With due respect to that commenter on TDB, who probably meant well (but there’s no link for context), I think such statement, on its own, is naive and orthodox and smells like sentimental nostalgia. It seems to be oblivious of internet, online, digital, or social media activism, for example. Now, if you were to combine old-school activism, whatever that is, and ‘modernise’ it, with digital activism you start to make much more sense. Some things that used to work in ‘the old days’ are still incredibly effective …
All political action needs good strategy and this is a great topic for a post here.
I think digital communications can help if coordinated well with offline activism – informing people; setting up a meet point; telling people what to bring with them; informing them of issues behind the activism, etc.
Just the words take me back to my early days listening to pop music.
You have revived in my head the music of the truly great Chuck Berry.
I’m off to YouTube to listen again to the song of my youth.
If the commenter is that keen on changing budgetary proprities, they wil be organising their resistance through the Council budget process, which is on now.
If you think that’s just too hard and cumbersome, you will be surprised to read that on current consultation numbers, Aucklands currently favour increasing taxes on transport, directly upon Aucklanders.
If the blogger really thinks that “keyboard warriors” have no effect, they will be surprised that the Council budget including the transport project priorities alter after consultation by betwee\n 20 and 25%.
The blogger would do well to have a chat with Generation Zero and ask them: what part did marching up the street in crowds play to changing the entire transport policies of two parties (who are now in government), and draft the Zero Carbon bill (now heading for Parliament).
But as usual, at The Daily Blog, it’s really important to feel real, get out there on the streets, get all mo’shizzle with the kids, and rather than change the system, get out there like Lisa Praeger did yesterday and take to the pavement with a sledgehammer.
For which she was duly arrested for destroying public property.
But if you think that sledgehammers are the way to go, here is an assessment of Prager’s sledgehammering technique and her results (bad; ) and a bit of practical advice on how to do it properly and save your back.
i made my way over to a tpp march/protest one day the only discomfort i suffered was the bit were i was in danger of being hugged by strangers. nice people but hardly pulse raising.
It is good to see people fighting back in Christchurch against the looting of water from the area for private overseas profit.
Court is one thing.
Cantabrians could follow the Bolivian example and boot foreign water companies out.
That is what the people in California thought.
Until there was a drought nobody worried that outsiders had bought up “old” water rights.
Then they found crops being bowled.
The owners of the water rights could make more from on selling water than keeping 50 year walnut trees, workers and factories.
Jobs went. Local economy crumbled. We need to protect our free water from predators like that.
I only ask because there a parts of India (very large parts) where sinking a bore down 100-200 feet produces the most pristine H2O…..far superior to the shit we’ve seen in Hawkes Bay and Canterbury.
There are also people a lot more concerned and knowledgable about preserving the water table than most seem to be in NZ (and that’s despite the lack of rubbish collection and preponderance of surface pollution).
They could teach a few farmers about how to handle cow shit too
False equivalence, I never said it should be free. I just don’t object to bottling water and selling it. It’d be better if they only sold in reusable bottles of course.
My understanding from recent news was that another issue with this water take was the drilling of a new well bore alongside a shallower one and the subsequent risk of cross contamination between two aquifers. The site was formerly a wool scouring plant and that may compound the problem. The deeper bore reaches into the aquifer supplying Christchurch drinking water.
The very idea that a water right for a radically different purpose should be transferable is absurd. The bottling company should have had to make a fresh application based on the situation regarding water now and in the foreseeable future, not leech off a right that should have expired with the demise of the business that secured it legitimately.
According to the article I’ve cited above, a lawyer disagrees and legal action has been filed. The deeper bore was drilled against Council advice.
Is there any legal or moral constraint to the practice of buying a factory with an existing water use (in this case for wool scouring ) in order to use the water right for another and entirely different purpose (in this case the selling of the water overseas by an overseas owner)?
Apart from the ethical issue, there is a practical issue of possible contamination of a city water supply as well.
How long before overseas companies buy a Marlborough vineyard with an existing water right and bottle that, without bothering with cycling it first through a grape vine?
10 litres of bottled costs $27 in China. A vineyard may have a water right of 12 litres per vine per day. That, for a 5 ha vineyard, is 159,000 litres per day. At the $27/10l price, that is $430,000 per day- $157,285,800 per annum. I bet that’s just a bit more than a 5ha vineyard produces in wine!
My point exactly. Seller selling “on behalf of citizens” Councils, (in this case ECAN a political construct), not knowing the real worth of the item, not doing what they should for their rate payers, being sloppy and ignorant, even dubious or dangerous in their actions.
Were the sales legitimate?
How many wells is the new owner of the old scouring works allowed to sink?
How come they can enlarge the original right to such a degree?
The law will decide, and this will pause work while that is settled, quite rightly.
Merely requiring formal legality is setting a pretty low bar.
What sort of people do you think exercise the most influence over what is legal and what is not?
Historically, looting of the commons has often been made legal.
Well that may be true when the sale is to the “Crown”. This is not the case here.
Our law says you must show true ownership to sell something legally. ECAN?????
When I read this article about the WWF, it reminded me about the book End Game by Derek Jensen. I would recommend Standard readers read Jensen for their enlightenment.
This quote of Jensen’s sums up the problem.
“Make no mistake, our economic system can do no other than destroy everything it encounters. That’s what happens when you convert living beings to cash. That conversion, from living trees to lumber, schools of cod to fish sticks, and onward to numbers on a ledger, is the central process of our economic system. Psychologically, it is the central process of our enculturation; we are most handsomely rewarded in direct relation to the manner in which we can help increase the Gross National Product.”
We abandon capitalism or our children and grandchildren die.
Except if you are a female surfer getting a nice big sponsorship deal from a bikini maker who suddenly sees no value in the deal.
A woman being paid in a mutually entered into contract to wear a high cut bikini in a televised competition is surely exercising her agency to chose what she wears, and has to have an expectation of close up shots.
In those circumstance it is worrying that a TV broadcaster feels browbeaten by various feminist puritans into self censorship over broadcasting images of a woman’s backside.
why the hell would they wear them if they don’t want you to look . serious question ?
surly if a woman has her boobs and but hanging out i’m allowed to enjoy the view ?
(no touching rude comments or wolf whistles of course)
I know this might come as a surprise (seriously, but listen to this) – some women like the way they feel when they dress in different ways and it has nothing to do with men.
There is a difference between quietly appreciating the beauty of someone’s body, and ogling. Camera operators zooming in on bikini bottoms is clearly in the latter category. It makes women feel uncomfortable, so just don’t do it.
Short answer no. Unless a woman gives express and enthusiastic consent to be looked at by a male, regardless of what she is wearing … it’s unwanted ogling. All unwanted male sexual behaviour is either criminal or shameful. Don’t do it, look elsewhere.
It’s astonishing and appalling that a Government that says all the right words about the need for action on climate change may nevertheless let a new coal mine go ahead on the West Coast, when it could stop that mine with the stroke of a pen.
Good point Jenny, are Labour Greenies? I think it’s neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism is just something to try and pretend to do.
Natz and NZ First are similar neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism something to deny as being loony.
Then when Pike river happens they can’t work out why neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism something to deny as being loony doesn’t work out in any way, they kill people, leave them to die because they can’t organise a rescue and don’t even get their economic gain as they actually bankrupt their own company. But hey, no lessons learnt no doubt.
I seem to remember RMA removed endangered snails for mining to take place and then DoC accidentally froze them to death.
I’m just wondering who are the loonies and most incompetent here. The environmentalists or the neoliberalists.
I note that NZ is one of the few western nations to so far fail to condemn the Russians for their assassination attacks in the UK. NZ is silent on the matter.
Is this because Peter’s is a Russian apologist and Arden’s afraid to do the right thing and formally condemn Russia’s actions because of her fear as to what Peter’s might do? Like throw a hissy fit and damage the coalition.
Probably standing by the notion , innocent until proven guilty, and in a proper court of law if you don’t mind
Old fashioned ,I know, but worth sticking with
Why are we not continuously condemning Russia for the mass slaughter it is perpetuating in Syria by backing Assad? Now that is a real issue.
Teresa May is grandstanding on this issue, using one boy in blue as a hook, but taking no genuine action at all that will jeopardise Britain’s trading links with Russia or the funding her Conservative Party mates receive from Russian mates.
Screw the British, why should we support them? I say sanction bust – we may even make up all the money we lost when they couldn’t wait to kick us into touch when they joined the EU.
To paraphrase Lord Palmerston (a British politician) “…New Zealand has no eternal friends, New Zealand has no perpetual enemies, New Zealand has only eternal and perpetual interests…”
And I reckon it is more in our interests to sell heaps of stuff to Russia than it is to stand with our ex-colonial master.
We owe the British nothing. They’d sell us down the river in a flash if it suited them. They didn’t give a shit about the impact on our economy when they joined the EU.
This dispute between our ex-colonial master and Russia over an event that occurred in a country on the other side of the world has got zilch to do with us.
It is in our interests to do a trade deal with Russia. Backing the British in their spat with Russia? Not so much.
But this isn’t the moment to enter a new trade deal with Russia – overtly endorsing their murderous attack. The time to sell Russia butter and apples was back when that gibbering idiot John Key quashed the trade deal, which, if we were already doing it we could continue without attracting trade reprisals.
We trade with lots of countries that do awful things domestically and internationally.
Conservatives get upset about this only when it is one of our ‘official enemies’ e.g. Russia.
There is no consistent principle behind what you are saying – just propagandist braying.
it may be….but it would also pay to remember that their payment history isnt great and their main exports are fossil fuels, military hardware and oligarchs
Look, fuck it
I’m sick of this shoddy out of date rubbish
Are you still in the Lada era?
Just lose the age old prejudices and get some new information
And this is just the top 10
“Mineral fuels including oil: US$173.3 billion (48.5% of total exports)
Iron, steel: $18.8 billion (5.3%)
Gems, precious metals: $11 billion (3.1%)
Machinery including computers: $8.5 billion (2.4%)
Wood: $7.9 billion (2.2%)
Cereals: $7.5 billion (2.1%)
Fertilizers: $7.2 billion (2%)
Aluminum: $6.7 billion (1.9%)
Copper: $4.7 billion (1.3%)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $4.3 billion (1.2%)
Russia’s top 10 exports accounted for 70% of the overall value of its global shipments.
Copper was the fastest-growing among the top 10 export categories, up 42.2% from 2016 to 2017.
In second place for improving export sales was Russian cereals which was up 34.3%, led by higher international sales of wheat, barley and corn.
Close behind, Russia’s shipments of iron and steel posted the third-fastest gain in value up 32.9%.
Up 6.7%, electrical machinery and equipment posted the smallest increase among Russia’s top 10 export categories.’
you may wish to speak to some in the industry about dealing with Russian exporters and the quality of their product…..they make china look positively angelic
Where did you get these figures from and why do they not include sales of arms?
This isn’t a terribly good source but the Russian exports of arms seem to be about $US15 billion/year
That number, if correct, should put them at number 3 in your list.
theres a significant ‘unspecified commodities’ category in the trade figures that could account for many things….essentially oil.coal and gas make up over 60% of exports
They also do a breakdown of US exports, similarly not specifying arms sales
For that :from Wiki
Rank Supplier Arms Exp
1 United States 47,169
2 Russia 33,186
3 China 9,132
4 France 8,564
5 Germany 7,946
6 United Kingdom 6,586
7 Spain 3,958
8 Italy 3,823
9 Ukraine 3,677
10 Israel 3,233
US has the record, Russia second, mostly its the members of the SC plus Germany
a country which overwhelmingly relies on the export of soon to be stranded assets that has a history of default…..how much importance do you want to place on a trade agreement with that entity, especially when coupled with enforcement concerns?…..i would suggest not very much at all.
The causes of that particular default are unchanged in Russia today….their foreign reserves are about 100 billion short of their current external debt position ….. and reserves disappear very fast in a poor trading environment,
And the stranded assets???….or do you think theres a future for oil,gas and coal?
Alwyn who doesn’ t know what FB means.
Russia hasn’t stood still spies will have stolen any tech deficiencies they have had.
So if you think Russia hasn’t kept up to date,how come they are so successful at cyber warfare.
Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet.
“Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet”
Are you always as drunk and incoherent at this time of day?
By the way. When are you going to tell me where the “Mankato” University you are fond of talking about is? https://thestandard.org.nz/joyce-resigns-from-parliament/#comment-1457868
Strange bedfellows Farrar and sections of the intellectual left.
I hear “Puteen and his 13 troll dwarfs” comes out in paperback next year. Soon to be followed by “Sauron’s chemical weapons attack – we know it was you.. so tell us why it wasn’t!” Straight to dvd.
I think any assassinations are not OK by any country.
As well as all the usual countries you would expect, USA had the most drone assassinations under the Obama government. NZ is pretty much trying to ignore the deaths of civilians from our own military in Afghanistan.
Don’t forget the UK started bombing Iraq illegally and against what many of the British people wanted.
So I think while it’s disgusting that apparently Russian’s are openly assassinating people in the UK, it’s not like it’s a one off or they are alone in the world assassinating people in other countries.
Assassination is a growth industry of governments. And its hypocritical to condemn when you are guilty of it yourself.
So far we have May’s assertion that Porton Down has identified the nerve agent as from the Novichok group , originally developed (so it is said, no samples have been scientifically analysed and identified up to now)30 years ago in Russia, and Uzbekistan
Personally, what with the collapse of the Soviet Union and all those chemists who decamped to the west, I’m not convinced Russia managed to hang on to it
So , and wrongly I think, May has identified the means
The motive?
Oh Jesus, you pick it
Sending a message?
Not the kind of message I’d be going for if the OPCW had just declared I’d destroyed all my chemical weapons.
In intelligence circles apparently there is a convention that Spy swaps are sacrosanct,you don’t go after ex spies pardoned and released as part of a spy swap otherwise you fuck up the whole system, its against your interests
Noobody knows at present except maybe the victims and I hope they recover, or the perpetrators
Let the OPCW do their work I say instead of muddying the waters with pre emptive
declarations of retaliation
Sorry Cinny, a bit of a long rant
Skripal’s area of concern or operation was Russia. If his killing was politically motivated, and the means of killing him suggest it was not a random local attack, then the obvious suspect is some state or person aggrieved by his activities. In his case that means Russia rather than North Korea, the other country that recently carried out a nerve gas assassination.
The poisoning of former agents is a Russian trope. There was the thalium umbrella poisoning, and the Yuschenko poisoning as well as the Litvinenko poisoning in England and a number of others.
May has stated that the agent was Novichok. It is doubtful she is so up on nerve agents as to have made that up – it will be the finding of some person better qualified in nerve agent chemistry than bloggers. The investigators will be annoyed she let that cat out of the bag as they prefer to contain such details to sort false claims of responsibility. Novichok is of Russian origin, and it is probable that if anyone has access to any it would be the FSB.
Stuart, could you point to those agents who had been arrested then pardoned as part of a spy swap?Then assassinated
Thanks , because I’m not finding it
Litvinenko.. ex FSB…employee of Berezovsky, who himself was rubbished by a British judge .Never part of a spy swap as far as I can tell
The thalium umbrella poisoning..never heard of it
The ricin umbrella poisoning on the other hand takes us back to 1978, when a Bulgarian dissident and writer was “implanted ” with a ricin pellet, via umbrella spike
So that was Georgi Markov, killed by a Bulgarian agent who may or may not have been helped by the KGB
That is still speculation
Yuschenko..A Ukrainian presidential candidate poisoned with dioxin at a dinner in Kiev.Survived after an illness of about 18 mths
Scientists have not been able to determine where the toxin( same as in Agent Orange)came from or who the perpetrator was.But knowing what a hellhole Ukraine has been with its gangsters and warring oligarchs, take your pick
Again, as the spy swap program is considered sacrosanct on all sides, can you point to me your examples , because I have read that this is the first time, and a real departure
Russia being the only possessor of Novichoks?
No, I don’t think the world works like that, I’ve banged on about that already. Even Macro recognises that others would most probably have it
Thalium relates to Nikolai Evgenievich Khokhlov of course – did your FSB briefing not include it?
Ricin – Russian deniability if you buy it. I certainly don’t.
and of course the Russians have “no motive at all” to poison Ukrainian politicians – it’s like the BUK – must’ve been some other aggressive invading imperialistic power with late soviet weapons systems.
“I don’t think the world works like that”
Russia certainly possessed the Novichok agents in greater quantity and accessibility than any other nation during the time that they were developing them.
Although it is possible other parties or nations have the capacity to recreate Novichok, such a sophisticated operation could probably find a more reliable and less obtrusive means of disposing of Skripal, supposing they wished to do so. Your counter presumption, that unknown parties offed Skripal to fit up Russia suffers from lack of evidence. There is simply nothing to suggest that it is anything other than a convenient Kremlin fantasy.
Still looking for the thalium umbrella
Khokhlov I’m afraid is going too far back for me, the Soviet days
I’m looking for previous instances of agents released in spy swaps who then get assassinated by the Russian govt
Never happened before because its against ones own interests to undermine the swap system
And I don’t know who poisoned the Skripals, and neither do you, but by god, there’s certainly a lot of capital being made out of it
And it certainly isn’t going to make for a fair and just investigation
For all I know some family member of someone betrayed by Skripal hired a hitman, a lot of murky things go in in Eastern Europe, it seems to be aswill with weapons sold on the black market
I just find it hard to believe that Russia would sully its reputation for something as petty as revenge, when it had just completed the arduous and long process under the OPCW of destroying its chemical weapons
To then turn around 6 months later and provocatively use a chemical weapon on a target that would point straight back to itself just doesn’t cut the logic mustard http://www.dw.com/en/russia-destroys-last-cold-war-era-chemical-weapons/a-40714097
So why go the enormous expense of destroying your chemical weapons under the auspices of the OPCW
Thats about reputation, first and foremost
Otherwise, why do it?
In 2008 Oleg Gordievsky alleged he’d poisoned with the same substance.
Police are investigating allegations that a former Russian spy who defected to Britain was poisoned in an attempt to assassinate him.
Oleg Gordievsky spent 34 hours unconscious in hospital after falling ill at his home in Guildford in November. He was initially partially paralysed and still has no feeling in his fingers.
Mr Gordievsky, the highest-ranking Soviet spy to defect to the West, claimed he was the victim of a Kremlin-inspired assassination attempt similar to that alleged to have killed the former security agent Alexander Litvinenko.
“I’ve known for some time that I am on the assassination list drawn up by rogue elements in Moscow. It was obvious to me I had been poisoned,” he told The Mail on Sunday. He accused MI6 of forcing Special Branch to drop its early investigations into his allegations.
Mr Gordievsky claims he was poisoned with thallium, a highly toxic metal used in insecticides which was favoured by the KGB in assassinations during the Cold War. Mr Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium, a radioactive element.
Russia more comfortable with its enemies creating economic inequality and helping fund divisive right wing backward looking Nationalism.
Putin is playing the West cyber warfare unstoppable Hypersonic ICBM’s
Ukraine Georgian and Crimean land grabs.
Backing the Sryrian regime .
Arms sales are one of Russia’s main exports ,creating conflict’s helps increase sales as oil prices are down.
Thank you all for the info, you guys are awesome. Helps to get my head around it all. Wonder if there’s anyone who doesn’t make money via war, far out.
theresa may, she’s worn, unpopular and clinging to leadership, desperate now to mark her mark.
Putin…. knocking people off is part of the Russian culture, maybe he’s just over people blaming Russia and is either being bold about his moves or ignoring the critics and just being Putin. Maybe it has nothing to do with Putin. Standby for the doco-drama film…
Media have a huge part to play in this, I wonder who is really pushing the narrative and what do they have to gain…war sells papers/gets clicks.
Time for NZ to become a republic lolololol 🙂 🙂 ?
Am sick of all the global conflict/greed, thought we would have evolved more by now.
Humans are like a culture of yeast in an finite ecosystem as yeast greedily gobbling up all the sugar exceating alcohol eventually killing its self at around 13% alcohol.
Humans are greedily gobbling up all the resources the planet has killing any one who gets in the way and the environment with all our forms of excrement.
As awful as the alleged attack on Russian double agent and his daughter, it is not as awful as the proven Russian and the Assad regime continued breach of the U.N. Security Council mandated 30 day ceasefire for Eastern Ghouta. Despite the fact that Security Council member Russia had voted for the resolution. Russia’s ally Syria, had voted for the resolution in the General Assembly.
“Briefing Security Council on Syria Ceasefire Resolution, Secretary-General Says Humanitarian Convoys Remain Unable to Safely Enter Eastern Ghouta”
Despite the demands of the Security Council’s resolution for a ceasefire in Syria, humanitarian convoys had not been able to enter eastern Ghouta without impediment, members heard today as the Secretary‑General provided an update on the situation.
António Guterres, United Nations Secretary‑General, reporting on the implementation of resolution 2401 (2018), said that there had been no cessation of hostilities in parts of Syria, and violence continued not only in eastern Ghouta but also in Afrin, Idlib, and Damascus and its suburbs. The delivery of humanitarian aid had not been safe or unimpeded, and no sieges had been lifted. He also underscored that efforts to combat terrorist groups did not supersede those humanitarian obligations.
In a disgusting act devoid of humanitarian principles, the Syrian regime has been removing medical supplies from few aid convoys that have been allowed to enter the besieged region of Eastern Ghouta. Though terrible, this act is in keeping with the regime’s targeting of independent hospitals and rescue workers.
On 5 March, the United Nations had sent an inter‑agency convoy of 46 trucks to Douma in eastern Ghouta with food for 27,500 people, representing only one third of the requested beneficiaries, all in desperate need, he continued. Syrian authorities had removed most of the health supplies, with the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating that only 30 per cent of medical supplies in the convoy had been allowed to proceed. On 9 March, a 13‑truck convoy had reached Douma, delivering the remaining food assistance. Shelling occurred nearby, despite assurances given by all parties. In Douma, relief workers described conditions as shocking: people sheltering in overcrowded basements with limited access to food, water and sanitation. In eastern Ghouta, health partners advised that some 1,000 people required urgent medical evacuation, which the United Nations was ready to support, in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. A prioritized list of those in greatest need had been shared with Syria, and he urged a positive response.
Both Haley and Trump are finally beginning to accept the truth of Putin.
And by the time Mueller is done with the entire Trump organisation and family, they will be both apologising for their complicity with Putin, and in jail where they should be:
Some of the comments on this site smack of McCarthyism in the 50s.
There are many Russophobic folk here.
A study of the Syrian War shows bad being done on all sides, yet we are continually hectored on this site by the neocons that only Assad and Russia are had.
For some reason they feel that Putin and RTV have a monopoly on propaganda.
They so easily forget 9/11, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine…
Yes its great when the International Community gets its shit together and decides the outcome of an investigation before the evidence is produced and presented as per international conventions like the CWC
I’m so proud!
Don’t you just love the rule of law?
They got their shit together in 2011 , too, and did Libya over real good
Well, Ghadaffi had it coming what with the viagra and the black mercenaries and the genocide and all
And those Rooskies deserve it , they’re so STOOOOPID always gassing and things at the most embarrassing times for them , just when the OPCW declares them free of chemical weapons, elections coming up, the World Cup, finalising Nordstream.
Its worked out well for the weapons industry though, bumper sales
Sometimes the most obvious explanation for an event is the most obvious and given that the main suspect nation has considerable form and that initial evidence points in a certain direction it is not surprising that there is condemnation from like minded countries.
There will of course be ongoing investigation and I’m sure there will be behind the scenes communication and maneuvering between the UK and Russia, I’m hoping there will be a bit of a change in behavior once Putin is voted back in and he will roll back on the rather extreme nationalism and bigotry that have been on display over the last several months.
Alwyn who doesn’ t know what FB means.
Russia hasn’t stood still spies will have stolen any tech deficiencies they have had.
So if you think Russia hasn’t kept up to date,how come they are so successful at cyber warfare.
Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet.Put
You may not be aware of the seriousness of the use of chemical weapons against another country Ed, or more likely be concerned to downplay it out of misplaced loyalty to your Kremlin master.
In this instance the presence of the WMD is already established – it is not a PR artifact to be sold to US opinion formers.
No Sir, we should be asking what planet you come from? Because it’s sounds like you are not following the events in the Baltic States, Putin comments IRT Finland and Sweden of late.
How refreshing to have a party leader willing and able to stand up to bullshit, and media frenzies, and exercise wise judgment, with a clear and sensible way forward.
Recognise that there are 2 possibilities (the Russian government, or Mafia-like rogues who’ve acquired the chemical agents as the result of lax Russian oversight); Complete an investigation. Hold the perps to account. Exclude Russian money from the UK political system. Stop servicing Russian chronic capitalism int he UK.
I question why are there only these 2 possibilities, both originating in Russia?
Soviet era chemists (like Mirzayanov , the self declared creator of Novichok)have spread far and wide in the world, Israel, Canada, Uk, Us,their knowledge and expertise welcome
Mirzayanov has published a book on the Soviet program, complete with formulas for the legendary novichoks
Please, doesn’t logic lead to the idea that the ability to produce novichoks is now out there in the wide world?
As well, Russia may be the inheritor state of the Soviet Union, but after 1991 it was a lawless chaotic mess, incapable of maintaining security ,and totally vulnerable to the criminal looting and pillaging that indeed went on all through the soviet satellite states
When a society collapses, everythings up for grab
As an example
Who but the Russian government would be interested in killing a retiree and his daughter? Their is no motive other than retribution and message sending. While Trump is so obviously pro-Russia, Putin is using that to play some dirty tricks because he knows there will be little consequence.
Would the Russian government kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would the UK government kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would most governments in the world kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would the Russian government kill a retired British spy….?
Trump is so obviously pro Russia he’s sent lethal weapons to Ukraine, increased sanctions, bombed its allies in Syria,weighed in with all the other toadies at the UN denouncing Putin
Are you some kind of political virgin?
Unaware of mischief making amongst the various intelligence agencies over the last few hundred years?
the perfect crime…. get rid of a nuisance whether he knows too much about the Steele dossier..or has become too demanding, maybe wants his BMW upgraded one too many times..
Who knows who he’s pissed off
Traitors aren’t known for their loyalty or moral fibre
Kill a lot of birds with one stone, upping the pressure on Russia to comply, to “behave” , code for opening up wide for foreign corporations, stop opposing American imperialism
Big picture here
“Who but the Russian government would be interested in killing a retiree and his daughter?”
Depends…..he could have pissed off anyone, who knows? He will, his daughter will not.
I seem to remember that the Americans have refused to destroy their stocks of chemical weapons. Surely they have the capacity to manufacture the nerve agent used in the UK attack, and who is to say they haven’t allowed this to be used, by accident or design, by some other country; vicious secretly nuclear-powered Israel comes to mind.
I can’t see why Israel would attempt to murder this particular retired British spy BG.
It would be good to know what Sergei Skripal was doing in his retirement and what circles he moved in, or in what/whose orbits he traveled.
It would also be good to have the identity of the poison verified by the relevant international bodies, as well as clarity on where Novichok was purportedly produced in the first place (both Uzbekistan and deep in Russia have been reported) before getting on to the signature of this particular sample.
When I saw the initial reports (in the Guardian) I immediately thought “here we go”. I was going to throw up a post and map the progress of mainstream reporting as things built. Wish I hadn’t been so damned lazy.
We have been told in various news accounts he met regularly with his old handler Pablo Miller who also lives in Salisbury and up until his Linked in profile was scrubbed, still working for his old boss Steele , ie Orbis who would have handled Skripals spy drops (the old plastic rock in Moscow caper)until 2004 when he was discovered
Often the beginning of a story , before an “official ” story has emerged, includes a lot more information
When the official story coalesces you only get the stuff that reinforces the already agreed
When Russia opened up its chemical weapons facilities to the OPCW, there should be some documentation available
Then there’s the other exiled Russian who spied for Britain claiming that Skripal regularly visited the Russian Embassy
“Last night, another former Russian agent exiled in the UK, Valery Morozov, claimed that Mr Skripal had maintained ties with Russian intelligence and visited the Russian embassy in London “every month”.
Mr Morozov told Channel 4 news “If you have a military intelligence officer working in the Russian diplomatic service, living after retirement in the UK, working in cyber-security and every month going to the embassy to meet military intelligence officers – for me being political refugee, it is either a certain danger or, frankly speaking, I thought that this contact might not be very good for me because it can bring some questions from British officials.”
Who knows
I have read that he was missing Russia
Berezovsky was said to be wanting to repair relations with Putin and hoped to return shortly before his demise too
Seemed he led a pretty quiet life
I’ve also read that Yulia came over every 2nd month
China would be a better case for a third party – a stoush between the west and Russia reduces the pressure on them. But it would be a mighty long shot.
Bill about Corbyn
Nevertheless he has to watch his back, and pull his punches
Witness how Macron was pulled pretty smartly in to line after showing too much spunk
And the pressure we ourselves are under from the Brits and God knows who else over the FTA with Russia
Funnily enough, after Crimea, and the trade delegation was practically pulled off the plane, NZ quietly continued to trade with Russia, Fonterra in particular
This happened in 2002 and 2003 when the drum for war against Iraq was beaten loudly and repetitively by the media.
I understand the media’s motivations. They are owned by large financial interests and War is profitable.
What I don’t understand is the number of neocons and Mcarthyites on this site.
I’m not counting the obvious trolls, but others who are left wing domestically but have a blind spot internationally; despite Iraq, they still cling to the Blairite doctrine.
Two civilians and a policeman were hospitalized after what has proven to be a chemical attack. Fact. You can bleat about Novichok but you’re not qualified to dispute Portland Down’s evidence and neither is MoonofAlabama.
There was good reason to suppose that Iraqi envoys (Zahawie) visited Niger in search of “yellowcake” uranium ore, but no evidence of a deal or a shipment.
Can you spot the difference?
One relates to an actual attack – the other is little more than an intention.
The fact of the attack proves the existence of some kind of chemical agent.
Yes, but after the existence of Novichok became known to the West, are you sure that the West did not reproduce it to look for antidotes? Maybe 6 miles away from Shrewsbury?
Sorry, but at my age with what I have read in History, I lack your confidence in the veracity of what the standard western media spew out.
Tonkin Gulf… Weapons of Mass destruction… Hit and Run… How often have we really been told the truth?
A natural disaster, being copied by an unnatural disaster.
The proto-dinosaurids of the Permian era were not responsible for deliberately burning the coal, that destroyed their climate, causing the extinction of 90% of all life on earth.
The coal fields were ignited by the intrusion of liquid magma from the Earth’s core.
A more advanced warm blooded species has found a way to deliberately burn all that buried carbon and put it back into the atmosphere.
“Burning coal may have caused Earth’s worst mass extinction”
Levels of various metals in the rock samples were critical in identifying the culprit of this mass extinction event. As in end-Permian samples collected from other locations around the world, Burger didn’t find the kinds of rare metals that are associated with asteroid impacts. There simply isn’t evidence that an asteroid struck at the right time to cause the Great Dying.
However, Burger did find high levels of mercury and lead in his samples, coinciding with the end of the Permian period. Mercury has also been identified in end-Permian samples from other sites. Lead and mercury aren’t associated with volcanic ash, but they are a byproduct of burning coal. Burger also identified a shift from heavier carbon-13 to lighter carbon-12; the latter results from burning fossil fuels.
Scientists are observing many of the same signs of dangerously rapid climate change today. There’s more lighter carbon-12 in the atmosphere because the increase in atmospheric carbon levels is due entirely to humans burning fossil fuels. There are an increasing number of dead zones in the oceans. Burning coal was causing acid rain, although we largely solved that problem through Clean Air Acts, and in the US, a sulfur dioxide cap and trade system implemented by a Republican administration.
We’ve had less success in tackling carbon dioxide pollution, which continues to rise. As a result, the oceans are becoming increasingly acidic, and temperatures increasingly hot. Scientists today also worry about potentially large releases of methane from the ocean floor and Arctic.
These are some of the similarities between the climate change that nearly wiped out life on Earth 252 million years ago and the climate change today. Both appear to have largely been caused by burning coal. A 2011 study found that over the past 500 years, species are now going extinct at least as fast as they did during the five previous mass extinction events.
It’s enough to make you think; maybe coal isn’t so beautiful and clean after all.
“This full potential can only be realised, when government promotes energy development.”
As a new fossil fuel pall is being threatened to be expanded around the globe, one small country needs to take an independent stand, to show that another way is possible.
With these incredible resources my government we will not only achieve the energy independence, we have been looking for so long, but American energy dominance.
And we are gonna be an exporter, an exporter.
We will be dominant. We will export American energy all over the world, all around the globe.
These energy exports will create countless jobs for our people, and provide true energy security to our friends, partners and allies, all across the globe.
This full potential can only be realised, when government promotes energy development.
Lots of Fonterra reps in the room. In his speech he mentioned their commitment to no more new coal fired dryers in a few years. A wry smile: “Well … it’s a start.”
Lol. It’s going to be really interesting to see what changes in the next decade if we get three terms of a govt with the Greens holding that portfolio.
How I learned to stop worrying and love my census.
A few weeks back I decided to take the option of requesting paper forms. Went to the census website, clicked the request paper form option and completed the request. I got a reply saying that it would take up to a week to receive the forms.
A week later, nothing.
So I went online again to the census site, and used the page to submit a question – saying I hadn’t received my paper form.
Both submissions required a contact address. I gave them my email addy.
Another week past – nothing. Last evening I had a knock on my door. My first thought on opening it, especially as it looked like someone official with logos and clip board, etc, was that it was finally someone delivering my census forms. But then I focused on the Mercury logos, and said” Oh, you’re from Mercury. Not interested.” – the guy thought I must have had a bad experience with Mercury in the past.
Then I went to my letter box and found 2 envelops from the census people. I thought it must finally be my forms. But, No. Each envelop contained a repeat of the original form with my code, telling me how to complete the census.
So then I tried to request paper forms by my landline. I took the phone away from my ear to key in my code. When I got the phone back to my ear, I caught the end of something telling me to key something into the keypad, but not what – couldn’t get back to the automaton telling me what to do next.
Gave up on that and went back to making another online request.
I did recall that some people were told the online census often only works properly with google chrome.
So since last night I have made requests on 3 different browsers for paper forms – plus sent a message saying how useless the system is.
It’s now become something of an experiment – how much of a hole is this in the census instructions?
Now, I know some people will say that I should just complete the online form – it’s easier. But any submission of data via the Internet is hackable. I dislike the way we are increasingly pressured to put our data online.
And if they give you an option for complying with a legal requirement, it bloody well should work.
I had similar problems, not as bad but still made me think of really dysfunctional systems. I just phoned them directly and sorted it out that way. Not great, but it did work out in the end.
Did you get a person on the phone? how? Which number? because all I’ve seen/heard are automatons.
Edit: hah. I rang the number. Ignored the option to press #1 to request a form, and pressed#2 to talk to someone in English.
The guy said he had now ordered paper forms to be sent to me. He said the system had read my request for paper forms as a request for new forms just with the code (not the paper ones).
I’m always impressed how Brisband produces some great thinkers on the left. You know the left that actually sees there is a class struggle going on. That the nature of liberal capitalism is effectively one of conflict. Also good to see the ALP has as much bullshit thinking on economics as NZLP.
If you need a dose of reality, then this piece is for you, if you are happy with the current crop of voodoo economics then please avoid. I’d also point out the author uses Marx and marxists analysis in their argument, so that might be a bit much, if you think it would be a bit much for you, then again, please avoid.
There needs to be a wider public conversation around ‘Is This The Sort of Country/Economy We Want’. The sort of thing that was once covered to some degree by documentaries and discussion panels on Public Television.
For instance, we have the Government promising more RSE workers* and, more importantly, refugees to the Hawkes Bay for apple picking.
Now ignoring the fact that Refugee settlement is not supposed to be a source of cheap labour for seasonal jobs, the fact is there is a well recognised housing crisis in the Bay.
Not to mention the report pointing out that the Hawkes Bay was not equipped for refugees.
I dread this development, its only a matter of time before we have shanty towns as part of our ‘Regional Economic Development Plan….infact we already have orchard workers living in shipping containers…but out of sight is out of mind apparently
*which is what Labour campaigned on, hence there were more orchard owners than pickers at their electionaring road show..that Labour didn’t campaign on better wages for pickers is odd, given its such a ‘great’ industry, yet binn rates haven’t increased in 25 years, and most orchards are now just paying minimum hourly wage, tough luck when it rains..
Good evening Eric young from Prime News it good to see a lot of people like you showing respect for Maori culture.
Its a shame to see that bridge collapse America my condolences to all the people who got hurt.
Southern response government insurance the way they behave is because shonky started that bad behaviour and a lot of government agencies behave like that insurance company.
Its good to see Te papa up grading it facilities It a excellent museum. Ka kite ano.
Newshub on TV3 the plastic bottles were forced on to us and we were cond into using plastic milk bottles by multi national companies we should not have abandoned glass bottles they are the environmental friendly option glass bottles provided a streem of pocket money for the mokos
Its a good thing to switch back to glass bottles.
Good Ron Marks I see he is a honorable Kiwi leader who respect OUR environment he recycl every thing he can Ka pai Kia kaha Ka kite ano.
Is it just me, or are we seeing the degree of pedantry rising on TS….especially this year…from a fair few contributors.
How about we just acknowledge how very clever and educated and sophisticated with huge dicks some people are.
Also that some (others-not me of course) just don’t/cannot live up to the smartness, the smarminess, the value, the richness, the supreme intellect of some contributors here.
Truly, i just live in awe sometimes and wish I could be ‘like Mike’ and others.
The Prime Minister’s State of the Nation speech is an exercise in smoke and mirrors which deflects from the reality that he has overseen the worst economic growth in 30 years, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “Luxon wants to “go for growth” but since he and Nicola ...
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Long stories short, the six things of interest in the political economy in Aotearoa around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday January 23 are:PM Christopher Luxon’s State of the Nation speech after midday today, which I’ll attend and ask questions at;Luxon is expected to announce “new changes to incentivise research ...
I’m trying a new way to do a more regular and timely daily Dawn Choruses for paying subscribers through a live video chat about the day’s key six things @ 6.30 am lasting about 10 minues. This email is the invite to that chat on the substack app on your ...
Yesterday, Trump pardoned the founder of Silk Road - a criminal website designed to anonymously trade illicit drugs, weapons and services. The individual had been jailed for life in 2015 after an FBI sting.But libertarian interest groups had lobbied Donald Trump, saying it was “government overreach” to imprison the man, ...
The Prime Minister will unveil more of his economic growth plan today as it becomes clear that the plan is central to National’s election pitch in 2026. Christopher Luxon will address an Auckland Chamber of Commerce meeting with what is being billed a “State of the Nation” speech. Ironically, after ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2025 has only just begun, but already climate scientists are working hard to unpick what could be in ...
The NZCTU’s view is that “New Zealand’s future productivity to 2050” is a worthwhile topic for the upcoming long-term insights briefing. It is important that Ministers, social partners, and the New Zealand public are aware of the current and potential productivity challenges and opportunities we face and the potential ...
The NZCTU supports a strengthening of the Commerce Act 1986. We have seen a general trend of market consolidation across multiple sectors of the New Zealand economy. Concentrated market power is evident across sectors such as banking, energy generation and supply, groceries, telecommunications, building materials, fuel retail, and some digital ...
The maxim is as true as it ever was: give a small boy and a pig everything they want, and you will get a good pig and a terrible boy.Elon Musk the child was given everything he could ever want. He has more than any one person or for that ...
A food rescue organisation has had to resort to an emergency plea for donations via givealittle because of uncertainty about whether Government funding will continue after the end of June. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate on Wednesday, January 22: Kairos Food ...
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The defence of common law qualified privilege applies (to cut short a lot of legal jargon) when someone tells someone something in good faith, believing they need to know it. Think: telling the police that the neighbour is running methlab or dobbing in a colleague to the boss for stealing. ...
NZME plans to cut 38 jobs as it reorganises its news operations, including the NZ Herald, BusinessDesk, and Newstalk ZB. It said it planned to publish and produce fewer stories, to focus on those that engage audience. E tū are calling on the Government to step in and support the ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed that inflation remains unchanged at 2.2%, defying expectations of further declines, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “While inflation holding steady might sound like good news, the reality is that prices for the basics—like rent, energy, and insurance—are still rising. ...
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An interesting article in Stuff a few weeks ago asked a couple of interesting questions in it’s headline, “How big can Auckland get? And how big is too big?“. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t really answer those questions, instead focusing on current growth projections, but there were a few aspects to ...
Today is Donald J Trump’s second inauguration ceremony.I try not to follow too much US news, and yet these developments are noteworthy and somehow relevant to us here.Only hours in, parts of their Project 2025 ‘think/junk tank’ policies — long planned and signalled — are already live:And Elon Musk, who ...
How long is it going to take for the MAGA faithful to realise that those titans of Big Tech and venture capital sitting up close to Donald Trump this week are not their allies, but The Enemy? After all, the MAGA crowd are the angry victims left behind by the ...
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The Waitangi Tribunal has been one of the most effective critics of the government, pointing out repeatedly that its racist, colonialist policies breach te Tiriti o Waitangi. While it has no powers beyond those of recommendation, its truth-telling has clearly gotten under the government's skin. They had already begun to ...
I don't mind where you come fromAs long as you come to meBut I don't like illusionsI can't see them clearlyI don't care, no I wouldn't dareTo fix the twist in youYou've shown me eventually what you'll doSong: Shimon Moore, Emma Anzai, Antonina Armato, and Tim James.National Hugging Day.Today, January ...
Is Rwanda turning into a country that seeks regional dominance and exterminates its rivals? This is a contention examined by Dr Michela Wrong, and Dr Maria Armoudian. Dr Wrong is a journalist who has written best-selling books on Africa. Her latest, Do Not Disturb. The story of a political murder ...
The economy isn’t cooperating with the Government’s bet that lower interest rates will solve everything, with most metrics indicating per-capita GDP is still contracting faster and further than at any time since the 1990-96 series of government spending and welfare cuts. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short in ...
Hi,Today is the day sexual assaulter and alleged rapist Donald Trump officially became president (again).I was in a meeting for three hours this morning, so I am going to summarise what happened by sharing my friend’s text messages:So there you go.Welcome to American hell — which includes all of America’s ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkI have a new paper out today in the journal Dialogues on Climate Change exploring both the range of end-of-century climate outcomes in the literature under current policies and the broader move away from high-end emissions scenarios. Current policies are defined broadly as policies in ...
Long story short: I chatted last night with ’s on the substack app about the appointment of Chris Bishop to replace Simeon Brown as Transport Minister. We talked through their different approaches and whether there’s much room for Bishop to reverse many of the anti-cycling measures Brown adopted.Our chat ...
Last night I chatted with Northland emergency doctor on the substack app for subscribers about whether the appointment of Simeon Brown to replace Shane Reti as Health Minister. We discussed whether the new minister can turn around decades of under-funding in real and per-capita terms. Our chat followed his ...
Christopher Luxon is every dismal boss who ever made you wince, or roll your eyes, or think to yourself I have absolutely got to get the hell out of this place.Get a load of what he shared with us at his cabinet reshuffle, trying to be all sensitive and gracious.Dr ...
The text of my submission to the Ministry of Health's unnecessary and politicised review of the use of puberty blockers for young trans and nonbinary people in Aotearoa. ...
Hi,Last night one of the world’s biggest social media platforms, TikTok, became inaccessible in the United States.Then, today, it came back online.Why should we care about a social network that deals in dance trends and cute babies? Well — TikTok represents a lot more than that.And its ban and subsequent ...
Sometimes I wake in the middle of the nightAnd rub my achin' old eyesIs that a voice from inside-a my headOr does it come down from the skies?"There's a time to laugh butThere's a time to weepAnd a time to make a big change"Wake-up you-bum-the-time has-comeTo arrange and re-arrange and ...
Former Health Minister Shane Reti was the main target of Luxon’s reshuffle. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short to start the year in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate: Christopher Luxon fired Shane Reti as Health Minister and replaced him with Simeon Brown, who Luxon sees ...
Yesterday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced a cabinet reshuffle, which saw Simeon Brown picking up the Health portfolio as it’s been taken off Dr Shane Reti, and Transport has been given to Chris Bishop. Additionally, Simeon’s energy and local government portfolios now sit with Simon Watts. This is very good ...
The sacking of Health Minister Shane Reti yesterday had an air of panic about it. A media advisory inviting journalists to a Sunday afternoon press conference at Premier House went out on Saturday night. Caucus members did not learn that even that was happening until yesterday morning. Reti’s fate was ...
Yesterday’s demotion of Shane Reti was inevitable. Reti’s attempt at a re-assuring bedside manner always did have a limited shelf life, and he would have been a poor and apologetic salesman on the campaign trail next year. As a trained doctor, he had every reason to be looking embarrassed about ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 12, 2025 thru Sat, January 18, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
After another substantial hiatus from online Chess, I’ve been taking it up again. I am genuinely terrible at five-minute Blitz, what with the tight time constraints, though I periodically con myself into thinking that I have been improving. But seeing as my past foray into Chess led to me having ...
Rise up o children wont you dance with meRise up little children come and set me freeRise little ones riseNo shame no fearDon't you know who I amSongwriter: Rebecca Laurel FountainI’m sure you know the go with this format. Some memories, some questions, letsss go…2015A decade ago, I made the ...
In 2017, when Ghahraman was elected to Parliament as a Green MP, she recounted both the highlights and challenges of her role -There was love, support, and encouragement.And on the flipside, there was intense, visceral and unchecked hate.That came with violent threats - many of them. More on that later.People ...
It gives me the biggest kick to learn that something I’ve enthused about has been enough to make you say Go on then, I'm going to do it. The e-bikes, the hearing aids, the prostate health, the cheese puffs. And now the solar power. Yes! Happy to share the details.We ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Can CO2 be ...
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesAnd his opinion so you'd never have to choosePretty soon, you'll be an old bastard tooYou get smaller as the world gets bigThe more you know you know you don't know shit"The whiz man" will never ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
This Friday afternoon, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced an overhaul of the Waitangi Tribunal.The government has effectively cleared house - appointing 8 new members - and combined with October’s appointment of former ACT leader Richard Prebble, that’s 9 appointees.[I am not certain, but can only presume, Prebble went in ...
The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
So what becomes of you, my love?When they have finally stripped you ofThe handbags and the gladragsThat your poor old granddadHad to sweat to buy you, babySongwriter: Mike D'aboIn yesterday’s newsletter, I expressed sadness at seeing Golriz Ghahraman back on the front pages for shoplifting. As someone who is no ...
It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
Note: This Webworm discusses sexual assault and rape. Please read with care.Hi,A few weeks ago I reported on how one of New Zealand’s richest men, Nick Mowbray (he and his brother own Zuru and are worth an estimated $20 billion), had taken to sharing posts by a British man called ...
The final Atlas Network playbook puzzle piece is here, and it slipped in to Aotearoa New Zealand with little fan fare or attention. The implications are stark.Today, writes Dr Bex, the submission for the Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment Bill closes: 11:59pm January 16, 2025.As usual, the language of the ...
Excitement in the seaside village! Look what might be coming! 400 million dollars worth of investment! In the very beating heart of the village! Are we excited and eager to see this happen, what with every last bank branch gone and shops sitting forlornly quiet awaiting a customer?Yes please, apply ...
Much discussion has been held over the Regulatory Standards Bill (RSB), the latest in a series of rightwing attempts to enshrine into law pro-market precepts such as the primacy of private property ownership. Underneath the good governance and economic efficiency gobbledegook language of the Bill is an interest to strip ...
We are concerned that the Amendment Bill, as proposed, could impair the operations and legitimate interests of the NZ Trade Union movement. It is also likely to negatively impact the ability of other civil society actors to conduct their affairs without the threat of criminal sanctions. We ask that ...
I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?And I can't take itHow could I fake it?How could I fake it?Song: The Lonely Biscuits.“A bit nippy”, I thought when I woke this morning, and then, soon after that, I wondered whether hell had frozen over. Dear friends, ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Asheville, North Carolina, was once widely considered a climate haven thanks to its elevated, inland location and cooler temperatures than much of the Southeast. Then came the catastrophic floods of Hurricane Helene in September 2024. It was a stark reminder that nowhere is safe from ...
Early reports indicate that the temporary Israel/Hamas ceasefire deal (due to take effect on Sunday) will allow for the gradual release of groups of Israeli hostages, the release of an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails (likely only a fraction of the total incarcerated population), and the withdrawal ...
My daily news diet is not what it once was.It was the TV news that lost me first. Too infantilising, too breathless, too frustrating.The Herald was next. You could look past the reactionary framing while it was being a decent newspaper of record, but once Shayne Currie began unleashing all ...
Hit the road Jack and don't you come backNo more, no more, no more, no moreHit the road Jack and don't you come back no moreWhat you say?Songwriters: Percy MayfieldMorena,I keep many of my posts, like this one, paywall-free so that everyone can read them.However, please consider supporting me as ...
This might be the longest delay between reading (or in this case re-reading) a work, and actually writing a review of it I have ever managed. Indeed, when I last read these books in December 2022, I was not planning on writing anything about them… but as A Phuulish Fellow ...
Kia Ora,I try to keep most my posts without a paywall for public interest journalism purposes. However, if you can afford to, please consider supporting me as a paid subscriber and/or supporting over at Ko-Fi. That will help me to continue, and to keep spending time on the work. Embarrassingly, ...
There was a time when Google was the best thing in my world. I was an early adopter of their AdWords program and boy did I like what it did for my business. It put rocket fuel in it, is what it did. For every dollar I spent, those ads ...
A while back I was engaged in an unpleasant exchange with a leader of the most well-known NZ anti-vax group and several like-minded trolls. I had responded to a racist meme on social media in which a rightwing podcaster in the US interviewed one of the leaders of the Proud ...
Hi,If you’ve been reading Webworm for a while, you’ll be familiar with Anna Wilding. Between 2020 and 2021 I looked at how the New Zealander had managed to weasel her way into countless news stories over the years, often with very little proof any of it had actually happened. When ...
It's a long white cloud for you, baby; staying together alwaysSummertime in AotearoaWhere the sunshine kisses the water, we will find it alwaysSummertime in AotearoaYeah, it′s SummertimeIt's SummertimeWriters: Codi Wehi Ngatai, Moresby Kainuku, Pipiwharauroa Campbell, Taulutoa Michael Schuster, Rebekah Jane Brady, Te Naawe Jordan Muturangi Tupe, Thomas Edward Scrase.Many of ...
Last year, 292 people died unnecessarily on our roads. That is the lowest result in over a decade and only the fourth time in the last 70 years we’ve seen fewer than 300 deaths in a calendar year. Yet, while it is 292 people too many, with each death being ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob HensonFlames from the Palisades Fire burn a building at Sunset Boulevard amid a powerful windstorm on January 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The fast-moving wildfire had destroyed thousands of structures and ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Regulatory Standards Bill, as I understand it, seeks to bind parliament to a specific range of law-making.For example, it seems to ensure primacy of individual rights over that of community, environment, te Tiriti ...
Happy New Year!I had a lovely break, thanks very much for asking: friends, family, sunshine, books, podcasts, refreshing swims, barbecues, bike rides. So good to step away from the firehose for a while, to have less Trump and Seymour in your day. Who needs the Luxons in their risible PJs ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Panel and a director of Greater Auckland In 2003, after much argument, including the election of a Mayor in 2001 who ran on stopping it, Britomart train station in downtown Auckland opened. A mere 1km twin track terminating branch ...
For the first time in a decade, a New Zealand Prime Minister is heading to the Middle East. The trip is more than just a courtesy call. New Zealand PMs frequently change planes in Dubai en route to destinations elsewhere. But Christopher Luxon’s visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 5, 2025 thru Sat, January 11, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Armin Chitizadeh, Lecturer, School of Computer Science, University of Sydney Collagery/Shutterstock In one of his first moves as the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump announced a new US$500 billion project called Stargate to accelerate the development of artificial ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By John Hart, Emeritus Faculty, US government and politics specialist, Australian National University On his last day in office, outgoing United States President Joe Biden issued a number of preemptive pardons essentially to protect some leading public figures and members of his own ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lynn Nazareth, Research Scientist in Olfactory Biology, CSIRO DimaBerlin/Shutterstock Would you give up your sense of smell to keep your hair? What about your phone? A 2022 US study compared smell to other senses (sight and hearing) and personally prized commodities ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rebekkah Markey-Towler, PhD Candidate, Melbourne Law School, and Research fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures, The University of Melbourne EPA On his first day back in office as United States president, Donald Trump gave formal notice of his nation’s exit from the Paris ...
Taxpayers' Union Spokesman, Jordan Williams, said “the speech was more about feels and repeating old announcements than concrete policy changes to improve New Zealand’s prosperity.” ...
Callaghan Innovation has shown itself to be a toxic organisation, with a culture that leads to waste on a wallet-shattering scale, Taxpayers’ Union Spokesman James Ross said. ...
"It is great to see this Government listening to the mining sector and showing a clear understanding of its value to the economy in terms of jobs and investment in communities, as well as export earnings," Vidal says. ...
The long overdue science reform strategy promises another huge restructure on top of the restructure endured by science agencies to date, creating more uncertainty and worry for thousands of science workers. ...
SPECIAL REPORT:By Jeremy Rose The International Court of Justice heard last month that after reconstruction is factored in Israel’s war on Gaza will have emitted 52 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. A figure equivalent to the annual emissions of 126 states and territories. It seems ...
Some feel-good nature wins to start your year. Sure, 2024 wasn’t what you’d call a “feel-good” year for the natural world. But if your heart sank at each new blow to conservation (hello fast track bill, goodbye Jobs for Nature funding, looking at you, conservation and science budget cuts), let ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Adrian Beaumont, Election Analyst (Psephologist) at The Conversation; and Honorary Associate, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne A national Resolve poll for Nine newspapers, conducted January 15–21 from a sample of 1,610, gave the Coalition a 51–49 lead using ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lisa French, Professor & Dean, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University Searchlight Pictures In 1961, aged 19, Bob Dylan left home in Minnesota for New York City and never looked back. Unknown when he arrived, he would later be widely ...
Body Shop NZ has been put into voluntary liquidation. We reach out into the Dewberry mists of time to farewell some of our cruelty-free favs. Before Mecca was the mecca, before Sephora sold retinol to tweens and before the internet made beauty content a lucrative career path, there was The ...
According to official Customs information, total interceptions of illegal cigarettes and cigars grew 31.4%, from 4.94 million in 2019–2020 to 6.5 million in 2023–2024. ...
The charity Māui and Hector’s Dolphin Defenders, is calling on Luxon's National-led coalition government for more protection for the dolphins throughout their rang ...
National cannot fall into the habit of simply naming a new Ministerial portfolio and trying to jaw-bone public policy outcomes, says Taxpayers' Union Executive Director Jordan Williams. ...
Luxon is due to give his State of the Nation speech today which will once again prioritise the War On Nature. These destructive policies, including the fast track law, have become one of the trademarks of his first year in office. ...
The November results are reported against forecasts based on the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2024 (HYEFU 2024), published on 17 December 2024, and the results for the same period for the previous year. ...
Until there is a considerable strengthening of the accountability mechanisms, the parliamentary term should not be extended, argues Brian Easton in this edited excerpt from his latest book In Open Seas: How the New Zealand Labour Government Went Wrong: 2017–2023.A British Lord Chancellor described the British political system as ...
By Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific senior journalist Fiji’s Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad has told an international conference in Bangkok that some of the most severely debt-stressed countries are the island states of the Pacific. Dr Prasad, who is also a former economic professor, said the harshest impacts of global ...
Comment: Labour should not have to be asking whether voters feel better off – but helping them feel that they realistically could be The post Do you feel better off, punk? Well, do ya? appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Emma Russell, ARC DECRA Associate Professor in Crime, Justice and Legal Studies, La Trobe University Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show prisoner numbers are growing in every Australian state and territory — except Victoria. Nationally, our per capita imprisonment ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Bioantika, PhD Candidate, Global Centre for Mineral Security, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland An excavator dredges sea sand in Lhokseumawe, Sumatra.Mohd Arafat/Shutterstock Over 20 years ago, then Indonesian president Megawati Soekarnoputri banned the export of sea sand from her ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Samantha Vlcek, Lecturer in inclusive education, RMIT University Annie Spratt/Unsplash, CC BY From next week, schools will start to return for term 1. This can be a nervous time for some students, who might be anxious about new teachers, classes and ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lynn Buckley, Senior Lecturer, Business School, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau Reforms to the Companies Act are meant to make Aotearoa New Zealand an easier and safer place to do business. But key gaps in the reforms mean they could fall ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Tuba Degirmenci, PhD Candidate School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, Queensland University of Technology Tsuguliev/Shutterstock We’ve all seen the marketing message “handmade with love”. It’s designed to tug at our heartstrings, suggesting extra care and affection went into crafting a ...
A lot of my friendships these days feel more like external audits, and it’s making me dread our coffee dates. Want Hera’s help? Email your problem to helpme@thespinoff.co.nzDear Hera,I am seeking your advice on catch-up friendships.I think most people have friendships that don’t form part of their ...
Comment: New Zealand stood uncertainly at multiple economic and social crossroads at the end of 2024. The hope was that a long, hot summer break would induce people to face 2025 with more confidence. But a combination of circumstances, domestic and international, as well as largely indifferent summer weather which ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Christine Carson, Senior Research Fellow, School of Medicine, The University of Western Australia The war in Gaza will leave its mark in many ways, long after the recently negotiated ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. One legacy relates to how the chaos ...
The cost of living crisis appears to be over, even if it doesn’t feel like it yet, writes Stewart Sowman-Lund for The Bulletin. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. ...
Simeon Brown was a hardline transport minister who ruthlessly pursued his agenda. For many in the sector, Chris Bishop’s more flexible approach will be a welcome relief. Prime minister Christopher Luxon made the first significant political move of the year on Sunday afternoon, announcing a cabinet reshuffle. Most notably, Luxon ...
A small stretch of road has come to define the struggle for control between Wayne Brown and Auckland Transport. With work on the upgrade project finally under way, former councillor Pippa Coom looks back at the contentious 10-year saga. A roadside karakia blessing last Monday marked the official start of ...
A challenge to all the resolute keyboard heroes out there: Get active!
“Cyber space warriorism get’s us no where, it’s just therapeutic venting at a distance.”
A quote from a commentator on The Daily Blog.
If we want to effect change, we need to take to the streets! We need to get in the face of authority and, yes, risk personal discomfort.
Change won’t happen in cyberspace!
With due respect to that commenter on TDB, who probably meant well (but there’s no link for context), I think such statement, on its own, is naive and orthodox and smells like sentimental nostalgia. It seems to be oblivious of internet, online, digital, or social media activism, for example. Now, if you were to combine old-school activism, whatever that is, and ‘modernise’ it, with digital activism you start to make much more sense. Some things that used to work in ‘the old days’ are still incredibly effective …
All political action needs good strategy and this is a great topic for a post here.
Last comment by JohnnyBG who seems to have had an activist past.
I think digital communications can help if coordinated well with offline activism – informing people; setting up a meet point; telling people what to bring with them; informing them of issues behind the activism, etc.
JohnnyBG was a guitarist, and no key board hero.
“Who never ever learned to read or write so well
But he could play a guitar just like a-ringin’ a bell.”
His activist past is well documented,
“Go go
Go Johnny go go
Go Johnny go go
Go Johnny go go
Go Johnny go go
Johnny B. Goode”
Just the words take me back to my early days listening to pop music.
You have revived in my head the music of the truly great Chuck Berry.
I’m off to YouTube to listen again to the song of my youth.
If the commenter is that keen on changing budgetary proprities, they wil be organising their resistance through the Council budget process, which is on now.
If you think that’s just too hard and cumbersome, you will be surprised to read that on current consultation numbers, Aucklands currently favour increasing taxes on transport, directly upon Aucklanders.
If the blogger really thinks that “keyboard warriors” have no effect, they will be surprised that the Council budget including the transport project priorities alter after consultation by betwee\n 20 and 25%.
The blogger would do well to have a chat with Generation Zero and ask them: what part did marching up the street in crowds play to changing the entire transport policies of two parties (who are now in government), and draft the Zero Carbon bill (now heading for Parliament).
But as usual, at The Daily Blog, it’s really important to feel real, get out there on the streets, get all mo’shizzle with the kids, and rather than change the system, get out there like Lisa Praeger did yesterday and take to the pavement with a sledgehammer.
For which she was duly arrested for destroying public property.
And achieved nothing.
For those who are not up with the play re Lisa Prager and her sledgehammer, here is an article on Stuff this morning:
But if you think that sledgehammers are the way to go, here is an assessment of Prager’s sledgehammering technique and her results (bad; ) and a bit of practical advice on how to do it properly and save your back.
Some much more sane advice from Marianne Elliott to Prager
i made my way over to a tpp march/protest one day the only discomfort i suffered was the bit were i was in danger of being hugged by strangers. nice people but hardly pulse raising.
At the Labour Party Youth Wing camp were you?
“i was in danger of being hugged by strangers”
It is good to see people fighting back in Christchurch against the looting of water from the area for private overseas profit.
Court is one thing.
Cantabrians could follow the Bolivian example and boot foreign water companies out.
They could, but Is it really a practical solution in New Zealand where we like to give everyone a fair go?
The total sum being removed for bottling is marginal as a percentage
That is what the people in California thought.
Until there was a drought nobody worried that outsiders had bought up “old” water rights.
Then they found crops being bowled.
The owners of the water rights could make more from on selling water than keeping 50 year walnut trees, workers and factories.
Jobs went. Local economy crumbled. We need to protect our free water from predators like that.
That’s what the people of India thought.
And CocaCola took their water.
Coca Cola took all the water in India? Do you understand the meaning of hyperbole?
I’d drink coke before I drank the water in India and I despise coke.
You mean in ALL of India @ SM or are you just being your usual ‘know it all’ pompous smart arse gittus?
Ditt Tuppence.
I only ask because there a parts of India (very large parts) where sinking a bore down 100-200 feet produces the most pristine H2O…..far superior to the shit we’ve seen in Hawkes Bay and Canterbury.
There are also people a lot more concerned and knowledgable about preserving the water table than most seem to be in NZ (and that’s despite the lack of rubbish collection and preponderance of surface pollution).
They could teach a few farmers about how to handle cow shit too
The total iron sands being removed from Australia is marginal as a percentage too.On that basis it should be free as well.
False equivalence, I never said it should be free. I just don’t object to bottling water and selling it. It’d be better if they only sold in reusable bottles of course.
That’s probably why they have limits on the amount allowed to be taken so they can prevent this Being an issue.
The key word being “Probably”
And that’s why people are getting active – they want to know or already know whether that “probably” is true or not.
As they and many people ought to.
But it is
My understanding from recent news was that another issue with this water take was the drilling of a new well bore alongside a shallower one and the subsequent risk of cross contamination between two aquifers. The site was formerly a wool scouring plant and that may compound the problem. The deeper bore reaches into the aquifer supplying Christchurch drinking water.
The very idea that a water right for a radically different purpose should be transferable is absurd. The bottling company should have had to make a fresh application based on the situation regarding water now and in the foreseeable future, not leech off a right that should have expired with the demise of the business that secured it legitimately.
You know it’s not looting if they are doing it legally right?
According to the article I’ve cited above, a lawyer disagrees and legal action has been filed. The deeper bore was drilled against Council advice.
Is there any legal or moral constraint to the practice of buying a factory with an existing water use (in this case for wool scouring ) in order to use the water right for another and entirely different purpose (in this case the selling of the water overseas by an overseas owner)?
Apart from the ethical issue, there is a practical issue of possible contamination of a city water supply as well.
How long before overseas companies buy a Marlborough vineyard with an existing water right and bottle that, without bothering with cycling it first through a grape vine?
10 litres of bottled costs $27 in China. A vineyard may have a water right of 12 litres per vine per day. That, for a 5 ha vineyard, is 159,000 litres per day. At the $27/10l price, that is $430,000 per day- $157,285,800 per annum. I bet that’s just a bit more than a 5ha vineyard produces in wine!
My point exactly. Seller selling “on behalf of citizens” Councils, (in this case ECAN a political construct), not knowing the real worth of the item, not doing what they should for their rate payers, being sloppy and ignorant, even dubious or dangerous in their actions.
Were the sales legitimate?
How many wells is the new owner of the old scouring works allowed to sink?
How come they can enlarge the original right to such a degree?
The law will decide, and this will pause work while that is settled, quite rightly.
Merely requiring formal legality is setting a pretty low bar.
What sort of people do you think exercise the most influence over what is legal and what is not?
Historically, looting of the commons has often been made legal.
You do realise looting is legal under neoliberal economics right?
Well that may be true when the sale is to the “Crown”. This is not the case here.
Our law says you must show true ownership to sell something legally. ECAN?????
Elegantly phrased, Grey Area. And on the button.
That’s how neoliberalism work.
Organised theft.
AJ put out a fascinating documentary a couple of years back, on this very topic.
Nature wasn’t produced to be sold. It’s not just another product.
“By examining the commercialisation of nature, something that has been in the making for nearly 50 years, we speak to the biggest players in this global arena – the economists championing a “green” economy and the environmentalists challenging it.”
I read the news today.
“Global warming threatening species’ survival, WWF warns
Up to half of the plant and animal species in the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon could be extinct by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report warns.”
When I read this article about the WWF, it reminded me about the book End Game by Derek Jensen. I would recommend Standard readers read Jensen for their enlightenment.
This quote of Jensen’s sums up the problem.
“Make no mistake, our economic system can do no other than destroy everything it encounters. That’s what happens when you convert living beings to cash. That conversion, from living trees to lumber, schools of cod to fish sticks, and onward to numbers on a ledger, is the central process of our economic system. Psychologically, it is the central process of our enculturation; we are most handsomely rewarded in direct relation to the manner in which we can help increase the Gross National Product.”
We abandon capitalism or our children and grandchildren die.
The new puritans are having their way, at least for now…
“”All cinematographers have been instructed to exercise discretion while shooting the women’s heats.”
(my bold)
Seems okay.
Except if you are a female surfer getting a nice big sponsorship deal from a bikini maker who suddenly sees no value in the deal.
A woman being paid in a mutually entered into contract to wear a high cut bikini in a televised competition is surely exercising her agency to chose what she wears, and has to have an expectation of close up shots.
In those circumstance it is worrying that a TV broadcaster feels browbeaten by various feminist puritans into self censorship over broadcasting images of a woman’s backside.
No, it’s not…
why the hell would they wear them if they don’t want you to look . serious question ?
surly if a woman has her boobs and but hanging out i’m allowed to enjoy the view ?
(no touching rude comments or wolf whistles of course)
I know this might come as a surprise (seriously, but listen to this) – some women like the way they feel when they dress in different ways and it has nothing to do with men.
There is a difference between quietly appreciating the beauty of someone’s body, and ogling. Camera operators zooming in on bikini bottoms is clearly in the latter category. It makes women feel uncomfortable, so just don’t do it.
Short answer no. Unless a woman gives express and enthusiastic consent to be looked at by a male, regardless of what she is wearing … it’s unwanted ogling. All unwanted male sexual behaviour is either criminal or shameful. Don’t do it, look elsewhere.
Good point Jenny, are Labour Greenies? I think it’s neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism is just something to try and pretend to do.
Natz and NZ First are similar neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism something to deny as being loony.
Then when Pike river happens they can’t work out why neoliberalism first, liberalism 2nd and environmentalism something to deny as being loony doesn’t work out in any way, they kill people, leave them to die because they can’t organise a rescue and don’t even get their economic gain as they actually bankrupt their own company. But hey, no lessons learnt no doubt.
I seem to remember RMA removed endangered snails for mining to take place and then DoC accidentally froze them to death.
I’m just wondering who are the loonies and most incompetent here. The environmentalists or the neoliberalists.
I note that NZ is one of the few western nations to so far fail to condemn the Russians for their assassination attacks in the UK. NZ is silent on the matter.
Is this because Peter’s is a Russian apologist and Arden’s afraid to do the right thing and formally condemn Russia’s actions because of her fear as to what Peter’s might do? Like throw a hissy fit and damage the coalition.
Just thought you should bring Kiwiblog’s attack lines over here, did you? (This morning’s headline post: NZ Silent on Russia)
Even if s/he is – so what? The point being made is that Winston and this government are not condemning Russia for the attacks.
Probably standing by the notion , innocent until proven guilty, and in a proper court of law if you don’t mind
Old fashioned ,I know, but worth sticking with
Why are we not continuously condemning Russia for the mass slaughter it is perpetuating in Syria by backing Assad? Now that is a real issue.
Teresa May is grandstanding on this issue, using one boy in blue as a hook, but taking no genuine action at all that will jeopardise Britain’s trading links with Russia or the funding her Conservative Party mates receive from Russian mates.
Why are we not condemning Saudi Arabia and its backers (USA GB included) for the mass slaughter being perpetuated in the Yemen?
Screw the British, why should we support them? I say sanction bust – we may even make up all the money we lost when they couldn’t wait to kick us into touch when they joined the EU.
To paraphrase Lord Palmerston (a British politician) “…New Zealand has no eternal friends, New Zealand has no perpetual enemies, New Zealand has only eternal and perpetual interests…”
And I reckon it is more in our interests to sell heaps of stuff to Russia than it is to stand with our ex-colonial master.
“Screw the British, why should we support them? I say sanction bust ”
So …. screw the fact that used an nerve agent to kill people in the street – we could make a few bob out of this ?
We owe the British nothing. They’d sell us down the river in a flash if it suited them. They didn’t give a shit about the impact on our economy when they joined the EU.
This dispute between our ex-colonial master and Russia over an event that occurred in a country on the other side of the world has got zilch to do with us.
It is in our interests to do a trade deal with Russia. Backing the British in their spat with Russia? Not so much.
They sure as hell aren’t saints.
But this isn’t the moment to enter a new trade deal with Russia – overtly endorsing their murderous attack. The time to sell Russia butter and apples was back when that gibbering idiot John Key quashed the trade deal, which, if we were already doing it we could continue without attracting trade reprisals.
NZ trades with ‘murderous attackers’…
Has been for an age…
‘Thinking’ it matters when a trade deal with Russia is signed could create poor perception…
Not really, thinking. Is it…
A good place to drop this item by David Townsend. British commentator and writer:
My reckons: he’s got it about right. 😉
Yes – pretty good.
We trade with lots of countries that do awful things domestically and internationally.
Conservatives get upset about this only when it is one of our ‘official enemies’ e.g. Russia.
There is no consistent principle behind what you are saying – just propagandist braying.
it may be….but it would also pay to remember that their payment history isnt great and their main exports are fossil fuels, military hardware and oligarchs
Look, fuck it
I’m sick of this shoddy out of date rubbish
Are you still in the Lada era?
Just lose the age old prejudices and get some new information
And this is just the top 10
“Mineral fuels including oil: US$173.3 billion (48.5% of total exports)
Iron, steel: $18.8 billion (5.3%)
Gems, precious metals: $11 billion (3.1%)
Machinery including computers: $8.5 billion (2.4%)
Wood: $7.9 billion (2.2%)
Cereals: $7.5 billion (2.1%)
Fertilizers: $7.2 billion (2%)
Aluminum: $6.7 billion (1.9%)
Copper: $4.7 billion (1.3%)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $4.3 billion (1.2%)
Russia’s top 10 exports accounted for 70% of the overall value of its global shipments.
Copper was the fastest-growing among the top 10 export categories, up 42.2% from 2016 to 2017.
In second place for improving export sales was Russian cereals which was up 34.3%, led by higher international sales of wheat, barley and corn.
Close behind, Russia’s shipments of iron and steel posted the third-fastest gain in value up 32.9%.
Up 6.7%, electrical machinery and equipment posted the smallest increase among Russia’s top 10 export categories.’
you may wish to speak to some in the industry about dealing with Russian exporters and the quality of their product…..they make china look positively angelic
48.5% mineral fuels.
13% mining.
All owned by oligarchs and the Russian state.
Pat was pretty close.
Russia had the largest Grain exports for 2 years running
Not insignificant
And arms exports were at about the same level last year, but doesn’t seem to be on that list…
Where did you get these figures from and why do they not include sales of arms?
This isn’t a terribly good source but the Russian exports of arms seem to be about $US15 billion/year
That number, if correct, should put them at number 3 in your list.
theres a significant ‘unspecified commodities’ category in the trade figures that could account for many things….essentially oil.coal and gas make up over 60% of exports
They also do a breakdown of US exports, similarly not specifying arms sales
For that :from Wiki
Rank Supplier Arms Exp
1 United States 47,169
2 Russia 33,186
3 China 9,132
4 France 8,564
5 Germany 7,946
6 United Kingdom 6,586
7 Spain 3,958
8 Italy 3,823
9 Ukraine 3,677
10 Israel 3,233
US has the record, Russia second, mostly its the members of the SC plus Germany
a country which overwhelmingly relies on the export of soon to be stranded assets that has a history of default…..how much importance do you want to place on a trade agreement with that entity, especially when coupled with enforcement concerns?…..i would suggest not very much at all.
And when was the last default and why?
And its foreign exchange reserves are looking pretty healthy
The causes of that particular default are unchanged in Russia today….their foreign reserves are about 100 billion short of their current external debt position ….. and reserves disappear very fast in a poor trading environment,
And the stranded assets???….or do you think theres a future for oil,gas and coal?
Russian computers? Pass me the floppy disc.
“floppy disc”.
Are you serious? The latest model I have seen has just got a cassette tape.
Others still use punch cards and paper tape.
Alwyn who doesn’ t know what FB means.
Russia hasn’t stood still spies will have stolen any tech deficiencies they have had.
So if you think Russia hasn’t kept up to date,how come they are so successful at cyber warfare.
Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet.
“Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet”
Are you always as drunk and incoherent at this time of day?
By the way. When are you going to tell me where the “Mankato” University you are fond of talking about is?
Rainbow Warrior, sanky, Rainbow Warrior.
Strange bedfellows Farrar and sections of the intellectual left.
I hear “Puteen and his 13 troll dwarfs” comes out in paperback next year. Soon to be followed by “Sauron’s chemical weapons attack – we know it was you.. so tell us why it wasn’t!” Straight to dvd.
Many on this site have forgotten the legal principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’
As they seems so keen for war, maybe they can jump on planes to the Baltic States as volunteers.
You’ve forgotten that this site isn’t a court of law, just a reflection of people’s opinions given the available information
A column in Politik earlier today on this matter is my source for my post.
I note that NZ has so far failed to condemn Saudi Arabia for bombing Yemen.
Is this because New Zealand is a close ally of the United States, which is the main backer and supplier of the Saudi regime?
Why not try to debate the point of the thread?
Yeah Jenny, why are you not following the rwnj attack line?
I get the confusion, the hardright are tossing around so many conspiracy theories these days, it’s hard to keep up.
How are the people in Aleppo these days Jenny?
You do realise that the US has backed ISIS in the Syrian War?
And that ISIS have been responsible for ghastly slaughter against civilians.
Sorry, why exactly do we have to in any way engage in diplomatic activity in this particular case?
I think any assassinations are not OK by any country.
As well as all the usual countries you would expect, USA had the most drone assassinations under the Obama government. NZ is pretty much trying to ignore the deaths of civilians from our own military in Afghanistan.
Don’t forget the UK started bombing Iraq illegally and against what many of the British people wanted.
So I think while it’s disgusting that apparently Russian’s are openly assassinating people in the UK, it’s not like it’s a one off or they are alone in the world assassinating people in other countries.
Assassination is a growth industry of governments. And its hypocritical to condemn when you are guilty of it yourself.
Question please… how do people know for sure that is was Russia, or is it all assumptions based on the nerve agent used and the target selected?
So far we have May’s assertion that Porton Down has identified the nerve agent as from the Novichok group , originally developed (so it is said, no samples have been scientifically analysed and identified up to now)30 years ago in Russia, and Uzbekistan
Personally, what with the collapse of the Soviet Union and all those chemists who decamped to the west, I’m not convinced Russia managed to hang on to it
So , and wrongly I think, May has identified the means
The motive?
Oh Jesus, you pick it
Sending a message?
Not the kind of message I’d be going for if the OPCW had just declared I’d destroyed all my chemical weapons.
In intelligence circles apparently there is a convention that Spy swaps are sacrosanct,you don’t go after ex spies pardoned and released as part of a spy swap otherwise you fuck up the whole system, its against your interests
Noobody knows at present except maybe the victims and I hope they recover, or the perpetrators
Let the OPCW do their work I say instead of muddying the waters with pre emptive
declarations of retaliation
Sorry Cinny, a bit of a long rant
There are three things really.
Skripal’s area of concern or operation was Russia. If his killing was politically motivated, and the means of killing him suggest it was not a random local attack, then the obvious suspect is some state or person aggrieved by his activities. In his case that means Russia rather than North Korea, the other country that recently carried out a nerve gas assassination.
The poisoning of former agents is a Russian trope. There was the thalium umbrella poisoning, and the Yuschenko poisoning as well as the Litvinenko poisoning in England and a number of others.
May has stated that the agent was Novichok. It is doubtful she is so up on nerve agents as to have made that up – it will be the finding of some person better qualified in nerve agent chemistry than bloggers. The investigators will be annoyed she let that cat out of the bag as they prefer to contain such details to sort false claims of responsibility. Novichok is of Russian origin, and it is probable that if anyone has access to any it would be the FSB.
Stuart, could you point to those agents who had been arrested then pardoned as part of a spy swap?Then assassinated
Thanks , because I’m not finding it
Litvinenko.. ex FSB…employee of Berezovsky, who himself was rubbished by a British judge .Never part of a spy swap as far as I can tell
The thalium umbrella poisoning..never heard of it
The ricin umbrella poisoning on the other hand takes us back to 1978, when a Bulgarian dissident and writer was “implanted ” with a ricin pellet, via umbrella spike
So that was Georgi Markov, killed by a Bulgarian agent who may or may not have been helped by the KGB
That is still speculation
Yuschenko..A Ukrainian presidential candidate poisoned with dioxin at a dinner in Kiev.Survived after an illness of about 18 mths
Scientists have not been able to determine where the toxin( same as in Agent Orange)came from or who the perpetrator was.But knowing what a hellhole Ukraine has been with its gangsters and warring oligarchs, take your pick
Again, as the spy swap program is considered sacrosanct on all sides, can you point to me your examples , because I have read that this is the first time, and a real departure
Russia being the only possessor of Novichoks?
No, I don’t think the world works like that, I’ve banged on about that already. Even Macro recognises that others would most probably have it
Thalium relates to Nikolai Evgenievich Khokhlov of course – did your FSB briefing not include it?
Ricin – Russian deniability if you buy it. I certainly don’t.
and of course the Russians have “no motive at all” to poison Ukrainian politicians – it’s like the BUK – must’ve been some other aggressive invading imperialistic power with late soviet weapons systems.
“I don’t think the world works like that”
Russia certainly possessed the Novichok agents in greater quantity and accessibility than any other nation during the time that they were developing them.
Although it is possible other parties or nations have the capacity to recreate Novichok, such a sophisticated operation could probably find a more reliable and less obtrusive means of disposing of Skripal, supposing they wished to do so. Your counter presumption, that unknown parties offed Skripal to fit up Russia suffers from lack of evidence. There is simply nothing to suggest that it is anything other than a convenient Kremlin fantasy.
Still looking for the thalium umbrella
Khokhlov I’m afraid is going too far back for me, the Soviet days
I’m looking for previous instances of agents released in spy swaps who then get assassinated by the Russian govt
Never happened before because its against ones own interests to undermine the swap system
And I don’t know who poisoned the Skripals, and neither do you, but by god, there’s certainly a lot of capital being made out of it
And it certainly isn’t going to make for a fair and just investigation
For all I know some family member of someone betrayed by Skripal hired a hitman, a lot of murky things go in in Eastern Europe, it seems to be aswill with weapons sold on the black market
I just find it hard to believe that Russia would sully its reputation for something as petty as revenge, when it had just completed the arduous and long process under the OPCW of destroying its chemical weapons
To then turn around 6 months later and provocatively use a chemical weapon on a target that would point straight back to itself just doesn’t cut the logic mustard
Gangsters don’t give a rats about their reputations.
So why go the enormous expense of destroying your chemical weapons under the auspices of the OPCW
Thats about reputation, first and foremost
Otherwise, why do it?
To collect the $15.7 billion in US funding provided for their destruction?
you think they spent the money on fur coats and taxis instead?
Stuart is beginning to sound like a character in Dr. Stranglelove.
Perhaps you should ask why the US canceled the funding – which was originally to have been a mere $1.7 billion.
Whereas you’re sounding a lot like Harley Quin Ed – the pathetic dupe of a crook that the world and his wife knows for a compulsive liar.
This isn’t a John Wayne film.
It’s a little more complex than the goodies vs the baddies.
Anyway, it would appear no amount of reason will work.
Check out flights to Warsaw.
You can enlist on arrival.
“This isn’t a John Wayne film.”
No shit Sherlock. Try The Spy who Came In From The Cold.
Or The Twelve Chairs.
Flights to Riga are only just over $1250 on 27th April.
” it would appear no amount of reason will work”
Over the last year Ed, you’ve produced little or no reasoning.
Which is why we are concerned by your irrational attachment to this murderous dictator.
Stand up for your principles Ed – make the case for the butcher of Grozny. Such a progressive genocide!
Volunteer Stuart.
Don’t expect others to fight for you.
“Volunteer Stuart.
Don’t expect others to fight for you.”
You know what Ed – I’ll volunteer to defend here if I must – in self defense against malign aggression.
Part of that would necessarily involve rooting out the fifth columnists anyway – there seem to be quite a few of them.
Gangsters…like US, Saudi, ISIS, fascist Ukraine ?
Sure eddy, and there’s nothing those people won’t stoop to.
In 2008 Oleg Gordievsky alleged he’d poisoned with the same substance.
Police are investigating allegations that a former Russian spy who defected to Britain was poisoned in an attempt to assassinate him.
Oleg Gordievsky spent 34 hours unconscious in hospital after falling ill at his home in Guildford in November. He was initially partially paralysed and still has no feeling in his fingers.
Mr Gordievsky, the highest-ranking Soviet spy to defect to the West, claimed he was the victim of a Kremlin-inspired assassination attempt similar to that alleged to have killed the former security agent Alexander Litvinenko.
“I’ve known for some time that I am on the assassination list drawn up by rogue elements in Moscow. It was obvious to me I had been poisoned,” he told The Mail on Sunday. He accused MI6 of forcing Special Branch to drop its early investigations into his allegations.
Mr Gordievsky claims he was poisoned with thallium, a highly toxic metal used in insecticides which was favoured by the KGB in assassinations during the Cold War. Mr Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium, a radioactive element.
So what happened next/
I’m all ears
Don’t leave me hanging
When did he die?
Russia more comfortable with its enemies creating economic inequality and helping fund divisive right wing backward looking Nationalism.
Putin is playing the West cyber warfare unstoppable Hypersonic ICBM’s
Ukraine Georgian and Crimean land grabs.
Backing the Sryrian regime .
Arms sales are one of Russia’s main exports ,creating conflict’s helps increase sales as oil prices are down.
Thank you all for the info, you guys are awesome. Helps to get my head around it all. Wonder if there’s anyone who doesn’t make money via war, far out.
theresa may, she’s worn, unpopular and clinging to leadership, desperate now to mark her mark.
Putin…. knocking people off is part of the Russian culture, maybe he’s just over people blaming Russia and is either being bold about his moves or ignoring the critics and just being Putin. Maybe it has nothing to do with Putin. Standby for the doco-drama film…
Media have a huge part to play in this, I wonder who is really pushing the narrative and what do they have to gain…war sells papers/gets clicks.
Time for NZ to become a republic lolololol 🙂 🙂 ?
Am sick of all the global conflict/greed, thought we would have evolved more by now.
Humans are like a culture of yeast in an finite ecosystem as yeast greedily gobbling up all the sugar exceating alcohol eventually killing its self at around 13% alcohol.
Humans are greedily gobbling up all the resources the planet has killing any one who gets in the way and the environment with all our forms of excrement.
Ukraine’s Democratic government was removed by a coup funded by the US.
Who are the gangsters ?
No James.
Honour UN Resolution 2401
As awful as the alleged attack on Russian double agent and his daughter, it is not as awful as the proven Russian and the Assad regime continued breach of the U.N. Security Council mandated 30 day ceasefire for Eastern Ghouta. Despite the fact that Security Council member Russia had voted for the resolution. Russia’s ally Syria, had voted for the resolution in the General Assembly.
“Briefing Security Council on Syria Ceasefire Resolution, Secretary-General Says Humanitarian Convoys Remain Unable to Safely Enter Eastern Ghouta”
In a disgusting act devoid of humanitarian principles, the Syrian regime has been removing medical supplies from few aid convoys that have been allowed to enter the besieged region of Eastern Ghouta. Though terrible, this act is in keeping with the regime’s targeting of independent hospitals and rescue workers.
For some balance to the narrative about the Syrian War, here’s what happening in Afrin.
Great to see the United States, Germany, France, Britain, form a common voice condemning Russia for the poisoning attack on an ex-spy:
Both Haley and Trump are finally beginning to accept the truth of Putin.
And by the time Mueller is done with the entire Trump organisation and family, they will be both apologising for their complicity with Putin, and in jail where they should be:
The Truth of Putin..
‘Truth’ is impossible…
The imperialist nations relentless bare faced ‘attacks’ on Russia, are deflectionary tactics of the most hypocritical nature…
😆 this could’ve been penned by one of the current directors of a Russian troll farm – reminds me of good old Fisiani’s posts about ‘honest John Key’
To be clear to you as well, mullet…so as you can’t misunderstand….
I’ll not be spending energy replying to your comments…not one more…
The level of your comments is far lower than your chronological age group…
Great thanks for that.
That was an ed comment. No argument, no point, just mindless slander.
Best way to handle.
in your (very) humble opinion.
Still waiting for you to back up your accusations in the other thread BTW.
Some of the comments on this site smack of McCarthyism in the 50s.
There are many Russophobic folk here.
A study of the Syrian War shows bad being done on all sides, yet we are continually hectored on this site by the neocons that only Assad and Russia are had.
For some reason they feel that Putin and RTV have a monopoly on propaganda.
They so easily forget 9/11, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine…
Yes its great when the International Community gets its shit together and decides the outcome of an investigation before the evidence is produced and presented as per international conventions like the CWC
I’m so proud!
Don’t you just love the rule of law?
They got their shit together in 2011 , too, and did Libya over real good
Well, Ghadaffi had it coming what with the viagra and the black mercenaries and the genocide and all
And those Rooskies deserve it , they’re so STOOOOPID always gassing and things at the most embarrassing times for them , just when the OPCW declares them free of chemical weapons, elections coming up, the World Cup, finalising Nordstream.
Its worked out well for the weapons industry though, bumper sales
Sometimes the most obvious explanation for an event is the most obvious and given that the main suspect nation has considerable form and that initial evidence points in a certain direction it is not surprising that there is condemnation from like minded countries.
There will of course be ongoing investigation and I’m sure there will be behind the scenes communication and maneuvering between the UK and Russia, I’m hoping there will be a bit of a change in behavior once Putin is voted back in and he will roll back on the rather extreme nationalism and bigotry that have been on display over the last several months.
I thought we prided ourselves on due process, rule of law, natural justice etc
normal criminal law would declare this a mistrial
from the start
It’s almost like…. the 1% need more money…. quick start a war… an assination that assumes the russians did it should do the trick.
Personally I’m just not convinced that it was the Russians. Something seems way off, I might be wrong, but it just seems too obvious.
Yes Cinny. Seems that way to me also. Mind you they are all a bunch of crooks, only some of them are our crooks.
Alwyn who doesn’ t know what FB means.
Russia hasn’t stood still spies will have stolen any tech deficiencies they have had.
So if you think Russia hasn’t kept up to date,how come they are so successful at cyber warfare.
Alwyn is still pumping out their fake news and propaganda Putin’s Puppet.Put
There is certainly a drive for war.
Asking why suddenly makes the conversation interesting.
Is it because an economic crash is about to happen?
Capitalism usually deals with its crises with violence.
This was an act of war, not mere criminality.
Had Britain used nerve gas to kill a British defector in Russia the trolls would be screaming about an attack on a sovereign nation.
This is still conjecture
Get a grip
Nonsense – a WMD has been used on British soil.
That’s as casus belli as it gets.
Get a grip.
Remember WMD?
You may not be aware of the seriousness of the use of chemical weapons against another country Ed, or more likely be concerned to downplay it out of misplaced loyalty to your Kremlin master.
In this instance the presence of the WMD is already established – it is not a PR artifact to be sold to US opinion formers.
I really hope they let you nowhere near a jury.
You should volunteer Stuart.
Mark Mitchell has contacts.
I may not need to volunteer Ed, Putin is doing his best to bring the war to us.
Yes Russia is about to invade Europe.
What planet are you on?
The planet where Ukraine is part of eastern Europe Ed, a country upon which Putin’s militaristic ambitions have been solidly established.
No Sir, we should be asking what planet you come from? Because it’s sounds like you are not following the events in the Baltic States, Putin comments IRT Finland and Sweden of late.
For what it’s worth, at least one prominent politician kinda gets it.
How refreshing to have a party leader willing and able to stand up to bullshit, and media frenzies, and exercise wise judgment, with a clear and sensible way forward.
Recognise that there are 2 possibilities (the Russian government, or Mafia-like rogues who’ve acquired the chemical agents as the result of lax Russian oversight); Complete an investigation. Hold the perps to account. Exclude Russian money from the UK political system. Stop servicing Russian chronic capitalism int he UK.
I question why are there only these 2 possibilities, both originating in Russia?
Soviet era chemists (like Mirzayanov , the self declared creator of Novichok)have spread far and wide in the world, Israel, Canada, Uk, Us,their knowledge and expertise welcome
Mirzayanov has published a book on the Soviet program, complete with formulas for the legendary novichoks
Please, doesn’t logic lead to the idea that the ability to produce novichoks is now out there in the wide world?
As well, Russia may be the inheritor state of the Soviet Union, but after 1991 it was a lawless chaotic mess, incapable of maintaining security ,and totally vulnerable to the criminal looting and pillaging that indeed went on all through the soviet satellite states
When a society collapses, everythings up for grab
As an example
Who but the Russian government would be interested in killing a retiree and his daughter? Their is no motive other than retribution and message sending. While Trump is so obviously pro-Russia, Putin is using that to play some dirty tricks because he knows there will be little consequence.
Would the Russian government kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would the UK government kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would most governments in the world kill people for political purposes? Yes.
Would the Russian government kill a retired British spy….?
Trump is so obviously pro Russia he’s sent lethal weapons to Ukraine, increased sanctions, bombed its allies in Syria,weighed in with all the other toadies at the UN denouncing Putin
Are you some kind of political virgin?
Unaware of mischief making amongst the various intelligence agencies over the last few hundred years?
the perfect crime…. get rid of a nuisance whether he knows too much about the Steele dossier..or has become too demanding, maybe wants his BMW upgraded one too many times..
Who knows who he’s pissed off
Traitors aren’t known for their loyalty or moral fibre
Kill a lot of birds with one stone, upping the pressure on Russia to comply, to “behave” , code for opening up wide for foreign corporations, stop opposing American imperialism
Big picture here
“Who but the Russian government would be interested in killing a retiree and his daughter?”
Depends…..he could have pissed off anyone, who knows? He will, his daughter will not.
There is a third option.
I seem to remember that the Americans have refused to destroy their stocks of chemical weapons. Surely they have the capacity to manufacture the nerve agent used in the UK attack, and who is to say they haven’t allowed this to be used, by accident or design, by some other country; vicious secretly nuclear-powered Israel comes to mind.
I can’t see why Israel would attempt to murder this particular retired British spy BG.
It would be good to know what Sergei Skripal was doing in his retirement and what circles he moved in, or in what/whose orbits he traveled.
It would also be good to have the identity of the poison verified by the relevant international bodies, as well as clarity on where Novichok was purportedly produced in the first place (both Uzbekistan and deep in Russia have been reported) before getting on to the signature of this particular sample.
When I saw the initial reports (in the Guardian) I immediately thought “here we go”. I was going to throw up a post and map the progress of mainstream reporting as things built. Wish I hadn’t been so damned lazy.
We have been told in various news accounts he met regularly with his old handler Pablo Miller who also lives in Salisbury and up until his Linked in profile was scrubbed, still working for his old boss Steele , ie Orbis who would have handled Skripals spy drops (the old plastic rock in Moscow caper)until 2004 when he was discovered
Often the beginning of a story , before an “official ” story has emerged, includes a lot more information
When the official story coalesces you only get the stuff that reinforces the already agreed
When Russia opened up its chemical weapons facilities to the OPCW, there should be some documentation available
Then there’s the other exiled Russian who spied for Britain claiming that Skripal regularly visited the Russian Embassy
“Last night, another former Russian agent exiled in the UK, Valery Morozov, claimed that Mr Skripal had maintained ties with Russian intelligence and visited the Russian embassy in London “every month”.
Mr Morozov told Channel 4 news “If you have a military intelligence officer working in the Russian diplomatic service, living after retirement in the UK, working in cyber-security and every month going to the embassy to meet military intelligence officers – for me being political refugee, it is either a certain danger or, frankly speaking, I thought that this contact might not be very good for me because it can bring some questions from British officials.”
Who knows
I have read that he was missing Russia
Berezovsky was said to be wanting to repair relations with Putin and hoped to return shortly before his demise too
Seemed he led a pretty quiet life
I’ve also read that Yulia came over every 2nd month
China would be a better case for a third party – a stoush between the west and Russia reduces the pressure on them. But it would be a mighty long shot.
Those two possibilities aren’t necessarily unconnected Karoraina.
He agrees completely with the action taken by May, but wants more punishment for Russians.
Fair enough.
Corbyn wants to get at the truth. May is just racking up rhetoric to make herself look strong because – look over here not Brxit.
Corbyn wants to wind back the cold war rhetoric and bluster, get at the truth, and respond appropriately to the real problems with Russia.
RNZ OP from ex UK Labour MP – on what May’s measures will achieve – very little of significance.
Bill about Corbyn
Nevertheless he has to watch his back, and pull his punches
Witness how Macron was pulled pretty smartly in to line after showing too much spunk
And the pressure we ourselves are under from the Brits and God knows who else over the FTA with Russia
Funnily enough, after Crimea, and the trade delegation was practically pulled off the plane, NZ quietly continued to trade with Russia, Fonterra in particular
Yup. I read him being circumspect in his words. So agreeing with May’s premise, with caveats, while condemning her reaction.
This happened in 2002 and 2003 when the drum for war against Iraq was beaten loudly and repetitively by the media.
I understand the media’s motivations. They are owned by large financial interests and War is profitable.
What I don’t understand is the number of neocons and Mcarthyites on this site.
I’m not counting the obvious trolls, but others who are left wing domestically but have a blind spot internationally; despite Iraq, they still cling to the Blairite doctrine.
You’re a fool Ed.
The Niger yellowcake was a recycled speculation – the Skripal chemical agent was unquestionably a real chemical agent.
I really hope you’re not on the jury in trials.
Yes, I’m sure you prefer nodding dogs. Have no fear – teachers are routinely struck from juries because they are not readily swayed by legal rhetoric.
Stuart it is you who is repeating the propaganda.
We are questioning it.
Remember WMD and Saddam Hussain – it pays not to accept what you’re told unquestioningly.
Oh wake up you pathetic indoctrinated sheep.
Two civilians and a policeman were hospitalized after what has proven to be a chemical attack. Fact. You can bleat about Novichok but you’re not qualified to dispute Portland Down’s evidence and neither is MoonofAlabama.
There was good reason to suppose that Iraqi envoys (Zahawie) visited Niger in search of “yellowcake” uranium ore, but no evidence of a deal or a shipment.
Can you spot the difference?
One relates to an actual attack – the other is little more than an intention.
The fact of the attack proves the existence of some kind of chemical agent.
Yes, but after the existence of Novichok became known to the West, are you sure that the West did not reproduce it to look for antidotes? Maybe 6 miles away from Shrewsbury?
Sorry, but at my age with what I have read in History, I lack your confidence in the veracity of what the standard western media spew out.
Tonkin Gulf… Weapons of Mass destruction… Hit and Run… How often have we really been told the truth?
A natural disaster, being copied by an unnatural disaster.
The proto-dinosaurids of the Permian era were not responsible for deliberately burning the coal, that destroyed their climate, causing the extinction of 90% of all life on earth.
The coal fields were ignited by the intrusion of liquid magma from the Earth’s core.
A more advanced warm blooded species has found a way to deliberately burn all that buried carbon and put it back into the atmosphere.
“Burning coal may have caused Earth’s worst mass extinction”
“Eerie similarities to today”
“Clean, clean coal”
“This full potential can only be realised, when government promotes energy development.”
As a new fossil fuel pall is being threatened to be expanded around the globe, one small country needs to take an independent stand, to show that another way is possible.
No New Coal Mines.
New-Coal Free New Zealand
Shaw was interesting last night.
Lots of Fonterra reps in the room. In his speech he mentioned their commitment to no more new coal fired dryers in a few years. A wry smile: “Well … it’s a start.”
Lol. It’s going to be really interesting to see what changes in the next decade if we get three terms of a govt with the Greens holding that portfolio.
How I learned to stop worrying and love my census.
A few weeks back I decided to take the option of requesting paper forms. Went to the census website, clicked the request paper form option and completed the request. I got a reply saying that it would take up to a week to receive the forms.
A week later, nothing.
So I went online again to the census site, and used the page to submit a question – saying I hadn’t received my paper form.
Both submissions required a contact address. I gave them my email addy.
Another week past – nothing. Last evening I had a knock on my door. My first thought on opening it, especially as it looked like someone official with logos and clip board, etc, was that it was finally someone delivering my census forms. But then I focused on the Mercury logos, and said” Oh, you’re from Mercury. Not interested.” – the guy thought I must have had a bad experience with Mercury in the past.
Then I went to my letter box and found 2 envelops from the census people. I thought it must finally be my forms. But, No. Each envelop contained a repeat of the original form with my code, telling me how to complete the census.
So then I tried to request paper forms by my landline. I took the phone away from my ear to key in my code. When I got the phone back to my ear, I caught the end of something telling me to key something into the keypad, but not what – couldn’t get back to the automaton telling me what to do next.
Gave up on that and went back to making another online request.
I did recall that some people were told the online census often only works properly with google chrome.
So since last night I have made requests on 3 different browsers for paper forms – plus sent a message saying how useless the system is.
It’s now become something of an experiment – how much of a hole is this in the census instructions?
Now, I know some people will say that I should just complete the online form – it’s easier. But any submission of data via the Internet is hackable. I dislike the way we are increasingly pressured to put our data online.
And if they give you an option for complying with a legal requirement, it bloody well should work.
“And if they give you an option for complying with a legal requirement, it bloody well should work.”
One hopes there’ll be a significant clearout at Stats NZ after this debarcle.
I had similar problems, not as bad but still made me think of really dysfunctional systems. I just phoned them directly and sorted it out that way. Not great, but it did work out in the end.
Did you get a person on the phone? how? Which number? because all I’ve seen/heard are automatons.
Edit: hah. I rang the number. Ignored the option to press #1 to request a form, and pressed#2 to talk to someone in English.
The guy said he had now ordered paper forms to be sent to me. He said the system had read my request for paper forms as a request for new forms just with the code (not the paper ones).
Why the waka jumping Bill should not move forward in any format:
Plastic particles found in ‘brand after brand’ of bottled water study
Yuk – can’t understand the consumer purchasing decision when buying bottled water in NZ.
I’m always impressed how Brisband produces some great thinkers on the left. You know the left that actually sees there is a class struggle going on. That the nature of liberal capitalism is effectively one of conflict. Also good to see the ALP has as much bullshit thinking on economics as NZLP.
If you need a dose of reality, then this piece is for you, if you are happy with the current crop of voodoo economics then please avoid. I’d also point out the author uses Marx and marxists analysis in their argument, so that might be a bit much, if you think it would be a bit much for you, then again, please avoid.
There needs to be a wider public conversation around ‘Is This The Sort of Country/Economy We Want’. The sort of thing that was once covered to some degree by documentaries and discussion panels on Public Television.
For instance, we have the Government promising more RSE workers* and, more importantly, refugees to the Hawkes Bay for apple picking.
Now ignoring the fact that Refugee settlement is not supposed to be a source of cheap labour for seasonal jobs, the fact is there is a well recognised housing crisis in the Bay.
Not to mention the report pointing out that the Hawkes Bay was not equipped for refugees.
I dread this development, its only a matter of time before we have shanty towns as part of our ‘Regional Economic Development Plan….infact we already have orchard workers living in shipping containers…but out of sight is out of mind apparently
*which is what Labour campaigned on, hence there were more orchard owners than pickers at their electionaring road show..that Labour didn’t campaign on better wages for pickers is odd, given its such a ‘great’ industry, yet binn rates haven’t increased in 25 years, and most orchards are now just paying minimum hourly wage, tough luck when it rains..
Good evening Eric young from Prime News it good to see a lot of people like you showing respect for Maori culture.
Its a shame to see that bridge collapse America my condolences to all the people who got hurt.
Southern response government insurance the way they behave is because shonky started that bad behaviour and a lot of government agencies behave like that insurance company.
Its good to see Te papa up grading it facilities It a excellent museum. Ka kite ano.
Eric young from Prime News its a good sports day for ECO MAORI Kia kaha Ka kite ano
Newshub on TV3 the plastic bottles were forced on to us and we were cond into using plastic milk bottles by multi national companies we should not have abandoned glass bottles they are the environmental friendly option glass bottles provided a streem of pocket money for the mokos
Its a good thing to switch back to glass bottles.
Good Ron Marks I see he is a honorable Kiwi leader who respect OUR environment he recycl every thing he can Ka pai Kia kaha Ka kite ano.
Good music The Sound Radio midnight Special kai pai Ka kite ano
Excellent sound from the Sound Radio station Kia kaha Ka kite ano
Titanium good song Polly and Grant Iv got about 1/2 kg of titanium in my legs keep up the good music Ka kite ano
Some one should remind that moron Mark Mitchell who was singling out Ron Mark and his transport that when you are in a glass house don’t throw stones.
Is it just me, or are we seeing the degree of pedantry rising on TS….especially this year…from a fair few contributors.
How about we just acknowledge how very clever and educated and sophisticated with huge dicks some people are.
Also that some (others-not me of course) just don’t/cannot live up to the smartness, the smarminess, the value, the richness, the supreme intellect of some contributors here.
Truly, i just live in awe sometimes and wish I could be ‘like Mike’ and others.