The HOS editorial this morning is a stunner. It gets stuck into Colin Craig big time.
Try this:
God has a mischievous sense of humour. That has to be why He (or She) awarded the Christian Coalition 4.4 per cent in the first MMP election, ensuring they narrowly missed the 5 per cent threshold and were denied any seats in Parliament.
And now, how else to explain the divine intervention that saved our Prime Minister from himself this week? There was Key, dead-set on forging a governing coalition with the Christian-Lite Conservative Party and its troublingly dim leader, Colin Craig.
Craig is a man who doesn't believe in evolution, doesn't accept anthro-pogenic climate change, and blames New Zealand's woes on its "promiscuous young women".
This is a man who wants a seat in Parliament and the accompanying $147,800 salary but refuses to do an MP's job and make informed, principled decisions. Instead, he would refer every major decision back to voters for them to decide in a referendum.
Smacking? It's up to the public to decide. Asset sales? Up to the public. Tax or spend? Too hard – leave it to the voters.
It is this man, this limp, anaemic excuse for a leader, whom John Key is grooming as his new coalition partner. Key is desperate to find anyone to take the place of the foundering Act, United Future and Maori parties – but really?
Colin Craig has many things going for him. He is a nice fellow. He has a boyish enthusiasm. A loving family. A lot of money. What he lacks is street smarts. He would be eaten alive in Parliament. Ruthless MPs on either side of the House would chew him up and spit him out, leaving the bloggers and tweeters to bicker over the soggy, half-masticated scraps.
If Colin Craig is the answer to John Key's problem, then National is in trouble. Whenever Craig speaks, he makes a gaffe – and that's even before he is properly tested in the heat of an election campaign or in Parliament.
The editorial makes one mistake. It says that the new upper harbour seat has much of the former seat of Waitakere in it. It actually only takes in a thin sliver, about 600 votes from her former seat.
But the general tone and content of the editorial is wonderful. Even the Herald can see that Colin Craig could be a huge embarrassment to National.
The interesting thing is that most pundits/jonolists/columnists are saying Key had earmarked Upper Harbour for Craig until Bennett jumped in and staked her claim.
Craig and his Conservatives have major loose cannon potential already. If his loot does buy a parliamentary presence of 1 or more seats prepare for some outright craziness.
The Natz do appear to be floundering internally on this one so far as Bennett’s spring loaded bid for the new seat shows.
Colon Craig is an NZ-style tea partier. Sex is all done by women, and he wants everyone to own a gun (is he getting direct instructions form the US reactionaries?). He waters down his anti-climate change lines for NZ consumption.
2. If it wasn’t immediately obvious, more guns: Craig would consider introducing national service in return for free tertiary education. And let everyone else have a gun too: the right to bear arms, and the “Castle Doctrine” (basically, the right to shoot burglars).
4. Keep on burnin’: Climate change isn’t our fault. Instead, says Craig, volcanoes and sun flares are to blame. “Globally, our influence on temperature is very, very small. New Zealand’s influence is infinitesimally small.” Therefore, as night follows day, they would scrap the emissions trading scheme.
8. Close yer legs. It’s cheaper: Craig, in April 2012: “We are the country with the most promiscuous young women in the world. This does nothing to help us at all.” This may go hand in hand with dumping the “frankly terrible” Working for Families.
And Craig sniffs there are votes in jumping onto the anti-fluoride bandwagon.
If it wasn’t immediately obvious, more guns: Craig would consider introducing national service in return for free tertiary education. And let everyone else have a gun too: the right to bear arms, and the “Castle Doctrine” (basically, the right to shoot burglars).
– Thats a vote winner for the group hes targeting, I also happen to agree with it as well although I’d extend it to working for DOC etc etc not just the military
It sounds more like spin from the article: “right to bear arms” thats a emotive phrase designed to raise hackles and completely inappropriate for NZ but as to regards to the “castle doctrine” why shouldn’t someone be able to defend themselves and their family from intruders?
“why shouldn’t someone use guns in the family home”
For starters, there’s nothing like having guns in a house to have family members shot. And then the police would have to ante up with automatic weapons.
Now you’re just being melodramatic, theres (from 2006 so the numbers are probably higher) about 230,000 licensed firearms owners own and use New Zealand’s estimated 1.1 million firearms
So I’ll ask again someone breaks into my home why I shouldn’t I be able to defend myself (legally) and my family
The other day we were discussing a case of two men (illegally) breaking into a woman’s home and forcing their way into her bedroom where they assaulted her before (illegally) abducting her.
I imagine you would support her right to defend herself (legally) from these assailants.
Seems to me this course can only lead to escalation.
If the cops expect to routinely encounter armed citizens they’ll respond by routinely entering situations with their guns drawn. And many more people will die.
Some of those people will be cops. Some will be crooks. Some will be stuck in a bad situation. Some will have opened the wrong door at the wrong time. Some will have moved funny. Some will be bystanders. Some will be kids.
And the blood of these dead – be they innocent or otherwise, killed in defense or mistakenly – all of this blood will be on the hands of those who have fostered this culture of fear and vengeance.
There’s no safety in it for you either. There’s no security for your family in knowing that the next home invader, be they a desperate meth fiend or a poorly trained cop, will be pointing an automatic weapon at daddy’s face and ready to duel to the death.
It’s just fear and death and violence and reprisal and escalation and revenge and hate and blood in an ever descending spiral.
All so little men can feel more powerful than they really are. Doesn’t seem worth it.
More guns are not the solution. If this is the case Texas would be paradise. Having a weapon in the house also facilitates easy access in cases of suicides.
The problem is the uneven distribution of wealth and as long as this is not addressed it will get worse. There are plenty of examples around the world and to propose we should emanate the poorest cities/countries just does not wash.
felix: The other day we were discussing a case of two men (illegally) breaking into a woman’s home and forcing their way into her bedroom where they assaulted her before (illegally) abducting her.
chris73: I would have no problems with this women defending herself legally, with a firearm if necessary, against anyone that does that
So, is this woman meant to be wearing her gun on her hip all the time when at home? Or will she always have time to run and get it when outnumbered by 2 male intruders?
Careful what you ask for Piss73. A dorkis like you’d probably miss the burglar and shoot himself. And how helpful would that be ? No living complainant to testify that the entry was unauthorised.
That’s great Piss. Ummmmh…….I take it you did save the comment you’re sure to have made denouncing the stabbing (to death) in Manurewa of young Maori boy Pihema some years ago ?
The 17 year old whose life was stolen by some twisted psycho’ defending his “property”, viz. his fucking fence, from a real or imagined tagging.
A “defence of the fence” finally achieved when the psycho’ pursued and got hold of Pihema some distance down the street from his fabulous fucking fence.
Haul that comment out Piss, please Would love to read it. Would be a wonderful counter to the mealy mouthed and grudging shit Garth McVictim of the SST put out.
Would also point up the bloodthirst inherent in your “why shouldn’t I be allowed……” stuff about guns.
Chris If you are going to throw numbers around then you NEED to provide a link or it’s just more unsubstantiated bullshit.
it’s easier like this from 2009
There are about 1.2 million guns in New Zealand, registered to about 225,000 licensed owners. Police admit they do not know how many unlicensed guns there are.
Well I said its about the numbers and that the numbers were from 2006 so they probably went up and the numbers i threw out were pretty close to what you put up, so I’d say I was closer then what poliicians call back of the envelope numbers anyways
Piss73 if you knew the law about (a) defence of dwelling house (b) defence of land or building and (c) defence of self or another then you would know that you are so entitled.
You’re unlikely to engage either educative measure of course since that would deny you the satisfaction of continued spouting off with extraordinarily ignorant claims and prejudiced mutterings. For the bigot there’s nothing so disarming as the facts.
From everyone elses’ point of view though it would be useful. In default of your ceasing your ignorant claims and prejudiced mutterings, it would point up the bigotry within which seeks a carte blanche for the taking of vengeance.
You’re not gonna get it. Tough. Suck it up Mr Vexed Impotence.
Piss73 – Do you understand how hopelessly, hopelessly Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachman/Tea Party/Rush Limbaugh/”my cold dead hands” you present ?
You poor, poor, piss-poor thing ! Even ShonKey Python and Archibald Banks don’t want ya mate. Oh…….The Twisted Colon does you say ? Well……OK…..that’s alright then.
No not really, I was just wondering where this came from:
North 31.1.1
22 November 2013 at 11:01 pm
You’re a nutter Piss73. Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ? You being too bone idle or unartful to peel some spuds while ya waited, as you related yesterday or the day before ? Walked home for that matter while you drove to and from work in the Grandly asprayshinul Vitara angling at the stylish Maori Land Bruiser VX, as you also related yesterday or the day before ?
Its not how you normally type so I was assuming you’d been drinking…
Hey Piss73 – “not really” projecting you say. I see, just a little bit then ?
Remember Piss, to explain is to lose. Remember Lusky’s weekend workshop you went to a while ago……you know, a few Tory MPs there ? You just weren’t listening were you ?
Well I wasn’t explaining I was wondering where it came from so theres a bit of difference but anyway could you explain what you meant by this line then:
“Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ?”
I’m not sure what you meant it so if you could clarify it for me I’d appreciate it
Cv Now you’re just being melodramatic!
Every day in Nz something real and melodramatic occurs. (The latest is 3 young men being hijacked with a knife and made to drive around for hours). Guns, knives, we’ve got the dramatic but it ain’t mellow. We don’t need every goon to have a gun.
And what’s this about bloggers in the Herald editorial. Only haute cuisine is good enough for me, and I’m sure others here are even more discerning.
” Ruthless MPs on either side of the House would chew him up and spit him out, leaving the bloggers and tweeters to bicker over the soggy, half-masticated scraps.”
Please support your argument in favour of owning guns with evidence as well.
I know Colin Craig does not rely on evidence for his views on Climate change but please prove to readers of this blog that you do value substantiated arguments.
Do you mean like (from the article) how USA is top of the list for gun ownership but 28th on the list with a rate of 2.97 deaths per 100,000 people by firearms)
Or how Mexico has extremely strict gun laws but has a death rate of 54.9 per 100,000
Wow, that Steven Goddard looks like a reliable source.
Looks like a climate denial website or one by the Tea Party.
When I said evidence, I didn’t mean a crazed website.
Is the sort of garbage you source your opinions from, Chris?
Does explain a lot.
Bloomberg say US homicide rates have dropped ; however they’re still way above NZ per capita rates and other countries without gun ownership.
– Yes they are and thats a good thing, in fact if you look closer you’ll note that the rate started dropping after Bill Clintons gun control bills got the arse
Hey leave Chris73 alone at least he provided links to go with his assertions this time. Thanks Chris. Oh and I agree the Steven Goddard page does look like a tea party special.
Mexico has several areas which are in effective rebellion by drug cartels. Their “strict gun laws” are a joke. The US Gov supplied their drug cartels with assault weapons as part of the “Fast and the Furious” debacle.
Do you mean like (from the article) how USA is top of the list for gun ownership but 28th on the list with a rate of 2.97 deaths per 100,000 people by firearms)
BTW you quoted a misleading and incorrect statistic. US firearm deaths per 100,000 people is over 3x as high as what you said, and around 600% higher than NZ. What you’ve done is somehow ignored accidental deaths and suicides by firearm.
No you didn’t. You would have specified “homicides” if you had. Because that is what the Guardian article specified. All you did instead was pull numbers out of context and labelled them something that they were not.
And your statistics are incorrect because of that. You’ve ignored suicides and accidental shootings for starters.
Who cares if US deaths from guns has halved. Our death rate from guns is still 1/7 of that again. Why would we copy them on anything to do with guns and firearm legislation?
I completely agree they should be copying us however that doesn’t mean we’re completely 100% right and they’re 100% wrong and in this case the Castle Doctrine is something we could learn from
Now I’m not saying we do exactly what they do because I’m sure we could come up with something better
The “Castle Doctrine” is vacuous and lame. In the US it leads to brown kids getting shot in the face when they door knock the wrong house in the wrong neighbourhood.
“What you end up with is George Zimmerman and Marissa Alexander.”
Yeah but Bruce Emery could’ve saved himself all that running.
And that’s where chris73’s fantasy goes awry. It’s not vulnerable women home alone who are going to tool up, and it’s not ordinary people “protecting” their families.
It’s fuckjobs like Bruce Emery who are going to be sitting around the house with loaded weapons waiting for some brown kid to look at him the wrong way.
I have wondered that the excessive politeness of Americans in general doesn’t come from a fear that if they are not that way you will drawn out a gun and shoot them. Certainly I learnt to control my traffic rage as a result of this fear when driving over there 🙂
Or would you prefer to be able to kill someone when it’s unreasonable to do so?
That’s actually the nub right there – currently, anybody is allowed to kill anybody else when it’s a reasonable choice to make in order to defend the lives of themselves or other people.
People wanting a change to that law either want to be able to kill people over items of property, or they want to be able to kill people when it’s not reasonable to do so to protect people.
After reading the 2 Colin Craig articles it’s almost worth it to let him have a seat I think he is going to be a real handful in partnership he seems to be a standard fundamental Cristian, that no matter how many times you try you just can’t get him to alter his perception (I was going to say change his mind) on things he believes in.
Colin Craig is a bit of a moneybags, and this is reason number one, two and three in real terms for the existence of the flaky Conservatives. He can bankroll his odd parliamentary dreams unlike many others. His obvious lack of a political core makes him an easy target for seasoned commentators and good job too if exposing him makes it less likely the Key gang will survive the ’14 election.
Bit condescending on the “bloggers and tweeters” though given the number of story leads over the last several months the Herald was happy to co-opt from online writers and their investigations.
absolutely, considering many of us only look at the msm by clicking on links on these blogs. jeez thats a harsh editorial, & the webb caricature doing the rounds is plain ugly, usually webbs pictures are kinda cool but his craig one is ghastly, its great!
The point is not whether he is a capable MP (look at Banks) but will he make up the numbers; will he bring an extra seat to the table. The numbers mean everything in a close contest or when you have no other options.
Thank God someone in the MSM has had the guts to say it. He might be a nice guy but he’s the dimmest bulb ever to seek a parliamentary career. I suppose you could say that dim bulbs in NZ are entitled to representation but there’s a line in the sand beyond which we cannot go, and Colin Craig is on the wrong side of that line!
He is certainly pretty bad but “the dimmest bulb ever” is, in my opinion going just a bit too far.
I can think of at least two MPs in the last 20 years who were worse.
The worst would, I think, have been Alamein Kopu of the Alliance Party and the runner-up would have been Georgina Beyer of the Labour Party.
Hey, you aren’t playing fair. Anne hadn’t limited her statement to party leaders. I don’t see how you can limit it to “successful” parties either. After all there are no Conservative Party members in Parliament so they can hardly be called successful.
The rest of your statement is pretty accurate though.
Now that’s a bit odd. I remember a very popular TV show some ten or more years ago where IQs were measured and Georgina Beyer was runner-up to Raybon Kan. They were up against teachers, academics and other known luminaries too.
So much for alwyn’s latest attempt to derail a post.
“so much for alwyn’s latest attempt to derail a post”
You can’t derail this post. It’s “Open Mike” remember and as it says at the top of the page it is for “For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose”. It isn’t a post solely about Colin Craig you know.
As far as IQ goes, so what? There are a very large number of people who have much higher IQs than Dick Feynman’s was. They didn’t win a Nobel Prize in Physics though..
Alamein Kopu wasnt stupid, she was corrupt and devoid of any ethical compass. Perhaps thats why Tau Henere used to sing her praises.
To call Georgina Beyer a dim bulb simply shows up your ignorance of her.
You may not like her, and while I don’t think anyone would call her an Einstein / Hawking type, she certainly isnt stupid.
You also picked 2 people that cannot fight back, Alamein is dead, and Georgina now suffers from a chronic potentially terminal illness.
I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a very nice person.
“You also picked people who cannot fight back”.
I can be very sorry for Georgina’s problems, and hope that she recovers, but it doesn’t change the fact that she was pretty foolish in her time as an MP. Even her resignation was a farce when she resigned to act in a play, didn’t go ahead with it and then complained that the Labour Government wouldn’t appoint her to a board or two.
To say that one cannot comment on the dead because they cannot fight back would of course preclude any discussion of the evils of the Stalin or Hitler or Pol Pot. They are all dead you see. We cannot judge them because they can’t fight back.
However, to fit into your set of mores, I shall not discuss the matter any more.
That’s funny. The thickest ones I’ve seen would be John Carter, Ben Couch, and that idiot deputy speaker we have these days. Alamein wasn’t overly gifted, but Georgina is not stupid at all.
Hoots on Q&A: [Nats] can only remain if Craig is gifted a seat. Sounds positive for the Left
on Genesis shares, Ad;
McCarten -“I don’t think Genesis will be offered” (paraphrased; a little stuttering to decipher)
Hoots- “will hold business over till if re-elected.”
Well Micky S. I wonder just how much longer those elderly Blue Rinses will allow the Nat’s to treat them with utter contempt . Or does the thought of power mean everything?
I think the blue rinses and the other dyed hair types as well feel that belonging to National is asperahunal. It’s where the smart people go, and they do interesting things. Men who think of themselves as wheeler dealers, as Men of Business and Women also, fell National is their natural Party. It is hard to reach the Superior Mind, that demands Quality. (Suitable advert for them.)
Ansell’s mind-boggling pro Titford rants are being reported on the front page of the Sunday Star Times today. Headline “Rapist Titiford “a big pussycat”.
Ansell claims Titford “was fitted up by the state” and the 24 year sentence is “excessive”.
Hone Harawira says he has to laugh rather than get angry.
More about Titford on p4.
P4 also refers to Titford being supported by Martin Doutre, who claims Celts were in NZ pre-Maori.
There’s several articles on p4, including one by Andrew Geddis. The articles are more factual and show up Titford’s hate crimes, rapes and abuse more seriously than the sensationalist front page.
With thanks to Press Display – available to all library members online.
Thanks for the link Lanthanide – as I speak, a comp’ ten pack of product on its way to the “Kiwi Not Iwi” bloke.
To acknowledge (a) ZERO emotional IQ (b) that he’s a Premium sorta guy (c) to match his Thin arguments (d) to ensure no further replication of a violently racist mindset.
Notwithstanding the manufacturer’s claims not sure there’s much can be done about the appalling lack of sensitivity.
For the man who wants a thin, sensitive fit.
The thinnest LifeStyles condom ever made – 45% thinner than our standard condom
Provides more sensitivity and a next-to-nothing feel
Long-lasting lubricant to extend the pleasure
Premium quality latex
10 count box”
Well done to Adam Dudding for his report, following up Titford’s political connections …
“Former National Party leader Don Brash, whose short-lived political successes of 2004-05 were based largely on a speech in which he said New Zealand needed to be purged of race-based legislation, says he had been well aware of Titford’s case when writing the “Orewa” speech.
“It was a celebrated [case], as we thought he had been a victim of intimidation. It turns out that was not the case at all.”
Titford wasn’t exactly a poster boy, says Brash, “but certainly he was a person that most people who were concerned about the Treaty were aware of. But we had a totally wrong idea of his situation.”
Yes, that’s the man who so nearly became Prime Minister. It would be nice if some of those who were taken in by the Brash/Ansell myth-making – or who actively supported it – now acknowledged they were wrong, that they regret their vote in 2005, and are relieved Brash never made it.
A simple “Sorry, and thanks for saving us, Helen” will suffice.
I think 24 years is excessive too, pity we don’t have a ‘Devils Island’ or something that provides sustinence for them without costing the taxpayer …. fortunately I doubt if I have another 24 years so will not be contributing that long.
Combed the online Herald this morning and nary a single pap piece on ShonKey Python, much less a mini-hagiography. Not even from Old Man Armstrong whose lingering menopause he confirms with this re Cunliffe and Pike River compensation and a “not-pleased” spray at Shiny Shimon Bridges. (Oh dear the fellow must be out-of-sorts):
The Armstrong criticism of Cunliffe and praise of Key and McCully starts about halfway down.
“Do Labour’s claims really stack up in both cases?”
He criticises Cunliffes approach as poiuntless.
And goes on to parise McCullys approach of engagement with regemes like Burma etc.
He then talks about Pike River and conflates the ACC payout with the court ordered fines and compensation.
As a political editor he would know better. So his spin is as intentional as it is misleading.
AUT Law School warmly invites you to a Public Lecture on “State surveillance and human rights”
by a leading UK public lawyer and human rights commentator, Professor Keith Ewing, King’s College, London.
Date: Tuesday 26 November 2013
Time:Refreshments at 5 pm followed by the Public Lecture at 6 pm
Place: AUT Sir Paul Reeves Building, Room WG 126, Mayoral Drive
Keith Ewing, Professor of Law, King’s College London, has written extensivelyin the area of public law and human rights. He is, perhaps, best known for his 2010 publication,“The Bonfire of the Liberties: New Labour, human rights, and the rule of law”,which provides an outstanding critique of the failure of constitutional principle to protect civil liberties and restrict the power of executive government in the UK. His lecture will address recent legislation in both NZ & the UK which attempts to legitimise executive surveillance of private citizens.
There is no charge for this event but for catering purposes, please RSVP to Michelle D’Souza, or 921 9999 x 5475
C73 cherry picking facts again crime has been dropping in all developed countries aging population video cameras security systems more focused policing.
You would probably shoot one of your family first’
You must be desperate to defend your position as a right wing toiltroll.
Being so poor you can only afford a vitara you can easily be bought off.
A titford toiletroll!
New Zealands rate of gun of gun homicide.
13.5% of murders
7 per year.
60% of homicide by gun
9,200 per year.
More than a 1,000 times more people die in the US.
200 times the rate per head of population
Why not just gone and live in the US and be happy.
We don’t need anymore guns we have gone of the higjest fun ownership rates in the world already.
A good percentage of those seven homicides will be from hunters shooting their mates.
Experienced shooters failing to identify their target.
So putting guns into the average persons hands will lead to mayhem.
You are a liar CV, you are completely wrong, I cannot say it anymore clearly then this. Show me where I mentioned anything about wanting handguns more widely available and I’ll admit you’re right and I’m wrong otherwise you are full of shit
For home defence purposes (if it was legal) I’d go for a rifle because they’re accurate but its entirely up to anyone else to decide what they need
LOL with a statement like that you can’t possibly have a serious interest in firearms for home defence
– Ok I’m generally interested in why you think that and what would your choice be
I’m actually interested in why he thinks a rifle is something he wouldn’t choose because he might have a idea I hadn’t thought of (unlikely but why wouldn’t i hear what he has to say)
and the reason I don’t want handguns widely available is because they’re really dangerous, check this out from the FBI:
Hand guns/pistols (whatever you want to call them) are the main problem in the usa and remember when they say rifles that means anything from bolt action hunting rifles to semi-auto military style rifles
I didn’t dodge it, I just haven’t looked at it because I’m more interested in this
“You didn’t mention handguns explicitly, but of course that’s what is required for home personal defence”
– No it isn’t, I (and this is just for me) prefer a rifle to pistol because:
A. A rifle is more accurate then a pistol, anyone who has ever shot a pistol will tell you that hitting a moving target at even 4 meters with a pistol is not easy without a boatload of practice
B. A 5.56/.223 means the recoil is very small so easier for both myself and anyone else smaller then me to use
C. You can still hunt game with a .223 meaning you don’t have to buy separate rifles (although you should if you’re hunting larger game)
D. Its easier to learn to shoot with a rifle and is less “fiddly” then a pistol and if you’re in a situation with the adrenaline pumping you really should be totally familiar with your weapon
E. You need an endorsement on your licence to buy a hand gun
You’re still making shit up. Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
A. A rifle is more accurate then a pistol, anyone who has ever shot a pistol will tell you that hitting a moving target at even 4 meters with a pistol is not easy without a boatload of practice
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
– Ok you say that, where did you get that information from, do you have a link or did you just watch a lot of movies?
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
– and we should take advice from you? Whats your background? I’ve given 5 reasons as to why I’d choose a rifle over a pistol and you’ve given…well none, you haven’t given anything to back your opinion
You stated: “Handguns are required for home personal defence” and “I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.”
I want to know where you come by your information and why you think your information is any better then mine
And because you’ve watched some movies doesn’t count as information
I’m right and you’re wrong. And my primary position remains that having guns for use in the home is a very bad idea. But you can own whatever guns you like, it’s none of my business.
– You’re a liar first off, just thought I’d get my reply off on the right foot
I’m right and you’re wrong.
– Why am I wrong, so far I’ve given you 5 reasons as to my position and all you’ve given to back your position is… nothing except I’m right and you’re wrong (now I’m no expert in debating but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t win you any points…)
– Do you know why you’re right? Can you tell me why you’re right or have you just watched Die Hard one too many times?
And my primary position remains that having guns for use in the home is a very bad idea.
– Ok thats cool thats your opinion and thats ok
But you can own whatever guns you like, it’s none of my business.
Though I do not currently own a gun, growing up, my dad ensured that we had a working knowledge of guns.
So I know how to shoot, clean and care for a single shot bolt action .22, a .267 hunting rifle and a double barrrel shotgun.
If you think that a rifle is the best tool for hitting a moving target (possibly in poor light) at short range, then you either have no experience handling and shooting guns, or you are an idiot.
I’ve not used a handgun, but for short range I’d choose a handgun because it’s designed specifically for that. To kill humans at short range.
If a handgun were not available, then a shotgun would be second pick for short range – but you really, really do not want to be firing one of those inside a house.
I’d choose a short stick over a firearm for home defence. A 2′ baton applied to a persons ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, corner of their shoulder is going to discourage someone very quickly.
Though I do not currently own a gun, growing up, my dad ensured that we had a working knowledge of guns.
So I know how to shoot, clean and care for a single shot bolt action .22, a .267 hunting rifle and a double barrrel shotgun.
If you think that a rifle is the best tool for hitting a moving target (possibly in poor light) at short range, then you either have no experience handling and shooting guns, or you are an idiot.
– I’ll go with 7 years military experience ackshully
I’ve not used a handgun, but for short range I’d choose a handgun because it’s designed specifically for that. To kill humans at short range.
– in that case I’d suggest you go fire one because I guarantee you’ll be surprised by how inaccurate it is (i know i was)
– The inaccuracy and practice required to get that accuracy up to an acceptable level is what makes me choose a rifle…
– Salient point is that even us police who get a fair amount of practice have an accuracy rate of 34%…
– Most people don’t have the time to get that accuracy up to speed
If a handgun were not available, then a shotgun would be second pick for short range – but you really, really do not want to be firing one of those inside a house.
– I agree but I’m also thinking of the kick back as well, my wife has issues with her shoulder so the recoil of a .223 wouldn’t be a problem for her but a shot gun would
I’d choose a short stick over a firearm for home defence. A 2′ baton applied to a persons ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, corner of their shoulder is going to discourage someone very quickly.
– True but thats assuming theres only one of them and they’re unarmed, what if theres more then one of them, what if they’re holding a pick ax handle or baseball bat etc etc
– I’ll go with 7 years military experience ackshully
How many building clearances did you do during that time?
If a handgun were not available, then a shotgun would be second pick for short range – but you really, really do not want to be firing one of those inside a house.
A short barrel carbine might be a second option too. But again, firing one of those inside a house is typically a very bad idea.
How many building clearances did you do during that time?
– Why don’t you answer my questions about your experiences that make you such an expert? Scared?
– But back to the matter at hand: None which is probably not a bad thing as I’ll be in a defensive mode anyway which means they’ll come to me so it’ll be more akin to an ambush rather then a clearance
– Assuming of course they choose to ignore my dogs
So in your 7 years military experience you gained no specialty in urban warfare or in clearing and securing buildings and residences?
– So I’ve basically answered as many of your questions as I can yet you won’t answer any of mine so I’ll try again…
You said:
Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
– My question is: Ok you say that, where did you get that information from, do you have a link or did you just watch a lot of movies?
You said:
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
– My question is: and we should take advice from you? Whats your background? I’ve given 5 reasons as to why I’d choose a rifle over a pistol and you’ve given…well none, you haven’t given anything to back your opinion
My final question is: why are you so scared to answer my questions, I’ve answered yours yet you won’t answer mine
“Salient point is that even us police who get a fair amount of practice have an accuracy rate of 34%…”
Sorry my bad I could have written that better, I meant US to signify that even police from the USA who practice regularly have an accuracy rate of 34% so no I’m not a policeman
I was in my Regimental Rifle Team when using a rifle but with pistol or automatic I was unlikely to hit the target …. but I have read more novels now and believe I know how to hold a pistol these days 🙂
The one time I used a Sten gun I remember seeing the CSM coming at me but fortunately the magazine emptied before he reached me 🙂 The sideways pull of the Sten is almost uncontrollable, ideal for house to house fighting …. spray …. spray …spray … reload … spray …..
“A. A rifle is more accurate then a pistol, anyone who has ever shot a pistol will tell you that hitting a moving target at even 4 meters with a pistol is not easy without a boatload of practice”
Ahem. Not actually my experience when I was a teenage pistol club member. Got to rep level in a few weeks, mainly on the 25 metre rapid fire. In a close situation like a house, I’d be going for the pistol every time. Over distance, a rifle is obviously more accurate, but in your hallway, a handgun is simpler, quicker and more effective.
But, of course, the best protection is no guns at all.
Well you’re good with a pistol and have experience with one so for you a pistol makes sense but for me I prefer the rifle whereas others would go for a shotgun
I personally found the rifle easier to use and aim but thats me and everyones different, I was more wanting to know why CV was saying what he was saying without backing it up
Well I’m always interested in learning stuff about subjects I’m interested in so if you can let me know your reasoning and/or experiences I could probably kearn from it
OK just did a quick google. These articles seem to cover a few of the fundamentals. Bottom line is – go for the handgun every time, with a tactical shotgun a solid no 2 choice.
So basically you don’t know and just did a quick google search, thats cool
But remember most of what you’re linking to is from the USA where hand guns are reasonably easy to get hold of and there are certainly many more places to train with them
Most people in NZ don’t have the time or the inclination to join the clubs and do the testing required to get the endorsement for a hand gun
Whereas its relatively simple to get a standard firearms licence and get a rifle (or shot gun) and practice
Bottom line should be:
Go for what you’re comfortable with using and train constantly
Ok. I’m most comfortable when I know that you and Simon Lusk and Bruce Emery and Garth McVicar aren’t sitting around with loaded weapons (oh sorry, “cleaning” them) waiting for an excuse to murder someone.
So basically you don’t know and just did a quick google search, thats cool
Oh fuck off chris73. I didn’t learn this shit in the last 24 hours if that is what you are implying.
Your presumption that a rifle is the best weapon for personal home defence is DEAD WRONG, was wrong from the start, is wrong now, and all the experts you wanted referenced say exactly that.
Most people in NZ don’t have the time or the inclination to join the clubs and do the testing required to get the endorsement for a hand gun
Whereas its relatively simple to get a standard firearms licence and get a rifle (or shot gun) and practice
Right, that makes it clear. I had thought that you were talking about people who were serious about home personal defence and understood the gravity of the factors involved.
If I had known from the start that you were talking about people who can’t be assed making a proper effort to get it right, I would have said, yeah just use whatever POS firearm you happen to have lying around.
“Oh fuck off chris73. I didn’t learn this shit in the last 24 hours if that is what you are implying.”
– I’m not implying, I’m saying thats what you did because
A. the only evidence or personal experience or anything you’ve offered to back up your assertion is something you googled
B. Whatever it is you say I can’t believe because of the amount of lying you did
“Your presumption that a rifle is the best weapon for personal home defence is DEAD WRONG, was wrong from the start, is wrong now, and all the experts you wanted referenced say exactly that.”
– A rifle is best for ME, not everybody else because everybody elses circumstances is different
I would always go for a pistol or revolver inside a house as my second choice. My first choice would be to not be paranoid, and realise that the chances of someone actually entering my house with bad intent are pretty miniscule. In the past, when they have, I found that showing a knife or, in one case, a German officer’s sword, was sufficient. If I wanted to take out people who made me paranoid at 200m as they entered my street, I’d use a rifle.
The recent shocking example of pre-emptive strike … a black young woman’s car breaks down she goes to a house for help and the home owner shoots her in the face with his shotgun …. obviously ‘no gun’ equals ‘live girl’
If you look at the evidence from the USA you would not have a gun.
The person most likely to be shot by your gun, loaded ready for use, in your home, is you, or a member of your family.
Either accidentally or deliberately by a family member, or by the burglar who takes it off you.
Anyway, from what I have seen, a bar stool is far more accurate, and has more “stopping power” at close range, than a gun. And, If you hit your teenager sneaking home at 2 am, you have, most likely, stunned, not killed, them.
My son lives in the States in a rural area and earlier this year was debating if to get a gun.
Bearing in mind my Daughter-in-law was out ‘getting her cat in’ one evening and noticed a bobcat some ten or twelve feet way from her …. they both hi-tailed it back into the house pronto. Bears also come around from time to time, so rubbish is not put out, or in ‘bear-proof’ containers, and bears are incredibly ingenious in openning ‘bear-proof’ containers.
Since we have neither bobcats nor bears in NZ I don’t see any need for guns except for sporting purposes.
I was quite surprised to see how low the number of murders using firearms was in New Zealand.
Checking it out confirms your figures, which is a great change, and improvement, from the average of about 18/year 25 years ago (say 1988-1992 inclusive).
The rate per head of population is out by a decimal point by the way. On the numbers you quote it would be about 20 rather than 200.
“It was like a neutron bomb going off in the heart of New Zealand’s economic strategy.
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Jan Wright, released a must-read report this week on land use and nutrient pollution.
It directly addressed the huge ramp-up in cow numbers over the past decade and how that was affecting our waterways. Using models from Motu (Economic and Public Policy Research) and NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research), the report looked at the growth in cow numbers forecast by the Government as it tries to double agricultural exports by 2025. The results were deeply unsettling.
“Even with best practice mitigation, the large-scale conversion of more land to dairy farming will generally result in more degraded fresh water,” Wright said.
Think about this. No matter how many waterways are fenced off and how much effluent is spread on paddocks, the problem gets worse. Even 100 per cent compliance with Fonterra’s Sustainable Dairying Accord signed this year does not solve the problem. This is saying New Zealanders must accept the permanent poisoning of our rivers if we are to grow our economy through dairy exports, which is our main strategy at the moment.
It is a Faustian bargain with four legs, a tail and whole lot of cud-chewing. It says New Zealanders must accept that dairy farmers are going to privatise the profits of permanently damaging our rivers while the losses are socialised.
” Think about this. No matter how many waterways are fenced off and how much effluent is spread on paddocks, the problem gets worse. Even 100 per cent compliance with Fonterra’s Sustainable Dairying Accord signed this year does not solve the problem. ”
Isn’t it too early to say fencing off waterways won’t be sufficient ?
Very few waterways through dairy land have been fenced off and planted – and much more needs to be done, plus there need to be a few more years allowed for the trees and native shrubs to grow and start spreading their shade over the waterways.
At the same time, bio-fuel could be properly research and made from cow manure maybe – as well as the effluent spraying onto paddocks. More pressure needs to be put on government sources to make this sort of thing happen properly, and all over the country where dairying is being done.
And maybe a temporary halt to any more dairy farms being proposed – a moratorium say, for five years, while all these other things get under way.
There is NO need for NZ to accept that more dairying means more polluted waters.
But dont we have to accept that by beginning dairying in drought susceptible places we have increased other environment dangers, such as the degridation of rivers and eco systems to divert water to land that was never meant to be lush? North canterbury for example.
We cant continue to force the land to bend to the desire to financially benefit from cows without expecting a backlash. Nature (including us) is about balance. We are tipping the balance int his regard way off its axis.
CV the right are running out of
t/rolls scraping the bottom of the barrel!
C73 is failing to identify his target and continues to shoot himself in the far right of his very large foot which is stuck in his mouth.
I’m showing (with links because the left love to ask for links) that homicides in the USA is dropping, I’ve showed that firearms arn’t the problem its hand guns (in the usa anyway) but back to you
Why not just gone and live in the US and be happy.
– I like NZ
We don’t need anymore guns we have gone of the higjest fun ownership rates in the world already.
– What does that even mean? Do you mean to say there should be a limit as to how many firearms someone can own or that it should be made easier to get a firearms licence (I think the licence requirements are good as they are)
A good percentage of those seven homicides will be from hunters shooting their mates.
Experienced shooters failing to identify their target.
– I agree
So putting guns into the average persons hands will lead to mayhem.
– I agree, the NZ firearms licencing system seems to be working just fine as it is so theres no need to change it
Wow you got me, the USAs rate is higher then NZs so we’ll just ignore the fact that the rate in the USA is dropping and thats from data taken over decades
That’s odd, I thought you were pushing for wider ownership and use of guns in the home but it seems all you are interested in is the status quo and recognising that the US is not the example to follow. I’m Ok with all that.
I’m for following the firearms licencing code because it works well, if suddenly a million kiwis up and get their licences and buy weapons in the next week I’m ok with that
If those same kiwis get the endorsements for handguns and then buy handguns I’m also ok with that
I’m not ok with people being able to buy firearms without a licence nor am I ok with people buying handguns without the proper endorsements
I’d also like to see the castle doctrine bought into NZ and set up for kiwis, by kiwis, so everybody know where they stand
I enjoy target shooting and I think the castle doctrine is something that should be looked at…I’m amused no one even bothered to mention the free education for national service thing, which I think is a good idea though it could be increased for things like pest eradication, doc work etc etc
Could be cheaper and less problematic to just fund DOC sufficiently and subsidise education too.
– Yeah but theres benefits to be had with national service, I mean Singapore and Switzerland seem to do all right and kids can learn trades and skills…
I’ve been annoyed with Mormons and JW’s on the doorstep but never felt like shooting them.
– The best thing about shooting them is they generally forgive you (thats a joke I don’t condone shooting anyone of faith)
Paul Farmers are aloud to operate under different rules to every other business.
They are aloud to dump
Nitrates and phosphates into our streams rivers lakes water table virtually at will.
Any city based company which
tried to dump effluent of anytype would be shut down immediatly forced to pay for the clean up then heavily fined.
Farmers have taken over running a lot of the rural regional councils and gone lightly on farmers!
And be aware of the tactics and sheer bullying, if not aggression to “defend” what they belief is “theirs”.
I propose that for every ill every possibility to affect a species how ever small, that a 10 meter strip along any water way or well is being confiscated for the purpose of creating a corridor for harm minimization. Any complaints and and another problem, 15 meters is the next lot – what? there is a protest and some more of the same, 20 meters it will be.
I don’t belief that Farmers really have a nation on their mind as they are the Land Gentry who have inherent the attitudes of long gone generations left behind in Europe. There people were shot when digging up potatoes due to starvation, citing theft.
Iwi leaders and the corporate arm of tribal organizations need to show their blatant disregard for the TPP, as it will significantly impact the majority of Māori. Traditional knowledge like rongoā (medicinal practices and customs), carving, weaving, and even the Māori language are in danger of being hijacked by TPP investors. Indeed, Auckland University law professor Jane Kelsey, a forefront activist against the free trade agreement, says that tribal leaders need to see the ecological, socio-economic and intellectual property fallout that will transpire once the TPP is employed.
“It is also likely to lead to more Māori names being trademarked by foreign companies, and traditional knowledge about things like rongoā or natural medicine being claimed by companies.”
Something else to think about as regards the TPPA.
That’s quite an interesting map Phillip. Especially when considered in the context of ‘plausible deniability’ from both the Kiwis and Okkers.
Also its interesting when seen in the context of…/nsa-surveillance-cause-internet-breakup-edward- snowden, and how we might avail ourselves of alternatives some time in the future.
C73 the crime rates in developed countries has been dropping for a long time poor excuse for a failed argument
A rifle is far more accurate and less fiddlly than a hand gun
More lies .
A handgun is less fiddly and more accurate at
short distance
A rifle following the law c73 has to be in an approved locker loocked up with the ammo and firing pin kept seperatly by the time you get your rifle loaded and ready to fire the socold threat will have overpowered you got what he wants plus your gun and made your pathetic rational look as silly as you are.
With crime rates dropping so rapidly there is no need for guns for personal protection .
C73 you dog whistling to the far right.
– Did you know they have very strict gun ownership laws?
A rifle is far more accurate and less fiddlly than a hand gun
More lies .
A handgun is less fiddly and more accurate at
short distance
– No you are wrong, the length of the barrel improves the accuracy as the bullet travels down the barrel of the gun, it is literally spun by the many grooves which line the barrel. These grooves serve to greater increase accuracy by attempting to stabilize the bullet by spinning it , as much as it can while in flight. Thus allowing the bullet to remain in its trajectory and hitting the target spot-on.
– Please stop getting information from hollywood movies as they’re not accurate
A rifle following the law c73 has to be in an approved locker loocked up with the ammo and firing pin kept seperatly by the time you get your rifle loaded and ready to fire the socold threat will have overpowered you got what he wants plus your gun and made your pathetic rational look as silly as you are.
With crime rates dropping so rapidly there is no need for guns for personal protection .
– Just as an example but whos to say I didn’t have my weapon out and was checking/cleaning it when I heard a noise…
– However I also have a couple of dogs to give me excellent prior warning and they have very loud and deep barks
– Yes the Police and National are doing a wonderful job of looking after the country, I’m so glad you agree
C73 you dog whistling to the far right.
– Um if I was then I’ve chosen the wrong site to do so don’t you think…
“I do get your point in general but in my case thats not likely to happen because we don’t have kids so we don’t have kids over, its just the two of us”
Getting quite specific, this castle doctrine. A couple more comments and it’ll be narrowed down to apply only to Cameron Slater and Bruce Emery
These guys would probably let Titford have one in his cell. After all, that’s his home for a while now, and I suspect there will be the odd home invasion.
You do know castle doctrine is about someone in your house right, not about people lurking outside your house
Just because the american judicial systems interpretation of the law is screwed up doesn’t mean NZ has to follow, we could do our own version (yeah I know we have to follow absolutely everything america does)
It’s about blazing away at people inside your home who do not present a reasonable threat to your life or the lives of your loved ones.
If they do present a threat to you or others, you’re already covered by the law and can blaze away to your heart’s content – as long as it’s reasonable.
longer barrel = less barrel rise when firing, more accuracy and faster muzzle velocity (higher kinetic energy, implies longer range and more stopping power).
Those things matter less when you are intending to use the weapon at ranges of 10m and less.
Rodney Hide is critical of Key-Government deals. Wot!!!! Surely not and sort of agreeing with Mr Cunliffe. Wah?
“But do we want the Prime Minister cutting deals with business? I don’t think so.
There’s now a long list of hands-on deal making. We had Warner Bros in making The Hobbit trilogy, $1.2 billion for Chorus to roll out fibre, the consequent questioning of the Commerce Commission doing its job determining the price of copper, $30 million for Rio Tinto to stay a bit longer and the pokies-for-convention-centre deal with SkyCity.
Each of the deals has a logic. The benefits each time may well outweigh the costs. Each on their own possibly stacks up. But taken together they show a disturbing pattern of a Government willing not just to sit down with individual businesses but willing to talk turkey and strike very specific deals….”
Well Rodney wont be very welcome back in Parliament will he.
Hutchison : spending on the young leads to highly productive lives (contributing to tax-revenue)
King: prioritization of new funding to the early years, including conception; sections of the Report will translate directly into Labour’s 2014 manifesto.
Recommendations were accepted by all members of the Health Commitee. If National do not commit, King could campaign on the differentiation.
Even Hoots, “the Baby Boomers have been too politically powerful for structural change… an actuarial approach may improve investment ” (sorta paraphrased) Comrade Matthew! However, lets leave the oil in the ground as well aye. 😎
To conclude, the Health Vote expenditure per 0-5-year old is $5000, while the comparison for over-85-year olds is $25,000 .
Both groups would benefit from adequate nutrition and insulated housing. Lunch in schools and prepacked meals, as well as insulation installers would create employment.
Good antenatal care and good nutrition is being proactive.
Yes, many reports in the MSM of low-income elderly people doing it very hard. Furthermore, many folk in their 60’s are likely to live for another 20 years or so, with relief looking less and less unlikely. Still, at least these conversations are becoming more mainstream also, in little pockets of sanity.
What utterly indulgent silliness Treetop ! Let the indolent bastards waste I say, for the “bad choices” they stubbornly insist on making still. Life after all is about the “good people”, the Piss73s, the Bowel Motions, the Infuseds, the SS-Lands, the blowhard little soldiers of the ShonKey Python cargo-cult revolution. The ones still reading “Boys’ Own”.
I tell you, the only people worth investing in are those with more money than a bull can shit shit and more money than Imelda could spend. Get real my brother !
I would echo the insulation …. although my house was built about twenty years ago according to the then, perhaps still current, insulation standards over a period of about a year I double glazed and today I enjoy the considerable benefits of that home-improvement. Usually only needing a 400 or 600watt heater for personal comfort ….. being an older person on blood thinning medication.
Had not heard this Song for Ages, ’til it wafted across the road on the wind.
You see life through distorted eyes
The race is run the book is read
The end begins to show
The truth is out, the lies are old
But you don’t want to know
Nobody will ever let you know
When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you’re on your own
Fill your head all full of lies
Everything around you
What’s it coming to
God knows as your dog knows
Bog blast all of you Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Bernard Hickey and Rod Oram are among the few journalists with an informed analysis of the business and environment nexus. The solution to this problem is simple really, but politically unpalatable. The truth often is. When you are in a hole, STOP DIGGING!
Rodney Hide – “Trader John” not what we need in Government
I think it prudent to have our politicians stick to policy and to making rules that apply to all businesses equally.
Of course politicians should meet business leaders but it should be on matters of policy and government direction, not for particular deal-making with individual businesses.
So full strength to David Cunliffe’s arm. There’s more at stake here than just who wins the next election and which side of the political fence we happen to lie.
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While we may not always have quality political leadership, a couple of recently published autobiographies indicate sometimes we strike it lucky. When ranking our prime ministers, retired professor of history Erik Olssen commented that ‘neither Holland nor Nash was especially effective as prime minister – even his private secretary thought ...
Baby, be the class clownI'll be the beauty queen in tearsIt's a new art form, showin' people how little we care (yeah)We're so happy, even when we're smilin' out of fearLet's go down to the tennis court and talk it up like, yeah (yeah)Songwriters: Joel Little / Ella Yelich O ...
Open access notables Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored, Ecker et al., American Psychologist:Recent academic debate has seen the emergence of the claim that misinformation is not a significant societal problem. We argue that the arguments used to support this minimizing position are flawed, particularly if interpreted (e.g., by policymakers or the public) as suggesting ...
What I’ve Been Doing: I buried a close family member.What I’ve Been Watching: Andor, Jack Reacher, Xmas movies.What I’ve Been Reflecting On: The Usefulness of Writing and the Worthiness of Doing So — especially as things become more transparent on their own.I also hate competing on any day, and if ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
Morena folks,We’re having a good break, recharging the batteries. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday period. I’m not feeling terribly inspired by much at the moment, I’m afraid—not from a writing point of view, anyway.So, today, we’re travelling back in time. You’ll have to imagine the wavy lines and sci-fi sound ...
Completed reads for 2024: Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola A Platonic Discourse Upon Love, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Of Being and Unity, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Giovanni Francesco Pico Three Letters Written by Pico ...
Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
Don't you cry tonightI still love you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightSong: Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so”, said possibly the greatest philosopher ever to walk this earth, Douglas Adams.We have entered the ...
Because you're magicYou're magic people to meSong: Dave Para/Molly Para.Morena all, I hope you had a good day yesterday, however you spent it. Today, a few words about our celebration and a look at the various messages from our politicians.A Rockel XmasChristmas morning was spent with the five of us ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
Ríu Ríu ChíuRíu Ríu Chíu is a Spanish Christmas song from the 16th Century. The traditional carol would likely have passed unnoticed by the English-speaking world had the made-for-television American band The Monkees not performed the song as part of their special Christmas show back in 1967. The show's ...
Dunedin’s summer thus far has been warm and humid… and it looks like we’re in for a grey Christmas. But it is now officially Christmas Day in this time zone, so never mind. This year, I’ve stumbled across an Old English version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: [youtube ...
JOSEPH TWISTED THE DISHCLOTH gently in the wine-glass, removed it carefully, and held the glass up to the light. Though the bar was dimly lit, there was illumination enough to set the glass a-sparkle. Satisfied, Joesph replaced it carefully on the shelf.“Whose that fellow at the end of the bar?”The ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
The proposed Bill cuts across existing and soon-to-be-implemented frameworks, including Part 4 of the Legislation Act 2019, which is slated to come into force next year, and will make sensible improvements to regulation-making. ...
Summer reissue: For all the spectacle of WoW, Alex Casey couldn’t tear her eyes off Christopher Luxon in the front row. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Pavlina Jasovska, Senior Lecturer in International Business & Strategy, University of Technology Sydney Multiculturalism is central to Australia’s identity, with more than half the population coming from overseas or having parents who did. Most Australians view multiculturalism positively. However, many experience ...
Treaty issues will dominate the first six months, but that’s not all, writes Stewart Sowman-Lund in the first Bulletin of 2025. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. ...
Summer reissue: The Kim Dotcom challenge to John Key culminated in an extravaganza joining dots from the US, the UK, Russia – even North Korea. And it got very messy. Toby Manhire casts his eye back a decade.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have ...
In our latest in-depth podcast investigation, Fractured, Melanie Reid and her team delve deep into a complex case involving a controversial medical diagnosis and its fallout on a young family. While Fractured is a forensic examination of this case here in New Zealand, the diagnosis that started it all is ...
Close to 2000 New Zealanders died carrying student loans in 2024, with the Inland Revenue Department having to wipe $28.8 million in unpaid debt.Both the number and value of loans being written off due to the holder dying has tripled over the past decade, government figures show. In 2014, $9 ...
Opinion: In late December we learned that, after a four-year battle with the Charities Services, Te Whānau O Waipareira Trust looks set to be deregistered as a charity. Most of what we know about the activities of Waipareira Trust, and the resulting Charities Services’ investigations, is due to tenacious reporting ...
Summer reissue: As homelessness hits an all-time high, New Zealand’s frontline organisations are embracing unconventional and innovative strategies. Joel MacManus takes a closer look at the crisis and meets the people who claim to have the cure.The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Monday 13 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s Sunday “soft launch” of his campaign for election year was carefully calibrated to pitch to the party faithful while seeking to project enough nuance to avoid alienating centrist voters. It ...
Paula Southgate says she is not standing for re-election as she wants to make way for emerging leaders and spend more time with her friends and family. ...
The bipartisan support in parliament for the Foreign Interference Bill is a warning that there is no constituency in the New Zealand ruling class for the maintenance of basic democratic rights. There has been no critical reporting on the bill in the ...
Democracy Now!AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! As we continue our discussion of President Jimmy Carter’s legacy, we look at his policies in the Middle East and North Africa, in particular, Israel and Palestine.On Thursday during the state funeral in Washington, President Carter’s former adviser Stuart Eizenstat praised ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk France’s naval flagship, the 261m aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, is to be deployed to the Pacific later this year, as part of an exercise codenamed “Clémenceau 25”. French Naval Command Etat-Major’s Commodore Jacques Mallard told a French media briefing that ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Vaughan, PhD Researcher Sport Integrity, University of Canberra As the Australian Open gets under way in Melbourne, the sport is facing a crisis over positive doping tests involving two of the biggest stars in tennis. Last March, the top-ranked men’s player, ...
Summer reissue: New Zealand used to be a country of vibrant synthetic striped polyprop. Then we got boring – and discovered merino. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to ...
It was a mild, cloudy morning in May 1974 when Oliver Sutherland and his wife, Ulla Sköld, were confronted, on their doorstep, by one of the country’s top cops.The couple were key members of the group Auckland Committee on Racism and Discrimination (Acord), which had been pushing the government to ...
Summer reissue: With funding ending for Archives New Zealand’s digitisation programme, Hera Lindsay Bird shares a taste of what’s being lost – because history isn’t just about the big-ticket items. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please ...
Since the dramatic scenes at Kabul Airport in 2021 of thousands of Afghans desperately seeking to escape, fearful of what a new Taliban regime would mean for their lives and livelihoods, the focus on Afghanistan in New Zealand has predictably waned. New crises have emerged, with the conflicts in Ukraine ...
Summer reissue: Pāua, canned spaghetti, povi masima and taro: Pepe’s Cafe understands the nature of food as love and community. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a ...
Summer reissue: Rachel Hunter sold out a Christchurch school hall for a mysterious sounding ‘Community Event’. Alex Casey went along to find out what it was all about. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our ...
Summer reissue: Drinking wasn’t just a pastime, it was my profession – and it got way out of control. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Sunday 12 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
Asia Pacific Report A Palestine solidarity advocate today appealed to New Zealanders to shed their feelings of powerlessness over the Gaza genocide and “take action” in support of an effective global strategy of boycott, divestment and sanctions. “Many of us have become addicted to ‘doom scrolling’ — reading or watching ...
A former lawyer for President-elect Donald Trump was found to have violated a court agreement after he suggested on a podcast in November two election workers were quadruple counting ballots and using a computer hard drive to fix the machines. ...
Summer reissue: The comedian takes us through her life in television, including her favourite Kardashian tiff, Taskmaster task, and the best thing about being Tina from Turners. Sieni Tiana Leo’o Olo, aka Bubbah, is used to being approached by men in bars – but not for the reasons you might ...
Summer reissue: A special live edition of the Spinoff politics podcast, revisiting the turbulent Lange years with very special guest Kim Hill. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to ...
Summer reissue: On learning an underappreciated but vitally important skill. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.It has been almost a decade since I ...
Summer reissue: Alex Casey spends the weekend in a new city without her trusty iPhone, and lives to tell the tale. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be ...
The HOS editorial this morning is a stunner. It gets stuck into Colin Craig big time.
Try this:
The editorial makes one mistake. It says that the new upper harbour seat has much of the former seat of Waitakere in it. It actually only takes in a thin sliver, about 600 votes from her former seat.
But the general tone and content of the editorial is wonderful. Even the Herald can see that Colin Craig could be a huge embarrassment to National.
Likely reflects massive internal tensions within National vis a vis Colin Craig.
The interesting thing is that most pundits/jonolists/columnists are saying Key had earmarked Upper Harbour for Craig until Bennett jumped in and staked her claim.
Craig and his Conservatives have major loose cannon potential already. If his loot does buy a parliamentary presence of 1 or more seats prepare for some outright craziness.
The Natz do appear to be floundering internally on this one so far as Bennett’s spring loaded bid for the new seat shows.
But Andrea Vance is more accommodating to Colon. Well, she gives him the opportunity to say how much the elderly like him – really?
Colon Craig is an NZ-style tea partier. Sex is all done by women, and he wants everyone to own a gun (is he getting direct instructions form the US reactionaries?). He waters down his anti-climate change lines for NZ consumption.
And Craig sniffs there are votes in jumping onto the anti-fluoride bandwagon.
If it wasn’t immediately obvious, more guns: Craig would consider introducing national service in return for free tertiary education. And let everyone else have a gun too: the right to bear arms, and the “Castle Doctrine” (basically, the right to shoot burglars).
– Thats a vote winner for the group hes targeting, I also happen to agree with it as well although I’d extend it to working for DOC etc etc not just the military
hes targeting macho paranoid idiots? yeah thats the answer, more guns…sheesh.
It sounds more like spin from the article: “right to bear arms” thats a emotive phrase designed to raise hackles and completely inappropriate for NZ but as to regards to the “castle doctrine” why shouldn’t someone be able to defend themselves and their family from intruders?
The actual question you are asking is –
“why shouldn’t someone use guns in the family home”
For starters, there’s nothing like having guns in a house to have family members shot. And then the police would have to ante up with automatic weapons.
Now you’re just being melodramatic, theres (from 2006 so the numbers are probably higher) about 230,000 licensed firearms owners own and use New Zealand’s estimated 1.1 million firearms
So I’ll ask again someone breaks into my home why I shouldn’t I be able to defend myself (legally) and my family
No-one as dull-witted as you should be allowed anything sharper than a sponge.
tee hee
The other day we were discussing a case of two men (illegally) breaking into a woman’s home and forcing their way into her bedroom where they assaulted her before (illegally) abducting her.
I imagine you would support her right to defend herself (legally) from these assailants.
I would have no problems with this women defending herself legally, with a firearm if necessary, against anyone that does that
and yes that includes against the police if they act in such a matter (I’m assuming thats what you were referring to?)
best way to get shot is with your own weapon.
Your pushing for broad handgun/pistol ownership is insane.
Seems to me this course can only lead to escalation.
If the cops expect to routinely encounter armed citizens they’ll respond by routinely entering situations with their guns drawn. And many more people will die.
Some of those people will be cops. Some will be crooks. Some will be stuck in a bad situation. Some will have opened the wrong door at the wrong time. Some will have moved funny. Some will be bystanders. Some will be kids.
And the blood of these dead – be they innocent or otherwise, killed in defense or mistakenly – all of this blood will be on the hands of those who have fostered this culture of fear and vengeance.
There’s no safety in it for you either. There’s no security for your family in knowing that the next home invader, be they a desperate meth fiend or a poorly trained cop, will be pointing an automatic weapon at daddy’s face and ready to duel to the death.
It’s just fear and death and violence and reprisal and escalation and revenge and hate and blood in an ever descending spiral.
All so little men can feel more powerful than they really are. Doesn’t seem worth it.
CV stop lying and stop listening to Piers Morgan
Show me where I mentioned anything about handgun/pistol ownership
For home defence purposes (if it was legal) I’d go for a rifle because they’re accurate but its entirely up to anyone else to decide what they need
Of course you cannot get a firearms licence in the first place if your primary purpose is self-defence
Of course you’re pushing for increased handgun/pistol ownership. A woman can’t defend herself in bed with a .223 rifle or shotgun, can she.
LOL with a statement like that you can’t possibly have a serious interest in firearms for home defence.
More guns are not the solution. If this is the case Texas would be paradise. Having a weapon in the house also facilitates easy access in cases of suicides.
The problem is the uneven distribution of wealth and as long as this is not addressed it will get worse. There are plenty of examples around the world and to propose we should emanate the poorest cities/countries just does not wash.
felix: The other day we were discussing a case of two men (illegally) breaking into a woman’s home and forcing their way into her bedroom where they assaulted her before (illegally) abducting her.
chris73: I would have no problems with this women defending herself legally, with a firearm if necessary, against anyone that does that
So, is this woman meant to be wearing her gun on her hip all the time when at home? Or will she always have time to run and get it when outnumbered by 2 male intruders?
Apparently she’s going to have time to take the rifle from the gun safe, load it, aim it and fire at the baddie(s).
Felix +1000
Virtually every door in the States has a ‘look-out glass’ in it … very rare in NZ … I suggest that says something about both countries.
Careful what you ask for Piss73. A dorkis like you’d probably miss the burglar and shoot himself. And how helpful would that be ? No living complainant to testify that the entry was unauthorised.
Thank you for your concern but I’ll be ok
That’s great Piss. Ummmmh…….I take it you did save the comment you’re sure to have made denouncing the stabbing (to death) in Manurewa of young Maori boy Pihema some years ago ?
The 17 year old whose life was stolen by some twisted psycho’ defending his “property”, viz. his fucking fence, from a real or imagined tagging.
A “defence of the fence” finally achieved when the psycho’ pursued and got hold of Pihema some distance down the street from his fabulous fucking fence.
Haul that comment out Piss, please Would love to read it. Would be a wonderful counter to the mealy mouthed and grudging shit Garth McVictim of the SST put out.
Would also point up the bloodthirst inherent in your “why shouldn’t I be allowed……” stuff about guns.
You’re a dangerous man Piss.
Chris If you are going to throw numbers around then you NEED to provide a link or it’s just more unsubstantiated bullshit.
it’s easier like this from 2009
There are about 1.2 million guns in New Zealand, registered to about 225,000 licensed owners. Police admit they do not know how many unlicensed guns there are.
This seems to be a very interesting site
Well I said its about the numbers and that the numbers were from 2006 so they probably went up and the numbers i threw out were pretty close to what you put up, so I’d say I was closer then what poliicians call back of the envelope numbers anyways
If my family was endangered, I’d shoot. But I don’t have a gun license, and never plan to get one.
Should have this right though.
How’d you know that you weren’t about to put a bullet through the wall into your kid or your neighbour?
Piss73 if you knew the law about (a) defence of dwelling house (b) defence of land or building and (c) defence of self or another then you would know that you are so entitled.
I can give you chapter and verse from ss.48-56 of the Crimes Act 1961 if you’d like. Perhaps more face saving for you, a quick private look at those sections of the Crimes Act 1961.
You’re unlikely to engage either educative measure of course since that would deny you the satisfaction of continued spouting off with extraordinarily ignorant claims and prejudiced mutterings. For the bigot there’s nothing so disarming as the facts.
From everyone elses’ point of view though it would be useful. In default of your ceasing your ignorant claims and prejudiced mutterings, it would point up the bigotry within which seeks a carte blanche for the taking of vengeance.
You’re not gonna get it. Tough. Suck it up Mr Vexed Impotence.
Piss73 – Do you understand how hopelessly, hopelessly Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachman/Tea Party/Rush Limbaugh/”my cold dead hands” you present ?
You poor, poor, piss-poor thing ! Even ShonKey Python and Archibald Banks don’t want ya mate. Oh…….The Twisted Colon does you say ? Well……OK…..that’s alright then.
Bit early to be drinking isn’t it?
You’ve got a fat buzz about the Piss…..73.
Are you projecting ?
No not really, I was just wondering where this came from:
North 31.1.1
22 November 2013 at 11:01 pm
You’re a nutter Piss73. Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ? You being too bone idle or unartful to peel some spuds while ya waited, as you related yesterday or the day before ? Walked home for that matter while you drove to and from work in the Grandly asprayshinul Vitara angling at the stylish Maori Land Bruiser VX, as you also related yesterday or the day before ?
Its not how you normally type so I was assuming you’d been drinking…
Hey Piss73 – “not really” projecting you say. I see, just a little bit then ?
Remember Piss, to explain is to lose. Remember Lusky’s weekend workshop you went to a while ago……you know, a few Tory MPs there ? You just weren’t listening were you ?
Well I wasn’t explaining I was wondering where it came from so theres a bit of difference but anyway could you explain what you meant by this line then:
“Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ?”
I’m not sure what you meant it so if you could clarify it for me I’d appreciate it
Cv Now you’re just being melodramatic!
Every day in Nz something real and melodramatic occurs. (The latest is 3 young men being hijacked with a knife and made to drive around for hours). Guns, knives, we’ve got the dramatic but it ain’t mellow. We don’t need every goon to have a gun.
And what’s this about bloggers in the Herald editorial. Only haute cuisine is good enough for me, and I’m sure others here are even more discerning.
” Ruthless MPs on either side of the House would chew him up and spit him out, leaving the bloggers and tweeters to bicker over the soggy, half-masticated scraps.”
lol gw
Some evidence, Chris to suggest gun ownership creates some problems with increased murders.
Please support your argument in favour of owning guns with evidence as well.
I know Colin Craig does not rely on evidence for his views on Climate change but please prove to readers of this blog that you do value substantiated arguments.
Do you mean like (from the article) how USA is top of the list for gun ownership but 28th on the list with a rate of 2.97 deaths per 100,000 people by firearms)
Or how Mexico has extremely strict gun laws but has a death rate of 54.9 per 100,000
Or do you mean something like this: (this is a good one as it has graphs)
or maybe this from the guardian:
Let me know if that answers your question
Wow, that Steven Goddard looks like a reliable source.
Looks like a climate denial website or one by the Tea Party.
When I said evidence, I didn’t mean a crazed website.
Is the sort of garbage you source your opinions from, Chris?
Does explain a lot.
So you’ll ignore the three other links then, jolly good
Bloomberg say US homicide rates have dropped ; however they’re still way above NZ per capita rates and other countries without gun ownership.
Do you agree with the climate denial viewpoints on the Godard website?
Bloomberg say US homicide rates have dropped ; however they’re still way above NZ per capita rates and other countries without gun ownership.
– Yes they are and thats a good thing, in fact if you look closer you’ll note that the rate started dropping after Bill Clintons gun control bills got the arse
NZ seems to have gun ownership laws running as they should
Do you agree with the climate denial viewpoints on the Godard website?
– Seperate issue
Hey leave Chris73 alone at least he provided links to go with his assertions this time. Thanks Chris. Oh and I agree the Steven Goddard page does look like a tea party special.
Mexico has several areas which are in effective rebellion by drug cartels. Their “strict gun laws” are a joke. The US Gov supplied their drug cartels with assault weapons as part of the “Fast and the Furious” debacle.
BTW you quoted a misleading and incorrect statistic. US firearm deaths per 100,000 people is over 3x as high as what you said, and around 600% higher than NZ. What you’ve done is somehow ignored accidental deaths and suicides by firearm.
Summary – the US is the worst example to follow.
I quoted from the link supplied by Paul from the guardian
No you didn’t. You would have specified “homicides” if you had. Because that is what the Guardian article specified. All you did instead was pull numbers out of context and labelled them something that they were not.
And your statistics are incorrect because of that. You’ve ignored suicides and accidental shootings for starters.
Well ok then how do you explain this then: (and check out where he gets his info from)
and slightly off topic but this:
All completely irrelevant.
Who cares if US deaths from guns has halved. Our death rate from guns is still 1/7 of that again. Why would we copy them on anything to do with guns and firearm legislation?
They should be copying us.
“Why would we copy them on anything to do with guns and firearm legislation?”
Same reason we should copy their charter schools, their environmental agencies, and their political lobbying system.
I completely agree they should be copying us however that doesn’t mean we’re completely 100% right and they’re 100% wrong and in this case the Castle Doctrine is something we could learn from
Now I’m not saying we do exactly what they do because I’m sure we could come up with something better
The “Castle Doctrine” is vacuous and lame. In the US it leads to brown kids getting shot in the face when they door knock the wrong house in the wrong neighbourhood.
And typically the shooter walks free, no problem.
The Castle Doctrine is awesome if you want to empower the privileged to kill the oppressed.
What you end up with is George Zimmerman and Marissa Alexander.
Just like we should copy their medical system. ??
“What you end up with is George Zimmerman and Marissa Alexander.”
Yeah but Bruce Emery could’ve saved himself all that running.
And that’s where chris73’s fantasy goes awry. It’s not vulnerable women home alone who are going to tool up, and it’s not ordinary people “protecting” their families.
It’s fuckjobs like Bruce Emery who are going to be sitting around the house with loaded weapons waiting for some brown kid to look at him the wrong way.
Alls well with guns, unless you’re black….
…or a victim.
I have wondered that the excessive politeness of Americans in general doesn’t come from a fear that if they are not that way you will drawn out a gun and shoot them. Certainly I learnt to control my traffic rage as a result of this fear when driving over there 🙂
I had the same thinking when I was over there last.
and the frequency of car-jackings
Nah, I think this answers the question:
we can already use frce to defend ourselves and others.
We’re just not allowed to kill someone to protect trinkets.
as an aside, in Wellington, 24,000 unsolved burglaries over six years; 13% of 4500 last year resolved.
‘reasonable force’ I think is the determination as opposed to leathal force.
Or would you prefer to be able to kill someone when it’s unreasonable to do so?
That’s actually the nub right there – currently, anybody is allowed to kill anybody else when it’s a reasonable choice to make in order to defend the lives of themselves or other people.
People wanting a change to that law either want to be able to kill people over items of property, or they want to be able to kill people when it’s not reasonable to do so to protect people.
A penis extension would be less dangerous to other people than carrying a gun around and probably make you feel just as good.
After reading the 2 Colin Craig articles it’s almost worth it to let him have a seat I think he is going to be a real handful in partnership he seems to be a standard fundamental Cristian, that no matter how many times you try you just can’t get him to alter his perception (I was going to say change his mind) on things he believes in.
perhaps it is called boiling him alive? She senses the best way not to kill the golden quote goose is to seem to be giving it a sensitive ear.
I didn’t realise just how nutty the guy was- in fact, I’d written him off as one of those weirdo ex-United Future types…
Colin Craig is a bit of a moneybags, and this is reason number one, two and three in real terms for the existence of the flaky Conservatives. He can bankroll his odd parliamentary dreams unlike many others. His obvious lack of a political core makes him an easy target for seasoned commentators and good job too if exposing him makes it less likely the Key gang will survive the ’14 election.
Bit condescending on the “bloggers and tweeters” though given the number of story leads over the last several months the Herald was happy to co-opt from online writers and their investigations.
absolutely, considering many of us only look at the msm by clicking on links on these blogs. jeez thats a harsh editorial, & the webb caricature doing the rounds is plain ugly, usually webbs pictures are kinda cool but his craig one is ghastly, its great!
+1 – only reason I knew about the editorial was this site.
Then who are they going to dance with. Their card is looking sad and empty except for the old faded flowers in Dunne and Banks.
They should not invite Chris73 with his firearms to dance at their political wedding:
The point is not whether he is a capable MP (look at Banks) but will he make up the numbers; will he bring an extra seat to the table. The numbers mean everything in a close contest or when you have no other options.
Thank God someone in the MSM has had the guts to say it. He might be a nice guy but he’s the dimmest bulb ever to seek a parliamentary career. I suppose you could say that dim bulbs in NZ are entitled to representation but there’s a line in the sand beyond which we cannot go, and Colin Craig is on the wrong side of that line!
He is certainly pretty bad but “the dimmest bulb ever” is, in my opinion going just a bit too far.
I can think of at least two MPs in the last 20 years who were worse.
The worst would, I think, have been Alamein Kopu of the Alliance Party and the runner-up would have been Georgina Beyer of the Labour Party.
Name another successful small party lead by a dim bulb. There are liars, cheats and sell outs but they’re all savvy political operators.
This party is doomed.
Hey, you aren’t playing fair. Anne hadn’t limited her statement to party leaders. I don’t see how you can limit it to “successful” parties either. After all there are no Conservative Party members in Parliament so they can hardly be called successful.
The rest of your statement is pretty accurate though.
Now that’s a bit odd. I remember a very popular TV show some ten or more years ago where IQs were measured and Georgina Beyer was runner-up to Raybon Kan. They were up against teachers, academics and other known luminaries too.
So much for alwyn’s latest attempt to derail a post.
“so much for alwyn’s latest attempt to derail a post”
You can’t derail this post. It’s “Open Mike” remember and as it says at the top of the page it is for “For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose”. It isn’t a post solely about Colin Craig you know.
As far as IQ goes, so what? There are a very large number of people who have much higher IQs than Dick Feynman’s was. They didn’t win a Nobel Prize in Physics though..
Alamein Kopu wasnt stupid, she was corrupt and devoid of any ethical compass. Perhaps thats why Tau Henere used to sing her praises.
To call Georgina Beyer a dim bulb simply shows up your ignorance of her.
You may not like her, and while I don’t think anyone would call her an Einstein / Hawking type, she certainly isnt stupid.
You also picked 2 people that cannot fight back, Alamein is dead, and Georgina now suffers from a chronic potentially terminal illness.
I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a very nice person.
“You also picked people who cannot fight back”.
I can be very sorry for Georgina’s problems, and hope that she recovers, but it doesn’t change the fact that she was pretty foolish in her time as an MP. Even her resignation was a farce when she resigned to act in a play, didn’t go ahead with it and then complained that the Labour Government wouldn’t appoint her to a board or two.
To say that one cannot comment on the dead because they cannot fight back would of course preclude any discussion of the evils of the Stalin or Hitler or Pol Pot. They are all dead you see. We cannot judge them because they can’t fight back.
However, to fit into your set of mores, I shall not discuss the matter any more.
Oh that’s convenient, then I guess you’ll refuse to back any of that bullshit up.
That’s funny. The thickest ones I’ve seen would be John Carter, Ben Couch, and that idiot deputy speaker we have these days. Alamein wasn’t overly gifted, but Georgina is not stupid at all.
You think he is thicker than Brownlee, or Bennett?
Key, supposedly the best of the National lot, also has a limited cognitive range.
Not to mention the many other politicians who seem to have cognitive and moral disabilities.
Hoots on Q&A: [Nats] can only remain if Craig is gifted a seat. Sounds positive for the Left
on Genesis shares, Ad;
McCarten -“I don’t think Genesis will be offered” (paraphrased; a little stuttering to decipher)
Hoots- “will hold business over till if re-elected.”
Well Micky S. I wonder just how much longer those elderly Blue Rinses will allow the Nat’s to treat them with utter contempt . Or does the thought of power mean everything?
I think the blue rinses and the other dyed hair types as well feel that belonging to National is asperahunal. It’s where the smart people go, and they do interesting things. Men who think of themselves as wheeler dealers, as Men of Business and Women also, fell National is their natural Party. It is hard to reach the Superior Mind, that demands Quality. (Suitable advert for them.)
One might say Grammatical Correctness gone mad, eh what?
Sensible sentencing and all that….one’s Tory Sentence ending with a semi-colin;
lol; ak, you are very thought-provoking ak. Top Man! . Hoots on re- Al-pole- atick.
Ansell’s mind-boggling pro Titford rants are being reported on the front page of the Sunday Star Times today. Headline “Rapist Titiford “a big pussycat”.
Ansell claims Titford “was fitted up by the state” and the 24 year sentence is “excessive”.
Hone Harawira says he has to laugh rather than get angry.
More about Titford on p4.
P4 also refers to Titford being supported by Martin Doutre, who claims Celts were in NZ pre-Maori.
There’s several articles on p4, including one by Andrew Geddis. The articles are more factual and show up Titford’s hate crimes, rapes and abuse more seriously than the sensationalist front page.
With thanks to Press Display – available to all library members online.
Wasn’t “Ansell” a once-upon-a-time brand of condom ? Oh Daddy Daddy why did you not use one ?
Still is.
Thanks for the link Lanthanide – as I speak, a comp’ ten pack of product on its way to the “Kiwi Not Iwi” bloke.
To acknowledge (a) ZERO emotional IQ (b) that he’s a Premium sorta guy (c) to match his Thin arguments (d) to ensure no further replication of a violently racist mindset.
Notwithstanding the manufacturer’s claims not sure there’s much can be done about the appalling lack of sensitivity.
“ZERO® Premium Thin Condom
For the man who wants a thin, sensitive fit.
The thinnest LifeStyles condom ever made – 45% thinner than our standard condom
Provides more sensitivity and a next-to-nothing feel
Long-lasting lubricant to extend the pleasure
Premium quality latex
10 count box”
Titford was rather popular with revisionists, racists and racists
lol that breaking poos site is funny
Well done to Adam Dudding for his report, following up Titford’s political connections …
“Former National Party leader Don Brash, whose short-lived political successes of 2004-05 were based largely on a speech in which he said New Zealand needed to be purged of race-based legislation, says he had been well aware of Titford’s case when writing the “Orewa” speech.
“It was a celebrated [case], as we thought he had been a victim of intimidation. It turns out that was not the case at all.”
Titford wasn’t exactly a poster boy, says Brash, “but certainly he was a person that most people who were concerned about the Treaty were aware of. But we had a totally wrong idea of his situation.”
Yes, that’s the man who so nearly became Prime Minister. It would be nice if some of those who were taken in by the Brash/Ansell myth-making – or who actively supported it – now acknowledged they were wrong, that they regret their vote in 2005, and are relieved Brash never made it.
A simple “Sorry, and thanks for saving us, Helen” will suffice.
I think 24 years is excessive too, pity we don’t have a ‘Devils Island’ or something that provides sustinence for them without costing the taxpayer …. fortunately I doubt if I have another 24 years so will not be contributing that long.
What ? Bloody what ?
Combed the online Herald this morning and nary a single pap piece on ShonKey Python, much less a mini-hagiography. Not even from Old Man Armstrong whose lingering menopause he confirms with this re Cunliffe and Pike River compensation and a “not-pleased” spray at Shiny Shimon Bridges. (Oh dear the fellow must be out-of-sorts):
Sad however that in its 151st year Tawdry Tory Audrey saw fit to defecate on the Herald’s new look with this pastel piece re Paula Bennettoinette:
Good to see Fran sturdily with the makeover though:
The Armstrong criticism of Cunliffe and praise of Key and McCully starts about halfway down.
“Do Labour’s claims really stack up in both cases?”
He criticises Cunliffes approach as poiuntless.
And goes on to parise McCullys approach of engagement with regemes like Burma etc.
He then talks about Pike River and conflates the ACC payout with the court ordered fines and compensation.
As a political editor he would know better. So his spin is as intentional as it is misleading.
In my inbox this morning–looks worth attending:
AUT Law School warmly invites you to a Public Lecture on “State surveillance and human rights”
by a leading UK public lawyer and human rights commentator, Professor Keith Ewing, King’s College, London.
Date: Tuesday 26 November 2013
Time:Refreshments at 5 pm followed by the Public Lecture at 6 pm
Place: AUT Sir Paul Reeves Building, Room WG 126, Mayoral Drive
Keith Ewing, Professor of Law, King’s College London, has written extensivelyin the area of public law and human rights. He is, perhaps, best known for his 2010 publication,“The Bonfire of the Liberties: New Labour, human rights, and the rule of law”,which provides an outstanding critique of the failure of constitutional principle to protect civil liberties and restrict the power of executive government in the UK. His lecture will address recent legislation in both NZ & the UK which attempts to legitimise executive surveillance of private citizens.
There is no charge for this event but for catering purposes, please RSVP to Michelle D’Souza, or 921 9999 x 5475
C73 cherry picking facts again crime has been dropping in all developed countries aging population video cameras security systems more focused policing.
You would probably shoot one of your family first’
You must be desperate to defend your position as a right wing toiltroll.
Being so poor you can only afford a vitara you can easily be bought off.
A titford toiletroll!
New Zealands rate of gun of gun homicide.
13.5% of murders
7 per year.
60% of homicide by gun
9,200 per year.
More than a 1,000 times more people die in the US.
200 times the rate per head of population
Why not just gone and live in the US and be happy.
We don’t need anymore guns we have gone of the higjest fun ownership rates in the world already.
A good percentage of those seven homicides will be from hunters shooting their mates.
Experienced shooters failing to identify their target.
So putting guns into the average persons hands will lead to mayhem.
C73 wants handguns much more widely available, not hunting rifles. It’s madness. Police will have to go to automatic and assault weapons.
You are a liar CV, you are completely wrong, I cannot say it anymore clearly then this. Show me where I mentioned anything about wanting handguns more widely available and I’ll admit you’re right and I’m wrong otherwise you are full of shit
For home defence purposes (if it was legal) I’d go for a rifle because they’re accurate but its entirely up to anyone else to decide what they need
LOL with a statement like that you can’t possibly have a serious interest in firearms for home defence
– Ok I’m generally interested in why you think that and what would your choice be
So much time on this site is wasted discussing ridiculous propositions put forward by people who shill for the 1%, either knowingly or unknowingly.
This is Open Mike Chris.
Do you agree with the climate denier viewpoints on the Godard site? You dodged that question earlier.
I’m actually interested in why he thinks a rifle is something he wouldn’t choose because he might have a idea I hadn’t thought of (unlikely but why wouldn’t i hear what he has to say)
and the reason I don’t want handguns widely available is because they’re really dangerous, check this out from the FBI:
or more importantly:
Total firearms: 10,129 9,528 9,199 8,874 8,583
Handguns 7,398 6,800 6,501 6,115 6,220
Rifles 453 380 351 367 323
Shotguns 457 442 423 366 356
Other guns 116 81 96 93 97
type not stated 1,705 1,825 1,828 1,933 1,587
Hand guns/pistols (whatever you want to call them) are the main problem in the usa and remember when they say rifles that means anything from bolt action hunting rifles to semi-auto military style rifles
I didn’t dodge it, I just haven’t looked at it because I’m more interested in this
You didn’t mention handguns explicitly, but of course that’s what is required for home personal defence.
For a moving target at a range of 4m or less? You are kidding.
No comment on this sorry.
So you admit you got it wrong, well thats good
“You didn’t mention handguns explicitly, but of course that’s what is required for home personal defence”
– No it isn’t, I (and this is just for me) prefer a rifle to pistol because:
A. A rifle is more accurate then a pistol, anyone who has ever shot a pistol will tell you that hitting a moving target at even 4 meters with a pistol is not easy without a boatload of practice
B. A 5.56/.223 means the recoil is very small so easier for both myself and anyone else smaller then me to use
C. You can still hunt game with a .223 meaning you don’t have to buy separate rifles (although you should if you’re hunting larger game)
D. Its easier to learn to shoot with a rifle and is less “fiddly” then a pistol and if you’re in a situation with the adrenaline pumping you really should be totally familiar with your weapon
E. You need an endorsement on your licence to buy a hand gun
You’re still making shit up. Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
– Ok you say that, where did you get that information from, do you have a link or did you just watch a lot of movies?
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
– and we should take advice from you? Whats your background? I’ve given 5 reasons as to why I’d choose a rifle over a pistol and you’ve given…well none, you haven’t given anything to back your opinion
Own whatever guns you like mate, not my business.
You stated: “Handguns are required for home personal defence” and “I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.”
I want to know where you come by your information and why you think your information is any better then mine
And because you’ve watched some movies doesn’t count as information
I’m right and you’re wrong. And my primary position remains that having guns for use in the home is a very bad idea. But you can own whatever guns you like, it’s none of my business.
– You’re a liar first off, just thought I’d get my reply off on the right foot
I’m right and you’re wrong.
– Why am I wrong, so far I’ve given you 5 reasons as to my position and all you’ve given to back your position is… nothing except I’m right and you’re wrong (now I’m no expert in debating but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t win you any points…)
– Do you know why you’re right? Can you tell me why you’re right or have you just watched Die Hard one too many times?
And my primary position remains that having guns for use in the home is a very bad idea.
– Ok thats cool thats your opinion and thats ok
But you can own whatever guns you like, it’s none of my business.
– See above
Though I do not currently own a gun, growing up, my dad ensured that we had a working knowledge of guns.
So I know how to shoot, clean and care for a single shot bolt action .22, a .267 hunting rifle and a double barrrel shotgun.
If you think that a rifle is the best tool for hitting a moving target (possibly in poor light) at short range, then you either have no experience handling and shooting guns, or you are an idiot.
I’ve not used a handgun, but for short range I’d choose a handgun because it’s designed specifically for that. To kill humans at short range.
If a handgun were not available, then a shotgun would be second pick for short range – but you really, really do not want to be firing one of those inside a house.
I’d choose a short stick over a firearm for home defence. A 2′ baton applied to a persons ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, corner of their shoulder is going to discourage someone very quickly.
Though I do not currently own a gun, growing up, my dad ensured that we had a working knowledge of guns.
So I know how to shoot, clean and care for a single shot bolt action .22, a .267 hunting rifle and a double barrrel shotgun.
If you think that a rifle is the best tool for hitting a moving target (possibly in poor light) at short range, then you either have no experience handling and shooting guns, or you are an idiot.
– I’ll go with 7 years military experience ackshully
I’ve not used a handgun, but for short range I’d choose a handgun because it’s designed specifically for that. To kill humans at short range.
– in that case I’d suggest you go fire one because I guarantee you’ll be surprised by how inaccurate it is (i know i was)
– The inaccuracy and practice required to get that accuracy up to an acceptable level is what makes me choose a rifle…
– Salient point is that even us police who get a fair amount of practice have an accuracy rate of 34%…
– Most people don’t have the time to get that accuracy up to speed
If a handgun were not available, then a shotgun would be second pick for short range – but you really, really do not want to be firing one of those inside a house.
– I agree but I’m also thinking of the kick back as well, my wife has issues with her shoulder so the recoil of a .223 wouldn’t be a problem for her but a shot gun would
I’d choose a short stick over a firearm for home defence. A 2′ baton applied to a persons ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, corner of their shoulder is going to discourage someone very quickly.
– True but thats assuming theres only one of them and they’re unarmed, what if theres more then one of them, what if they’re holding a pick ax handle or baseball bat etc etc
How many building clearances did you do during that time?
A short barrel carbine might be a second option too. But again, firing one of those inside a house is typically a very bad idea.
How many building clearances did you do during that time?
– Why don’t you answer my questions about your experiences that make you such an expert? Scared?
– But back to the matter at hand: None which is probably not a bad thing as I’ll be in a defensive mode anyway which means they’ll come to me so it’ll be more akin to an ambush rather then a clearance
– Assuming of course they choose to ignore my dogs
So in your 7 years military experience you gained no specialty in urban warfare or in clearing and securing buildings and residences?
I think dogs are better than guns at keeping a family safe.
“Scared”? Huh?
So in your 7 years military experience you gained no specialty in urban warfare or in clearing and securing buildings and residences?
– So I’ve basically answered as many of your questions as I can yet you won’t answer any of mine so I’ll try again…
You said:
Handguns are required for home personal defence. I’m just making it clear what you are implying.
– My question is: Ok you say that, where did you get that information from, do you have a link or did you just watch a lot of movies?
You said:
I find it really fascinating that you feel that rifles are the appropriate weapon to use at personal defence ranges. It means that no one should take advice from you on the topic of firearms for home personal defence.
– My question is: and we should take advice from you? Whats your background? I’ve given 5 reasons as to why I’d choose a rifle over a pistol and you’ve given…well none, you haven’t given anything to back your opinion
My final question is: why are you so scared to answer my questions, I’ve answered yours yet you won’t answer mine
Mate I get all my info from playing Modern Warfare.
Mate I get all my info from playing Modern Warfare.
– I believe you
Just to be clear chris73, are you claiming to be a police officer with 7 years military experience or not?
Did you mean this:
“Salient point is that even us police who get a fair amount of practice have an accuracy rate of 34%…”
Sorry my bad I could have written that better, I meant US to signify that even police from the USA who practice regularly have an accuracy rate of 34% so no I’m not a policeman
lolz, I realised just after posting that you probably meant that.
I was in my Regimental Rifle Team when using a rifle but with pistol or automatic I was unlikely to hit the target …. but I have read more novels now and believe I know how to hold a pistol these days 🙂
The one time I used a Sten gun I remember seeing the CSM coming at me but fortunately the magazine emptied before he reached me 🙂 The sideways pull of the Sten is almost uncontrollable, ideal for house to house fighting …. spray …. spray …spray … reload … spray …..
“A. A rifle is more accurate then a pistol, anyone who has ever shot a pistol will tell you that hitting a moving target at even 4 meters with a pistol is not easy without a boatload of practice”
Ahem. Not actually my experience when I was a teenage pistol club member. Got to rep level in a few weeks, mainly on the 25 metre rapid fire. In a close situation like a house, I’d be going for the pistol every time. Over distance, a rifle is obviously more accurate, but in your hallway, a handgun is simpler, quicker and more effective.
But, of course, the best protection is no guns at all.
Well you’re good with a pistol and have experience with one so for you a pistol makes sense but for me I prefer the rifle whereas others would go for a shotgun
I personally found the rifle easier to use and aim but thats me and everyones different, I was more wanting to know why CV was saying what he was saying without backing it up
I know stuff. *Shrug*. Like I said, I’m happy for you to use whatever you would like.
Well I’m always interested in learning stuff about subjects I’m interested in so if you can let me know your reasoning and/or experiences I could probably kearn from it
OK just did a quick google. These articles seem to cover a few of the fundamentals. Bottom line is – go for the handgun every time, with a tactical shotgun a solid no 2 choice.
So basically you don’t know and just did a quick google search, thats cool
But remember most of what you’re linking to is from the USA where hand guns are reasonably easy to get hold of and there are certainly many more places to train with them
Most people in NZ don’t have the time or the inclination to join the clubs and do the testing required to get the endorsement for a hand gun
Whereas its relatively simple to get a standard firearms licence and get a rifle (or shot gun) and practice
Bottom line should be:
Go for what you’re comfortable with using and train constantly
“Go for what you’re comfortable with”
Ok. I’m most comfortable when I know that you and Simon Lusk and Bruce Emery and Garth McVicar aren’t sitting around with loaded weapons (oh sorry, “cleaning” them) waiting for an excuse to murder someone.
Oh fuck off chris73. I didn’t learn this shit in the last 24 hours if that is what you are implying.
Your presumption that a rifle is the best weapon for personal home defence is DEAD WRONG, was wrong from the start, is wrong now, and all the experts you wanted referenced say exactly that.
Right, that makes it clear. I had thought that you were talking about people who were serious about home personal defence and understood the gravity of the factors involved.
If I had known from the start that you were talking about people who can’t be assed making a proper effort to get it right, I would have said, yeah just use whatever POS firearm you happen to have lying around.
“Oh fuck off chris73. I didn’t learn this shit in the last 24 hours if that is what you are implying.”
– I’m not implying, I’m saying thats what you did because
A. the only evidence or personal experience or anything you’ve offered to back up your assertion is something you googled
B. Whatever it is you say I can’t believe because of the amount of lying you did
“Your presumption that a rifle is the best weapon for personal home defence is DEAD WRONG, was wrong from the start, is wrong now, and all the experts you wanted referenced say exactly that.”
– A rifle is best for ME, not everybody else because everybody elses circumstances is different
I would always go for a pistol or revolver inside a house as my second choice. My first choice would be to not be paranoid, and realise that the chances of someone actually entering my house with bad intent are pretty miniscule. In the past, when they have, I found that showing a knife or, in one case, a German officer’s sword, was sufficient. If I wanted to take out people who made me paranoid at 200m as they entered my street, I’d use a rifle.
Just follow the US example and go for “best form of defence is attack”. or undertake a “pre-emptive strike”.
Off to the bad hoods you go, gun loaded and looking for a likely suspect.
Such is of course the logical next step, as the US government affirms.
The recent shocking example of pre-emptive strike … a black young woman’s car breaks down she goes to a house for help and the home owner shoots her in the face with his shotgun …. obviously ‘no gun’ equals ‘live girl’
If you look at the evidence from the USA you would not have a gun.
The person most likely to be shot by your gun, loaded ready for use, in your home, is you, or a member of your family.
Either accidentally or deliberately by a family member, or by the burglar who takes it off you.
Anyway, from what I have seen, a bar stool is far more accurate, and has more “stopping power” at close range, than a gun. And, If you hit your teenager sneaking home at 2 am, you have, most likely, stunned, not killed, them.
My son lives in the States in a rural area and earlier this year was debating if to get a gun.
Bearing in mind my Daughter-in-law was out ‘getting her cat in’ one evening and noticed a bobcat some ten or twelve feet way from her …. they both hi-tailed it back into the house pronto. Bears also come around from time to time, so rubbish is not put out, or in ‘bear-proof’ containers, and bears are incredibly ingenious in openning ‘bear-proof’ containers.
Since we have neither bobcats nor bears in NZ I don’t see any need for guns except for sporting purposes.
Indeed, there’s very legit reasons to have firearms in the rural US just as there are in rural NZ.
Afterwards I thought I should have extended sporting cover to pest control and ‘for the pot’
I was quite surprised to see how low the number of murders using firearms was in New Zealand.
Checking it out confirms your figures, which is a great change, and improvement, from the average of about 18/year 25 years ago (say 1988-1992 inclusive).
The rate per head of population is out by a decimal point by the way. On the numbers you quote it would be about 20 rather than 200.
Bernard Hickey: A Faustian pact we cannot accept
“It was like a neutron bomb going off in the heart of New Zealand’s economic strategy.
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Jan Wright, released a must-read report this week on land use and nutrient pollution.
It directly addressed the huge ramp-up in cow numbers over the past decade and how that was affecting our waterways. Using models from Motu (Economic and Public Policy Research) and NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research), the report looked at the growth in cow numbers forecast by the Government as it tries to double agricultural exports by 2025. The results were deeply unsettling.
“Even with best practice mitigation, the large-scale conversion of more land to dairy farming will generally result in more degraded fresh water,” Wright said.
Think about this. No matter how many waterways are fenced off and how much effluent is spread on paddocks, the problem gets worse. Even 100 per cent compliance with Fonterra’s Sustainable Dairying Accord signed this year does not solve the problem. This is saying New Zealanders must accept the permanent poisoning of our rivers if we are to grow our economy through dairy exports, which is our main strategy at the moment.
It is a Faustian bargain with four legs, a tail and whole lot of cud-chewing. It says New Zealanders must accept that dairy farmers are going to privatise the profits of permanently damaging our rivers while the losses are socialised.
” Think about this. No matter how many waterways are fenced off and how much effluent is spread on paddocks, the problem gets worse. Even 100 per cent compliance with Fonterra’s Sustainable Dairying Accord signed this year does not solve the problem. ”
Isn’t it too early to say fencing off waterways won’t be sufficient ?
Very few waterways through dairy land have been fenced off and planted – and much more needs to be done, plus there need to be a few more years allowed for the trees and native shrubs to grow and start spreading their shade over the waterways.
At the same time, bio-fuel could be properly research and made from cow manure maybe – as well as the effluent spraying onto paddocks. More pressure needs to be put on government sources to make this sort of thing happen properly, and all over the country where dairying is being done.
And maybe a temporary halt to any more dairy farms being proposed – a moratorium say, for five years, while all these other things get under way.
There is NO need for NZ to accept that more dairying means more polluted waters.
No, the scientists already know how fast the pollutants from the cows goes through the land.
But dont we have to accept that by beginning dairying in drought susceptible places we have increased other environment dangers, such as the degridation of rivers and eco systems to divert water to land that was never meant to be lush? North canterbury for example.
We cant continue to force the land to bend to the desire to financially benefit from cows without expecting a backlash. Nature (including us) is about balance. We are tipping the balance int his regard way off its axis.
Considering also that this intensification has come with a considerable increase in farming debt during the last decade it does make you wonder how any (logical) business model would show it to be a success.
Success = A new launch and a Prado to tow it.
CV the right are running out of
t/rolls scraping the bottom of the barrel!
C73 is failing to identify his target and continues to shoot himself in the far right of his very large foot which is stuck in his mouth.
I’m showing (with links because the left love to ask for links) that homicides in the USA is dropping, I’ve showed that firearms arn’t the problem its hand guns (in the usa anyway) but back to you
Why not just gone and live in the US and be happy.
– I like NZ
We don’t need anymore guns we have gone of the higjest fun ownership rates in the world already.
– What does that even mean? Do you mean to say there should be a limit as to how many firearms someone can own or that it should be made easier to get a firearms licence (I think the licence requirements are good as they are)
A good percentage of those seven homicides will be from hunters shooting their mates.
Experienced shooters failing to identify their target.
– I agree
So putting guns into the average persons hands will lead to mayhem.
– I agree, the NZ firearms licencing system seems to be working just fine as it is so theres no need to change it
What, from about 14x NZ’s death rate to just 7x?
Wow you got me, the USAs rate is higher then NZs so we’ll just ignore the fact that the rate in the USA is dropping and thats from data taken over decades
So how many decades before they hit merely quadruple NZ’s death rate?
and whats that got to do with anything?
Have I stated we should follow the USA
– No I stated the firearms licence should stay as it is
Have I stated we should have pistols more widely available
– No (even though you seem to think thats what I’m stating) I think the main issue with the USA is the hand gun
You’ve made up your mind about what I’m saying so it doesn’t matter what I type here
That’s odd, I thought you were pushing for wider ownership and use of guns in the home but it seems all you are interested in is the status quo and recognising that the US is not the example to follow. I’m Ok with all that.
What is it with you today?
I’m for following the firearms licencing code because it works well, if suddenly a million kiwis up and get their licences and buy weapons in the next week I’m ok with that
If those same kiwis get the endorsements for handguns and then buy handguns I’m also ok with that
I’m not ok with people being able to buy firearms without a licence nor am I ok with people buying handguns without the proper endorsements
I’d also like to see the castle doctrine bought into NZ and set up for kiwis, by kiwis, so everybody know where they stand
Can you just accept the dinner invitation Chris, I’ve got some ammo I want you to take a look at.
Depends, what are you serving?
Remington rosettes and buckshot bread.
Seriously I’m disturbed about your love for guns and support for Crazy Colon and his shoot the visitors policy.
I enjoy target shooting and I think the castle doctrine is something that should be looked at…I’m amused no one even bothered to mention the free education for national service thing, which I think is a good idea though it could be increased for things like pest eradication, doc work etc etc
Could be cheaper and less problematic to just fund DOC sufficiently and subsidise education too.
I’ve been annoyed with Mormons and JW’s on the doorstep but never felt like shooting them.
Could be cheaper and less problematic to just fund DOC sufficiently and subsidise education too.
– Yeah but theres benefits to be had with national service, I mean Singapore and Switzerland seem to do all right and kids can learn trades and skills…
I’ve been annoyed with Mormons and JW’s on the doorstep but never felt like shooting them.
– The best thing about shooting them is they generally forgive you (thats a joke I don’t condone shooting anyone of faith)
“(thats a joke I don’t condone shooting anyone of faith)”
Oh ffs chris, you’ve spent all day drooling on about your supposed right to shoot people who threaten your “castle”.
Worthless fucking troll.
Castle doctrine… Really?
Given most of our castles have an alternate exit – wouldn’t it just be easier to get through it and away? Castle is still there when you get back.
Magnums, not hollow points like you Dum Dum 😉
That pierced my armour to the core (I think that works)
(this had me laughing like a drain..
..bill maher compares reagan and kennedy..)
phillip ure..
Laughable attempts at revisionism.
Still- only quibble Rooster Cogburn is also cool…
a bit one-eyed though
Paul Farmers are aloud to operate under different rules to every other business.
They are aloud to dump
Nitrates and phosphates into our streams rivers lakes water table virtually at will.
Any city based company which
tried to dump effluent of anytype would be shut down immediatly forced to pay for the clean up then heavily fined.
Farmers have taken over running a lot of the rural regional councils and gone lightly on farmers!
And be aware of the tactics and sheer bullying, if not aggression to “defend” what they belief is “theirs”.
I propose that for every ill every possibility to affect a species how ever small, that a 10 meter strip along any water way or well is being confiscated for the purpose of creating a corridor for harm minimization. Any complaints and and another problem, 15 meters is the next lot – what? there is a protest and some more of the same, 20 meters it will be.
I don’t belief that Farmers really have a nation on their mind as they are the Land Gentry who have inherent the attitudes of long gone generations left behind in Europe. There people were shot when digging up potatoes due to starvation, citing theft.
From Karols comment above. Any other online awesomeness available through the library system?
From Karols comment above. Any other online awesomeness available through the library system?
This is the auckland gateway
#Maori culture could be trademarked by TPP multinationals
Something else to think about as regards the TPPA.
this one is also of interest..
and is on the spied-on list/map..
..whoar..! question..seeing this has been going on since 1998..
..who here knew..and when..?
..or are we as is indonesia to australia on this..? has to be one or the other..
..with both deserving of questions/answers..
..phillip ure..
That’s quite an interesting map Phillip. Especially when considered in the context of ‘plausible deniability’ from both the Kiwis and Okkers.
Also its interesting when seen in the context of…/nsa-surveillance-cause-internet-breakup-edward- snowden, and how we might avail ourselves of alternatives some time in the future.
C73 the crime rates in developed countries has been dropping for a long time poor excuse for a failed argument
A rifle is far more accurate and less fiddlly than a hand gun
More lies .
A handgun is less fiddly and more accurate at
short distance
A rifle following the law c73 has to be in an approved locker loocked up with the ammo and firing pin kept seperatly by the time you get your rifle loaded and ready to fire the socold threat will have overpowered you got what he wants plus your gun and made your pathetic rational look as silly as you are.
With crime rates dropping so rapidly there is no need for guns for personal protection .
C73 you dog whistling to the far right.
C73 the crime rates in developed countries has been dropping for a long time poor excuse for a failed argument
– Not everywhere
– Did you know they have very strict gun ownership laws?
A rifle is far more accurate and less fiddlly than a hand gun
More lies .
A handgun is less fiddly and more accurate at
short distance
– No you are wrong, the length of the barrel improves the accuracy as the bullet travels down the barrel of the gun, it is literally spun by the many grooves which line the barrel. These grooves serve to greater increase accuracy by attempting to stabilize the bullet by spinning it , as much as it can while in flight. Thus allowing the bullet to remain in its trajectory and hitting the target spot-on.
– Please stop getting information from hollywood movies as they’re not accurate
A rifle following the law c73 has to be in an approved locker loocked up with the ammo and firing pin kept seperatly by the time you get your rifle loaded and ready to fire the socold threat will have overpowered you got what he wants plus your gun and made your pathetic rational look as silly as you are.
With crime rates dropping so rapidly there is no need for guns for personal protection .
– Just as an example but whos to say I didn’t have my weapon out and was checking/cleaning it when I heard a noise…
– However I also have a couple of dogs to give me excellent prior warning and they have very loud and deep barks
– Yes the Police and National are doing a wonderful job of looking after the country, I’m so glad you agree
C73 you dog whistling to the far right.
– Um if I was then I’ve chosen the wrong site to do so don’t you think…
You’re a masochisic arsehole Piss. Or terminally stupid. I go with the latter frankly.
You don’t seem to want to answer this but I’ll try again:
Could you explain what you meant by this line:
“Give the missus a serious seeing to when she got home late with the Maccers dinner and no dipping sauce didya ?”
I’m not sure what you meant it so if you could clarify it for me I’d appreciate it
All well and good, until you have to explain why a kid ended up shooting their friend with the gun you were supposedly storing legally.
I do get your point in general but in my case thats not likely to happen because we don’t have kids so we don’t have kids over, its just the two of us
The time stamps on your TS comments showed you had been busy typing for hours while your loaded gun sat around.
“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
and I think theres something in that for all of us
Plenty of firearms in NZ and that’s the way it should be.
Right, so it’s just you not getting all panicky and shooting through the bathroom door at the “burglar” when you thought the missus was out, then.
Bring me my shotgun
Big Richard
It’s only fair everyone should get a bullet in the head
or a chance to spread their wings
Chris could take up guitar, painting, woodwork, embroidery or heaps of other things, if that doesn’t float his boat he could try this
Don’t Shoot
“I do get your point in general but in my case thats not likely to happen because we don’t have kids so we don’t have kids over, its just the two of us”
Getting quite specific, this castle doctrine. A couple more comments and it’ll be narrowed down to apply only to Cameron Slater and Bruce Emery
Evens the score!
These guys would probably let Titford have one in his cell. After all, that’s his home for a while now, and I suspect there will be the odd home invasion.
Naah he can welcome any and all invasions into his cell i reckon…
You do know castle doctrine is about someone in your house right, not about people lurking outside your house
Just because the american judicial systems interpretation of the law is screwed up doesn’t mean NZ has to follow, we could do our own version (yeah I know we have to follow absolutely everything america does)
It’s about blazing away at people inside your home who do not present a reasonable threat to your life or the lives of your loved ones.
If they do present a threat to you or others, you’re already covered by the law and can blaze away to your heart’s content – as long as it’s reasonable.
Is that why target pistols have long barrels unlike the snub nosed pistols people carry for law enforcement and law breaking?
longer barrel = less barrel rise when firing, more accuracy and faster muzzle velocity (higher kinetic energy, implies longer range and more stopping power).
Those things matter less when you are intending to use the weapon at ranges of 10m and less.
Rodney Hide is critical of Key-Government deals. Wot!!!! Surely not and sort of agreeing with Mr Cunliffe. Wah?
“But do we want the Prime Minister cutting deals with business? I don’t think so.
There’s now a long list of hands-on deal making. We had Warner Bros in making The Hobbit trilogy, $1.2 billion for Chorus to roll out fibre, the consequent questioning of the Commerce Commission doing its job determining the price of copper, $30 million for Rio Tinto to stay a bit longer and the pokies-for-convention-centre deal with SkyCity.
Each of the deals has a logic. The benefits each time may well outweigh the costs. Each on their own possibly stacks up. But taken together they show a disturbing pattern of a Government willing not just to sit down with individual businesses but willing to talk turkey and strike very specific deals….”
Well Rodney wont be very welcome back in Parliament will he.
Strange Days Indeed! ianmac
This is the same guy that saddled us (Auckland Ratepayers) with the CCO’s.
He’s probably hoping that people have forgotten that by now.
Inquiry into improving child health outcomes and preventing child abuse, with focus on pre-conception until three years of age.
Report of Health Commitee (Dr Paul Hutchison, Chairperson.)
See 3 , The economics of early intervention with children : referencing Heckman, The economics of human potential .
Hutchison : spending on the young leads to highly productive lives (contributing to tax-revenue)
King: prioritization of new funding to the early years, including conception; sections of the Report will translate directly into Labour’s 2014 manifesto.
Recommendations were accepted by all members of the Health Commitee. If National do not commit, King could campaign on the differentiation.
Even Hoots, “the Baby Boomers have been too politically powerful for structural change… an actuarial approach may improve investment ” (sorta paraphrased) Comrade Matthew! However, lets leave the oil in the ground as well aye. 😎
To conclude, the Health Vote expenditure per 0-5-year old is $5000, while the comparison for over-85-year olds is $25,000 .
Both groups would benefit from adequate nutrition and insulated housing. Lunch in schools and prepacked meals, as well as insulation installers would create employment.
Good antenatal care and good nutrition is being proactive.
Yes, many reports in the MSM of low-income elderly people doing it very hard. Furthermore, many folk in their 60’s are likely to live for another 20 years or so, with relief looking less and less unlikely. Still, at least these conversations are becoming more mainstream also, in little pockets of sanity.
Edit: less and less likely
What utterly indulgent silliness Treetop ! Let the indolent bastards waste I say, for the “bad choices” they stubbornly insist on making still. Life after all is about the “good people”, the Piss73s, the Bowel Motions, the Infuseds, the SS-Lands, the blowhard little soldiers of the ShonKey Python cargo-cult revolution. The ones still reading “Boys’ Own”.
I tell you, the only people worth investing in are those with more money than a bull can shit shit and more money than Imelda could spend. Get real my brother !
Ah North insulated housing has many benefits and the less electricity used the less profit the shareholdres have!
I would echo the insulation …. although my house was built about twenty years ago according to the then, perhaps still current, insulation standards over a period of about a year I double glazed and today I enjoy the considerable benefits of that home-improvement. Usually only needing a 400 or 600watt heater for personal comfort ….. being an older person on blood thinning medication.
Had not heard this Song for Ages, ’til it wafted across the road on the wind.
You see life through distorted eyes
The race is run the book is read
The end begins to show
The truth is out, the lies are old
But you don’t want to know
Nobody will ever let you know
When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you’re on your own
Fill your head all full of lies
Everything around you
What’s it coming to
God knows as your dog knows
Bog blast all of you
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Bernard Hickey and Rod Oram are among the few journalists with an informed analysis of the business and environment nexus. The solution to this problem is simple really, but politically unpalatable. The truth often is. When you are in a hole, STOP DIGGING!
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary. PRIME 8.30-10.15 NZT
Rodney Hide – “Trader John” not what we need in Government
Jeebers. You gotta be a real piece of shit if Rodney Hide thinks you’re shady.
thank you for that read joe. your links always repay a click
White Rabbit