Thank God somebody’s awake at Granny Herald

Written By: - Date published: 11:12 am, January 29th, 2009 - 32 comments
Categories: articles, maori party, national/act government - Tags: , ,

Surprise, surprise, it’s Garth George.

“The economic situation is without a doubt the most urgent of predicaments to be dealt with, but so far this year all John Key and Co have offered is a talkfest scheduled for next month.

Now we all know that the one thing that one does these days when one doesn’t know what to do or want to delay what has to be done is to call a meeting, allegedly to achieve “consensus”.’

Earlier in the same paper John Armstrong proves that Garth has got it right, while John’s under the rose-coloured eyepads.

In an article headlined “Focus on consensus shows Sharples’ skill”, Armstrong reports that the summit did “not really get into detail” and “Nothing might have emerged from the hui in concrete terms”.

Talk of consensus is also misplaced given that Labour’s Maori MPs were not invited to the hui.

32 comments on “Thank God somebody’s awake at Granny Herald ”

  1. Carol 1

    Talk of consensus is also misplaced given that Labour’s Maori MPs were not invited to the hui.

    Or representatives of workers according to Metiria Turei of the Green Party, as reported on Nat Rad this morning. Attendees strongly biased towards representatives for business owners.

  2. Ron Shaw 2

    The thought that Garth George is the only person awake at The Granny fills me with gloom and doom. What’s worse is that all we can hear from the Beehive is the sound of snoring – the snoring of the blissfully ignorant – so there’s no one awake there either.

  3. TightyRighty 3

    This “Asleep at the helm” mantra that certain commentators seems to be taking is a bit misguided. you point to overseas governments taking action, but almost every measure rushed through in haste seems to remove more and more confidence in the systems. Surely a considered approach that is well thought out and correctly targeted will have better results? i mean, look at the EFA.

  4. Tighty, but they’re not even moving gradually and with deliberation. They just say ‘oh, we’ve got heaps of stimulus already! Labour’s tax cuts and our ones’

  5. TightyRighty 5

    I don’t know about that steve, OCR cuts provide stimulus, you know that. but thats the RBNZ not the Govt. do you have proof that they aren’t formulating something deisgned to provide stimulus? short of borrowing to spend and causing a credit downgrade of course. avoiding that pitfall will be difficult and will require much thought and planning.

  6. Jem 6

    Steve, you forgot the other great stimulous that National is confident will help mitigate the effects of the biggest global recession (ever). Changes to the Resource Management Act….ta da! Bet those 60,000 (can this be true?) people expected to lose their jobs this year will be thanking their lucky stars John Key’s looking out for ’em.

  7. I can’t prove a negative, tighty, but they’re keeping awfully quiet about it in the face of persistant questioning if they are.

  8. TightyRighty 8

    mebbe because they don’t want to branded as headless chickens as gordon brown has, by both sides of his house?

    The market will right itself when confidence returns (or maybe when then clintons apologise for starting the chain reaction that led to these events and obama puts his hand up to take some responsibility for his part too). it’s the decisions that lead to the restoring of confidence that are important. going off half-cocked is unlikely to restore said confidence.

  9. Matthew Pilott 9

    So TR you’re saying that National have nothing of consequence to contribute? Nothing to restore confidence? Maybe that’s the change that people voted for…

    Interestingly enough, you say that it’s the fault of Clinton and Obama – what about the bloke in the middle? Is he like National, nothing of consequence from him either?

  10. Ari 10

    Well, we can be glad I guess that our new leader doesn’t have quite so much influence on foreign policy as Obama.

  11. Ari 11

    Apparently I posted in the wrong tab. How embarrassing. =/

  12. SPC 12

    The problem with the RB policy is

    1. Those whose earning is from interest income is in free fall will feel poorer and spend less (those over 65 – one of the mainstays of restaurants and cafes and internal holidays).

    2. Uncertainty about continuing employment, or actual unemployment, will also have many workers spending less.

    3. Banks will lose deposits and become less “liquid” – thus choosy about who they lend to.

    4. We will attract less carry trade money/inflow of funds from overseas will fall – thus banks will be less liquid …

    5. We have in now way addressed our lack of savings/investment/productivity problem or our low wage level problem.

    6. We still have homes at prices beyond the reach of wages and the lower mortgage rates are not sustainable beyond the recession (thus those affording a new home now will not in a few years time when the OCR rises again – so while banks will take the 20% deposit some people will lose most of it in the mortgagee sale (even if they keep their job).

    It might be too much to ask of this government, but they should focus on the longer term problems when formulating their anti-recession policy.

    Does it really help our economy if people spend their tax cuts on imported goods?

  13. Anthony 13

    Thanks the standard, feweww.

    Wo you guys are becoming cool, glimmer of hope in our media here.
    Thanks allot. Yes, I have not been able to sleep waring about this guy ,

    Anyway see you Thanks Anthony.

  14. Anthony 14

    TightyRighty. Grow up you big cheese fart.
    What you talking about “they are working on things”?

    Working on a Sausage-Roll for Gerri I think.

    I bet you guys 5c next press release is John key – at New Zealands’ best pies around country ‘and the one goes to a taranaki Pie shed who are using spear sheep meat as part of recession.’ Jon is there saying well done , mmm its a nice Pie.

  15. Uroskin 15

    “1. Those whose earning is from interest income is in free fall will feel poorer and spend less (those over 65 – one of the mainstays of restaurants and cafes and internal holidays).”

    Those guys just got a massive transport subsidy (untaxed as a fringe benefit) on top of their pensions to travel around town and region for free after 9am and on weekends. The $72m budget for that won’t be enough if you look at the 1000s turning up on Waiheke every day (at $32 a pop paid by the Government)

  16. Uroskin 16

    “1. Those whose earning is from interest income is in free fall will feel poorer and spend less (those over 65 – one of the mainstays of restaurants and cafes and internal holidays).”

    Those guys got a massive (untaxed fringe benefit) subsidy on their travel costs by the Government to travel around town and the region after 9am and on weekends. Just look at the 1000s turning up on Waiheke every day (at $32 a pop subsidy). The $72m budget won’t cover it long.

  17. Felix 17

    I have it on good advice that “Anthony” is Dr The Honourable Lockwood Smith on the piss.

  18. Redbaiter 18

    There is only one solution to the “financial crisis”. Massive tax cuts and cuts to government services and spending.

    It won’t happen. The left would rather see utter disaster for all and sundry, (even the “poor” they profess to care for), rather than admit that their collectivist ideology is at fault.

    Printing money and using that worthless paper to ‘prop’ up hollowed out financial institutes and bankrupt governments will merely deepen the pain and ensure it lasts a lot longer that it needs to.

  19. Felix

    your a drop kick,

  20. Ant – it’s “you’re”. Y’see there’s an apostrophe that signals a contraction. In this case the contraction of “you are” to “you’re”. Which just goes to show you’re not only a poor judge of character (Felix is a top bloke) but also an illiterate moron…

  21. lukas 21

    ten bucks says he wouldn’t go around telling lies about a column from unreliable sources though

  22. Are you my bitch lukas?

  23. lukas 23

    You couldn’t pay me enough to do that.

    Are you Winston? You appear to have trouble admitting you are wrong

  24. It’s just you seem real keen for me to fuck you. I think you are my bitch. How’s that working out?

  25. lukas 25

    Is it in yet?

    So really, are you Winston?

  26. Yeah – if figured you’d be a bit loose… I’m getting bored with you now. Must try harder. That’s what they used to tell you, yes?

  27. lukas 27

    Actually no, never got that in my 11 or so years at primary and secondary school.

    You’re getting bored? Is that because I don’t back down to you like the countless other gutless wonders you normally take on? I’m surprised you haven’t called Billy in to have a go, though he usually has something funny to say so it might be better if he was here.

  28. No – you’ve shown a remarkable degree of control up until the point at which you describe others as gutless wonders.

    You’ve obviously paid close attention to me for a long time lukas. And you’ve obviously got a high opinion of yourself. Albeit tainted somewhat by a sense of fascist machismo that requires yourself to measure yourself against others and deduce a narrative in which you are harder and better than the average bear…

    That’s why you’re so lonely. And why you deserve to be…

    IrishBill: Is it a full moon or something? You have repeatedly attempted to start flame wars until someone bit. Take a month off.

  29. Felix 30

    IB, a month? Won’t that be the exact same point in the lunar cycle?

  30. IrishBill 31

    Felix, you’re right. I’ll make it a month and a week.

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