Obama launches weekly YouTube address

Written By: - Date published: 9:05 pm, November 17th, 2008 - 13 comments
Categories: International, us politics, youtube - Tags: , ,

13 comments on “Obama launches weekly YouTube address ”

  1. Janet 1

    How handsome, intelligent and articulate. What great compassion, and concern for social justice, poor people and the planet.

    Pity we don’t have any of this from our local new leader.

  2. the sprout 2

    yeah talk about contrast. still, you can be sure Key will be watching Obama every moment he can in the hope of picking up a few tips.

    very wise of Obama to bypass the msm with Youtube.

  3. Pascal's bookie 3

    meh, needs a faux coldplay jingle. Fail.

    Gingercrush: extend unemployment insurance ( to stimulate demand), industry bailouts, spend 150B federal dollars to “build an American green energy economy”, extending health care, etc, and so on and so forth.

    The devil you say! ‘Neo liberalism’ sure is a big tent these days huh 😉

  4. I wish he was our leader.

  5. gingercrush 5

    … Scary. Though in fairness PB I didn’t realise we were being so strict in term usage. See I would consider myself being a neo-liberalist but I realised it has many problems when used in its strictness definition of what is neo-liberal. And so that is why we ended up arguing so much over it. See you could say National are neo-liberalist but I think you can also point to many things that aren’t necessary neo-liberal.

    Not a fan of Obama but he was better than McCain because McCain was so stupid to pick Palin. Good idea in having youtube addresses not something I’d recommend John Key do.

  6. Pascal's bookie 6

    ” See I would consider myself being a neo-liberalist but I realised it has many problems when used in its strictness definition of what is neo-liberal. And so that is why we ended up arguing so much over it. See you could say National are neo-liberalist but I think you can also point to many things that aren?t necessary neo-liberal.

    Nicely said. One of the problems with written conversations is that these confusions can take a bit of time to clear up, and usually don’t as the participants just get bored with it.

    If you don’t mind a little advice from someone that’s a fair bit older, and who doesn’t mean to condescend, (too much 😉 ), it pays to be precise about these terms because readers will assume the precise meaning, especially in a forum like this one, where most people are aware of the distinctions between different schools of thought.

    I wouldn’t say that the current National party is neo liberal. I don’t know what the hell they are to be honest, and I await to see with interest. (I’d also tend to apply these labels to policies rather than parties if you catch my drift. Some parties are an exception, ACT and the Greens are ideological parties for example and wear such labels comfortably.)

    ” …not something I?d recommend John Key do.”

    I wish Key would do lots of these, and Judith Collins.

  7. ginger. I think it was you saying Obama is like Key. And yet there he is talking about a Green New Deal.

    Anyone else notice, he didn’t finish off with ‘god bless america’ – that’s a significant change… could be the start of big things.

  8. Pascal's bookie 8

    “Anyone else notice, he didn’t finish off with ñ€˜god bless america’ – that’s a significant change could be the start of big things.”

    Yeah, he’s just biding his time before he let’s his inner Muslim out. “Allahu akbar” stylz at inauguration day. I so wish he’d do that, just so I could hear Ian Wishart’s head explode. phlut.

  9. I, um, I meant maybe we’ll see religions role in us politics decreasing. fingers crossed.

  10. Pascal's bookie 10

    Sorry, yeah me too. I’ve been reading to many wingnuts, watching too much fox.

  11. Felix 11

    Saying “watching too much fox” is a bit like saying “eating too much cyanide”. It begs the question “how much is the right amount?”

  12. Bill 12

    Oh dear. Blah, blah, blah. No substance. Would rather Chavez. Far more concrete and real.

  13. Mello C. 13

    ‘Would rather Chavez’. Lol. Seriously, most original opinion I’ve heard all election