Written By: Guest post - Date published: 10:58 am, July 7th, 2024 - 6 comments
Last week the Coalition Govt said they were doing away with the name “fast-track.” This is a Govt of professional lobbyists so I am not surprised by their attunement to marketing. “Fast-track” became bad for business. The name had to go. They have also weakened regarding fast-track because of opposition.
Written By: weka - Date published: 1:49 am, June 6th, 2023 - 53 comments
How does regional rail fit into the biggest story on the planet?
Written By: Bill - Date published: 11:20 am, August 4th, 2016 - 25 comments
Part III of IV – a focus on road transport.
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 10:00 am, July 8th, 2010 - 4 comments
Auckland Transport Blog saying the bleeding obvious about the aggrandizement project that appears to be Steven Joyce’s grand vision for the future of transport in Auckland. If he was concentrating on reducing the road toll on this stretch of road, there are simpler and cheaper ways than wasting taxpayers money.
Written By: Steve Pierson - Date published: 12:55 pm, June 25th, 2008 - 60 comments
Petrol is over $2.10 a litre. The price will keep rising both with the ever upward march of the price of crude and the falling NZ dollar. Already, motorists are responding. Road usage in Auckland has fallen 3%. It’s fair to believe it is falling elsewhere too. The only reasonable conclusion is that the number […]
Written By: IrishBill - Date published: 11:41 am, May 27th, 2008 - 74 comments
We’ve all heard John Key bang on about his ambitions for New Zealand’s infrastructure and now one of my sources within the National Party has tipped me off that as part of their infrastructure policy they are planning to announce a plan for a four lane highway between Wellington and Auckland. As I recall this […]
Written By: Steve Pierson - Date published: 7:11 am, May 22nd, 2008 - 18 comments
From the MP who tried to ban water comes ‘don’t use crash statistics to work out which roads are dangerous’. Writing in the Oamaru Mail about a dangerous stretch of road, National MP Jacqui Dean says: “Transit New Zealand often places too great an emphasis on the crash statistics it receives from Land Transport New […]
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