Written By:
Steve Pierson - Date published:
12:33 pm, April 16th, 2008 - 10 comments
Categories: election 2008, labour, national, nz first -
Tags: election 2008, labour, national, nz first
Yesterday, Winston Peters said that in any deal with National he would require all National MPs to personally sign the agreement and that he wouldn’t require the same conditions of Labour. That is an unprecedented demand and one that no leader could agree to without losing face. The deeper message here from Peters is ‘look at those behind Key’. National’s strategy is predicated on keeping attention solely on Key’s grinning visage; Peters says that there are ‘right-wingers and ACT look-a-likes that lurk in the shadows’ in National.
Strangely, Audrey Young seems to think Peters’ statement as a good sign for National. ‘The fact that Mr Peters is giving Mr Key advice at all is a sign that he would seriously contemplate a deal’ (funny, Peters has given a lot of advice to the media in the past, and that’s been generally reported as a bad thing)
So, wait a minute Audrey, the fact that a potential kingmaker would demand this unprecedented assurance from National (and the fact that Winston and National argue like cats and dogs in the House every day) is somehow a sign he wants to deal with National? Pull the other one. John Key has already rejected Peters’ demand, as he was bound to do. In doing so, Key has given Peters a ground to end negotiations with National even if they win more votes than Labour he will say he can’t trust the Tories.
That is quite interesting. I’ve been getting much the same kind of talk from the few (elderly) NZF supporters I’ve run across. They really seem to think that that there is something rotten in the Nat’s.
They also seem to have all read the whole of the Hollow Men, which is more than I’ve done. I’ve only read sections that people point out to me.
Peters is dog tucker and the bugger and his minions know it very hell.
The possibility of NZF reaching 5% is remote, so the only hope for this contemptible character is to win the Tauranga seat. It will not happen either, so the Minister of Foreign Affairs will be history after the elections.
Bye, bye to another immoral politician.
“(and the fact that Winston and National argue like cats and dogs in the House every day)”
Winston argues with everyone… always has and always will. I suspect that this is a case of “if you want your parents to buy you a kitten, start out by asking for a pony”.
He’s been a member of three different governments in two different parties. If you really think he’s going to rule out the Nats before the election you’re deluded
Hey, let’s all hold our breath until this turns up on kiwiblog hey? Or maybe not 🙂
I read this this morning and it sounded like another wind-up to me. I think Winston just likes seeing National & its cheerleaders twist in the wind.
Santi, Winston has been written off before every election since 1993. Every time he has ended the election campaign in a stronger position than he started it. You can parrot the KBR line all you like, but Key isn’t dumb enough to write NZ1 off just yet, even if the likes of McCully are.
Doesn’t WP have a history of doing whatever it takes to assume ‘the baubles of office’ ? Can’t see him not doing a deal with National when they win the election.
Equally JK has demonstrated his ability to massage his principles in the pursuit of power just as HC did regarding WP China FTA stance.
In the very unlikely event NZF survives and is in a position to negotiate they will certainly go with the new National government elected in November.
mawgxxxxiv – did you say pretty much the same back in ’05?
Sweet Mother of F… my captcha is ‘dated farrar’!
I think I should take a screen shot for posterity.
leaving aside the rich contextural discussion the question is besides winnie who does trust the tories and the answer is probably no-one!
“Hey, let’s all hold our breath until this turns up on kiwiblog hey? Or maybe not ”
Hey, let’s all hold our breath until you finally confess you have no idea how tax rates and take home pay versus before tax pay actually work, hey? Or maybe not.
After all, you’ve dodged the question so many times I’m beginning to think you actually know you’re wrong but just afraid to admit it.
how much is that doggy in the window, the one with the waggily tail? rooowf rooowf!