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6:00 am, January 27th, 2024 - 87 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
Another complete failure by New Zealand’s mainstream corporate media.
No mention of the ICJ’s judgment,
No wonder so many New Zealanders are so ill informed.
No wonder
If you go on the Herald’s website, nothing, even if you click on world news.
Ditto for Stuff..
Ditto got RNZ.
Our Main Stream Media journalists refusal to report this history shaping event, I guess it is up to us to try and analyse the ICJ's interim order.
A Victory for Realpolitik
Jenny @1.1.2
25 January 2024 at 4:42 pm
"My guess based on realpolitik, is South Africa's attempt to get an interim order for a cease-fire in Gaza will fail. The political pressure from the US and its allied states on the judges of the ICJ will is too great."
Jenny @1.1.2
25 January 2024 at 4:42 pm
"The 84 page mountain of evidence of genocidal acts and statements of intent to commit genocide contained in the Brief by South Africa is damning, I am certain that even more damning evidence will be revealed with the passing of time."
They can't ignore it forever. Not many people thought that the ICJ ruling would go this far. They have completely ignored the protestations from Israel and almost unanimously agreed that there is a case to be answered. Palestinians in Gaza are now a protected people under the genocide convention and Israel is obliged to cease from genocidal acts. The ICJ stopped short of ordering a ceasefire mostly because they have no jurisdiction over Hamas and could not legitimately order a one sided ceasefire. But they are on notice as are any countries now that aid Israel with weaponry or financial support of genocidal actions. It is now incumbent on Nations to do something to prevent continued genocidal action by Israel. Suddenly, the Houthi in Yemen find themselves on the right side of international law. They just stopped and caused to turn around an attempt by the US to resupply Israel militarily
The ICJ is merely a simulation of global justice. It has issued judgments, but who judges the judges? An ephemeral bunch of global onlookers.
So the UN's judgmental arm is wagging it's moral finger at the situation. Does moral advisory authority work in this situation? Israel's deity is a jealous god – unlikely to take seriously any propositions that a bunch of humans carries any weight in the situation. The Israeli govt may not actually fall about laughing at the ICJ, but is likely to point out its irrelevance.
Sorry Dennis, but Israel really really hates losing control of the narrative. Western moral superiority has just become dust and all those supporting Israel can now legitimately be called genocide enablers. We are involved in bombing Sanaa in Yemen now. We are demanding that one of two countries that is acting to protect a people likely suffering genocide cease helping the victims. We also have become genocide enablers. The narrative is shifting faster now and none of your old school cynicism can stop that.
Yeah, you ain't wrong. Passion is catalytic. Good luck to younger generations doing a global resonance play…
"Israel really hates losing control of the narrative"…..so true Sublim….and they lost control of this narrative as soon as they started their murderous indiscriminate incursion into Palestine (both Gaza and the occupied West Bank) over two months ago.
"…over two months ago."
Yep, just after October 7 wasn't it?
Not because of a right to self-defence? Just no right, to commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing or genocide in that military action, thus the court expecting certain action (aid to civilians etc) and ceasing of certain actions (continuing war crimes that could lead to a finding in the proceeding court case).
The ICJ can't stop the US from supplying Israel "militarily" as far as I'm aware there's no law existing which has this as it's purpose? Even if there was, the USA isn't obliged (and wouldn't) abide by it as the USA (Like all countries) is only bound (morally and ethically) to abide by treaties and agreements it signs up to. Even if it doesn't do that, there's no global government or the like that can make world laws and more importantly that could enforce them.
The closest is probably the UN but the USA has veto rights in any UN decisions or actions.
Leading story on stuff
Time date 6.30am.
The decision came out 2am out time (judge at work explaining for an hour or so 1am on).
This there January 26, 2024, 08:10pm
And this story since then.
I realise it's 10am now, but I definitely heard this story on RNZ at 6am, and this story is currently up on their website https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/world/507667/south-african-president-hails-ruling-against-israel-as-step-toward-justice
So it has been mentioned in the MSM today,
8.29 am RNZ
7.03 am NZH
not yet 9 hours ago
Historians write mythistory by default. They believe they write history, yet their subjective take on the topic makes it interpretive. Readers experience that via relativism since myth is a likely story & accounts by historians trend toward mythologising what happened in the past the more they percolate down to subsequent generations.
It comes as a pleasant surprise to me that he wrote ecohistory, since my bias is always that any academic is useless until they prove the contrary.
Whoopiedo. So these two guys agree that I'm indigenous to Aotearoa. I gather I'm meant to feel a sense of relief but too bad, I've always felt indigenous.
Good on him for at least having a go at that, and I'll reserve judgment until I read it. I suspect that the time since he died could append a more sombre verdict.
Wait, there's more!
Having been in Form 1 when I realised Aotearoa was a better name for our country than the neocolonial double-dutch thing, the year of 1961, I'm amused by right-wingers doing their usual dinosaur dance on the issue. Bassett is always classical Labour dinosaur, simulating death whilst still alive, proving the point spectacularly as he fails to spell Aotearoan correctly…
Thanks for the reminder of this book Dennis.
I have read it once and got part way through a second time.
I must admit the idea of Pakeha indigenousness has been bubbling under the surface for me, but not crystallising into those two words. I guess this tome planted those seeds in me, but the culture of the last 20 years has made it difficult for a wanna be progressive pale, stale male to fully embrace and articulate the concept.
I can't be from anywhere else, the connection to our whenua is profound, being a gracious host is important to me and King's words "And most New Zealanders, whatever their cultural backgrounds, are good-hearted, practical, commonsensical and tolerant. " resonate.
I thoroughly recommend the book and as the review points out there are a few shortcomings, don't let perfection be the enemy of the good.
I love what Michael King said about being a part of NZ as a Pakeha
"For me, then, to be a Pakeha on the cusp of the 21st century; is not to be European. it is not to be alien in my own country. It is to be a non-Maori New Zealander who is aware and proud of my antecedents, but who identifies as intimately with this land and as strongly as any Maori. It is to be, as I have already argued, another kind of indigenous New Zealander."
Thanks Michael, that sums it up nicely for me.
"…but who identifies as intimately with this land and as strongly as any Maori…"
Did your antecedents arrive at a place where no human had ever set foot?
First peoples are first.
Yes. And identifying with the land isn't the same as belonging to it.
I wish we could get past this though, and better understand the pathways for non-Māori to belong here beyond the might of the state and the rights established that way.
It's easy enough, on a personal level – sit and listen, learn what the passerines are saying. Sit and look – learn what the plants are signalling. Once you know what the tūī at dawn are saying, you're in 🙂
there's a big gap between were most people are and that, atlthough I think a lot more people could do that relatively easily if not for their life and society. Which does take us beyond the personal level.
Maybe not being told we are lesser kiwis ,with less rights.
because the average non Maori kiwi, who has no legal right to another country, has any advantage I can assure you, other than being free from being told we are victims.
This doesn't mean we don't honor the treaty and we don't move heaven and earth to lift moari outcomes.
I'm all for Maori seats on councils and boards but they still need to be elected positions,
Shit if I got upset and went and blocked citizens from legally accessing a boat ramp I'd be arrested and moved on very quickly I expect .unlike our grumpy freind in the north,
Completely agree. Where do you see this happening most?
More a vibe , than actually spoken word, but will scratch the cells to clarify,
Been waiting for some lefties to apologize for being white, similar to an ex leaders apology for being a man .
This opens up an interesting conversation on identity.
Regardless of what yr opinions on identity are, I don't see folk flocking to another's definition if it is at odds with how they feel about themselves.
There is the concept of nativism.
Generally it is related to the idea that those born in a land to someone born in that land, are of that nation or society.
Some pose it as a pejorative, where it is anti-migrant or anti-immigration (though it is notable that often migrants themselves have issues with high rates of migration once they become permanent residents and then citizens).
Michael, we require links with quotes here, or if this is from a book, then a reference. Please supply either now, thanks.
It's a quote from Being Pakeha Now.
Just noticed this and agree totally
Both Massey and Lord Jellicoe thought they were descendants of a lost tribe of Israel, and that the king of England carried the bloodline of Moses, too.
Jellicoe the first or second? If the latter, I see he did well in his maiden parliamentary speech (despite spending 19 years there being too diffident to speak):
Ingrowing toenails in any group mind are a problem, although one one rather expects the Iraqis to nowadays demonstrate considerable expertise in their use – we ought to get our man in Baghdad to write a paper on that.
As for the other guy, seems like he had a few clues:
I didn't know the Brits & Israelis had co-created a word federation, so thanks for the tip. Federal words are top-level memes. They organise governance. Serious stuff. Imperial racism was merely dross decorating the top of that to keep the voters happy. Gotta have plenty of imperial dross dressing up the place when you operate an empire without an emperor…
The first.
Furthermore, three Admirals of the Fleet, the right Hon. Sir John Jellicoe, who also served as Governor General of New Zealand and thus shared the faith with Prime Minister Massey, Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee, Bart., K.C.B. and Admiral Lord Fisher professed their thoughts in favor or Britain's Israelitish origin.
A devoutly religious man, Fisher saw the hand of God acting on behalf of the British in their victory over the Germans. In a letter to Jellicoe dated April 29th, 1916, he took comfort in the fact that "our faith is the same, my beloved Jellicoe, and the only reason we shall win this War is because we are the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel!" 144 "The only hypothesis," he later asserted, "to explain why
we win in spite of incredible blunders is that we are the lost tribes of Israel."
btw, they're still around.
Ah, a mason:
And obviously a star on the international awards circuit! Irritated by that toad, Churchill, but then so usually was most of the establishment back then…
Then came modern DNA testing. And so another myth fell, alongside a 6000 year old earth, a worldwide flood, and when the Americans learn to read and comprehend end time judgment kingdom come in real history on earth (rather than faith about continuance).
The flood myth isn't a myth. Regardless all myths start out from some sort of real event.
But in terms of massive floods the one believed to be Noah's flood in the bible and the great flood documented by pretty much all of the ancient religions was probably the one that occurred around 12800 (approx) years ago at the start of what became known as the Younger Dryas period of about 1200 years of severe cooling and adverse climate conditions which led to mass global extinctions. (up to 80% of 40kg plus mammals in Nth America for example which is believed to have been the area where the most devastating impact occured.
Here's quite a good description of what may have happened:
and here:
Some believe (and there is a growing body of evidence) that an impact event caused massive flooding due to ice meltwaters (the earth was just starting to come out of the last ice age) and was the event that triggered massive climate change within a very short period of time.
In terms of it being global. Well the areas of Europe and all around the Mediterranean would have been the whole world to the peoples living there at the time.
The bible flood story is a myth.
A post ice age rising sea level is not a flood where the entire land of the earth is under water (because of an event caused by God) and every land (and air) based species was reduced to one family.
There have been population bottlenecks amongst species, but not for species at the same time.
But they would have to concede one human bottleneck had profound consequences. And it did appear to cause a population decline worldwide c60-70,000 years ago.
Our DNA includes that of Neanderthal of Europe and Denisovans of Asia indicating some hominin populations probably including homo sapien when they arrived (but at low levels).
There was no time when that area was entirely under water. Europe had the post ice age event placing Daggerland under water, and not long after the Black Sea event c 5500BCE. There was then another flood event in lower Sumer c5000 years ago.
The bible story is religious myth, with the purpose to pose God as ultimate power over life and death, and connected to the emergence in human history of the coming of the age of empire (where peoples and nations came under the rule of an imperial capital).
Summed up beautifully by Danny Bhoy here:
Yes the Bible flood story is a myth as is most of the bible.
But many myths are possibly based upon an initial profound event and as the story is passed on down through the generations it gets exaggerated and spiritual/supernatural bits are added to explain 'miracles' and so on.
It's entirely possible that some guy called Noah was a man of a village or particular tribe of ancient people and managed to survive a flood catastrophe by jumping in a boat with some of the villages animals. (maybe a couple of goats and a couple of birds, etc.)
In their times the whole world was limited to a small area. Over generations the story gets passed down and over time gets exaggerated and God gets involved (how else could he have survived when nobody else did) until it becomes myth.
Many ancient religions have flood myths and it's entirely possible they are just stories passed on about an event that happened. A group of devastating impacts causing massive meltwater release and tsunamis in the ancient world of course becomes Gods or the Gods doing because ancient peoples didn't have scientific explanations for such events. If the whole world (your village and the surrounding areas) gets wiped out by a giant Tsunami 10,000 years ago then of course the explanation becomes supernatural and it must be punishment, etc
I'm not saying myths are true and factual, I'm just saying that many could easily have their starting point as an actual event. Why would ancients just make up stories about global flood catastrophes?
The Trojan war is mythology, but now historians believe that Troy was real and have found evidence that it was located at the site of Hisarlik, in northwest Turkey. , etc. It's entirely possible that there was some soldier fighting in the war who happened to be very skilled, brave and who killed many enemy soldiers. Story telling about the war and some poetic license from Homer led to the mythical story of the hero Achilles, son of Zeus.
A more modern example could be the battle at Rourkes Drift, which has been exaggerated a bit over the years and has reached almost mythical status. If it had happened in ancient times it could easily have become a myth after a 1000 years or so.
Your point is?
WallyDavid?""I think the most fascinating bit of all of that is that where the debate has been place so far and that’s at Tūrangawaewae marae last Saturday and then at Rātana this week, guess who wasn't there? David Seymour. If you want to have a debate, turn up and debate."
Why didn't Seymour front up?
Where are his bovver boys here on TS to explain his "scarcity"?
I read his no-show as a vote of no-confidence in himself combined with pragmatic acceptance that he didn't want his lack of maori solidarity to get more obvious.
However, Robert, you are right to point to the scarcity dimension of his tactical move: scarcity increases value. According to the scarcity theory of Chicago-school economism, he must believe that making himself scarce drives up his market value.
I hoped someone might say,
"In the deli section of Countdown, South Dunedin", but so far, no one has 🙂
100% Now Robert… Pest Control?
You can buy at rat-bait at Countdown called, "White Privilege".
Irresistible to pernicious pests.
Is "white privilege" not also a racist statement when used in such manner? Like an insult with a reference to a rodent. It assumes that all people with white skin are the same, colonial suppressors in one fell swoop, and using such terms is in my view as bad as any emotional appeasement. A low point in intellectual exchange no doubt.
Perhaps then another book might be an interesting read to add to the discussion. "The treason of the Intellectuals" by Julian Brenda.
Niall Ferguson | Uncommon Knowledge
Enjoy your weekend.
I don't actually know what Robert is meaning there, but I hope he's not implying death to an MP, because wishing death is a bannable offence here.
However I don't think white privilege means all white people are the same. It's a term used to point to systems that grant Pākehā advantages. It doesn't say all Pākehā all have the same advantages, nor that people of colour don't have any advantages. It's just shorthand for pointing out systemic inequity.
What!!! Weka, you should know me by now.
” …because wishing death is a bannable offence here”
Every other week, I get (subtlety/overtly) threatened with banning!
I already said I didn’t know what you meant. That was an opening to clarify.
The reference to banning isn’t personal to you. Anyone that wishes death on another risks this.
"It assumes that all people with white skin are the same…"
No, it doesn't, you do.
Those who are attracted to the "White Privilege" bait, are those who are attracted to white privilege.
I'm not.
Are you?
There is nothing new under the sun.
I thought I would have a wee crack at Wags above about him defending Stuff's reporting efforts. I wanted to ask him if Stuff had reported on the Hannibal directive yet.
That led me to look at TS history and found Joe90 had mentioned it just shy of 10 years ago.
On that thread, there is talk of Putin's horrors (flight MH17 was a recent event), a link to an Bill Maher opinion on the internet bringing out the worst of us (with a plea for "seeking "understanding first" and attempting to reach common ground rather than fight.") and korero about Israel and genocide visited on Palestinians.
Your link takes me to an empty 2014 open mic?
umm,… I just right click on the link and select 'Open link in new tab' and voila!
works for me. Try again. Lynn is doing some work on TS at the moment.
Still the same, I'm on a mobile , android ph
thanks. Can you please let me know if any other links to TS pages/posts/comments don't work for you, cheers.
also if the same thing happens after restarting your phone.
are you using the mobile or desktop version on your phone?
Restarted it, switched to desktop still going to 2014,only difference is on desktop it's a populated om.
well it is an Open Mike from 2014. Are you saying you can see the comments?
Doh yip on desktop comments show, missed the bit about it being a 10 year old post being linked to,
Easily confused 😕
Not to forget the Samson option.
Jim Jones/Marshall Applewhite territory.
Holy moley, that's grim.
We've got no idea how blessed we are to be born/live here.
The interim ruling issued by the court ordered Israel to take all measures to prevent genocidal acts, and to take effective steps to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians
Whether Israel abides by the court's order to submit a report, or not. We won't need to wait one month to see what measures if any are being taken by Israel, to give affect to this order.
A 7.5% spending cut to Whaikaha the Ministry for Disabled people, Pacific Peoples, and so on is on the table. Shame on Nicola Willis, David Seymour, Winston Peters, and Chris Luxon and their parties!
The spending cuts range from 6.5 to 7.5%. This will have a devastating impact upon Aotearoa/New Zealand's ability to properly function for a long time.
In the name of austerity, Aotearoa/NZ is destroying itself.
We need to make this an one-term government.
Across-the-board random-number cuts like this are a clear sign of blind ideology.
Cut 7.5%….what if the 7.5% cut ends up costing us 20%? What if the cut is socially very valuable compared to the proposed tax cuts for rich people? Don't know, no analysis, don't care.
Brilliant economic managers, my arse.
Here's the full list:
Agencies asked to make 7.5 percent cuts:
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Ministry for Pacific Peoples
Ministry for Women
Whaikaha – Ministry for Disabled people
Ministry for Primary Industries
Ministry of Education
Ministry for the Environment
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
Ministry of Transport Public Service Commission
Statistics New Zealand
Agencies asked to make 6.5 percent cuts:
Department of Conservation
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Education Review Office
Executive Board for the Elimination of Family Violence and Sexual Violence
Inland Revenue Department
Justice Cluster (Crown Law Office, Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Police, Serious Fraud Office)
Land Information New Zealand
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Māori Development – Te Puni Kōkiri
Ministry of Social Development
New Zealand Customs Service
New Zealand Defence Force
Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children
Parliamentary Counsel Office
Parliamentary Service
Te Arawhiti – Office for Māori Crown Relations
The Treasury
Te Arawhiti – Office for Māori Crown Relations
Department of Conservation
Department of Internal Affairs
I see there is no planned budget cut for the Ministry of Silly Smirks.
Big pay rise coming I believe!
Are Parliamentary services (or whichever body is reponsible) able to find savings by cutting MP expenses for things they can afford themselves out of their salaries, eg taxi fares to and from airports? (or make them take the airport bus when appropriate?)
Perhaps it's time to start means-testing politicians for everything over and above their base salaries. If they have over x amount of savings/assests that can be converted to cash/income from investments, then they don't need that accommodation allowance, travel allowance etc. If it's good enough for those at the bottom of the heap….
Rofl thats $83.3 million US thanks Donny
One has to wonder if she will ever see a cent. The Chump has a long history of failure to pay.
The Israeli appointed judge on the ICJ agreed with two of its interim judgments
The rising Europe to Asia shipping costs are having an impact on China.
"At the crux of his inquiry into the key motive forces of our civilization’s course is Vogt’s insistence that while much is broken with the exploitive consumerism behind the world’s government and industry, much more depends on and is mendable by the concerted collective action of ordinary people."
It's up to us…
"Drastic measures are inescapable. Above everything else, we must reorganize our thinking. If we are to escape the crash we must abandon all thought of living unto ourselves. We form an earth-company, and the lot of the Indiana farmer can no longer be isolated from that of the Bantu… An eroding hillside in Mexico or Yugoslavia affects the living standard and probability of survival of the American people… Today’s white bread may force a break in the levees, and flood New Orleans next spring. This year’s wheat from Australia’s eroding slopes may flare into a Japanese war three decades hence."
Link in previous comment 🙂
Living in the dumbest of times.
Oh No! They're on to you guys. The jig is up,
@ProfBrianCox @bgreene @LKrauss1 @neiltyson
Chris Trotter is using very violent language:
"At the slightest sign that National was about welch on the Coalition Agreement, Act and NZ First were expected to shoot the Coalition Government in the head."
This, from Chris Trotter:
"and if it then refuses to step away from the coalition and move to the cross-benches; then somewhere between a tenth and a fifth of the electorate – and possibly a lot more – will find themselves in the market for a political champion who rejects entirely the niceties of traditional Māori-Pakeha relations, in favour of a new and unabashed ethno-nationalist vocabulary and manifesto."
Watch out!
is he talking about ACT voters? How are they wanting ethno-nationalism? Does he mean they will rally behind Pākehā identity?
Yes, I believe he is.
I guess they wouldn't call themselves Pākehā though. Presumably New Zealanders would be the term of choice.
Nowhere, now here, just saying' 🙂
Have a good night.
Maybe it is time for the Civilian under Beehive occupation to investigate.
Were they kiore, rats who came with the indigenous peoples migration?
Or were they rats who came with an earlier people?
Should kiore who came before the Maori, or with the Maori, have no more rights than rats who came with European settlers?
PS Matiu Rata (ran a parliamentary comic library) and Door Mouse creates them, unlock the doors.