social issues that we currently face.




            • Anne

              It wouldn't matter if Twyford had won this year's Nobel Peace prize, you would still be saying he's dishonest, he's this, he's that and he's the other.

              You have an irrational hatred for anyone associated with Labour so not sure why you bother to come here. I suspect few people take notice of your whining and dissing.

              • Herodotus

                Thanks for attacking myself and not the basis of my argument, you cannot even support your position with any links, perhaps because there are none ?Come on Anne, support your position with just anything, give me something to challenge my comments and to consider that I have got it wrong. Please just something …… Otherwise refrain from personnel attacks.

                Sometimes the truth hurts.

                • Anne

                  Forthright – yes. Personal attack – no.

                  It was an attack on your views which are always an attack on Labour regardless of the subject matter. No attack Alfred Ngaro for dishonesty and defamatory claims? No, you attack the target Phil Twyford because he is Labour. And here's a link for you:


                  Twyford had earlier shared the screenshots, saying it was “such a gross piece of misinformation it shouldn’t be ignored”.

                  “It has more in common with the fake news of the American religious right than the way we do politics in New Zealand,” Twyford said on Friday.

                  • Herodotus

                    Ngaro and Nationals self imposed destruction deserves all comments thrown at them, and I do not support them, and it does nothing to advance the cause of NZ.

                    Now to address your 2nd paragraph on comment 1.1 directed at Kiwibuild. "As for Kiwibuild. Yes he was overly optimistic there" and I disagreed with your comment, and I provided some supporting links for my position. Do you think it to promote a policy that was thought up in 2013 and then in 2017 still not have any idea as to how to fulfil this promise is moral, especially as to what has transpired ?
                    Is that now not allowed to disagree with links?

                    I would like to see what is best for NZ.

                    I will relink for you ease to understand the history


                    • McFlock

                      I think that theoretical solutions, regardless of when they were first developed, often face challenges when actually implemented.

                      The 2018 census is another example.

                      Other projects and policies have gone well, and the unforeseen challenges have been faced.

                      Shitting on kiwibuild is easy for folks who never tried. It wasn't the preferred left wing option, but it might have been better long term than just building state houses for the nats to sell off in nine years' time.

                      But the state housing stock is on the increase, and the ground my local hospital is being cleared. And maybe if the prefab framing factory takes off, kiwibuild will pick up speed.

                • gnomic

                  "give me something to challenge my comments"

                  How about sod off noddy, and stop wasting our time.

                  Troll rating F for fail.

                  • Herodotus

                    Another acolyte. Is that all the strawman has to offer ?
                    Baseless Attacking, without any substance, no wonder you say I am wasting your time, being challenged does that, when you have nothing to offer to counter human nature states that you become Defensive.

                    • Anne

                      You spend your time here baselessly attacking Labour politicians in particular and then get all sulky and upset when someone attacks you. 🙄

      • anker 1.1.3

        Here here Anne. I always thought Nats singled him out and created a narrative that he was incompetent. I don't believe this can be the case, because despite Kiwibuild he has retained a very high cabinet ranking. Smart for Jacinda to pull him from Housing and a high public profile though.

        I feel very disappointed that more Kiwibuild homes aren't being built. I really hope they keep going with the scheme, trying to make it work. So hard for first home buyers having to compete in the current market. But I am please so many State Houses are being built. Keep going Labour

        • Gabby

          I really hope they decide to leave home ownership to the market, and drive down house prices by building many rentals.

          • KJT

            State rentals is the real answer.

            I suspect too many politicians and their doners own rentals, though.

  2. tc 2

    National appear well stocked with these flexibly moral christians.

    Someone should do unto alfred but as we know they're only into the giving not receiving.

  3. mac1 3

    Is Ngaro saying that National would not enact legislation to legalise cannabis if the referendum gave a 'yes' vote majority result?

    He says that a vote for Twyford is a vote for legalisation.

    Have National not committed to honouring that referendum?

    If I don't know that, how many others don't? Would that, more importantly, influence pro-legalisation voters to vote accordingly for a party that promises to enact that proposition, as Ardern promised when debating with Collins?

    • Immigrant 3.1

      Yes! In the 3rd debate Ardern asked Collins several times whether National would honour the outcome of the cannabis referendum. No response from Collins which means the answer will be NOT NECESSARILY.

      • Hanswurst 3.1.1

        … or that it is 'yes', but they're soiling themselves at the prospect of losing more votes to the smaller conservative parties.

  4. Gabby 4

    I thought Alfred Aggro was buggering orf. What a shame. Still, his god will judge him for his lies no doubt.

  5. Draco T Bastard 5

    Considering everything he said in his pamphlet is a lie then he must expect the voters of Te Atatū to consider lying to grab hold of political power to be a value.

    And, no, I'm not surprised to hear that a very conservative christian is a liar.

  6. Byd0nz 6

    National is true to it's core principal, tell lies, mud sticks policy. This is traditional National, this is a party stuck in the mire of dirty politics which once upon a time worked, but as time went on voters recognised the lies for what they are and now are sick of the sham. This is an election that will see the mud swallow the National liar party from a position I doubt it will fully recover. It's a new world now that has no place for a party like National, long may they wallow in that mire.

  7. tc 7

    Must irk him to lose to twyford though.

    Pildos not top drawer material nor that loyal.

  8. Patricia Bremner 8

    Alfred was born 70 years too late. His time has really gone, so will he be.

  9. swordfish 9

    His whole ethos sounds absolutely queer.

  10. Muttonbird 10

    Apparently Ngaro's post had National Party branding on it and that is the reason it was taken down.

  11. PsyclingLeft.Always 11

    Ngaro has previous…..

    A fundy……

  12. observer 12

    "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour".

    Alf believes in the Bible, but only the 9 commandments.

  13. ianmac 13

    As No 30 on the List and no electorate Ngaro must be out at the Election mustn't he be?

    Demoted from 23 at the 2017 election.

  14. Uncle Scrim 14

    Does anyone think the attacks on abortion policy by Christian conservative Nats like Hipango and Ngaro etc are as much about frustration and anger at Collins, who voted for the legislation, as they are desperate slurs against Labour?

    • observer 14.1

      Displacement, innit? Psych 101.

      Same thing happened when Key signed up to the anti-smacking law, and then ignored the referendum campaign against it. It was all Clark's fault. Key was … well, he was just the PM who had all the power, and they needed to hate Helen who had none.

      • Red Blooded One 14.1.1

        Clark was PM in 2007 when the Bill was passed, Key gave his agreement for it which nullified the "politics" of getting the Bill passed. Other than that you are right, Clark was blamed for it, along with the Greens. Key was squeaky clean according to the Nat supporters.

        • observer

          "and then". The law was PM Clark, the referendum was PM Key.

          Key knew exactly what he was doing (smart short-term tactics) and understood the Right very well. As long as Key was winning, the protests were muffled.

          There's a long list of wicked godless leftie moves that only happened thanks to Nat votes in Parliament. The likes of Ngaro and Hipango must do incredible gymnastics to justify their loathing of Labour MPs while loving their own colleagues.

      • Chris T 14.1.2

        And we can all see from the figures of kids still dying how much good the thing did.

        • Uncle Scrim

          So you support violence against children being legal or illegal depending on whether you are related to the child? That was the old law.

          In fact it was similar to the old law that allowed husbands to rape their wives. An exemption To a crime based on family relationships.

          • Chris T

            Please point out where I have said this.

            What I support is child abuse decreasing and the law has done sfa to do it.

  15. sumsuch 15

    Failed minister Ngaro. Me and Mum went to her church to hear political views. He sat at the front smiling at my rubicund complection on matters. Mum's priest refused to accept questions from his planted prickishly dressed supporters in the audience. I suppose 'prickish' dress says a bit about my dislike of the '84 stretching of economic classes.