Another bad day for NZ with Phillipino workers rebuilding Christchurch being exploited by corporate construction companies. Working for $16 per hour and weekends for free, and extortionate fees to dodgy immigration officers. NZ has become a place with low standards. Like a poor US southern state.
this was shared on FB today, anyone able to confirm it ?
I am told that Parliamentary Services is coming out with a new Code of Conduct that not only bans political activity by Out of Parliamentary staff in work time, but also bans any political activity out of work hours. This is a flagrant breach of civil rights. No employer can dictate to workers what they do in their own time! I suggest if you aren’t already a union member, join up now. It is time to take a stand against the silencing of workers in public service. BTW You can join the SFWU. We’ll stand by you!
Those videos are such a waste of time, money, people and are a terrible example of everything useless the combination of those three things can create. The invasive aroma of bad ideas that reeked from the screen when I saw that the other day is still causing reflux.
But as to the posting above, I only received the text, which I posted, with no supporting data. That is why I dropped it in here to see if anyone had any other information.
Hopefully it gets shared widely, with enough questions attached that it gets onto the right desks and someone decides the future of an employee’s political freedom should remain an important part of our democracy and is deemed worthy of being a news item. Unless of course Miley bends over again or there is a sighting of a puppy wearing a tutu.
On the topic of pantry items. Am I the only one who looks at expiry dates on dry goods in the pantry and for example, notices it might be something like 15 January 2015, and feels a thrill go through your heart as you think “those fuckers will be well and truly gone by then” ?
LOL – yes, Rosie I do the same; and usually look at the best by/use by date when buying.
I am totally obsessive in looking at the ingredients of most food products before buying – and the different prices for different sizes, different brands. Shopping is time consuming! But it is amazing how often two of a smaller size (eg 500g) cost less than the 1kg price Rice is one recent example. Go figure. And the fat level and sodium levels for essentially the same product (eg rice crackers and other types of crackers) can vary widely depending on the brand and the flavour.
But I don’t want to trigger another long thread as I did some Saturdays ago when my comment to phil or bad12 (?) that Kim Dotcom did not drink alcohol but a lot of milk led to a flood …. So I will shut up now!
Veutoviper, I have a count -down- to -election- time calendar in my head when looking at expiry dates on dry goods. Not on the chilled products mind you, theres no way we can get rid of this government that fast.
I’m also a vigilant shopper/ ingredients label and expiry date reader. On the subject of buying two smaller sizes of a product for less than the larger size, yes it is puzzling. Thats how I usually buy my Spanish Borges olive oil, 2 X 500ml instead of the I ltr. Yet, it’s the opposite for booze, Maybe you just want to buy one single mini serve of 180ml and that can be $5 but the 750ml bottle can be only $9 on special. Smaller purchases of alcohol should be encouraged.
And lol, yes, best be careful with the food discussions, it can get personal and a bit fraught at times.
Yes i would definitely agree to direct State owned intervention to create competition in the Supermarket industry,
It becomes a pointless ‘moan’ unless a Government is prepared to act and rolling out across the country a Supermarket chain capable of introducing a real level of competitive pricing among the big 2 currently operating in this country would provide to the average citizen ‘gains’ on a number of levels along with a profit making enterprise for the Governments coffers along with ‘buying power’ which would favor New Zealand made goods,
The added pluses to this are extra sustainable employment, both directly and indirectly, lower food bills for Kiwis thus creating a lower level of inflation where it matters the most to the most people…
Kiwimart could be a great way of focusing on Kiwi Goods and it could even be done inside the existing supermarkets.
Imagine if there was a Kiwi Goods section in the supermarket, or Kiwi Goods shelves distributed amongst each Supermarket sector.
Not only would it offer Kiwis the choice to openly support local product and produce, but it would most certainly highlight how many Kiwi dollars leave the country every time you do your shopping.
well maybe not your shopping of course,
are you in NZ this week?
Then again the shift to a Kiwimart might expose the deathgrip on Kiwi goods that the OZ supermarkets have, so their owners would probably not be entirely supportive of the idea.
Hmm .. perhaps call it something along the lines of the National Trade Union Congress FairPrice … grin … some of you who have travelled to a certain country might recognise that … or rather NTUC FairPrice 🙂
The supermarkets would charge the Kiwi marts extra for setting aside the dedicated area.
I must remember to go regularly to the local farmers market. On my to do list. I do shop at the organic green grocers so that’s a small tick for me.
I thought trolls were the ones that sat around all day every day abusing people that didnt agree with their opinions, cant imagine who that might be refering to eh
SSLands, deserves little else, a special case of trotting out the same old lies day after day in spite of being linked to specific information which proves ‘its’ lies are just that the next day ‘it’ is back again with the same old lies,
I will give you an ‘C’ for effort Shrillands. Your suggested name Kiwimart got downgraded due to the ‘mart’ which reminds too many of us Lefties of the scumbag American chain ‘Walmart’
However on a brighter note the people’s supermarket will require very good accountants. Which will allow you to dust off your CV. Note: incomes of staff including CEO, Accountants and other paper shufflers will not exceed 10 x the lowest paid worker base rate of $18.80 per hour.
Skinny how bout x5 a far easier calculation, with small bonuses for providing the most competitive prices across all items while still returning a profit to the Government…
X5 which broken down into an hourly rate equates to $94, however we would have to write into an employment agreement capped at no more than 5 Sundays to be worked. The temptation of gaming the system to cash in on the double time rate of $188.00 would be too much. Are you listening Shrillands 🙂
Lolz, now that Draco has undercut us i feel like i have to take on the guise of a Tory Mogul and agree with the x3 proposition,(perhaps we should just have a management committee made up of a number of those working on the shop floor on a rotational basis, they could meet outside of their shift hours and make decisions then, being paid double or triple time for the extra work)…
SSLands can start his 90 day trial on a beginners’ rate of $4 an hour. He’s lucky we don’t charge him for the valuable skills he’ll be picking up. Of course, once he pays for the voluntary drug testing each week, his pay will be a bit less, but it’s for his own good after all.
That Phillip is a recipe to have New Zealand become the Cuba of the South Pacific, do you think International Capital would simply sit still and say ”Ho Hum” as a New Zealand Government engaged in what they would call an act of theft,
Rolling out a supermarket chain across the country paid for from the tax base can have no such negative effects as those which would occur upon the seizing of the means of distribution would have…
Yeah right!!!, so as soon as the Government attempted to buy up the shares in the Supermarket chains their price would suddenly skyrocket, and, that is said without having even checked to see if the duopoly is actually a solely Australian registered monopoly which would make any Government regulatory move to ‘buy’ the shares impossible,
Good to see Phillip you are concerned with keeping the enrichment of the current owners in place…
That comment Phillis, which is simply a trail of un-factual abuse is obviously a result of your over-use of your penis-pump so it’s best you put it away for the day and switch to Daisy your blow-up rubber woman…
Im not sure that you will lower prices though? Surely any nationalized supermarket should be expected to treat suppliers fairly and to pay them a fair price? Plenty of family growers work effectively for a pittance if you work it out hourly… a lot are marginal at best and only continue due to already owning land and its the sole source of income…
Its actually fiercely competitive hence suppliers are been hammered so hard to maintain profit levels. Take out the profit things get cheaper but do you still hammer the suppliers?
Keep prices where they are and make sure the profit is shared more equally by giving more of it to the suppliers in a ‘reward for sales’ bonus scheme to top up the wholesale price instead of just shoveling barrow loads of cash into the open jowls of the shareholders.
The more of a product that people buy, the better return that product delivers to everyone.
This would also encourage better quality products and fairer pricing.
This obviously sits easily on the Kiwimart shelves as the rewards would get redistributed back into the local community producing the goods.
this could be the future of your neighborhood
of your neighborhood
of your neighborhood
this could be the future of your neighborhood
if people only knew that things could change
NZ’s was built in the oil glut era. As any competitive retailer will tell you, its all about passing traffic. If you can locate your retail outlet where people are likely to stop you half way there to profitability.
So we live in this car country, where government has been interfering in the free market. Yes the free market is good and does work without government intervention, the only problem is we can’t live without a government and it has to intervene. So the distraction of the right is to make out they rejoice in the free market while ignoring government interventions, and the left likewise ignores the free market while lusting after government interventions.
We can only have trust in government when both the effects and choices of how government is actually intervening and how we want to pick and choose which interventions. You see the political class wants to keep this actual debate out of the way so they can pick and choose, and so
create the inequality and poorly designed cities, that reward big companies, big retail, big drugs, etc… big fast food, big car.
Now I would argue we cant just start from year one again, we have to accept the landscape we live in, and so over emphasis the remedies. Public transport for example to offset how big retail benefits from our investment in roading.
Take the dams, someone actively got it into their head that the public didn’t pay for them and so we all now aren’t paying enough for electricity. While that kind of outrageous lie is constructed how can we trust either major party.
Take the nonsense about land farming, by not measuring the quality and quantity of the toxic inputs to the soil, or the outputs, the scientist was able to claim land farming wasn’t so bad.
That’s wrong. Yet its common practice to allow distortion into the debate, because it serves both the major parties, as they can bury how they actually decide which winners to choose.
That was a good article article karol. I was interested in the overseas examples, in particular, the Swiss co-op.
I’d definitely support either a government owned supermarket or people owned national cooperative alongside improved regulation for privately owned supermarkets, especially around employment and suppliers.
Any new grocery chain could raise the stakes in regard to retailing ethical products. For instance a Govt owned or coop could have it’s own farms where only the highest standards of animal welfare were the norm (which should be the case any way but isn’t). All imported goods could be fair traded as much as possible
All workers on the farms, distribution centres and in the supermarket to be paid the living wage and not be discouraged from being a Union member. Self serve checkouts wouldn’t exist, customers would be encouraged to interact with workers and more people would be employed. There could be a return to higher levels of service such as workers helping the elderly with their shopping where necessary.
Such a concept would mean the privately owned supermarkets would be compelled to raise their game.
I hear what you are saying about the free market model being broken phil and I agree. However, I do wonder whether we as a public are so culturally entwined with the neo lib agenda that a partial privatisation would freak everyone out. Did you see the author of that article that karol posted say she had a pile of “commie” hate comments in response to her previous article?
Granted in was in a right wing biased rag so thats not surprising.The same would happen on fearfacts.
People still bleat on about the neo lib lie of “choice” when they don’t even realise they don’t have any. Give them a real choice! Demonstrate capitalism Vs. people owned and see a cultural shift as the benefits to all become apparent.
In saying that I’m not ideologically tied to the above suggestion. I’d be thrilled to see any efforts to improve our standards and if that meant partial privatisation of existing supermarkets then, yahoo, bring it on.
Hmm phil just thinking aloud for a moment. There could be a logistical difficulty with the set up of yet another chain of supermarkets, so I may begin to see your point about privatisation, or at least the pro’s in it.
At first I was thinking of say 4 to 5 supermarkets around the country as a starting point. Dunedin, Chch, Wgtn and Akld and maybe one in the Tron (is Hamilton still called the Tron or is that a bit 90’s?) But this is the thing, in the lower North Island at least the two chains have already reached saturation point, so at least one may need to be taken over.
For example, I will quote from the (pass the sick bucket) “Peter Dunne Reports” newsletter I have here. He is expressing his enthusiasm for the opening of the new Countdown in Crofton Downs, which he himself opened and states “This is the fifth supermarket to be opened or upgraded in Ohariu in the last two years, so increased competition should improve plenty of bargains for local shoppers”
Bollocks to that I say. None of these supermarkets have a point of difference from each other and the variety of goods on offer in the northern suburbs in appalling. Cheap crap is cheap crap where ever you go. Thats where a govt run or people run coop would make a difference.
Also, knowing those in the engineering industry I can say that one particular company is lols lols lols all the way to the bank as they are doing the work for BOTH chains who are desperately trying to get ahead of one another with opening new stores and doing upgrades. There IS shitloads of money being chucked at these stores – so maybe I can see the merit in a partial privatisation, one region at a time. Still gotta pay for it though either way eh?
..i am obviously glad/cheered to see yr rethink on the merits of this idea..
..”..Still gotta pay for it though either way eh?..”
..easy to pay for..an as yet to be worked out formula of a partial-payment now..(remember..the govt can borrow at basement-rates..and that 51% profit-take will ease/pay for that/any repayment..)
Also, knowing those in the engineering industry I can say that one particular company is lols lols lols all the way to the bank as they are doing the work for BOTH chains
Same thing happens in telecommunications. Most of the work is done by contractors who work for all of the telcos.
There is a distinct lack of competition behind the facade.
Phillis, you argue your point like a snake, a two headed one at that, are you suggesting to Rosie that the Government simply seize the supermarket duopoly by Legislation or legislating to simply take half the shares of the duopoly,
Admit it, this is just some pie in the sky buzz of a couple of drug addled neurons in your head, the cost of actually buying the 51% stake in the supermarket duopoly on the Australian share-market would far out-way the roll-out of a solely Government owned supermarket chain across the country starting in the cities and as soon as the Government entered the market to buy up such shares the price of them would go through the roof…
And an example that illustrates the success of the govt setting up in opposition to private business and forcing it to raise it’s standards, is Kiwibank.
All done without nationalising a thing. Not that I’m opposed to nationalisation per se, no siree, just thinking of the pro’s and con’s in the supermarket industry in light of this thread.
Now, I really must dash.
And bad12, I hope your plants are coming along well. I miss weekend social where such things could be discussed.
Rosie, Re Nationalization, i think if we are going to nationalize anything it would have to be a whole of economy nationalization, and for that we would need a one Party State to ensure longevity,
Borrowing monies to indulge in some fanciful forced buy in to the current operating supermarket chains i consider to be laughable as the banking cartels upon seeing such Legislation of forced buy-in would simply refuse to lend such monies,
i would suggest the most efficient means of addressing competition in the supermarket duopoly would be for the Government to establish its own chain with a direct intent of having the lowest prices in the country and providing a return to the Government which should not hve to only rely upon the tax base for earnings,
Other than that the Government perhaps should facilitate the entry into the market of the German supermarket operator Aldi said to have recently entered the Australian market with pricing on average 20% lower than the Australian operators,
The garden was a great success again this year after a bad start which i put down to the utter crap weather that kept on hammering us well into November, and my use of bought compost which i had been digging into the soil, i had to spend a couple of days pumping in water so as to dilute the stuff which along with the weather was giving my babies a bad case of burnt leaves,
The compost works great as a top dressing and eventually my plants did their thing growing like jacks beanstalks, i have a crop that i have just about finished processing, taking the stem out of the middle of the leaf and giving them a first cut on the road to being a rollable, smokable product,
i have 3 left in the ground waiting for the seed pods to dry enough so i can harvest next years seeds,(no worries if the weather lets me down there i can buy some in), and now it’s back to slowly feeding all my plots with food scraps and my own compost made from tree clippings, lawn mowing’s and general weeding,(plus my neighbour from down the street has started dropping off His food scraps, a bonus for us both as He has no means of recycling them),
i am now well ahead as this years good crop will put me ahead by about a 2 year supply with a better smoke being the result of having a longer curing time, the neighborhood cats are also as happy as i am as they can do their thing without the monstrous human throwing hunks of wood at them,(they should complain if only they had been around to see what i threw off the balcony at a dog that kept coming up to my place from the house below to shit in my plots while my little ones were trying to take root),
Lolz Rosie, that’s my short garden talk for the day, how does you one grow…
Tailor-made cigarettes have a high percentage of bark-like twigs in them, and when they are broken apart and re-rolled two or three roll-your-own type cigarettes will result.
“In New Zealand the ”concentration of additives is higher in loose tobacco at about 18%, compared with 0.5% for factory-made cigarettes”
I suspect the reverse is true.
I’d like to see the evidence the professor failed to link to.
Interesting that one minute Prof Edwards said “roll-your-own tobacco was at least as harmful as factory-rolled tobacco”, then later he says “more dangerous”.
But don’t worry Phillip, Bad12 grows his own so there will be no additives in his.
Incidentally, a cannabis cigarette is said to be worth 4 or 5 tobacco smokes as far as lung damage(?)
Lolz fender, but Phillip needs His Marijuana as a crutch for the Needle full of chem He so loves shoving up His arm and can no longer support the doing of financially,
Can say that there is probably less Nicotine in the home grown stuff, and from experience definitely less tar,
As i was building up to finding out the amount i needed to grow to support the addiction for a whole year i was in previous years having to resort to the bought stuff as i run out of home grown,
The first day of the change i noticed there was definitely a queasy oily feeling going on in my gut,
Anecdotal of course, i would love for one of the universities to do a chemical comparison,
i am of course a bit annoyed with the advertising, might have to do a query with the standards authority, having smoked tobacco for 44 years, most of that unfiltered bought tobacco or boob weed surely i should be a prime candidate for ‘Death’,
Having endured a series of blood tests and x-rays in the past couple of months there’s no sign that it’s happening anytime soon, i want my money
back it sure as hell is taking its sweet time to snuff me…
fender +100…it is quite evident that some of these so called doctors and their hangers- on are are on a power kick ( especially over compulsory vaccination for measles and other once normal child viruses)
…i just can not see that the roll- your- owns from tobacco plants at the bottom of the garden are more harmful than the factory-made cigarettes which have unknown addictive additives…. and of the known additives …some are very toxic indeed
….makes one wonder if the multi-billion dollar tobacco industry which is now fighting for its life has not got to the ‘good ‘doctor ( this industry must after all find roll-your-own tobacco addicts, not buying commercially made cigarettes any more… a threat to profits)
…just the way the multi-billion dollar vaccination (and Tamiflu?) industry got to ‘good’ doctors…by giving them golden handouts for every child vaccinated ….and no statistical records kept of the side effects and long term effects ( even deaths) due to vaccination…those with anecdotal evidence are pooh poohed and made out to be dunces or nut jobs….( i am not speaking of ALL doctors here…many genuinely do care about their patients and treat their choices with respect…and some doctors genuinely can think for themselves and retain open and skeptical minds about the multi-billion dollar medical industry they are involved with )
Evidence also revealed there was a high rate of roll-your-own cigarette smokers in disadvantaged groups in many countries, there being higher usage among New Zealand Maori, black South Africans and smokers of lower socioeconomic status in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.
In New Zealand, roll-your-own smokers were more likely to have been diagnosed as having ”mental health, drug use and alcohol-related disorders and to have hazardous drinking patterns”, Prof Edwards said.
So take the tobacco that disadvantaged groups use, just to shit on them a little bit more. Classy.
The one thing I wasn’t hugely impressed with at todays health meeting in Dunedin was Annette king announcing that the goal is 5% tobacco use by 2025. But then, smokers are used to being kicked, these days.
Lolz fender, just reading the erratic gibberish becomes tiresome after a few of ‘its’ comments let alone the wearying toil of answering what is mostly bullshit,
Phillis wouldn’t have a clue how many old Hippies have died of what, simply choosing to make it up as he goes along fired up by the remaining two working neurons in the cranial cavity…
I don’t smoke heavily or regularly. Haven’t smoked since last night, no worries. Might not even smoke tonight, given the rain.
I wasn’t particularly agitated by king’s comment. It was simply the only thing at that meeting that I did not agree with. But like I say, we’re used to being kicked. No point in getting worked up about it now.
So your rant was actually a pretty good example of the propaganda people say to ostracise smokers and justify maltreatment, phil. To reciprocate, I might point out that, seeing as I bathed today, I’m probably significantly less smelly than you. Now kindly go hug a tree (but not a tobacco plant, because in my addictive haze I might set you on fire by accident – although the onset of hallucinations and mania would be a quick clue that I lit the wrong thing).
Mac, wonder who the next target to get it in the neck in the blame game over the 69% of people who die yearly in this country of heart diseases and cancers out of total deaths will be,
i doubt even in 50 years time when the current demographic of smokers have all puffed on one for the last time that the stats are going to reflect the fact that smokers will only be 5% of the population,(not that i believe anything they say these days about tobacco use), so 69% of annual deaths will certainly need a new scapegoat…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even against modest excise taxes, and I’m certainly not against controls on advertising harmful products or having standards on how addictive they can be made or restricting consumption to adults, but everything in moderation – especially the controls.
Frankly, a society with no smoking, no caffeinated beverages, and all sugar, meat and alcohol consumption limited by law to recommended daily servings – well, that would be boring as fuck.
State the risk, cut the levels of individual consumption, fair enough. But life is for living.
Yep pretty much the same here on the over the top punitive taxation, we are paying well over the odds for any cost we cause to the Government accounts,(well not me any more for obvious reasons),
And, repetitive i know, there need only have been a registering of all users with their doctors which would have allowed tobacco to be declared a restricted poison only available by prescription, smoking problem among the young solved and rates of smokers in the future dwindling to near zero…
@ McFlock: “Obesity is the next priority”…. …Q: “how do you know obesity is not caused by a metabolic syndrome associated with excessive vaccinations?”….@chooky…lol…I don’t. Have you got any evidence for that claim?
Well here is some evidence after a very very brief search::
Seriously, do you ever consider the sources you use? Let alone the fact that two of those links refer to the same nutbar source, and none of them are verifiable in any way.
…i know this is a late comment …but I really am sick of doctors and other ‘know- it- alls’ seeking to ban things and then insisting they have every right to tell you to vaccinate your children….
….reminds me of the Catholic Church telling women how to run their lives …especially reproductive lives…
…i have no objections to people using roll ups or having a good fag if they want to …it is their life
I reckon that’s an interesting cross-section of issues.
There’s the public health efficacy issue – how much of a negative effect a health factor might have, and whether it would even be viewed as a negative effect in 30 years (we’ve butted heads on that re: measles, but BMI cod definitely go either way).
Then there’s the degree to which we should be able to endanger others and increase the burden we make on the public health system (although the tobacco tax addresses the latter, passive smoking is a factor for colleagues and cohabitants – but people in the street get not detectable effect from smoking, unlike general air pollution).
And even if the first two cross the threshold, there’s the failure to communicate that to some people and get active buy-in from the population, and health information fatigue in general.
PS: I generally keep a spare disposable lighter to lend to folk I don’t entirely trust, if I’m going to be smoking at a party or something 🙂
“Know it alls”, that tell you to keep your kids at school until 16, unless you have a valid alternative education for them, that stop you from hitting your children, just because you feel like it, insist that you feed and cloth them, tell you that they have to be taken to a doctor when ill etc etc .
And, we want you to protect your kids, and other peoples, from unpleasant and difficult illness and the potentially debilitating, or fatal, side effects, using PROVEN safe and effective vaccines.
Terribly authoritarian of us. To expect parents to do the best for their kids, and not abuse them..
Forgive me if I’ve got it wrong but you provide light discipline(or whatever you want to call it) to your child don’t you – which some (including me) would argue is not necessary as it breaks the trust and so on but you have decided where the line is for you and your family based upon your beliefs and knowledge – but other parents in other areas don’t get that privilege or ability? They are abusing their kids but you are being a good parent?
School is a classic – all of the ‘shoulds’ like going at 5, ending at 16 are manmade constructs designed to support other aspects of society not actually based on helping the kids at all imo more related to creating a compliant workforce that does the bidding of the man to help him make more money. You are not doing the best for the kids by putting innocent lives in that meat grinder but we do it, why? Some person in a white coat says ‘jump’ and we say ‘how high sir’.
This is all a side issue to the vaccination issue but interrelated imo.
“Forgive me if I’ve got it wrong but you provide light discipline(or whatever you want to call it) to your child don’t you – which some (including me) would argue is not necessary as it breaks the trust and so on but you have decided where the line is for you and your family based upon your beliefs and knowledge – but other parents in other areas don’t get that privilege or ability? They are abusing their kids but you are being a good parent?”
No i only spanked my kids once or twice in their lives and then with an open hand on a well clothed padded bottom…i felt guilty afterwards and knew it was counterproductive ….
however my generation was often spanked or got the wooden spoon or strap…(my mother only used the strap about twice and then my brother nailed my mothers strap to a telephione pole) or got chased with a big stick ( as in the case of the neighbours kids )…..but we were also given a hell of a lot of love and laughter …and we forgave our parents because we knew they were at the end of their tethers…and they felt guilty afterwards
….a little more respect and tolerance for people/parents/kids ….a little less fascist judgement ….and a lot more love and care would go a long way
…the real child abusers in this society are often deep down abused children themselves…and an abusive society creates abusive parents
Yes, I did, Marty. Just like everyone else at the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. One of the many things as a parent I feel guilty about but cannot change. Don’t think that damaged my kids. The lack of time I had for them due to work and illness, did.
Now, I think the only reason you should smack a child is to prevent greater harm. Like the time when every other method of keeping a child away from the fireplace fails. Which is, mostly, the only reason we smacked our kids anyway, as it happened.
The same as I would restrain, slap or punch an adult, if it was necessary to keep them from running into a burning building.
Never felt right, as a method of discipline.
And the sadists who used the cane on us at school made me very anti that also. (Which is why I am comfortable with the law as enacted).
@philip ….at least you are not a control freak…i do appreciate this and your humour
…yes there are fags and fags and gags and gags ….and fucking statistical know it alls ( lies , lies and damned statistics)….and those fascists who want to tell others what to do (especially woman on reproductive issues) and what to put in their bodies and …. how to bring up their children ( they should all fuck off imo)
…in the end people will do the right/healthful thing for themselves and their families if given care and support by the community and a good socialist caring government
….why dont you grow some (fags) tobacco plants in the bottom of your garden like my brother does?…ooops …maybe you are not a tobacco smoker but your predilections are in other areas…that is ok too
I don’t usually read Comrade Boni, but your link led me to search out her earlier column floating the actual idea of a government/state-owned supermarket chain.
That article touches on a number of the comments/ideas expressed by people on this tread, and is well worth reading. Haven’t attempted to read the 180 comments the article sparked, however, before it was closed off!
So, perhaps there are some free thinkers amongst the Herald columnists after all.
Fruther to my comment above, strictly as an aside, (or two asides) I decided to do one of my very rare visits to KB today – and surprise (not), we seem to have a commenter here who does what PG used to do. That is, comment here and then go over to KB and comment there on what is happening here. None other than srylands: OK time for today’s “The Standard Idea of the Day”. A Government owned supermarket. You couldn’t make this up.
“Kiwimart could be a great way of focusing on Kiwi Goods and it could even be done inside the existing supermarkets. Imagine if there was a Kiwi Goods section in the supermarket, or Kiwi Goods shelves distributed amongst each Supermarket sector.
“It becomes a pointless ‘moan’ unless a Government is prepared to act and rolling out across the country a Supermarket chain capable of introducing a real level of competitive pricing among the big 2 currently operating in this country would provide to the average citizen ‘gains’ on a number of levels along with a profit making enterprise for the Governments coffers “
I could not be bothered checking whether anyone responded to him, or whether he does this regularly – his first line suggests he might.
Mobile site won’t let me reply to Karol’s supermarket link. The end describes a co-op in Switzerland, of 2 million citizens. We already have buying co-ops in NZ, anyone game to lift this to something national? Hey, something for that taxpayers union? 🙂 They’re about people power, yes?
Like many I’m absolutely dog on the dominance of Corporates in this Country.
With the overwhelming bitter taste of the Super Market duopoly operating in New Zealand perhaps it’s timely we collectively fight back with good old fashion ‘people power’.
Maybe someone who knows how to contact workers warrior, fomer General Secretary of the National Dairy Workers Union, James Ritchie, who is working for the International Food Workers Union, based out of Geneva, Switzerland . He could probably give a very good critique of the supermarket cooperative your talking about.
Maybe we could call on the CTU, with a power base of over 300,00 members to moot supporting a people’s supermarket cooperative in principal to start with. Coupled with other organistions such as Grey Power etc, would mean a powerful consumer bloc to start with. Getting the initial demand may even get ‘supply’ from a truly Left Government.
What people seem to fail to realise is that the government doing anything is, as a matter of fact, the country operating as a cooperative. I think this is because, especially over the last three decades, we’ve been taught to think of the government as other, something that’s done to us rather than something we should be participating in.
..it has so much potential to spin out of control..
..on a local-level ukraine is riddled with russian miliary-bases..
..and those uprising-citizens now controlling kiev are in the main neo-nazi/fascist groups funded/supported by america..
..and with half the county russian in origin..the other half pro-europe-intergration..
..there are so many local fuses..
..and on a geo-political level this is part on the ongoing cold war against russia..
..and part of the neo-con program of regime-change..over recent decades..
..and for putin..he either lies down and becomes americas’ ‘bitch’..as the american empire sits panting right on his doorstep..(anyone see that happening..?..)
..or he ‘fights’ back..
..it is for all these reasons i am very very nervous about this one..
..more so than over any other recent international ‘incident’..
..this one has the potential of/for an out of control..
Me thinks that should the divisions in Ukrainian society deepen into a real fight between anti-Russian and Pro-Russian factions which becomes bloody, Putin will not sit idly by and the Tanks will again roll across the Cossack Steppes,
Its a bit further East than the norm for the usual river of blood that has soaked European soils down through the ages, but,the current situation has the ability the become a war involving all of Europe,
The impoverishment of whole Nations caused by the Global Financial Crisis adds another necessary ingredient to the stew that would create an unnecessary war…
For god sakes Phillip stop whinging about minor inconveniences, the mods have probably got ‘scroll on by’ disease, a severe infirmity usually brought about by an overdose of having to read screeds of unintelligible babble and need time to get the urge to desist…
Listening to the head of NZ greyPower on RadioNZ Nine to Noon this morning i was struck with how badly we treat the aged, along with the children living in what is abject poverty,
It would seem that poverty among the elderly is on the rise as a direct result of ‘Rents’ also being in a state of constant inflation especially in the cities,
Auckland where the maximum payment of the Accomodation Supplement is said to be $220 a week has the highest growth of poverty among the aged as the game of Monopoly takes more and more of a pensioners entitlements every year and the Accommodation Supplement has been static at that $220 for the past 9 years,
Bill English and Nick Smith have an answer to all this of course, sell off 20% of the Housing NZ estate to National Party voters and donors with a consistent track record, thus creating even more ‘candidates’ for the private sector rental market to plunder,
This problem is going to grow as the Baby Boomer bulge gets to retirement age and i will not here go through the complex game of wealth transfer that occurs between the landlord class in this country and the foreign owned banking cartels, BUT, i will state quite bluntly that raising the amount of the Accommodation Supplement will help no-one in the long term simply intensifying that wealth transfer to the foreign owned banks,
My view is that this whole unholy alliance that has been created between the middle class of New Zealand and the foreign owned banks need have a large spanner jammed in its works,
The Government itself need involve itself in building factory built housing for the growing tide of young and old being impoverished by the rent demands of the middle class, with the profit motive removed such construction of factory assembled housing units which could be sited on serviced sites already owned by the State in clusters so as to make best use of such scarce land, would mean housing costs of well under 100,000 dollars per individual,
A new Ministry of Works should be created to accomplish such a major and much needed build of State units suitable to house single and retired people thus freeing up what is left of the HousningNZ estate for those with children…
i will not here go through the complex game of wealth transfer that occurs between the landlord class in this country and the foreign owned banking cartels
As a landlord myself (how I dislike that word) – I could not agree more.
Personally I would welcome exactly the solution you suggest – while the speculator class who just happen to be landlords would of course hate it.
whole unholy alliance that has been created between the middle class of New Zealand and the foreign owned banks
Which has arisen primarily because we needed to invest in something to support our retirement. The Super may well prevent abject poverty but it’s way short of being able to enjoy life and visit the grandkids.
Stashing cash in the bank just gets you poor slowly.
The sharemarket was just a way to get poor unexpectedly and suddenly.
And the finance houses have been proven a way to get poor with certainty.
That left housing as the only option. (And it’s way short of ideal as well.)
So while it’s no doubt appealing to shove it to the middle-class with your spanner – you might want to consider what could be achieved with a carrot instead.
Red, i fully understand the rational decision of a masse of the middle class to invest in rental property,
The NZ share-market vultures and thieves would make such an investment the only logical one when investment losses and gains are viewed through the lens of history,
My banging on constantly about this masse investment in rentals by the middle class, 200,000 homes having made the transition from home to rental investment in 20 years should in no way be taken as a personal denigration of yourself or any other individual who has taken that rational decision,
However, my belief that such investment is not contained within any particular political demographic, such investment is likely to have occurred across the political spectrum and my worry about such as far as the left goes is that personal imperatives may come to the fore when any party of the left makes decisions about the needed numbers of State Housing,
Obviously there are a couple of juicy monetary considerations given out by successive Governments both left and right which further the desire for rental investments, the ability to deduct interest payments from personal taxation and the Accommodation Supplement payments to the tenants,(ending up a direct subsidy through the rental investor to the banking cartels),
Given the nature of city rents i would suggest that everyone with a household income of less than 30 or 40,000 a year should be provided a State house and as i suggest above, that consideration is a growing one as the Baby Boomer bulge begins retirement en masse and the real need is to stop the abbhorent 20% sell-off of the current HousingNZ stock which will simply fuel demand in the rental sector and create even more house price and rental inflation,
My proposal above is a simplification of what are complex issues along with my view that a rebuild of State Housing stocks should concentrate upon clusters aimed at the single or retired coupes demographic which would free up the larger houses,(whats going to be left of them),for low waged working families…
Red, a PS, i have deliberately not answered the inflammatory last little bit of your comment, but, its such an attitude in a nutshell that has 800,000 voters sitting on the sidelines looking at the Labour Party like it is a creature chock full of strangers from another planet,
If i fully understand that comment it seems to suggest that as that investment property owning middle class has effective control of the Labour Party and also has the poor by the balls in light of the continued sell off of the States rental stocks by the National Party this middle class rental property owning demographic should be rewarded for letting go of the testicles of the poor…
So while it’s no doubt appealing to shove it to the middle-class with your spanner – you might want to consider what could be achieved with a carrot instead.
They’ve had the carrot for the last thirty years – the country is worse off because of it.
Shane could be doing a winston – this could stir up a bit.
Interesting in this report that
The current draft plan has come under fire because some building projects would require iwi input, meaning Aucklanders might have to pay thousands of dollars in extra consent fees.
There are more than 3,500 sites across Auckland which have been identified as being of cultural significance to Maori.
That is forcing applicants to consult with up to 19 different iwi based as far away as Whangarei in the north and Paeroa in the south.
Each individual iwi can request a site visit for which some are charging up to $2,500.
They can also request a ‘Cultural Impact Assessment’ at a further cost of around $3,000.
However, not all iwi are charging those fees and say they are disappointed some are.
Brainless Moron is to busy being comfortly dumb.
…eh .phil.
Incest is a hard ACT to follow.Dickensian days are here again
285,000 reasons not to vote Nactional.
The attached article from the Fonterra website highlights Fonterra Australia MD Judith Swales calling for “more flexible work practices in Australia”
Amazingly she wants to “make dairy faming more appealing”
“Ms Swales suggested a review around penalty rates for casual labour on dairy farms and greater access to 457 visas to help increase Australia’s milk supply”
Basically the sub text of this article suggests that the reason NZ dairy farming is so strong is because we pay our workers such shit wages that dairy faming is profitable in New Zealand.
Shit wages and compliant local and national governments that hand over all the water to them. Geographically, Aotearoa has fairly predictable water, and topsoil. Australia has this in a few places. I can’t see Fonterra capturing their regulatory bodies to the extent they would need to in order to make huge profits.
Excellent public meeting with Annette King, the dn mps and some panellists on healthcare in otago/southern dhb. Very well attended.
What I found interesting was that the MPs were careful to address healthcare as part of a wider issue – inequality. Bodes well for the campaign.
One of the more surprising comments was from the orthopaedic surgeon on the manel – he said he was glad he wasn’t operating today, because it was raining and he guaranteed that there would be buckets in the theatre to collect the drips from the ceiling. fucksake.
To Solicitor-General: Graham McCready’s response to Proposed Defendant’s submissions:
February 28, 2014
From: Graham McCready
Date: Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Application to Prosecute Len Brown – Response to Proposed Defendant’s submissions
Please find attached the final submissions of the proposed private prosecutor on this issue.
I ask these are taken into account before the decision is made today.
Thanks for being unusually succinct Penny, i would love to see a brief of the proposed evidence that you lot intend to use to try and convict Len of anything,(spose that’s impossible tho sub judice and all that)…
Indeed ianmac, if that lot manged to get rid of Len i wonder what they think will replace Him, perhaps Penny as an also ran in that Mayoralty election has dreams that Brown’s removal would result in Her ascendency and like you i cannot fathom their hitching of the rid Auckland of Len campaign they are waging to that of the ‘wing-nuts’ as well as the wide gap between allegations and evidence they as yet have not publicly addressed,
i should imagine that if as i expect the Crown prosecutor refuses to prosecute through lack of evidence the cry of bias will ring loud and share market registers will be minutely examined to try and attach the prosecutor to Sky city,
Is that right Penny, by us lot you might have to include me as it was i who paid Graham Mac’s phone arrears which i sure as hell wouldn’t have had i believed Banks had no case to answer,
The continued attack on Brown tho looks to me to be a complete waste of the courts time, of course you may have ‘the smoking gun’ in the form of direct oral evidence from high up managers of one or more of the hotels involved who is willing to give evidence that the free rooms and upgrades were given to Len on the basis of payments for favors past or future and that both the hotels and Len Brown knew this,(if you have i will have to make a contrite mea culpa but don’t see that happening),
Without the above Penny you have nothing with which to convict Brown of anything and this whole escapade simply becomes a sideshow,
In the unlikely event that you managed to unseat Len i would be interested in what you see His replacement would behave like, you might think Brown ‘the evil Mayor’, just wait until one of the ‘wing-nuts’ takes the chair that will make Brown look like a choir-boy…
Well, I heard on RNZ Checkpoint in the last hour that McCready’s attempt to sue Brown has been rejected – evidence does not meet the bar needed for prosecution to begin.
i will have to resist the urge to GLOAT, loz excuse that little outburst, so Penny, perhaps now you can feel free to release a draft of your ‘actual’ evidence,
i read the PDF attached to your earlier comment from Graham Mac to the Crown prosecutor and sad to say the only evidence it contained was the usual ”i thunk it therefor it is allegations”,
Do neither of you two understand the difference between Brown and Banks cases, in the Banks case there were two witnesses prepared to stand in the witness box and say what was ‘thunk’ actually occurred, in the Brown case there were how many witnesses???…
I found it deeply ironical and disturbing to see that key handed the award of New Zealander of the Year to Dr Lance O’Sullivan. This is the man(key) who has overseen the breakdown of our democratic society and created absolute poverty and deprivation to thousands of our citizens and then denied it’s existence. Dr O’Sullivan is the man picking up the pieces in the worst off areas in the North and helping put these people back together, with the help of donations from many people who don’t have much themselves but have heart and soul.
key was on natrad this morning explaining in suitably modest tones that he is our MOST POPULAR PM EVER because he is just an ordinary kiwi BLOKE and that what you see is what you get and PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN HIM Sorry for shouting, but wouldn’t be fit to clean Dr O’Sullivan’s shoes.
Expecting his next appearance in gumboots,farmer hat and black singlet. I still cannot believe that he is our pm. We deserve much,much better.
Will be donating to Dr O’Sullivan to help in his fight to give his patients the treatment and assistance that they deserve,
“Gone are the days of staff positions,” says Daniel Lay, a visual effects animator who runs the influential VFX Soldier blog that tracks industry trends. “If you aren’t on a project at the company you work for, you were laid off. Smaller companies have transitioned to offering no benefits and employee misclassification.”
This has been a boon to the six major studios that the MPAA represents. According to the Hollywood Reporter, those giants “combined to generate more than $4.3 billion in operating profit in 2013, up 23 percent from $3.5 billion in 2012.”
Lower wages and job insecurity for the many and higher profits for the few.
Although, if that article is correct, we can kiss our movie industry goodbye. Just another fuckup by Labour and National.
It will be an interesting watch when Bizz begins to import that scenario into the New Zealand economic equation and apply it across the middle class,
Slippery the Prime Minister’s ‘brighter future’ payed for off of the back of the ransacking of the tax base and 80 billion bucks gross of Government debt will quickly take on all the dimensions of a bad nightmare for those who have been kept in comfort while the bottom third goes backward at speed…
The bankers have started giving themselves obscene bonuses – again. They are impervious to embarrassment. They cannot be shamed. So, what to do?
Demanding greater transparency about their fee structure, it turns out.
Brent Sheather has written an excellent column (I found it hidden in the Herald’s Business section) which shows how bankers use complicated, layered, fee structures to siphon money out of investment accounts. It’s a pyramid scheme, and of course this is where the bonus money is coming from.
His conclusion is that ‘ . . . NZ regulators still have an awful lot of work to do before the FMA’s vision of “promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets that restore and inspire investor confidence” becomes a reality in NZ.’
“The bankers have started giving themselves obscene bonuses – again. They are impervious to embarrassment. They cannot be shamed. So, what to do?”
The French had an idea – they called it the guillotine. Whilst it might take a while – perhaps not even happen, but if it does Huginn, please don’t feel guilty if and when you’re unable to feel pity (which is what they’re desperately asking for)
Who does john key think he is. He is headhunted by boag and co with no known interest in anything except stealing other peoples money and now he presumes to change the New Zealand flag all on his ownsome because he doesn’t like it. to answer the question he is nothing but a parvenu manque carpetbagger with a big head.
and he is about to get flagged himself.
I do NOT know, whether anybody has posted this here, but Bryce Edwards posted a few links in his last summary opinion comment on the Herald, which is highly interesting. He offered a link to TVNZ, and a 22 minute long video, showing a background report on MATT MCCARTEN, who is, as we know, the new Chief of Staff in David Cunliffe’s office!
I am totally mystified, why they do at TVNZ not broadcast such personal history profiles and documentaries, instead of all those crap cooking and supposed “talent” shows, but here it is, MEET MATT MCCARTEN:
It seems there is much good stuff on TVNZ’s archives, that we never see and hear about, until they may feel “safe” enough to share it. Why is this? Is it because the government and the minister may not approve of it?
It is time to tell more real stories about REAL New Zealanders, not just “shoeshine turn to speculative adventure gold kind” of glory boy Key and that lot, thanks!
i did, was on a staurday at about 7:30 (from memory). was a great doco, & i couldn’t believe what i was watching, something sympathetic to the left, mccarten is a legend & a fighter. i’m a mana supporter, but am watching the cunliffe led labour with a lot of interest.
Thanks, we need more of this, and it is a shame that we only get the odd good, “real” program, that is in the MSM, and that is “informative” not just on biographies of persons and history, but that tell us what really goes on in NZ and the wider world.
That is why I DEMAND we get a restored TRUE public broadcasting body , that is funded securely, is robust, independent and informs and educates, which is something NZ has not seen since the mid to late 1990s, when TV was globally privatised and was sold out, same as much of most media here.
And the people can make the difference, if they only want, but sadly, most are so brainwashed and constantly inundated with commercial advertising and stupid programs, they all just “value” every little think on a “beneficial level scale” like, is this going to feed me, satisfy my thirst, get me a kick here or there, does it solve my immediate bill problem or else, and if it does not, they dismiss it as “unimportant”.
Sad but true, most people are their own worst enemies.
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Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
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Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 2, 2025 thru Sat, February 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Today, I stumbled across a Twitter Meme: the ending of The Lord of the Rings as a Chess scenario: https://x.com/mellon_heads/status/1887983845917564991 It gets across the basic gist. Aragorn and Gandalf offering up ‘material’ at the Morannon allows Frodo and Samwise to catch Sauron unawares – fair enough. But there are a ...
Last week, Kieran McAnulty called out Chris Bishop and Nicola Willis for their claims that Kāinga Ora’s costs were too high.They had claimed Kāinga Ora’s cost were 12% higher than market i.e. private devlopersBut Kāinga Ora’s Chair had already explained why last year:"We're not building to sell, so we'll be ...
Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass - A Fellow at New Zealand IniativeLast week I half-joked that Stuff / The Post’s Luke Malpass1 always sounded like he was auditioning for a job at the New Zealand Initiative.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. For a limited time, subscriptions are 20% off. Thanks ...
At a funeral on Friday, there were A4-sized photos covering every wall of the Dil’s reception lounge. There must have been 200 of them, telling the story in the usual way of the video reel but also, by enlargement, making it more possible to linger and step in.Our friend Nicky ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government’s idea is that the private sector and Community Housing Providers will fund, build and operate new affordable housing to address our housing crisis. Meanwhile, the Government does not know where almost half of the 1,700 children who left emergency housing actually went. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong ...
Oh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youOh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youSongwriters: Alexander Ebert / Jade Allyson CastrinosMorena,I’m on a tight time frame this morning. In about an hour and a half, I’ll need to pack up and hit the road ...
This is a post about the Mountain Tui substack, and small tweaks - further to the poll and request post the other day. Please don’t read if you aren’t interested in my personal matters. Thank you all.After oohing-and-aahing about how to structure the Substack model since November, including obtaining ...
This transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser has not been verified.We’ve announced we are the ‘Yes Government’. Do you like it?Yes, Prime Minister.Dreamed up by the PR team. It’s about being committed to growth. Not that the PR team know anything about ...
The other day, Australian Senator Nick McKim issued a warning in the Australian Parliement about the US’s descent into fascim.And of course it’s true, but I lament - that was true as soon as Trump won.What we see is now simply the reification of the intention, planning, and forces behind ...
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
Thanks folks for your feedback, votes and comments this week. I’ll be making the changes soon. Appreciate all your emails, comments and subscriptions too. I know your time is valuable - muchas gracias.A lot is happening both here and around the world - so I want to provide a snippets ...
Data released today by Statistics NZ shows that unemployment rose to 5.1%, with 33,000 more people out of work than last year said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “The latest data shows that employment fell in Aotearoa at its fastest rate since the GFC. Unemployment rose in 8 ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay will travel to Australia today for meetings with Australian Trade Minister, Senator Don Farrell, and the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF). Mr McClay recently hosted Minister Farrell in Rotorua for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting, where ANZLF presented on ...
By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Presenter/Bulletin editor France’s top diplomat in the Pacific region says talks around the “unfreezing” of New Caledonia’s highly controversial electoral roll are back on the table. The French government intended to make a constitutional amendment that would lift restrictions prescribed under the Nouméa Accord, which ...
By bringing these global voices to the fight for free expression in New Zealand, we’ll continue to protect and expand our culture of free speech, says Nathan Seiuli, the Free Speech Union's Events Manager. ...
The issue is no longer a hypothetical one. US President Donald Trump will not explicitly suggest death camps, but he has already consented to Israel’s continuing a war that is not a war but rather a barbaric assault on a desolate stretch of land. From there, the road to annihilation is ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cecelia Cmielewski, Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University To be selected as the artist and curator team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale is considered the ultimate exhibition for an artistic team. To have your selection rescinded, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening. It’s a monster storm of great concern to Western Australia. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Danielle Ireland-Piper, Associate Professor, ANU National Security College, Australian National University A Victorian government decision to allow dingo culling in the state’s east until 2028 has reignited debate over what has been dubbed Australia’s most controversial animal. Animals Australia, an animal welfare ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hassan Vally, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Deakin University Overnight, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was confirmed as the secretary of the US Health and Human Services Department. Put simply, this makes him the most influential figure in overseeing the health and wellbeing of more ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard eight hours of submissions.Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.It was another work from home day for the Justice Committee, the only people in Room 3 being security guards, committee ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Milad Haghani, Associate Professor & Principal Fellow in Urban Risk & Resilience, The University of Melbourne Juris Teivans/Shutterstock In Australia, fatal road crashes are climbing again, especially since the pandemic, and despite years of attempts to reduce road trauma, the numbers ...
In its eagerness to appease supporters of Israel, the media is happy to ride roughshod over due process and basic rights. It’s damaging Australia’s (and New Zealand’s?) democracy.COMMENTARY:By Bernard Keane Two moments stand out so far from the Federal Court hearings relating to Antoinette Lattouf’s sacking by the ...
“The reality is we’re getting poorer. The government this year is leaning heavy on chasing economic growth, which is absolutely the right thing to do.” ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Granta, $28) Han Kang’s astounding novel was based on an ...
This new docuseries about two single comedians looking for love is also a joyful celebration of female friendship. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here. “How many people do you think are boning right now?” Kura Forrester asks Brynley Stent as the bright ...
A new poem by Freya Turnbull. Hunger Song – After Kaveh Akbar (Untitled With Hunger And Matcheads) I hold my age in ripped fishnet hold an empty vessel oldyoung body cracks like gunshot like killa i was a father ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dominik Koll, Honorary Lecturer, Australian National University View of the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station.NASA Earth must have experienced something exceptional 10 million years ago. Our study of rock samples from the floor of the Pacific Ocean has found ...
Troy Rawhiti-Connell reviews Kia Tupu Te Ara, a documentary chronicling the meteoric rise of Aotearoa’s groundbreaking metal band. “Two brothers attempt to storm the world of thrash metal with the Māori language, despite the fact they’re both still teenagers,” reads the synopsis of Kent Belcher’s documentary, Kia Tupu Te Ara. ...
Three freelance writers have been awarded grants to work on their ambitious journalism projects. In January, The Spinoff announced the Vince Geddes In-Depth Journalism Fund, supported by the Auckland Radio Trust (ART). The fund was established to provide much-needed financial and editorial support to talented freelance journalists, empowering them to ...
By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist in Avarua, Rarotonga China has confirmed details of its meeting with Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown for the first time, saying Beijing “stands ready to have an in-depth exchange” with the island nation. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Guo Jiakun told reporters during his ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Gillespie, Professor of Law, University of Waikato The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2023 strategic foreign policy assessment, “Navigating a shifting world”, accurately foresaw a more uncertain and complex time ahead for New Zealand. But already it feels out of date. The ...
Our parliamentary throuple may be the longest running in the country, but cracks are showing. Gabi Lardies wonders if differing attachment styles may be to blame. Though no one ever anticipated happiness or roses in the three-way coalition, the relationship has wobbled on for over a year without breaking up. ...
As Mike White’s dark satire returns for a third season, we look back on some of The White Lotus’s most memorable characters. The White Lotus looks like a dream holiday, but this resort is anything but paradise. Set in an exclusive five star hotel resort, HBO’s award-winning series is a ...
Analysis: Would the last scientist to leave the building please turn out the lights? Because the confirmation of Robert F Kennedy Jr as US Secretary of Health suggests we’re heading back to the dark ages.It’s a sad irony that President John F Kennedy propelled America into the space age; now his nephew ...
The crux of my message today is that New Zealand needs to bend two curves. One is the long-term economic growth trajectory, which needs to bend upwards to expand our productive capacity and national real incomes. The second is our net public debt ...
Away from the tense scenes on the paepae, under a closely guarded canvas tent, te iwi Māori do the real work of Waitangi: talking. We were invited inside to listen. ...
The Jono & Ben star is self-aware and surrounded by extraordinary women in Three’s latest local comedy series. The first episode of Vince, written by and starring Jono Pryor, opens with intrigue, a loincloth and a man in the middle of some kind of breakdown. As the titular character, a ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Katie Barclay, ARC Future Fellow and Professor, Macquarie University Wikimedia “1,000 Letters and 15,000 Kisses” screamed the headline in an 1898 edition of the English newspaper, the Halifax Evening Courier. Harriet Ann McLean, a 32-year-old laundry maid, was suing Francis ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Lena Wang, Associate Professor in Management, RMIT University Supplied/AppleTV+ The highly anticipated season two of Severance, released in weekly instalments, has continued to draw interest among viewers around the world. A gripping psychological thriller, this TV series provides an extreme ...
After the ‘Speaking for the 0%’ article ( http://dimpost.wordpress.com/2014/02/26/speaking-for-the-0/ )
here’s Herald ACT watch…
0 % of the vote, 20% of the attention.
Is Roughan, Sullivan, Murphy and the rest of the Herlad repeaters card carrying members of ACT?
Or do the paper’s owner’s (APN News & Media Limited) and their major shareholders want to pay less tax?
Probably just taking a break from writing John Key fan fiction.
Another bad day for NZ with Phillipino workers rebuilding Christchurch being exploited by corporate construction companies. Working for $16 per hour and weekends for free, and extortionate fees to dodgy immigration officers. NZ has become a place with low standards. Like a poor US southern state.
I am a bit baffled as to where they found the Filipinos getting as much as $16 an hour.
Minimum wage, or less, is more like it.
Skilled construction jobs. I’m sure they’re still being paid less than other nationalities would be.
probably being overcharged for company-supplied “accommodation”, too.
The next “leaky homes” when all the Christchurch building done by cheap semi-skilled, badly supervised, labour comes home to roost.
It has been good for the rest of New Zealand though.
All the cowboys who undercut real builders, have left for Christchurch.
And a storage fee for their passports, no doubt. These companies really value their workers. Sigh.
Is it not the Philippine Employment Agencies to whom they paid money for the job who are the offenders ?
i found a round-up of batshit crazy rightwing reactions to the vetoing.. by the governor..
.. of an anti-gay bill in arizona..
..(that would have allowed people to discriminate against gays..on ‘religious grounds’..(!)..)
..and this one is my favourite:..
’Now we’ll all have to bake penis cakes’.
..phillip ure..
got sent this the other day, sums it up nicely
phillip ure..
and of course that duopoly that profiteers by flogging us (expensive!) unhealthy fat/salt/sugar/chemical-laden crap..
..disguised/marketed as ‘food’..
(their taglines should be:..’come buy your premature/nasty illness/death from us..!’..
..”..want obese/unhealthy children..?..shop at (fill blank space)..!’)
..they aren’t just screaming out for the twofer of regulation/reform..
.are they..?
“..500 Other Foods Besides Subway Sandwich Bread – Containing Yoga Mat Chemical..”
phillip ure..
Looks like it’s Mung beans and Lentils from here on in then Phillip, seems a lot of the 500 ‘other foods’ are bread products,
Just dragged what’s left of my loaf of multi grain outta the cupboard and ‘Innocence” is screamed at me from the table of contents,
Best i ask Google what are Emulsifiers 471 and 481 befor i agree with any claim of such ‘Innocence’…
Seems from a quick read that there isn’t much of a problem with these ‘Emulsifiers’, apparently the most commonly used are sourced from soy products,
Although if there is no problem with the stuff you have to ask why would Woolies in OZ take it out of all of their fresh baked products,
Are you off your rocker, Mr Ure? Sorry, but you wrote unadulterated rubbish.
“..Are you off your rocker, Mr Ure? ..”
..debatable..depends who you talk to..
“..you wrote unadulterated rubbish.”
..could you sort that ‘rubbish’ a bit more..
..be more specific about what it is you disagree with..and why..?
..and i will try to answer you..
..and/or..do you have shares/a financial-interest in that duopoly..?
..that could explain your splutter..
..or..do you sell something ‘Containing Yoga Mat Chemical’..?
..phillip ure..
this was shared on FB today, anyone able to confirm it ?
( I copy/pasted what was posted )
Was it to do with this freedom?
Those videos are such a waste of time, money, people and are a terrible example of everything useless the combination of those three things can create. The invasive aroma of bad ideas that reeked from the screen when I saw that the other day is still causing reflux.
But as to the posting above, I only received the text, which I posted, with no supporting data. That is why I dropped it in here to see if anyone had any other information.
Yes that information is correct.
I should like to remain an anonymouus parliamentary service employee.
Antonina, quick quick quick, get off this site! Your presence here is compromising your political neutrality!!!
Thanks Antonia
Hopefully it gets shared widely, with enough questions attached that it gets onto the right desks and someone decides the future of an employee’s political freedom should remain an important part of our democracy and is deemed worthy of being a news item. Unless of course Miley bends over again or there is a sighting of a puppy wearing a tutu.
Our MSM is fubar.
Kia kaha to all who care
and please excuse the typo Antonina
On the topic of pantry items. Am I the only one who looks at expiry dates on dry goods in the pantry and for example, notices it might be something like 15 January 2015, and feels a thrill go through your heart as you think “those fuckers will be well and truly gone by then” ?
Inane observation of the day.
Or the pantry ones that have 1 June 2003. Aha! A bargain and still going strong.
LOL – yes, Rosie I do the same; and usually look at the best by/use by date when buying.
I am totally obsessive in looking at the ingredients of most food products before buying – and the different prices for different sizes, different brands. Shopping is time consuming! But it is amazing how often two of a smaller size (eg 500g) cost less than the 1kg price Rice is one recent example. Go figure. And the fat level and sodium levels for essentially the same product (eg rice crackers and other types of crackers) can vary widely depending on the brand and the flavour.
But I don’t want to trigger another long thread as I did some Saturdays ago when my comment to phil or bad12 (?) that Kim Dotcom did not drink alcohol but a lot of milk led to a flood …. So I will shut up now!
Veutoviper, I have a count -down- to -election- time calendar in my head when looking at expiry dates on dry goods. Not on the chilled products mind you, theres no way we can get rid of this government that fast.
I’m also a vigilant shopper/ ingredients label and expiry date reader. On the subject of buying two smaller sizes of a product for less than the larger size, yes it is puzzling. Thats how I usually buy my Spanish Borges olive oil, 2 X 500ml instead of the I ltr. Yet, it’s the opposite for booze, Maybe you just want to buy one single mini serve of 180ml and that can be $5 but the 750ml bottle can be only $9 on special. Smaller purchases of alcohol should be encouraged.
And lol, yes, best be careful with the food discussions, it can get personal and a bit fraught at times.
Heh. Well said “Comrade Boni” on floating the idea of a government/state owned supermarket chain.
comment@whoar:..a new govt-owned supermarket-chain..?..or (my idea) of partial nationalisation..?..
“..ed:..i prefer my idea of partial-nationalisation of the current duopoly..
..whereby the state takes/(buys out..paying from future-profits) 51% control of both chains..
..this will achieve the above-touted outcomes for a govt owned chain..
..but right across the board..
..plus..partial nationalisation avoids the horrendously expensive costs in setting up a competing chain..nationwide..
..you just have to work with what is already there..
..no set-up costs..”
Yes i would definitely agree to direct State owned intervention to create competition in the Supermarket industry,
It becomes a pointless ‘moan’ unless a Government is prepared to act and rolling out across the country a Supermarket chain capable of introducing a real level of competitive pricing among the big 2 currently operating in this country would provide to the average citizen ‘gains’ on a number of levels along with a profit making enterprise for the Governments coffers along with ‘buying power’ which would favor New Zealand made goods,
The added pluses to this are extra sustainable employment, both directly and indirectly, lower food bills for Kiwis thus creating a lower level of inflation where it matters the most to the most people…
We can call it Kiwimart.
No, we will decide what to call it. You’re not included.
all jokes aside srylands,
Kiwimart could be a great way of focusing on Kiwi Goods and it could even be done inside the existing supermarkets.
Imagine if there was a Kiwi Goods section in the supermarket, or Kiwi Goods shelves distributed amongst each Supermarket sector.
Not only would it offer Kiwis the choice to openly support local product and produce, but it would most certainly highlight how many Kiwi dollars leave the country every time you do your shopping.
well maybe not your shopping of course,
are you in NZ this week?
Then again the shift to a Kiwimart might expose the deathgrip on Kiwi goods that the OZ supermarkets have, so their owners would probably not be entirely supportive of the idea.
Hmm .. perhaps call it something along the lines of the National Trade Union Congress FairPrice … grin … some of you who have travelled to a certain country might recognise that … or rather NTUC FairPrice 🙂
The supermarkets would charge the Kiwi marts extra for setting aside the dedicated area.
I must remember to go regularly to the local farmers market. On my to do list. I do shop at the organic green grocers so that’s a small tick for me.
We can call you T–lling s–thead SSlands…
I thought trolls were the ones that sat around all day every day abusing people that didnt agree with their opinions, cant imagine who that might be refering to eh
SSLands, deserves little else, a special case of trotting out the same old lies day after day in spite of being linked to specific information which proves ‘its’ lies are just that the next day ‘it’ is back again with the same old lies,
The short version of the above is F off dick…
I will give you an ‘C’ for effort Shrillands. Your suggested name Kiwimart got downgraded due to the ‘mart’ which reminds too many of us Lefties of the scumbag American chain ‘Walmart’
However on a brighter note the people’s supermarket will require very good accountants. Which will allow you to dust off your CV. Note: incomes of staff including CEO, Accountants and other paper shufflers will not exceed 10 x the lowest paid worker base rate of $18.80 per hour.
On reflection 10x is far to generous make it x7
Skinny how bout x5 a far easier calculation, with small bonuses for providing the most competitive prices across all items while still returning a profit to the Government…
X5 which broken down into an hourly rate equates to $94, however we would have to write into an employment agreement capped at no more than 5 Sundays to be worked. The temptation of gaming the system to cash in on the double time rate of $188.00 would be too much. Are you listening Shrillands 🙂
X3? I now understand where the Bastard in your dial comes from lol.
Lolz, now that Draco has undercut us i feel like i have to take on the guise of a Tory Mogul and agree with the x3 proposition,(perhaps we should just have a management committee made up of a number of those working on the shop floor on a rotational basis, they could meet outside of their shift hours and make decisions then, being paid double or triple time for the extra work)…
SSLands can start his 90 day trial on a beginners’ rate of $4 an hour. He’s lucky we don’t charge him for the valuable skills he’ll be picking up. Of course, once he pays for the voluntary drug testing each week, his pay will be a bit less, but it’s for his own good after all.
why not just partial-nationalise the existing duopoly..?
..you achieve all those ends you list..across the board..
..and you avoid the eye-watering costs/time-taken/logistics-problems involved to set up a competing chain/supply lines..
..(with some vague hope of battering the curent duopoly into submission thru competition..?
..i just see that as an expensive minefield..)
..partial-nationalise is effective..broad-based..immediate..
..and cheap as chips to do..
..phillip ure..
Yep and the tories can’t complain either, seeing as how they all put so much energy into telling everyone that part-privatised is teh awesome.
@ felix..
..i’m actually waiting for them to come out in support of this partial-nationalisation/51%-control idea..
..am i being unrealistic in my expectations..?
..you mean..!..it was just all ideological-rhetoric from them..?
..all that ‘teh awesome’ stuff..?
..say it isn’t so..!
..phillip ure..
That Phillip is a recipe to have New Zealand become the Cuba of the South Pacific, do you think International Capital would simply sit still and say ”Ho Hum” as a New Zealand Government engaged in what they would call an act of theft,
Rolling out a supermarket chain across the country paid for from the tax base can have no such negative effects as those which would occur upon the seizing of the means of distribution would have…
it is not ‘theft’..
..current shareholders are bought out..nothing is ‘stolen’ from them..
..and if other overseas models arestudied..
..it will be shown that my partial-nationalisation idea is not only not fraught with those eyewatering set-up costs..
..it is not actually that radical an idea..
..and it’s ultimate beauty is..
..that it is a simple solution to a set of complex-problems..(if tackled any other way..)
..upcoming healthy-food regulations implementation..
..not being the least of these..
..(+..of course..51% control..means 51% of the annual profits..
..are returned to the people who put that money into those tills..
..this also..makes this a multi-win-win solution..financially..
..on every level..and in every way..)
phillip ure..
Yeah right!!!, so as soon as the Government attempted to buy up the shares in the Supermarket chains their price would suddenly skyrocket, and, that is said without having even checked to see if the duopoly is actually a solely Australian registered monopoly which would make any Government regulatory move to ‘buy’ the shares impossible,
Good to see Phillip you are concerned with keeping the enrichment of the current owners in place…
interesting how you so cower in fear of the current paradigm..
..(and urge we just leave them alone..?..(!)..)
..boo..!..foreign-owners will be pissed..?
..cry me a river..eh..?
..and i notice you don’t answer the concerns/main objection to yr old-skool socialist wet-dream idea..
..namely the eyewatering costs/amount of time/logistical-nightmares involved ..
..in yr setting-up-a-new-chain..idea..
..(and yr first ‘prices will skyrocket objection is both farcical/a nonsense..and easy to counter..)
..is that all you’ve got..?
..phillip ure..
That comment Phillis, which is simply a trail of un-factual abuse is obviously a result of your over-use of your penis-pump so it’s best you put it away for the day and switch to Daisy your blow-up rubber woman…
what a strange little person you are..
..have you always had issues with anger management..?
..do you speak this way when interacting face-to-face..?
..spilling into personal-abuse at the drop of a hat..?
..(and invariably sexual-fetishistic in nature/tone..quite complicated/complex..are you..?..)
..or is it just the keyboard-warrior in you..acting out..?
..that makes you so dick-wavey..?
..best you retire to the re-group-corner..again..eh..?
..and maybe you need a ciggie..?
..give the monkey a snack..
..phillip ure..
Another tragic example of Babble speak Phillis, at least this one escaped moderating wink wink and gave you less excuse to whine like a beaten dog,
..how old are you..?..
..(decade-band will do..)
.(i’m picking 19..?..lot’s of acne..?..pretty awkward/anti-social..?..)
..engage in auto-eroticism perhaps a tad more than most..?
..diagnosed with adhd when a child..?
..prescribed ritalin then..?..still..?
..phillip ure..
Phillis, another disjointed piece of junkies drivel from your 2 working neurons, please refer to my comment to you of 1.37pm as the answer…
um..!..i’m just gonna give ignoring you another go..
..any slight questioning of yr prescriptions unleashes a torrent of (poorly-composed)/’blow-up-doll’ (!) themed flaming..
..and it is very very same-same boring..
..so i think i will just leave you to howl into the void..
..(don’t forget to take yr ciggies..eh..?..)
..you little ball of fun..you..
..phillip ure..
Im not sure that you will lower prices though? Surely any nationalized supermarket should be expected to treat suppliers fairly and to pay them a fair price? Plenty of family growers work effectively for a pittance if you work it out hourly… a lot are marginal at best and only continue due to already owning land and its the sole source of income…
Its actually fiercely competitive hence suppliers are been hammered so hard to maintain profit levels. Take out the profit things get cheaper but do you still hammer the suppliers?
or, radical concept time……
Keep prices where they are and make sure the profit is shared more equally by giving more of it to the suppliers in a ‘reward for sales’ bonus scheme to top up the wholesale price instead of just shoveling barrow loads of cash into the open jowls of the shareholders.
The more of a product that people buy, the better return that product delivers to everyone.
This would also encourage better quality products and fairer pricing.
This obviously sits easily on the Kiwimart shelves as the rewards would get redistributed back into the local community producing the goods.
this could be the future of your neighborhood
of your neighborhood
of your neighborhood
this could be the future of your neighborhood
if people only knew that things could change
How about using the profits to pay living wages too…
Huge amount of workers on very low wages, spread all over the country. What an opportunity.
How about profit share schemes with employees
A living wage would be suffice with overtime rates including x2 for Sunday ( family day) not for profit would be the goal.
to Tracey and Skinny because the direction is the important bit, not so much the route taken
Good thing.
Mr Ure, have you conside how silly your proposal is?
I suggest you think before you write, otherwise people will skip your silly comments.
I suggest you take your own advice.
@ danske..
..i have asked you further up the thread to detail yr objections..and for why..
..and that i will try to answer/address them for you..
..how about you ‘consider’ that..?
..otherwise..you are just really spluttering..eh..?
..phillip ure..
NZ’s was built in the oil glut era. As any competitive retailer will tell you, its all about passing traffic. If you can locate your retail outlet where people are likely to stop you half way there to profitability.
So we live in this car country, where government has been interfering in the free market. Yes the free market is good and does work without government intervention, the only problem is we can’t live without a government and it has to intervene. So the distraction of the right is to make out they rejoice in the free market while ignoring government interventions, and the left likewise ignores the free market while lusting after government interventions.
We can only have trust in government when both the effects and choices of how government is actually intervening and how we want to pick and choose which interventions. You see the political class wants to keep this actual debate out of the way so they can pick and choose, and so
create the inequality and poorly designed cities, that reward big companies, big retail, big drugs, etc… big fast food, big car.
Now I would argue we cant just start from year one again, we have to accept the landscape we live in, and so over emphasis the remedies. Public transport for example to offset how big retail benefits from our investment in roading.
Take the dams, someone actively got it into their head that the public didn’t pay for them and so we all now aren’t paying enough for electricity. While that kind of outrageous lie is constructed how can we trust either major party.
Take the nonsense about land farming, by not measuring the quality and quantity of the toxic inputs to the soil, or the outputs, the scientist was able to claim land farming wasn’t so bad.
That’s wrong. Yet its common practice to allow distortion into the debate, because it serves both the major parties, as they can bury how they actually decide which winners to choose.
That was a good article article karol. I was interested in the overseas examples, in particular, the Swiss co-op.
I’d definitely support either a government owned supermarket or people owned national cooperative alongside improved regulation for privately owned supermarkets, especially around employment and suppliers.
Any new grocery chain could raise the stakes in regard to retailing ethical products. For instance a Govt owned or coop could have it’s own farms where only the highest standards of animal welfare were the norm (which should be the case any way but isn’t). All imported goods could be fair traded as much as possible
All workers on the farms, distribution centres and in the supermarket to be paid the living wage and not be discouraged from being a Union member. Self serve checkouts wouldn’t exist, customers would be encouraged to interact with workers and more people would be employed. There could be a return to higher levels of service such as workers helping the elderly with their shopping where necessary.
Such a concept would mean the privately owned supermarkets would be compelled to raise their game.
..so you favour spending an eyewatering amount of money..
..with the aim of ‘shaming’ the duopoly into better behaviour..?
..you can’t see how fraught with both expenses/obvious dangers this is..?
..why not just partial-nationalise the current duopoly..?
..none of those expensive costs..
..and 51% control would ensure those outcomes you/we all desire..
..in one fell/inexpensive legislative-swoop..
..tho’ one thing we agree on..
..the current ‘freemarket’-model is broken/doesn’t work..
..so change/reform for them..
..is inevitable..
..and really..all their own work..
..phillip ure..
I hear what you are saying about the free market model being broken phil and I agree. However, I do wonder whether we as a public are so culturally entwined with the neo lib agenda that a partial privatisation would freak everyone out. Did you see the author of that article that karol posted say she had a pile of “commie” hate comments in response to her previous article?
Granted in was in a right wing biased rag so thats not surprising.The same would happen on fearfacts.
People still bleat on about the neo lib lie of “choice” when they don’t even realise they don’t have any. Give them a real choice! Demonstrate capitalism Vs. people owned and see a cultural shift as the benefits to all become apparent.
In saying that I’m not ideologically tied to the above suggestion. I’d be thrilled to see any efforts to improve our standards and if that meant partial privatisation of existing supermarkets then, yahoo, bring it on.
Hmm phil just thinking aloud for a moment. There could be a logistical difficulty with the set up of yet another chain of supermarkets, so I may begin to see your point about privatisation, or at least the pro’s in it.
At first I was thinking of say 4 to 5 supermarkets around the country as a starting point. Dunedin, Chch, Wgtn and Akld and maybe one in the Tron (is Hamilton still called the Tron or is that a bit 90’s?) But this is the thing, in the lower North Island at least the two chains have already reached saturation point, so at least one may need to be taken over.
For example, I will quote from the (pass the sick bucket) “Peter Dunne Reports” newsletter I have here. He is expressing his enthusiasm for the opening of the new Countdown in Crofton Downs, which he himself opened and states “This is the fifth supermarket to be opened or upgraded in Ohariu in the last two years, so increased competition should improve plenty of bargains for local shoppers”
Bollocks to that I say. None of these supermarkets have a point of difference from each other and the variety of goods on offer in the northern suburbs in appalling. Cheap crap is cheap crap where ever you go. Thats where a govt run or people run coop would make a difference.
Also, knowing those in the engineering industry I can say that one particular company is lols lols lols all the way to the bank as they are doing the work for BOTH chains who are desperately trying to get ahead of one another with opening new stores and doing upgrades. There IS shitloads of money being chucked at these stores – so maybe I can see the merit in a partial privatisation, one region at a time. Still gotta pay for it though either way eh?
..@ rosie..
..i am obviously glad/cheered to see yr rethink on the merits of this idea..
..”..Still gotta pay for it though either way eh?..”
..easy to pay for..an as yet to be worked out formula of a partial-payment now..(remember..the govt can borrow at basement-rates..and that 51% profit-take will ease/pay for that/any repayment..)
..and the rest from future profits..
..done..and dusted..
..phillip ure..
Same thing happens in telecommunications. Most of the work is done by contractors who work for all of the telcos.
There is a distinct lack of competition behind the facade.
Drax. A crap situation. I just replied to you and lost my reply when I submitted it, but don’t have time to reword it all.
Phillis, you argue your point like a snake, a two headed one at that, are you suggesting to Rosie that the Government simply seize the supermarket duopoly by Legislation or legislating to simply take half the shares of the duopoly,
Admit it, this is just some pie in the sky buzz of a couple of drug addled neurons in your head, the cost of actually buying the 51% stake in the supermarket duopoly on the Australian share-market would far out-way the roll-out of a solely Government owned supermarket chain across the country starting in the cities and as soon as the Government entered the market to buy up such shares the price of them would go through the roof…
And an example that illustrates the success of the govt setting up in opposition to private business and forcing it to raise it’s standards, is Kiwibank.
All done without nationalising a thing. Not that I’m opposed to nationalisation per se, no siree, just thinking of the pro’s and con’s in the supermarket industry in light of this thread.
Now, I really must dash.
And bad12, I hope your plants are coming along well. I miss weekend social where such things could be discussed.
Rosie, Re Nationalization, i think if we are going to nationalize anything it would have to be a whole of economy nationalization, and for that we would need a one Party State to ensure longevity,
Borrowing monies to indulge in some fanciful forced buy in to the current operating supermarket chains i consider to be laughable as the banking cartels upon seeing such Legislation of forced buy-in would simply refuse to lend such monies,
i would suggest the most efficient means of addressing competition in the supermarket duopoly would be for the Government to establish its own chain with a direct intent of having the lowest prices in the country and providing a return to the Government which should not hve to only rely upon the tax base for earnings,
Other than that the Government perhaps should facilitate the entry into the market of the German supermarket operator Aldi said to have recently entered the Australian market with pricing on average 20% lower than the Australian operators,
The garden was a great success again this year after a bad start which i put down to the utter crap weather that kept on hammering us well into November, and my use of bought compost which i had been digging into the soil, i had to spend a couple of days pumping in water so as to dilute the stuff which along with the weather was giving my babies a bad case of burnt leaves,
The compost works great as a top dressing and eventually my plants did their thing growing like jacks beanstalks, i have a crop that i have just about finished processing, taking the stem out of the middle of the leaf and giving them a first cut on the road to being a rollable, smokable product,
i have 3 left in the ground waiting for the seed pods to dry enough so i can harvest next years seeds,(no worries if the weather lets me down there i can buy some in), and now it’s back to slowly feeding all my plots with food scraps and my own compost made from tree clippings, lawn mowing’s and general weeding,(plus my neighbour from down the street has started dropping off His food scraps, a bonus for us both as He has no means of recycling them),
i am now well ahead as this years good crop will put me ahead by about a 2 year supply with a better smoke being the result of having a longer curing time, the neighborhood cats are also as happy as i am as they can do their thing without the monstrous human throwing hunks of wood at them,(they should complain if only they had been around to see what i threw off the balcony at a dog that kept coming up to my place from the house below to shit in my plots while my little ones were trying to take root),
Lolz Rosie, that’s my short garden talk for the day, how does you one grow…
“..Ban roll-your-own tobacco – expert
Roll-your-own tobacco is ”more dangerous” than factory-made cigarettes –
says Professor Richard Edwards –
head of public health at the University of Otago’s Wellington campus.”
phillip ure..
Tailor-made cigarettes have a high percentage of bark-like twigs in them, and when they are broken apart and re-rolled two or three roll-your-own type cigarettes will result.
“In New Zealand the ”concentration of additives is higher in loose tobacco at about 18%, compared with 0.5% for factory-made cigarettes”
I suspect the reverse is true.
I’d like to see the evidence the professor failed to link to.
Interesting that one minute Prof Edwards said “roll-your-own tobacco was at least as harmful as factory-rolled tobacco”, then later he says “more dangerous”.
But don’t worry Phillip, Bad12 grows his own so there will be no additives in his.
Incidentally, a cannabis cigarette is said to be worth 4 or 5 tobacco smokes as far as lung damage(?)
Lolz fender, but Phillip needs His Marijuana as a crutch for the Needle full of chem He so loves shoving up His arm and can no longer support the doing of financially,
Can say that there is probably less Nicotine in the home grown stuff, and from experience definitely less tar,
As i was building up to finding out the amount i needed to grow to support the addiction for a whole year i was in previous years having to resort to the bought stuff as i run out of home grown,
The first day of the change i noticed there was definitely a queasy oily feeling going on in my gut,
Anecdotal of course, i would love for one of the universities to do a chemical comparison,
i am of course a bit annoyed with the advertising, might have to do a query with the standards authority, having smoked tobacco for 44 years, most of that unfiltered bought tobacco or boob weed surely i should be a prime candidate for ‘Death’,
Having endured a series of blood tests and x-rays in the past couple of months there’s no sign that it’s happening anytime soon, i want my money
back it sure as hell is taking its sweet time to snuff me…
@ fender..
..if true..all those old hippies would be presenting with corresponding lung disease rates..by now..
..that hasn’t happened..
..same as that other anti-pot lie..
..the schitzo-one..
..same again..
..schitzophrenic rates haven’t altered since before pot became prevalent..
..they are the same now..as they were then..
..and now that you know these facts..
..i am sure you will no longer spread that false ‘4-5 times stronger’ misinformation again..
..phillip ure..
Those “old hippies” won’t bother telling the doctor is was cannabis as opposed to tobacco.
..”i am sure you will no longer spread that false ’4-5 times stronger’ misinformation again..”
Sure, once you provide the evidence. I’m sure you will understand that I won’t just take your word for it.
um..!..fender..you are the one making the 4-5 times stronger claim..
..yr evidence for that plse..
..first things first..eh..?
phillip ure..
Did you miss the (?)
There are differing opinions from worse to not as damaging
And there’s significantly more damage
fender +100…it is quite evident that some of these so called doctors and their hangers- on are are on a power kick ( especially over compulsory vaccination for measles and other once normal child viruses)
…i just can not see that the roll- your- owns from tobacco plants at the bottom of the garden are more harmful than the factory-made cigarettes which have unknown addictive additives…. and of the known additives …some are very toxic indeed
….makes one wonder if the multi-billion dollar tobacco industry which is now fighting for its life has not got to the ‘good ‘doctor ( this industry must after all find roll-your-own tobacco addicts, not buying commercially made cigarettes any more… a threat to profits)
…just the way the multi-billion dollar vaccination (and Tamiflu?) industry got to ‘good’ doctors…by giving them golden handouts for every child vaccinated ….and no statistical records kept of the side effects and long term effects ( even deaths) due to vaccination…those with anecdotal evidence are pooh poohed and made out to be dunces or nut jobs….( i am not speaking of ALL doctors here…many genuinely do care about their patients and treat their choices with respect…and some doctors genuinely can think for themselves and retain open and skeptical minds about the multi-billion dollar medical industry they are involved with )
So take the tobacco that disadvantaged groups use, just to shit on them a little bit more. Classy.
The one thing I wasn’t hugely impressed with at todays health meeting in Dunedin was Annette king announcing that the goal is 5% tobacco use by 2025. But then, smokers are used to being kicked, these days.
aww!!..no longer those heady days of being ‘cool’..like joe camel..eh..?
..what happened to the joe camels..?..btw..
..emphysema..all of them..(cough..!..cough..!…)
..and seriously..of all drugs/intoxicants..don’t you get the most damage from..and the least kick from..
..it makes people smell so classy..too..
..and how about that first one of the morning..eh..?
..with the accompanying big-phlegm cleanout..
..such a class act..that ciggy-smoking..
..and did king get you so upset..
..that you had to go and have a ciggy..?..to calm down..?
..furiously puffing there..outside..
..phillip ure..
shakes head
The “1:37pm” is the best advice for your loony tune…
Lolz fender, just reading the erratic gibberish becomes tiresome after a few of ‘its’ comments let alone the wearying toil of answering what is mostly bullshit,
Phillis wouldn’t have a clue how many old Hippies have died of what, simply choosing to make it up as he goes along fired up by the remaining two working neurons in the cranial cavity…
I don’t smoke heavily or regularly. Haven’t smoked since last night, no worries. Might not even smoke tonight, given the rain.
I wasn’t particularly agitated by king’s comment. It was simply the only thing at that meeting that I did not agree with. But like I say, we’re used to being kicked. No point in getting worked up about it now.
So your rant was actually a pretty good example of the propaganda people say to ostracise smokers and justify maltreatment, phil. To reciprocate, I might point out that, seeing as I bathed today, I’m probably significantly less smelly than you. Now kindly go hug a tree (but not a tobacco plant, because in my addictive haze I might set you on fire by accident – although the onset of hallucinations and mania would be a quick clue that I lit the wrong thing).
Mac, wonder who the next target to get it in the neck in the blame game over the 69% of people who die yearly in this country of heart diseases and cancers out of total deaths will be,
i doubt even in 50 years time when the current demographic of smokers have all puffed on one for the last time that the stats are going to reflect the fact that smokers will only be 5% of the population,(not that i believe anything they say these days about tobacco use), so 69% of annual deaths will certainly need a new scapegoat…
Obesity is the next priority.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even against modest excise taxes, and I’m certainly not against controls on advertising harmful products or having standards on how addictive they can be made or restricting consumption to adults, but everything in moderation – especially the controls.
Frankly, a society with no smoking, no caffeinated beverages, and all sugar, meat and alcohol consumption limited by law to recommended daily servings – well, that would be boring as fuck.
State the risk, cut the levels of individual consumption, fair enough. But life is for living.
Yep pretty much the same here on the over the top punitive taxation, we are paying well over the odds for any cost we cause to the Government accounts,(well not me any more for obvious reasons),
And, repetitive i know, there need only have been a registering of all users with their doctors which would have allowed tobacco to be declared a restricted poison only available by prescription, smoking problem among the young solved and rates of smokers in the future dwindling to near zero…
@ McFlock …how do you know obesity is not cause by a metabolic syndrome associated with excessive vaccinations?
I don’t. Have you got any evidence for that claim?
@ McFlock: “Obesity is the next priority”…. …Q: “how do you know obesity is not caused by a metabolic syndrome associated with excessive vaccinations?”….@chooky…lol…I don’t. Have you got any evidence for that claim?
Well here is some evidence after a very very brief search::
Seriously, do you ever consider the sources you use? Let alone the fact that two of those links refer to the same nutbar source, and none of them are verifiable in any way.
That is not evidence.
…i know this is a late comment …but I really am sick of doctors and other ‘know- it- alls’ seeking to ban things and then insisting they have every right to tell you to vaccinate your children….
….reminds me of the Catholic Church telling women how to run their lives …especially reproductive lives…
…i have no objections to people using roll ups or having a good fag if they want to …it is their life
one for McFlock….ciggie brain mate
I reckon that’s an interesting cross-section of issues.
There’s the public health efficacy issue – how much of a negative effect a health factor might have, and whether it would even be viewed as a negative effect in 30 years (we’ve butted heads on that re: measles, but BMI cod definitely go either way).
Then there’s the degree to which we should be able to endanger others and increase the burden we make on the public health system (although the tobacco tax addresses the latter, passive smoking is a factor for colleagues and cohabitants – but people in the street get not detectable effect from smoking, unlike general air pollution).
And even if the first two cross the threshold, there’s the failure to communicate that to some people and get active buy-in from the population, and health information fatigue in general.
PS: I generally keep a spare disposable lighter to lend to folk I don’t entirely trust, if I’m going to be smoking at a party or something 🙂
@ mcflock..@ p.s..
..’tis a marker of the depth of ones’ addiction..to whatever..
..that increasing need for ‘essential’ paraphernalia..
phillip ure..
“Know it alls”, that tell you to keep your kids at school until 16, unless you have a valid alternative education for them, that stop you from hitting your children, just because you feel like it, insist that you feed and cloth them, tell you that they have to be taken to a doctor when ill etc etc .
And, we want you to protect your kids, and other peoples, from unpleasant and difficult illness and the potentially debilitating, or fatal, side effects, using PROVEN safe and effective vaccines.
Terribly authoritarian of us. To expect parents to do the best for their kids, and not abuse them..
Forgive me if I’ve got it wrong but you provide light discipline(or whatever you want to call it) to your child don’t you – which some (including me) would argue is not necessary as it breaks the trust and so on but you have decided where the line is for you and your family based upon your beliefs and knowledge – but other parents in other areas don’t get that privilege or ability? They are abusing their kids but you are being a good parent?
School is a classic – all of the ‘shoulds’ like going at 5, ending at 16 are manmade constructs designed to support other aspects of society not actually based on helping the kids at all imo more related to creating a compliant workforce that does the bidding of the man to help him make more money. You are not doing the best for the kids by putting innocent lives in that meat grinder but we do it, why? Some person in a white coat says ‘jump’ and we say ‘how high sir’.
This is all a side issue to the vaccination issue but interrelated imo.
KJT – kia ora e hoa i might have come in a bit hard and personal on that comment above – arohamai. I’ve had a coffee now and calmed down…
@ marty mars…are you talking to me?….
“Forgive me if I’ve got it wrong but you provide light discipline(or whatever you want to call it) to your child don’t you – which some (including me) would argue is not necessary as it breaks the trust and so on but you have decided where the line is for you and your family based upon your beliefs and knowledge – but other parents in other areas don’t get that privilege or ability? They are abusing their kids but you are being a good parent?”
No i only spanked my kids once or twice in their lives and then with an open hand on a well clothed padded bottom…i felt guilty afterwards and knew it was counterproductive ….
however my generation was often spanked or got the wooden spoon or strap…(my mother only used the strap about twice and then my brother nailed my mothers strap to a telephione pole) or got chased with a big stick ( as in the case of the neighbours kids )…..but we were also given a hell of a lot of love and laughter …and we forgave our parents because we knew they were at the end of their tethers…and they felt guilty afterwards
….a little more respect and tolerance for people/parents/kids ….a little less fascist judgement ….and a lot more love and care would go a long way
…the real child abusers in this society are often deep down abused children themselves…and an abusive society creates abusive parents
No chooky I was talking to KJT 🙂
Yes, I did, Marty. Just like everyone else at the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. One of the many things as a parent I feel guilty about but cannot change. Don’t think that damaged my kids. The lack of time I had for them due to work and illness, did.
Now, I think the only reason you should smack a child is to prevent greater harm. Like the time when every other method of keeping a child away from the fireplace fails. Which is, mostly, the only reason we smacked our kids anyway, as it happened.
The same as I would restrain, slap or punch an adult, if it was necessary to keep them from running into a burning building.
Never felt right, as a method of discipline.
And the sadists who used the cane on us at school made me very anti that also. (Which is why I am comfortable with the law as enacted).
it’s hard to find ‘a good fag’ these days…chooky..
..and i live in the 3rd best city in the world..to live in..
..(aren’t you all jealous..?..)
..phillip ure..
@philip ….at least you are not a control freak…i do appreciate this and your humour
…yes there are fags and fags and gags and gags ….and fucking statistical know it alls ( lies , lies and damned statistics)….and those fascists who want to tell others what to do (especially woman on reproductive issues) and what to put in their bodies and …. how to bring up their children ( they should all fuck off imo)
…in the end people will do the right/healthful thing for themselves and their families if given care and support by the community and a good socialist caring government
….why dont you grow some (fags) tobacco plants in the bottom of your garden like my brother does?…ooops …maybe you are not a tobacco smoker but your predilections are in other areas…that is ok too
just waiting for legalisation..chooky..
..then i will grow some green thumbs..
..phillip ure..
Do the current chains use the RMA and other duopoly powers to prevent the opening of competitors?
They have done, against each other. Don’t know about smaller competitors, farmers markets etc..
I don’t usually read Comrade Boni, but your link led me to search out her earlier column floating the actual idea of a government/state-owned supermarket chain.
That article touches on a number of the comments/ideas expressed by people on this tread, and is well worth reading. Haven’t attempted to read the 180 comments the article sparked, however, before it was closed off!
So, perhaps there are some free thinkers amongst the Herald columnists after all.
Fruther to my comment above, strictly as an aside, (or two asides) I decided to do one of my very rare visits to KB today – and surprise (not), we seem to have a commenter here who does what PG used to do. That is, comment here and then go over to KB and comment there on what is happening here. None other than srylands:
OK time for today’s “The Standard Idea of the Day”. A Government owned supermarket. You couldn’t make this up.
“Kiwimart could be a great way of focusing on Kiwi Goods and it could even be done inside the existing supermarkets. Imagine if there was a Kiwi Goods section in the supermarket, or Kiwi Goods shelves distributed amongst each Supermarket sector.
“It becomes a pointless ‘moan’ unless a Government is prepared to act and rolling out across the country a Supermarket chain capable of introducing a real level of competitive pricing among the big 2 currently operating in this country would provide to the average citizen ‘gains’ on a number of levels along with a profit making enterprise for the Governments coffers “
I could not be bothered checking whether anyone responded to him, or whether he does this regularly – his first line suggests he might.
But I did enjoy the KB responses there on today’s General Debate to PG’s outrage at Imperator Fish’s http://imperatorfish.com/2014/02/27/politics-explained-its-all-about-the-kids/. IF’s later post closing off the ability to comment there in future is also worth reading although it is a shame he has done this. http://imperatorfish.com/2014/02/28/no-comment/ It starts with “I have some terrible news for Pete George …”
@ veuto..
..dunno about ‘freethinkers’..
..the blsck-hearted cynics amongst us may see this as a strawman-argument..ultimately favouring the duopoly..
..’cos as an idea/solution..
..it is easy to laugh/scare out of the room..
..if only on cost-logistical-nightmare-grounds..
..so therefor..is no real solution..(with the subtext of retaining the status quo..)
..now..if de boni was arguing the merits of partial-nationalising the duopoly/taking 51% control..
..a solution that is cheap/do-able..
..then she could accept/deserve the free-thinker mantle..
..phillip ure..
Mobile site won’t let me reply to Karol’s supermarket link. The end describes a co-op in Switzerland, of 2 million citizens. We already have buying co-ops in NZ, anyone game to lift this to something national? Hey, something for that taxpayers union? 🙂 They’re about people power, yes?
Like many I’m absolutely dog on the dominance of Corporates in this Country.
With the overwhelming bitter taste of the Super Market duopoly operating in New Zealand perhaps it’s timely we collectively fight back with good old fashion ‘people power’.
Maybe someone who knows how to contact workers warrior, fomer General Secretary of the National Dairy Workers Union, James Ritchie, who is working for the International Food Workers Union, based out of Geneva, Switzerland . He could probably give a very good critique of the supermarket cooperative your talking about.
Maybe we could call on the CTU, with a power base of over 300,00 members to moot supporting a people’s supermarket cooperative in principal to start with. Coupled with other organistions such as Grey Power etc, would mean a powerful consumer bloc to start with. Getting the initial demand may even get ‘supply’ from a truly Left Government.
Calling Helen Kelly for comment…come in Helen!
What people seem to fail to realise is that the government doing anything is, as a matter of fact, the country operating as a cooperative. I think this is because, especially over the last three decades, we’ve been taught to think of the government as other, something that’s done to us rather than something we should be participating in.
A couple of pieces on Putin’s Crimean problem.
i am actually very nervous about this..
..it has so much potential to spin out of control..
..on a local-level ukraine is riddled with russian miliary-bases..
..and those uprising-citizens now controlling kiev are in the main neo-nazi/fascist groups funded/supported by america..
..and with half the county russian in origin..the other half pro-europe-intergration..
..there are so many local fuses..
..and on a geo-political level this is part on the ongoing cold war against russia..
..and part of the neo-con program of regime-change..over recent decades..
..and for putin..he either lies down and becomes americas’ ‘bitch’..as the american empire sits panting right on his doorstep..(anyone see that happening..?..)
..or he ‘fights’ back..
..it is for all these reasons i am very very nervous about this one..
..more so than over any other recent international ‘incident’..
..this one has the potential of/for an out of control..
phillip ure..
Me thinks that should the divisions in Ukrainian society deepen into a real fight between anti-Russian and Pro-Russian factions which becomes bloody, Putin will not sit idly by and the Tanks will again roll across the Cossack Steppes,
Its a bit further East than the norm for the usual river of blood that has soaked European soils down through the ages, but,the current situation has the ability the become a war involving all of Europe,
The impoverishment of whole Nations caused by the Global Financial Crisis adds another necessary ingredient to the stew that would create an unnecessary war…
mod mod mod – mod mod-eration..
phillip ure..
my 10.30am still in moderation..?
..phillip ure..
For god sakes Phillip stop whinging about minor inconveniences, the mods have probably got ‘scroll on by’ disease, a severe infirmity usually brought about by an overdose of having to read screeds of unintelligible babble and need time to get the urge to desist…
et tu..?..daddy-michael..?
..phillip ure..
Listening to the head of NZ greyPower on RadioNZ Nine to Noon this morning i was struck with how badly we treat the aged, along with the children living in what is abject poverty,
It would seem that poverty among the elderly is on the rise as a direct result of ‘Rents’ also being in a state of constant inflation especially in the cities,
Auckland where the maximum payment of the Accomodation Supplement is said to be $220 a week has the highest growth of poverty among the aged as the game of Monopoly takes more and more of a pensioners entitlements every year and the Accommodation Supplement has been static at that $220 for the past 9 years,
Bill English and Nick Smith have an answer to all this of course, sell off 20% of the Housing NZ estate to National Party voters and donors with a consistent track record, thus creating even more ‘candidates’ for the private sector rental market to plunder,
This problem is going to grow as the Baby Boomer bulge gets to retirement age and i will not here go through the complex game of wealth transfer that occurs between the landlord class in this country and the foreign owned banking cartels, BUT, i will state quite bluntly that raising the amount of the Accommodation Supplement will help no-one in the long term simply intensifying that wealth transfer to the foreign owned banks,
My view is that this whole unholy alliance that has been created between the middle class of New Zealand and the foreign owned banks need have a large spanner jammed in its works,
The Government itself need involve itself in building factory built housing for the growing tide of young and old being impoverished by the rent demands of the middle class, with the profit motive removed such construction of factory assembled housing units which could be sited on serviced sites already owned by the State in clusters so as to make best use of such scarce land, would mean housing costs of well under 100,000 dollars per individual,
A new Ministry of Works should be created to accomplish such a major and much needed build of State units suitable to house single and retired people thus freeing up what is left of the HousningNZ estate for those with children…
i will not here go through the complex game of wealth transfer that occurs between the landlord class in this country and the foreign owned banking cartels
As a landlord myself (how I dislike that word) – I could not agree more.
Personally I would welcome exactly the solution you suggest – while the speculator class who just happen to be landlords would of course hate it.
whole unholy alliance that has been created between the middle class of New Zealand and the foreign owned banks
Which has arisen primarily because we needed to invest in something to support our retirement. The Super may well prevent abject poverty but it’s way short of being able to enjoy life and visit the grandkids.
Stashing cash in the bank just gets you poor slowly.
The sharemarket was just a way to get poor unexpectedly and suddenly.
And the finance houses have been proven a way to get poor with certainty.
That left housing as the only option. (And it’s way short of ideal as well.)
So while it’s no doubt appealing to shove it to the middle-class with your spanner – you might want to consider what could be achieved with a carrot instead.
Red, i fully understand the rational decision of a masse of the middle class to invest in rental property,
The NZ share-market vultures and thieves would make such an investment the only logical one when investment losses and gains are viewed through the lens of history,
My banging on constantly about this masse investment in rentals by the middle class, 200,000 homes having made the transition from home to rental investment in 20 years should in no way be taken as a personal denigration of yourself or any other individual who has taken that rational decision,
However, my belief that such investment is not contained within any particular political demographic, such investment is likely to have occurred across the political spectrum and my worry about such as far as the left goes is that personal imperatives may come to the fore when any party of the left makes decisions about the needed numbers of State Housing,
Obviously there are a couple of juicy monetary considerations given out by successive Governments both left and right which further the desire for rental investments, the ability to deduct interest payments from personal taxation and the Accommodation Supplement payments to the tenants,(ending up a direct subsidy through the rental investor to the banking cartels),
Given the nature of city rents i would suggest that everyone with a household income of less than 30 or 40,000 a year should be provided a State house and as i suggest above, that consideration is a growing one as the Baby Boomer bulge begins retirement en masse and the real need is to stop the abbhorent 20% sell-off of the current HousingNZ stock which will simply fuel demand in the rental sector and create even more house price and rental inflation,
My proposal above is a simplification of what are complex issues along with my view that a rebuild of State Housing stocks should concentrate upon clusters aimed at the single or retired coupes demographic which would free up the larger houses,(whats going to be left of them),for low waged working families…
Red, a PS, i have deliberately not answered the inflammatory last little bit of your comment, but, its such an attitude in a nutshell that has 800,000 voters sitting on the sidelines looking at the Labour Party like it is a creature chock full of strangers from another planet,
If i fully understand that comment it seems to suggest that as that investment property owning middle class has effective control of the Labour Party and also has the poor by the balls in light of the continued sell off of the States rental stocks by the National Party this middle class rental property owning demographic should be rewarded for letting go of the testicles of the poor…
They’ve had the carrot for the last thirty years – the country is worse off because of it.
Are not these the same group that has profited by quantitive easing ?
As a result what ground gets wrongly demonised ??
Who is the real enemy of the state ? Perhaps there is a real solution to how to fund govts.
Shane’s doing a good job for the red team.
On the down side it does rather make Cunliffe look like the wrong choice.
Shane could be doing a winston – this could stir up a bit.
Interesting in this report that
Is this just scare-mongering?
I was going to write he seems to be channeling Peters.
Do you think this is Jones working his own strategy , trying to position himself as the only choice for new Labour leader after this years election?
It is a plausible scenario: Jones taking over the leadership after Cunliffe’s electoral defeat. Fingers crossed it does not need to happen.
bm..you remind me of an idiot commenter @ kiwiblog called kiwiinamerica..
..over what seemed like forever..he beseiged the site with the reasons why hillary clinton wd beat obama for the nomination..
..and then all the reasons why mccain was going to beat obama..
..shine on.!…you crazy/denying diamond..!
..phillip ure..
Brainless Moron is to busy being comfortly dumb.
…eh .phil.
Incest is a hard ACT to follow.Dickensian days are here again
285,000 reasons not to vote Nactional.
The attached article from the Fonterra website highlights Fonterra Australia MD Judith Swales calling for “more flexible work practices in Australia”
Amazingly she wants to “make dairy faming more appealing”
“Ms Swales suggested a review around penalty rates for casual labour on dairy farms and greater access to 457 visas to help increase Australia’s milk supply”
Basically the sub text of this article suggests that the reason NZ dairy farming is so strong is because we pay our workers such shit wages that dairy faming is profitable in New Zealand.
That link looks messy..off the Fonterra website.
Shit wages and compliant local and national governments that hand over all the water to them. Geographically, Aotearoa has fairly predictable water, and topsoil. Australia has this in a few places. I can’t see Fonterra capturing their regulatory bodies to the extent they would need to in order to make huge profits.
Excellent public meeting with Annette King, the dn mps and some panellists on healthcare in otago/southern dhb. Very well attended.
What I found interesting was that the MPs were careful to address healthcare as part of a wider issue – inequality. Bodes well for the campaign.
One of the more surprising comments was from the orthopaedic surgeon on the manel – he said he was glad he wasn’t operating today, because it was raining and he guaranteed that there would be buckets in the theatre to collect the drips from the ceiling. fucksake.
To Solicitor-General: Graham McCready’s response to Proposed Defendant’s submissions:
February 28, 2014
From: Graham McCready
Date: Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Application to Prosecute Len Brown – Response to Proposed Defendant’s submissions
Please find attached the final submissions of the proposed private prosecutor on this issue.
I ask these are taken into account before the decision is made today.
Graham Mc Cready
Thanks for being unusually succinct Penny, i would love to see a brief of the proposed evidence that you lot intend to use to try and convict Len of anything,(spose that’s impossible tho sub judice and all that)…
Yep bad 12. A weird puzzle for a non-Aucklander to figure just what the problem is.
Indeed ianmac, if that lot manged to get rid of Len i wonder what they think will replace Him, perhaps Penny as an also ran in that Mayoralty election has dreams that Brown’s removal would result in Her ascendency and like you i cannot fathom their hitching of the rid Auckland of Len campaign they are waging to that of the ‘wing-nuts’ as well as the wide gap between allegations and evidence they as yet have not publicly addressed,
i should imagine that if as i expect the Crown prosecutor refuses to prosecute through lack of evidence the cry of bias will ring loud and share market registers will be minutely examined to try and attach the prosecutor to Sky city,
Yes – ‘us lot’ who managed to get John Banks committed to trial for electoral fraud weren’t supposed to succeed on that front either ………
Have you bothered to check out yet those who REALLY run the Auckland region?
http://www.committeeforauckland.co.nz membership
Try joining up a few dots …………………
Not hard – once you get over the ‘willful blindness’ affliction, and ‘follow the dollar’?
Kind regards,
Penny Bright
Is that right Penny, by us lot you might have to include me as it was i who paid Graham Mac’s phone arrears which i sure as hell wouldn’t have had i believed Banks had no case to answer,
The continued attack on Brown tho looks to me to be a complete waste of the courts time, of course you may have ‘the smoking gun’ in the form of direct oral evidence from high up managers of one or more of the hotels involved who is willing to give evidence that the free rooms and upgrades were given to Len on the basis of payments for favors past or future and that both the hotels and Len Brown knew this,(if you have i will have to make a contrite mea culpa but don’t see that happening),
Without the above Penny you have nothing with which to convict Brown of anything and this whole escapade simply becomes a sideshow,
In the unlikely event that you managed to unseat Len i would be interested in what you see His replacement would behave like, you might think Brown ‘the evil Mayor’, just wait until one of the ‘wing-nuts’ takes the chair that will make Brown look like a choir-boy…
Well, I heard on RNZ Checkpoint in the last hour that McCready’s attempt to sue Brown has been rejected – evidence does not meet the bar needed for prosecution to begin.
i will have to resist the urge to GLOAT, loz excuse that little outburst, so Penny, perhaps now you can feel free to release a draft of your ‘actual’ evidence,
i read the PDF attached to your earlier comment from Graham Mac to the Crown prosecutor and sad to say the only evidence it contained was the usual ”i thunk it therefor it is allegations”,
Do neither of you two understand the difference between Brown and Banks cases, in the Banks case there were two witnesses prepared to stand in the witness box and say what was ‘thunk’ actually occurred, in the Brown case there were how many witnesses???…
I love the Christchurch street art…
… spectacular, moving, passionate, provocative, powerful…
check it
I found it deeply ironical and disturbing to see that key handed the award of New Zealander of the Year to Dr Lance O’Sullivan. This is the man(key) who has overseen the breakdown of our democratic society and created absolute poverty and deprivation to thousands of our citizens and then denied it’s existence. Dr O’Sullivan is the man picking up the pieces in the worst off areas in the North and helping put these people back together, with the help of donations from many people who don’t have much themselves but have heart and soul.
key was on natrad this morning explaining in suitably modest tones that he is our MOST POPULAR PM EVER because he is just an ordinary kiwi BLOKE and that what you see is what you get and PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN HIM Sorry for shouting, but wouldn’t be fit to clean Dr O’Sullivan’s shoes.
Expecting his next appearance in gumboots,farmer hat and black singlet. I still cannot believe that he is our pm. We deserve much,much better.
Will be donating to Dr O’Sullivan to help in his fight to give his patients the treatment and assistance that they deserve,
+1, well said floyd….
The free capitalist market doing what it was designed to do:
Lower wages and job insecurity for the many and higher profits for the few.
Although, if that article is correct, we can kiss our movie industry goodbye. Just another fuckup by Labour and National.
It will be an interesting watch when Bizz begins to import that scenario into the New Zealand economic equation and apply it across the middle class,
Slippery the Prime Minister’s ‘brighter future’ payed for off of the back of the ransacking of the tax base and 80 billion bucks gross of Government debt will quickly take on all the dimensions of a bad nightmare for those who have been kept in comfort while the bottom third goes backward at speed…
The bankers have started giving themselves obscene bonuses – again. They are impervious to embarrassment. They cannot be shamed. So, what to do?
Demanding greater transparency about their fee structure, it turns out.
Brent Sheather has written an excellent column (I found it hidden in the Herald’s Business section) which shows how bankers use complicated, layered, fee structures to siphon money out of investment accounts. It’s a pyramid scheme, and of course this is where the bonus money is coming from.
His conclusion is that ‘ . . . NZ regulators still have an awful lot of work to do before the FMA’s vision of “promoting fair, efficient and transparent financial markets that restore and inspire investor confidence” becomes a reality in NZ.’
Brent Sheather: When layers of fees stack up
“The bankers have started giving themselves obscene bonuses – again. They are impervious to embarrassment. They cannot be shamed. So, what to do?”
The French had an idea – they called it the guillotine. Whilst it might take a while – perhaps not even happen, but if it does Huginn, please don’t feel guilty if and when you’re unable to feel pity (which is what they’re desperately asking for)
I read and occasionally post to The Standard because I believe in the political process
I’m not interested in violence or talk of violence
Rosie, Rosie, your wish has been granted, you said it and hey presto weekend-social is back…
Who does john key think he is. He is headhunted by boag and co with no known interest in anything except stealing other peoples money and now he presumes to change the New Zealand flag all on his ownsome because he doesn’t like it. to answer the question he is nothing but a parvenu manque carpetbagger with a big head.
and he is about to get flagged himself.
I do NOT know, whether anybody has posted this here, but Bryce Edwards posted a few links in his last summary opinion comment on the Herald, which is highly interesting. He offered a link to TVNZ, and a 22 minute long video, showing a background report on MATT MCCARTEN, who is, as we know, the new Chief of Staff in David Cunliffe’s office!
I am totally mystified, why they do at TVNZ not broadcast such personal history profiles and documentaries, instead of all those crap cooking and supposed “talent” shows, but here it is, MEET MATT MCCARTEN:
So all who do not know the man, especially the younger ones, you can here get an excellent intro to Matt and his life!
It seems there is much good stuff on TVNZ’s archives, that we never see and hear about, until they may feel “safe” enough to share it. Why is this? Is it because the government and the minister may not approve of it?
It is time to tell more real stories about REAL New Zealanders, not just “shoeshine turn to speculative adventure gold kind” of glory boy Key and that lot, thanks!
They seem to have broadcast this in late January, but I did not see it, so who else did?
i did, was on a staurday at about 7:30 (from memory). was a great doco, & i couldn’t believe what i was watching, something sympathetic to the left, mccarten is a legend & a fighter. i’m a mana supporter, but am watching the cunliffe led labour with a lot of interest.
Thanks, we need more of this, and it is a shame that we only get the odd good, “real” program, that is in the MSM, and that is “informative” not just on biographies of persons and history, but that tell us what really goes on in NZ and the wider world.
That is why I DEMAND we get a restored TRUE public broadcasting body , that is funded securely, is robust, independent and informs and educates, which is something NZ has not seen since the mid to late 1990s, when TV was globally privatised and was sold out, same as much of most media here.
And the people can make the difference, if they only want, but sadly, most are so brainwashed and constantly inundated with commercial advertising and stupid programs, they all just “value” every little think on a “beneficial level scale” like, is this going to feed me, satisfy my thirst, get me a kick here or there, does it solve my immediate bill problem or else, and if it does not, they dismiss it as “unimportant”.
Sad but true, most people are their own worst enemies.
Meet and learn more about Matt, in all honesty, it cannot harm, and it may just offer more insight and respect: