Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
9:52 am, November 24th, 2015 - 38 comments
Categories: john key -
Tags: flag distraction, fuck off, new low
“Jonah Lomu tribute shows need for a new flag, PM says”.
Well that’s a new low.
Speaking of amazingly powerful images with a fern / flag motif –
Very Tacky to use that as a reason for needing a new flag.
The picture of the Silver Fern was used as the tribute to him as it is the Allblacks symbol on their team colors. If it had been an English rugby player being paid tribute it would likely be a white background with a red rose with a petal falling off the rose and no Union Jack in the picture either.
Exactly. The picture of the falling fern leaf was all about the ABs not new Zealand as a nation or its flag. It was about rugby, one of its biggest players and the impact he has had on rugby, hence the falling of one part of it.
As for Key – I think it has all been said before about his shallowness. This is just more evidence in description of a schoolboy Prime Minister
“about the ABs not new Zealand as a nation”
The problem is John Key really, really doesn’t want us to understand there’s a difference between the two.
Key simply is a real arse.
methinks more and more people are seeing the hollow man for what he is
what a dickhead our PM is
Keys atrocious judgement aside, how could he not get the silver fern on black background put on the referendum? Is the copyright issue that hard to sort out, it would be the most popular design by far and its the design everyone recognises, not Lockwoods red and blue ones.
Yes, I read this on Stuff and thought FJK’s abuse of an overseas tribute to Jonah Lomu, to promote his own personal flag preference, the silver fern, was about as cheap and dirty as anyone can get.
Disgraceful doesn’t come close to describing this latest move from FJK! He’s a disgusting creep, unworthy of holding any Parliamentary position of office!
Completely agree with you mary_a, key trying to use Lomu’s death to force the flag referendum to swing in his favour demonstrates that there are no lows that key wouldn’t stoop to, the creep is utterly shameless and nationally and internationally, he is an utter embarrassment.
Agree mary and I think “cheap and dirty”if not despicable, (more so than tacky) sums up key’s insensitive abuse of a unique, evocative, aesthetically accurate tribute to a greater man than key will ever be.
+100 Mary
The timing of the public memorial service is ridiculous
Thousands will miss out because of work commitments.
Monday afternoon .why?
No doubt Key will be available .
Hands up who would have thought that Our Leader would have climbed the corpse of a fallen hero of the people to further his own vain agenda?
I’m not AT ALL surprised. He’ll even be quite oblivious to just what he’s done (USING the memory of Lomu to suit ‘His’ agenda), and his fucking gauche behaviour generally.
Nothing about Key’s behaviour surprises me, or the reaction (or lack of it) since seeing him described as ‘charismatic’ a few years back. What does surprise me though is the number of National politicians (thankfully diminishing in number) prostituting themselves in propping up the pillock – I never realised just how weak as gnat’s piss they actually are.
I agree – a tacky statement.
Amused to hear Paul Henry wasn’t inclined to agree with the PM on this occasion.
Almost certainly looks like the flag change issue will finally be John Key’s undoing. We haven’t even begun to see the backlash. About the only option left is for Crosby Textor to spin the debate around to becoming a republic, which would have to include the Treaty as part of the founding document, if it’s going to fly.
Shows how sleazy Key can be, using a death as a reason for voting on the flag. Which star sportsperson is he going to sleaze up to next? Does the man not have a conscience? Clearing the mailbox for the family of a neighbour who passed away recently, I was amazed this morning to find papers from ElectionsNZ in her mailbox, addressed to The Householder. Is he that desperate to have everyone voting?
No, he doesn’t.
I agree with you all about Key. He has no Mana, no depth, scratch underneath and you will find nothing at all. He is a hollow little man with dead eyes and will never change. My dear departed Mum would have said “he is all hair oil and no socks” – it describes him perfectly. Nothing he says and does surprises me at all.
What never ceases to intrigue me is that so many people from here and all over the world see him as something other than the above and are charmed/duped by him. Their antennas must be turned off.
According to a former neighbour from the South Island, they have a phrase in Lumsden , to describe people with “new” money but who don’t have any corresponding class and manners to go with it – they are called “dirty flash” – sums up our Prime Minister perfectly!!
I’d find it ironic if his wife came out and said that he had planned to vote against the change…
If Andrew had said anything like that imagine the MSM outrage! Paddy would be screaming for his head but it is Johnboy who used Jonah, so that is OK.
Outrage, zzzzzzzzzz
nah mate, you are getting it wrong. Tacky has got nothing to do with Outrage.
here a quick copy and paste job to make it easy for you……it so aptly describes the Man who would use the memory of a dead man to make him seem important.
tack•y2 (ˈtæk i)
adj. tack•i•er, tack•i•est.
1. not tasteful or fashionable; dowdy: a tacky outfit.
2. in poor taste; vulgar; crass: tacky jokes.
3. of poor quality; cheaply made; shoddy: a tacky car.
4. shabby; seedy.
@ Red: Are you auditioning for a job in the DPS?
“Tacky” ….shouldn’t that have an “e” in it?
A ghastly, ghastly man.
John key has gone from humping our present all black captains leg …..
To hijacking and molesting a dead one.
he has the standards of a selfish greedy necrophiliac
This is not only tacky, but it is also the Prime Minister showing what a bad sport he is, bringing out the accusatory tactics when he is being out performed on a particular issue.
Key’s middle name is tacky, this is not the first time he has made inappropriate comments, remember what said about the guy who escaped to overseas.
As a supporter of changing the flag, this was yet another example of Key screwing up the issue with his own personal brand of narcissism and lack of sensitivity.
It’s like Key doesn’t realise the fern is the symbol of the All Blacks and the NZRU ( a union no less!!) and that is why the tributes looks like that.
I presume he has been able to re-aarange his busy schedule to attend the memorial, unlike the funeral of a soldier or two.