ed:..(heh..!..)..i have commented before how rawdon christie is such a ‘ron burgandy’..who has regular ‘ron burgandy’ moments/episodes..
..and he kicked off this morning with an early one..
..an ‘angry-ron’..
..where he stared down the lens and fulminated about those terrible people who go to the city mission xmas dinner and who..in rawdon-rons’ eyes..don’t deserve to be there..
They’re New Zealand’s fighting elite but when they go into action it’s with gear they’ve got themselves on-line because the Defence Force will not provide or doesn’t do so in time.
News photos of Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers in action over the streets of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul hid the fact that the lanyards stopping them from falling out of helicopters were paid for by the men themselves; online for $100 each.
Soldiers discovered there were not enough of charging handles – crucial to firing their weapons – so they paid $70 apiece to get their own.
I took it upon myself to buy some more,’’ the soldier said, saying he didn’t want to have to stop fighting to clear his eyes.
“The enemy don’t wait and I enjoy my eyesight.’’ He spent US$15000 (NZ$18,000) online to buy his own gear, including body armour, helicopter lanyards and safety boots. Other soldiers did the same.
it reminds me of the phrase about schools having enough money and the armed forces have to have a cake stall to buy guns.
only problem is while the soldiers dont have enough money now, neither, still, do the schools
Sorry my late reply as I’ve been a little bit busy with work and silly season drinks etc.
Old Phil needs too clam down a bit and be careful on what he say’s when opens his mouth as it may come back and bite him in his ass.
All Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen all over the world buy their own or swap gear because their Governments/ Bean counters and the Joe public want to do defence on the cheap. I can tell you from own time in Military the cheapest bidder (90% of the time) isn’t always the best option and as a result I’ve had to buy my own gear, in some cases make our gear such as Gun mounts etc., or using private funds (Social Club funds) or private donors to kit out our wagons when I was serving in the NZDF. (Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps 1993-1998). This was one of many reasons why I left NZ in 1998.
I now served in a foreign defence force and guess what I’ve had to go out buy my own gear here as well. In the last 15 years I’ve spent about 10K on kit from boots, webbing/ belt kits, packs and gas cookers etc. But it’s not as bad as our Kiwi cousins where they are still getting cheap and nasty kit from boots to some of the bigger gear like the OPV’s (which are 100ton over weight) and the RNZAF are still flying around in 50 year aircraft aka C-130 all because the Pollies and the NZ public want to do Defence cheap.
One last thing I’ve seen a report that NZDF are facing $22 Billion Capital Equipment Shortfall over the next 15- 20 years. Some of this Equipment shortfall could’ve sorted out back in the mid 90’s and all the way through to the last Labour Government. If the Equipment was replaced when it was meant to have happened the Capital Equipment Shortfall would be well under $10 Billion.
Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to everyone here at the Standard apart for those Tories as you lot are one of the reasons I NZ as well.
Sometimes Treasury actually get things right. It’s usually when they come up with a position contrary to that of National and Act. Amazing that eh? 😈
This is an interesting article about economists. It would seem to suggest that the policies followed by National and Act are contrary to what economists actually say and are actually a misunderstanding of economics. Not sure how much I agree with it as I’ve met too many economists who slavishly support NACTs policies.
“Mr English said that there was still a lot of work to do to make the forecasts a reality and the Government was this year still borrowing a net $78 million every week.
In dollar terms, net debt would peak at $64.5 billion in 2015-16.”
Seems Len Brown can ‘court’ as many as he likes. There is no accountability /authority to bring him into line, other than himself and the public at the next election! Sounds like a corrupt dictatorship is running our largest, out of Control city. This is not going to end well for NZ. This is a very serious mistake. Has Rodney Hyde moved the Gold yet?
If an investor pays up to 25% for a movie production, one would expect the investor would want around 25% of the revenue/profit the movie makes in sales, like cinema tickets, video disks, merchandise etc.
So is the NZ government an investor or are they simply paying for Cameron’s farm or Jackson’s next private plane without expecting a considerable, measurable return on their investment?
phillip u
Business doesn’t believe in its own bullshit, or rather that of the theorists it employs whose ideas it deigns to notice, and the idea they don’t believe in is that real businesses don’t have subsidies.
It’s only silly little NZ leaders and pollies who actually listen and act on those fanciful economic theories, or have followed them in the past. Now we are confronted with business as it is operated or as it might be called Realbuzinezz.
And we are paying out some good 5% seed money and withholding our 15% Gst tax to get some good business. It’s a compromise we are willing to make. So let all you purists out there who would rather starve to death than put out a begging bowl find your own way to salvation.
Well yes that’s a point phillip u – we should be getting some return. I know – form a private public partnership with the film company and have a minority shareholding but get some of the returns. Brilliant.
I am so good. Me for Finance Minister. Probably couldn’t do much worse. Except I don’t know how to run a country that is borrowing money all the time and yet says that’s the right way and Labour are a bunch of dreebs. (I warn you that’s going to be my favourite word next year. I understand geeks has gone mainstream and I want a word that pings with condescension.)
cos Mr key would rather gamble on the intanglibl return of “tourism” than actually have some more certainty from having a piece of the film… anyway Warner Bros would have laughed and told him to PO. if he had asked. They are trying to save money not give away profit.
Seems Len Brown can ‘court’ as many as he likes. There is no accountability /authority to bring him into line, other than himself and the public at the next election! Sounds like a corrupt dictatorship is running our largest, out of Control city. This is not going to end well for NZ. This is a very serious mistake. Has Rodney Hyde moved to the Gold Coast yet?
I guess it’s the perpetual problem though. The line between allowing an elected government to run the country and allowing people an opportunity to strongly object to something. I believe parties ought to declare their interest in coalitions with other parties prior to an election. Voters have the right to know with whom their vote will be bedded. It would certainly strengthen the “we have a mandate” idea.
As I have stated many times if people who didn’t want assets sold voted for National then we got what they deserved. There was NO doubt in my mind that if National were able to they would form a government with anyone who would let them sell assets. For that reason I agree the time to object was in 2008 and 2011.
I am not a fan of binding CIR’s because of the s59a CIR which was so full of deceptions and misleading information. People rely so heavily on those who get printed int he media or who can get postal pamphlets printed to get their information from and so much of it was misleading. Unless and until we have honesty out of the mouths of the politicians and lobbysist and the media who delve before printing press releases, CIR’s are up for hijack.
You really think people are that thick, don’t you.
So thick that we should leave important decisions, about all our lives, to 20 or so politicians. Politicians FFS. Politicians that should have their sponsors names on their shirts.
And. Just because, you, or I, individually objected to the results of one referendum, does not invalidate the concept of democracy.
The changes to the bill, which resulted from the concerns many expressed in the lead up to the referendum, improved it greatly. Sent the politicians back to the drawing board.
Why have voting at all. We could just leave everything up to our “wise” choke, politicians.
A very media coup of the duly elected Mayor of Auckland. Brown wasn’t going to lose,
so the right made a decision, a choice, between weakening him before the election or
after. Weakening him before would have be the ethical choice and made a stronger
Auckland, and so little power, but weakening him afterwards, led by media, clearly
undermines the will of Auckland. Councilers want seats at the independant Mayor
table! Something they would never had gotten either way, returned or not, had
Brown’s transgressions been brought out before his re-election. And guess what, the
right made such a strong Mayor! designed the system that way! And backed Banks, who
they should have dropped for his failure and not forced him on ACT. But hey, like
voters didn’t know Banks was extreme right, maybe the right would not have so much
trouble had Key pushed moderate right candidates rather than extreme ACT child
passport grave robbers, and what helicopter its no cabbage boat, or perk buster
busted. With company like this no wonder Key’s teflon has gone missing.
Bennett gazumped. CC finds candidate, so political alike as Bennett, but half the
size, to run in North Harbor, insuring National voters a clear choice of one.
Bennett will get listed into pariament, and North Habor will vote in the religious
party into power. North Harbor next Epson! Well unless voters get fedup being pushed
to the right, leaky moldy right wingers. Its possible to be played, sure, but will
some moderate National voters vomit less voting Labour in the seat, instead of
extreme right Nat/CC. If you vote Bennett, why wouldn’t you vote CC instead and get
Key over the line possibly, but of course that’s if you wanted to vote CC and be
played by CC. Its not about serving the voters, its about power plays to get the
rightwing cabal over the line. Desperate
Note: They are happy to throw progressives a few bones in the form of laws which don’t really cost anything. or seriously change things.
Changing the law doesn’t cost. Increasing parental education and support, does!
The sneaky cutting of funds to child mental health services, for just one example, is very obvious to us.
Watch them ignore it, if we had a referendum on changing the underlying causes of child poverty in NZ. Something which, will, like stopping asset sales, cost NACT’s sponsors money.
There was an hilarious letter in the letters column just below the editorial in the Dom/Post today.
The heading above the letter was “Helen Clark would’ve heeded the result”.
After a general whinge against John Key, saying he would plough on with asset sales, that he was telling New Zealanders their opinions don’t count, etc, etc, etc he then drifted of into a patch of inspired lunacy.
He said “By contrast, it’s my feeling that the way former prime minister Helen Clark, for example, might have handled a result that she was personally opposed to would have been to have the decency to say: “It’s not the result I personally believe is best for New Zealand, but we’re a democracy, and I respect the will pf the people. Asset sales will stop for now, but we welcome further discussion on this topic”. That’s the kind of leader I want”.
Is there anyone out there in the Blogosphere who also resides in the letter writer’s strange fantasy world where Parliament must have 99 MPs and the “anti-smacking” bill was repealed?
Not sure she would have plowed through with the same “Damn the torpedos!” attitude and two fingered salute to the NZ electorate the way Key has.
With any policy that was controversial or of national importance, she worked with the opposition to reach a consensus. Examples being the Free Trade agreement with China, and the Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Act 2007.
Also, I dont think Cullen would have let her enagage in such financial idiocy in the first place, so the question is moot.
It is strange though, every step along the way Key has said they would only sell if they got a good price. And it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the opposition, treasury, as well as independant economists that from a financial point of view, the sales will leave the government books in a worse position, and lead to higher power rises, which have knock on effects for businesses with increasing overhead, as well as more strain on the health system as more people struggle to heat their homes in the winter.
It is also very clear that the cabinet are very aware of the damage to the government books, wider economy and society.
Another thing that has not been mentioned very often is the huge missed opportunity for New Zealand small businesses.
Stock markets over the past few years have been running hot, primarily with printed money looking for actual businesses and assets to invest in.
It’s has been the perfect time for startups that have found their market, and have a good business model to float for capital and expand.
If you are a New Zealand company that was looking at an IPO; the government just ate your lunch.
And not just a bite, they ate the fucking lot.
Not sure why they framed it as “Govt blows $5b on KiwiSaver in five years”.
That money is a down-payment on peoples retirement, and in the mean time is invested. Be nice if there was a requirement for all Kiwisaver funds to be reinvested in the New Zealand economy. In any case, it’s has not been wasted.
It’s not as if they actually got a few billion dollars in a big pile and just torched it, they way they have with the sale of New Zealands public utilities.
Perhaps we should describe the KiwiSaver scheme in something along these lines.
“KiwiSaver is a means of returning to the taxpayer some of the excessive tax levies that have been imposed on them. It is a means of allowing the normal citizen a means of choose where their retirement savings should be invested rather than having it done by an overarching state bureaucracy”.
There that would get all the National voters in favour of it and all the Labour supporters demanding that it be abolished.
The problem of forcing all the funds to be invested solely in New Zealand is that you can’t get the spread of investments that reduce risk. It is something that the Greens in particular don’t understand. They wanted to print money to restock the earthquake repair reserves and then to invest that money in New Zealand.
Similarly the Labour party seem to want to start an insurance company that will operate only in New Zealand
The problem of forcing all the funds to be invested solely in New Zealand is that you can’t get the spread of investments that reduce risk
I would agree with you if it gets invested in the same industry within New Zealand, or if the entire New Zealand economy gets wiped off the face of the earth – Which is much more likely under a National Government (or the 4th Labour Govt – wankers).
With regard to the redistribution of tax, I imagine the rump of the National Party would be opposed to it on ideological grounds. Mind you, my dad likes Kiwisaver – and he worships the ground Roger Douglas walks on – his reasoning is that there are so many stupid people out there, that if the Govt didn’t do something to ensure they helped themselves he’s have to pay to support the lazy bludgers in the end anyway.
I think the Labour Partys Insurance thing is a good idea, but its hardly an amazing, “wow”, kinda policy.
Introduce into the market a company that is required to re-insure to appropriate levels and doesn’t make excessive profits to keep the rest of the buggers from taking the piss. And any profits stay in NZ Same principle as KiwiBank
It’s not rocket surgery.
The Greens paper detailing QE through earthquake bonds, was actually a well thought out idea, for that particular place and time.
It would have reduced borrowing, kicked inflation up a couple of points when it had completely flatlined due to zero demand, stabilised the exchange rate, resulted in a much better balance of payments, and saved some, if not a significant number of the 40,000 manufacturing jobs that went to the wall over that 12 month period.
The “sky is falling” reaction to Dr Normans paper was quite bizaare as it was obvious that most people didnt read it, and really didn’t understand the principles behind it.
It would have been nice if there had been at least a rational, reality based conversation about it.
Instead, we borrowed a shitload of money that someone else printed.
We got higher government debt, inflation (and demand) remained flatlined, manufacturers and exporters (along with 10’s of thousands of jobs) went to the wall, and our balance of payments got worse.
Result! Good work Mr English.
If you want examples of utter fiscal incompetence, you need look no further than the current government.
Hmm. I won’t get into a catfight with you over which party is the worst economic manager. Let’s just agree to disagree.
The description of KiwiSaver I offered was just a lighthearted attempt to describe it in such a way that both sides of politics might reflexively take the opposite line to their normal one.
If you are going to set up an insurance company that only operates in New Zealand you would have to reinsure almost all the house and contents cover overseas. Surely that would be accomplished most easily by having the insurance offered by multinationals that are inherently globally spread. Why bring in a middleman? As for a KiwiAssure being somehow “better” and “fairer” etc than an overseas version? Well you are aware that KiwiBank are under the gun for the unfair fees they have been accused of charging, aren’t you?
As far as the Earthquake fund goes. It is a long time since I looked at it but if my memory serves me they wanted to invest the fund in New Zealand. That is absolutely insane. If you ever needed the money, after another earthquake in Wellington say, it would be exactly the time that you didn’t have the werewithal to sell assets and use the funds to pay out on the earthquake damage. A good chunk of the assets would have been destroyed and would need replacing themselves. If you think you can simply print money and invest it overseas than you have a great deal more faith in the cupidity of International bankers than I do. I may have forgotten the details of Norman’s proposal of course but I do remember thinking that what he was suggesting would only lead to inflation. That may have been what he wanted of course. It gives you a good opportunity to claim that people have made (fake) capital gains and to tax the hell out of them.
it’s ok, English is setting himself for a lolly scramble in election year with veiled comments about tax cuts… and no mention of the 65b government debt despite this from English
“Now it’s time to pay down debt and get our books in order.” English 2013
“Questions for oral answer
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House of Representatives
2 July 2013
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Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) for Tuesday, 2 July 2013
6. State-owned Assets, Sales—Purpose and Use of Proceeds
[Sitting date: 02 July 2013. Volume:691;Page:11416. Text is incorporated into the Bound Volume.]
6. Hon DAVID PARKER (Labour) to the Minister of Finance: Are the proceeds from selling power companies and other assets being used to pay down debt, to build schools and hospitals, to fund irrigation projects, to rebuild Christchurch, or to fund Auckland transport projects?
Hon BILL ENGLISH (Minister of Finance) : The Government has been clear that the proceeds of the share offer programme will be used to buy a variety of new public assets and will help the Government avoid having to borrow to procure those assets. The Future Investment Fund was outlined in Budget 2012 and further details were provided in Budget 2013. The purpose of that fund is to ensure complete transparency about the spending of the proceeds from asset sales. The Budget confirmed another $1.5 billion of these proceeds will be invested in schools, Christchurch hospitals, KiwiRail, and irrigation projects. However, the share offer proceeds are only a proportion of the Government’s overall new capital spending.
Hon David Parker : Does he agree with John Key that asset sales are necessary to “avoid a credit downgrade”, or does he agree with Tony Ryall that asset sales are necessary to pay down debt, or does he agree with another John Key that asset sales would be used to build new schools and hospitals, or does he agree with Nathan Guy that money would be used to subsidise irrigation on multimillion-dollar farms, or does he agree with Gerry Brownlee that asset sales money be used to rebuild Christchurch, or does he agree with yet another John Key that asset sales will fund the Auckland rail link?
Hon David Parker : How much funding has already been allocated for spending from asset sales via the Future Investment Fund, and how much has actually been raised for the Future Investment Fund from asset sales to date?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : The details of that are set out in the Budget, but, as the member will be aware, the Government’s programme hopes to realise between $5 billion and $7 billion, which is, actually, quite a lot of money. I would have to say that that $5 billion to $7 billion is much more useful as cash than it is as 49 percent shares in electricity companies owned by the Government.
Hon David Parker : I seek leave to table documents showing that $1.7 billion has so far been raised—
Mr SPEAKER : What is the source of the document?
Hon David Parker : There is a combination of documents: the National Party manifesto and Treasury documents.
Mr SPEAKER : No, both are freely available to members if they so want it. Has the member got a supplementary question?
Hon David Parker : Yes. Why does he continue to claim asset sales will reduce debt when Treasury—his own department—states that from 2017 the Crown is worse off to the tune of $50 million a year, growing to $100 million a year worse off because of asset sales thereafter?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : We do not claim it will reduce debt. What we have said it will mean is that the Crown does not have to go and borrow the money from overseas bankers. We have never understood why Labour and the Greens would rather borrow money from offshore bankers than get the money from New Zealanders who want to invest in a large New Zealand company.
Hon David Parker : Has he been advised that in January 2011 John Key said the Government needed to sell power companies and other State assets to avoid a credit downgrade; if so, is he aware that 8 months later New Zealand was downgraded by both Standard and Poor’s and Fitch Ratings?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : Yes, I am aware of those things. I am also aware that the sale of the assets means that 49 percent of the ownership has gone largely to New Zealanders but also to some offshore investors. In return for that, they have put cash in the Government’s bank account. I know it is profoundly irritating to the Labour Party, but we are able to use that cash to buy new public assets. The public is starting to understand that Labour’s arguments against the asset sales were poorly conceived and wrong.”
I recall when cullen did this in 2008 it was “lolly scramble”
” English told reporters at the Treasury lockup today that tax cuts were “unlikely” next year, although the $1b of ACC cuts in the pipeline are a proxy for that.
But they surely cannot be ruled out longer term, though he is not about to get ahead of himself, or blow a powerful political weapon for the next campaign by signalling them this early.
Next year, though, a contingent promise of tax cuts – at the least a move on the thresholds to counter the “fiscal creep” that pushes taxpayers into higher tax brackets – must at least be an option on these numbers.” English 2013
“National Party Finance spokesman Bill English says if Michael Cullen is not planning an election year spend-a-thon, why did Helen Clark say ‘it has taken a while to build up the kitty for a substantial tax package’?
He is responding to a speech today in which the Finance Minister referred to Labour’s laughable claim that it is maintaining a ‘tight fiscal stance’ and the statement that there will be no ‘lolly scramble’ in election year.
“Dr Cullen has presided over the biggest spending Government in New Zealand history. Labour’s spending has consistently outstripped economic growth, productivity growth has slumped, and Kiwis have been leaving for Australia in droves.
“It has taken Dr Cullen eight years to start thinking about refunding some of the money he has taken from hard-working Kiwis through over-taxation.Â
“In the last Budget he signed off on some $4 billion in total of over-spending, even though he warned his colleagues that not sticking to their limit would keep interest rates higher for longer.
“Kiwi households are paying for Labour’s last lolly scramble, with interest rates which are among the highest in the developed world, coupled with rates that put us in the top half of the OECD for being overtaxed.”
The ANZ makes it clear in its latest Market Focus newsletter that ‘the biggest losers in an inflationary environment are middle to low income households’.” English 2007
Hone was very good on Morning Report this morning, a stark contrast to Key’s whining.
Key really doesn’t get the Mandela/anti-Apartheid thing. Not only does he take a delegation of largely pro-tour representatives (Sharples, late in the day, claiming he was there to represent the protesters, though nobody can remember him protesting) to SA but he then slags off Hone Harawira, who everyone accepts did lead protests, for attending several memorial services and Mandela shrines/museums, in a trip undertaken for the express purpose of representing the protesters.
I’ve never thought Key was much of a politician, or much of a charmer for that matter, but he is really digging himself into a hole here.
Key really doesn’t get the Mandela/anti-Apartheid thing.
That’s because he likely has given the issue literally, no moral thought. Not the issue of the South Africa trip; the issue of apartheid and the oppression of the majority by a small minority. It’s what he does every day, for goodness sakes.
“I’ve never thought Key was much of a politician, or much of a charmer for that matter, but he is really digging himself into a hole here.”
Actually if you looked at the comments on stuff when it was first announced that Hone was going to go, there was a huge anti-Hone backlash.
If those people are representative of middle NZ, then Key slamming Hone, for absolutely anything Hone does except turn water into wine, is a vote-winner for him.
@ Lanthanide(8.2), VTO(8.2.1) and Naturesong(
Oh that sounds like it might be horribly accurate what you both say 🙁
…perhaps I might exchange ‘political institutions’ for ‘political spin’ or ‘dogwhistles’ and I think this following quote of Rousseau sums up my views on the attitudes of the group of NZers you speak of.
“All ran headlong to their chains, in hopes of securing their liberty; for they had just wit enough to perceive the advantages of political institutions, without experience enough to enable them to foresee the dangers.”
Its truly deeply saddening if what you say is correct.
A ‘Jolly’, so says Slippery the Prime Minister of Mana Party leader Hone Harawira’s trip to the funeral of Nelson Mandela,
Whining that Harawira wasn’t part of the ‘official party’ and therefor should not have gone to the funeral in South Africa would seem on the surface to be from the PM a simple attempt at diversion, the diversion from what can only be described as an atrocious display from Slippery the PM and the British Prime Minister David Cameron as they were photographed at the ‘official service’ for Mandela laughing uproariously,
No matter what any of us think of Nelson Mandela, He is respected the world over as one of the ‘great’ Statesmen of our age and for the Prime Minister of New Zealand to be publicly seen to be making ‘light’ of the official funeral service for leaders from across the whole world, giving the gravity of the service the air of a mere scherzando, a joke, shows our Prime Minister as unfit to hold this office,
Far from being asked to explain His actions during the approved trip by the House Speaker, Harawira should be applauded for attending services including a private ceremony at the Mandela House, the Speaker should be writing to Slippery the PM asking why He felt the need to breach the Parliamentary Convention that Members do not comment on other Members absence from the Parliament as this is a Privelege reserved entirely to the House Speaker,
What tho is exercising Slippery’s sphincter this early on in the week after the Parliament has risen for the year, did the ‘spin-meisters’ on the ninth floor give Him the message that every time He attacks the Green Party, far from the desired effect, they go up in the polls,
Or did the latest round of National Party internal polling give the PM’s arse muscle cause to tighten in such a painful manner that His vocal chords began a litany in the language of the ‘Clown’ as they exposed for the PM ‘the elephant in the room’ in the form of Mana having enough support to bring into the next Parliament the form of John Minto on the Party List…
Not nearly enough to get him there though Phil.
Mana got 24,168 votes in the end. To get Minto into Parliament, assuming that all the other parties got the same number of votes as they did at the election, Mana would have had to have got 45,810 votes. They only got about half the number they needed.
It’s possible although the polls don’t seem to point that way. Three seats needs about 2.3% of the vote and I haven’t seen any polls giving Mana a figure that high.
If Labour run Kelvin Davis against Hone though it might all be moot as Hone might be beaten.
@alwyn..also the media ignored harawira last time..
..that wont happen next time..
..plus the poverty-fighting policies etc of mana (and the do-something-about-it!-imperatives are much more urgent than they were last time..
..plus the disintergration of the maori party is almost complete..
..and again..this was not the case last time around..
..so mana doubling their vote (at the very least)..
..and thus getting minto in as an mp..
..is eminently do-able..
..and as an aside.. personally..i reckon one of the few good things to come from the death of nelson mandela..
..has been what i see as the seachange in attitude of many mainstream nz’ers/media towards minto and the other demonstrators against apartheid..
..what has been bought sharply into their focus..is how they..(not the muldoons/bolgers/mckinnons/keys)..were on the right side of history..and on the right side of right/wrong..
..and how in the grand new zealand scheme of things..
..for their moral courage/convictions..
..minto et.al are their generations’ heroes..warriors even..
..they were all standing on the right side of history..
..and on the right side of that right/wrong divide..
The media in New Zealand defaults toward advertising, and if giving the National Party a bit of a stir every now and again sells a few papers, they are happy to do so. It also allows them to say “look, we’re unbiased – see, we really took it to John Key on that social issue”.
I had expected the honeymoon to end when John Key had jack booted thugs charge into the herald offices at the last election.
But for the editors, and owners of New Zealands mainstream media organisations Upton Sinclair comes to mind
It is impossible to get a man to understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding
And for the rump of the National Party, Carl Sagan
“You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep seated need to believe”
Speaking of Minto and Mandela, here’s a (typically) excellent audio comment by Wayne Brittenden (Nat Rad, Sunday Morning, 15 Dec 2013 11:36am) on Obama living up to his own soaring rhetoric at Mandela’s funeral.
This is an excerpt form 1:24 – 3:19: “Obama also spoke of the great inspiration of Mandela, the importance of inclusion, generosity and truth, the power of action and of taking risks. The (US) President has the perfect opportunity for promoting those values by taking a tough stand against another State practising a form of Apartheid – an ally, Israel. Even South Africa’s Apartheid never built a Wall – twice the height of the Berlin one, complete with sniper-posts and checkpoints limiting free Palestinian movement and economic development. There are even buses and roads that are segregated. The World rose up against the injustices in South Africa – it has yet to do the same against the long-standing injustices in Gaza and on the West Bank.
Exactly 13 years ago, Nelson Mandela attended the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people and called for their self-determination and statehood. He said that his own people’s freedom was incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians…….The truth is Israeli-style Apartheid wouldn’t be possible without the immense political and economic backing of the US. What better way then for Obama to honour the memory of the man he so deeply admired than by slashing the 3 Billion dollars that the US gives Israel each year in military aid, along with the caterpillars that demolish houses, water supplies and Olive Orchards.”
Wayne Brittenden
gets my vote for taking over from Chris Laidlaw.
A little bit on him from Paper Plus he has written a book on NZ Theatre)
Wayne Brittenden is a New Zealand journalist who has worked overseas for most of his career. A former National Radio correspondent in Tokyo, he later worked for the BBC and now works as an independent documentary maker, based in London. He has done extensive research in New Zealand for this book.
Cheers, greywarbler. I’ve sat the Political Compass test myself (Left and Liberal, as it turns out). But I had no idea Wayne Brittenden was behind it !
On the SA Apartheid / Israeli Apartheid comparisons, I’d say that, if anything, Brittenden doesn’t quite go far enough. For a start, the most important point about the so-called ‘Separation Wall’ is surely that Israel has built it DEEP inside Palestinian territory, to act as a defacto future border – completely and utterly in contravention of International Law.
And, it’s a little to mild to say “There are even buses and roads that are segregated.” Israel has constructed a whole series of Jewish Settler-only Highways throughout the Palestinian West Bank (as part of its ethnic-cleansing and land-appropriation goals). So, it’s systematic segregation throughout the Occupied Territories on land, water resources, building and so on.
But, it’s the ethnic cleansing itself that bears a striking resemblance to the latter stages of SA Apartheid – the same attempt to force the occupied/oppressed population into small Bantustan-style enclaves, thus enforcing dispossession.
Well, you know, greywarbler, the Zionism on which Israel was established derives from precisely the same deeply reactionary, anti-Enlightenment ideological mix that so inspired the Nazis. Namely, German Imperialism and East-Central European Romantic Nationalism. ‘Blut und Bone’.
Zionism’s always been, first and foremost, about ethnically-cleansing the Palestinians in order to carve-out an overwhelmingly Jewish (they’d prefer ENTIRELY Jewish) ‘Greater Israel’. Much like the Nazis wanted an entirely German, ethnically-cleansed, Eastern Europe (and Ukraine, Belorussia and Baltic States).
And, of course, the Israeli Right were openly fascist during the first half of 20C. (Jabotinsky’s Revisionist movement – which included future Israeli PMs Shamir and Begin). Not that I’m suggesting the Israeli Labour Party is much better. The differences across the mainstream Israeli political spectrum are far more marginal (particularly with respect to aims and strategies in the Occupied Territories) than a lot of people in the West would like to think.
Bad mistake for Labour Party people here to assume its entirely the fault of Lukid and its allies (although, pleasingly, very few do these days). In fact, in some ways, the Israeli Lab Party’s been worse. Throughout the so-called ‘Peace-Process’ of the 1990s, for instance, both Labour and Lukid governments alike massively expanded their illegal network of Jewish Settler-only Highways throughout the West Bank. And the supposedly “dovish” Labour Party under first Rabin and then Peres, have an even worse record than Lukid in that regard.
Swordfish. No, I’m something of a Tom Waits fan and I’ve always particularly liked his 1983 stand-out album ‘Swordfishtrombones’. But, I’m also a bit of a lazy bugger, at least to the extent that, after writing “swordfish”, I just couldn’t be arsed typing out the rest of the name. Sad but true.
But, yeah, I do have a vague idea that the swordfish was a British Naval aircraft during WW2.
Also known as the stringbag because it was a biplane. Top speed was something like 90mph. But it did some very nasty damage to the Italian fleet at ? Taranto.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why Key has launched this broadside at Harawira. Probably it boils down to nothing more than his ego is bruised by being laughed about as the ‘unidentified guest’ at Cameron’s side and he wants to create a bit of a diversion. Such are the weighty issues of moment on Planet Key.
“Far from being asked to explain His actions during the approved trip by the House Speaker, Harawira should be applauded for attending services including a private ceremony at the Mandela House, the Speaker should be writing to Slippery the PM asking why He felt the need to breach the Parliamentary Convention that Members do not comment on other Members absence from the Parliament as this is a Privelege reserved entirely to the House Speaker”………….
Indeed Harawira should be applauded. He did the right thing and in the right spirit. Key knows nothing of mana and nothing of the heart and just saw a cheap opportunity to be divisive and wanky.
Key has shot to buffoon level 10 for his tacky comments.
Perhaps you could ask the same question of Winston Peters and some of the Labour MPs. They quite happily pont out in Question time that Key is never there on a Thursday. No Prime Minister, or Leader of the Opposition does attend on Thursday of course, at least in the last 20 years, but it doesn’t stop the Opposition rabbiting on of course.
alwyn, the assertion you make here has all the appearnce of an out-right LIE, Slippery the Prime Minister is also well known for this type of conversation,
I’ll track down the reference after you do the following.
Provide us with the proof that John Key has pointed out that a member of the opposition was absent from the house.
I don’t feel like bothering to justify my comments to someone who makes unsubstantiated statements of his/her own.
As quoted in the article, Key says the same in the accompanying video:
Prime Minister John Key has slammed Mana Party leader Hone Harawira for his taxpayer-funded trip to Nelson Mandela’s funeral, saying Harawira has “barely turned up” to Parliament this year.
I watch Question time quite a lot. I’ve never heard opposition MPs comment about Key’s absence from the House on Thursdays.
You will note that the statement made by Rosie. It said that “the speaker should be writing to the PM asking why he felt the need to breach the Parliamentary convention etc, etc”. The Parliamentary convention she is referring to one of the Rules of the House and relates to what a member can say in the chamber. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what any member says outside the house. If the Rules of the House applied to everything a member said in all circumstances we wouldn’t have any of them left.
So no, your quotation doesn’t answer what I am asking for.
Actually Winston’s complaint, as I remember it, was when he complained about the Government transferring a question to another Minister so that John Key could avoid being in Parliament that day.
I am not sure whether I should feel sorry for you or congratulate you on your bravery for wathching Question time. I generally read it through but I don’t think I could take watching it.
In terms of being in the House on Thursday, no PM or Leader of the Opposition is ever there. John Key isn’t and Helen Clark wasn’t. Neither were the various Leaders of the Opposition on both sides.
In terms of being in the House on Thursday, no PM or Leader of the Opposition is ever there. John Key isn’t and Helen Clark wasn’t. Neither were the various Leaders of the Opposition on both sides.
FFS, we all know that, and it has nothing to do with the issue.
Winnie’s complaint sounds like ones he would make about Key deliberately dodging answering questions in the House. Key does that one slippery way or another. It’s not the same as being critical of someone not being in the House.
LOL. The statement was made by bad12. I was quoting him. Theres two parts to that statement. One is about applauding Hone for being in S.A, the second about Shoneky inappropriately raising Hone’s absence in parliament (in a mocking way – those 4 words are mine)
My main response was around Hone doing the right thing. I had a swipe at Key, as an aside.
My comment is a mere agreement with bad12 who went to the bother to thoughtfully reflect on shonkey’s lack of parliamentary protocol and general desperation which manifests in his petty outbursts.
Something in the polling has scared John Key . The prospect of Mana MP’s and Labour party vote in all the Maori seats? This feels a lot like the attacks on Winston Peters before the 2008 election. Trying to tie Hone up in a negative fight and maybe even cost him large lawyer’s fees.
So congrats Hone, Nact see you as a real threat.
The ‘unidentified guest’ at the Mandela memorial service used the term ‘jollies’ in referring to Speaker approved pilgrimage of Hone Harawira MP. The latter represented the spirit of anti-apartheid New Zealanders in places of spiritual significance while the former took his pro-racist ex MP/PM stooges to the forum of the grand-standers to joke with his mate Dave. Once again, John Key has resorted to Textor Crosby type smear lines when he has been upstaged by a person who often demonstrates the sort of statesmanship that the petulant Prime Minister is never likely to attain.
Please Fair Observer do stand for the mayoralty of wherever you are or even as councillor.
NZ needs exemplary people like you counting the cents, and checking on the cleanliness of toilets, and phoning all the homes of fellow dignitaries to see if they are home and tucked up in bed (with their own spouses) by 10 pm. We need people who have high moral energy to get a good night’s sleep ready to attend to the duties of their office and who keep their orifices clean as well.
You are wasted as someone just sitting sniping at the miscreants. There’s a saying that if you want a job done properly, do it yourself – it’s just so right. Creeping corruption must be dealt with and you’re the person to do it.
Would prefer Penny Hulse. Her attempts to work on affordable housing and her voting record against SkyCity would give her my vote. Have my fingers crossed that Len will stand down next election and she will step up to the plate.
I will be watching to see how Hulse performs at the Thursday public meeting. The problem is that she also needs to draw in campaign funds & the usual way to do that is to suck up appeal to some of those who lean more to “neoliberalism”.
Hulse always comes across well (as caring for the less well off, etc) in interviews/panel discussions.
‘Open Letter’ from Auckland Mayoral candidate Penny Bright to Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse:
“Are you a genuine community advocate or corporate /property developer MOUTH PIECE?”
Dear Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse,
In the 2010 Auckland Council election, you stood as an ‘Independent’, and quoted the following glowing endorsement from Sir Ron Carter, about your ‘commitment and ability to look after business interests’ :
I think the endorsement of my campaign for Auckland Council by Sir Ron Carter speaks volumes about my commitment and ability to look after business interests. Ron says “Our city needs Councillors who will apply their knowledge and experience for the good of all. A great Council team will be built from those who respect and commit to each other. Penny’s wisdom and consensus style will help create a Council for all Aucklanders. We need her on our Council.”
Who is Sir Ron Carter:
In 2010 – Sir Ron Carter was the Chair of the Committee for Auckland:
Session 1, July 20th – Why? – What’s the case for creating a super city? Why do we need to change regional governance structures to do so?
Peter Salmon, Chairman of the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance,
Bob Harvey, Waitakere City Mayor, and
Sir Ron Carter, Committee for Auckland Chairman.
In 2013 we will be an influential voice for all of Auckland, creating cross-sectoral solutions to the city’s issues andfocusing on a future beyond the electoral cycle helping New Zealand’s only world-ranked city to achieve its potential for the region and the country.
The Committee for Auckland (CFA) has played a prominent role in galvanising positive change for our city. Our members are all specialists in the city’s issues and fervent advocates for its success. Having contributed significantly to the new shape of Auckland as one city, 2013 is the platform for a re-focused Committee to drive the agenda for Auckland as a world leading destination as well as the welcoming gateway to New Zealand.”
“Membership to the Committee for Auckland is by invitation. Members meet quarterly and are invited to be involved in those aspects of the work programme that interest them.
Members are Chairs of Boards, Directors and Chief Executives
Corporate Membership annual fee $10,000. ……”
The current list of members of the Committee for Auckland:
(It is interesting to note how members of this VERY powerful private lobby group are intertwined with Auckland Council and Auckland Council ‘Council Controlled Organisations’ (CCOs).
For starters…………….
Doug McKay Chief Executive Officer Auckland Council
Brett O’Riley Chief Executive Officer ATEED
Robert Domm Chief Executive Officer Regional Facilities Auckland
Mark Ford Chief Executive Officer Watercare
John Dalzell Chief Executive Officer Waterfront Auckland
Also, how the Committee for Auckland includes key members of the NZ Property Council and property developers, such as…………)
Connal Townsend National Director Property Council of NZ
Penny has strong links with her community and cares passionately about the Auckland region.
Her community involvement includes Patron of Waitakere Special Olympics, Community Waitakere Charitable Trust, Henderson Riding for the Disabled, The Trust Waitakere Brass Band, Northern Football Association, Trustee of Swanson Railway Station Trust, Waitakere Anti Violence Essential Services and former Director of EECA Board.
Penny’s special areas of interest are Climate Change, Sustainable City Development, Environmental Advocacy, Community Development and Youth. …………”
However, the reality, in my considered opinion, is that you cannot work simultaneously both for the community (the ‘99%’ ), and corporations/property developers (the ‘1%’).
It is my intention as a 2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate to continue to ‘blow the whistle’, against the the ‘corrupt corporate coup’ which set up the Auckland ‘Supercity’, and those who are serving the interests of the ‘1%’.
In my considered opinion, Auckland Council Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse, you are NOT a genuine community advocate – you are in fact, a corporate /property developer MOUTH PIECE, working for the ‘1%’.
No disrespect – but I shall ‘call it as I see it’.
(I don’t expect you to like it).
Hulse was deputy mayor for Waitakere City and worked well within that structure. The problem is as much the way the amalgamated Auckland Council has been set up. It/’s impossible for anybody to become mayor without some support in the business community, corporations etc. It may not be my ideal. But as far as I can see, Hulse is about the best potential candidate that I am aware of at the moment. She would be better than Brown.
I have not seen any evidence of corruption by Hulse. She does have a fairly consultative consensus building style.
if it’s a choice between the likes of Brewer or Hulse. I’ll take Hulse.
Good on you for taking a strong stand against corruption and the rule of the elites. But meanwhile, many people in Auckland are struggling to survive. Hulse does have a heart.
Well can the ratepayers ask if they are footing the $10,000 annual membership per corporation joining the Committe for Auckland? I’ll bet they are and it’l be used for stuff they I don’t agree with I bet.
Actually that committee for Auckland, while it includes a lot of corporates, also includes Unis, The City Mission, The Salvation Army and others.
Yes the membership fee seems pretty high. What do they do with it? Ah, they have projects.
Like matching skills of migrants and others to employers. Why the focus first on migrants?
But I would need to see evidence of how they go about doign things before I can make a decision.
And, ultimately, it seems to me the problems with Auckland Council re far wider than any one individual. The problem is the CCOs, which have too much power and are unaccountable.; and with the relative lack of power for the elected representatives.
Thanks Karol. I’m always a bit suspicious about what happens to this sort of funding – out of the public eye as it is.
And before they can bring in guest workers why do these companies not have to prove they or their industry has a well established training facilty plus paid internships for younger people/students and a pathways in programme for older people in need of a career change before they can plead skills shortages and bring in people from overseas.
The vast majority of councillors, however, decided to censure the mayor at Thursday’s council meeting, discuss Mr Brown meeting some costs for a $100,000-plus review into his behaviour and clip the wings of the mayoral office.
Good on the councillors for taking a stand. They are trying to take a small step to make Hide’s anit-democratic monstrosity into something a little more democratic.
The whole Auckland Council infrastructure needs to be reviewed and restructured – with more real say for councillors and local boards. These are the people who are meant to represent their local communities. We don’t need a presidential style mayor. Nor do we need the undemocratic CCOs with their overpaid chief execs.
The real corruption was done in 2010, by Hide and Key’s mob. imagine what dodgy John Banks would have done if elected mayor? Major pay-back to Dotcom, Sky City etc?
“National has a big asset sale problem” Peter Dunne does too, in his electorate. The fabulous chart in yesterdays article shows a 49.1% turnout with a 64.6% NO vote for the electorate. Will that make Dunney boy squirm?
So this interesting result doesn’t go unnoticed, we at People’s Power Ohariu have been busy with our placard making. Every time something awkward comes up for Dunne (GCSB vote, Sky City vote, meridian sale failure etc) we turn that into a message on one of our “Hey Peter!” themed placards that we put in place in a few of the neighbourhoods in the electorate.
Currently on display is
“Hey Peter! Ohariu 65% NO. Sold out by 1 vote: Yours!”
It is a minor revelation of the year that asset sales were/are not supported by a lot of tory voters. This was well known anecdotally but there is now more solid information following the referendum.
They have already selected their candidate BG. I can’t remember where I read it so can’t link it. I read it about two weeks ago. They are standing a guy who I think stood for Rimutaka last time. His background is in Civil Defense.
Disappointing. I thought Greens and Labour may have come to an agreement. In the meantime I’ve written to the NZLP via their website and asked when they will announce their candidate. Am really keen to know who it is.
Cyclists don’t have disk breaks, they don’t have mirrors, road works means they can’t hear you. Worse! Cyclists need to turn right, cyclists are human, they make mistakes, but like cars, who you give way to because of the cost of a dent, you still need to give way to because you would give way to bad car drivers. So imagine my shock to have a motorcyclist shout something out, could not make out what, possible somehow I infringed on his line. Is breaking for a cyclist is so bad? In a suburb back street where you should be slowing down anyway, cyclists aren’t cars but that still doesn’t mean you get to ride or drive up to them close, because bicycles are also something else, they are unstable, with unstable humans on them, unprotected by a high powered engine and working power brakes. Geez, already.
Some SFO successes in NZ but the main focus of Government is using vast resources on catching the Benefit Fraudsters. 10 Benefit marshals for every SFO marshal sent to catch million dollar fraud.
There is to be a protest calling on Len Brown to resign tomorrow – Wednesday – outside the Town Hall at 12 noon and for councillors to unite and move a motion of no confidence in the mayor. Anyone wanting to support the calling for Brown’s resignation will be welcome. Several of the councillors have been asked to address the gathering.
Certainly not karol. I have no affiliation to any political party, I am an Auckland ratepayer who has had enough of the dishonourable attitudes and deeds shown to hold office in Auckland. It should not be a divisive right vs left issue. unity and honour should be the ambition of our council.
Thanks, TRP. Figures. My experience of people who label themselves as (neutral) “ratepayers”, seem to think property owners (especially the more wealthy ones) have a privileged status in local democracy. They don’t usually speak for the less well off in Auckland, nor for us renters (who pay rates indirectly through rent).
Unite left and right? Yeah, right. T’is WO & Quax who have been trying to usurp democracy and pressure Brown to resign by fair means or foul.
I’ll wait to see what the majority of councillors have to say at the Auckland meeting on Thursday.
Someone who can proudly wear the title of ‘Honourable’. Anyone who can represent Auckland and, as I noted above, has the ambition to unite. The majority of Aucklanders couldn’t give a care if the new mayor was left right or centre, as long as they really did have a passion about Auckland and our future together.
Your memory is good. But you didn’t mention that it was under protest, and that I would never vote for him again. But hey, don’t let the truth get in the way of how you want things spun, and before you go off half cocked again, the comment I made was that he would not get my vote for mayor, and yes I would happily vote for a left leaning mayor if I believed she or he would be honourable and capable of leading this city.
It was instigated by the Labour MP for Tooting, Sadiq Khan who believes Housing, housing, housing is the priority for London.
The report notes the difference between calling developments affordable housing, and the actuality of it being affordable. Brings to mind the trumpeting of Isaac Davidson for Nick Smith and the “success” of the newly released tranche of SHA’s.
I know nothing about Rob other than what is in the (very good) press release, but his credentials look very positive.
Rob McCann is a communications and marketing expert, and has been the White Ribbon Campaign Manager since 2009. He was a press secretary to Ruth Dyson in the last Labour Government and more recently headed the drive to collect signatures for the Asset sales referendum in the Otaki electorate. Educated at Otago University with a Law and Drama degree, he is a keen debater and was a former president of the Otago University debating society.
Mr McCann is also the chair of the Paraparaumu Branch of the Labour Party, chaired the Region Three Labour Party Conference, and sits on the Labour Rural & Regional Sector Council.
Otaki had the highest turnout in the referendum at 54% with Nos at 66.7% so an excellent result.
I also like the quotes attributed to Rob in the press statement on the Otaki result – clear and to the point.
I am currently looking at moving from Wellington (Rongotai electorate) to the Kapiti coast and this could be another incentive to do so.
Farrar has a post up at KB (my first visit for months earlier today – then had a shower) on Deborah’s selection and posters there seem to think that there have been other LP selections in the last few days (eg Tauranga) , but I cannot find any announcements on Scoop or the LP website.
A comment on the KB post says
“To add to Deborah Russell and Rachel Jones, Clare Curren tweeted yesterday that Liz Craig (Clutha Southland) and Glenda Alexander (Waitaki) have also been selected for Labour.
It would seem that the manban is already well into top gear.”
As you can imagine the thread there deteriorates into manban and slating Deborah etc – despite Farrar having praised Deborah in his post.
I don’t know the others but I do know Liz Craig. She is highly intelligent and dedicated and would be great in Parliament, hopefully through the list. I hope not to sound too defensive but the day we win Clutha Southland …
I strongly suspect that Farrar’s problem is that he has been personally manbanned from the social lives of any women who get within a kilometre of him. If the “manban” can get rid of Goff, Mallard, Jones, and Parker, I’m all for it. I’d willingly accept 100% women in parliament. I doubt if much of any substance would change, except that under a leftish government, the police might move a bit quicker on roastbuster type rubbish.
I think you’ll find Farrar has very recently met the person he considers his life-partner and soul-mate. I am, of course, referring to senior Labour MP, Trevor Mallard. Suspect we’ll hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet in 9 months time (and I’m not only talking about Farrar’s).
I think it was the business part of the news after noon. There was something about derivatives and hedge funds and why they are needed.
And it occurred to me what a good way these financial instruments, or Instruments of Torture, are for making a great income by the few. First you create an unstable financial sea, and then you sell lifeboats that people have to carry with them to ensure they negotiate it. Or you might say the financiers set up a sea of uncertainty and then sell little hedge coracles that enable businesses to float and and guide themselves with a little dessertspoon of an oar. Fucking nuts really. When you think of trying to manage our livings personally and for countries, in this way..
Or you might say that the financiers set up a virtual world like Chriss? in The Truman Show. Truman thought he was in Real Life but in actual fact it was a stage set and he was being manipulated and surveilled for the benefit of everyone else who was in the know who found him irresistible and watching him compulsive viewing. He didn’t suffer from TB consumption, it was TV consumption. In real life, out here today, those watching are really the top 10% or so who are in the know to some extent. The rest of us are watching each other, but imagining we personally are part of the 10%.
Metaphor, allegory, the spectacle of Total Recall or futuristic thing where someone had to save their life by running away watched by TV cameras and home audiences. Isn’t that another view of us. What about working out better systems and super-imposing them on the poorer systems now working? Wait a minute that’s how elections and governments and government service departments making policy are supposed to be working. Okay you monkeys, let’s see you dance for your taxes, while we play the barrel organ.
Never heard of Rob McCann and he maybe a creditable candidate but these two statements from his press release sum up the Labour party selection processes that is not engaging with voters.
He was a press secretary to Ruth Dyson in the last Labour Government
currently looking at moving from Wellington (Rongotai electorate) to the Kapiti coast
He’s another journalist/press secretary who worked in parliament for the Labour party and is moving from his Wellington base ……
Watching, Rob is a top bloke. He organised the the first of the LP leadership meetings in Otaki, got an amazing turnout on the day and did a great job setting the scene for the rest of that campaign by marshalling the throng of media that turned up. He is well respected in the party generally and in the central region particularly. If he can get rid of the odious berk (Guy Smiley? Something like that) currently pretending to represent the interests of the Horowhenua then all power to him.
Ps Where did you get the quote about moving from Rongotai from? It’s not in the press release and it’s not actually the case, as he lives on the Kapiti coast.
And Watching needs to read more carefully. I, moi, am thinking of moving to Kapiti – not Rob – as per the last sentence of my original comment at 18 above.
LOL. Watching jumped too fast. (And the press release states that Rob lives in Kapiti with his partner and two children!)
Yeah, I by no means disagree with the broad thrust of your argument, here, Watching. In general, we could probably do without more Parliamentary Staffers as Candidates. But, you wrongly suggest McCann is: “currently looking at moving from Wellington (Rongotai electorate) to the Kapiti coast. In fact, that was veutoviper’s assertion about his/her own plans. McCann lives in the Otaki seat (Otaihanga) and is chair of the Paraparaumu Branch.
Thanks for clarifying the Rongotai thing, swordfish, I hadn’t seen Veuto’s comment.
To be equally clear, Rob is not a Parliamentary staffer. He worked for Ruth Dyson over 5 years ago and is currently campaign manager for the White Ribbon anti-violence group.
The 2012 half year update only managed to maintain that the Government was on track to reach its surplus target because of an 11th hour announcement of petrol tax increases.
This year’s release came with no surprises, although the decision not to reform that way ACC charges are made on vehicle licences, as proposed by the Crown entity was crucial to maintaining the forecast.
Today English maintained that it expected to cut ACC levies by $1b in 2015-16.
It came out in the media a few weeks ago and then Collins made some rather baffling statements about why the government wasn’t going to do it, including the ridiculous statement that if ACC is going to offer subsidies to some car owners it therefore logically follows that they must be increasing costs on others.
Treasury announced that the partial ale of assets will see the Government forgo $327 million in dividends, thanks to the reduced sale price, bad timing, etc.
John Key, master trader – right. How to lose money and control of your country in one easy lesson.
They say a fool and his money are easily parted – New Zealand must be a nation of fools.
While the author of this opinion piece is on the money, the direction is lost and all at sea at the last sentence and falls into stereotyping and men-bashing, or bloke-bashing… “Painful as it might be, we’re going to have to give the concept of the Kiwi Bloke a right old do-over.”
Stop implying all men are rapists ffs. Bloody generalisations, derogatory implications, it just goes on and on and on. Take the fight to the rapists and leave the non-rapists out of it. Sick of it. Saps the cred. Does the fight no good.
It doesn’t imply that at all, vto. Or can you show me where it does? it’s about rape culture. And I would think, going by the author’s name (Daniel Copeland), it’s written by a man. Some extracts that show it’s about how rape culture contributes to a climate where some men rape (actually, the article states, “where “some people commit rape”). Copeland begins with a story about a bus of guys returning from a rugby match:
Then they got up to the verses that were pretty graphic about what they would do to ‘all the ladies’.
At that point the other man who wasn’t singing rang the bell and got off in disgust. I would have followed him if I hadn’t still had to get across town.
To anyone who doubts the existence of rape culture in New Zealand, what else would you call that?
Why do some people commit rape? Because they feel they’re entitled to use others’ bodies for sexual gratification, without the other person’s consent. It couldn’t be clearer than that rugby song: to those men, at least while they were singing it, women were merely objects to be used.
For some of them, hopefully, most of them, it would have been just a joke. But statistically that number of men must have included at least one or two who really did treat women as objects to be used, and to them the song would have meant: this is normal, this is just being a guy, what I do is what all men do. That’s rape culture.
nope. Your inference has nothing to do with the bit you quoted (or indeed anything in the article).
The bit where Copeland says that “For some of them, hopefully, most of them, it would have been just a joke” clearly states that not all men, even in bloke-culture, are rapists. Indeed, in any particular sample, most of them might not be rapists.
But the problem, the bit that “needs a do-over”, is that for the one or two rapists who statistically were probably in that group (i.e., just to spell it out for you, if the group only contains one or two rapists, then all the others in the group are not rapists, so your “Stop implying all men are rapists ffs” has nothing to do with what he actually wrote, and has more to do with what inferences you are prone to leap to), the group’s behaviour gave them acceptance and social reassurance.
That’s not calling all men rapists. That’s a man pointing out that some bits of blokish culture encourage rapists.
I see donkey going on about Hone Harawira going off to South Africa. What parvenu ringins like key dont realise is that members of parliament are elected to represent the electorate and not just turn up every day in Wellington to get their hands stamped.
(1)A person’s office as member of a local authority is vacated if the person, while holding office as a member of the local authority,—
(a)ceases to be an elector or becomes disqualified for registration as an elector under the Electoral Act 1993; or
(b)is convicted of an offence punishable by a term of imprisonment of 2 years or more.
(2)If subclause (1)(b) applies,—
(a)the disqualification does not take effect—
(i)until the expiration of the time for appealing against the conviction or decision; or
(ii)if there is an appeal against the conviction or decision, until the appeal is determined; and
(b)the person is deemed to have been granted leave of absence until the expiration of that time, and is not capable of acting as a member during that time.
(3)A person may not do an act as a member while disqualified under subclause (1) or while on leave of absence under subclause (2).
(1) Every official is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, whether within New Zealand or elsewhere, corruptly accepts or obtains, or agrees or offers to accept or attempts to obtain, any bribe for himself or any other person in respect of any act done or omitted, or to be done or omitted, by him in his official capacity.
(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who corruptly gives or offers or agrees to give any bribe to any person with intent to influence any official in respect of any act or omission by him in his official capacity.
99 Interpretation
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,—
bribe means any money, valuable consideration, office, or employment, or any benefit, whether direct or indirect
official means any person in the service of Her Majesty in right of New Zealand (whether that service is honorary or not, and whether it is within or outside New Zealand), or any member or employee of any local authority or public body, or any person employed in the education service within the meaning of the State Sector Act 1988.
“AECOM New Zealand managing director Dean Kimpton said the company provided a range of services to the council, including a number of on-going commissions to the IES department.”
After a comprehensive search, Auckland Council has appointed Dean Kimpton as its chief operating officer. Chief Executive Doug McKay says Dean is a passionate Aucklander who is excited to be playing a role in shaping the future of Auckland.
“Dean joins us from AECOM NZ where he was Managing Director.
“AECOM is a global leader in all aspects of infrastructure planning, design and delivery.
“Dean has a breadth of experience at the senior executive and governance levels, as well as in the regulatory and infrastructure business of council and its customers and suppliers.
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I am beginning to suspect that all enforcement branches of our state apparatus owe their first loyalties to Washington. While NAct seem to be entirely happy with this, and in fact it aligns police, customs, spooks, air force, etc with the prumstah, what is more worrying to me is that more than a few in Labour seem to accept it. Of course, it is just a deepening of the giving of our economic sovereignty to Wall St and the City by the first ACT government. We need to take control of our country and fight for a true internationalism rather than the internationalism of our business classes, which is the internationalism of a subservient colony.
Greg Davis should be sacked. If he wants to work for the seppos, let him go to Hawaii with Key and they can both ask for jobs there.
Possibly the most repellent Panel pre-show ever.
Radio NZ National, Monday 16 December 2013
Jim Mora, Linda Clark, Jane Clifton
Each week there seems to be at least one edition of this program that is so bad, so depraved, so determinedly ignorant, so vacuous and so vicious that you swear the nadir has been reached. And then along comes a horror show like this one….
JIM MORA: I think Linda Clark is with us right now. I can hear her! Linda are you there? LINDA CLARK:[perkily] Yes I’m here! My God, here I am, chattering away! Hellooooooooooo! MORA: Hello! LINDA CLARK: How ARE you? Merry Christmas! MORA: Thank you! She’s talking to you too, Noelle! NOELLE McCARTHY: Thank you. MORA: It’s Noelle McCarthy with what the WOOOOOORLD’s talking about! ….[suddenly grave]…. And not a nice topic to start the round-up today. Roger Waters the lead singer from Pink Floyd is stirring up a controversy. NOELLE McCARTHY: Yeeee-e-e-e-es. He’s been doing this for a whiii-i-i-i-i-ile now. He has compared the state of Israel to Nazi Germany. MORA:[concerned tone] Mmmmm. NOELLE McCARTHY: But he’s provoked a vigorous response. This is not new for him of course. In one of his concerts last year he had a giant PIG-shaped balloon with a Star of David on it. He says there were a whole lot of political symbols on it, and that he did not single out the Jews—- MORA:[grave tone to indicate moral seriousness] Hmmmm….. NOELLE McCARTHY: Now at least one U.S. rabbi has come out and answered him in print. MORA:[with utmost gravitas] He’s not the first rabbi to speak out about this, is he? NOELLE McCARTHY: The Jewish Chronicle and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre have been keeping a watching brief on him, but he doesn’t seem to be tempering his message however. MORA:[grimly] No he hasn’t. NOELLE McCARTHY:[grave tone] There’s more about this on our Twitface pages. MORA: Twitface—that’s our shorthand for Twitter and Facebook, by the way! LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha! I just love that! NOELLE McCARTHY: Ha ha ha ha ha! We’ve broken the fourth wall! MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha! Okay, anything else? NOELLE McCARTHY: Yes, a study shows that girls’ schools are places which enforce conformity more than other schools! MORA: Oh really? They enforce conformity? NOELLE McCARTHY: Yes, there is a lot of pressure on you to be a more “girly” kind of girl! LINDA CLARK: Hmmmmm…. NOELLE McCARTHY: Shall I talk about Kanye? MORA:[sarcastically] Yeah, let’s talk about Kanye! Please! NOELLE McCARTHY: He says rapping is as fraught as fighting the Taliban or serving as a police officer! MORA: Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! NOELLE McCARTHY: He says that when the Taliban start shooting, the soldiers should just stand up and start rapping! MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, THAT is going to work! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! MORA: Jo McCarroll, the editor of Gardening magazine has just texted, saying she thought Kanye was talking about Christmas wrapping! NOELLE McCARTHY: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! MORA: Very good, Jo! Noelle McCarthy, thank you very much!
Incredibly, the show got even more puerile after the 4 o’clock news. But more on that in Part Two.….
“Finance Minister Bill English said the Government didn’t regard estimates of foregone profits as reliable given the risk profile of businesses like those in the asset sales progamme.
He said the Government was happy to have reduced its exposure to risky commercial assets like the companies in the asset sales programme.”
What an amazing thing to say prior to the Genesis sale, so potential purchasers of Genesis will read this and think what???This is a fucken useless government and the amazing thing is that approx. 46% of voters still support these incompetent fools.
“He said the Government was happy to have reduced its exposure to risky commercial assets like the companies in the asset sales programme.”
The risk profile of critical national infrastructure and public utilities?
I used to laugh at America when they first elected(ish) Bush Jnr (well, until the whole Iraq thing) because he’s a complete moron.
I used to say to myself, we’d never do that. We’re smarter in New Zealand.
God, I’m so embarrassed.
Thankfully, Australia stepped up to the challenge and this year knocked us off the “stupidest electorate on the planet” spot that we’ve held since January 20, 2009.
You could never accuse the maori party of being the tail wagging the dog.
” New Zealand is unlikely to introduce plain packaging on cigarettes before trade challenges to Australian legislation are settled, Prime Minister John Key says.
Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia said today that the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Products and Packaging) Amendment Bill had been lodged with the Clerk of the House.
The legislation was expected to have its first reading in the House early next year before being sent to a parliamentary select committee
Key said that while the legislation would be introduced next year, it would almost certainly not be passed until the outcome of the challenge to Australia was known.
“It will almost certainly be introduced, have its first reading, then go off to the select committee,” he said.
“But it’s very, very unlikely it will be passed. In fact, in my view it shouldn’t be passed until we’ve actually had a ruling out of Australia.
“We think it’s prudent to wait till we see a ruling out of Australia. If there’s a successful legal challenge out of Australia, that would guide us how legislation might be drafted in New Zealand.
“So we’re not going to rush that through, but also equally it’s the type of topic that’s worthy of a significant public debate and we can do that through the select committee process.”
LOL. I really doubt it. 7 sharp got a slap on the wrist for something mostly coming from someone else on the show. Mau would have made her decision a while ago. There are plenty of good reasons for her to leave….. the show’s a dud.
Yeah, with him on TV1 and that other goofy clown TV3 are putting on nightline, the right will need to be careful. All that recycling and their munters might vote Green by accident.
The headline says ‘Further 350,000 votes included in asset sales referendum’
That caught my eye – a further 350,000? That’s a lot of last minute votes…
The article says “A further 350,000 votes cast in the Citizen’s Initiated Referendum on asset sales have been included in the official count released this afternoon…”
But wait: “The extra votes take the turnout to 1,367,340.” Huh?
Then: “Of the additional votes counted, 24,866 were against the asset sales while 10,035 were in favour.”
Hmmm…seems like they mean 35,000 then. Or nearly 35,000, since that only adds up to 34,901.
But wait there’s more:
“The result went strongly against the Government, but the relatively low turnout is seen as indicating the public largely doesn’t feel strongly about the issue or saw little point in opposing a programme that is now largely complete, other than the sale of Genesis Energy earmarked for the first half of next year.”
Can’t resist a wee bit of editorialising in what should be a straight news report now can we?
I’ve spent the last couple of days in Hamilton covering Waikato University’s annual NZ Economics Forum, where (arguably) three of the most influential people in our political economy right now laid out their thinking in major speeches about the size and role of Government, their views on for spending, tax ...
Simeon Brown’s Ideology BentSimeon Brown once told Kiwis he tries to represent his deep sense of faith by interacting “with integrity”.“It’s important that there’s Christians in Parliament…and from my perspective, it’s great to be a Christian in Parliament and to bring that perspective to [laws, conversations and policies].”And with ...
Severe geological and financial earthquakes are inevitable. We just don’t know how soon and how they will play out. Are we putting the right effort into preparing for them?Every decade or so the international economy has a major financial crisis. We cannot predict exactly when or exactly how it will ...
Questions1. How did Old Mate Grabaseat describe his soon-to-be-Deputy-PM’s letter to police advocating for Philip Polkinghorne?a.Ill-advisedb.A perfect letterc.A letter that will live in infamyd.He had me at hello2. What did Seymour say in response?a.What’s ill-advised is commenting when you don’t know all the facts and ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff has called on OJI Fibre Solutions to work with the government, unions, and the community before closing the Kinleith Paper Mill. “OJI has today announced 230 job losses in what will be a devastating blow for the community. OJI needs to work with ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff is sounding the alarm about the latest attack on workers from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, who is ignoring her own officials to pursue reckless changes that would completely undermine the personal grievance system. “Brooke van Velden’s changes will ...
Hi,When I started writing Webworm in 2020, I wrote a lot about the conspiracy theories that were suddenly invading our Twitter timelines and Facebook feeds. Four years ago a reader, John, left this feedback under one of my essays:It’s a never ending labyrinth of lunacy which, as you have pointed ...
And if you said this life ain't good enoughI would give my world to lift you upI could change my life to better suit your moodBecause you're so smoothAnd it's just like the ocean under the moonOh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from youYou got the ...
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright, New Zealand the majority’s possession. WAITANGI DAY commentary see-saws manically between the warmly positive and the coldly negative. Many New Zealanders consider this a good thing. They point to the unexamined patriotism of July Fourth and Bastille Day celebrations, and applaud the fact that the ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump’s administration over Gaza and Ukraine; on the ...
Up until now, the prevailing coalition view of public servants was that there were simply too many of them. But yesterday the new Public Service Commissioner, handpicked by the Luxon Government, said it was not so much numbers but what they did and the value they produced that mattered. Sir ...
In a moment we explore the question: What is Andrew Bayly wanting to tell ACC, and will it involve enjoying a small wine tasting and then telling someone to fuck off? But first, for context, a broader one: What do we look for in a government?Imagine for a moment, you ...
As expected, Donald Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's illegal theft of land, while ruling out any future membership of NATO. Its a colossal betrayal, which effectively legitimises Russia's invasion, while laying the groundwork for the next one. But Trump is apparently fine with ...
This is a guest post by George Weeks, reviewing a book called ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin AshtonBook review: ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin Ashton (2015) – and what it means for Auckland. The title of this article might unnerve any Greater Auckland ...
This story was originally published by Capital & Main and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. Within just a week, the sheer devastation of the Los Angeles wildfires has pushed to the fore fundamental questions about the impact of the climate crisis that have been ...
In this world, it's just usYou know it's not the same as it wasSongwriters: Harry Edward Styles / Thomas Edward Percy Hull / Tyler Sam JohnsonYesterday, I received a lovely message from Caty, a reader of Nick’s Kōrero, that got me thinking. So I thought I’d share it with you, ...
In past times a person was considered “unserious” or “not a serious” person if they failed to grasp, behave and speak according to the solemnity of the context in which they were located. For example a serious person does not audibly pass gas at Church, or yell “gun” at a ...
Long stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, February 13 are:The coalition Government’s early 2024 ‘fiscal emergency’ freeze on funding, planning and building houses, schools, local roads and hospitals helped extend and deepen the economic and jobs recession through calendar ...
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen is sold off to wealthy foreigners. Even selling the right to residency seems a bit dubious, when so many migrants who are not millionaires get turned away or are made to jump through innumerable hoops – simply ...
A new season of White Lotus is nearly upon us: more murder mystery, more sumptuous surroundings, more rich people behaving badly.Once more we get to identify with the experience of the pampered tourist or perhaps the poorly paid help; there's something in White Lotus for all New Zealanders.And unlike the ...
In 2016, Aotearoa shockingly plunged to fourth place in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Nine years later, and we're back there again: New Zealand has seen a further slip in its global ranking in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). [...] In the latest CPI New Zealand's score ...
1. You’ve started ranking your politicians on how much they respect the rule of law2. You’ve stopped paying attention to those news publications3. You’ve developed a sudden interest in a particular period of history4. More and more people are sounding like your racist, conspiracist uncle.5. Someone just pulled a Nazi ...
Transforming New Zealand: Brian EastonBrian Easton will discuss the above topic at 2/57 Willis Street, Wellington at 5:30pm on Tuesday 26 February at 2/57 Willis Street, WellingtonThe sub-title to the above is "Why is the Left failing?" Brian Easton's analysis is based on his view that while the ...
Salvation Army’s State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year’s ...
Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Correction: On the article The Condundrum of David Seymour, Luke Malpass conducted joint reviews with Bryce Wilkinson, the architect of the Regulatory Standards Bill - not Bryce Edwards. The article ...
Tomorrow the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meet and agenda has a few interesting papers. Council’s Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport Every year the council provide a Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport which is part of the process for informing AT of the council’s priorities and ...
All around in my home townThey're trying to track me down, yeahThey say they want to bring me in guiltyFor the killing of a deputyFor the life of a deputySongwriter: Robert Nesta Marley.Support Nick’s Kōrero today with a 20% discount on a paid subscription to receive all my newsletters directly ...
Hi,I think all of us have probably experienced the power of music — that strange, transformative thing that gets under our skin and helps us experience this whole life thing with some kind of sanity.Listening and experiencing music has always been such a huge part of my life, and has ...
Business frustration over the stalled economy is growing, and only 34% of voters are confidentNicola Willis can deliver. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 12 are:Business frustration is growing about a ...
I have now lived long enough to see a cabinet minister go both barrels on their Prime Minister and not get sacked.It used to be that the PM would have a drawer full of resignations signed by ministers on the day of their appointment, ready for such an occasion. But ...
This session will feature Simon McCallum, Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Computer Science (VUW) and recent Labour Party candidate in the Southland Electorate talking about some of the issues around AI and how this should inform Labour Party policy. Simon is an excellent speaker with a comprehensive command of AI ...
The proposed Waimate garbage incinerator is dead: The company behind a highly-controversial proposal to build a waste-to-energy plant in the Waimate District no longer has the land. [...] However, SIRRL director Paul Taylor said the sales and purchase agreement to purchase land from Murphy Farms, near Glenavy, lapsed at ...
The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has been a vital tool in combatting international corruption. It forbids US companies and citizens from bribing foreign public officials anywhere in the world. And its actually enforced: some of the world's biggest companies - Siemens, Hewlett Packard, and Bristol Myers Squibb - have ...
December 2024 photo - with UK Tory Boris Johnson (Source: Facebook)Those PollsFor hours, political poll results have resounded across political hallways and commentary.According to the 1News Verizon poll, 50% of the country believe we are heading in the “wrong direction”, while 39% believe we are “on the right track”.The left ...
A Tai Rāwhiti mill that ran for 30 years before it was shut down in late 2023 is set to re-open in the coming months, which will eventually see nearly 300 new jobs in the region. A new report from Massey University shows that pensioners are struggling with rising costs. ...
As support continues to fall, Luxon also now faces his biggest internal ructions within the coalition since the election, with David Seymour reacting badly to being criticised by the PM. File photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Not since 1988 when Richard Prebble openly criticised David Lange have we seen such a challenge to a Prime Minister as that of David Seymour to Christopher Luxon last night. Prebble suggested Lange had mental health issues during a TV interview and was almost immediately fired. Seymour hasn’t gone quite ...
Three weeks in, and the 24/7 news cycle is not helping anyone feel calm and informed about the second Trump presidency. One day, the US is threatening 25% trade tariffs on its friends and neighbours. The reasons offered by the White House are absurd, such as stopping fentanyl coming in ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). Wherever you look, you'll hear headlines claiming we've passed 1.5 degrees of global warming. And while 2024 saw ...
Photo by Heather M. Edwards on UnsplashHere’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s politics and economy in the week to Feb 10 below. That’s ahead of live chats on the Substack App and The Kākā’s front page on Substack at 5pm with: on his column in The ...
Is there anyone in the world the National Party loves more than a campaign donor? Why yes, there is! They will always have the warmest hello and would you like to slip into something more comfortable for that great god of our age, the High Net Worth Individual.The words the ...
Waste and fraud certainly exist in foreign aid programs, but rightwing celebration of USAID’s dismantling shows profound ignorance of the value of soft power (as opposed to hard power) in projecting US influence and interests abroad by non-military/coercive means (think of “hearts and minds,” “hugs, not bullets,” “honey versus vinegar,” ...
Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
We may see a few more luxury cars on Queen Street, but a loosening of rules to entice rich foreigners to invest more here is unlikely to “turbocharge our economic growth”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
A few weeks ago I took a look at public transport ridership in 2024. In today’s post I’m going to be looking a bit deeper at bus ridership. Buses make up the vast majority of ridership in Auckland with 70 million boardings last year out of a total of 89.4 ...
Oh, you know I did itIt's over and I feel fineNothing you could say is gonna change my mindWaited and I waited the longest nightNothing like the taste of sweet declineSongwriters: Chris Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nate Mendel / Taylor Hawkins.Hindsight is good, eh?The clarity when the pieces ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 2, 2025 thru Sat, February 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Today, I stumbled across a Twitter Meme: the ending of The Lord of the Rings as a Chess scenario: https://x.com/mellon_heads/status/1887983845917564991 It gets across the basic gist. Aragorn and Gandalf offering up ‘material’ at the Morannon allows Frodo and Samwise to catch Sauron unawares – fair enough. But there are a ...
Last week, Kieran McAnulty called out Chris Bishop and Nicola Willis for their claims that Kāinga Ora’s costs were too high.They had claimed Kāinga Ora’s cost were 12% higher than market i.e. private devlopersBut Kāinga Ora’s Chair had already explained why last year:"We're not building to sell, so we'll be ...
Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass - A Fellow at New Zealand IniativeLast week I half-joked that Stuff / The Post’s Luke Malpass1 always sounded like he was auditioning for a job at the New Zealand Initiative.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. For a limited time, subscriptions are 20% off. Thanks ...
At a funeral on Friday, there were A4-sized photos covering every wall of the Dil’s reception lounge. There must have been 200 of them, telling the story in the usual way of the video reel but also, by enlargement, making it more possible to linger and step in.Our friend Nicky ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government’s idea is that the private sector and Community Housing Providers will fund, build and operate new affordable housing to address our housing crisis. Meanwhile, the Government does not know where almost half of the 1,700 children who left emergency housing actually went. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong ...
Oh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youOh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youSongwriters: Alexander Ebert / Jade Allyson CastrinosMorena,I’m on a tight time frame this morning. In about an hour and a half, I’ll need to pack up and hit the road ...
This is a post about the Mountain Tui substack, and small tweaks - further to the poll and request post the other day. Please don’t read if you aren’t interested in my personal matters. Thank you all.After oohing-and-aahing about how to structure the Substack model since November, including obtaining ...
This transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser has not been verified.We’ve announced we are the ‘Yes Government’. Do you like it?Yes, Prime Minister.Dreamed up by the PR team. It’s about being committed to growth. Not that the PR team know anything about ...
The other day, Australian Senator Nick McKim issued a warning in the Australian Parliement about the US’s descent into fascim.And of course it’s true, but I lament - that was true as soon as Trump won.What we see is now simply the reification of the intention, planning, and forces behind ...
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
Thanks folks for your feedback, votes and comments this week. I’ll be making the changes soon. Appreciate all your emails, comments and subscriptions too. I know your time is valuable - muchas gracias.A lot is happening both here and around the world - so I want to provide a snippets ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay will travel to Australia today for meetings with Australian Trade Minister, Senator Don Farrell, and the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF). Mr McClay recently hosted Minister Farrell in Rotorua for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting, where ANZLF presented on ...
MONDAYSheriff Seymour rode slowly down the main street of Dodge on his faithful white horse Atlas Network.He liked what he saw.Children were being fed free lunches prepared by kind people who collected the scraps from an offal rendering plant.“Very strongly flavoured liver, such as ox liver, can be soaked overnight ...
Once upon a time it was all about being an astronaut, a firefighter or doctor; but these days kids have their sights set on becoming vloggers or YouTubers.That’s according to a 2019 study by Lego that surveyed 3000 children between the ages of eight to 12 from the US, the ...
Madeleine Chapman reflects on the week that was. From the moment I started high school and realised almost every other girl in my year was at least partially interested in what the boys were up to, I realised that I would be single for life. The feeling wasn’t one of ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Selina Alesana Alefosio.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.On a bright Sunday morning from her grandparent’s home in Pito-one, I spoke with ...
The White Lotus star reflects on her life in TV, including the local ad reference that doesn’t work in Australia, and her bananas co-star on Neighbours.Morgana O’Reilly was scrolling her phone next to her sleeping son on an idle Saturday morning when she got the call confirming that she ...
Claire Mabey explores the pros and cons of puff quotes on book covers.In January, Publishers Weekly put out an article by Sean Manning – publisher of Simon & Schuster’s flagship US imprint – in which he said he’d “no longer require authors to obtain blurbs for their books”.The ...
New Zealand’s Entomological Society is hosting its annual bug of the year contest. Here are some of the insects in the running. For some reason – perhaps humans’ inherent competitiveness, the idealisation of democracy, the need to demarcate winners and losers – one of the best ways to get people ...
A journey along the border, with words and illustrations by Bob Kerr.The Spinoff Essay showcases the best essayists in Aotearoa, on topics big and small. Made possible by the generous support of our members.The Sunset Limited leaves Union Station New Orleans on time at nine in the morning. We ...
Neville Peat is the 2024 recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in nonfiction. He’s written 56 books, mostly on natural history; this excerpt is from The Falcon and the Lark: A New Zealand High Country Journal, first published in 1992. The falcon wintering on the Rock and ...
It was a light-hearted gesture Greta Pilkington will be forever grateful for – thanks to an Aussie rival who jumped in when the Olympic sailor couldn’t be at her own graduation.Pilkington, then 20, had been leading a double life – while qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics in the ILCA ...
I was born in the back of my grandfather’s ute, by an overgrown windbreak in a remote place called Wahi-Rakauyou can’t find on a map. I was born a girl but given the man’s name Harvey, as my dad always wanted a violent-minded boy to one day help him ...
“We’re not here to interfere in people’s property rights,” Ngāi Tahu’s Te Maire Tau has told the High Court.Tau, a historian, Upoko (traditional leader) of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, and a university professor of history, is the lead witness in a case designed to force the Crown to recognise the tribe’s rangatiratanga ...
Pacific Media Watch Trump administration officials barred two Associated Press (AP) reporters from covering White House events this week because the US-based independent news agency did not change its style guide to align with the president’s political agenda. The AP is being punished for using the term “Gulf of Mexico,” ...
By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Presenter/Bulletin editor France’s top diplomat in the Pacific region says talks around the “unfreezing” of New Caledonia’s highly controversial electoral roll are back on the table. The French government intended to make a constitutional amendment that would lift restrictions prescribed under the Nouméa Accord, which ...
By bringing these global voices to the fight for free expression in New Zealand, we’ll continue to protect and expand our culture of free speech, says Nathan Seiuli, the Free Speech Union's Events Manager. ...
The issue is no longer a hypothetical one. US President Donald Trump will not explicitly suggest death camps, but he has already consented to Israel’s continuing a war that is not a war but rather a barbaric assault on a desolate stretch of land. From there, the road to annihilation is ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cecelia Cmielewski, Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University To be selected as the artist and curator team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale is considered the ultimate exhibition for an artistic team. To have your selection rescinded, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening. It’s a monster storm of great concern to Western Australia. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Danielle Ireland-Piper, Associate Professor, ANU National Security College, Australian National University A Victorian government decision to allow dingo culling in the state’s east until 2028 has reignited debate over what has been dubbed Australia’s most controversial animal. Animals Australia, an animal welfare ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hassan Vally, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Deakin University Overnight, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was confirmed as the secretary of the US Health and Human Services Department. Put simply, this makes him the most influential figure in overseeing the health and wellbeing of more ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard eight hours of submissions.Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.It was another work from home day for the Justice Committee, the only people in Room 3 being security guards, committee ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Milad Haghani, Associate Professor & Principal Fellow in Urban Risk & Resilience, The University of Melbourne Juris Teivans/Shutterstock In Australia, fatal road crashes are climbing again, especially since the pandemic, and despite years of attempts to reduce road trauma, the numbers ...
In its eagerness to appease supporters of Israel, the media is happy to ride roughshod over due process and basic rights. It’s damaging Australia’s (and New Zealand’s?) democracy.COMMENTARY:By Bernard Keane Two moments stand out so far from the Federal Court hearings relating to Antoinette Lattouf’s sacking by the ...
“The reality is we’re getting poorer. The government this year is leaning heavy on chasing economic growth, which is absolutely the right thing to do.” ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Granta, $28) Han Kang’s astounding novel was based on an ...
This new docuseries about two single comedians looking for love is also a joyful celebration of female friendship. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here. “How many people do you think are boning right now?” Kura Forrester asks Brynley Stent as the bright ...
A new poem by Freya Turnbull. Hunger Song – After Kaveh Akbar (Untitled With Hunger And Matcheads) I hold my age in ripped fishnet hold an empty vessel oldyoung body cracks like gunshot like killa i was a father ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dominik Koll, Honorary Lecturer, Australian National University View of the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station.NASA Earth must have experienced something exceptional 10 million years ago. Our study of rock samples from the floor of the Pacific Ocean has found ...
Troy Rawhiti-Connell reviews Kia Tupu Te Ara, a documentary chronicling the meteoric rise of Aotearoa’s groundbreaking metal band. “Two brothers attempt to storm the world of thrash metal with the Māori language, despite the fact they’re both still teenagers,” reads the synopsis of Kent Belcher’s documentary, Kia Tupu Te Ara. ...
Three freelance writers have been awarded grants to work on their ambitious journalism projects. In January, The Spinoff announced the Vince Geddes In-Depth Journalism Fund, supported by the Auckland Radio Trust (ART). The fund was established to provide much-needed financial and editorial support to talented freelance journalists, empowering them to ...
‘rawdon-ron’ strikes again..!
ed:..(heh..!..)..i have commented before how rawdon christie is such a ‘ron burgandy’..who has regular ‘ron burgandy’ moments/episodes..
..and he kicked off this morning with an early one..
..an ‘angry-ron’..
..where he stared down the lens and fulminated about those terrible people who go to the city mission xmas dinner and who..in rawdon-rons’ eyes..don’t deserve to be there..
..because they aren’t poor enough..
phillip ure..
From the world of bizarre
SAS soldier buy their own gear!!!!
They’re New Zealand’s fighting elite but when they go into action it’s with gear they’ve got themselves on-line because the Defence Force will not provide or doesn’t do so in time.
News photos of Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers in action over the streets of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul hid the fact that the lanyards stopping them from falling out of helicopters were paid for by the men themselves; online for $100 each.
Soldiers discovered there were not enough of charging handles – crucial to firing their weapons – so they paid $70 apiece to get their own.
I took it upon myself to buy some more,’’ the soldier said, saying he didn’t want to have to stop fighting to clear his eyes.
“The enemy don’t wait and I enjoy my eyesight.’’ He spent US$15000 (NZ$18,000) online to buy his own gear, including body armour, helicopter lanyards and safety boots. Other soldiers did the same.
Completely disgraceful……
it reminds me of the phrase about schools having enough money and the armed forces have to have a cake stall to buy guns.
only problem is while the soldiers dont have enough money now, neither, still, do the schools
Thanks dv for putting that up. A WTF moment.
Sorry my late reply as I’ve been a little bit busy with work and silly season drinks etc.
Old Phil needs too clam down a bit and be careful on what he say’s when opens his mouth as it may come back and bite him in his ass.
All Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen all over the world buy their own or swap gear because their Governments/ Bean counters and the Joe public want to do defence on the cheap. I can tell you from own time in Military the cheapest bidder (90% of the time) isn’t always the best option and as a result I’ve had to buy my own gear, in some cases make our gear such as Gun mounts etc., or using private funds (Social Club funds) or private donors to kit out our wagons when I was serving in the NZDF. (Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps 1993-1998). This was one of many reasons why I left NZ in 1998.
I now served in a foreign defence force and guess what I’ve had to go out buy my own gear here as well. In the last 15 years I’ve spent about 10K on kit from boots, webbing/ belt kits, packs and gas cookers etc. But it’s not as bad as our Kiwi cousins where they are still getting cheap and nasty kit from boots to some of the bigger gear like the OPV’s (which are 100ton over weight) and the RNZAF are still flying around in 50 year aircraft aka C-130 all because the Pollies and the NZ public want to do Defence cheap.
One last thing I’ve seen a report that NZDF are facing $22 Billion Capital Equipment Shortfall over the next 15- 20 years. Some of this Equipment shortfall could’ve sorted out back in the mid 90’s and all the way through to the last Labour Government. If the Equipment was replaced when it was meant to have happened the Capital Equipment Shortfall would be well under $10 Billion.
Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to everyone here at the Standard apart for those Tories as you lot are one of the reasons I NZ as well.
The Treasury says the Avatar deal is a turKey:
Crony capitalism at its worst. I guess that in an election year it looks sexier to subsidise Hollywood than the Independent Fisheries.
Or Treasury get it wrong…again
Well it would hardly be the 11th time would it?
or the government got it wrong again
and yet Bill English is championing its (treasury) forecasts this very day.
Sometimes Treasury actually get things right. It’s usually when they come up with a position contrary to that of National and Act. Amazing that eh? 😈
This is an interesting article about economists. It would seem to suggest that the policies followed by National and Act are contrary to what economists actually say and are actually a misunderstanding of economics. Not sure how much I agree with it as I’ve met too many economists who slavishly support NACTs policies.
“Mr English said that there was still a lot of work to do to make the forecasts a reality and the Government was this year still borrowing a net $78 million every week.
In dollar terms, net debt would peak at $64.5 billion in 2015-16.”
Seems Len Brown can ‘court’ as many as he likes. There is no accountability /authority to bring him into line, other than himself and the public at the next election! Sounds like a corrupt dictatorship is running our largest, out of Control city. This is not going to end well for NZ. This is a very serious mistake. Has Rodney Hyde moved the Gold yet?
If an investor pays up to 25% for a movie production, one would expect the investor would want around 25% of the revenue/profit the movie makes in sales, like cinema tickets, video disks, merchandise etc.
So is the NZ government an investor or are they simply paying for Cameron’s farm or Jackson’s next private plane without expecting a considerable, measurable return on their investment?
@ satty…
..the latter..
phillip ure..
phillip u
Business doesn’t believe in its own bullshit, or rather that of the theorists it employs whose ideas it deigns to notice, and the idea they don’t believe in is that real businesses don’t have subsidies.
It’s only silly little NZ leaders and pollies who actually listen and act on those fanciful economic theories, or have followed them in the past. Now we are confronted with business as it is operated or as it might be called Realbuzinezz.
And we are paying out some good 5% seed money and withholding our 15% Gst tax to get some good business. It’s a compromise we are willing to make. So let all you purists out there who would rather starve to death than put out a begging bowl find your own way to salvation.
@ greywarbler:..i think the point being made/question being asked by satty ..(which i was responding to..)
..is if we are doling out these squillions to squillionaire movie-makers..
..why aren’t we doing deals where that money is an investment..?..where the govt gets a return on that investment..if the film is a success..
..a question which in the case of avatar..is academic..
..i don’t think anyone would argue against the benefits of the movies being made here..
..it is the execution/direction that is being questioned..
..that just hand over fist spilling of squillions…
..with no return on that money..
..as satty asked..yes..it is pure cream/profit for them..
..to be trousered/to pay for new moats..
..and the like..
..it could all be done so much better..for nz..
..phillip ure..
Well yes that’s a point phillip u – we should be getting some return. I know – form a private public partnership with the film company and have a minority shareholding but get some of the returns. Brilliant.
I am so good. Me for Finance Minister. Probably couldn’t do much worse. Except I don’t know how to run a country that is borrowing money all the time and yet says that’s the right way and Labour are a bunch of dreebs. (I warn you that’s going to be my favourite word next year. I understand geeks has gone mainstream and I want a word that pings with condescension.)
cos Mr key would rather gamble on the intanglibl return of “tourism” than actually have some more certainty from having a piece of the film… anyway Warner Bros would have laughed and told him to PO. if he had asked. They are trying to save money not give away profit.
Seems Len Brown can ‘court’ as many as he likes. There is no accountability /authority to bring him into line, other than himself and the public at the next election! Sounds like a corrupt dictatorship is running our largest, out of Control city. This is not going to end well for NZ. This is a very serious mistake. Has Rodney Hyde moved to the Gold Coast yet?
hides’/the rights’ masterplan was that banks would have all of this unassailable-power..
..that was a close-one..
..phillip ure..
– A well written piece that gets to the nub of the issue
editorials – anonymous wastes of time
unless it suits you.
I guess it’s the perpetual problem though. The line between allowing an elected government to run the country and allowing people an opportunity to strongly object to something. I believe parties ought to declare their interest in coalitions with other parties prior to an election. Voters have the right to know with whom their vote will be bedded. It would certainly strengthen the “we have a mandate” idea.
As I have stated many times if people who didn’t want assets sold voted for National then we got what they deserved. There was NO doubt in my mind that if National were able to they would form a government with anyone who would let them sell assets. For that reason I agree the time to object was in 2008 and 2011.
I am not a fan of binding CIR’s because of the s59a CIR which was so full of deceptions and misleading information. People rely so heavily on those who get printed int he media or who can get postal pamphlets printed to get their information from and so much of it was misleading. Unless and until we have honesty out of the mouths of the politicians and lobbysist and the media who delve before printing press releases, CIR’s are up for hijack.
Politicians are up for hijack. Fixed it for you!
You really think people are that thick, don’t you.
So thick that we should leave important decisions, about all our lives, to 20 or so politicians. Politicians FFS. Politicians that should have their sponsors names on their shirts.
And. Just because, you, or I, individually objected to the results of one referendum, does not invalidate the concept of democracy.
The changes to the bill, which resulted from the concerns many expressed in the lead up to the referendum, improved it greatly. Sent the politicians back to the drawing board.
Why have voting at all. We could just leave everything up to our “wise” choke, politicians.
A very media coup of the duly elected Mayor of Auckland. Brown wasn’t going to lose,
so the right made a decision, a choice, between weakening him before the election or
after. Weakening him before would have be the ethical choice and made a stronger
Auckland, and so little power, but weakening him afterwards, led by media, clearly
undermines the will of Auckland. Councilers want seats at the independant Mayor
table! Something they would never had gotten either way, returned or not, had
Brown’s transgressions been brought out before his re-election. And guess what, the
right made such a strong Mayor! designed the system that way! And backed Banks, who
they should have dropped for his failure and not forced him on ACT. But hey, like
voters didn’t know Banks was extreme right, maybe the right would not have so much
trouble had Key pushed moderate right candidates rather than extreme ACT child
passport grave robbers, and what helicopter its no cabbage boat, or perk buster
busted. With company like this no wonder Key’s teflon has gone missing.
Bennett gazumped. CC finds candidate, so political alike as Bennett, but half the
size, to run in North Harbor, insuring National voters a clear choice of one.
Bennett will get listed into pariament, and North Habor will vote in the religious
party into power. North Harbor next Epson! Well unless voters get fedup being pushed
to the right, leaky moldy right wingers. Its possible to be played, sure, but will
some moderate National voters vomit less voting Labour in the seat, instead of
extreme right Nat/CC. If you vote Bennett, why wouldn’t you vote CC instead and get
Key over the line possibly, but of course that’s if you wanted to vote CC and be
played by CC. Its not about serving the voters, its about power plays to get the
rightwing cabal over the line. Desperate
“CC finds candidate, so political alike as Bennett, but half the size …”
Are we really reduced to making snide references to Paula Bennett’s weight?
Note: They are happy to throw progressives a few bones in the form of laws which don’t really cost anything. or seriously change things.
Changing the law doesn’t cost. Increasing parental education and support, does!
The sneaky cutting of funds to child mental health services, for just one example, is very obvious to us.
Watch them ignore it, if we had a referendum on changing the underlying causes of child poverty in NZ. Something which, will, like stopping asset sales, cost NACT’s sponsors money.
There was an hilarious letter in the letters column just below the editorial in the Dom/Post today.
The heading above the letter was “Helen Clark would’ve heeded the result”.
After a general whinge against John Key, saying he would plough on with asset sales, that he was telling New Zealanders their opinions don’t count, etc, etc, etc he then drifted of into a patch of inspired lunacy.
He said “By contrast, it’s my feeling that the way former prime minister Helen Clark, for example, might have handled a result that she was personally opposed to would have been to have the decency to say: “It’s not the result I personally believe is best for New Zealand, but we’re a democracy, and I respect the will pf the people. Asset sales will stop for now, but we welcome further discussion on this topic”. That’s the kind of leader I want”.
Is there anyone out there in the Blogosphere who also resides in the letter writer’s strange fantasy world where Parliament must have 99 MPs and the “anti-smacking” bill was repealed?
Not sure she would have plowed through with the same “Damn the torpedos!” attitude and two fingered salute to the NZ electorate the way Key has.
With any policy that was controversial or of national importance, she worked with the opposition to reach a consensus. Examples being the Free Trade agreement with China, and the Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Act 2007.
Also, I dont think Cullen would have let her enagage in such financial idiocy in the first place, so the question is moot.
It is strange though, every step along the way Key has said they would only sell if they got a good price. And it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the opposition, treasury, as well as independant economists that from a financial point of view, the sales will leave the government books in a worse position, and lead to higher power rises, which have knock on effects for businesses with increasing overhead, as well as more strain on the health system as more people struggle to heat their homes in the winter.
It is also very clear that the cabinet are very aware of the damage to the government books, wider economy and society.
Another thing that has not been mentioned very often is the huge missed opportunity for New Zealand small businesses.
Stock markets over the past few years have been running hot, primarily with printed money looking for actual businesses and assets to invest in.
It’s has been the perfect time for startups that have found their market, and have a good business model to float for capital and expand.
If you are a New Zealand company that was looking at an IPO; the government just ate your lunch.
And not just a bite, they ate the fucking lot.
KiwiSaver Costs, ‘cheap as chips’?
or another political hot-dog…
Not sure why they framed it as “Govt blows $5b on KiwiSaver in five years”.
That money is a down-payment on peoples retirement, and in the mean time is invested. Be nice if there was a requirement for all Kiwisaver funds to be reinvested in the New Zealand economy. In any case, it’s has not been wasted.
It’s not as if they actually got a few billion dollars in a big pile and just torched it, they way they have with the sale of New Zealands public utilities.
Perhaps we should describe the KiwiSaver scheme in something along these lines.
“KiwiSaver is a means of returning to the taxpayer some of the excessive tax levies that have been imposed on them. It is a means of allowing the normal citizen a means of choose where their retirement savings should be invested rather than having it done by an overarching state bureaucracy”.
There that would get all the National voters in favour of it and all the Labour supporters demanding that it be abolished.
The problem of forcing all the funds to be invested solely in New Zealand is that you can’t get the spread of investments that reduce risk. It is something that the Greens in particular don’t understand. They wanted to print money to restock the earthquake repair reserves and then to invest that money in New Zealand.
Similarly the Labour party seem to want to start an insurance company that will operate only in New Zealand
I would agree with you if it gets invested in the same industry within New Zealand, or if the entire New Zealand economy gets wiped off the face of the earth – Which is much more likely under a National Government (or the 4th Labour Govt – wankers).
With regard to the redistribution of tax, I imagine the rump of the National Party would be opposed to it on ideological grounds. Mind you, my dad likes Kiwisaver – and he worships the ground Roger Douglas walks on – his reasoning is that there are so many stupid people out there, that if the Govt didn’t do something to ensure they helped themselves he’s have to pay to support the lazy bludgers in the end anyway.
I think the Labour Partys Insurance thing is a good idea, but its hardly an amazing, “wow”, kinda policy.
Introduce into the market a company that is required to re-insure to appropriate levels and doesn’t make excessive profits to keep the rest of the buggers from taking the piss. And any profits stay in NZ Same principle as KiwiBank
It’s not rocket surgery.
The Greens paper detailing QE through earthquake bonds, was actually a well thought out idea, for that particular place and time.
It would have reduced borrowing, kicked inflation up a couple of points when it had completely flatlined due to zero demand, stabilised the exchange rate, resulted in a much better balance of payments, and saved some, if not a significant number of the 40,000 manufacturing jobs that went to the wall over that 12 month period.
The “sky is falling” reaction to Dr Normans paper was quite bizaare as it was obvious that most people didnt read it, and really didn’t understand the principles behind it.
It would have been nice if there had been at least a rational, reality based conversation about it.
Instead, we borrowed a shitload of money that someone else printed.
We got higher government debt, inflation (and demand) remained flatlined, manufacturers and exporters (along with 10’s of thousands of jobs) went to the wall, and our balance of payments got worse.
Result! Good work Mr English.
If you want examples of utter fiscal incompetence, you need look no further than the current government.
Hmm. I won’t get into a catfight with you over which party is the worst economic manager. Let’s just agree to disagree.
The description of KiwiSaver I offered was just a lighthearted attempt to describe it in such a way that both sides of politics might reflexively take the opposite line to their normal one.
If you are going to set up an insurance company that only operates in New Zealand you would have to reinsure almost all the house and contents cover overseas. Surely that would be accomplished most easily by having the insurance offered by multinationals that are inherently globally spread. Why bring in a middleman? As for a KiwiAssure being somehow “better” and “fairer” etc than an overseas version? Well you are aware that KiwiBank are under the gun for the unfair fees they have been accused of charging, aren’t you?
As far as the Earthquake fund goes. It is a long time since I looked at it but if my memory serves me they wanted to invest the fund in New Zealand. That is absolutely insane. If you ever needed the money, after another earthquake in Wellington say, it would be exactly the time that you didn’t have the werewithal to sell assets and use the funds to pay out on the earthquake damage. A good chunk of the assets would have been destroyed and would need replacing themselves. If you think you can simply print money and invest it overseas than you have a great deal more faith in the cupidity of International bankers than I do. I may have forgotten the details of Norman’s proposal of course but I do remember thinking that what he was suggesting would only lead to inflation. That may have been what he wanted of course. It gives you a good opportunity to claim that people have made (fake) capital gains and to tax the hell out of them.
it’s ok, English is setting himself for a lolly scramble in election year with veiled comments about tax cuts… and no mention of the 65b government debt despite this from English
“Now it’s time to pay down debt and get our books in order.” English 2013
“Questions for oral answer
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House of Representatives
2 July 2013
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Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) for Tuesday, 2 July 2013
6. State-owned Assets, Sales—Purpose and Use of Proceeds
[Sitting date: 02 July 2013. Volume:691;Page:11416. Text is incorporated into the Bound Volume.]
6. Hon DAVID PARKER (Labour) to the Minister of Finance: Are the proceeds from selling power companies and other assets being used to pay down debt, to build schools and hospitals, to fund irrigation projects, to rebuild Christchurch, or to fund Auckland transport projects?
Hon BILL ENGLISH (Minister of Finance) : The Government has been clear that the proceeds of the share offer programme will be used to buy a variety of new public assets and will help the Government avoid having to borrow to procure those assets. The Future Investment Fund was outlined in Budget 2012 and further details were provided in Budget 2013. The purpose of that fund is to ensure complete transparency about the spending of the proceeds from asset sales. The Budget confirmed another $1.5 billion of these proceeds will be invested in schools, Christchurch hospitals, KiwiRail, and irrigation projects. However, the share offer proceeds are only a proportion of the Government’s overall new capital spending.
Hon David Parker : Does he agree with John Key that asset sales are necessary to “avoid a credit downgrade”, or does he agree with Tony Ryall that asset sales are necessary to pay down debt, or does he agree with another John Key that asset sales would be used to build new schools and hospitals, or does he agree with Nathan Guy that money would be used to subsidise irrigation on multimillion-dollar farms, or does he agree with Gerry Brownlee that asset sales money be used to rebuild Christchurch, or does he agree with yet another John Key that asset sales will fund the Auckland rail link?
Hon David Parker : How much funding has already been allocated for spending from asset sales via the Future Investment Fund, and how much has actually been raised for the Future Investment Fund from asset sales to date?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : The details of that are set out in the Budget, but, as the member will be aware, the Government’s programme hopes to realise between $5 billion and $7 billion, which is, actually, quite a lot of money. I would have to say that that $5 billion to $7 billion is much more useful as cash than it is as 49 percent shares in electricity companies owned by the Government.
Hon David Parker : I seek leave to table documents showing that $1.7 billion has so far been raised—
Mr SPEAKER : What is the source of the document?
Hon David Parker : There is a combination of documents: the National Party manifesto and Treasury documents.
Mr SPEAKER : No, both are freely available to members if they so want it. Has the member got a supplementary question?
Hon David Parker : Yes. Why does he continue to claim asset sales will reduce debt when Treasury—his own department—states that from 2017 the Crown is worse off to the tune of $50 million a year, growing to $100 million a year worse off because of asset sales thereafter?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : We do not claim it will reduce debt. What we have said it will mean is that the Crown does not have to go and borrow the money from overseas bankers. We have never understood why Labour and the Greens would rather borrow money from offshore bankers than get the money from New Zealanders who want to invest in a large New Zealand company.
Hon David Parker : Has he been advised that in January 2011 John Key said the Government needed to sell power companies and other State assets to avoid a credit downgrade; if so, is he aware that 8 months later New Zealand was downgraded by both Standard and Poor’s and Fitch Ratings?
Hon BILL ENGLISH : Yes, I am aware of those things. I am also aware that the sale of the assets means that 49 percent of the ownership has gone largely to New Zealanders but also to some offshore investors. In return for that, they have put cash in the Government’s bank account. I know it is profoundly irritating to the Labour Party, but we are able to use that cash to buy new public assets. The public is starting to understand that Labour’s arguments against the asset sales were poorly conceived and wrong.”
I recall when cullen did this in 2008 it was “lolly scramble”
” English told reporters at the Treasury lockup today that tax cuts were “unlikely” next year, although the $1b of ACC cuts in the pipeline are a proxy for that.
But they surely cannot be ruled out longer term, though he is not about to get ahead of himself, or blow a powerful political weapon for the next campaign by signalling them this early.
Next year, though, a contingent promise of tax cuts – at the least a move on the thresholds to counter the “fiscal creep” that pushes taxpayers into higher tax brackets – must at least be an option on these numbers.” English 2013
“National Party Finance spokesman Bill English says if Michael Cullen is not planning an election year spend-a-thon, why did Helen Clark say ‘it has taken a while to build up the kitty for a substantial tax package’?
He is responding to a speech today in which the Finance Minister referred to Labour’s laughable claim that it is maintaining a ‘tight fiscal stance’ and the statement that there will be no ‘lolly scramble’ in election year.
“Dr Cullen has presided over the biggest spending Government in New Zealand history. Labour’s spending has consistently outstripped economic growth, productivity growth has slumped, and Kiwis have been leaving for Australia in droves.
“It has taken Dr Cullen eight years to start thinking about refunding some of the money he has taken from hard-working Kiwis through over-taxation.Â
“In the last Budget he signed off on some $4 billion in total of over-spending, even though he warned his colleagues that not sticking to their limit would keep interest rates higher for longer.
“Kiwi households are paying for Labour’s last lolly scramble, with interest rates which are among the highest in the developed world, coupled with rates that put us in the top half of the OECD for being overtaxed.”
The ANZ makes it clear in its latest Market Focus newsletter that ‘the biggest losers in an inflationary environment are middle to low income households’.” English 2007
Hone was very good on Morning Report this morning, a stark contrast to Key’s whining.
Key really doesn’t get the Mandela/anti-Apartheid thing. Not only does he take a delegation of largely pro-tour representatives (Sharples, late in the day, claiming he was there to represent the protesters, though nobody can remember him protesting) to SA but he then slags off Hone Harawira, who everyone accepts did lead protests, for attending several memorial services and Mandela shrines/museums, in a trip undertaken for the express purpose of representing the protesters.
I’ve never thought Key was much of a politician, or much of a charmer for that matter, but he is really digging himself into a hole here.
That’s because he likely has given the issue literally, no moral thought. Not the issue of the South Africa trip; the issue of apartheid and the oppression of the majority by a small minority. It’s what he does every day, for goodness sakes.
CV +1
“I’ve never thought Key was much of a politician, or much of a charmer for that matter, but he is really digging himself into a hole here.”
Actually if you looked at the comments on stuff when it was first announced that Hone was going to go, there was a huge anti-Hone backlash.
If those people are representative of middle NZ, then Key slamming Hone, for absolutely anything Hone does except turn water into wine, is a vote-winner for him.
You’re onto it there Lanthanide.
Key is simply doing a Brash and tapping into the swathe of kiwis who will support anything to put Maori “in their place”.
Key is an outright racist for this.
edit: actually, not quite onto it lanth. your assumption that this reflects “middle” is out there
I don’t assume it. I said “if those…”
Having grown up in middle class pakeha Auckland, it’s representative of a lot more than I think most people realise.
And that’s not even considering the uneducated rednecks.
@ Lanthanide(8.2), VTO(8.2.1) and Naturesong(
Oh that sounds like it might be horribly accurate what you both say 🙁
…perhaps I might exchange ‘political institutions’ for ‘political spin’ or ‘dogwhistles’ and I think this following quote of Rousseau sums up my views on the attitudes of the group of NZers you speak of.
Its truly deeply saddening if what you say is correct.
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
A ‘Jolly’, so says Slippery the Prime Minister of Mana Party leader Hone Harawira’s trip to the funeral of Nelson Mandela,
Whining that Harawira wasn’t part of the ‘official party’ and therefor should not have gone to the funeral in South Africa would seem on the surface to be from the PM a simple attempt at diversion, the diversion from what can only be described as an atrocious display from Slippery the PM and the British Prime Minister David Cameron as they were photographed at the ‘official service’ for Mandela laughing uproariously,
No matter what any of us think of Nelson Mandela, He is respected the world over as one of the ‘great’ Statesmen of our age and for the Prime Minister of New Zealand to be publicly seen to be making ‘light’ of the official funeral service for leaders from across the whole world, giving the gravity of the service the air of a mere scherzando, a joke, shows our Prime Minister as unfit to hold this office,
Far from being asked to explain His actions during the approved trip by the House Speaker, Harawira should be applauded for attending services including a private ceremony at the Mandela House, the Speaker should be writing to Slippery the PM asking why He felt the need to breach the Parliamentary Convention that Members do not comment on other Members absence from the Parliament as this is a Privelege reserved entirely to the House Speaker,
What tho is exercising Slippery’s sphincter this early on in the week after the Parliament has risen for the year, did the ‘spin-meisters’ on the ninth floor give Him the message that every time He attacks the Green Party, far from the desired effect, they go up in the polls,
Or did the latest round of National Party internal polling give the PM’s arse muscle cause to tighten in such a painful manner that His vocal chords began a litany in the language of the ‘Clown’ as they exposed for the PM ‘the elephant in the room’ in the form of Mana having enough support to bring into the next Parliament the form of John Minto on the Party List…
i think a lot of people would like to see john minto in parliament..
..y’see..he has this record of being on the right side of history..eh..?
..phillip ure..
Not nearly enough to get him there though Phil.
Mana got 24,168 votes in the end. To get Minto into Parliament, assuming that all the other parties got the same number of votes as they did at the election, Mana would have had to have got 45,810 votes. They only got about half the number they needed.
But they have a much better shot at it in the upcoming election. Remember 2011 was the first election Mana had contested.
It’s possible although the polls don’t seem to point that way. Three seats needs about 2.3% of the vote and I haven’t seen any polls giving Mana a figure that high.
If Labour run Kelvin Davis against Hone though it might all be moot as Hone might be beaten.
@alwyn..also the media ignored harawira last time..
..that wont happen next time..
..plus the poverty-fighting policies etc of mana (and the do-something-about-it!-imperatives are much more urgent than they were last time..
..plus the disintergration of the maori party is almost complete..
..and again..this was not the case last time around..
..so mana doubling their vote (at the very least)..
..and thus getting minto in as an mp..
..is eminently do-able..
..and as an aside.. personally..i reckon one of the few good things to come from the death of nelson mandela..
..has been what i see as the seachange in attitude of many mainstream nz’ers/media towards minto and the other demonstrators against apartheid..
..what has been bought sharply into their focus..is how they..(not the muldoons/bolgers/mckinnons/keys)..were on the right side of history..and on the right side of right/wrong..
..and how in the grand new zealand scheme of things..
..for their moral courage/convictions..
..minto et.al are their generations’ heroes..warriors even..
..they were all standing on the right side of history..
..and on the right side of that right/wrong divide..
..phillip ure..
Not sure about the sea change.
The media in New Zealand defaults toward advertising, and if giving the National Party a bit of a stir every now and again sells a few papers, they are happy to do so. It also allows them to say “look, we’re unbiased – see, we really took it to John Key on that social issue”.
I had expected the honeymoon to end when John Key had jack booted thugs charge into the herald offices at the last election.
But for the editors, and owners of New Zealands mainstream media organisations Upton Sinclair comes to mind
And for the rump of the National Party, Carl Sagan
Speaking of Minto and Mandela, here’s a (typically) excellent audio comment by Wayne Brittenden (Nat Rad, Sunday Morning, 15 Dec 2013 11:36am) on Obama living up to his own soaring rhetoric at Mandela’s funeral.
Here: http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/player/2579951
This is an excerpt form 1:24 – 3:19: “Obama also spoke of the great inspiration of Mandela, the importance of inclusion, generosity and truth, the power of action and of taking risks. The (US) President has the perfect opportunity for promoting those values by taking a tough stand against another State practising a form of Apartheid – an ally, Israel. Even South Africa’s Apartheid never built a Wall – twice the height of the Berlin one, complete with sniper-posts and checkpoints limiting free Palestinian movement and economic development. There are even buses and roads that are segregated. The World rose up against the injustices in South Africa – it has yet to do the same against the long-standing injustices in Gaza and on the West Bank.
Exactly 13 years ago, Nelson Mandela attended the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people and called for their self-determination and statehood. He said that his own people’s freedom was incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians…….The truth is Israeli-style Apartheid wouldn’t be possible without the immense political and economic backing of the US. What better way then for Obama to honour the memory of the man he so deeply admired than by slashing the 3 Billion dollars that the US gives Israel each year in military aid, along with the caterpillars that demolish houses, water supplies and Olive Orchards.”
Wayne Brittenden
gets my vote for taking over from Chris Laidlaw.
A little bit on him from Paper Plus he has written a book on NZ Theatre)
Wayne Brittenden is a New Zealand journalist who has worked overseas for most of his career. A former National Radio correspondent in Tokyo, he later worked for the BBC and now works as an independent documentary maker, based in London. He has done extensive research in New Zealand for this book.
Then there is something interesting about him near the end of page on Wikipedia about Political Compass.
Cheers, greywarbler. I’ve sat the Political Compass test myself (Left and Liberal, as it turns out). But I had no idea Wayne Brittenden was behind it !
On the SA Apartheid / Israeli Apartheid comparisons, I’d say that, if anything, Brittenden doesn’t quite go far enough. For a start, the most important point about the so-called ‘Separation Wall’ is surely that Israel has built it DEEP inside Palestinian territory, to act as a defacto future border – completely and utterly in contravention of International Law.
And, it’s a little to mild to say “There are even buses and roads that are segregated.” Israel has constructed a whole series of Jewish Settler-only Highways throughout the Palestinian West Bank (as part of its ethnic-cleansing and land-appropriation goals). So, it’s systematic segregation throughout the Occupied Territories on land, water resources, building and so on.
But, it’s the ethnic cleansing itself that bears a striking resemblance to the latter stages of SA Apartheid – the same attempt to force the occupied/oppressed population into small Bantustan-style enclaves, thus enforcing dispossession.
Israel sounds Fascist. Would you define it as being in that part of the political scene?
And idle curiosity. Is Swordfish chosen because of thinking about an old type of plane? I saw a mention of one in a photo history of WW2.
Well, you know, greywarbler, the Zionism on which Israel was established derives from precisely the same deeply reactionary, anti-Enlightenment ideological mix that so inspired the Nazis. Namely, German Imperialism and East-Central European Romantic Nationalism. ‘Blut und Bone’.
Zionism’s always been, first and foremost, about ethnically-cleansing the Palestinians in order to carve-out an overwhelmingly Jewish (they’d prefer ENTIRELY Jewish) ‘Greater Israel’. Much like the Nazis wanted an entirely German, ethnically-cleansed, Eastern Europe (and Ukraine, Belorussia and Baltic States).
And, of course, the Israeli Right were openly fascist during the first half of 20C. (Jabotinsky’s Revisionist movement – which included future Israeli PMs Shamir and Begin). Not that I’m suggesting the Israeli Labour Party is much better. The differences across the mainstream Israeli political spectrum are far more marginal (particularly with respect to aims and strategies in the Occupied Territories) than a lot of people in the West would like to think.
Bad mistake for Labour Party people here to assume its entirely the fault of Lukid and its allies (although, pleasingly, very few do these days). In fact, in some ways, the Israeli Lab Party’s been worse. Throughout the so-called ‘Peace-Process’ of the 1990s, for instance, both Labour and Lukid governments alike massively expanded their illegal network of Jewish Settler-only Highways throughout the West Bank. And the supposedly “dovish” Labour Party under first Rabin and then Peres, have an even worse record than Lukid in that regard.
Swordfish. No, I’m something of a Tom Waits fan and I’ve always particularly liked his 1983 stand-out album ‘Swordfishtrombones’. But, I’m also a bit of a lazy bugger, at least to the extent that, after writing “swordfish”, I just couldn’t be arsed typing out the rest of the name. Sad but true.
But, yeah, I do have a vague idea that the swordfish was a British Naval aircraft during WW2.
Also known as the stringbag because it was a biplane. Top speed was something like 90mph. But it did some very nasty damage to the Italian fleet at ? Taranto.
So I heard, with a good headwind, Italian battleships could outrun them. Played a major role in disabling the Bismarck.
Good album too.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why Key has launched this broadside at Harawira. Probably it boils down to nothing more than his ego is bruised by being laughed about as the ‘unidentified guest’ at Cameron’s side and he wants to create a bit of a diversion. Such are the weighty issues of moment on Planet Key.
See my reply at 8.2: http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-17122013/#comment-746327
because he suspects swing voters are anti-Maori?
and yet not one word against Mr Bank’s behaviour.
Didn’t even read the Banks report!!!
“Far from being asked to explain His actions during the approved trip by the House Speaker, Harawira should be applauded for attending services including a private ceremony at the Mandela House, the Speaker should be writing to Slippery the PM asking why He felt the need to breach the Parliamentary Convention that Members do not comment on other Members absence from the Parliament as this is a Privelege reserved entirely to the House Speaker”………….
Indeed Harawira should be applauded. He did the right thing and in the right spirit. Key knows nothing of mana and nothing of the heart and just saw a cheap opportunity to be divisive and wanky.
Key has shot to buffoon level 10 for his tacky comments.
Perhaps you could ask the same question of Winston Peters and some of the Labour MPs. They quite happily pont out in Question time that Key is never there on a Thursday. No Prime Minister, or Leader of the Opposition does attend on Thursday of course, at least in the last 20 years, but it doesn’t stop the Opposition rabbiting on of course.
alwyn, the assertion you make here has all the appearnce of an out-right LIE, Slippery the Prime Minister is also well known for this type of conversation,
Provide us the proof of the assertion you make…
I’ll track down the reference after you do the following.
Provide us with the proof that John Key has pointed out that a member of the opposition was absent from the house.
I don’t feel like bothering to justify my comments to someone who makes unsubstantiated statements of his/her own.
Bullshit. You’re making the claim. Back it up.
Yesterday, as reported on Stuff.
As quoted in the article, Key says the same in the accompanying video:
I watch Question time quite a lot. I’ve never heard opposition MPs comment about Key’s absence from the House on Thursdays.
I’ve seen non-Mp commenters here comment on it.
Maybe they have, maybe they haven’t.
I don;t really give a shit.
Key brought this up. It’s a fight he wanted to start for some reason.
Go read kiwiblog comments on it and you’ll see why.
Flat out racist dog whistle. “The lazy Maori, who does he think he is? How dare he be right”
You will note that the statement made by Rosie. It said that “the speaker should be writing to the PM asking why he felt the need to breach the Parliamentary convention etc, etc”. The Parliamentary convention she is referring to one of the Rules of the House and relates to what a member can say in the chamber. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what any member says outside the house. If the Rules of the House applied to everything a member said in all circumstances we wouldn’t have any of them left.
So no, your quotation doesn’t answer what I am asking for.
Actually Winston’s complaint, as I remember it, was when he complained about the Government transferring a question to another Minister so that John Key could avoid being in Parliament that day.
I am not sure whether I should feel sorry for you or congratulate you on your bravery for wathching Question time. I generally read it through but I don’t think I could take watching it.
In terms of being in the House on Thursday, no PM or Leader of the Opposition is ever there. John Key isn’t and Helen Clark wasn’t. Neither were the various Leaders of the Opposition on both sides.
If you read QT as thouroughly as you read this thread then it’s little wonder you have no idea who is saying what in the house.
In terms of being in the House on Thursday, no PM or Leader of the Opposition is ever there. John Key isn’t and Helen Clark wasn’t. Neither were the various Leaders of the Opposition on both sides.
FFS, we all know that, and it has nothing to do with the issue.
Winnie’s complaint sounds like ones he would make about Key deliberately dodging answering questions in the House. Key does that one slippery way or another. It’s not the same as being critical of someone not being in the House.
LOL. The statement was made by bad12. I was quoting him. Theres two parts to that statement. One is about applauding Hone for being in S.A, the second about Shoneky inappropriately raising Hone’s absence in parliament (in a mocking way – those 4 words are mine)
My main response was around Hone doing the right thing. I had a swipe at Key, as an aside.
My comment is a mere agreement with bad12 who went to the bother to thoughtfully reflect on shonkey’s lack of parliamentary protocol and general desperation which manifests in his petty outbursts.
+1 Rosie (9.4)
+100 …Good on Harawira for going to South Africa as NZ’s real representative !
( Harawira puts John Key to shame ….and Key’s false wannabe pretenders hangers on…NZ’s shame! contingent )
….and GO GREENS for also showing up Key and his moribund NACT Party…and getting under Key’s skin ….
Something in the polling has scared John Key . The prospect of Mana MP’s and Labour party vote in all the Maori seats? This feels a lot like the attacks on Winston Peters before the 2008 election. Trying to tie Hone up in a negative fight and maybe even cost him large lawyer’s fees.
So congrats Hone, Nact see you as a real threat.
The ‘unidentified guest’ at the Mandela memorial service used the term ‘jollies’ in referring to Speaker approved pilgrimage of Hone Harawira MP. The latter represented the spirit of anti-apartheid New Zealanders in places of spiritual significance while the former took his pro-racist ex MP/PM stooges to the forum of the grand-standers to joke with his mate Dave. Once again, John Key has resorted to Textor Crosby type smear lines when he has been upstaged by a person who often demonstrates the sort of statesmanship that the petulant Prime Minister is never likely to attain.
[lprent: Already banned. Another IP for autospam. ]
[lprent: Already banned. Another IP for autospam. ]
Please Fair Observer do stand for the mayoralty of wherever you are or even as councillor.
NZ needs exemplary people like you counting the cents, and checking on the cleanliness of toilets, and phoning all the homes of fellow dignitaries to see if they are home and tucked up in bed (with their own spouses) by 10 pm. We need people who have high moral energy to get a good night’s sleep ready to attend to the duties of their office and who keep their orifices clean as well.
You are wasted as someone just sitting sniping at the miscreants. There’s a saying that if you want a job done properly, do it yourself – it’s just so right. Creeping corruption must be dealt with and you’re the person to do it.
And yet he will win the next mayoral election. And the one after that and the one after that …
Would you be pleased with such an outcome? Why?
Would prefer Penny Hulse. Her attempts to work on affordable housing and her voting record against SkyCity would give her my vote. Have my fingers crossed that Len will stand down next election and she will step up to the plate.
I will be watching to see how Hulse performs at the Thursday public meeting. The problem is that she also needs to draw in campaign funds & the usual way to do that is to
suck upappeal to some of those who lean more to “neoliberalism”.Hulse always comes across well (as caring for the less well off, etc) in interviews/panel discussions.
She also gets actual work done.
And seems to take the job of representing her constituents seriously.
Perhaps you missed this Karol?
24 June 2013
‘Open Letter’ from Auckland Mayoral candidate Penny Bright to Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse:
“Are you a genuine community advocate or corporate /property developer MOUTH PIECE?”
Dear Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse,
In the 2010 Auckland Council election, you stood as an ‘Independent’, and quoted the following glowing endorsement from Sir Ron Carter, about your ‘commitment and ability to look after business interests’ :
Commercial Activities
I think the endorsement of my campaign for Auckland Council by Sir Ron Carter speaks volumes about my commitment and ability to look after business interests. Ron says “Our city needs Councillors who will apply their knowledge and experience for the good of all. A great Council team will be built from those who respect and commit to each other. Penny’s wisdom and consensus style will help create a Council for all Aucklanders. We need her on our Council.”
Who is Sir Ron Carter:
In 2010 – Sir Ron Carter was the Chair of the Committee for Auckland:
Session 1, July 20th – Why? – What’s the case for creating a super city? Why do we need to change regional governance structures to do so?
Peter Salmon, Chairman of the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance,
Bob Harvey, Waitakere City Mayor, and
Sir Ron Carter, Committee for Auckland Chairman.
Who are the Committee for Auckland:
“Our vision: Auckland as a global city.
In 2013 we will be an influential voice for all of Auckland, creating cross-sectoral solutions to the city’s issues andfocusing on a future beyond the electoral cycle helping New Zealand’s only world-ranked city to achieve its potential for the region and the country.
The Committee for Auckland (CFA) has played a prominent role in galvanising positive change for our city. Our members are all specialists in the city’s issues and fervent advocates for its success. Having contributed significantly to the new shape of Auckland as one city, 2013 is the platform for a re-focused Committee to drive the agenda for Auckland as a world leading destination as well as the welcoming gateway to New Zealand.”
Membership of the Committee for Auckland:
“Membership to the Committee for Auckland is by invitation. Members meet quarterly and are invited to be involved in those aspects of the work programme that interest them.
Members are Chairs of Boards, Directors and Chief Executives
Corporate Membership annual fee $10,000. ……”
The current list of members of the Committee for Auckland:
(It is interesting to note how members of this VERY powerful private lobby group are intertwined with Auckland Council and Auckland Council ‘Council Controlled Organisations’ (CCOs).
For starters…………….
Doug McKay Chief Executive Officer Auckland Council
Brett O’Riley Chief Executive Officer ATEED
Robert Domm Chief Executive Officer Regional Facilities Auckland
Mark Ford Chief Executive Officer Watercare
John Dalzell Chief Executive Officer Waterfront Auckland
Also, how the Committee for Auckland includes key members of the NZ Property Council and property developers, such as…………)
Connal Townsend National Director Property Council of NZ
Evan Davies Chief Executive Officer Todd Property Ltd
On the face of it, Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse, your range of ‘community credentials’ appears impressive:
About Penny Hulse
Penny has strong links with her community and cares passionately about the Auckland region.
Her community involvement includes Patron of Waitakere Special Olympics, Community Waitakere Charitable Trust, Henderson Riding for the Disabled, The Trust Waitakere Brass Band, Northern Football Association, Trustee of Swanson Railway Station Trust, Waitakere Anti Violence Essential Services and former Director of EECA Board.
Penny’s special areas of interest are Climate Change, Sustainable City Development, Environmental Advocacy, Community Development and Youth. …………”
However, the reality, in my considered opinion, is that you cannot work simultaneously both for the community (the ‘99%’ ), and corporations/property developers (the ‘1%’).
It is my intention as a 2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate to continue to ‘blow the whistle’, against the the ‘corrupt corporate coup’ which set up the Auckland ‘Supercity’, and those who are serving the interests of the ‘1%’.
In my considered opinion, Auckland Council Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse, you are NOT a genuine community advocate – you are in fact, a corporate /property developer MOUTH PIECE, working for the ‘1%’.
No disrespect – but I shall ‘call it as I see it’.
(I don’t expect you to like it).
So be it.
Yours sincerely
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation’ campaigner
2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate
(For more evidence linking the Committee for Auckland with Auckland Council :
Yes, Penny. I’ve seen that before.
I disagree.
Hulse was deputy mayor for Waitakere City and worked well within that structure. The problem is as much the way the amalgamated Auckland Council has been set up. It/’s impossible for anybody to become mayor without some support in the business community, corporations etc. It may not be my ideal. But as far as I can see, Hulse is about the best potential candidate that I am aware of at the moment. She would be better than Brown.
I have not seen any evidence of corruption by Hulse. She does have a fairly consultative consensus building style.
if it’s a choice between the likes of Brewer or Hulse. I’ll take Hulse.
Good on you for taking a strong stand against corruption and the rule of the elites. But meanwhile, many people in Auckland are struggling to survive. Hulse does have a heart.
Well can the ratepayers ask if they are footing the $10,000 annual membership per corporation joining the Committe for Auckland? I’ll bet they are and it’l be used for stuff they I don’t agree with I bet.
Actually that committee for Auckland, while it includes a lot of corporates, also includes Unis, The City Mission, The Salvation Army and others.
Yes the membership fee seems pretty high. What do they do with it? Ah, they have projects.
Like matching skills of migrants and others to employers. Why the focus first on migrants?
But I would need to see evidence of how they go about doign things before I can make a decision.
And, ultimately, it seems to me the problems with Auckland Council re far wider than any one individual. The problem is the CCOs, which have too much power and are unaccountable.; and with the relative lack of power for the elected representatives.
That’s what needs to be the focus.
Thanks Karol. I’m always a bit suspicious about what happens to this sort of funding – out of the public eye as it is.
And before they can bring in guest workers why do these companies not have to prove they or their industry has a well established training facilty plus paid internships for younger people/students and a pathways in programme for older people in need of a career change before they can plead skills shortages and bring in people from overseas.
[lprent: Already banned. Another IP for autospam. ]
Yep. Brown will continue to win every mayoral election he stands in. Call it the Clinton factor, if you like, but the right have no answer for him.
Good on the councillors for taking a stand. They are trying to take a small step to make Hide’s anit-democratic monstrosity into something a little more democratic.
The whole Auckland Council infrastructure needs to be reviewed and restructured – with more real say for councillors and local boards. These are the people who are meant to represent their local communities. We don’t need a presidential style mayor. Nor do we need the undemocratic CCOs with their overpaid chief execs.
The real corruption was done in 2010, by Hide and Key’s mob. imagine what dodgy John Banks would have done if elected mayor? Major pay-back to Dotcom, Sky City etc?
“National has a big asset sale problem” Peter Dunne does too, in his electorate. The fabulous chart in yesterdays article shows a 49.1% turnout with a 64.6% NO vote for the electorate. Will that make Dunney boy squirm?
So this interesting result doesn’t go unnoticed, we at People’s Power Ohariu have been busy with our placard making. Every time something awkward comes up for Dunne (GCSB vote, Sky City vote, meridian sale failure etc) we turn that into a message on one of our “Hey Peter!” themed placards that we put in place in a few of the neighbourhoods in the electorate.
Currently on display is
“Hey Peter! Ohariu 65% NO. Sold out by 1 vote: Yours!”
Our signs look like this
The next one, all ready to go is “Hey Peter! Family Man? Voting No on Feed the Kids?”
Keep up the good pressure
Well done Rosie and People’s Power Ohariu!
It is a minor revelation of the year that asset sales were/are not supported by a lot of tory voters. This was well known anecdotally but there is now more solid information following the referendum.
Now you need to get the Greens to agree not to stand against Dunne. Urgent this.
They have already selected their candidate BG. I can’t remember where I read it so can’t link it. I read it about two weeks ago. They are standing a guy who I think stood for Rimutaka last time. His background is in Civil Defense.
Disappointing. I thought Greens and Labour may have come to an agreement. In the meantime I’ve written to the NZLP via their website and asked when they will announce their candidate. Am really keen to know who it is.
Cyclists don’t have disk breaks, they don’t have mirrors, road works means they can’t hear you. Worse! Cyclists need to turn right, cyclists are human, they make mistakes, but like cars, who you give way to because of the cost of a dent, you still need to give way to because you would give way to bad car drivers. So imagine my shock to have a motorcyclist shout something out, could not make out what, possible somehow I infringed on his line. Is breaking for a cyclist is so bad? In a suburb back street where you should be slowing down anyway, cyclists aren’t cars but that still doesn’t mean you get to ride or drive up to them close, because bicycles are also something else, they are unstable, with unstable humans on them, unprotected by a high powered engine and working power brakes. Geez, already.
Sounds like we’ve got a Bike culture to fight and overcome.
Seems that the UK SFO is also having problems doing their job?
Penny Bright
Some SFO successes in NZ but the main focus of Government is using vast resources on catching the Benefit Fraudsters. 10 Benefit marshals for every SFO marshal sent to catch million dollar fraud.
How Wall Street Crooks Get Out of Jail Free
Not just NZ/UK SFO but the US equivalent as well.
But then it could just be a lot of cases of affluenza
There is to be a protest calling on Len Brown to resign tomorrow – Wednesday – outside the Town Hall at 12 noon and for councillors to unite and move a motion of no confidence in the mayor. Anyone wanting to support the calling for Brown’s resignation will be welcome. Several of the councillors have been asked to address the gathering.
As far as I know, the only councillor calling for Brown to resign is Dick Quax. Are you his PR person?
Certainly not karol. I have no affiliation to any political party, I am an Auckland ratepayer who has had enough of the dishonourable attitudes and deeds shown to hold office in Auckland. It should not be a divisive right vs left issue. unity and honour should be the ambition of our council.
“Ratepayer”, huh? Defining yourself thus is also telling.
Euan is a WO regular who once suggested scab workers at the Ports of Auckland should get commendations from the council. Just another frothing flea.
Thanks, TRP. Figures. My experience of people who label themselves as (neutral) “ratepayers”, seem to think property owners (especially the more wealthy ones) have a privileged status in local democracy. They don’t usually speak for the less well off in Auckland, nor for us renters (who pay rates indirectly through rent).
Unite left and right? Yeah, right. T’is WO & Quax who have been trying to usurp democracy and pressure Brown to resign by fair means or foul.
I’ll wait to see what the majority of councillors have to say at the Auckland meeting on Thursday.
“It should not be a divisive right vs left issue”
So if Brown resigns, who becomes mayor?
Someone who can proudly wear the title of ‘Honourable’. Anyone who can represent Auckland and, as I noted above, has the ambition to unite. The majority of Aucklanders couldn’t give a care if the new mayor was left right or centre, as long as they really did have a passion about Auckland and our future together.
Banks>? for instance……………………..
He would not get my support!
Yet you voted for him. Funny old world, eh?
Your memory is good. But you didn’t mention that it was under protest, and that I would never vote for him again. But hey, don’t let the truth get in the way of how you want things spun, and before you go off half cocked again, the comment I made was that he would not get my vote for mayor, and yes I would happily vote for a left leaning mayor if I believed she or he would be honourable and capable of leading this city.
how stupid do you have to be to vote for someone “under protest”?
Really, really stupid. And deluded.
Voted for Banks under protest.
Aww. Bless.
So cute. Like a little lost puppy 😛
The Fabian Society in London has released a report on the problems facing London.. A few similarities to those facing us here at home.
It was instigated by the Labour MP for Tooting, Sadiq Khan who believes Housing, housing, housing is the priority for London.
The report notes the difference between calling developments affordable housing, and the actuality of it being affordable. Brings to mind the trumpeting of Isaac Davidson for Nick Smith and the “success” of the newly released tranche of SHA’s.
Another Labour Party selection has just been announced.
Rob McCann selected as Otaki Candidate
I know nothing about Rob other than what is in the (very good) press release, but his credentials look very positive.
Rob McCann is a communications and marketing expert, and has been the White Ribbon Campaign Manager since 2009. He was a press secretary to Ruth Dyson in the last Labour Government and more recently headed the drive to collect signatures for the Asset sales referendum in the Otaki electorate. Educated at Otago University with a Law and Drama degree, he is a keen debater and was a former president of the Otago University debating society.
Mr McCann is also the chair of the Paraparaumu Branch of the Labour Party, chaired the Region Three Labour Party Conference, and sits on the Labour Rural & Regional Sector Council.
Otaki had the highest turnout in the referendum at 54% with Nos at 66.7% so an excellent result.
I also like the quotes attributed to Rob in the press statement on the Otaki result – clear and to the point.
I am currently looking at moving from Wellington (Rongotai electorate) to the Kapiti coast and this could be another incentive to do so.
Wasn’t there another Labour candidate announced yesterday?
There have been several announced over the last few days. I thought there were some comments on TS yesterday but cannot find them (cursory look only).
Here is the first on Sunday – Dr Deborah Russell for Rangitikei.
Farrar has a post up at KB (my first visit for months earlier today – then had a shower) on Deborah’s selection and posters there seem to think that there have been other LP selections in the last few days (eg Tauranga) , but I cannot find any announcements on Scoop or the LP website.
A comment on the KB post says
“To add to Deborah Russell and Rachel Jones, Clare Curren tweeted yesterday that Liz Craig (Clutha Southland) and Glenda Alexander (Waitaki) have also been selected for Labour.
It would seem that the manban is already well into top gear.”
As you can imagine the thread there deteriorates into manban and slating Deborah etc – despite Farrar having praised Deborah in his post.
Thanks. I can only find those two candidates as well.
It is a shame these are not winnable seats …
I don’t know the others but I do know Liz Craig. She is highly intelligent and dedicated and would be great in Parliament, hopefully through the list. I hope not to sound too defensive but the day we win Clutha Southland …
Remember that Waitaki, albeit with different boundaries, was held by David Parker for one term.
Have National chosen a real farmer this time or a pretend one like English he career bureaucrat?
I strongly suspect that Farrar’s problem is that he has been personally manbanned from the social lives of any women who get within a kilometre of him. If the “manban” can get rid of Goff, Mallard, Jones, and Parker, I’m all for it. I’d willingly accept 100% women in parliament. I doubt if much of any substance would change, except that under a leftish government, the police might move a bit quicker on roastbuster type rubbish.
now, now, I’m sure there’s someone for everyone…
I think you’ll find Farrar has very recently met the person he considers his life-partner and soul-mate. I am, of course, referring to senior Labour MP, Trevor Mallard. Suspect we’ll hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet in 9 months time (and I’m not only talking about Farrar’s).
I think it was the business part of the news after noon. There was something about derivatives and hedge funds and why they are needed.
And it occurred to me what a good way these financial instruments, or Instruments of Torture, are for making a great income by the few. First you create an unstable financial sea, and then you sell lifeboats that people have to carry with them to ensure they negotiate it. Or you might say the financiers set up a sea of uncertainty and then sell little hedge coracles that enable businesses to float and and guide themselves with a little dessertspoon of an oar. Fucking nuts really. When you think of trying to manage our livings personally and for countries, in this way..
Or you might say that the financiers set up a virtual world like Chriss? in The Truman Show. Truman thought he was in Real Life but in actual fact it was a stage set and he was being manipulated and surveilled for the benefit of everyone else who was in the know who found him irresistible and watching him compulsive viewing. He didn’t suffer from TB consumption, it was TV consumption. In real life, out here today, those watching are really the top 10% or so who are in the know to some extent. The rest of us are watching each other, but imagining we personally are part of the 10%.
Metaphor, allegory, the spectacle of Total Recall or futuristic thing where someone had to save their life by running away watched by TV cameras and home audiences. Isn’t that another view of us. What about working out better systems and super-imposing them on the poorer systems now working? Wait a minute that’s how elections and governments and government service departments making policy are supposed to be working. Okay you monkeys, let’s see you dance for your taxes, while we play the barrel organ.
Never heard of Rob McCann and he maybe a creditable candidate but these two statements from his press release sum up the Labour party selection processes that is not engaging with voters.
He’s another journalist/press secretary who worked in parliament for the Labour party and is moving from his Wellington base ……
…. ffs another one
Watching, Rob is a top bloke. He organised the the first of the LP leadership meetings in Otaki, got an amazing turnout on the day and did a great job setting the scene for the rest of that campaign by marshalling the throng of media that turned up. He is well respected in the party generally and in the central region particularly. If he can get rid of the odious berk (Guy Smiley? Something like that) currently pretending to represent the interests of the Horowhenua then all power to him.
Ps Where did you get the quote about moving from Rongotai from? It’s not in the press release and it’s not actually the case, as he lives on the Kapiti coast.
Thanks for that TRP.
And Watching needs to read more carefully. I, moi, am thinking of moving to Kapiti – not Rob – as per the last sentence of my original comment at 18 above.
LOL. Watching jumped too fast. (And the press release states that Rob lives in Kapiti with his partner and two children!)
Yeah, I by no means disagree with the broad thrust of your argument, here, Watching. In general, we could probably do without more Parliamentary Staffers as Candidates. But, you wrongly suggest McCann is: “currently looking at moving from Wellington (Rongotai electorate) to the Kapiti coast. In fact, that was veutoviper’s assertion about his/her own plans. McCann lives in the Otaki seat (Otaihanga) and is chair of the Paraparaumu Branch.
Thanks for clarifying the Rongotai thing, swordfish, I hadn’t seen Veuto’s comment.
To be equally clear, Rob is not a Parliamentary staffer. He worked for Ruth Dyson over 5 years ago and is currently campaign manager for the White Ribbon anti-violence group.
So right at the bottom of this article about how National is going to get a $75m surplus, there’s an explanation for the u-turn on reducing ACC levies on cars: http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/9526871/Govt-upbeat-but-surplus-on-knife-edge
It came out in the media a few weeks ago and then Collins made some rather baffling statements about why the government wasn’t going to do it, including the ridiculous statement that if ACC is going to offer subsidies to some car owners it therefore logically follows that they must be increasing costs on others.
no mention of the 50b debt?
The Continuing Saga of the Chorus Ransom
Customs : Integrated Targeting Operations Centre Tongue the FBI
Treasury announced that the partial ale of assets will see the Government forgo $327 million in dividends, thanks to the reduced sale price, bad timing, etc.
John Key, master trader – right. How to lose money and control of your country in one easy lesson.
They say a fool and his money are easily parted – New Zealand must be a nation of fools.
Pale ale, dooh!
While the author of this opinion piece is on the money, the direction is lost and all at sea at the last sentence and falls into stereotyping and men-bashing, or bloke-bashing… “Painful as it might be, we’re going to have to give the concept of the Kiwi Bloke a right old do-over.”
Stop implying all men are rapists ffs. Bloody generalisations, derogatory implications, it just goes on and on and on. Take the fight to the rapists and leave the non-rapists out of it. Sick of it. Saps the cred. Does the fight no good.
It doesn’t imply that at all, vto. Or can you show me where it does? it’s about rape culture. And I would think, going by the author’s name (Daniel Copeland), it’s written by a man. Some extracts that show it’s about how rape culture contributes to a climate where some men rape (actually, the article states, “where “some people commit rape”). Copeland begins with a story about a bus of guys returning from a rugby match:
Absolutely Karol, the sentence I quoted implies exactly that. That is why I quoted it and highlighted it.
nope. Your inference has nothing to do with the bit you quoted (or indeed anything in the article).
The bit where Copeland says that “For some of them, hopefully, most of them, it would have been just a joke” clearly states that not all men, even in bloke-culture, are rapists. Indeed, in any particular sample, most of them might not be rapists.
But the problem, the bit that “needs a do-over”, is that for the one or two rapists who statistically were probably in that group (i.e., just to spell it out for you, if the group only contains one or two rapists, then all the others in the group are not rapists, so your “Stop implying all men are rapists ffs” has nothing to do with what he actually wrote, and has more to do with what inferences you are prone to leap to), the group’s behaviour gave them acceptance and social reassurance.
That’s not calling all men rapists. That’s a man pointing out that some bits of blokish culture encourage rapists.
To many things are considered just a ‘joke’ or just for ‘fun’ when they are not. Rape is not fun or a joke. It is a serious violation of human rights.
It’s like you and I read a different article. Was yours in french?
I see donkey going on about Hone Harawira going off to South Africa. What parvenu ringins like key dont realise is that members of parliament are elected to represent the electorate and not just turn up every day in Wellington to get their hands stamped.
No I don’t think he gets that he probably assumes all parliamentarians are ‘bought’ in to represent the elites
FYI – this is the LAW that applies to Local Government elected representatives:
Vacation of office by members
1Disqualification of members
(1)A person’s office as member of a local authority is vacated if the person, while holding office as a member of the local authority,—
(a)ceases to be an elector or becomes disqualified for registration as an elector under the Electoral Act 1993; or
(b)is convicted of an offence punishable by a term of imprisonment of 2 years or more.
(2)If subclause (1)(b) applies,—
(a)the disqualification does not take effect—
(i)until the expiration of the time for appealing against the conviction or decision; or
(ii)if there is an appeal against the conviction or decision, until the appeal is determined; and
(b)the person is deemed to have been granted leave of absence until the expiration of that time, and is not capable of acting as a member during that time.
(3)A person may not do an act as a member while disqualified under subclause (1) or while on leave of absence under subclause (2).
105 Corruption and bribery of official
(1) Every official is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, whether within New Zealand or elsewhere, corruptly accepts or obtains, or agrees or offers to accept or attempts to obtain, any bribe for himself or any other person in respect of any act done or omitted, or to be done or omitted, by him in his official capacity.
(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who corruptly gives or offers or agrees to give any bribe to any person with intent to influence any official in respect of any act or omission by him in his official capacity.
99 Interpretation
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,—
bribe means any money, valuable consideration, office, or employment, or any benefit, whether direct or indirect
official means any person in the service of Her Majesty in right of New Zealand (whether that service is honorary or not, and whether it is within or outside New Zealand), or any member or employee of any local authority or public body, or any person employed in the education service within the meaning of the State Sector Act 1988.
Penny Bright
(Complaint to SFO available here: http://www.pennybright4mayor.org.nz )
Auckland ‘Supercity’ for the 1%?
Whose interests are being served?
Follow the money …..?
City acts on contractors’ complaint
By Bernard Orsman
5:30 AM Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
“AECOM New Zealand managing director Dean Kimpton said the company provided a range of services to the council, including a number of on-going commissions to the IES department.”
New chief operating officer appointed
After a comprehensive search, Auckland Council has appointed Dean Kimpton as its chief operating officer. Chief Executive Doug McKay says Dean is a passionate Aucklander who is excited to be playing a role in shaping the future of Auckland.
“Dean joins us from AECOM NZ where he was Managing Director.
“AECOM is a global leader in all aspects of infrastructure planning, design and delivery.
“Dean has a breadth of experience at the senior executive and governance levels, as well as in the regulatory and infrastructure business of council and its customers and suppliers.
160-14-093-PS SIMUL8 RAIL OPERATIONAL MODELLING SERVICES PS AECOM NEW ZEALAND LIMITED $88,000.00 Direct Appointment 10 September 2013
Penny Bright
Ruh Roh Customs.
‘Brownie points’ from the FBI for feeding them tidbits about Dotcom? And no one wants to comment? Seems legit.
I am beginning to suspect that all enforcement branches of our state apparatus owe their first loyalties to Washington. While NAct seem to be entirely happy with this, and in fact it aligns police, customs, spooks, air force, etc with the prumstah, what is more worrying to me is that more than a few in Labour seem to accept it. Of course, it is just a deepening of the giving of our economic sovereignty to Wall St and the City by the first ACT government. We need to take control of our country and fight for a true internationalism rather than the internationalism of our business classes, which is the internationalism of a subservient colony.
Greg Davis should be sacked. If he wants to work for the seppos, let him go to Hawaii with Key and they can both ask for jobs there.
Possibly the most repellent Panel pre-show ever.
Radio NZ National, Monday 16 December 2013
Jim Mora, Linda Clark, Jane Clifton
Each week there seems to be at least one edition of this program that is so bad, so depraved, so determinedly ignorant, so vacuous and so vicious that you swear the nadir has been reached. And then along comes a horror show like this one….
JIM MORA: I think Linda Clark is with us right now. I can hear her! Linda are you there?
LINDA CLARK: [perkily] Yes I’m here! My God, here I am, chattering away! Hellooooooooooo!
MORA: Hello!
LINDA CLARK: How ARE you? Merry Christmas!
MORA: Thank you! She’s talking to you too, Noelle!
MORA: It’s Noelle McCarthy with what the WOOOOOORLD’s talking about! ….[suddenly grave]…. And not a nice topic to start the round-up today. Roger Waters the lead singer from Pink Floyd is stirring up a controversy.
NOELLE McCARTHY: Yeeee-e-e-e-es. He’s been doing this for a whiii-i-i-i-i-ile now. He has compared the state of Israel to Nazi Germany.
MORA: [concerned tone] Mmmmm.
NOELLE McCARTHY: But he’s provoked a vigorous response. This is not new for him of course. In one of his concerts last year he had a giant PIG-shaped balloon with a Star of David on it. He says there were a whole lot of political symbols on it, and that he did not single out the Jews—-
MORA: [grave tone to indicate moral seriousness] Hmmmm…..
NOELLE McCARTHY: Now at least one U.S. rabbi has come out and answered him in print.
MORA: [with utmost gravitas] He’s not the first rabbi to speak out about this, is he?
NOELLE McCARTHY: The Jewish Chronicle and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre have been keeping a watching brief on him, but he doesn’t seem to be tempering his message however.
MORA: [grimly] No he hasn’t.
NOELLE McCARTHY: [grave tone] There’s more about this on our Twitface pages.
MORA: Twitface—that’s our shorthand for Twitter and Facebook, by the way!
LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha! I just love that!
NOELLE McCARTHY: Ha ha ha ha ha! We’ve broken the fourth wall!
MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha! Okay, anything else?
NOELLE McCARTHY: Yes, a study shows that girls’ schools are places which enforce conformity more than other schools!
MORA: Oh really? They enforce conformity?
NOELLE McCARTHY: Yes, there is a lot of pressure on you to be a more “girly” kind of girl!
NOELLE McCARTHY: Shall I talk about Kanye?
MORA: [sarcastically] Yeah, let’s talk about Kanye! Please!
NOELLE McCARTHY: He says rapping is as fraught as fighting the Taliban or serving as a police officer!
MORA: Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
NOELLE McCARTHY: He says that when the Taliban start shooting, the soldiers should just stand up and start rapping!
MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
LINDA CLARK: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, THAT is going to work! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
MORA: Jo McCarroll, the editor of Gardening magazine has just texted, saying she thought Kanye was talking about Christmas wrapping!
NOELLE McCARTHY: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
MORA: Very good, Jo! Noelle McCarthy, thank you very much!
Incredibly, the show got even more puerile after the 4 o’clock news. But more on that in Part Two.….
Morrissey: see my comments here (Open Mike) between 9.1.2 and 9.2
Thanks, swordfish. I read them, and I was very impressed by them.
A ‘Real’ Rabbi ; God save us from the inane.
Did Bill English really say this prior to the sale of Genisis…as if the asset sales haven’t already been a flop…
“Finance Minister Bill English said the Government didn’t regard estimates of foregone profits as reliable given the risk profile of businesses like those in the asset sales progamme.
He said the Government was happy to have reduced its exposure to risky commercial assets like the companies in the asset sales programme.”
What an amazing thing to say prior to the Genesis sale, so potential purchasers of Genesis will read this and think what???This is a fucken useless government and the amazing thing is that approx. 46% of voters still support these incompetent fools.
Yes he did, but he won’t remember if you ask him today
“He said the Government was happy to have reduced its exposure to risky commercial assets like the companies in the asset sales programme.”
The risk profile of critical national infrastructure and public utilities?
I used to laugh at America when they first elected(ish) Bush Jnr (well, until the whole Iraq thing) because he’s a complete moron.
I used to say to myself, we’d never do that. We’re smarter in New Zealand.
God, I’m so embarrassed.
Thankfully, Australia stepped up to the challenge and this year knocked us off the “stupidest electorate on the planet” spot that we’ve held since January 20, 2009.
electricity companies are notoriously risky, we are well rid of them. We are better off spending money to entice tourists to NZ who watch movies.
Except that there was no risk in owning power generators because it’s something everyone needs.
some DP ; open the channels through those membranes.
You could never accuse the maori party of being the tail wagging the dog.
” New Zealand is unlikely to introduce plain packaging on cigarettes before trade challenges to Australian legislation are settled, Prime Minister John Key says.
Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia said today that the Smoke-free Environments (Tobacco Products and Packaging) Amendment Bill had been lodged with the Clerk of the House.
The legislation was expected to have its first reading in the House early next year before being sent to a parliamentary select committee
Key said that while the legislation would be introduced next year, it would almost certainly not be passed until the outcome of the challenge to Australia was known.
“It will almost certainly be introduced, have its first reading, then go off to the select committee,” he said.
“But it’s very, very unlikely it will be passed. In fact, in my view it shouldn’t be passed until we’ve actually had a ruling out of Australia.
“We think it’s prudent to wait till we see a ruling out of Australia. If there’s a successful legal challenge out of Australia, that would guide us how legislation might be drafted in New Zealand.
“So we’re not going to rush that through, but also equally it’s the type of topic that’s worthy of a significant public debate and we can do that through the select committee process.”
Colin Craig seems to have had victory.
Clearly he’s not so silly after all , 7 Sharp has a vacancy, coincidence ?? I doubt it.
LOL. I really doubt it. 7 sharp got a slap on the wrist for something mostly coming from someone else on the show. Mau would have made her decision a while ago. There are plenty of good reasons for her to leave….. the show’s a dud.
Won’t be a dud when Hoskings arrives.
Yeah, with him on TV1 and that other goofy clown TV3 are putting on nightline, the right will need to be careful. All that recycling and their munters might vote Green by accident.
All we need is Paul Henry with Mike Hosking, now that would be a show!
Fun with the MSM:
The headline says ‘Further 350,000 votes included in asset sales referendum’
That caught my eye – a further 350,000? That’s a lot of last minute votes…
The article says “A further 350,000 votes cast in the Citizen’s Initiated Referendum on asset sales have been included in the official count released this afternoon…”
But wait: “The extra votes take the turnout to 1,367,340.” Huh?
Then: “Of the additional votes counted, 24,866 were against the asset sales while 10,035 were in favour.”
Hmmm…seems like they mean 35,000 then. Or nearly 35,000, since that only adds up to 34,901.
But wait there’s more:
“The result went strongly against the Government, but the relatively low turnout is seen as indicating the public largely doesn’t feel strongly about the issue or saw little point in opposing a programme that is now largely complete, other than the sale of Genesis Energy earmarked for the first half of next year.”
Can’t resist a wee bit of editorialising in what should be a straight news report now can we?
Colon craig has proven he’s bigger idiot