Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
9:23 pm, October 18th, 2013 - 261 comments
Categories: making shit up, supercity -
Tags: cameron slater, john palino, len brown
So let me get this right.
Luigi Wewege knows for a while that Bevan Chuang has been involved in an illicit relationship with Len Brown.
Luigi Wewege is an aspiring right wing politician who is described as a key member of John Palino’s campaign and who is interestingly described as an acolyte of Simon Lusk. Despite his protestations to the contrary he has been in a relationship with Chuang and knows about her previous relationship with Brown.
Palino’s campaign manager is Cameron Slater’s father John Slater. Slater also knew about the Brown Chuang relationship.
Political activists are some of the biggest gossips that I know.
Yet Palino would have us believe that neither Wewege nor Slater senior nor junior told him about the Brown – Chuang relationship.
Yeah right.
Update: The Herald is reporting that Palino met Chuang in a Mission Bay carpark for 90 minutes at night two days before news of the affair was made public. John Slater is reported as saying that they only talked about “general chit chat”. The report also states:
… Ms Chuang claims she and Mr Palino discussed revealing to Mr Brown information about the affair and whether he might resign, claiming poor health. (He suffered a major heart attack in May 2008.)
“This would give him an opportunity to be a hero and assured that … he did not lose any face, and yet allow him to move on to bigger and better political agendas,” she said.
At the end of the meeting she said “John Palino and I walked towards his car and [he] indicated that we cannot be seen together.”
Mr Palino is currently overseas.
Got proof?
Want to argue against the logic?
Hell no but every time I post an opinion some jizzwad always asks for some variation of “links or didn’t happen”
But it doesn’t take away from the fact (yes fact) that if Cheapskate Len had kept his sky tower in his pants then none of this would have happened
Although the amount of hits this site has got over the last couple of days must be huge so thats something
But back to the logic…do we think this is the first and only time Len “one hand in my pocket” Brown has done this sort of thing or do you think he has “form”
I think this isn’t the first time just the first time hes been caught…
Obviously what Len did was pretty foolish but do really think no one else in parliament is involved in an affair or has had one in the past.
Would you like all these people to stand down?
Affairs and relationship dramas are a fact of life.
So you think Lens had more then one affair as well
Be pretty lousy if he has but still not a reason to stand down.
I (and its the only time I’ll agree with Minto) think there should be another election
“its the only time I’ll agree with Minto”
So you think apartheid in South Africa should have continued?
You think the hundreds of council staff on salaries of over 200k aren’t being overpaid?
You think the CEO of a publicly owned asset should be paid more than the Prime Minister of the country?
So you think apartheid in South Africa should have continued?
– I don’t think much has changed since the removal of apartheid, in fact in some cases its probably worse which minto seems to agree with:
You think the hundreds of council staff on salaries of over 200k aren’t being overpaid?
– Depends, are they value for money?
You think the CEO of a publicly owned asset should be paid more than the Prime Minister of the country?
– Again it depends on how much value that person brings to the company
So you’re in agreement with Minto again already?
Jeez, no wonder no-one takes anything you say seriously.
But back to the logic
Hell no but every time I post an opinion some jizzwad always asks for some variation of “links or didn’t happen”
That’s because you’re usually full of shit.
Well at least I don’t put up “poor me” posts designed to garner sympathy
Was that whooshing noise the sound of the point going straight over your head, or is it a natural consequence of the vacuum between your ears?
Don’t worry I’m sure you’ve got lots of fans who think you’re the second coming of Dorothy Parker
I’m sorry you’re threatened by women who point out the hypocrisy of our media.
You remind me of the contestants on shows like x-factor or american idol, the ones who go out on stage and think they can sing because friends and family have told them they’re really good when in reality they’re, at best, average and when its pointed out to them they’re nothing special they simply won’t believe it and then make excuses
You remind me of an imbecile who thinks living in SlaterSlimeLand is healthy and credible.
As far as “garnering sympathy” goes, I’ve always felt rather sorry for you for the above, although I realise you are sufficiently stupid enough to have no clue as to the error of your ways.
Who’s making excuses? You’re the one who accused me of posting merely to drum up sympathy, which would indicate you missed the point of the post. Unfortunately the “you’re nothing special” attack on my self-esteem is nothing new and nothing that bothers me coming from a tr0ll.
You asked MS if he had proof Palino didn’t know about the Brown/Chuang two year fiasco, then MS invited you to argue the logic around his proposition that Palino must’ve known. You then start talking about whether Brown’s ever behaved similarly in the past. I don’t know why people here bother responding to you.
“Hell no but every time I post an opinion some jizzwad always asks for some variation of “links or didn’t happen””
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you lay out a logical sequence and then be asked for links.
Link or it didn’t happen.
Chris73: “But it doesn’t take away from the fact (yes fact) that if Cheapskate Len had kept his sky tower in his pants then none of this would have happened”
Funny. So Len’s skytower penis has mystical powers over hard-right RWNJ, that turn them into sleazy scumbags who will do pretty much anything to gain power? And these mystical skytower penis powers also have been controlling the media, turning them into a clueless, ethicless, sexualised feeding frenzy?
No its more a case of what came first (snigger) the mayor or the sleaze…
When all else fails don’t forget to attack Len for his “(snigger)” performance…
The man has proven hes a silly old fool and as such shouldn’t be taken seriously
Sure he has been very foolish, I agree, however I hope he remains mayor if the alternative is the Palino skid-mark.
and if the alternative wasn’t Palino?
John Banks? Williamson? Brewer?
Len doesn’t look like resigning, and he shouldn’t if there’s no more damning revelations in his closet.
I’m sure there are many right-wing extremists the far-right endorse, it’s a game to them.
chris you are pretending that Slater et al are a force of nature. They’re not. They are human beings, responsible for their actions.
Enough of the bullshit about Slater being a consequence please. Len Brown’s actions in now way compel Slater’s actions.
Slater’s actions are entirely his own responsibility.
*no way
If you had half a brain Chris’73 @ 1 above…….. you’d understand that even in a court of law where beyond reasonable doubt is the standard, it is lawful, indeed common sense, that trial judges will direct as to inescapable inference. Reality is that it the inference then become hard evidence. Banks !
I can feel the hard. Sad for you you can’t.
Palino and Slater are lying. Get used to it. Poor Bastards. That includes you.
I can feel the hard. Sad for you you can’t.
– I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to say here but I feel theres a joke in there somewhere…
Never call someone stupid then make an error like that..It’s an own goal
Len Brown fucking floozies while his wife’s fighting off cancer.
Len Brown jizzing all over the council walls
Len Brown abusing his position of power
Everything else is irrelevant.
It looks bad for Luigi Wewege
No Big Mouth, you’re irrelevant.
Not as bad as it does for Len brown
Luigi Wewege ain’t the Mayor, Luigi Wewege isn’t sticking his dick into places where it shouldn’t be.
Len will in all likelihood keep his job/be employable. Will Bevan and Luigi?
Who cares, they’re just bit players.
always nice to see that tories eat their young.
Reassures me as to which side of the force I’m on.
Sums up the right wing exactly and this Slater business is an example of it. Who cares who gets burned..well guess who is getting more burnt than Brown. I could have told you that when the story broke. That is the stupidity of the right they cannot see a train wreck heading towards them and you guys think the right are fit to run the country?
“Luigi Wewege isn’t sticking his dick into places where it shouldn’t be.”
Got proof
“Luigi Wewege isn’t sticking his dick into places where it shouldn’t be”
He said he wasn’t, but it appears he was. That translates as wrong places to me.
Your fascination with the location of Len Brown’s dick has been noted.
You and chris73 were quick off the mark. Are you guys on duty tonite?
You obviously are, I happen to be just passing through.
Popped in from the open mike
Irrelevant to everything apart from your sick fantasies…
Fuck, it’s too late at night for all this…….
BM, you need to read up on the rules/conduct requirements around elected members.
Hint, they are not employees!
Start holding your breath on the investigation providing you with some stroke material!
Count it off…1,2,3….
Everything else is irrelevant.
(Chris, this next bit haz logic
Irrelevant to some things. Very relevant to others.
So then Bowel Motion………that’s your admission that there’s nothing more than pornography in that cesspit of a brain of yours ? Fascist Pig !
Oh, how they squeal when the blowback starts.
So did Bevan apparently 🙂
Strange comment. Bevan started the blow back.
Now theres a mental image before bedtime…
Watch out folks……..Chris’73 is getting close………
poor choice of words
So, if they knew, why pretend they didn’t?
And was something offered for the affidavit?
So, it’s “follow the money” then?
Bomber seems to be pushing the blackmail line
Money, jobs, I heard about a Woman’s day interview as well.
What is really funny is that elements of the National Party are rebelling against Slater. About time. He will wreck the party if he continues.
Yes, I had the distinct impression Key was countering Slater’s chattering on the TV tonight without directly saying so.
Follow the money. Sage advice from Deep Throat. Where there’s a scandal/mystery there’s always money in there somewhere.
Key seemed keen to show he was Brown’s mate and to talk up his future as mayor.
But let’s not forget this goody from a few months ago when apparently Key thought Palino was “the man for Auckland”.
So, if the Right knew about this, then so surely did the Left.
Did nobody think to tell Len to pull his trousers up?
That’s grumpy logic Grumpy. More or less assured that it was the Mad Right who were doing the big surreptitious investigation. They probably know that Len has Hubbards Muesli.
Forget about trousers Grumpy, pull up ya logic.
“Did nobody think to tell Len to pull his trousers up?”
Maybe someone did just that. Might explain why Len wasn’t returning any of Bevan’s calls.
Seems like only days ago that righties were all up in here saying “It’s the lies that get you”. And look at them now.
(They should also look at polls from back when brash was busted, asking if voters thought infidelity warranted resignation. Indicative stuff; much more so than the clickbait polls the media have been using)
In truth the situation has descended into farce and is far to humerous to be taken seriously…reminds me of this:
Had a long, very interesting chat tonight with a close friend who’s Samoan.
Mid 50s, resident 30 plus years, professionaly qualified in his field (in his second language as he rightly reminds me), left wing but socially conservative, not irreligious.
Len Brown ? “Everybody makes mistakes. It’s the Lord’s not ours to judge”……….”Mr Brown has done so much for us.”………”No, why should he resign ?”…………”People were saying that on Samoan talkback the other night”.
What about the pastors and the church ?
This is my Samoan mate talking – “No…………(I forget the name), he’s a pastor ! He supports Mr Brown. He said not to resign.”
Interestingly, the conversation reflected everything my mate said in respect of Taito Philip Field. In contrast to the criminal act the rest of the world sees, he, the Polynesian, does not see corruption.
So maybe the popular wisdom the “sages” drive – that Brown is fucked by a South Auckland wide outbreak of moral vomiting – is all kaka. Gotta tell you I was a bit surprised. In keeping with the popular wisdom I was expecting reports of deep opprobrium. No.
Right wing upper middle class pakeha social conservatives misjudge how South Auckland Pasifika judge the issue? How could that happen?!
and as good Christians are/should be: Big on Forgiveness
I don’t know – the more difficult logic for me is that if Slater sen and Palino DID know, why the hell wouldn’t they do absolutely anything to get it released before the election? I mean, if Len had had this coverage during the voting period it could have significantly affected the outcome (probably not enough to change the result – I don’t (want to) think most Kiwis want to vote based on this kind of ‘gotcha’ politics).
So of the two possibilities, it just seems more likely to me that Slater jun kept a secret from his Dad than John and Palino knew and decided honourably to not release it during the campaign…
Because without clear evidence (a sworn statement, ffs?) nobody would be able to distinguish it from all the other lies they’ve told or insinuated. If he’d chosen to deny it, they’d look like the scumbags they are.
As opposed to the scumbag Lens been shown to be?
As far as we know, Len Brown has had one significant failure in character.
The slaters and co have made degeneracy and hypocrisy their daily profession.
Which makes him about 200x better than the average 50-something year old. Are you keeping score?
Good job I’m not average (apparently)
Three or have you forgotten him slapping himself over his credit card usage and the issue of who was at the table for a fundraiser for a local singer (which turned out to be a sham)
Just to jog the memory heres a quote:
He said only Jesus Christ had withstood such a high level of scrutiny as him, and come out clean.
What grasping miscellaneous fictional bullshit. How many tens of thousands of dollars did John Key make out of his Tranzrail lie? How about Key’s billion dollar lie that he wasn’t going to raise GST?
This is just hilarious. the RW blogosphere right now is a seething mess. they are all frantically upticking each other and down ticking the hell out of anything that even asks a question.
They are heading toward Full Tea Party. no one wants to go Full Tea Party.
tl;dr right wing comment sections at the moment:
they are going to haaaaaaate the papers tomorrow.
I would frantically uptick your post if I could, PB 🙂
Accurate, too, I had a peek (my second in a week, for shame) on WO to see if I could read the air a bit… seems they are even more shameless than chris73, above.
Actually no, the posters on whaleoil are roughly equivalent to the posters on here…some good thoughtful posters, some trollers, some one line wonders and some absolute shockers
The occasional comments here that are so shocking, that so upset your delicate sensibilities, that so send you and your delicate-little-flower-friends into Shakespearean-level faux outrage, those comments wouldn’t even be remarked upon at whaleoil and you know it.
Unless of course you’re still going on about the offensive comments here that are so subtle that no-one knows they’re offensive. Except bigots like you, of course.
some good thoughtful posters
On W****O**? Links or it didn’t happen.
Its a nice tactic for the left I guess: do anything wrong and its ok because John Key did something else
So why don’t you tell me what part was fictional bullshit?
The part about him slapping himself about the credit card spending
The part about not saying who was at the table (wonder if one of his mistress’were there)
The quote with Jesus Christ
How’s that blind trust going with its wine label?
Very well thanks
The part which is fictional bullshit is where you think that there is still a way ahead where Palino Luigi Slater and co. don’t end up grasping and stinking like dog shit on a hot summers day.
Who knows, they may very well do so but none of that changes the fact (and by now its a fact) that Len is dodgy, it now just depends on how dodgy he really is
lol Len’s the straightest man in this sordid story of political backstabbing dude.
Now that is funny
It is funny how it’s all turned out eh?
Who would have known that Slater would blow the fuck out of himself and take large chunks of the auckland National party infrastructure with him?
It’s amazing, PB. But one might also consider it a cautionary tale for the left.
@ PB….. masters of the universe/the harder they rise, the harder they fall and all that kaka. Seems to be a lesson never learned.
Now there really are some ‘learnings’
Who would have known that Slater would blow the fuck out of himself and take large chunks of the auckland National party infrastructure with him?
Let’s see. Ports of Auckland. Kill the bill. The Mad Butcher. Lusk’s unmasking, the death of the Truth, and that time he left his site unsecured and the ‘sod got all of his commenters’ metadata. Nope, can’t think of any instance of Slater’s inept operating taking his mates down with him…
Whatever Cameron touches invariably winds up as crap, and damages those around him. He is competent only at failure.
Yeah but his single metric of personal success is hits on his blog and by that score he’s a winner – whatever the cost to his friends and family. It’s must be a weird way to live, much like being one of those people whose sole measure of their personal value is being able to eat more hotdogs in five minutes than anyone else, or suspend the most weight from their genitals.
Hey I’ve got to do something with my tuesday nights.
God I hope you’re talking about the hotdog eating, Felix.
I guess those didn’t particularly make the news here in dunners, despite the best efforts of one of the worst editors of the truth there has ever been (literally and figuratively – hence why they needed an affidavit).
As opposed to the rakers and publishers of this gossip, who long ago achieved nationwide prominence for being tossers far worse than brown.
I was thinking that had the story appeared in Truth, Whale Oil would not have had to get so involved, because then he would not have to directly name the source of the leak, (himself).
Possibly. But he wanted the reputation for breaking the big story himself.
LOL ha ha ha.
And if we had had the whole story ( all that has happened now, was out before voting) would Palino have received any votes at all? I don’t think so – using that level of sleaze would have destroyed him.
don’t shoot the messengers, it is Len who had the affair. Or is it okay for people in high office to act the goat and not be of decent standing?
Yes yes. Len had an affair. But grown up countries can think about more than one thing at once.
Does make you wonder if this has anything to with why he wouldn’t say who was at that sham of a dinner those couple of years ago…
Bet no one is caring in the papers tomorrow either. And you’ll look like idiots when you start bleating about it.
I’ll only read it if its on stuff, I stopped buying the Press a long time ago…far too many errors and spelling mistakes for my taste and yes I know I make grammatical and spelling errors as well but then I don’t have editors and sub-editors and fact checkers and everything working for me
Good move, I’d stay well away from the Herald. And stick to the sports on tv. KB and WO comments sections should be safest. Be careful out there.
Well what I really should have said (and probably would have been simpler) is I get my news from the net not the paper
Awesome. Welcome to the nineties I guess, have a nice time.
it makes me wonder about the fetishistic obsession you guys have with the sex lives of even vaguely left/centrist politicians – all that shit about helen clark, for example.
And I also wonder where you guys were with brash or hide, but idly because your blatant hypocrisy is more obvious than your minuscule erections.
Oh ok let me explain:
See we who want National to be in power will attack anything Labour does (even if we know its no big deal) because we think thats the best way to get votes for ourselves and deny votes for Labour and Labour supporters will attack National over anything it does for the same reason
The problem is both National and Labour supporters claim the other side do it so we need to do it as well and both sides try to claim the moral high ground.
Both sides also suffer from selective memory loss which allows supporters to truly believe that thier side is right and the other side is wrong which allows us to gloss over anything our side does but fully concentrate on what the “enemy” is doing
Cop out.
But true, the rank hypocrisy on here over this affair has been astounding…the left like to espouse equal rights for woman but the vicious bile that was spewed by more than few members of the left towards Bevan was an eye-opener
It certainly took two to do what they did yet the comments were shes a slapper, shes a gold-digger, shes a plant, she deserves everything she gets etc etc quite hateful comments some of them
and I’m sure you lot can point to similar comments right wing posters have also made
The right wing blogs turned anti-asian misogyny into a fucking art form beyond compare mate. And tomorrow Operation Blowback sounds like it’s going to hit maximum implosion velocity.
Oh please the right wingers are amateurs when compared to the utter vileness of the left (but its ok because its righteous fury)
righteous fury based on the actual policies and functional incompetence of tory politicians, rather than launching a full-scale media assault with affidavits about perfectly legal, if not particularly creditable, sex lives.
Fixed it for you
“the vicious bile that was spewed by more than few members of the left towards Bevan was an eye-opener”
Eh? I saw you doing that. I saw BM doing that. And I saw a handful of brand new “I swear I’m a lifelong Labour supporter lol” trool handles do that.
You guys have really fucked this up and your backpedaling isn’t helping. Farking funny to watch though.
@ Chris73…
“See we who want National to be in power will attack anything Labour does (even if we know its no big deal) because we think thats the best way to get votes for ourselves”
Are you for real????
Let me guess…the left are completely and utterly innocent and would never do anything to tarnish their reputation of all that is good and proper in NZ politics
You can just assume I’ve inserted a Tui ad to reply to anyone who suggests they’re not like that at all
Nobody’s perfect, but that doesn’t mean complete equivalence between parties.
That would be true if the left have made it a habit of implying that the national prime minister is gay, and otherwise obsessed over the sex lives of political opponents. Not to mention harassing political colleagues to reveal intimate details of their own sex lives to take down the opposition?
But the left and labour haven’t, so you’re making shit up.
Thanks for the confession that you and the cetacean are amoral sleaze-merchants, but we already knew that.
Sure true apart from your fearless ministers who:
Mentioned Brashs affair in parliament
Called a National MP insulting names based on his sexuality
and on this site I’ve seen references to John Keys jewish background (subtle of course), Brownlees weight, the personal apperence of certain National MPs (that made me laugh) and just recently of course the personal attacks on Bevan Chaung herself
But hey keep taking that moral high ground of yours
“and on this site I’ve seen references to John Keys jewish background (subtle of course)”
lolz yeah I’ve been accused of antisemitism (by you?) for calling him a banker.
It’s subtle alright. You’ve pretty much got to be a massive bigot to pick up on it.
Brash ran his flag up the pole of marriage first.
“In 2004, following a political speech given by the Prime Minister Helen Clark inside the Christchurch Cathedral, Brash wrote to the Dean of the Cathedral, Peter Beck. In his letter he criticised Ms Clark’s use of a church-venue for delivering a political speech, and he raised questions over her views on religion and on the institution of marriage.
Wikipedia- Don Brash
Mentioned Brash’s affair in parliament
Mentioned in a way that no one who didn’t know already would have one clue as to what was meant, which got no reporting, and was an interjection for the tactical effect of fucking with Brash’s head during a speech.
Not the same thing as printing 1000’s of words detailing various sex acts to a level that no one thinks is necessary, but everyone should know would hurt a lot of people, many of them innocent.
You know that saying about ‘kids are cruel’. Just imagine for a moment what Brown’s high school age kids are going through because Whale chose to release as much detail as he could, rather than the minimum necessary.
Mind you this is the same Cameron Slater who gleefully and illegally published identifying details of a sexual crime against a child without any thought for the privacy or safety of the child victim.
And isn’t it the same Cameron Slater who made and published his own child pornography by photoshopping pictures of a fifteen-year-old into some existing porn?
His level of concern for the well-being of children is pretty well on the record.
Oh chris73, you’re all over the place tonight, it’s like the 5 stages of grief or something.
Get ahold of yourself, man, save your diversions for tomorrow.
Sorry no time tomorrow, got things to do so getting it all out now
New handle tomorrow you mean.
Timing is everything. For now all the players are arguing about the timeline/events and are trying to discredit one another and/or gain sympathy.
Some deserve more understanding than others e.g Ms Chuang, due to emotional ties.
On man, I am over this now. The right is piously squarking like a virgin who has never seen a dick in her life, and the left is pointing out the obvious political angle to an attempt by a pornographer to use sleaze to score a political scalp.
Can we stop now?
Watch TV3, “The Nation”, tomorow morning.
The reponse from our resident righties will be … interesting. Do they really have the moral “concern” they claim, or just spin lines? We’ll find out.
That is all, goodnight.
sleep with your mouth closed.
Did Palino know? His pelvic affiliate that he’s about to marry is BFF ( and has been for a while ) with Chuang. Fancy that, and girls don’t gossip? He fucking knew.
sunning themselves in the bahamas by now, I bet.
Programme them to throw, then fete them in the glasshouse. Tory krystallnacht.
“Luigi Wewege is an aspiring right wing politician”
He should do very well.
Aww, all those RWNJs howling for Palino to ascend to his rightful mantle as runner-up-and-therefore-default-mayor-of-auckland are going to be disappointed that he’s fled the country:
Who now?
And why has Palino fled?
Palino actually did know about affair, met with Chuang night after election
Did he take that other John (Key) with him? Please … please …
Yeah, I always meet people in carparks at night for general chit-chats.
“And why has Palino fled?” …. leaving a slug to explain that his absence was in fact a scheduled holiday. (The Nation – such as it is – Saturday 19OCT2013).
…. so no last minute bookings then huh?
Oh I’m sure they did know you’d have to be very naive to think they didn’t.
I just wish everyone else had known the truth about Len Brown’s character prior to voting then we might have got a better mayor than the deeply flawed lame duck we’re stuck with now.
I don’t think he’ll be such a lame duck mayor. he will be somewhat chastened, and may not stand for a third term. Time to develop a potential candidate that is a true leftie.
The first “scientific” poll since the Brown-Chuang affair broke say majority would still vote for Brown.
I think he’s been a pretty awful mayor and we’ll be in for more of the same except he’ll no doubt keep his head down this time around.
I don’t know why auckland continues to have such low calibre mayors.
Brown is the best of a available bunch at the moment. He is too centrist for my liking. I would prefer a more left wing candidate. We wouldn’t get one if an election were held in the next few months.
We need to prepare longer term.
It may be better in the first instance, to focus more on getting more left wing councillors. It costs less money to stand as a councillor. Having more left wing councillors might shift the balance towards a more left wing mayoral candidate.
A left wing candidate able to raise a minimum $200,000 campaign fund. Preferably $500,000.
@ karol and CV…if necessary maybe the money can be raised to help the Deputy Mayor stand….she will have a good understanding of what the job involves….and be able to continue if Brown can not
…personally , although I am not an Aucklander …I think the gambling convention centre
should not be allowed ….nor the multi- story brothel proposed by the Chinese businessmen ….these things do nothing for your average Aucklander
…Auckland needs to clean up its act and an experienced woman Mayor may be the one to do it.
In my view a more left wing Mayor would not be electable. It was a surprise to me that John Palino did as well as he did. A more credible centre right candidate would have made it a real contest.
That is why Len is a moderate. He knows going more left would doom his campaign.
Doubtful Wayne. Even if all your assumptions about the electorate are correct, Len could have been more Left positioned at the cost of 25,000 votes and still come in with a clear majority.
In reality, the country is swinging left at the moment so such a move would probably have increased Len’s majority, not reduced it.
I agree with CV, and from where I’m sitting in west Auckland, there’s a lot of people wanting a more left wing mayor. However, I think the whole democratic process is skewed by the powerful players in the city (and beyond).
First there’s the undemocratic structure Hide set up. Waitakere City hierarchy seemed to have much more of a direct interaction with the voters here. These days it seems the outer city is run from above and at a distance in the CBD area.
And the property developers, with the banks sitting in behind them, and the MSM as cheerleaders, skew the activities of the mayoralty and council rightwards.
People like Penny Bright complain that deputy mayor Penny Hulse is too right wing and supported by property developers (referring to some campaign blurbs). But look how much the developers and wealthier home ownership lobby got widespread press coverage in their complaints about the urban plan. In contrast those struggling (on the city’s western and southern fringes) to find safe, secure and healthy affordable rental accommodation, have a relatively weak public voice.
No wonder many on low-middle incomes have given up voting.
My perception is that Penny Hulse is a little to the left of Len Brown, but would find it more difficult to get as much backing from the wealthy and powerful property moguls – though still quite moderate. She still seems a possibility for the future to me, especially as no-one comparable appears to be in the running, should Brown steps down at a later date.
Maybe a topic for debate should be if LB did/does stand down, where is the next left/center left candidate coming from?
Clearly not, results wise, from the extremist factions, so who are the best bets post Brown?
Given the low voter turn out I doubt the outcome would be any different unless he decided not to stand.
And the added interest would probably result in a higher voter turnout. With the way things are turning against Palino, I’d guess Brown would be most likely to be voted back in if another election was held.
Hmmm. So Palino is looking like te orchestrator of the whole smear from the getgo. Was he putting pressure on Wewege to get Chuang to spill the beans before the election was over?
And John Slater arranged the meeting between Palino & Chunag. Slater’s son was on standby to publish the sordid details. But daddy Slater knows nuzzink??!!!
More details:
Chuang lost the art gallery job that Brown had given a reference for, after they discovered her conviction over the musem hack. And Chuang declared that conviction to the Communities and Residents “ticket” when she stood as candidate for the Albert-Eden Board.
It’s just getting more and more sordid by the day. It’s getting to the stage that I am just left wondering if Banks is gonna pop up in this mess, like the bad penny he is.
He is the top of the food chain in all this… above Palino, above the Slaters…
This is why this has come out this week, to provide cover for his court appearance
I’m wondering why John Key is being so impeccably the gentleman about Brown’s predicament.
Has he heard that some really bad shit’s gonna hit the fan about Palino and his cohorts ?
Five minutes to The Nation TV3.
Globalism’s taken us a long way hasn’t it ? Just look at the names.
Edit: Wow ! “Missiongate”. Painter……Speed……Corn…….they pale !
Ha Ha Ha ! Blubber Boy very unconvincing. Running for cover sums it up.
And from the proven adulterer Blubber Boy – “dirty, disgusting people……”.
What a howler !
It seems to me from the article that Palino and Chuang were discussing the possibility of Brown resigning if he was informed of the affair instead of it going public. Sounds like they were thinking of threatening Len
That means they were going to try play the blackmail card ?
Ugly word, innit.
This is going to get very very ugly for Slimeballs and Palino and who the Fark is wegwegwe?
Sounds more like this little piggy went to market.
I Can see why Key is being so nice, even he can see the coming clusterfuck, and the fallout could be huge.
Hasn’t this all become a grand ‘Sergeant Shultz’ parody, Palino and Slater the senior, ”i know nothing, nothing, you hear” will not only now destroy them politically but will serve to paint Blubber Boy and Luigi in even deeper shades of s**t brown…
What part is Len Brown playing ?
He’s an extra in this show.
Col Klink!
It is like a cross between the Sopranos and the thick of it 😀
And The Road Runner…
Bleep Bleep!
Is this the same Bevan Chuang who is a member of the Mai Chen young asian leader Network?
Most likely. Chuang is part of an Ethnic Committee. So?
So what was the big expose that they (The Nation) were trumpeting last night?
It exposed Blubber boy’s mind as seeming to be some deformed genetic throw back to the 1950’s, when is the penny going to drop in ‘it’s’ mind that most of us couldn’t give a toss who Len Brown or any other politician jumps into bed with,(except for the laugh factor involved),
The fact that Len was having emails sent in support of Chuang’s employment without at least the disclosure of a ‘personal friendship’ is a far bigger ‘sin’ from Len than the fact that He (foolishly), leapt into bed with Her…
Is it that Slimy-Slater has no problem telling lies on the telly…..
Palino and Slater receive a Wewedgy….
Lolz in my imagination this chapter in the best selling book ‘the Brown Affair’ would have to be titled ‘Then the Rats ran for cover’,
That soap deprived greasy shoeless toady from down the road in Miramar might like to get the movie script going, then again all’s He is really capable of is re-arranging other peoples work…
Palino and fiance Li (is she trying to get pregnant too ?) seen at the Airport you couldnt write a plot like this.Lol
why is scumblog slater harassing this woman for more salacious details.
maybe he thinks he might get lucky too?
That’d be luck on the scale of winning the 32 mill’ Powerball, surely ? Look at the slug.
Rampant hubris, belief in the ultimate omnipresence – it’s bitten the fetid SlaterPorn on the bum !
The wheels are falling off the Mad Right !
Slater lest we forget had once had a site where he superimposed pictures of Helen C on naked females, this man is sick, he has an obvious mental illness.
The media and blogs should stop giving him oxygen.
God knows why they do
Because he gets people watching/listening and talking. They win either way: doesn’t matter if what he is saying is exaggerated, sordid, irrelevant… So what? They are not there to inform, or seve democracy, they want an audience they can sell to advertisers.
I, like most people, think this kind of salacious crap is beside the point. If a politician does their best to deliver on the promises they make to the public, and work in an honourable way, they are a good politician, regardless of whether they are right or left. If they cheat on their partner, then that’s between the parties involved. What’s happened here is that 2 adult human beings have had sex. Noone’s been raped. One person has (presumably) been betrayed and hurt. It’s between her and her husband what they do about that. End of story.
I seem to remember Rodney Hide (& Don Brash?) leaving their marriages and getting together with much younger women. I may be wrong. I don’t care. What I do care about is their political beliefs and practices. Ditto Len Brown
This story has got it all and it gets better as it unravels.
The spectacle of some on the Right trying to cling onto the moral high ground and accusing the Left of racism and misogyny is truly wondrous to behold. Claims that there is an equivalence between what’s been said by some on the Left about Chuang and the sort of vicious filth that was thrown at Helen Clark by the Right – as but one example – defy history and logic. I’ve been collecting examples from the internet of the Ranting Right’s misogyny and racism and I have yet to see anything remotely like it from the Left – even those on the Left who might, on occasions, warrant the label ‘loony’.
The fact is that Brown gave a reference to someone who he either wanted a relationship with, or subsequently entered into a relationship with. Having given Chuang the reference (especially in light of her conviction) the sexual relationship was always going to raise questions over his political and managerial judgment.
I can’t see Bevan Chuang as a simple victim in all this but politics is often a deeply unpleasant and very blokey environment and it can be a hard one for women to survive in. If you are young and conventionally attractive you may well be treated as a sex object by opponents and colleoages alike; if you are neither, you are likely to be treated as a different sort of object. It can be a minefield that’s impossible to find a safe path through unless you have friends and a clear political line / ideology to follow. Seems Chuang has neither – and was being opportunistic when she attached herself to Brown’s coat tails (or other item of apparel) when it suited her, then switched allegiance when a younger, better looking (??) political prospect came along. Whether any of the big boys involved orchestrated her return to Brown’s bed is not yet known but no doubt all will be revealed.
It’s all very unsavoury and a diversion from important issues.
As long as Chuang kept her mouth shut and Brown was not a candidate for the next mayoral election Brown was safe.
Brown distanced himself from Chuang because he was going to seek re election and Brown had to weigh up continuing the affair or trusting Chuang to not out him. As well Brown had to carefully think about what Chuang or others who knew about the affair had on him.
I am not convinced that the affair fizzled out, Brown knew there could be a backlash from the Auckland voters had the affair become publicly known.
I am surprised that Brown did not have a heart attack from the time that the Palino camp got hold of Chuang. Crafty Brown slept with Chuang once this year in July. This is interesting because:
Did Brown want reassurance from Chuang that she would not out him and did he promise Chuang anything?
Only two people know the answer to this.
Actually, I thought Chuang broke it off last year when she took up with Wewege. Then Luigi was encouraging her to get some audio evidence of the affair. How do you know they had only had sex once this year? This after Luigi was asking her to record Brown?
As I recall Brown broke it off before the election – maybe getting wind of attempts to get the dirt on him?
I heard this on The Nation this morning.
I feel sure that at some point you will do a timeline. The insignificant events are often the most telling.
I will never know what Brown would have said had he been outed prior to the election. Probably it was over, I had a relapse in July, I made a mistake. When it comes to the relationship between Chuang and Brown there are issues of broken trust, had Chuang not been involved in outing Brown, someone else was going to do it. She has been manipulated.
A good point that you have previously raised is that Chuang did not want to jeopardise being elected. I will not know what would have happened to Chuang had she been elected. Probably Chuang would have been outed as well.
I do not know if the plotters are going to now drop the issue to save their own arse or that they will dig and dig. Whale Oil will thrash the txts to give himself validation in screwing over Chuang. Whale Oil needs to focus on Wewege and Palino.
“Following a liaison in July, Mr Brown stopped communicating with the woman.”
Cannot supply info to say only one sexual encounter this year except to refer you to the Nation TV 3, this morning.
Encounter would have been to tidy up loose ends.
Well said, LynnW. It’s the reference that is at issue, not the affair.
Slater-double speak, first referred to the affair in very general terms in the week running up to the vote count, by referring to (as reported in the NZ Herald – I will not link to his sleazy site):
So Chuang is labelled in racist & sexist terms….. why not referring to her work or her political allegiances…. or any other of a number of ways to label her?
Wouldn’t really start the rumour mill spinning if he used “aspiring minority local body politician” would it.
There would be other ways of phrasing it – along the lines of “playing away from home”.
Interesting analysis LynnW
Slater on The Nation reckons he had no contact from Palino or his campaign.
Then the questioning goes something like:
SMALLEY ‘So how did you find out?’
SLATER ‘From Luigi Wewege’
SMALLEY ‘Err, that’s Palino’s campaign’
SLATER ‘Nah it’s just one guy, no idea he had anything to do with Palino’
Bahahahaha Slater. Keep explaining, explainer.
Cameron Slater thinks he is so clever, but this has backfired massively on him. Given Cameron’s basic plot here, I get the impression it was always going to turn to shit on him. I mean Len was naughty, but thats all, having an affair…big deal. But what Slater has done (probably both), and John Palino is a getting a bit more serious, it is only a fraction away from blackmail. They should face consequences for their their actions.
Slater is well named, found a few crawling around my compost heap today.
Who is this Luigi,is he a pimp for the high and powerful,seems like he likes to be seen among them, left and right, what a sleaze he must also be.
What intrigues me is why is this mistress trying to turn the table against Slater, Luigi Wewege, Palino etc and somewhat defend Brown now having earlier revealed so much against Brown and damaged him? What has changed and why?
She figured out as the last 72 hours unfolded that Slater and co. were just out to fuck her over in the process of dethroning Len Brown.
But too late, isn’t it!
Yep, the political bomb went off with a Slater/Luigi detonator and shrapnel is spraying in all directions…
That guy Luigi has just made himself completely radioactive in NZ politics and it has also negatively affected his international reputation.
I thought you were a concern troll in the other thread, but this is a good question. I think that Cook and Slater went way over the top in their initial post and betrayed her trust, then they started attacking her- the reference etc etc
but yeh, she has given a lot of material against the Slater/Palino camp, which makes you wonder what else there is that we don’t know in this scenario which would make a woman go along with this, then change direction so abruptly…
OK, who would you choose as Mayor of Auckland? One option only please:
1. Len Brown
2. John Minto and Penny Bright as co-leaders
3. John Banks
4. Don Brash
5. Luigi Wewege
6. Jenny
@ Jayamn …none of above….My vote would be for Deputy Mayor ( who will have to be supported /funded to stand)
…Deputy Mayor is impressive on the radio, (as is Penny Webster (?).)..and she knows the ropes
PS…I did support Len Brown …but free bedrooms for you know what …..at the gambling place….. and his support for the gambling place as a convention centre has put me off him
Penny Hulse. Yep knows the ropes. Was deputy to moderately left, of the neoliberal kind, Mayor Bob Harvey in Waitekere City. She also comes across well on Citizen A.
Nuke the site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.
You left out Bevan Chuang. 🙂
I was including everyone who has stood for mayor or as an MP. Maybe not Wewege.
If you don’t live in Auckland can you still vote?
Ha Ha. Great to see the Nacts on the run.
I have to ask. Is this little nest of the 2 Slaters, Palino and Wewege the best the right can do for an Auckland mayoral candidacy? Doesn’t Nact have any members in Auckland still? No ex MP wanting to retire to quieter local body politics? Clem Simich perhaps at least there would be some name recognition?
Really why didn’t the right have a better candidate to start with?
And Wewege is a recent import.
So the GCSB will be paying him a visit. There will be no confusion in Wewege being spied on due to the change in legislation. That Mr Key is one clever dude and he will get to the bottom of who did what, when and how.
You and I won’t get to know the truth only what will help the Nacts.
Remember Simon Lusk saying he wanted more money, more Americans, more manipulation, more power-broking and more sleaze in NZ politics?
It must be an innocent coincidence… Surely…
Hmm….October 7.
ht: TJ at the sewer.
Yes the “running a glad eye over Asian beauties” speaks volumes…
One thing that struck me – when Rachael asked him why was Palino overseas , he said” a pre planned holiday”.
A – how would Slater know it was a ‘pre planned’ holiday? He claimed not to be connected with Palino but knew his holiday plans?
B – Would a mayoral hopeful have planned a holiday for the week after the election?
His lies are pathetic and we can all see it for what it is….SHIT FOR BRAINS
Also, re Palino’s lies – a meeting with Bevan takes place in a carpark at night that’s “just chit chat”. When are the F’ing media going to take these clowns to task.
From a wafer of heaven
With a girl called Bevan
Lensliding down
50 shades of brown
But the schtick won’t stick
To this sad old dick
Nor the blue palamino
With the brain merino
For there’s armor in his chink
and her stink’s for the finks
In the words of the poet
This farce as we know it
Will end not with a chuang
But a Slater.
I wonder if anyone has located the author of the “threatening” texts yet? They don’t sound like they were so much threatening, but rather someone trying to warn them of the enormous amount of damage they could do etc. In other words, someone with a bit of integrity.
Has there been any publication of the actual words of these texts? I don’t mean what Slater says was in them but what actually was in them. Two different things I suspect.
A copy of the text to Chuang is here.
I haven’t seen the content of the “threatening” texts to others, but some claim they are more threatening.
Thanks karol. It’s hard to keep up with developments. 🙂
I actually have a hunch who may have ‘arranged’ for them to be sent. I wouldn’t dare repeat the name here. Suffice to say it’s based on a previous ‘story’ involving Mr Slater junior.
If these other texts were threatening, why haven;t they released them?
If they were sent before the election, why weren’t they used in the campaign? the texts alone would be enough confirmation of the affair that you wouldn’t need the affidavit from Chuang.
Make the threatening texts the focus of the story, release them to the media, treat the affair as a preliminary sideshow.
So, 3 news still skewing their report to Brown should resign, and battling to stay in office”.
And Slater makes some comment about NZ’s politics being a dirty game, yet tries to paint himself as all innocence and “journalistic” integrity.
There could be a post of all his contradictory statements.
Palino says he has no comment, then makes lots of contradictory, self-incriminating comments …
You’d think after a week to prepare his lines he could have come up with something better than “What, me, ref?”
..musta been some other fella ref…
I think his weakest line has to be:
“None of this makes any sense and to see the media so easily manipulated by people protecting the Mayor is an indictment on our democracy,” said Palino.
Yes. It’s the people “protecting” Len Brown who are manipulating the media.
Does anyone else wonder if Palino is actually as clueless as he’s looking? Mind you, clueless and “secret meetings in a dark carpark” don’t really go together.
Clueless, QoT? Or deliberately obtuse? I made the mistake of reading a couple of No Minister posts in the last couple of days – link came up in TS side bar… who is that?
Yesterday’s post was all about the “hate speech” in Rudman’s column – the one where he says john Slater must be really out of touch these days, unlike in the past.
Today’s post was about how “left wing journalists” are diverting attention way from the main and only issue – Len Brown.
Alternate universe…. 😈
Today’s post was about how “left wing journalists” are diverting attention way from the main and only issue – Len Brown.
To totally over-analyse this … does it feel like they haven’t figured out that the world has moved on? Back in the day, maybe no one gave a fuck what the source of a story like this was, because the Naughty Naughty Sex was a huge deal.
Now (and it could be for any number of reasons, but I’d probably go with “people have sex-scandal fatigue post-Clinton” over actual progressive ideals) people go “oh. Naughty sex. That’s a bit terrible and I feel bad for his wife. But hang on, what’s your agenda in making this public, huh?”
Which is completely unfair, especially when NZ conservatives have gotten used to the media just picking up whatever interesting shit Slater’s throwing and running with it.
I could be way off base here and possibly even out of line but…
There was one particular area that has had me thinking for most of the day.
When the questioning got to the “threat” they were discussing who had knowledge of the events about to unfold. Slater said he didn’t know who had sent the message and that it wasn’t the 5 people in his camp. He then went onto say that Len Brown must have told his wife, then it was pretty much incoherent after that as Smallie and Slater were talking over each other.
I got the feeling that Slater was pointing the finger at Brown’s wife.
Unfortunately the other half has deleted it and I couldn’t find it “On demand”
I don’t think Slater could possibly sink any further.
But also a council security guard knew about the affair… who else?
I got the feeling that Slater was pointing the finger at Brown’s wife.
– I don’t, I think what he said about telling the wife was just a well reasoned assumption
There is no way it was Len’s wife.
And I am also struggling with the description of the text as a threat.
I agree it wasn’t Len’s wife.
I just get the impression Slater is chucking out subtle hints to divert attention
… or an attempt to deflect attention from someone on his side of the political spectrum. Someone with knowledge of the machinations, past and present, involving “the slaters”. I can think of a handful of people who might fall into that category.
Slater is full of shit. The whole “only 5 people could possibly have known” bit is something he just made up. No need to confine our attentions to his deliberate frame.
They’re practically raising the white flag already.
Even Cam S admits “it looks bad from where I’m looking at it”.
That’s because it IS bad from where he’s looking at it. I think our Cam might be a rather frightened boy which could mean the claims (et al) will become even more bizarre and far-fetched.
chris73 you do seem distracted from the story that the rest of us are watching. Your friend ‘Cam’ is flailing and all you can think about is the sex. English are you?
Very interesting this angle towards blackmail. Whaleoil etc thought in their dumbness that they’d have all the bases and backup stories covered including ‘threatening texts’. Yeah these guys are pros, I mean its right there the way the details were layered thick-as on his blog. I can just hear them saying at team P “but where’s the threats we gotta have threats.. Luigi!! go get me some threats! and cawfee…”
I almost expect an increasingly confused slater to produce the original text off one of his phones to prove to the lefty biased media biased scum that it really was real and… oh. Nah surely no one would be that stupid…
Len has been sprung for his dalliance,he will be in a long line of other and present politicians.For me, Len fronted up with his ego and Auckland needs me was his to him acceptable.
What Len should do, if he is that confident is go back to the people and stand again.One thing is for sure the Palemo camp will have to have a shower to wash away the shite they have been spreading,afore the public will touch the voting card.
They say all sorts the right,they say that Phil Goff was going to run,they also said that Williamson was also.Len,build the bridges with your family,keep you pants zipped up outside you and your misses bedroom,and never forget the people who voted for you are not all fancy home owners or fancy dressers.Get your shit together Len,and battle for those of us who still trust that you are not a self serving abuser of your power for your needs, but the representative of for most the rate paying renters.
SlaterPorn on The Nation this morning. PR fail.
Listening to him and watching his demeanour gives me this:
There are people in New Zealand so amoral as to lose a Saturday election knowing that as soon as that bloody affidavit was in their hands, they’d have a second grab at power. Seeking the peoples’ will one day – that fails – distorting the peoples’ will the next.
Not to overstate it but that’s getting into the constitutional realm.
It’s spooky where we’ve come akshully.
“You, like some other men I know, have decided to spend the night with your lover. I wasn’t sure how you managed to tell your wife you can’t celebrate the day with her. I guess you can always say you have a really busy schedule, because she is used to it and wouldn’t challenge you at all.”
about 3/5ths of the way down the page.. some interesting stuff before that too.
Anyone with with better google-fu than myself or the GCSB really ought to look into luigi.. for someone hired to manage social media, he has a very incomplete profile on the net. almost as if he has operated under other name(s)/aliases. certainly shot to something out of nothing very quickly.. who assisted/funded him with that? what are their motives and who do they work for?
Slater and Chaung could possibly be facing their second criminal convictions for going beyond revealing the affair .
By publishing private texts and intimate actions that happened between consenting adults its akin to peeping tomming legally!
only one party needs to give consent.
To record, yep. Does that apply to publishing too?
Media Law specialist Steven Price’s article on whether or not Len Brown could sue for invasion of privacy:
hmmm. Intriguing – although the article seems to argue about the extent of detail purely to demonstrate the existence of an affair, whereas the tories seem to be fixated on demonstrating that the affair was as extreme as possible and therefore the electorate would be disgusted at his hypocrisy, hence public interest in the detail. Bullshit, but a position they seem to be taking.
Although (as banks is finding out) the courts don’t like people who play the smartarse.
Someone was talking on Radionz recently about the Profumo case in Britain. Perhaps it just shows we have reached the stupidity levels of Britain, which everybody here once referred to as Home, the keepers of high morals and advanced, civilised behaviour.
Profumo Affair – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Profumo Affair was a 1963 British political scandal named after John Profumo, Secretary of State for War. His affair with Christine Keeler, the reputed …
Watching some of the archival film footage of the players in this soap, what was striking was that these pillars-of-society, movers and shakers, big whigs and big wheeled ambitious, power-chasing cling-ons while singing anthems, kissing babies, cutting ribbons, and generally sucking up, were behind the scenes behaving no better than feral dogs.
There must be some large provocative incentive to go into politics and have to sing anthems, kiss babies etc. So QEV. Clever people will know what I mean.
integral to any effective pneumatic system.