Written By:
the sprout - Date published:
6:14 pm, September 26th, 2010 - 19 comments
Categories: accountability, act, blogs, crime, dpf, Media, newspapers, rodney hide -
Tags: david garrett, hilary calvert, Mark Price, odt
I guess we shouldn’t really mock such unfortunates but this latest missive from the Bog is too hard to resist. Farrar and his merry band of ignorant loons are furious that the ODT, one of New Zealand’s better newspapers, is daring to ask pertinent questions of ACTs replacement for David Garrett.
It seems pretty fair to me for ODT journalist Mark Price to ask Hilary Calvert:
Any convictions you would like to declare now?
Any misbehaviour, non-criminal, that might come back to bite you?
Any family members involved in criminal behaviour?
Could you ever contemplate supporting Heather Roy?
According to a radio report, you have a pecuniary interest in a licensed massage parlour.
Especially considering the bizzarely obfuscatory answers Calvert gave when asked if she had any skeletons in the closet voters should be aware of, especially considering she replaces a man who had undisclosed convictions and was guilty of a particularly distasteful crime that he also failed to disclose to the public, especially considering Calvert’s ‘Leader’ Rodney Hide clearly has no interest in transparency and accountability for him or his caucus whenever he can avoid it, and especially considering Hide still doesn’t seem to comprehend the problem with him appointing Garrett as an MP and ACT Justice Spokesperson in the first place.
Considering Hide’s tenuous hold on the leadership and the finely balanced alliances of the caucus’s allegiances, it seems fair to ask who Calvert supports, even if she’s bound to give patsy answers for now. And considering she’s joining a government that has the vote of moral conservatives it seems fair to clarify her pecuniary interest in the massage parlour in one of her properties.
These all strike me as very good reasons to ask the above questions, yet Farrar whines with fake outrage “I wonder if the ODT will ask Labour’s new candidate, David Clark, not only whether he has any convictions, but whether he has any family members involved in criminal behaviour, whether he has ever had any non-criminal misbehaviour?”
I’m perfectly happy with the media asking these sorts of questions of people about to become MPs – frankly I can’t for the life of me think why anyone could have any problem with it, unless they’re worried that the media might actually be at risk of doing their job, or rediscovering their raison detre as democratic watchdogs.
So good on the msm for being a little more diligent for a change. Of course in the world of the Bog it’s all just another pinko media conspiracy 😆
Don’t see what family members have to do with anything, unless she aided or covered up for them in some way during their nefarious dealings.
He also cites the “are you a landlord of a brothel” question. Fair enough to ask, I’d say. What fascinated me more was Calvert’s “It wasn’t me, I wasn’t there, I never done it” answer.
I’m not even an Actoid and I’d have said “Yes, I’m proud to confirm I derive my income entirely from private enterprise. Prostitution is legal in NZ and in fact working out of brothels allows those women who choose, or who are forced by circumstance, to work as prostitutes to enjoy a level of physical protection, access to health care, cameraderie and support they would not enjoy working from their own home or, worse still, on the streets”.
She’s about to represent the party of private enterprise and she’s clearly either too dizzy to come up with that or too afraid of losing the “moral” (*cough*) vote attracted by her predecessor. Doesn’t bode well for a resturn to its free enterprise roots, which is what the party needs to do to survive.
agreed if there’s any question that might be out of order, it’s the one about family involved in criminal behaviour. perhaps Price knows something, or perhaps he’s interested in any convictions registered to Hillary Calvert, Hillory Calvert, or Hularee Calvert – something to do with a penchant for false identities.
I just had a quick scan of the last 30 years of my life and I can say with complete and utter certainty that I have no criminal convictions and have never owned a whore house. There is of course still time.
@outofbed: LOL!
The old pinko leftie media accusation hey? Bugs Bunny’s immortal phrase (“It is to laugh!”) springs to mind..
I wish that the MSM would awaken.
I’m reasonably sure the electorate are starting to wake up even if the MSM aren’t. Even my brother, a National supporter, is starting to realise that National won’t do anything about the recession.
the msm are awake, and capturing the countries mood perfectly. hmmmm delicious poll cake. national 55% labour 32%. asleep in the passenger seat perhaps? mmmkay?
i think you’d find that if they did awaken those polls wouldn’t be quite so reassuring.
hence farrar’s desperation to discourage media from asking questions.
Remember Jim Bolger’s immortal “Bugger the polls?”
the msm are awake, and capturing the countries [sic] mood perfectly. hmmmm delicious poll cake
poll just released tonight 😆
are you smiling cos National aren’t on 60% :~)
I hope the MSM wake up.
Given that this is a list candidate (not electorate like Clark who had to toil to be selected) and she’s stepping in to replace a man who resigned in shame (not a retiree) it isn’t apples and apples. Farrar’s tantrum is just some desperate attempt to make the ODT look pinko.
And maybe they should ask Clark the same questions. Bet he can provide answers that don’t resemble mad drivel.
Even if the MSM do wake up, which’s unlikely as it’s owners aren’t interested in upsetting Sideshow, Blinglish and their wrecking crew the question assumes the skills, intelligence, integrity exist to make a difference.
I’d suggest that’s a big assumption not bourne out by the facts as the media’s far too concentrated in big business hands now (profit before content) and it’s shed pretty much all of it’s experienced journo’s who had the ability to recall the past, tell it like it is, and not be swayed by the smile n wave routine and demand answers.
case in point: It’s only 2 years since all the BS promises Nat’s made in election 08 yet when has the MSM ever bothered pulling them up on it…….that’s childs play yet they can’t even do that.
I have some classic examples about how the MSM is dormant.
Out west the candidates for the local boards include a current bankrupt, two others who have been convicted of domestic violence and a sitting councillor who owns land which the Council is taking steps to have subdivision rules relaxed.
A proper MSM would be highlighting and investigating these issues so that voters can make an informed choice.
tc, ms
sadly i agree with you both and don’t hold any hope for the msm to act as a genuine deomcratic watchdog; it’s nolonger in their interests when their owners nolonger reside within the polity in question – profit maximization is their only interest now.
Same in Canada and it’s right-wing wrecking crew. A quote from AVAAZ a Global Campaign Community “Crony-media” and its incestuous combination of unscrupulous politicians and biased reporting is a rising threat to democracy in many countries, from Italy to the US to Australia” AVAAZ is facing a law-suit in Canada from a media-mogul for daring to suggest that that his paper is biased.