The smiling snake bites

Written By: - Date published: 2:36 pm, August 25th, 2009 - 18 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, maori party, national/act government - Tags:

The Herald editorial is pretty scathing of Key’s Government for rejecting Maori seats on the super-council but I have to take issue with this par:

The Cabinet’s decision to reject Maori seats on the Super City Auckland Council is a retrograde step that undoes much that has been accomplished over the past nine months.

What has been accomplished? All we’ve had is talk. A flag?

To rub salt in the wound, the Key Government has also rejected a select committee recommendation for an investigation as to why public funding for wages in Maori health providers is lower than for other public health providers. No voice for Maori. No justice on pay.

I don’t really expect much of a fight back from Sharples and Turia. They’ve been co-opted completely. But I wonder if Hone Harawira still has the fire in him.

18 comments on “The smiling snake bites ”

  1. So Bored 1

    Money trumps every time. This is not about the status of Maori and treaty obligations, this is about a naked grab for assetts that exceed the value of the NZSX. Those grabbing are the backers of ACT and National, the same old crew of have too muches who to lay their sopiled mits on what you and I own.

    Maori are incidental to this issue, they represent a possible obstacle to the legalised confiscation and privatisation of public assetts. Its the same old story, the same class of people who started the Waikato land grab from Maori 140 years ago now are waging the same assett grab war against all of us (which includes Auckland Maori).

    • Bill 1.1

      Agreed. Kind of.

      But a Maori elite will grab assets in the same way as the current non-Maori elite and like them it will co-opt a whole pile of representatives to legitimise their b/s. (Think Sealords.) The current white elite do nor want to share the spoils with ‘corporate Maori’. One day, when pragmatism demands it they will.

      Maori representation is supportable, but only as a very initial step on a road to substantive democracy. If Maori representation is the end goal, then it’s a worthless goal in that it will do nothing for Maoridom in the same way that current middle class/ professional white representation does five eighths of FA for pakeha.

  2. I agree sb.

    Some also would be happy for the maori party to beat itself to death against the rocks of national… i wonder why?

    • Craig Glen Eden 2.1

      I agree it is about power. It will be interesting to see how the Rich Maori elite fall on this one. Also how long before Sharples realizes that Turia has lead him down the garden path with the smiling Snake. I suspect that when he gets back down the Avondale Market and people don’t greet him like they use to it all might suddenly dawn on him.

      ” Shit those Maori MPs in Labour actually are quite good and getting policy that improves things for Maori ”

      (grumpy) you are a dreamer. One thing Maori do have and bigots like you cant take away from them is TIME. The only people who hopefully will be moving is people with attitudes like you.

  3. grumpy 3

    There is no upside in this for the Maori Party or Labour. Voters are not going to tolerate a higher level of representation for Maori (seats per voter) than others.

    Time to move on.

  4. bobo 4

    Just an observation over last few weeks I’ve noticed Tau Henare sitting with Hone Harawira in the debating chamber looking like best buds. Is it possible that Tau knows that National don’t want him next election so now hes possibly positioning himself to Waka jump to the Maori party? Am I way off here?

    • Bright Red 4.1

      hmm, and with Sharples set to retire next election, that would leave Henare in the perfect position to take his seat. But no, I don’t think so. Henare is rightwing and he was pretty bloody scathing of Sharples today.

      • bobo 4.1.1

        Tau is anything you want him to be if it means a seat in Parliment , just ask Winnie.

        • Tigger

          BR – The Maori Party ARE a right wing party…all their policy and actions are inherently right wing focussed – with a Maori tinged endgoal of course, but right wing Maori nonetheless…

        • Craig Glen Eden

          bobo ,Oh so sad but oh so true.

  5. The Voice of Reason 5

    Spot on, Bobo. I noticed that myself during the Council Assets debate last week. Given that Tau has consistantly moved right since his union rep days, a move to the Maori Party should just about complete the journey.

    I believe Turia is also giving politics away to devote more time to trough snuffling, so there may be two possible vacancies for him to aspire to. Always assuming that they still have seats after the next election, of course.

  6. Brett 6

    The truth of the matter is,who else is the Maori party going to go into coalition with?.
    They get no where with Labour because the Labour party Maori are not going to let any Maori party politicians into any positions of power.
    So really they just have to suck it up and accept the decision.

  7. TightyRighty 7

    Eddie, maybe the Herald article was referring to the fact the Maori party are now walking the halls of power, something that, before nine months ago, would not be possible.

  8. T.R :Walking the halls of power, jeez, even the cleaners do that.

  9. tc 9

    On the same subject of people getting paid to do a job of representing voters note a certain National MP still holds an akl city council fulltime position.
    Doesn’t discharge his ACC duties, grins the smarmy lawyer smirk when questioned about it and of course his leader JK is ‘comfortable’.
    Between him, the learn it as you go Bennett, the nasty and vindictive collins, a certifiable Smith, a spineless nearly out to pasture speaker, etc etc…..Helens crew were a bit tired but they had vision and ability……this lot’s a genuine wrecking crew.