Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
2:11 pm, September 14th, 2008 - 20 comments
Categories: humour, national -
Tags: national, no policy
A reader just sent us the screenshot below with the attached explanation:
Thought I should start to read up on some of the content from parties involved – from their own websites of course. Mainly to educate myself as a voter.
National party site – loaded up, but then Firefox tells me the flash script is running too slowly – so recommends turning it off. I do. Which then leaves the website looking like the attached file. I had to chuckle.
But then I started to worry it might be true – could National really have no policy??
Could National actually win the election, and not actually have any policy?
As I write all the policy on http://www.labour.org.nz/policy.html is from 2005. Does that mean no new ideas?
Their page of discussion documents isn’t much better:
Four items, the most recent from 2nd October 2007. Did they not realise there would be an election this year?
I think the whole idea of discussion documents is dishonest in itself. Something they can use to test the waters and if people don’t like it they can do their usual flip-flops around it.
Fuck. Imagine trying to set policy around what the electorate wants. How irresponsible of National. You wont win the election by repeating “secret agenda flip flops” sounds like something Crosby Textor would tell you to say.
Imagine trying to set policy around what the electorate wants. How irresponsible of National.
If that was what they were doing I would indeed be happy. But what they are doing is setting their story around what the electorate wants, while planning to enact their old 90’s policy if they manage to deceive their way into office. That’s a little different eh.
sounds like something Crosby Textor would tell you to say.
Interesting that you use CT as your measuring stick for amoral tactics Jeeves. So do I. Remind me again which party is using them? Oh wait – it’s National. Right Oh Jeeves.
Perhaps you should have a look on scoop etc, see just how many policies National has released (other than the ones Trevor released for them) it is well over 20… and that was some time ago.
Labour have not released any policies. None. Zero.
As was proven by the fact checking Pols students on Agenda this morning.
Stick. Eye.
There is a difference between a browser compatibility error and not having any policy.
The “Labour have not released any policies line” was last week’s. Haven’t you got your updated PowerPoint presentation for this week yet?
Please try to keep up, thanks.
Here you go theo – a thread just for you: http://www.thestandard.org.nz/?p=2973
Also, in her speech on Friday the PM said that Labour will soon be releasing further policy for the 08 election. I’m looking forward to it too – Labour releasing leaked National for them policies was getting dull.
Oh right, of course. I must have missed the email. How odd, usually they are marked VRWC so I know to read them.
Good, will be nice to have something to debate with the Labour candidates and supporters.
r0b, government policy is not the same and cannot be compared to the plans National has outlined for the FUTURE of the country. We want to know where they are going, not where they have been.
the reason they have no policy is Keys loses his temper when he is questioned so they are just stonewalling as long as possible
Sorry, but this is a terrible thread – you guys really should change your name to “The Strawman” – someone’s browser stuffed up and that means National have no policy???
Well, sean, I just went there now and got no error messages and no policy – so no policy it is then.
Interestingly, for a party who’s supposed to be “ambitious” I note their latest press releases have the following titles:
* Confirmation HMNZS Canterbury procurement flawed
* Labour ignores health system crisis
* National welcomes election date
* Heartless Dyson strikes again
* Scandal-mired Labour missing economic action
These look pretty negative to me. Not to mention wrong, if you watched Agenda today you’ll now know the first one is total fiction.
r0b, government policy is not the same and cannot be compared to the plans National has outlined for the FUTURE of the country
That’s certainly true theo, but perhaps not in the sense that you mean. Government policy is the real world, it happens, agree with it or not we all know what it is. Recently passed government policy (especially the ETS) is all about the FUTURE of our country for decades to come.
National’s “policy” as released, however, is in many cases an insincere Labour lite facade, a naked attempt to deceive their way into office. It has little to do with the reality of what National would do in government, which is take us back to the PAST.
Should be looking at the billboards and http://www.labour08.org.nz though even there some of the links don’t work
Did you see the fact checking about Agenda, Lockwood Smith claimed that the first policy released by Labour was National’s. Proposterous of course…….. only they found that to be true. That’s why this whole policy thing is a tad hypocritical.
turn it up bill – unless you’re on a desert island, National have a lot more policy out there than Labour do. Arguing on semantics just makes you look like an apologist.
Perhaps you should have a look on scoop etc, see just how many policies National has released (other than the ones Trevor released for them) it is well over 20 and that was some time ago.
theodore, I don’t think that press releases count as actual policy that outlines details.
Both Labour and the Greens have their policy from the last election on their website with stated intentions to update for this election. National has nothing except press releases.
John Key must not be popular in Remuera. Whoever put up his billboard has put a screw through Key’s neck. Is that to make him look like Herman Munster?
turn it up sean. you are just making it up as you go along. everybody knows that ntional does have a policy but they wont release it because a) they wont win the election if the majority is apprised of its real nature, and b)if keys is questioned he loses his rag and then they wont win the election. they are just relying on radio solid gold, radio snakeoil, the eb’s and a compliant conniving colluding press and msm to try and crosbytextor the people into voting for pie in the sky!
ah jaymam, that’s actually in the photo itself, it’s Key’s USB input – it’s normally covered with a polo neck