Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
9:16 am, May 10th, 2017 - 44 comments
Categories: law, useless -
Tags: ben rachinger, cameron slater, chester borrows, colin craig, court, defamation, eminem, jordan williams, national
The political right wing has been kicking itself in the head all over the courts recently. For those of you keeping score at home we have –
Craig vs Slater (defamation)
Slater vs Craig (defamation)
Slater and Rachinger (circus)
Williams vs Craig (defamation)
Eminem vs National (copyright / IP theft)
Hagaman & Hagaman vs Little & democracy (“defamation”)
Borrows vs ? (careless driving / dildo defense)
Shouldn’t someone sue Farrar? He’ll be feeling left out.
What could it all mean?
Love it, they stole IP with the title Eminem.. esq. But it’s not stealing IP (sarc). Oliver might do a better job in court though than Eminem’s lawyers for getting to the heart of the irony.
As for Borrows defence of he had to drive over people as he was so worried Bennet might be brutally attacked by a Dildo….. Someone send that to Oliver – the Dildo files continues…
What could it all mean? I can’t elaborate on every court case ,but can do so on the Borrows/Bennett V/s Dildo charge. — It was simply a front for Bennett/Dildo/Joyce and co to obtain the Dildo trade mark. Soon sochy sochy and the likes will be parading it on their hand bag range. Would say Winnies bus be allowed to feature it during the Northland election tour, no, no, copy right. Bennetts car-yes Joyce’s car, yes. Allowed to be displayed in te papa no.
Lol at the circus comment – sums that up perfectly
James . You win one of the” I’m a Dildo tee “shirts to wear with pride .–(Kind regards Joyce/Bennett.)
The thing that really annoyed me was that Chester Burrows never said sorry to the women he hurt.
The policeman was clearing the way and the women were obeying – all he had to do was wait, maybe 20 seconds, but instead he rammed his car into them.
Whether he got off in court or not is immaterial – by his direct actions he hurt people and for that he should have been sorry.
He was scared about a dildo, he’s only human – and I agree YES he should have said sorry to the people he ran over
Amazing what you can get from $2 shops these days…
A $2 dildo – man that’s gotta hurt the ego – hard to believe a seasoned politician was so scared about a dildo that only cost $2. What colours do they come in mcflock?
Lol I’m enjoying this post
To be fair, burrows thought the marital aid could of been made of wood.
There seems to be a rich vein of humour here, still I wood rather not go there.
could we just be being a little bit one-eyed about all this?
True, we must stay circumspect.
Hint for nationals theme music at next election.
Look up the library for Dildo-esque riffs
Yes agree theme music now selected. Onto the hoardings? Input needed here,
This dildo thing is out of control now – have they got dildo avoiding instructions for the election campaign. What happens if a dildo incident occurs – do they have a triage protocol established. Do they have intelligence as to the next likely dildo target – is there a hierarchy – ‘not fair I never get to be a top 10 dildo target’.
I hope this whole thing hasn’t been a false flag deep state black op.
Dildo-based terrorism is a serious threat, and very hard to beat. Rest assured, our security services are beating it night and day. Remember, every forceful stroke against a dildo helps the government shove this unfortunate incident behind them.
But there have been casualties along the way – diabolical dildos burrow deep into Burrows’ deep dildo thoughts. Every time he shuts his eyes, he sees the dong dangling menacingly in front of his face. And what about poor Stephen Joyce, who can still feel the caress of a latex love-sausage upon his cheek?
At the going down of someone’s son, or the rising of the morning’s glory, we will remember them…
The proof that they are on top of this is the lack of dildo related crime and terrorism. They may have gone undercover to infiltrate known dildo hideouts probably above and beyond duty but they are professionals who take pride on a job well done. The thing that gets me is that until the gnats came into power we NEVER even had a dildo crime and terrorism problem – maybe it was underground not in our faces like today – bloody gnats, another balls up by them.
Did key know the looming threat to national security? Yes –at last the reason why he fled is revealed. Cowardly act “Dildo desertion.” No” We will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them on the——–“
Dildo Expectation, Avoidance and Dread (DEAD) will be included in DSM-VII (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders v7) under Social Phobias.
Common symptoms include fear of crowds, fleeing public situations by driving recklessly and false claims about ‘brighter futures’
I know there has been a lot of laughs made re the Dildo – but remember there was a guy who tweeted an article with the headline ” a little bit of sexual abuse didnt hurt anybody” to Paula Bennet with the comment “see you shortly bitch”.
He then posted a photo on Facebook of a dildo with ‘Paula B’ written on it and a photo of Minister Paula Bennett captioned “see you shortly bitch”
and then he was there at the protest (although he cannot remember if he had the dildo in his hand or not)
I know if my wife / daughter / mother received threats like this I would be concerned. Esp if the guy started turning up where I was.
Using threats of rape and sexual violence against a woman is never OK – and here a lot of people are laughing over it (the dildo part not the threat part) now as if its just a bit of harmless fun . And yes the two are linked
Thanks for your concern.
While you raise a valid concern about that particular protestor (who is a dick and nobody has said otherwise afaik), the verdict that Burrows reasonably used his police training to carefully drive over a couple of protestors because of the serious safety concerns he had about a thrown dildo is tragic to the point of laughable.
Thanks for at least agreeing that *that* protester was a valid concern (and I agree – what a dick).
But my point was it is linked – and people are happy to laugh at the situation and Paula Bennet because they dont like her – but take no account to the related abuse prior to it.
Ah, interesting slide. I didn’t say he was any more of a concern than the other protestors, just that you had a valid concern that he is a dick.
Hell, if it’s abuse, let him be charged with threatening behaviour. But we’re not talking about a bomb threat or bullet here, just a continuation of the dildo protests that national attracts.
Dude, your concern is touching, but I can’t help but feel you’re talking it up simply to justify running someone over. Which it might do legally, but really, what a fucking joke.
There was no ‘threat of rape or sexual violence’
Borrows claimed ( he was driver not Bennett remember ) that he was afraid the sex toy was going to be used to ‘break the windscreen’
Bennett claimed she didnt want to be photographed with someone holding/throwing a sex toy.
“There was no ‘threat of rape or sexual violence’”
I was specifically commenting about the comments made by the protester previously – who then turned up to the protest with a dildo.
I did not mean he made threats of rape or sexual violence at the protest its self.
But its like a guy who has been making threats at you in the bar and at your workplace seeing you down a dark alley. He might not be doing anything wrong at the time – but his previous comments wouldn’t make you comfortable with the situation.
Yes, being concerned enough for your safety that you’re justified in running someone over is perfectly reasonable if you change the context of every single bit of the story. Well done.
James. I repeat that Your “I’m a dildo ” T shirt has been awarded to you.
James appears pathetic, trying to slide away from the fact that Policeman Plod used bad judgement in moving his car into the direction of several people, hoping that they would move out of the way quickly. Judge Edwards in my opinion made the wrong decision.
Yeah – what would the judge know, after all he just heard all the evidence and everything – When taking your uninformed and biased opinion makes much more sense.
To James,
If you can’t even get the gender of the judge correct, I question what other part of your analysis of the case is Fucked-up?
Johan,- to be fair- he was an EX policeman and the case took two days.
We already get it, James. “Running over someone on the footpath is perfectly fine if they hold you up for a few seconds, so long as you are an MP, running over a protester”.
So, it’s justifiable to drive your car into a protester if another protester has said awful things. Amirite?
If you don’t feel comfortable with the situation. Comfortable. Gotta feel comfortable or else the protester gets it!
So, it’s justifiable to drive your car into a protester if another protester has said awful things. Amirite?
No – as usual you are not.
The correct question is – given the situation as it was, was the driver guilty of careless driving. And no he was not.
Everything else is conjecture. And hey – just as an aside question – if someone send pictures and comments to a woman in your life – would you be comfortable with it?
Depends if that woman was living in the public eye, or in a position of massive public responsibility, announcing publicly when/where she will be at certain functions/meetings etc etc. Paula would be well aware of the ‘road bumps’ that come with job.
I’m sure if Paula had had a problem with her name being on a dildo or felt threatened from the photo/post, she would have made a complaint. But she did not, nothing, nada
It’s rather concerning that Borrows would have considered that a dildo was made of wood, has he spent time in the company of Hopeful Christian? (shudders)
Slim Shady tomorrow
No. He was not guilty of careless driving. He was guilty of assault with motor vehicle
Is that something you are proposing to do, James?
That’s dark.
Hmm- Bennett, Borrows and a marauding Dildo. Nightmare or Wet Dream.
“Depends if that woman was living in the public eye, or in a position of massive public responsibility, announcing publicly when/where she will be at certain functions/meetings etc etc. Paula would be well aware of the ‘road bumps’ that come with job.”
Really ?? You call that kind of behaviour ‘road bumps that come with the job’.
You think is ok she gets threats like that because of her job.
If a young Nat did that to say Jacinda I bet you wouldn’t have the same view.
Two middle aged women are hardly a “rape threat”.
James have you yourself or anyone close to you lived in the ‘public eye’ ? My opinion on such is built on experience.
Anyone knows that those in the public eye are often targets, you can’t disagree with that. It’s one of the down sides of the job, especially if the person is not very popular or a preferred PM.
I neither supported or condoned the fear of the dildo issue, I just pointed out the road bumps/issues/drama/unwanted attention/possible protests/threats/rogue dildo waving that can occur when one chooses to live in the public eye.
‘Road bump’ is a phrase the outgoing government uses from time to time.
Either way that case is now closed. I wonder what tunes will be pumping out of the court house today?
Musica? Si
Over 227 million views.. dang.. no wonder he is the aural inspiration for a national party election campaign.
Cinny. Thanks for that. a blatant bloody copy of the tory waka tune . Not even fairly legal ,sue sue . -Also don’t stir james up like you did yesterday .
Yes Sir
crack up 
James’ scenario is a red herring; the woman struck by Borrows’ car was not presenting any threat at all. James’ is off on some fantasy play of his own.
A new weapon in the robbers arsenal. BREAKING NEWS : Shop keepers terrified by robbers menacingly brandishing DILDOS…..be afaid Be Very Afraid……