Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
9:07 pm, September 26th, 2013 - 81 comments
Categories: david cunliffe, labour, uncategorized, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: cameron slater, matthew hooton
The right must be very afraid of David Cunliffe. Because they are coming up with the most extraordinarily crazy conspiracy theories to try and discredit him.
It is becoming a bit like the Birther movement in the US. Over in the land of the free and the brave some chose to exercise their freedom of speech by claiming that the President of the United States was not born there but was actually born in Kenya. There is no proof that this actually occurred. Their basic motivation appears to be that Obama is black. Deep down they cannot accept that a black person could or should be their leader. And so they have talked up an amazing conspiracy theory. It is full of dog whistle, after all they are not complaining that their leader is black, just that he was born in a nation where most of the people had dark skins. And he is obviously not an American, so why should he lead them.
And despite POTUS producing an unimpeachable piece of paper showing that he is American born, they refuse to believe this and still claim that he is an Alien. As far as I am aware a poll has not been conducted but I suspect that a significant part of the Birther movement believe that Obama was born on one of Jupiter’s moons. I guess that democracy requires an acceptance that some people may have the most bat shit crazy beliefs possible.
Despite their efforts, actually probably because of their efforts, Obama was recently reelected leader of the free world. The last election was fascinating. Obama probably won the first because he lifted everyone with his soaring oratory and vision, he won the last election because lefties and progressives, even while harbouring significant reservations, insisted that their country should be run by someone who was at least sane.
Over here things are developing in the same way. David Cunliffe has recently received the overwhelming endorsement of Labour Party members and affiliates. He has then engaged in a dream week where he has been concise and competent when interviewed by the media, sharp with his policy announcements and somehow he has made the Labour caucus look united. He then had a significant bump in the latest Herald Digipoll and for the first time in 6 years Labour and National are suddenly getting close to equal pegging.
So what does National do? It engages its social media geniuses to try and destroy Cunliffe’s reputation.
First off Matthew Hooton calls Cunliffe a liar because he said he had some involvement, not specified, in the formation of Fonterra. Not once, but four times on National Radio. An apology today by Kathryn Ryan shows what RNZ thinks of Hooton’s claims.
And then Cameron leaps to the fore and decides to attack Cunliffe’s release of a document showing that when he was with BCG he did work that led up to the formation of Fonterra. Not just with one post, but with multiple posts where he quotes people such as “A Reader”, also known as a staffer of National’s Parliamentary Research Unit, as confirmation that there is something dodgy about the timesheet that Cunliffe produced.
So let me get this right. Cunliffe produces a fake timesheet that he says was provided by Boston Consultancy Group, one of the most well respected consultancies in the world with offices in 75 countries and BCG will not notice if it is a fake? Do you think that if the timesheet is false BCG may actually express its concern?
This has about the same chance as Obama being Kenya born. Actually it is less likely.
We are witnessing the birth of our very own birther movement.
The Righties appear to be spiralling out of control. This is developing into a big problem for Key. If he doesn’t rein them back in it will eat into the credibility of any future attacks on Cunliffe eg during the actual campaign next year.
This isn’t really required by the right, I’d suggest just sticking with Andrea Vances articles and keep leaking whats coming out of Labour
Chris do you get instructions from on high? In the past I agree that Labour leaked like a sieve but my impression is that the caucus is very resolute right now. Do you have any evidence of Labour MPs leaking? Or are you just running lines in the hope that your wishes match reality?
Depends because from where I was sitting Phil Goff did an admirable job but was hamstrung by his ministers, David Shearer was set up and dropped by his ministers and Cunliffe was apparently a tad unpopular with some in the party as well
Yet somehow everything has now changed and its all solidarity and teamwork…its also the same thing that was said during Goffs and Shearers tenure
You have (mostly) the same people in (mostly) the same positions and yet you think you’re going to have a different outcome?
I think the same people that stopped Goff from becoming PM, didn’t even let Shearer get to the campaign and actively tried to roadblock Cunliffe are still there and are leaking like a sieve
Why they’re leaking is something I don’t get because whats the point of being a politician and not wanting to have the power?
You should write a novel some time mate, it’d be pulp fiction but it will sell a few copies.
So you think leopards can change their spots…
Leopards are pretty smart social creatures mate. The spots are only there to confuse prey like you.
lol 🙂
Goff’s ministers and Shearer’s ministers? Like from when they were PM, and had ministers? Is that something that happened on Planet Key?
The Righties are getting their PR briefing feed straight from the USA or Queensland or somewhere far away.
Great article Micky, Except I think this “Over in the land of the free and the brave” Should really read ” Over in the land of the Paranoid and Insane.” Now that a way more apt description of the state of mind over there.
Sorry did not meant to detract from the discussion, but with Chris73 up to his RWNJ Tricks.
The article also forgot to mention the other facet of the “birther movement” here
Continual claims that all the shit is coming from inside Labour in an ever increasing leak torrent
Happy birther day Chris
See my above comment
Your above comment if you will excuse my language is a piece of absolute bullshit, exactly what leaks are ‘pouring’ out of the Labour Caucus,
i will make it easier for you, in the last week???…
I think someone in Labour pointed Andrea Vance in the direction of Cunliffes CV
You think??? i think that you totally misjudge your ability to operate your intellectual capabilities into the process of thought…
So Andrea is trying to read stuff now? Instead of collecting pics of Members, Members?
Well that was unnecessary.
You think, but you don’t know.
How is that anything like a leak, chris73?
Cunliffe’s CV was already in the public arena.
Another bad poll or two and National is going to start leaking like Fukushima
Good point. To assume that National is united would be stupid; the would-be successors to Key will see any weakening of his position as an opportunity. Collins may not believe that she can take the leadership before the next election, but after that, surely…
Keep an ear out for the leaks coming from what so far has been a tightly disciplined machine, but which won’t be for long.
C73 the birther movement has lead to a miscarriage of justice
An Arkansas project?.
On Planet Key life can be measured by the slaters which crawl from the woodwork a hooton’ and a hollering that they only have the true tin foil hats to preserve NZ from a Labour government.
Mind you I’ve heard Key echo the tinfoil conspiracy recently when he proclaimed that a Labour-Green coalition would not be a genuine government if the only opposition was him and his National-ACT party.
Me thinks the residents of Planet Key are losing their grip on the already shadowy reality they may have.
Losing? I really would replace losing, with LOST. And they really are losing the plot.
I mentioned on Monday how Hooton sounded like a shrill Birther or a Truther. Do we have some Koch brothers to go along with it?
Aye Pete. The birther theme is not something I am trying to create but my impression of what many (respected) people are thinking.
Pete yeah lizard eyes smith and jerry brownlee are a pair dicks !
We have Hooton and Slater….some Cock brothers….squealing like they been caught in a zipper.
A very good point, because the Birther-trail leads to the Koch-fiends, which leads right back to the Birchers. The Whale Army, even before their current indulgence in Rabbinical fascination with Cunliffe’s document, are very reminiscent of the J.B.S.
We have the Talley brothers, along with Michael Fay, David Richwhite, the Myers family, Alan Gibbs and Graeme Hart among others. The latter are thorough ongoing troughers…whilst the Talley brothers are just a pair of nasty rich pricks. They’d all have something to lose if Labour actually proved to be truly left wing.
He’s running lines. Polly wanna cracker?
excellent post, micky. I am amazed how some righties have chosen to keep on trying to claim something that has been proved to be incorrect.
Mind you, I wonder how much of it is a diversionary tactic? Hard to tell how sincere they are. It means us lefties spend a little less time talking about important policy issues.
Well, see, BCG are obviously part of the conspiracy. Notice the three letters in their name?
B = Bolshevik
C = Communist
G = Gorbachev
Just another one to add to The List:
List of Conspirators Against the National Party, and Therefore New Zealand
The Boston Consulting Group
Public broadcasting, especially Radio New Zealand
Shower heads
Anyone who didn’t like The Hobbit
All columnists except Fran O’Sullivan
People who move overseas
People with student loans
People who move overseas with student loans
People who return from overseas with student loans
Safety inspectors
The entire city of Christchurch
ASB Bank
The Governor of the Reserve Bank
BBC Hardtalk
The Commerce Commission
The Ombudsman
John Campbell
Parliamentary Services
Jon Stephenson
Three-way handshakes
Nicky Hagar
Breakfast (the meal)
Martyn Bradbury
The Supreme Court
Labour Unions
The entire public service, except Treasury and the intelligence agencies
Bernard Hickey
Gareth Morgan
Feel free to amend as you like
Rod Oram
the law society
human rights organization
hungry impoverished children
the environment
anyone who isn’t a redneck earning under 50,000 a year
LOVE this list!! May I share it? Your conditions?
[No conditions just use it wisely – MS]
Go right ahead.
The suggestion on another thread that the documents Cunliffe provided to RNZ were obviously fake? Did this misguided person think that the documents hadn’t been scrutinised and accepted by RNZ’s lawyers/researchers?
Or were they just not that bothered, with this issue that could have legal repercussions for them?
I think it was attributed to Whaleslime’s sewer site, and therefor a non event. But not positive.
Vespasian, a Roman emperor (certainly one of the better ones), once said of a critic – “I will not kill a dog for barking at me,” and the effect was far more devastating than an execution would have been. David Cunliffe seems to have handled this well, by making an immediate link with the birthers.
If this keeps up, they won’t look evil, they’ll look silly – and politically, that’s worse.
An old proverb, attributed to every great philosopher is this: “who defines the terms wins the argument.” That’s why Gaffe and Mumblefuck lost – it was always “me too” or attacking beneficiaries and teachers. They let Key determine the terms of the argument, as Thatcher said that Blair was her greatest triumph. This time it’s “you’re not even Satan – he had depth”, and it works.
I’ll have to say, he certainly didn’t say “Bow wow!” either, which was what Gaffe and Mumblefuck did.
“If this keeps up, they won’t look evil, they’ll look silly – and politically, that’s worse.”
Watch DC with Gower, he already does this by talking to him like a naughty 5 year old.
Fun to see.
Seeing Rat Boy put in his place would be nice – do you have a link?
I don’t have a link, but if it helps, there’s a small example of it at the end of DC’s candidature press conference, which would be somewhere on the tv3 site I guess.
It’s happened a few times before and a couple after, but just check the tone and manner of Cunliffe’s replies next time they’re both on if you can’t find one. I’m picking pre planned as a neutralising tactic, though accept it could well be a subconscious thing.
Exactly. They obviously didn’t even consider that Cunliffe would produce a timesheet and what’s more produce it immediately for scrutiny. Talk about thickwits.. This is a thing I see in Cunliffe, he is not afraid to stand up and defend himself instead of dismissing the issue as if beneath him or hiding from the issue. In my opinion his actions show someone who has a strong belief in what’s right and who will fight rather than flee or crumple.
He has been around enough that he knows all their dirty tricks and he knows what to do with them, he is not Helen’s ‘son’ for nothing.
Your Vespasian,quote was on the button but the terminology maligns dogs…. For G and H It’s ‘rodents’.
Now that Blubber Boy has destroyed the ‘news spit paper’ that they gave Him to play with,(Daddy’s attempt to make the little psycho grow up???), what’s the lump of lard do for a crust these days,
Back on the sickness bene for psyche issues is it, could never quite work that one out either, what was the line there, Wee Cam the only sickness bene in the whole nation who wasn’t faking it…
He should be happy to be on a Job Seeker allowance and go find another job…just like he and his mate expect all those other ‘bludgers’ do do.
He should be happy to be on a Job Seeker allowance and go find another job…just like he and his mates expect all those other ‘bludgers’ do do.
I have heard that WhaleSpew uses private income insurance. The insurance company possibly thinks it’s better to just pay him than wrestle with a pig in mud. Of course, this probably also allows him to receive money from all sorts of sources that wouldn’t be possibly if he relied on Paula for his income.
I thought that his insurers had cut him off a few years ago.
It’s quite possible that what I heard was wrong. How he supports himself is hardly one of the things that excites my curiosity. On a sociological/psychological level, I am curious as to how he manages to be as influential as he is. I can see why NAct would have him around, as it’s hard to imagine a depth he wouldn’t sink to in his slavish devotion to his daddy’s legacy, but why on Earth does anyone put him on tv?
TV in NZ has dropped to depths that make the news and much of the political commentary to be laughable. It has largely become infotainment and played as much for laughs are information. If you want information then most younger people just use the net – including what broadcast TV is worth .
The other content on TV is just as useless, including Sky’s pay TV.
It was kind of weird the other day realising that virtually no one at work watches more than a miniscule amount of broadcast TV any more. They pay reasonably small amounts of money to get their entertainment without ads and in their own time schedules. I’d thought that it was just my circle of friend and family who were doing that.
I haven’t connected the TV aerial since I moved back into my apartment last september.
Whaleoil is presumably entertaining and suits the content makers of a dying industry.
hopefully bennett has him drug tested and ready for work!
Matthew Hooton made his claim 5 times before he was told to shut up. He was given a warning at four and then said it again.
never underestimate tgd power of the right. whoever controls the dialogue wins and murdoch controls the dialogue… gonna be hard work defying that.
Mathew Hooton will have to decide who needs him after the next election?
I think he has aspirations of a job with Crosby Textor
And he’s going to point to his “Liar Liar Liar etc etc ad naseum” debacle on his CV? Not a good look, accuser, then made to look a fool all in under 24hrs.
He’ll probably be hospitalised by then.
Unfortunately there’s no cure for what Hooten has, so he’ll almost certainly live out his last days in the “Hospice For Failed Desperate Spinners Who Got Lucky A Couple Of Times And Don’t Know When They’ve Outlived Their Usefulness”.
You know, where John Ansell lives.
These idiots can say what they like about Cunliffe, but they (Hooten, Whale, Farrar, Armstrong, Vance) who have a go at him and his CV wouldn’t get close to being employed by BCG. BCG are a clever bunch and to become a BCG consultant requires serious brain power and qualifications. In my 15 year corporate career (I’m out of that scene now, too constraining, they can go and stick their “performance appraisals” up their arse, you know what I mean, the indignity of corporate life) I learned more when the company I worked for contracted BCG than in any other environment I worked in. They come out with some amazing thinking and tools to boost business performance, so I’m very interested to see what DC comes out with in terms of economic development.
And I have a chuckle when I think about DC versus Steven Joyce, the small time radio man from New Plymouth who made good by rationalising a few radio stations into national format…that is his one claim to fame and he now thinks he has the know-how to create economic development in New Zealand (Lets be honest, he is doing fuck all). In my 15 year corporate career I worked beside heaps of consultants, and BCG would be the only consultant that I reckon were worth the money paid to them, and its fair to say it was serious money too. Steven Joyce wouldn’t get close to being employed by BCG, he’s a lightweight and his performance shows it.
Strange I also used to work in the corporate sector many years ago and also had dealings with BCG (not David Cunliffe) though, my impression was that they were very expensive buffoons and yes men (very few woman) and generally pretty crap.
There were more women than men on the Fletcher Challenge Paper job, many process engineers with phd’s from US and Aus universities from memory.
When I was researching Cunliffe, BCG & Fonterra, I found a couple of ex BCG women and men now with Fonterra.
One of the most comedic moments from Whale’s Birther/Bircher threads on Cunliffe’s document was the one where a WO moderator, ‘Petal’ indignantly posted that BCG hadn’t replied to his email request for info confirming the legitimacy of the document, so he phoned them. He added that when he told them what blog he was from, they forwarded him to a voicemail. Then, after a dramatic line-break, added ‘I think I’m being stonewalled.’
I actually sprayed coffee. The idea of the conceited little knob calling BCG and trying to strong-arm his way past reception with an Aaron Gilmore-esque ‘do you know what blog I am from?’ bluff had me in stitches.The dramatic line-break followed with the ‘I think I’m being stonewalled’ might just have damaged my bladder for good in my effort to retain continence.
The evident cognitive dissonance was fantastic. He may as well have posted a video sobbing “But I thought big business was on our side?”
That’s hilarious!
Thanks for doing the time with WO to bring this to us.
let’s wait and see him prove that. A dullard with a club can beat a knight with a sword if he hits him first and when he’s not ready…proof of the pudding is the results.
Hooten is going to work for fisher and paykel so they can do
research on machines that a permanently stuck on spin cycle.
I thought he might be working with agricultural research to develop his own brand of extra strength fertilizer..
I think Shakespeare said it best: why stoop to pick up nothing…
Is there nothing that Shakespeare had no quote for? I am always awed by the mans skill. The Motzart of the English language
A genius. His understanding of the spoken word and human nature has never been surpassed.
Funny that Hoots hasn’t shown up here – you know, to “stand by” his excretions. He’s got moral courage and facts by his side – or so he he says, so he’ll “stand by” what he says, I expect.
Mind you, I once stood in a paddock by a cow pat, so I guess I “stood by” that and so it’s pretty easy.
such fear and loathing towards Cunliffe from the right, and yet they seemed to love Shearer and the ABC.
funny that
I have Cameron Slaters CV
2003 Owned Security Company
2004 Inbetween Jobs
2012 Editor of Truth (6 months)
2012 to today Inbeween Jobs