And it looks like they will be fielding a candidate in Dunedin South this time around. Whoops that’s 500 less electorate votes for Clare, in a finger click. Only 3,400 left to go.
Talking to an agent who deals with that end of the market recently and they commented that the current political situation in USA and UK, with the Clinton / Trump choice and Brexit, was stunningly good for business….
Just reading this scary article makes you want to demand a banking transaction tax (and why the UK has capital gains taxes, stamp duties, taxes on taxes, but zero financial transaction taxes). This is the world that John Key made his money in. No wonder there is this .01% mentality and inability to change during the GFC from the banks.
“Top graduates missing out on banking jobs for lacking ‘polish”
That’s happening more and more across all industries. Getting a job is now more about socialisation than about being able to do the job. And the preferred socialisation is being exactly the same as the person hiring you.
We’re seeing the rise of conformity and the conformity is to be a psychopath just like your boss.
Social mobility for the lower and middle classes has stalled. Upper class has not changed, nor will it, by the looks of things in this article. Not really what you expect in 21st century of supposedly classless society. We are going backwards to Victorian times.
Strangely enough, on the current (Open Mike) page, I’m seeing your usual gravatar / identicon, as well as CV’s, Draco’s, and ianmac’s, but everyone else (including my good self) are rendered as anonymous white figures against a grey background. What makes you 4 so special ??? – Bloody Teacher’s Pets !!!
The gravatars and identicons are effectively generated remotely at gravatar, stored locally on my system after generation because gravatar were slowing down the page load too much, and then cached on a CDN (content distribution system) in Sydney.
Because I just shifted this site to https and especially http2, if something doesn’t arrive in time you get the default.
In this case it looks like you are seeing a bug. I’ll remove a layer and see what happens.
Edit: Ok, setting it to “monster”, clearing the cache, then reverting to identicons, and clearing the cache appear to have fixed it. I’ll have a look to see if I get widespread reversion to default icons.
CV, Draco, ian and myself have all configured non-default gravatars.
If you are using the default one, then it generates an icon based on your email address (and also username?). It was the default geometric thing that wasn’t working properly.
The Http/2 is really dealing with the gravatars well without the local cache. I had to shift to that a few years ago as they were slowing the page loads so much after getting a few hundred people on a comments page.
I’ve just been looking at pages with 300 comments from way back and getting no page load lag. I also see a massive amount of parallelism off to gravatar.
I really like HTTP2. It beats the hell out of SPDY and I don’t have to compromise the site setup.
Maybe Trump will nuke em, if they don’t pay for the wall.
Of course more “civilised” US policy does this behind closed doors, and uses torture and rendition by friendly intermediaries towards people they don’t like and wars to countries they don’t like.
In this context maybe a wall to try to keep the outside world out, is better than trying to infiltrate and control the outside world under current US foreign policy.
Our planet is not looking in good shape and nor is equality or democracy under US control.
The Donald is probably like most people contributing on this site.
Not being able to speak Spanish he might have tried to interpret it as if what the words sounded like in English was the translation.
The last sentence therefore came out as “Mexico jamas (hm. jumps at?) pagaria(paying) for a wall.
Not that speaking Spanish seems to make much difference of course. Both George W and brother Jeb were fluent in the language.
Yes, they were. It was a pity about their inability to express themselves clearly in English.
Mind you the Donald seems to spend his time repeatably saying “I am a pretentious loudmouth narcissistic dickhead” in whatever language he is trying to grunt at the time. Has anyone ever seen him talk about anything apart directly or indirectly referring to himself and what he is gonna do?
It’s extraordinary isn’t it…….I know what Alwyn would say if Trump dropped his trou’ and defecated on the stage at a huge rally…….
While almost drowned out by the cheers of a very ugly thousands – Alwyn (maybe CV too) – “Ummh…….Err Err Err……you know……you must consider that The Donald was never potty trained…… know…….to be fair.”
Love Friday nights. Such fun. Good feed. Coro’ Street. Loving family of 6. Warm. In the people-mover in the park. Alwyn.
We really do live in the 8th happiest country in the world aye Alwyn ? …….respectful nod to the National Party Cabinet (Club). 10th without you and me though aye Alwyn…….?
Last I heard it was 2.3 billion a year.The cut is expected to be a small part – $5 million – of the U.S.’s roughly $2.3 billion aid package to Mexico to combat the drug cartels, according to the Washington Post. The money covers such things as helicopters, border sensors and training programs, the Post said.” Plus ifyou use mexican labour it wont cost as much. :-0
Congress has appropriated $2.3 billion since 2008 for equipment such as helicopters and border sensors as well as training programs for thousands of Mexican officials.
This site is being inundated by less than savoury attacks on various commenters by one commenter in particular. His (can’t imagine a ‘she’ stooping to such puerile language) level of debate is often personal and comes across as deliberate stalking of selected individuals. Likely to be putting off readers from coming here.
His latest example:
Ooh! Another Labour-can-do-no-wronger! Thought you might’ve been, you little piece of poo… It’s fuckwits like you who’re responsible for fucking this country. No analysis, no critical faculty. Just blind support for a neo-liberal opposition that fucks our democracy. I suggest it’s you who should fuck off to the sewer where you belong. Hey, you might even meet Leftie there. You two could snuggle up, keep warm, hope you’re not eaten.
[lprent: I have been noticing his (feels like a dickhead) comments. To date, he seems to have been reacting to others blowing their volcanoes. I tend to not moderate against reactions unless they get too consistently inflammatory and look like someone trying to ignite a flamewar.
I’m always ready to give people time to learn to hang themselves – it is better for the training of all observers. ]
@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!
“@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!”
Agree with you there Bearded Git, and I know it’s wrong to feed the trolls, but they make themselves very hard to ignore. Hitting back with logic and facts seem to fuel them into a tizz and then they get even more abusive.
“@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!”
Agree with you there Bearded Git, and I know it’s wrong to feed the trolls, but they make themselves very hard to ignore. Hitting back with logic and facts seem to fuel them into a tizz and then they get even more abusive.
I do not however, believe that Anne’s post was sexist in any way. We all know who she is talking about after all.
For sure Anne, there is no doubt about it, he stalks/trolls to abuse. Some comments don’t even necessitate such abuse either, which can and do come out of the blue as well.
It was difficult to tell given the early/late comments, to whom that comment was directed. It did seem to be in lock with mine responding to a “deluded Helen” comment catatonically issued by someone else. It just occurred to me that unlike Key Helen never got on global television and giggled about a murderer/child rapist being on the run from justice…….
Chris ain’t no prob’. I love his/her waste of energy.
If you regard my tongue in cheek comment as ‘sexist’ then you are being overly sensitive. It’s normal in my world for the genders to joust with one another. No sexism involved.
“When I refuse to eat animals, I refuse to indulge in a system that profits off objectification. When I associate with my diet only ethical standards, and not guidelines on how to be the most ‘feminine’ according to patriarchal benchmarks on the slenderness of a woman’s physique; I reclaim my body. I nourish it for reasons beyond weight loss and dieting. I cater not for the gaze of toxic masculinity, but for the well-being of women and animals alike. Rather than eating for the eyes of my oppressor – he who too oppresses animals – a vegan lifestyle provides me revenge in solidarity. In my nourishment, I quietly protest.
Whilst the system’s prime concern is in ensuring masculinity is content and pleased, neither gender equality or animal equality will ever exist.”
disclaimer : I am vegetarian for 36 years, never been vegan.
Personally I have always thought the relationship and correlation between meat eating and violence in society was a bit of a no brainer. The objectification argument makes sense to me.
It is true that you don’t like vegans who push their philosophy though isn’t it? My reading of your comments on vegans is that you don’t really think much of them, their choices, or philosophy. Perhaps I’m wrong though.
Objectification of animals and womens bodies seems on a continuum to me and profiting off either is not something I’d endorse.
“My reading of your comments on vegans is that you don’t really think much of them, their choices, or philosophy.”
I like people that make thoughtful ethical choices about what they eat (vegans, vegetarians, locavores, slow foodies etc). I don’t like fundamentalists. Much of my arguments about veganism on ts centre around arguing with fundamentalists.
I also don’t like people misuing facts in one area to push underlying agendas eg Cowspiracy trying to say that it’s saving the planet while the underlying message is that everyone should be vegan. Animal rights ethics and environmental ethics are not a neat overlap and it does piss me off when they get conflated.
That’s me and vegans in general. I don’t know anything about the woman who wrote the article.
Perhaps I could have framed my response differently. Something like, there are similarities between objectificaiton of women, animals, the land and ecosystems, she appears to be focussing on two of them, and because some fundamentalist vegans pick and choose their ethics around objectification I wonder if she does too.
In terms of the article overall, I didn’t like the stuff about women’s tactics to not be seen as ‘appetising’ or prey. I don’t think most women frame themselves as meat, so her argument seemed off there to me. There are really obvious parallels in terms of oppression of women and animals, and how the dominant culture enforces and sanctions that, but she seemed to be falling into the thing she was objecting to by the way she framed her argument.
If you don’t want to eat for whatever reason that’s fine but to say “I don’t eat meat because I’m a feminist” is drawing one helluva line in the sand don’t you think (does that mean if you do eat meat then you’re not what she considers a “real” feminist?)
How about the gross generalisations contained within, for example I work in a male dominated, very macho industry yet I haven’t had any conversations at all long the lines of being a leg or breast man or anything remotely similar
“Men (particularly white men) have historically felt entitled to the land and bodies of “others”;
Really, particularly white men? So the mongol hordes were white, how about the (but not limited to) tribes of Zulu, how about the Barbary slave trade, Japan invading China, China invading Korea etc etc etc
This and her other ideas are what has led me to think shes trolling, no one could possibly take her seriously and if they do then well done to her
her argument on objectification (whether you agree or not) are an argument that supports that particular headline (quite possibly chosen by subeditor for its provocative nature).
your ignorance and ununderstanding show when you try to be high brow and discuss historical entitlements to land and bodies – do you know what the word ‘particularly ‘ means because I’m not sure it interpreted correctly by you there – hint – it doesn’t exclude.
I was using the that as an example of her trolling, she could have just left it at men but nope she threw in white men because she knew it would provoke a reaction
Anyone can eat what they like but when you start throwing massive generalisations around like she has it just shows shes trolling
Good on ya, marty. I’ve been a vegetarian since my late teens. I didn’t get into it for ethical reasons, but that’s been the driver for quite a few years now. I wrote a post here a few years back suggesting you couldn’t be socialist and a meat eater. Annoyed a few people, as I recall, but it was worth challenging some ingrained beliefs.
I enjoyed reading that too. I liked your post and I thought Rocky’s and Philip Ure’s responses were very good. In fact, the following quote from Philip Ure was excellent!!
” i’ve been vegan for ten years..vegetarian for twenty before that..
i know people who have been vegan for 40+ years..
and lots of other vegans..
one thing they have in common..
is glowing good health..
i also have three vegan dogs..
one 10 yrs old..her six yr old daughter..
and another 2 yr old..
the mother was vegan during the pregnancy..
these dogs could do centrefolds for ‘dog monthly’..
their coats are so need to wear shades.. ”
Well, it was interesting in the sense that it’s rare to see such a level of pompous, smug self-indulgence compressed into such a small piece of text, but apart from that – not really.
A powerful climate change doco shown on Al Jazeera (47 mins):
Refusing to fall victim to the weather, Kisilu, a Kenyan smallholder farmer, uses a camera to capture the human impact of climate change.
Filmed over four years, he documents floods, droughts and storms that menace his and his community’s farms, forcing some to stop tending the fields and seek work in towns and cities.
500 cows – how many trucks to move them? How long would that take?
“Police investigating the disappearance of 500 dairy cows from an Ashburton farm will be following a milk trail worth $900,000 as they keep an open mind on a popular theory that the in-calf cattle went to the meat blackmarket.
All-up, the cows represent a loss of around $2 million to their owners.
The missing friesian-cross mixed-age cows – which number more than the average New Zealand dairy herd – went from a winter grazing property adjacent to their owners’ Norvo Farm in mid-Canterbury.”
“…the cows were winter-grazing on the adjacent farm with the staff who milked them.”
I knew farm employees are generally not well treated but this is ridiculous.
More likely china , although i think they only send heifers. 13 truck loads of cattle would be hard to shift with out the workers noticing something , that’s a lot of heavy tyre marks and mess in the yards.
Ain’t it beautiful how $43 million can fix any ‘little’ (huh!) irregularity in one’s status and tenure in New Zealand. These Indian students are palpably victims on an horrific scale. The ruination of them and very probably their families back in India as well.
“Oh so what ?” Having no capacity to make anonymous ‘donations’ to some anonymous ‘party’ (I use the word pointedly) is an insufferable culpability, the penalty for which must be sheeted home at once !
Remember folks……”On Planet Putea we must, simply must, protect the vaunted but illusory integrity of our systems……oh, in the absence of substantial expressions of ‘goodwill’ the way of those who ‘matter’ that is.”
It would be karmic were this to come back in a big way on that excuse for a man Key (represented on Checkpoint tonight by the dark creature Joyce).
On the 19th of March, ACT announced they would be running candidates in this year’s local government elections. Accompanying that call for “common-sense kiwis” was an anti-woke essay typifying the views they expect their candidates to hold. I have included that part of their mailer, Free Press, in its entirety. ...
Even when the darkest clouds are in the skyYou mustn't sigh and you mustn't crySpread a little happiness as you go byPlease tryWhat's the use of worrying and feeling blue?When days are long keep on smiling throughSpread a little happiness 'til dreams come trueSongwriters: Vivian Ellis / Clifford Grey / ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
ACT up the game on division politicsEmmerson’s take on David Seymour’s claim Jesus would have supported ACTACT’s announcement it is moving into local politics is a logical next step for a party that is waging its battle on picking up the aggrieved.It’s a numbers game, and as long as the ...
1. What will be the slogan of the next butter ad campaign?a. You’re worth itb.Once it hits $20, we can do something about the riversc. I can’t believe it’s the price of butter d. None of the above Read more ...
It is said that economists know the price of everything and the value of nothing. That may be an exaggeration but an even better response is to point out economists do know the difference. They did not at first. Classical economics thought that the price of something reflected the objective ...
Political fighting in Taiwan is delaying some of an increase in defence spending and creating an appearance of lack of national resolve that can only damage the island’s relationship with the Trump administration. The main ...
The unclassified version of the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review (IIR) was released today. It’s a welcome and worthy sequel to its 2017 predecessor, with an ambitious set of recommendations for enhancements to Australia’s national intelligence ...
Yesterday outgoing Ombudsman Peter Boshier published a report, Reflections on the Official Information Act, on his way out the door. The report repeated his favoured mantra that the Act was "fundamentally sound", all problems were issues of culture, and that no legislative change was needed (and especially no changes to ...
The United States government is considering replacing USAID with a new agency, the US Agency for International Humanitarian Assistance (USIHA), according to documents published by POLITICO. Under the proposed design, the agency will fail its ...
Hi,Journalism was never the original plan. Back in the 90s, there was no career advisor in Bethlehem, New Zealand — just a computer that would ask you 50 questions before spitting out career options. Yes, I am in this photo. No, I was not good at basketball.The top three careers ...
Mōrena. Long stories shortest: Professional investors who are paid a lot of money to be careful about lending to the New Zealand Government think it is wonderful place to put their money. Yet the Government itself is so afraid of borrowing more that it is happy to kill its own ...
As space becomes more contested, Australia should play a key role with its partners in the Combined Space Operations (CSpO) initiative to safeguard the space domain. Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States signed the ...
Ooh you're a cool catComing on strong with all the chit chatOoh you're alrightHanging out and stealing all the limelightOoh messing with the beat of my heart yeah!Songwriters: Freddie Mercury / John Deacon.It would be a tad ironic; I can see it now. “Yeah, I didn’t unsubscribe when he said ...
The PSA are calling the Prime Minister a hypocrite for committing to increase defence spending while hundreds of more civilian New Zealand Defence Force jobs are set to be cut as part of a major restructure. The number of companies being investigated for people trafficking in New Zealand has skyrocketed ...
Another Friday, hope everyone’s enjoyed their week as we head toward the autumn equinox. Here’s another roundup of stories that caught our eye on the subject of cities and what makes them even better. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Connor took a look at how Auckland ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking with special guest author Michael Wolff, who has just published his fourth book about Donald Trump: ‘All or Nothing’.Here’s Peter’s writeup of the interview.The Kākā by Bernard Hickey Hoon: Trumpism ...
Wolff, who describes Trump as truly a ‘one of a kind’, at a book launch in Spain. Photo: GettyImagesIt may be a bumpy ride for the world but the era of Donald J. Trump will die with him if we can wait him out says the author of four best-sellers ...
Australia needs to radically reorganise its reserves system to create a latent military force that is much larger, better trained and equipped and deployable within days—not decades. Our current reserve system is not fit for ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
I have argued before that one ought to be careful in retrospectively allocating texts into genres. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) only looks like science-fiction because a science-fiction genre subsequently developed. Without H.G. Wells, would Frankenstein be considered science-fiction? No, it probably wouldn’t. Viewed in the context of its time, Frankenstein ...
Elbridge Colby’s senate confirmation hearing in early March holds more important implications for US partners than most observers in Canberra, Wellington or Suva realise. As President Donald Trump’s nominee for under secretary of defence for ...
China’s defence budget is rising heftily yet again. The 2025 rise will be 7.2 percent, the same as in 2024, the government said on 5 March. But the allocation, officially US$245 billion, is just the ...
Concern is growing about wide-ranging local repercussions of the new Setting of Speed Limits rule, rewritten in 2024 by former transport minister Simeon Brown. In particular, there’s growing fears about what this means for children in particular. A key paradox of the new rule is that NZTA-controlled roads have the ...
Speilmeister:Christopher Luxon’s prime-ministerial pitches notwithstanding, are institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal really going to invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?HAVING WOOED THE WORLD’s investors, what, if anything, has New Zealand won? Did Christopher Luxon’s guests board their private jets fizzing with enthusiasm for ...
Christchurch City Council is one of 18 councils and three council-controlled organisations (CCOs) downgraded by ratings agency S&P. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories shortest:Standard & Poor’s has cut the credit ratings of 18 councils, blaming the new Government’s abrupt reversal of 3 Waters, cuts to capital ...
Figures released by Statistics New Zealand today showed that the economy grew by 0.7% ending the very deep recession seen over the past year, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “Even though GDP grew in the three months to December, our economy is still 1.1% smaller than it ...
What is going on with the price of butter?, RNZ, 19 march 2025: If you have bought butter recently you might have noticed something - it is a lot more expensive. Stats NZ said last week that the price of butter was up 60 percent in February compared to ...
I agree with Will Leben, who wrote in The Strategist about his mistakes, that an important element of being a commentator is being accountable and taking responsibility for things you got wrong. In that spirit, ...
You’d beDrunk by noon, no one would knowJust like the pandemicWithout the sourdoughIf I were there, I’d find a wayTo get treated for hysteriaEvery dayLyrics Riki Lindhome.A varied selection today in Nick’s Kōrero:Thou shalt have no other gods - with Christopher Luxon.Doctors should be seen and not heard - with ...
Two recent foreign challenges suggest that Australia needs urgently to increase its level of defence self-reliance and to ensure that the increased funding that this would require is available. First, the circumnavigation of our continent ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, The ...
According to RNZ’s embedded reporter, the importance of Winston Peters’ talks in Washington this week “cannot be overstated.” Right. “Exceptionally important.” said the maestro himself. This epic importance doesn’t seem to have culminated in anything more than us expressing our “concern” to the Americans about a series of issues that ...
Up until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of "Climate Fresk" and at a guess, this will also be the case for many of you. I stumbled upon it in the self-service training catalog for employees at the company I work at in Germany where it was announced ...
Japan and Australia talk of ‘collective deterrence,’ but they don’t seem to have specific objectives. The relationship needs a clearer direction. The two countries should identify how they complement each other. Each country has two ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the OPC’s decision to issue a code of practice for biometric processing. Our view is that the draft code currently being consulted on is stronger and will be more effective than the exposure code released in early 2024. We are pleased that some of the revisions ...
Australia’s export-oriented industries, particularly agriculture, need to diversify their markets, with a focus on Southeast Asia. This could strengthen economic security and resilience while deepening regional relationships. The Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on ...
Minister Shane Jones is introducing fastrack ‘reforms’ to the our fishing industry that will ensure the big players squeeze out the small fishers and entrench an already bankrupt quota system.Our fisheries are under severe stress: the recent decision by theHigh Court ruling that the ...
In what has become regular news, the quarterly ETS auction has failed, with nobody even bothering to bid. The immediate reason is that the carbon price has fallen to around $60, below the auction minimum of $68. And the cause of that is a government which has basically given up ...
US President Donald Trump’s tariff threats have dominated headlines in India in recent weeks. Earlier this month, Trump announced that his reciprocal tariffs—matching other countries’ tariffs on American goods—will go into effect on 2 April, ...
Hi,Back in June of 2021, James Gardner-Hopkins — a former partner at law firm Russell McVeagh — was found guilty of misconduct over sexually inappropriate behaviour with interns.The events all related to law students working as summer interns at Russell McVeagh:As well as intimate touching with a student at his ...
Climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has slammed National for being ‘out of touch’ by sticking to our climate commitments. Photo: Lynn GrievesonMōrena. Long stories shortest:ACT’s renowned climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has accused National of being 'out of touch' with farmers by sticking with New Zealand’s Paris accord pledges ...
Now I've heard there was a secret chordThat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don't really care for music, do you?It goes like this, the fourth, the fifthThe minor falls, the major liftsThe baffled king composing HallelujahSongwriter: Leonard CohenI always thought the lyrics of that great song by ...
People are getting carried away with the virtues of small warship crews. We need to remember the great vice of having few people to run a ship: they’ll quickly tire. Yes, the navy is struggling ...
Mōrena. Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, ...
US President Donald Trump’s hostile regime has finally forced Europe to wake up. With US officials calling into question the transatlantic alliance, Germany’s incoming chancellor, Friedrich Merz, recently persuaded lawmakers to revise the country’s debt ...
We need to establish clearer political boundaries around national security to avoid politicising ongoing security issues and to better manage secondary effects. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) revealed on 10 March that the Dural caravan ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have reiterated their call for Government to protect workers by banning engineered stone in a submission on MBIE’s silica dust consultation. “If Brooke van Velden is genuine when she calls for an evidence-based approach to this issue, then she must support a full ban on ...
The Labour Inspectorate could soon be knocking on the door of hundreds of businesses nation-wide, as it launches a major crackdown on those not abiding by the law. NorthTec staff are on edge as Northland’s leading polytechnic proposes to stop 11 programmes across primary industries, forestry, and construction. Union coverage ...
It’s one thing for military personnel to hone skills with first-person view (FPV) drones in racing competitions. It’s quite another for them to transition to the complexities of the battlefield. Drone racing has become a ...
Seymour says there will be no other exemptions granted to schools wanting to opt out of the Compass contract. Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories shortest:David Seymour has denied a request from a Christchurch school and any other schools to be exempted from the Compass school lunch programme, saying the contract ...
Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. President Bill Clinton, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and British Prime Minister John Major signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in ...
Edit: The original story said “Palette Cleanser” in both the story, and the headline. I am never, ever going to live this down. Chain me up, throw me into the pit.Hi,With the world burning — literally and figuratively — I felt like Webworm needed a little palate cleanser at the ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Sarah Wesseler(Image credit: Antonio Huerta) Growing up in suburban Ohio, I was used to seeing farmland and woods disappear to make room for new subdivisions, strip malls, and big box stores. I didn’t usually welcome the changes, but I assumed others ...
Myanmar was a key global site for criminal activity well before the 2021 military coup. Today, illicit industry, especially heroin and methamphetamine production, still defines much of the economy. Nowhere, not even the leafiest districts ...
What've I gotta do to make you love me?What've I gotta do to make you care?What do I do when lightning strikes me?And I wake up and find that you're not thereWhat've I gotta do to make you want me?Mmm hmm, what've I gotta do to be heard?What do I ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, The Economist-$ ...
Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll – i.e. every week – the talk resumes that he is about to be rolled. This is unlikely for several reasons. For starters, there is no successor. Nicola Willis? Chris Bishop? Simeon Brown? Mark ...
Australia, Britain and European countries should loosen budget rules to allow borrowing to fund higher defence spending, a new study by the Kiel Institute suggests. Currently, budget debt rules are forcing governments to finance increases ...
The NZCTU remains strongly committed to banning engineered stone in New Zealand and implementing better occupational health protections for all workers working with silica-containing materials. In this submission to MBIE, the NZCTU outlines that we have an opportunity to learn from Australia’s experience by implementing a full ban of engineered ...
The Prime Minister has announced a big win in trade negotiations with India.It’s huge, he told reporters. We didn't get everything we came for but we were able to agree on free trade in clothing, fabrics, car components, software, IT consulting, spices, tea, rice, and leather goods.He said that for ...
I have been trying to figure out the logic of Trump’s tariff policies and apparent desire for a global trade war. Although he does not appear to comprehend that tariffs are a tax on consumers in the country doing the tariffing, I can (sort of) understand that he may think ...
As Syria and international partners negotiate the country’s future, France has sought to be a convening power. While France has a history of influence in the Middle East, it will have to balance competing Syrian ...
One of the eternal truths about Aotearoa's economy is that we are "capital poor": there's not enough money sloshing around here to fund the expansion of local businesses, or to build the things we want to. Which gets used as an excuse for all sorts of things, like setting up ...
National held its ground until late 2023 Verion, Talbot Mills & Curia Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)If we remove outlier results from Curia (National Party November 2023) National started trending down in October 2024.Verion Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)Verian alone shows a clearer deterioration in early ...
In a recent presentation, I recommended, quite unoriginally, that governments should have a greater focus on higher-impact, lower-probability climate risks. My reasoning was that current climate model projections have blind spots, meaning we are betting ...
Daddy, are you out there?Daddy, won't you come and play?Daddy, do you not care?Is there nothing that you want to say?Songwriters: Mark Batson / Beyonce Giselle Knowles.This morning, a look at the much-maligned NZ Herald. Despised by many on the left as little more than a mouthpiece for the National ...
Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations closes. On Friday the PSA lodged a pay equity claim for library assistants with the Employment Relations Authority, after the stalling of a claim lodged with six councils in ...
Long stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy:Christopher Luxon surprises by announcing trade deal talks with India will start next month, and include beef and dairy. Napier is set to join Whakatane, Dunedin and Westport in staging a protest march against health spending restraints hitting their hospital services. Winston Peters ...
At a time of rising geopolitical tensions and deepening global fragmentation, the Ukraine war has proved particularly divisive. From the start, the battle lines were clearly drawn: Russia on one side, Ukraine and the West ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, Newsroom-$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 9, 2025 thru Sat, March 15, 2025. This week's roundup is again published by category and sorted by number of articles included in each. We are still interested ...
Hundreds more Palestinians have died in recent days as Israel’s assault on Gaza continues and humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, is blocked. ...
National is looking to cut hundreds of jobs at New Zealand’s Defence Force, while at the same time it talks up plans to increase focus and spending in Defence. ...
It’s been revealed that the Government is secretly trying to bring back a ‘one-size fits all’ standardised test – a decision that has shocked school principals. ...
The Green Party is calling for the compassionate release of Dean Wickliffe, a 77-year-old kaumātua on hunger strike at the Spring Hill Corrections Facility, after visiting him at the prison. ...
The Green Party is calling on Government MPs to support Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence and illegal actions in Palestine, following another day of appalling violence against civilians in Gaza. ...
The Green Party stands in support of volunteer firefighters petitioning the Government to step up and change legislation to provide volunteers the same ACC coverage and benefits as their paid counterparts. ...
At 2.30am local time, Israel launched a treacherous attack on Gaza killing more than 300 defenceless civilians while they slept. Many of them were children. This followed a more than 2 week-long blockade by Israel on the entry of all goods and aid into Gaza. Israel deliberately targeted densely populated ...
Living Strong, Aging Well There is much discussion around the health of our older New Zealanders and how we can age well. In reality, the delivery of health services accounts for only a relatively small percentage of health outcomes as we age. Significantly, dry warm housing, nutrition, exercise, social connection, ...
Shane Jones’ display on Q&A showed how out of touch he and this Government are with our communities and how in sync they are with companies with little concern for people and planet. ...
Labour does not support the private ownership of core infrastructure like schools, hospitals and prisons, which will only see worse outcomes for Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
Asia Pacific Report Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick called on New Zealand government MPs today to support her Member’s Bill to sanction Israel over its “crazy slaughter” of Palestinians in Gaza. Speaking at a large pro-Palestinian solidarity rally in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, she said Aotearoa ...
The draft bill was intended to stop any move away from the principle of equal suffrage, where each person gets an equal say in electing people, Uffindell said. ...
By Leah Lowonbu, Stefan Armbruster and Harlyne Joku of BenarNews The Pacific’s peak diplomatic bodies have signalled they are ready to engage with Papua New Guinea’s Autonomous Government of Bougainville as mediation begins on the delayed ratification of its successful 2019 independence referendum. PNG and Bougainville’s leaders met in the ...
MONDAYThe party of honoured New Zealanders were shown an old fort. “Awesome,” said Mr Luxon.He wore a gold turban, a white linen jacket, a peacock-illustrated waistcoat sewn with exquisite rubies, a white dhoti crafted from finest polyester with 1 1/2″ gold jari border, and a $625 pair of Christian Kimber ...
Christopher Luxon's trip to India included the restart of trade talks, the tightening of defence ties, and more than a spot of cricket - RNZ's deputy political editor takes us behind the scenes. ...
Six months after Vincent Dix and his son Nikau stumbled across remains of an ocean-voyaging waka while searching for driftwood on their property in Rēkohu/ Chatham Islands, the community is still buzzing over the discoveries.The big question locals want an answer to: where did the waka come, from and who ...
Leon Pritchard used to be absolutely ripped, back in the day. He exercised his muscles one by one at the gym, so that each formed its ultimate shape and could be easily seen by passing females, even at a glance. He worked hardest on his upper body and put the ...
Never heard of Acotar? Unsure what makes fairies sexy? Nervous of romantasy? Bemused by the term Medievalcore? Herewith is all you need to know about the hottest publishing trend of the age.What is fairy smut?Fairy smut is a genre of fantasy romance (romantasy) that includes both fairies and ...
The local star of Prime Video’s fantasy epic takes us through her life in television, including the trauma of 2000s drink driving ads and the Tribe spinoff that time forgot. Local actor Zoë Robins is one of the many, many New Zealanders who have infiltrated huge budget behemoth television shows ...
Court documents suggest Kim Dotcom spent $1,000,000 on Grammy winners, ad campaigns and the best studio in the country. So why was his much-derided album such a disaster? This story was first published in 2015 in Barkers’ 1972 magazine, and is republished here with permission.Read Chris Schulz’s interview with ...
Most people would look at our house and decide painting it was a job for professionals. My mum and dad decided it was a job for their kids.I grew up in a house that was always being renovated. That’s not hyperbole, it was literally always being renovated. Just one ...
Asia Pacific Report A joint operation between the Fiji Police Force, Republic of Fiji Military Force (RFMF), Territorial Force Brigade, Fiji Navy and National Fire Authority was staged this week to “modernise” responses to emergencies. Called “Exercise Genesis”, the joint operation is believed to be the first of its kind ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rob Nicholls, Senior Research Associate in Media and Communications, University of Sydney As the United States recalibrates its trade policies to combat what the Trump administration sees as “unfair” treatment by other countries, two significant industries have complained to US regulators about ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alan Renwick, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Lincoln University, New Zealand Since the return to power of US President Donald Trump, tariffs have barely left the front pages. While the on-off-on tariff sagas have dominated the headlines, a paper released this week ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Baka, Honorary Professor, School of Kinesiology, Western University, London, Canada; Adjunct Fellow, Olympic Scholar and Co-Director of the Olympic and Paralympic Research Centre, Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University In a surprisingly emphatic result, 41-year-old Kirsty Coventry, Zimbabwe’s Sport Minister, ...
More than 12,000 cubic metres of treated wastewater a day could be discharged directly into the Shotover River in the country’s premiere tourist resort, according to a whistle-blowing councillor. That’s almost enough liquid to fill five Olympic-sized swimming pools.The plan, prompted by Queenstown’s failing sewage treatment plant, would use emergency ...
Winston Peters has repeatedly failed to express any concern for the Palestinians killed by Israel since Israel ended the ceasefire and condemn Israel for this industrial-scale carnage, which the International Court of Justice found more than a year ago to be ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gary Mortimer, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology Daria Nipot/Shutterstock Australia’s supermarket sector has endured a long, uncomfortable moment in the spotlight. There have been six comprehensive inquiries into its conduct, pricing practices, and specifically claims of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Gail Wilson, Adjunct Associate Professor, Office of the PVC (Academic Innovation), Southern Cross University Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock In 2023, an academic journal, the Annals of Operations Research, retracted an entire special isssue because the peer review process for it was compromised. The ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lauren Breen, Professor of Psychology, Curtin University Photo by Daria Kruchkova/Pexels Grief can hit us in powerful and unanticipated ways. You might expect to grieve a person, a pet or even a former version of yourself – but many people are ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Stefan B. Williams, Professor of Marine Robotics, Australian Centre for Robotics, University of Sydney Armada 7805, similar to the 7806 vessel that will support the new MH370 search.Ocean Infinity More than 11 years after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins (Scholastic, $30) A Hunger Games prequel starring young Haymitch, ...
Two poems from the new collection Clay Eaters by Gregory Kan, launched this week at Unity Books Wellington.(Editors note: The poems are untitled but can be found on pages 3 and 19 of Clay Eaters, published by Auckland University Press.)From Clay Eaters Satellite view of the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sam Egger, Senior Biostatistician at the Daffodil Centre, Cancer Council NSW, University of Sydney Getty Images E-cigarette companies, including giants such as British American Tobacco, have actively lobbied governments in New Zealand and Australia to weaken existing vape regulations while preventing ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By David Coleman, Post-doctoral Researcher in Plant Ecology, Macquarie University Jakub Maculewicz/Shutterstock More than 8,000 continental islands sit just off the coast of Australia, many of them uninhabited and unspoiled. For thousands of species, these patches of habitat offer refuge from the ...
By Alex Willemyns for Radio Free Asia The Trump administration might let hundreds of millions of dollars in aid pledged to Pacific island nations during former President Joe Biden’s time in office stand, says New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters. The Biden administration pledged about $1 billion in aid to the Pacific ...
Delhi Diary Day 1Christopher Luxon walks down the stairs of the Airforce Boeing 757 at Palam Airbase towards the tarmac and greets the waiting Professor Singh Baghel, minister of state of fisheries, animal husbandry and dairying. Luxon squints against the heat. Baghel keeps his aviators on; he’s done this before. The ...
Netflix’s new British crime drama asks the hard questions about growing up in a digital world. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here.Even before a single episode of Adolescence went up on Netflix, the five star reviews started rolling in. The ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Sergi, Professor in Criminology, University of Essex In June 1988, the Reagan administration launched the most important United States labour case of the past half century. The government alleged the Italian-American mafia – La Cosa Nostra – had effectively taken ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Danielle Puiri-Tuia who founded a South Auckland-based running and walking club.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.Runners High 09 is a free ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nathan Kilah, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Tasmania Karynf/Shutterstock There is something special about sharing baked goods with family, friends and colleagues. But I’ll never forget the disappointment of serving my colleagues rhubarb muffins that had failed to rise. They ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rebecca Kaiser, PhD Candidate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania The South African National Antarctic Expedition research base, SANAE IV, at Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Dr Ross Hofmeyr/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA Earlier this week, reports emerged that a scientist at ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Intifar Chowdhury, Lecturer in Government, Flinders University Every generation thinks they had it tough, but evidence suggests young Australians today might have a case for saying they’ve drawn the short straw. Compared with young adults two or three decades ago, today’s 18–35-year-olds ...
Natz have a slimy lying, 2 faced creep for a leader…. Morning
Cheers Nick have a nice day and may Jk be with you….morning
lols. Sorry Nck. I agree with you but you did ask for that one.
And yet he is preferred to anything the left can offer election after election after election … and probably for at least for one more.
Enjoy your day. Its easier when you dont wake up bitter.
“And yet he is preferred to anything the left can offer election after election after election … and probably for at least for one more.”
Well… that’s what the spin says, James.
Actually that’s what the results show. He’s PM and the labour leaders keep falling away.
“Actually that’s what the results show. He’s PM…”
Being PM is a temporary position James and Key had to use dirty politics to cling to it.
“the labour leaders keep falling away.”
As did the Nat leaders when National were in opposition for 9 years.
Morning Nck, that’s very true, lets kick him out next year. It’s what he deserves.
That will teach you to listen to Leighton Smith.
The New Zealand First annual conference is in Dunedin this weekend.
Should be some good speeches about the decline of rural life and the loss of land to foreigners.
And it looks like they will be fielding a candidate in Dunedin South this time around. Whoops that’s 500 less electorate votes for Clare, in a finger click. Only 3,400 left to go.
Will that candidate be…you?
Oh gawd no
Nah……CV’s gonna be a doofer at the Trump White House.
Almost the entire shoreline of Lake Hawea has been sold or is in the process of being sold to overseas interests in the last few months.
And here is another part of Lake Wanaka gone today:
“angry emoticon”
Talking to an agent who deals with that end of the market recently and they commented that the current political situation in USA and UK, with the Clinton / Trump choice and Brexit, was stunningly good for business….
Just reading this scary article makes you want to demand a banking transaction tax (and why the UK has capital gains taxes, stamp duties, taxes on taxes, but zero financial transaction taxes). This is the world that John Key made his money in. No wonder there is this .01% mentality and inability to change during the GFC from the banks.
“Top graduates missing out on banking jobs for lacking ‘polish”
That’s happening more and more across all industries. Getting a job is now more about socialisation than about being able to do the job. And the preferred socialisation is being exactly the same as the person hiring you.
We’re seeing the rise of conformity and the conformity is to be a psychopath just like your boss.
Massive groupthink on the bridge of the Titanic…and on all the lower decks too…
Social mobility for the lower and middle classes has stalled. Upper class has not changed, nor will it, by the looks of things in this article. Not really what you expect in 21st century of supposedly classless society. We are going backwards to Victorian times.
Just listening to Key live on Leighten Smith. A first!
Key plays with figures to explain “not defensively” the housing not being a crisis.
A shifty tricky chap. Can you stomach him?
“A shifty tricky chap. Can you stomach him?:
+100…i don’think jonkey nact is going to win the next election ( from my surveys)
Ohh do publish your surveys – will be interesting to see the analysis…
Ever think of opening your eyes and taking a look outside of that bubble you live in James?
I do.
Judging by your comments, it doesn’t look like it.
Totally agree with you there Chooky!!
National have announced it’s usual pre election bene bashing policy….
Beneficiaries will be helped to find work
A new service will be trialled next year to help beneficiaries with diagnosed mental health conditions become independent and find work.
The two year trial is expected to cost $3.2 million and will be available in the Auckland, Waikato, Central, Canterbury and Southern regions.
Social Development Minister Anne Tolley says Work to Wellness will be a contracted service and will help around 1000 people a year.
She says it will provide coaching and mentoring, job search services and assistance to help people into work.
Beneficiaries will be able to opt-in through Work and Income, a referral from their GP or self-referring direct to the provider.
<a href="
If the comments on yahoo’s linked Facebok page is anything to go by, it doesn’t look like the Nats are going to get the kind of vote winning reaction they thought they will get…
Azaelia Mackereth There is no low this shitty government will go to, people with mental illness struggle enough just to get out of bed and function with life as it is, forcing them into a dead end job will just make them worse and then that vicious cycle starts all over again! People without mental health problems like this stupid tart never understand
38 · 23 hrs
5 Replies · 9 hrs
Debbie Jane Lomas oh and another point…mental health patients had plenty of support until you idiots wiped out virtually all the mental health agencies around the country…you are a disgrace….
20 · 16 hrs
Brian McFarland $3.2 million to find jobs for 1,000 people. So the government is going to pay a contractor $3,200 per person to find them a job? Sounds like they have budgeted inefficiencies nicely into the program. Better to just give $3,200 grants to those thousand people to improve their standard of living for a little while.
2 · 10 hrs
Arthur C. Charlton HOW. I may ask. Imported trash is draining the country’s overseas funds and ruining manufacturing jobs. Good luck with that. Please note a real job is not part time. 40 hours please.
13 · Yesterday at 13:50
Atra Dash Bunch of cunts. Bad enough people with mental health problems have issues and these fuckers want them to go back to work. This government needs to go and it needs to go quick smart.
3 · 15 hrs
3 Replies · 3 hrs
Carolyne Moran Once again National a going to Strip Kiwis from help and force them into jobs that have no guaranteed hours which is just what someone with mental health issues need.
5 · 22 hrs
1 Reply
Raumahoe Rose Williams aparently this stupid women has never worked with those with mental cannot expect someone with this unwellness who is drugged to the eyeballs to be able to hold a decent job let alone a mundane one..they can only focus for a few minute at a time…so go tell that to yourself ..selfish twit…
7 · 22 hrs
2 Replies · 9 hrs
Deb Hartigan surely there must be some people that can be helped into work……….not saying everyone with the illness, but there would be some that with some help would love to get back into some type of work……… a person said earlier in this thread it took him 3 years to find a job……..this may help shorten that time……….if one person out of 100 can be helped out then thats great isn’t it………….
2 · 22 hrs · Edited
9 Replies · 11 hrs
Estella Kingi So sick of the government right now. Tired of words being spoken by Aotearoa but never heard by ignorance. Hand enough, roll on elections, can’t come any faster or can it? Wishful thinking or is it?…..
14 hrs · Edited
Robin Aldridge Actually it’s hard to convince employers to take on people if they have been unwell. I know I have been an employment consultant looking for jobs for people with mental health issues. There is so much discrimination out there. And that adds more stress…See more
3 · 21 hrs
Lorraine Sami silly cow anne tolley try getting unemployed into work but noooooooooooo you want to bring in migrants who rort the immigration system, dumb down our society, allow employers to lower wage rates disingenuous cow
3 · 20 hrs
1 Reply
Danielle Pike Yes. Sounds bloody perfect. Instead of reinstating the help these people have lost because of the government over the years, they’re going to force them all to work whether they’re ready or not. Sounds like a plan. A really stupid fucked up plan.
1 · 10 hrs
Greg Giles It took me three years to find work, and I had to move from Hamilton to Auckland, any absence from work after an illness, or accident takes a lot to fit back in. Work is a necessary evil, and even more so with coping with unrealistic expectations. Being self employed should be considered and funded.
4 · Yesterday at 14:04
1 Reply
Charlie Boy Batt What a total load of crap. Have had ongoing vacancys listed with Winz work brokers for the last two years. Be lucky if they have referred two people. Both only lasted a week and were never seen again.
21 hrs
Jeanne Hill The problem is there needs to be jobs for them this is the government being oh so choosy.
17 hrs
Madonna Meikle if those without m-h probs cant find work how will those with m-h probs find work
9 · Yesterday at 14:03
1 Reply
Leonie Jones How the hell can they do that when most normal people themselves cannot find work. Pull the other one please
7 · 23 hrs
Invoker’s Better Half Some are just unemployable and needs to be left alone just like permanent injury via acc need to be left alone !!
7 · Yesterday at 14:27
Rae Adams I got a degree and experience and still cant find a job. Maybe they should help us older workers as well.
2 · 9 hrs
Derek-Kim Hickling In small towns especially, jobs are limited. Makes it hard for everyone…thats why many jump the ditch to OZ.
3 · 23 hrs
Ramari Te Rupe Wiringi Stupid politicians…too much money not enough brain matter.
2 · 19 hrs
Graeme Trask Employers looking for cheap labour no doubt. Another wave of exploitation.
1 · 14 hrs
Joyce Marina OMG WTF what’s this stupid government thinking of.Next they’ll be wanting the elderly to find work
1 · 9 hrs
Jay Belmont Whatever. What about the non-mentally impaired that are unemployed, homeless??? Yeah….right!!!
1 · 12 hrs
Taruke Mafi Oh come on WTH THIS GOVERNMENT sux our Mental Health now but that doesnt surprise me the government will try anything
1 · 18 hrs
Deborah Smitheram I am so surprized no ones shot one of these fukwits already if anyone deserves a bullet they do
3 · 22 hrs
Jill Riggs This is already happening sad to see all the negative comments lots of people with mental health issues hold down jobs
1 · 15 hrs
1 Reply
Roberta Tau Get them into work, bossess will take advantage of them, they’ll be fired then can’t get back in assistance
15 hrs
David Simmonds Looks like that face above has been attacked by a pit bull,ug ug ug bloody ugly to say the least.Looks like it had just kissed G Brownlee
10 hrs
Glenys Epiha Toa Of all the dumbest things you’ve done..this takes it.
14 hrs
Cat Lamb And I hope they are serious about “helping ” and not just BULLYING
16 hrs
Horomona Kingi and what does she think they can do? most jobs now are taken up by immigrants
10 hrs
Debbie Jane Lomas just a way to kick the disabled off their benefits..
7 · 23 hrs
Lui Ikenasio What bloody jobs??
6 · Yesterday at 14:11
Garry Craig She should watch out. More competition for her job.
5 · Yesterday at 13:42
Brian Stowe more money wasted .
4 · Yesterday at 14:04
Nell Smith-Hughes More sheltered workshops!
Why were so many closed??
1 · 17 hrs
1 Reply
Karenza Mcleod Able bodied people need to get a job
2 · 19 hrs
Sharon Solomon What work? and where is it?
2 · 16 hrs
Christine Williams Arent that the truth Atra Dash.
3 hrs
Christine Williams You are right Azaelia Mackereth. When i saw this article i suddenly felt anxious and thought what the hell are they playing at now. You are right, people who don’t suffer from mental illness will never understand and us that suffer from the illness have to suffer more because of their stupidity .
3 hrs
Ray Harrison I have a feeling not many will be “opting in”
19 hrs
Damos Reddington Fkn idiot. It seems reality has leftthe building
2 hrs
Kath Garrity Another stupid intiative..
12 hrs
Louise Gordon You lot are a joke
17 hrs
Carl Zijlstra That’s an old old line
13 hrs
Jill Riggs What do they think we’re doing now…
15 hrs
Lee Anne Wikaira there definition of help is forced
11 hrs
Stanley G Foster What a joke
17 hrs
Dave Moke Fck bullshyt policies
5 hrs
<a href="
+1 Leftie – some great comments there.
Thanks Save NZ, yep great comments there, it gives a glimpse of how people are really feeling, particularly about National.
Israel and Facebook lose a satellite:
‘Facebook satellite lost in SpaceX explosion at Cape Canaveral (VIDEO)’
“A Falcon 9 booster rocket exploded on the launch pad in Cape Canaveral, Florida, as tropical storm Hermine bore down on the area.
An Israeli satellite that was to provide Facebook broadband to Africa was lost in the explosion, SpaceX confirmed…
@Lynn, when you’re on the main landing page, all the default geometric gravatars show up, but when you visit an article page, they don’t.
I expect it’s some caching thing.
Strangely enough, on the current (Open Mike) page, I’m seeing your usual gravatar / identicon, as well as CV’s, Draco’s, and ianmac’s, but everyone else (including my good self) are rendered as anonymous white figures against a grey background. What makes you 4 so special ??? – Bloody Teacher’s Pets !!!
The gravatars and identicons are effectively generated remotely at gravatar, stored locally on my system after generation because gravatar were slowing down the page load too much, and then cached on a CDN (content distribution system) in Sydney.
Because I just shifted this site to https and especially http2, if something doesn’t arrive in time you get the default.
In this case it looks like you are seeing a bug. I’ll remove a layer and see what happens.
Edit: Ok, setting it to “monster”, clearing the cache, then reverting to identicons, and clearing the cache appear to have fixed it. I’ll have a look to see if I get widespread reversion to default icons.
Cheers, 1prent.
Nope. Ummm removed the local cache.
CV, Draco, ian and myself have all configured non-default gravatars.
If you are using the default one, then it generates an icon based on your email address (and also username?). It was the default geometric thing that wasn’t working properly.
“CV, Draco, ian and myself have all configured non-default gravatars”
Ahhh, of course !
When you think about it, that was ridiculously stupid of me.
I politely didn’t mention that
The Http/2 is really dealing with the gravatars well without the local cache. I had to shift to that a few years ago as they were slowing the page loads so much after getting a few hundred people on a comments page.
I’ve just been looking at pages with 300 comments from way back and getting no page load lag. I also see a massive amount of parallelism off to gravatar.
I really like HTTP2. It beats the hell out of SPDY and I don’t have to compromise the site setup.
He’s not one to miss an opportunity to tell a lie.
Translation: “I repeat what I said personally, Mr. Trump: Mexico would never pay for a wall.”
Maybe Trump will nuke em, if they don’t pay for the wall.
Of course more “civilised” US policy does this behind closed doors, and uses torture and rendition by friendly intermediaries towards people they don’t like and wars to countries they don’t like.
In this context maybe a wall to try to keep the outside world out, is better than trying to infiltrate and control the outside world under current US foreign policy.
Our planet is not looking in good shape and nor is equality or democracy under US control.
If only Klein or Sanders had a chance.
The Donald is probably like most people contributing on this site.
Not being able to speak Spanish he might have tried to interpret it as if what the words sounded like in English was the translation.
The last sentence therefore came out as “Mexico jamas (hm. jumps at?) pagaria(paying) for a wall.
Not that speaking Spanish seems to make much difference of course. Both George W and brother Jeb were fluent in the language.
Yes, they were. It was a pity about their inability to express themselves clearly in English.
Mind you the Donald seems to spend his time repeatably saying “I am a pretentious loudmouth narcissistic dickhead” in whatever language he is trying to grunt at the time. Has anyone ever seen him talk about anything apart directly or indirectly referring to himself and what he is gonna do?
FFS: even Yankees don’t deserve this cretin.
It’s extraordinary isn’t it…….I know what Alwyn would say if Trump dropped his trou’ and defecated on the stage at a huge rally…….
While almost drowned out by the cheers of a very ugly thousands – Alwyn (maybe CV too) – “Ummh…….Err Err Err……you know……you must consider that The Donald was never potty trained…… know…….to be fair.”
Love Friday nights. Such fun. Good feed. Coro’ Street. Loving family of 6. Warm. In the people-mover in the park. Alwyn.
We really do live in the 8th happiest country in the world aye Alwyn ? …….respectful nod to the National Party Cabinet (Club). 10th without you and me though aye Alwyn…….?
You really are a sick little prick aren’t you?
Trumper has an idea…..
Oh God there’s another fuck promising a ‘Brighter Future’ !
Maybe he will pay for it with aid that used to go to Mexico US dollars 209,432,920, build a nice wall for that!
With US aid to Mexico around $420 million a year – It’ll take some time.
He could use neoliberalism to get China to build the wall or some sort of PPP which takes 25 years to build and costs 5 times as much.
Last I heard it was 2.3 billion a year.The cut is expected to be a small part – $5 million – of the U.S.’s roughly $2.3 billion aid package to Mexico to combat the drug cartels, according to the Washington Post. The money covers such things as helicopters, border sensors and training programs, the Post said.” Plus ifyou use mexican labour it wont cost as much. :-0
I see you’ve taken faux new’s word.
Congress has appropriated $2.3 billion since 2008 for equipment such as helicopters and border sensors as well as training programs for thousands of Mexican officials.
This site is being inundated by less than savoury attacks on various commenters by one commenter in particular. His (can’t imagine a ‘she’ stooping to such puerile language) level of debate is often personal and comes across as deliberate stalking of selected individuals. Likely to be putting off readers from coming here.
His latest example:
[lprent: I have been noticing his (feels like a dickhead) comments. To date, he seems to have been reacting to others blowing their volcanoes. I tend to not moderate against reactions unless they get too consistently inflammatory and look like someone trying to ignite a flamewar.
I’m always ready to give people time to learn to hang themselves – it is better for the training of all observers.
@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!
Incidentally I regard your post as sexist.
“@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!”
Agree with you there Bearded Git, and I know it’s wrong to feed the trolls, but they make themselves very hard to ignore. Hitting back with logic and facts seem to fuel them into a tizz and then they get even more abusive.
“@Anne You know Chris and Alwyn have lost the argument when they attack you. Simply ignore the attacks and answer with facts and logic. That confuses them!”
Agree with you there Bearded Git, and I know it’s wrong to feed the trolls, but they make themselves very hard to ignore. Hitting back with logic and facts seem to fuel them into a tizz and then they get even more abusive.
I do not however, believe that Anne’s post was sexist in any way. We all know who she is talking about after all.
To date, he seems to have been reacting to others blowing their volcanoes.
In this and some other instances yes, but not always…
For sure Anne, there is no doubt about it, he stalks/trolls to abuse. Some comments don’t even necessitate such abuse either, which can and do come out of the blue as well.
+1 Anne, very pleased you have raised this issue.
It was difficult to tell given the early/late comments, to whom that comment was directed. It did seem to be in lock with mine responding to a “deluded Helen” comment catatonically issued by someone else. It just occurred to me that unlike Key Helen never got on global television and giggled about a murderer/child rapist being on the run from justice…….
Chris ain’t no prob’. I love his/her waste of energy.
It was an attack on someone else BG.
If you regard my tongue in cheek comment as ‘sexist’ then you are being overly sensitive. It’s normal in my world for the genders to joust with one another. No sexism involved.
But don’t let the twats divide and rule, the one thing they are masters at
That’s true Whateva Next.
@Anne. Agreed.
From recent (mid-late August) YouGov Polling:
Favourable to Clinton, unfavourable to Trump: 37%
Favourable to Trump, unfavourable to Clinton: 35%
Unfavourable to Both: 21%
Favourable to Both: 4%
Unsure: 2%
Presidential vote intention among registered voters who have an Unfavourable opinion of BOTH Clinton and Trump:
Will Vote
Trump 20%
Johnson 19%
Clinton 17%
Stein 12%
Other / Unsure 26%
This is how you handle banksters:
YES!!!! Iceland is showing us the way!!
Interesting perspective
“When I refuse to eat animals, I refuse to indulge in a system that profits off objectification. When I associate with my diet only ethical standards, and not guidelines on how to be the most ‘feminine’ according to patriarchal benchmarks on the slenderness of a woman’s physique; I reclaim my body. I nourish it for reasons beyond weight loss and dieting. I cater not for the gaze of toxic masculinity, but for the well-being of women and animals alike. Rather than eating for the eyes of my oppressor – he who too oppresses animals – a vegan lifestyle provides me revenge in solidarity. In my nourishment, I quietly protest.
Whilst the system’s prime concern is in ensuring masculinity is content and pleased, neither gender equality or animal equality will ever exist.”
disclaimer : I am vegetarian for 36 years, never been vegan.
Personally I have always thought the relationship and correlation between meat eating and violence in society was a bit of a no brainer. The objectification argument makes sense to me.
“When I refuse to eat animals, I refuse to indulge in a system that profits off objectification.”
Sorry, but she obviously is ignorant about the realities of industrial grain and soy growing. Monsantoed monocrops are objectification too.
Can she be correct about what she says and not bring the other argument (you bought in) in?
Not if instead of eating meat she is eating industrial grain, soy etc (which she almost certainly is).
Edit, tbh I didn’t find her general argument about oppression of women and animals that compelling (the way she did it).
It is true that you don’t like vegans who push their philosophy though isn’t it? My reading of your comments on vegans is that you don’t really think much of them, their choices, or philosophy. Perhaps I’m wrong though.
Objectification of animals and womens bodies seems on a continuum to me and profiting off either is not something I’d endorse.
“My reading of your comments on vegans is that you don’t really think much of them, their choices, or philosophy.”
I like people that make thoughtful ethical choices about what they eat (vegans, vegetarians, locavores, slow foodies etc). I don’t like fundamentalists. Much of my arguments about veganism on ts centre around arguing with fundamentalists.
I also don’t like people misuing facts in one area to push underlying agendas eg Cowspiracy trying to say that it’s saving the planet while the underlying message is that everyone should be vegan. Animal rights ethics and environmental ethics are not a neat overlap and it does piss me off when they get conflated.
That’s me and vegans in general. I don’t know anything about the woman who wrote the article.
Perhaps I could have framed my response differently. Something like, there are similarities between objectificaiton of women, animals, the land and ecosystems, she appears to be focussing on two of them, and because some fundamentalist vegans pick and choose their ethics around objectification I wonder if she does too.
In terms of the article overall, I didn’t like the stuff about women’s tactics to not be seen as ‘appetising’ or prey. I don’t think most women frame themselves as meat, so her argument seemed off there to me. There are really obvious parallels in terms of oppression of women and animals, and how the dominant culture enforces and sanctions that, but she seemed to be falling into the thing she was objecting to by the way she framed her argument.
Thanks for clarifying – you make some interesting points as usual
I thought it was one of the best trolling efforts I’d ever read
in what way was it trolling?
It’s not trolling.
Its trolling and its very well done
No, it’s not trolling.
If you don’t want to eat for whatever reason that’s fine but to say “I don’t eat meat because I’m a feminist” is drawing one helluva line in the sand don’t you think (does that mean if you do eat meat then you’re not what she considers a “real” feminist?)
How about the gross generalisations contained within, for example I work in a male dominated, very macho industry yet I haven’t had any conversations at all long the lines of being a leg or breast man or anything remotely similar
“Men (particularly white men) have historically felt entitled to the land and bodies of “others”;
Really, particularly white men? So the mongol hordes were white, how about the (but not limited to) tribes of Zulu, how about the Barbary slave trade, Japan invading China, China invading Korea etc etc etc
This and her other ideas are what has led me to think shes trolling, no one could possibly take her seriously and if they do then well done to her
being provocative isn’t trolling
her argument on objectification (whether you agree or not) are an argument that supports that particular headline (quite possibly chosen by subeditor for its provocative nature).
your ignorance and ununderstanding show when you try to be high brow and discuss historical entitlements to land and bodies – do you know what the word ‘particularly ‘ means because I’m not sure it interpreted correctly by you there – hint – it doesn’t exclude.
I was using the that as an example of her trolling, she could have just left it at men but nope she threw in white men because she knew it would provoke a reaction
Anyone can eat what they like but when you start throwing massive generalisations around like she has it just shows shes trolling
“Anyone can eat what they like” – nah – can you eat babies?
veal – the iron deprived white calf meat?
Baby seals?
A cat?
Lots of no noes there
Now you’re just being silly
go back to sleep and pretend to work then
Oh Mars Bars…….that did make me chortle…….”pretend to work then.”
+1 Marty Mars.
Good on ya, marty. I’ve been a vegetarian since my late teens. I didn’t get into it for ethical reasons, but that’s been the driver for quite a few years now. I wrote a post here a few years back suggesting you couldn’t be socialist and a meat eater. Annoyed a few people, as I recall, but it was worth challenging some ingrained beliefs.
thanks to you both – I might look that one up for a laugh trp
Here ya go:
It was one of one of my first efforts. Looking back at it, I was a bit pompous and overbearing. Glad I’m not like that now
Good fun reading that. I havent changed much either and i miss some of those commenters.
I enjoyed reading that too. I liked your post and I thought Rocky’s and Philip Ure’s responses were very good. In fact, the following quote from Philip Ure was excellent!!
” i’ve been vegan for ten years..vegetarian for twenty before that..
i know people who have been vegan for 40+ years..
and lots of other vegans..
one thing they have in common..
is glowing good health..
i also have three vegan dogs..
one 10 yrs old..her six yr old daughter..
and another 2 yr old..
the mother was vegan during the pregnancy..
these dogs could do centrefolds for ‘dog monthly’..
their coats are so need to wear shades.. ”
Lol I thought that was hilarious!!!
Thanks for the link Te Reo Putake, enjoyed that.
Been a vegetarian since my teens too, and I wouldn’t want to live any other way.
That’s fantastic, Leftie. Well done.
Good one leftie
Interesting perspective
Well, it was interesting in the sense that it’s rare to see such a level of pompous, smug self-indulgence compressed into such a small piece of text, but apart from that – not really.
Lucky we all have different thresholds of interesting isn’t it.
A powerful climate change doco shown on Al Jazeera (47 mins):
Refusing to fall victim to the weather, Kisilu, a Kenyan smallholder farmer, uses a camera to capture the human impact of climate change.
Filmed over four years, he documents floods, droughts and storms that menace his and his community’s farms, forcing some to stop tending the fields and seek work in towns and cities.
+1 Mauī!!!
Hey waggy – this is a bit funny doncha reckon
500 cows – how many trucks to move them? How long would that take?
“Police investigating the disappearance of 500 dairy cows from an Ashburton farm will be following a milk trail worth $900,000 as they keep an open mind on a popular theory that the in-calf cattle went to the meat blackmarket.
All-up, the cows represent a loss of around $2 million to their owners.
The missing friesian-cross mixed-age cows – which number more than the average New Zealand dairy herd – went from a winter grazing property adjacent to their owners’ Norvo Farm in mid-Canterbury.”
“…the cows were winter-grazing on the adjacent farm with the staff who milked them.”
I knew farm employees are generally not well treated but this is ridiculous.
I was drinking a cup of coffee when I reached your statement.
Then I had to wipe down the keyboard. Lovely comment.
They’re on a farm in Saudi now.
More likely china , although i think they only send heifers. 13 truck loads of cattle would be hard to shift with out the workers noticing something , that’s a lot of heavy tyre marks and mess in the yards.
Ain’t it beautiful how $43 million can fix any ‘little’ (huh!) irregularity in one’s status and tenure in New Zealand. These Indian students are palpably victims on an horrific scale. The ruination of them and very probably their families back in India as well.
“Oh so what ?” Having no capacity to make anonymous ‘donations’ to some anonymous ‘party’ (I use the word pointedly) is an insufferable culpability, the penalty for which must be sheeted home at once !
Remember folks……”On Planet Putea we must, simply must, protect the vaunted but illusory integrity of our systems……oh, in the absence of substantial expressions of ‘goodwill’ the way of those who ‘matter’ that is.”
It would be karmic were this to come back in a big way on that excuse for a man Key (represented on Checkpoint tonight by the dark creature Joyce).