
Written By: - Date published: 2:14 pm, March 27th, 2010 - 4 comments
Categories: humour, Media, scoundrels - Tags: ,

Can’t argue with Tom Scott on a good day….

4 comments on “Sub-humans ”

  1. Pascal's bookie 1

    Not another anti-Catholic Church post!

    I’m outraged by the outrage.

  2. Rex Widerstrom 2

    I now have the luxury of both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on my actual TV every weeknight, thanks to SBS *pauses to look smug* 😛

    Stewart has been doing some great skewering of Fox these past few days, but there seems to be a lag between screening and appearing on the web so I can only point you to the 18th of March in which he channels Glenn Beck talking about progressives. I’d recommend going back for more in the coming days, as yesterday’s point-by-point demolition ought to be enshrined in the National Museum of Funny… or something.

    • RascallyRabbit 2.1

      If you are willing to part with a sizeable chunk of money then you are able to get both the Colbert Report and The Daily Show here in New Zealand on Comedy Central Sky Channel 10…. once upon a time one or both were on to free to air C4 if I recall… I think most of the humour is lost on people that don’t take an interest in politics esp. American politics so perhaps C4 no longer deemed them worthwhile?!

      I love Stewart’s impression of Glenn Beck absolutely classic!

      Below is an interesting interview with the president of Media Matters (a media watchdog in the states) being interviewed on MSNBC about Glenn Beck.

      Media Matters’ Eric Burns on MSNBC: “Glenn Beck is the single most dangerous person in this country”

  3. cal 3

    The really scary fact was quite a sizeable proportion of Americans reckon Obama has done some of the same things Hitler and Stalin did. The right-wing over there is so far over the edge….

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