Peter Talley is now a knight

Written By: - Date published: 8:16 am, June 1st, 2015 - 129 comments
Categories: john key, national - Tags: ,

At the top of the list of Queens Birthday Honours recipients are Peter Gluckman, Jim McLay, Pita Sharples and Peter Tally.

Can anyone see a pattern?

And was Talley’s philanthropy to the National Party which John Key thinks is a charity?

129 comments on “Peter Talley is now a knight ”

  1. Tiger Mountain 1

    “Cur” Peter Talley

    [He. Fixed – MS]

    there are some laudable community workers in these honours lists but the political cronyism and patronage is what stands out most and illustrates why they should be done away with for good

    it is unedifying indeed in our post colonial setting to see Mr Sharples honoured also by current representatives of the original colonising power–though times have changed indeed perhaps when you see Queenie and Prince Charles meeting with IRA members…

    • Tinfoilhat 1.1

      Why is it unedifying to see Pita honoured?

      I can think of few past politicians and Maori leaders that are more deserving.

      • North 1.1.1

        There’s a ‘kind of hush’ all over Moerewa I’d say re the Talley number. And Tinfoilhat, if you’re really interested in truly selfless Maori leaders – Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit – Nora Tawhi Rameka of Kerikeri (more essentially, Takou Bay), for services to Maori and education. Heartfelt congratulations to you Nora, and to Wally who’s travelled with you all the way !

  2. Paul 2

    Clearly even the MSM is even embarrassed by this announcement, as Talley is not mentioned in any of the reporting.
    He treats his workers appallingly, doesn’t he?

    • Michael who failed Civics 2.1

      That’s why he got his gong. For shitting on workers and bankrolling the Nats. A well deserved honour.

  3. vto 3

    The word “Sir” needs to be replaced with “Shit”

    Whatever Talley has gained in order for him to be so ‘philanthropic’ has been gained by being the country’s biggest cunt. Especially to the workers.

    • Paul 3.1

      Talley’s knighthood is a good reason to abolish them.

      • Ron 3.1.1

        Well Labour did try to abolish knighthoods but given the chance a member of the Labour Government that abolished knighthoods could not wait to grab one when offered by Key.

      • Lyn 3.1.2

        Interesting, my account of disgusting treatment of 17 year old employee at Motueka plant in 1970’s has not been added to list!!

  4. A horrible employer. I have not bought their product since the gender discrimination case of 2007.

    • Macro 4.1

      Nor me!
      What a disgusting man.. He brings discredit to the “honour”. This is the most obvious example of political sponsorship this government has indulged in yet, in a long long list of backscratching and cronyism.
      As Paul suggests above, they should be abolished.

    • felix 4.2


  5. Doug Mackie 5

    Peter Talley signed the submission from Talley’s to the ETS Select Committee in 2009.

    This is not the place to do a line by line rebuttal of the submission but the simplest description I can give is to say that I engaged Peter in an email conversation and he cited Ken (Moon Earthquake) Ring as a source to back up some of the claims he made.

  6. risildowgtn 6

    Cur instead of Sir is more befitting

  7. Macro 8

    I bet Key can’t wait to get his!

    • Incognito 8.1

      Key will receive a knighthood for services to golf and the hospitality industry.

      • Chooky 8.1.1

        The Queen must be cringing…the nact Queens Birthday Honours List is a gallery of rogues, hoons, arse lickers, incompetents, social climbers, corruption and political cronyism

        Sir Bob Jones is an older case in point…wasnt he thrown off a plane recently?

        • Chooky

          …have to moderate that….there are some in the lower orders of the list who deserve their awards eg Louise Nicholas and Lesley Elliot

          • Anne

            I’d go so far as to say that even Louise Nicholas and Lesley Elliot are politically selected in so far as respect and admiration for them is spread across the board, so it was “safe” to give them a gong. Makes the Nats look good in the eyes of the stupid and ignorant – of which NZ apparently has way more than its fair share.

  8. Whateva next? 9

    as Ed Byrne mentioned on 7 days, “honourable” has a different meaning in NZ, wise words…….court jesters deserve knighthoods more than some on National’s lists

  9. stigie 10

    The Talley family are very well respected in Motueka. Some say they employ half of the town and a very generous company towards charity.
    Some of you lot need to get down off your high horse for once.

    • The Talley family are very well respected in Motueka. Or else.

    • Paul 10.2

      The Talley family’s fortune is $300 million.
      Wonder how much the average Motueka worker gets of this fortune.
      Stigie, ,you are welcome to doff your cap to your feudal overlord.
      I prefer to believe in a world of socialism.

    • b waghorn 10.3

      In a fair world there would be no need for charity. Its how scum bags make them selves feel better.

    • Draco T Bastard 10.4

      Employing half the town to make themselves richer isn’t a reason to give them any honour. Nor is giving to charity. Especially given how they treat their workers, dodge their taxes and are generally scum. The giving to charity is probably just another tax rort.

      • Paul 10.4.1

        Great link.

        So Peter Talley is on record as “pro-whaling, pro-genetic engineering, anti-animal rights, anti-MMP and sceptical about global warming“ and also gave $1 million to Brash in 2005.

        Nice guy.

    • RedBaronCV 10.5

      Well I don’t buy their product either – so if I and others did there might be even more employment over there paid at far better rates.

      • Paul 10.5.1

        Even more profit for the Talley family.
        And a tiny bit more charity from them.

        • RedBaronCV

          I agree – but they may well do better all around if they had all round ethics etc.

    • Tiger Mountain 10.6

      is that you Andrew?

    • Markm 10.7

      well said stogie

      Most here would prefer the Talleys didn’t employ half the town so that the workers could spend there leisure time on welfare.
      Damn this work thing

      • *David Attenborough voice* And here we see one of the earliest and longest-living smears used against workers’ unions in its natural environment. It only makes sense if you tell yourself that workers are stupid and unions only exist to destroy business, which flies in the face of all the available evidence.

        But when has that stopped the right lying to people to prevent us standing together for a better deal from those with all the money and power?

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Being honest about their intentions carries too much personal risk.

      • b waghorn 10.7.2

        No dick head most here would prefer Talley’s to share there profits with there workers,its the one of the things you key lovers can’t understand that if employees were getting more then the the bare minimum that the likes of Talley’s can get away with the local economies would bubble away nicely .
        The only differences for the likes of the Talley’s is they might own a few less cars or there house might be 250 m2 instead of 400m2

        Edit bugger I see you’ve just been banned for being blatantly thick .

      • Colonial Rawshark 10.7.3

        markm, workers need to be the major shareholders in the companies that they work for.

        • Anno1701

          “My conception of the strike of the future is not to strike and go out and starve, but to strike and remain in and take possession of the necessary property of production.”

          —–Lucy Parsons , Wobblies! #14

          • Colonial Rawshark

            Exactly; there must also be a workers co-op financial structure.

  10. Paul 11

    The Herald makes Talley’s case for a knighthood.

    ‘However, it has been Sir Peter’s work promoting the employment of New Zealanders in the fishing industry, and calling for tighter regulation of foreign fishing vessels in New Zealand waters, that arguably earned him the greatest acclaim.
    He has lobbied the Government to bring forward a law requiring the vessels to fly the New Zealand flag, making them subject to local laws.
    Sir Peter has said that foreign chartered boats should be required to employ some New Zealand staff, saying it was wrong that 1500 to 2000 foreign nationals were working within New Zealand’s exclusive economic zone when there were so many unemployed in New Zealand.
    His philanthropic efforts include supporting the Motueka Hospital Trust, funding a museum in Nelson to host the World of Wearable Art collection and sponsoring the Motueka Charity Golf Classic, Outward Bound and the Nelson Car Club rally.’

    Surprisingly little mention of his charitable support of the National Party.

    • David H 11.1

      I notice NO comments section so they must know what would be said by the General Public.

  11. I hear that it is in fact migrant workers who work in the Motueka vege factory. And some horror stories going with that. I am seriously wondering now how much influence Sir Peter had on the Nats backdown on the health and safety reform bill. He’s been vehemently opposed, to the extent of nuttiness : read this :

    • Paul 12.1

      Sir Peter???
      Don’t honour him with that title.
      Key can call him what he want. We don’t have a go along with it.

    • Markm 12.2

      Well Darien , nuttiness is clearly your field of expertise isn’t it.

      [Stephanie: at least TRY to hide your trolling abusiveness by pretending to engage with the topic being discussed. Further drive-by insults get you a free holiday from commenting. ETA – I see TRP beat me to it!]

  12. Atiawa 13

    What do the four new knights have in common?

    They have all supported National governments.

  13. adam 14

    This is truly odd. In the 90’s when the skinheads were on the rise down south – many a rumor was about Talley, and his discreet funding of these Ultra Right Wing groups.

    I would have thought this government would had more sense, not touch a person with this sort of baggage?

  14. Cur Peter Gluckman – the man FJK goes to for counter opinions IE the state of NZs rivers. 100% pure bullshit.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 15.1

      It’s time for your reality check.

      …we have significant and increasing non‐point source pollution of
      our waterways, primarily from nitrogen, phosphorus and E.coli.

    • Paul 15.2

      Yes, until Gluckman actually turns around obesity by confronting the sugar and supermarket industries, I will hold my judgement on what he has achieved for NZ, as opposed to FJK.

    • Tracey 15.3

      The man whom Joyce ignores cos his ten year Bachelor of Zoology outranks Gluckman on the science front

  15. Ray 16

    Peter Talley got the NZ Order of Merit from The Labour Govt
    Things change don’t they

  16. Facetious 17

    Too much anger, loathing and attacking people’s reputation here. No wonder the Left is in such state of confusion in New Zealand.

    Few, very few, positive comments. Negativism rules.

    [You’re entirely free to not read the Standard, facetious. Your comment actually applies to yourself more than “the left”, so please lift your game. TRP]

    • Paul 17.1

      Yes, please return to WhaleOil.
      Plenty of positive comments for you there.
      You are a tragic puppet of the elite and a dreadful tr***

    • Draco T Bastard 17.2

      We’re not attacking Talley’s reputation – just pointing out that he’s already trashed it and that National giving him a knighthood is thus obviously for something other than services to mankind.

    • Markm 17.3

      +100 facetious but dangerous to point out facts on Labours blog site

      [This isn’t Labour’s blog. You’ve been around long enough to know that, so take a week off for attributing ulterior motives to the site. TRP]

    • Facetious 17.4

      But I enjoy reading The Standard. Thank you for the advice, TRP.

    • ropata 17.5

      I am sorry for failing to clap enthusiastically for Dear Leader Dirty Politics Key and his millionaire cronies. Feel free to keep worshiping and swallowing the spin, happy happy joy joy

  17. Facetious 18

    What were the comments when Labour’s Jonathan Hunt was made a member of ONZ? Does anyone remember?

    • There’s a search bar top right. Given that Hunt was a long time MP, a former speaker and a High commissioner to the UK, clearly some form of gong was always coming his way. However, his was the modest Order of NZ; Talley appears to have been knighted for hidden services to the National Party’s bank accounts and ripping off workers. There’s a world of difference between the two men and between the ‘honours’ they have received.

    • Tracey 18.2

      I don’t believe in gongs for doing your job and being well remunerated, whichever party you come from. Hence I criticised Cullen’s gong too.

      People who have gone above and beyond, shown courage (in all its forms) and put others first are part of my criteria.

      I would swap Louise Nicholas award for the sirs or dames who got them this time. Her courage when personally up against the police and thereafter in the face of nastiness from police and others. She has made NZ a better place for that courage, work and advocacy.

  18. felix 19

    Is this the Talley who said women’s role in the workforce is pole-dancing?

    • No, it was his brother Andrew, defending the company’s sexist employment policies. Mind you, as far as I know, Peter Talley didn’t call out his brother for being a bigoted git, so I suppose his silence could be seen as approval.

      edit: Son, not brother. Thanks stigie. It’s not just the Herald that needs sub editors, apparently!

    • Clemgeopin 19.2

      Did he really say that! Didn’t no one-(like his wife, daughter or mother),-slap him for saying that? What a despicable dis-respector of women! Like Key with his Pony tail pulling disgrace.

      • felix 19.2.1

        Not exact words, but gist of.

        Context was that Talley’s were refusing to hire women as fish-filleters and he said something along the lines of

        ‘We’re not being sexist it’s just that some jobs, like fish-filleting, are more suited to men while other jobs, like pole-dancing, are more suited to women’

        Again not an exact quote but close enough that I won’t be lying awake tonight worrying about a defamation suit.

  19. Clemgeopin 20

    Some people that DESERVE high honour, admiration our support and gratitude are :

    * NZ doctors/nurses working in Africa for Ebola patients
    * Volunteers that feed or help the homeless on streets at night
    * Hone Harawira for his advocacy for the poorest of the poor
    * John Campbell
    * Gareth Morgan
    * Nuns and others running the soup kitchens
    * Otaki schoolteacher Adrian Leason, Auckland Catholic priest Peter Murnane and Hokianga farmer Sam Land for uncovering the true nature of the Waihopai spy base.
    * Kim Dot Com for fighting powerful entities courageously against great odds.

    [Please add other deserving names here]

    • Incognito 20.1

      Lecretia Seales

    • Chooky 20.2

      +100 Clem and Incognito

    • Clemgeopin 20.3

      * Sue Bradford for gustily protesting and exposing government’s inactions and BS.
      * John Minto for keeping governments accountable and enlightening the people on important issues and decent human values.
      * Joe Karam for relentlessly fighting, at tremendous personal cost, to free a person he considers falsely accused. Karam has shown true courage, dedication, conviction and loyalty. [Don’t confuse this with your own feeling of David’s guilt or innocence, a different issue]

    • Facetious 20.4

      Helen Clark for her exemplary government

    • b waghorn 20.5

      Oh come on dot fucking com was throwing money around trying to buy him self political favours from the day he arrived ffs.

      • felix 20.5.1

        Apparently that is no obstacle to knighthood.

        cf Peter Talley.

        • b waghorn

          I suppose we should love knighthoods because its a good way to identify the dodgy barstards

      • Clemgeopin 20.5.2

        It is the soliciting corrupt receivers of bribe that I detest most.

  20. thechangeling 21

    Nicky Hagar damn well should be given a gong for exposing National Party corruption practices in his book Dirty Politics.

  21. millsy 22

    There is no way I will bend the knee for Ser Peter Talley simply because he has a lot more money than I do.

    Or any other ‘knight’.

  22. rod 23

    The way things are going we will finish up with Sir John Banks, Sir Mike Hosking, Sir Paul Henry, Sir Mark Weldon, Sir Mathew Hooton, Sir Patrick Gower, Sir Sean Plunket, Sir Duncan Garner, Sir Fisiani, Sir Gosman, All for services to the National Government and John Key. Just saying.

    • Anne 23.1

      Don’t forget Dame Julie Christie, Dame Michelle Boag, Dame Paula Bennett, Dame Audrey Young and of course Dame Josie Pagani – to name just a few of them.

    • Colville. 23.2

      Well Cullen got one. So your point is?

      • dv 23.2.1

        No déficit Cullen
        Cullen fund

        • Clemgeopin

          Yes, Cullen actually deserved one, but it was a shame he accepted such a meaningless dynastic feudal award. I prefer the previous uniquely New Zealand honours as instituted by the progressive Clark Government:

          • Tracey

            I disagree. He was well remunerated for what he did. What has been his “over and above”?

            • Clemgeopin

              May be you are correct, come to think of it.
              I was thinking of his many far reaching courageous measures he introduced as the very able Finance Minister for the benefit of others….Kiwi Bank, Kiwi Saver, Cullen fund, Interest off the student loans etc.

        • Colville.

          You mean $3 bil hole is ACC Cullen?
          Or the I paid $5 bil too much for a trainset Cullen?
          Or how about the cupboard is bare I spent the lot Cullen?
          Or how about the Cullen that has NZ in recession in 2006 ?
          Or how about the I sucked up and got knighted then go a fat job with a SOE as a bribe Cullen?

          but its all good when the Left does it eh?

          • Macro

            What planet are you on? Or are you on something else grown up around Colville?

          • dv

            BUT Colville you missed

            NZ$ 92,496,090,302 Current national debt!!!

            Cullen left no debt

            ACC hole was a a Smith fantasy

            He maybe spent the lot but note the comment about the debt.

            Recession in 2006? – Link please.

            Train set – who was it that striped the value out of transrail?

            Cullen got a job wow!!!

            • Colville.


              Personal debt went up 60% under Cullens watch.

              Who forced Cullen to buy an asset stripped property that they literally would not have been able to give away?

              • dv

                Yes the housing problems continues

                Any comment about the national debt then?

                Yes he should have let the the rail network die

              • thatguynz

                Who forced Cullen to buy an asset stripped property that they literally would not have been able to give away?

                Actually you have quite a valid point there Colville – Cullen should simply have nationalised it..

          • Clemgeopin

            Oh you numbnut, if Mr Cullen was all that bad, why the heck would this Key’s Government give him the honour? Can you answer that?

  23. McFlock 24

    The tories remember exactly what titular “honours” were created for all those centuries ago: supporting the incumbent regime and fleecing the peasants for all they’re worth.

  24. Colville. 25

    Did Deborah Russell also speak out against Patrick Higgins getting the nod a few years back or would that be a little to close to her home?

  25. SMILIN 26

    Thats the thing with feudal monarchy while they are pissed and out of it they dream up anything to keep the masses quiet and stunned a bit like how Talley runs his monstrous empire and as drug dealers do , its all graft and corruption being rewarded to the ones on top of the can letting it go -is proof still a requirement in scientific law
    The Last Knight Sir Peter Blake, the rest is history corrupt as bro
    This country
    NZ land of the South Seas Pome weve got so many knights it might as well be the dark ages

  26. ropata 27

    is this talley character more worthy than john campbell, sue bradford, or jeanette fitzsimons? do we really have to perpetuate this crap?

    Woman announces harsher austerity from a solid gold throne wearing a crown made of 2,868 diamonds #QueensSpeech— Chris Schofield (@chrischofield1) May 27, 2015

  27. Matthew Hooton 28

    Jim McLay introduced the Official Information Act in 1982, faced down Muldoon successfully during the 1984 constitutional and financial crisis and led the bid for the UN Security Council. He very much deserves an honour.

    • felix 28.1

      I wonder which of today’s Nat MPs will one day win a gong for facing down the current “Muldoon”.

      Only a matter of time now I’d have thought.

      • Matthew Hooton 28.1.1

        We await in hope for one to emerge.

      • b waghorn 28.1.2

        They’re a bunch of gutless cowards the fact that all of”today’s nat MPs” have stayed silent about keys pony tail abuse shows not one of them is worth the shit on the bottom of my gumboot.

        • felix

          Yep even the ones who claim to be “classical liberals” and feminists.

          Bunch of frauds, the lot of them. Special mention Louise Upston who should never be allowed to show her face in public without being reminded of her disgraceful part in this sordid affair.

    • Tracey 28.2

      Was he doing that on an MP or Cabinet Minister’s salary? Honours should be for above and beyond the call of duty…

  28. Sable 29

    Old Keys will be hanging out for his sometime in the future. In my opinion nothing but a symbol of inequality like the establishment that issues them.