Peters: Northland wants an explanation

Written By: - Date published: 11:03 am, March 26th, 2015 - 35 comments
Categories: by-election, national, winston peters - Tags: ,

Winston Peters is heading down to the wire. Too little, too late for National – Winston Peters

It’s too little too late for Prime Minister John Key when it comes to saving his party’s seat in Northland, by-election front-runner Winston Peters says.

After cutting short his trip to South Korea and Japan, Key arrives in Northland on Thursday to try and encourage National voters to head to the polling booths on Saturday, in a last-ditch attempt to keep the seat.

But Peters says that over the next 48 hours the only thing National voters want from Key is an explanation for why they’re having a by-election in the first place.

Will Key have an answer for Northland? Once again he is cutting short state business for the purposes of party campaigning. John Key heads to Northland

John Key is bound for Northland where he will be campaigning alongside candidate Mark Osborne, two days out from the Northland byelection.

Even John Armstrong reckons that the “Key magic” will not be enough this time.

Winston Peters seems to be maintaining a punishing schedule. Despite being busy in Northland, he has still had time to introduce a Bill in Parliament. Removing Paedophile Name Suppression

New Zealand First will introduce a Bill in Parliament to remove name suppression from paedophiles where the victim/victims have not requested it, or are asking for it to be removed, Leader and candidate for the Northland by-election Rt Hon Winston Peters announced in Paihia today.

“There have been so many cases of sexual violence in New Zealand where the offender hides behind a cloak of secrecy imposed on the basis that secrecy protects the victim.

“In cases where the victim wants exposure of the crime and not secrecy, the sub-judice rule, name suppression and the legal cone of silence will be removed.

It would be good to see the issue debated in Parliament if the Bill is drawn.

35 comments on “Peters: Northland wants an explanation ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    Phil Twyford in the house yesterday raised questions about the reasons for Sabin’s resignation but was shut down …

    • Skinny 1.2

      Umn I think Twyford should stick to Housing and Transport, the later where he has under performed the former sell out underperformer Shane Jones. No medal for jumping on Peters thunder.

      • whateva next? 1.2.1

        Twyford did well considering the machine that has swung into action to cover National’s corruption, a major part of which is the speaker of the house. Talk about bringing the house into disrepute, shame on him.

      • Treetop 1.2.2

        On the issue of housing, yesterday or the day before English gave the number of 600 state homes being sold in the last 12 months.

        Twyford needs to ask
        Who the state houses have been sold to?
        What has happened to the money?
        How many new state homes have been built in the last 12 months?

        Winston will have a say on state housing in Northland.

      • tc 1.2.3

        Twyford is way overated and the left is better served without another centrist ‘do the bare minimum’ effort.

        Phil needs to prove he deserves those areas where NACT are very vulnerable.

        • Skinny

          What annoyed me tc is hearing Phil jumping on Peters bandwagon over Sabin. Where was he as Labour’s transport spokesperson on the Auckland port and Marden point and the Northland line. He was deliberately silent letting Goff make
          a career changing pitch. Of course Goff usef the occasion for me myself and I grand standing and forgot about mentioning Northland altogether.

          • tc

            Good points skinny, it’s been quite disgusting to watch the likes of Goff and Twyford look after team Phil.

            They along with Mallard, King, Cosgrove and Nash are a gift for NACT when everyone in opposition should be kicking the shit out of team shonkey the beltway troughers show what’s wrong with Labour currently.

            Unlike NACT there’s no swags of cash to shuffle them off so good luck with that Andrew.

  2. felix 2

    Is the “Key Magic” rubbing off on Osborne?

    Or is Key getting badly tainted by hanging around with a loser in a by-election he can’t/won’t explain while others are talking about removing name suppression from pedophiles?

  3. Colonial Rawshark 3

    I wonder how sympathetically Key’s South Korean hosts view his electoral pickle.

    • ghostwhowalksnz 3.1

      Are you serious ?. Its not even on their radar, Key himself is just a blip on their radar, his ups and downs wouldnt give a donkeys!
      Its another grip and grin for the cameras, mostly NZ media too.

      The funding scandal over Lydia Ko would make more sense to them, but that wouldnt be raised out of politeness

  4. ghostwhowalksnz 4

    When does Northland get an explanation for why they have a toll road leading to Northland and Waikato does not?

    Maybe because it is in fact a holiday highway for Aucklanders

  5. toad 5

    Today at 2:15pm in Auckland High Court: “M” v NEW ZEALAND POLICE Appeal against refusal to grant Name Suppression

    • repateet 5.1

      Gotta laugh!!!

    • mickysavage 5.2

      Hmmm I believe the lawyer of the applicant may be this guy from Thomson Wilson who are based in Whangarei (

      And the number is not an Auckland High Court number. Best I not say any more just in case.

      • veutoviper 5.2.1

        Saved me checking that out, MS. Justice Asher also covers the Whangarei High Court, apparently – see the Whangarei HC listing at the end of the daily list.

        You already know this, but others here may not.
        Matthew Hooton has tweeted today that his NBR column tomorrow “… is about the reasons for Mike Sabin’s resignation and why Winston Peters hasn’t gone public about it”. Uuummmm

        • Murray Rawshark

          You are blocked from following @MatthewHootonNZ and viewing @MatthewHootonNZ’s Tweets. Learn more


          • Colonial Rawshark

            Seems like you are doing something right in life…

          • veutoviper

            The benefits of actually not belonging to Twitter! I have never signed up to Twitter but can read most Twitter feeds except those available only to approved followers. So, as I cannot follow any accounts; I cannot be blocked!

            I just bookmark those accounts I like reading or find useful in my Twitter bookmark folder, and then check them out by clicking the bookmark listing ….

      • ghostwhowalksnz 5.2.2

        Justice Asher had another Whangarei High Court matter at 9am

      • Rosie 5.2.3

        Are press allowed to be present in court when an appeal against name suppression is lodged (lodged, is that the right word?) and are they allowed to report on it, or only if name suppression is in fact lifted?

        I’m hoping that’s a safe enough question!

        • Murray Rawshark

          As far as I know, they’re allowed to be there as long as they don’t say anything about it while the suppression order holds. On February 18 there was a TV One news car at the Whangarei District Court.

    • Murray Rawshark 5.3

      This page does not seem to exist…

      Seems that NAct spinners have been at work. Did you get a screenshot?

  6. Treetop 6

    Northland wants an explanation.

    Northlanders want an explanation about a lot of things.

  7. mickysavage 7

    Colmar Brunton poll just released …

    Peters (53%), Osborne (36%), Prime (9%), Carr (1%), other confirmed candidates (1%) … Refuse to answer 4%, undecided 4%. Fieldwork conducted 22-25 March …

  8. Neil 8

    At least Winston isn’t up on police charges.

  9. Ovid 9

    Matthew Hooton’s column in the NBR is damning and the Nats have done nothing to effectively cauterise the Sabin wound. They should have torn off the band-aid as quickly as possible. Now they look like apologists and enablers.