Stop press!

Written By: - Date published: 8:15 am, May 11th, 2012 - 3 comments
Categories: budget2012, corruption, public services - Tags:

Bet there’s some last minute changes to the Budget happening. A few mil to reverse the bio-security cuts now the fruit fly’s in. A few mil for monitoring MSD contracts – Bennett’s ‘high trust’ (ie too lazy/cheap) model clearly isn’t working. They could find savings by not giving money to fronts for gangs and other corrupt groups, predictably, sucking on the Whanau Ora teat.

3 comments on “Stop press! ”

  1. tsmithfield 1

    I heard the bio-security guy on the radio last night. Apparently there have been two other occasions that single male fruit flies have been found in NZ over the last decade or so. So, it is not particularly unusual and didn’t turn out to be a problem on previous occasions.

    Fruit fly could get in on a piece of fruit that someone was bringing in their handbag without declaring it. Since checking is always based on a sample of the total, then there is always a chance that a fruit fly could get into the country no matter how many staff we have.

    • mike e 1.1

      all three after National cut bio-security budget and sacked 30 front line staff.
      Remember the painted apple moth found in 1998 National took away front line staff and did nothing for 2 years it cost us taxpayers $400 million under Labour to fix the problem plus Labour immediately increased funding for bio security on coming to office now we have a repeat f#@k up from National who have already cut front line staff and are going to cut more staff.
      National only interested in counting beans by bean brained bean counters.
      Short sighted fwits!

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