Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
8:36 am, August 28th, 2019 - 153 comments
Categories: climate change, gender, global warming, sexism, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up -
As the Amazon burns and the world looks on aghast while the planet’s lungs go up in flames responsible leaders are doing what they should be doing, and that is offering help to the nation most affected.
But what does the leader of the nation facing the carnage do?
He picks a fight with the leader of France and has refused to accept help unless and until the French leader apologises for earlier pointing out some unfortunate truths.
From Radio New Zealand:
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has ruled out accepting a G7 offer of aid to fight fires in the Amazon rainforest unless he gets an apology from his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron.
Mr Bolsonaro said the French leader should apologise for insulting him personally by calling him a liar.
Mr Macron had accused him of “lying” about fighting climate change.
Aid worth $US22 million was announced by Mr Macron at a summit in France of the seven leading industrial powers.
Satellite data show a record number of fires burning in Brazil, most of them in the Amazon region.
Earlier, Brazilian ministers said the G7 money was not needed and they accused foreign powers of wanting control of the Amazon.
Last week, Mr Macron said Mr Bolsonaro had “lied” to him at a G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, in June by failing to respect his climate commitments and by failing to pursue biodiversity.
Mr Macron said France would not ratify a huge trade deal with South American nations unless Brazil did more to fight fires in the Amazon.
On Tuesday, Mr Bolsonaro told reporters in the capital Brasilia: “Mr Macron must withdraw the insults that he made to my person. Firstly, he called me a liar.”
He also accused Mr Macron of questioning Brazilian sovereignty over the Amazon region, Brazilian news website G1 reports.
“To talk or to accept anything from France, whether it be with the best possible intentions, he [Mr Macron] will have to withdraw those words and then we can talk,” he said.
Bolsonaro also took the opportunity to insult Macron’s wife. He is that extreme he makes Trump appear to be relatively mainstream.
Macron’s earlier criticism is valid. Bolsonaro has made it a feature of his leadership to neuter federal environment agencies, frustrate the formation of new indigenous reserves and open up existing reserves to mining. And at least some of the fires are active attempts to clear land for farming. If he is not stopped the Amazon will be irreversibly changed.
Dear fellow humans. In the future can we all work to get progressive intelligent and dedicated leaders elected to positions of power? These testosterone driven clowns are going to wreck the place. And it is the only one that we have.
Novara media connects the dots between the climate crisis and far right populism in South America…
If you want to avoid these sorts of Politicians getting in to power you might want to avoid polarising the debate that allows the people on extremes to take advantage.
I was not aware that the Standard had such a strong effect on Brazil's last election.
Lol. The left is responsible for all the bad things the right does though.
Not at all but there is always blow back. Trump was a response to some of the overreach of the Obama administration in some areas. This is why it is sometimes wise to take a slower approach to changes in some areas of politics.
Obama was hardly a radical leftie. Trump is the result of some long, complex social and political dynamics in the US, including a substantial history of racism. Unless you are arguing that Bernie Sanders run for pres triggered Trump voters, I can't see how this has much to do with the actual left.
Why is it always the left that causes 'blow back', when the right are a fire tornado literally burning the planet for their own enrichment and amusement?
This ^
Cheers Weka.
Blow back for what as well? It's not like Bolsanaro's saying;
"Damn, I hate it when the left try to make the planet liveable for all humans, guess I'm just gonna burn down all this rainforest and convert the land into dairy farming for corporate conglomerates and drive off or slaughter the indigenous people by sending the army in to 'combat the fires'."
And hell, if you're of a view that Macron is 'left' then you're already pretty far to the right.
True. I suspect Gosman was just waving his hand vaguely in the air at some mythical left that has been trying to make everyone socialist or communist and this is why Bolsonaro and Trump are the way they are, it's inevitable. It's a really weird position to take.
It would be good if Gosman's discourse advanced past "Socialism bad, unregulated capitalism, free market good".
good, and a miracle.
Forever courting the Act vote.
Notably Trump promised "socialist" things, such as tariffs to keep jobs.
For the people that the US corporate kleptocracy had neglected.
Tariffs are a tax on consumers. He is basically subsidising US businesses by taxing people. The poor are the ones that usually suffer disproportionately as a result.
Tariffs are a protection for jobs. Unfortunately for US workers there are no jobs left to protect, so in this case you are correct, Trump's tariffs are simply acting as a tax on consumers. However the point, which you haven't addressed, remains. Trump was promising to make workers lives better, to get elected.
I take it now you will be logically consistant, and oppose GST, which substitutes taxes on wealthy income earners, for taxes on poor consumers.
No Tariffs are a tax on consumers and a subsidy to inefficient producers.
Tariffs and subsidies, are how we built our dairy industry.
You going to tell them they are "inefficient producers".
Built, past tense. And we were able to sell whatever we produced to a captive market (the UK and her Commonwealth). Removing those tariffs and subsidies, and having to compete in the big bad world made our dairy industry into a world leader.
Wondered when the other parrot would pop up.
You and Gosman take turns?
Obama was neutered by the Senate and Congress being in Republican hands. "Over-reach" is just a Republican meme to get away with trashing the environment, the education system, women's rights over their own body, immigrant's lives and trying (and trying but not succeeding) to trash universal health insurance.
I am meaning on a general basis not just The Standard.
Mirror, meet Gosman.
My views are hardly extreme. The fact you think they are illustrates how debate becomes far more polarised than it is and encourages clumping together of people on the extremes.
You think?
You're an Actoid – less than 0.5% support – outside three standard deviations, your views are indeed on the extreme right.
You may want to avoid using sanctions, and US power, to replace moderate socialists with right wing extremists that could never win a fair democratic election, you mean.
Where are moderate socialists being attempted to be replaced via sanctions?
The Chavistas are moderate Socialists are they? I would hate to see your version of full blown Socialists then.
By any measure of "socialist" redistribution, Venezuela is less "socialist" than the US Democrats. Unless you regard such things as taxes for cheap universal education, "extreme socialist".
It is part of the downfall of Venezuela is they didn’t break the power of the previous corrupt ruling class. If they were really an extremist Government they would have put the opposition in jail, like Bolsanaro has.
But we already know you would consider NZ Governments from post WW2 to 1984, “extreme socialist”.
Not true. The major driver of the Venezuelan economy (making up the vast majority of export earnings) is 100% controlled by the State. The state attempts to control both the price and distribution of goods and services within Venezuela. That is not something the US does at any major level.
In the case of Brazil, sanctions weren't necessary as the election was skewed with the dodgy conviction and imprisonment of the most popular candidate. Without doubt, US enforced sanctions would have been the next step if Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva had been elected again.
While at it, what do you mean by Obama's over-reach Gossman? Is it something to do with trying to reach over the corruptive influence of the recently departed Koch who didn't believe the most people in the US should have some protections around their healthcare, personal dignity and basic human rights was it?
Wakey wakey Gosman.
Atmospheric CO2
July 2019
parts per million (ppm)
Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (NOAA)
Preliminary data released August 5, 2019
Before that the last three years were;
June 2018 410.79
June 2017 408.81
June 2016 406.81
We are running out of oxygen now.
I'll look to stock up on scuba tanks then…
" running out of oxygen now" ROFL
Those are parts per million. Do you know what that means
Any way Nitrogen contenet is 3x the oxygen and we do OK.
Right now your breath has far more CO2 than the air at Mauna kea at 4-5 parts per 100 . ( not million)
Gasping are you ? LOL
Typical rubbish again Dukeofoul .
Nitrogen rich air wont help you as Nitrogen rich air will mix with other contaminents by the process called 'substrutin reaction' and the air will become posonious to breath,by then.
Best you school up on 'general chemistry' by PW Atkins, you show ignorance to the gravity of what toxity happens when mixing elements or go Gosmans way, "get scuba gear.".
An 8 yr old knows more about oxygen in the air than you do. The amounts you mention on Mauna Kea are in no way a problem for breathing.
I didnt think there were many around who could be as ignorant as Trump, ( especially when the obvious is pointed out to him) but we can see them amoung us .
Each breath uses about 5% of the oxygen so a second breath of the same air is no problem. CO2 is of course largely harmless in the air for breathing , its the O2 that is vital
"Gasping are you ? LOL"
You would be, if you had to breathe it back in again.
Breathing even CO2 at 5% isnt an issue ( 50,000 parts per mill) , the plants love it at that level , thats why is pumped into greenhouses.
It is if you keep breathing the same lung-full; how long do you reckon it would take, Duke, before you passed out?
Perhaps you should read some actual information rather than simply stupidly inferring it from the measurements of completely different gas. Yes, oxygen levels are declining. Only problem is that in recent epochs, you need about a million years to notice that it has happened.
Thanks for that .
I used to think that Twitter and Facebook was the the place for stuff that was too silly for words
You need to substantiate the 'toxic masculinity' accusation. Wtf are you talking about with that polarising, inflammatory and frankly bollocks term?
Why do you think it has anything to do with testosterone? Where is any evidence?
Do you realise there is a massively growing problem with young female violence and drinking? Have you seen what is going on right now with even younger teen females and how they are outstripping males by a country mile in the aggro stakes? Where is that coming from? The estrogen? You are probably not even aware. Old coot (there you go, a bit of offensiveness thrown back in kind. Lovely isn't it).
How would you describe Bolsonaro's behaviour? I am surprised this is at all a contentious description.
The term 'toxic masculinity' should be reserved for use by left-wing extremist arseholes.
Bolsonaro's behaviour could be described as immature, child-like, rude crude, bolshie, arrogant, ignorant, all sorts of things…
where those traits come from I don't know, but assuming they come from masculinity is…. …. ….. offensive, among many other things … …
(apologies for the old coot remark – withdrawn)
His actions are toxic to the environment and are a rather overt display of his masculinity I would have thought.
If you fancy a good hearty laugh at a fascist, there's a video doing the rounds of Bolsanaro challenging some Army guy to 20 push ups and then absolutely flaking out on his when he has to do them.
Like Trump, Bolsanaro at his core is a coward. He's all belligerent bluster and fabricated bravado. The fact he's prepared to let the Amazon burn and refuse Macron's offer of funding due to his wounded ego, speaks volumes. "The world can ruddy well burn until that dirty Frenchman says he's sorry!" This is the sort of man who, when confronted by a genuine threat, would probably cry like a baby and soil himself. He is weak, and feeble, and an embarrassment to Brazil.
Comical. By that logic Thatcher = toxic femininity. Crusher Collins = toxic femininity.
The psychology of adults, whose wealth has allowed them to escape any consequences for their actions, for their entire lives, combined with the natural selfishness of a baby.
One of the best arguments for 100% inheritance taxes on millionaires.
"One of the best arguments for 100% inheritance taxes on millionaires."
and one of the key reasons why they are where and who they are
It is a mild description imo – someone else has an agenda methinks.
Can't see how "toxic masculinity" can be contentious, for masculine individuals who haven't got past baby hood.
I agree. With yesterday's suicide statistics and the majority of them being young men. Can we please avoid the use of the term toxic masculinity and the context that that term endears in some men. Lets call this Bolsonaro out for what he actually is, a environmental terrorist and an idiotic twat at that.
Substantiate please. “Massively growing problem” sounds way overblown.
+100 Mickey
Not a fan of the term toxic masculinity, but this whole extreme patriarchy thing is feeling very end game.
Any reason that Macron shouldn't just apologise and move on to helping stop the fires? Or is he going to do the macho death dance too?
why should someone offer excuses for what is the truth?
Or to put it mildly, should the world just roll over and let these guys, Bolsanaro, Trump, etc just walk over them of fear that they might offend?
Fact is Bolsanaro is not gonna do anything about the forest burning. This is one of his campaign promises and by gosh and golly he will uphold it. Remove the forest to make way for ranching, soy growing, 'plant meat' growing, etc.
We got to stop looking at what they say to each other and start looking at what they do.
The orange one insulting Ted Cruz women (after all she is 'old' too), Bolsonaro insulting Macrons wife (who is much older them him) while both of these man parade around with a trophy wife on their arms is literally just that – toxic masculinity.
Both running on a platform that vilifies people other then them, other – gay, other – trans, other – women needing / wanting an abortion, other – women not married having sex, other – not of the preferred religion, other – indigenous, other – black/brown/red/yellow anything not white………-toxic humanity.
Both running on a platform to de-regulate, to escalate our environmental issues, to disenfranchise those that have some sort of 'treaty' rights all while telling the poor masses the reason they are poor is the 'other'. So vote for me, As i will take away all the others and never mind me over there selling the countries resources, wealth, and even environmental health of the planet. At least ya got to be against 'others' that never harmed you in hte first place and maybe maybe a slice of that pie is gonna fall on you and you don't even have to share it. Lol.
So frankly no, excusing is not gonna work with that type of man, and fwiw, Macron is a shitheel all by himself, see how 'his' police force treat people demonstrating for a better life.
It's not about rolling over, it's about playing the game smarter. If Bolsonaro is puffing his chest over an insult, then apologise and see what his next excuse is. Apologising only diminishes power if you are reliant on macho power in the first place.
If Macron puffs his chest back, what good will this do about the fires? Macron being macho might help with the global politics, but I think the point is we need better strategies, because the boys being boys is about to kill us.
If the orange shitshow in the US has shown us anything it is the fact that these guys don't have any shame. So it is pointless to ask that question : At long last have you got not shame? Answer, a hearty 'NO".
In the meantime lets discuss how the insulted should be polite to the insulter in hope the guy changes his tune. Good grief.
you're still not getting it. It's not about some nice hope that Bolsonaro will change, and it's not about being nice to him, it's about deflecting his derail and taking charge of the narrative again.
You don't get it. They don't care. Once you understand that you can change course, until you do you get to be 'hopeful', 'polite', and ineffective all the while they laugh on their way to the bank.
you want to deflect? Don't talk about this type of bullshit at all. The orange shitshow twitters and calls women nasty or dogs or or or or? Don't give a shit. The bresilian dude does the same? Dont' give a shit. Same for all the others that fill the airwaves with their petulance and their pettiness and their fakeness in order to cover up the misery they create for actual human beings.
But do call them out every single time they try to burn the world down thinking it will just be us paying that price.
doing the same thing over and over again hoping to get a different result is insanity.
Good grief.
If I was Macron I would apologise. I would say …
" I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry I hurt your feelings …"
Sure, apologise, but I believe Bolsonaro will take the money and then do exactly nothing with it. Except perhaps crow about how he got $20 million from those stupid Europeans after forcing the French President to apologise for something Bolsonaro started.
If I were Macron I'd swallow my pride and try to be the bigger person. But I wouldn't trust that swivel-eyed Brazilian lunatic any more than I'd trust Trump. He's cut from the same cloth as Rodrigo Duterte.
one of the disturbing things about duterte,,
is that he enjoys about 85% support domestically..
I think so. An apology is to undercut the power move by Bolsonaro. I'm not suggesting that other countries take a compliant stance in terms of goals or basic relationship.
It does seem obscene that in our world such morons can wield so much power over areas that affect everything and everyone. Subjecting their own people to their ideas of wealth and prosperity is one thing but to happily devastate the natural resources needed to keep the planet functioning well enough to sustain its whole population Is another. Whether it be in the US Russia China or anywhere else we appear powerless to prevent it happening. There’s no doubt we are our own worst enemies.
we get what we vote for.
people voted for this shitshow. they.voted.for.it. And they knew they did.
Sometimes people need to learn things the hard way. American farmers are currently feeling buyer's remorse over having voted for Trump. They're fine with Mexicans getting a bit of stick, but when Trump's lunacy starts to hurt them… not so much. I suspect it won't be long before Brazilians realise Bolsonaro doesn't give a toss about the average citizen and is simply out for himself. Hopefully, the Amazon won't have burned down by then.
The USA is starving and impoverishing Venezuela, and talking about invasion, for the simple crime of electing a Government they do not like.
Whereas the undemocratic Government they installed in Brazil, is busily trying to ensure the end of human civilisation…..
I'm not sure if I noticed if but were/are the conversations on radical feminists as touchy as this "toxic male" one has quickly turned. Both can probably be termed extremes but the effects of the impact of the few on the many is where the damage is caused.
Most or many NZ families have moved on from that through the necessities of everyday life for the majority, from where I sit the specific role of a "male" in that has changed quite a lot with a change too of generations having the sort of impact now that disappeared with the "nuclear family" phase.
Working to provide for a family and housing them is harder and often all the roles are shared with two incomes needed in a landscape where I see men, women and grandparents (or an even wider version of that) stepping up to do whatever needs to be done. Everyone is better for it, a toxic approach leads to loneliness and unhealthy outcomes.
Toxic masculinity, American version, is about to be balanced somewhat by the arrival of Hurricane Greta (Thunberg) who has been steadily blown across the North Atlantic the last two weeks, and is just about to dock in Manhattan in time for the climate change meeting in September and international climate change activism. There has been quite a lot of sniping from the right about the value of Greta's 'non emissions' trip to the U.S., mainly because the crew of the yacht now change hands and fly in and out of New York. Don't think Greta is phased by it. her Asperger's just keeps her mind steady on the world's warming and the need to do something about it asap.
Isnt that what Fashion Week is for ?
Macron should send in the army, a la Napoleon..
Such a shame the Amazon isn't located in Venezuela, pretty sure the Liberal world leaders and their media patsies could all agree on invading the country under the guise of 'fire control'…..
As the Amazon burns and the world looks on aghast while the planet’s lungs go up in flames responsible leaders are doing what they should be doing,
As the planets lungs part (postulated by Macron) is essentially twaddle,would it be the role of responsible commentators to say so?
I think I will be listening to NASA scientists figures, at least until Trump nobbles them, rather than a business journalists interpretation.
which one of nasa scientists is suggesting that the amazon has a different mode of respiration from photsynthesis?
Only one Professor of Ecosystem Science views among a mryad of very many other views.
So it is not to be used as gold standard as many varables still are there today to confirm that “No exact science exsists”
If you have a new hypothesis on photorespiration please be ready to share.
"which one of nasa scientists is suggesting that the amazon has a different mode of respiration from photsynthesis?"
What do you mean, Poission?
read KJT comment
Done. Now, what do you mean?
As the planets lungs part (postulated by Macron) is essentially twaddle,would it be the role of responsible commentators to say so?
see above ie initial comment
I think I'll be looking into the claims of that business journalist, rather than blindly believing what Madonna and Leonardo DiCaprio claim.
The O2 problem is the textbook ie the scientific consensus, in the absence of an alternative hypothesis it is either metaphysics ie unscientific twaddle, or bullshit.
Sure, but that quote by one of the wisest men ever clearly demonstrates that everything is BS and that one should simply pick the source that is most suited to one’s argument. It was directed at Shadrach for edification.
And I agree – that's exactly what people tend to do. It was certainly KJT's reaction.
And you are above that?
No-one is above that.
Gravity pulls all of us down to Earth. Some of us, however, try to fly and soar high in the sky.
Do you see yourself as a bottom crawler, a tree monkey, or an Eagle?
We all suffer from some form of confirmation bias. Some recognise it, and therefore try to push past it. Others maintain a lofty disinterest in anything that challenges their beliefs.
And others simply parrot whatever their right wing "reckons" tell them.
Gee you'll need to tell me who these right wing "reckons" are so I can watch out for them.
Fair warning – expect to see many more rwnj ‘reckons’ in this vein. After all, what have they got to lose?
Quite relevant to the “toxic masculinity” topic of the post too.
"How do you measure anthropogenic carbon dioxide? Get Greta to sniff it?"
That is incredibly cruel. Greta is a young woman being exploited by all sorts of people. Her fan base is primarily children, too young to question the bs they are being asked to swallow.
Just curious, Shadrach, can you provide a few objective examples of the "bs" that Thunberg's fan base is "being asked to swallow"?
Maybe Thunberg is being exploited, but she seems to know her own 16 year-old mind. IMHO she is genuinely well-intentioned – I cannot say the same for many of her detractors.
"…but she seems to know her own 16 year-old mind. "
She's 16! I wouldn't trust a 16 year old to know much about anything.
Yeah, we all know that life starts at 40.
Some well-known individuals were/are wise and/or influential beyond their years.
Getting the feeling that Shadrach would give Thunberg's message short shrift regardless of the age or background of the messenger.
"Some well-known individuals were/are wise and/or influential beyond their years."
Oh sure. But Greta is not exceptional. She is being manipulated.
Thunberg “is being manipulated“, in you're (humble?) opinion.
However, "You're one commenter, and like lawyers, I can provide you with another one that will give you a counterview."
Thunberg’s more exceptional than Shadrach, and indeed more inspirational than the whole National party line-up put together, IMHO.
"Thunberg’s more exceptional than Shadrach, "
You don't know me. But then that kind of leap of illogic is why you'd be sucked in by a manipulated 16 year olds rhetoric.
I don't know Thunberg either, but read and listen to her messages, just as I read what you write here.
If you disagree with my evaluation of your relative merits, then that's fine – it's only my opinion, just as the idea that Thunberg is being manipulated is yours, and it’s doubtful there’s much we would agree on anyway.
"but read and listen to her messages…"
"just as the idea that Thunberg is being manipulated is yours,"
Greta was 8 when she first formed her views on climate change. Eight.
When she was 13, her mother (exploiter #1) was stupid enough to allow her compromise her singing career by letting Great persuade her to stop flying.
Her mother 'orchestrated' the 'school strike for climate' with Ingmar Rentzhog (exploiter #2), despite claiming she 'stumbled' across the campaign.
I could go on, but you can find all of this yourself.
I could, but why bother when I have your evidence-free ‘reckons’?
Mind you, other reckons are available – who to believe?
From somewhere near your link:
" From what I have read it took quite some persuasion on Greta's part to convince her parents that her concerns about climate change really did matter."
Nope. They were persuaded by a 13 year old. Mind you, mum's done ok with her book and all.
We can probably agree that Thunberg is a source of inspiration to millions, and has elicited derisive comments from many others.
At age 16, she has already had more influence on global events than you or I will have in our entire lifetimes – what a wonderful world!
"At age 16, she has already had more influence on global events than you or I will have in our entire lifetimes – what a wonderful world! "
She has achieved nothing. Zero. Nada.
Ooops…she persuaded her mother to stop flying and write a book that made her some coin.
Indeed, who is she? Is she one of the Kardashians?
Why is a whole thread devoted to a person who “has achieved nothing”? A nobody?
Are you talking about Robert’s “fire-breathing dragon that lives in his garage”? https://thestandard.org.nz/weekend-social-31-8-19/#comment-1651113 Robert, surely that would be your shed, right?
I think this easily passes the test of willy-waving, much ado about nothing. How appropriate and pertinent under a post on Toxic masculinity.
"She [Thunberg] has achieved nothing. Zero. Nada." – Shadrach
That places you firmly in the camp of those who are determined to offer only derisive comments. Can you articulate why she grates on you to the extent that you must persist with these bilious put-downs?
Do you think youngsters should be encouraged to follow their dreams? To have the courage of their convictions? To stand up and be counted? Or are you more a "seen and not heard" kinda guy?
Can hardly wait for your next put-down of 16-year-old Greta; really speaks to your ‘character’.
"Can you articulate why she grates on you to the extent that you must persist with these bilious put-downs?"
She doesn't. The people around her exploiting her do.
"Do you think youngsters should be encouraged to follow their dreams? To have the courage of their convictions? To stand up and be counted?"
Yes. And those convictions should be challenged, particularly if they are calling on others to follow with them.
"Can hardly wait for your next put-down of 16-year-old Greta; really speaks to your ‘character’."
It was you who raised her achievements. I'm putting those in perspective. Greta is 16. She is being exploited by a number of adults around her (including parents and environmentalists) to sell a message from which they benefit financially. If she was an adult selling snake oil for gain (like Al Gore) I'd take a different approach. She is a child, and those around her need to be called out.
Shadrach – I raised the fact that Thunberg is a source of inspiration to millions, and that her statements and actions have and are influencing global events.
Your (quoted) comment (@11:23 pm) addressed 16-year-old Greta's achievements, which were (in your opinion, from your perspective) "nothing. Zero. Nada."
I truly don't understand your need to belittle Thunberg's achievements, let alone (as Incognito noted) on a post entitled "Toxic Masculinity". Maybe you don't understand it either – I'll leave you to your seething.
"Why is a whole thread devoted to a person who “has achieved nothing”? "
Ask the author of the post.
I used the word “thread”. If I had meant the OP, I would have said so. NB the OP is not about Greta Thunberg.
This “thread” in which you have commented numerous times, about a nobody.
The question was clear and clearly addressed to you but you are evasive and becoming more and more troll-like IMHO.
"I raised the fact that Thunberg is a source of inspiration to millions…"
…and I responded by saying she'd actually achieved nothing.
"I truly don't understand your need to belittle Thunberg's achievements…"
I'm not. There aren't any. She is a child, being exploited by money and attention grabbing adults.
Shadrach, you stated (@11:23 pm, 30 August 2019):
Now, @6:31 pm, you've just stated that you're not belittling Greta's achievements. A bizzare claim, given that your comment (quoted above) is a succinct exemplar of belittling behaviour.
Ah, now I understand. Shadrach has already commented on 16-year-old Greta ten times on this post alone.
I see only one ‘child’ here, Shadrach. Cheer up, in time Thunberg may come to know who you are.
Are you seriously suggesting that claiming someone is being exploited is 'belittling' that person? She's 16! She was being exploited from the time she was 13, from what I can see. I actually feel sorry for her. I despise those around her using her their won personal gain.
Don't know how I could make my comment any clearer – I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're suffering from a comprehension deficit. Actually beginning to feel sorry for you, tbh.
You're trying desperately to convince yourself I don't like Greta. You're wasting your time. And conceding the discussion.
"This “thread” in which you have commented numerous times, about a nobody."
I'm not sure if you're being stupid or just trolling.
This is a post abut climate change. My first comment was https://thestandard.org.nz/toxic-masculinity/#comment-1650106 and didn't even mention Greta. I made a comment about Greta in response to this https://thestandard.org.nz/toxic-masculinity/#comment-1650408.
The remainder of my comments about Greta have been answers to other peoples post.
I'm getting the feeling you're trolling me. Now while I'm flattered, it's kind of creepy.
Although they would doubtless never admit it to themselves the 'toxic masculine' leaders railed against are themselves little more than tethered goats….and eminently replaceable.
hashtag not all men
was that meant to be a reply to vto?
Masculinity is toxic?
"Traits traditionally viewed as masculine in Western society include strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness."
” These testosterone driven clowns ”
Is it testosterone driving these men? Causing them to make decisions? Testosterone, the main driver?
"Masculinity is toxic?"
No, the term refers to the kinds of masculinity that cause harm. It's not referring to masculinity generally, nor men generally.
I think the drivers are societies that reward certain kinds of harmful masculinity (eg domination and aggression), and that testosterone is part of that picture but not a sufficient driver on its own.
I don't like the term toxic masculinity for a range of reasons including that it tends to polarise us around an idea of good and bad men rather than looking at the systems that socialise or force men into certain behaviours and world views.
I just wonder about citing a chemical, testosterone, as the causative element for making such decisions as insulting someone's partner or inviting developers to expand their operations.
I took that as metaphorical. It's interesting that Western science and culture has developed this idea that male aggression is the result of a single chemical. We could probably find some links there with the whole sorry mess.
We have women arguing over Parliamentary dress standards, someone isn't wearing a tidy jacket etc.
Based on my extensive research amongst the closest of critics (women), I’d say that “masculinity is just messy” is a more appropriate generalisation. This seems to be an almost universal concurrence amongst the best critics (women).
However in this case I suspect that the toxic effect is largely from a few male peacocks flaunting their testosterone levels with posturing feathers aimed largely at some really stupid voters. Not the normal run of the messy and dowdy XY sapiens…
Donald Trump is 73. He's probably got about a much testosterone coursing through his veins as a newborn baby. Don't ascribe to hormones that which is probably just being an awful awful person.
Trump probably runs on adrenalin. This is a list of symptoms of an overdose. He has displayed many of these in the short time i have spent observing him. I reckon I am onto his problem. I will send my bill later and hope that NZ Post will deliver it.
Symptoms of Overdose
small hands?
dunno about testosterone but trump has adderall pumping thru his veins..he crushes/snorts it…he has a collapsed septum..
(source: writer on apprentice..)
and melania is hooked on oxycontin – this is why she always has her handbag – junkies don’t like to be too far from their ‘precious’..
(source: same as above..)
Mind you lobal hypernationalism is only going to get stronger.
That needs hyper-strong demagogues.
The left's politesse and process-obsession won't win anything at all these days.
I don't see hyper-strong demagogues posturing at each other ending well. Seems more like a recipe for disaster.
I guess the point becomes what is the thing we are supposed to be winning.
Bloody good question.
The human equivalent of a supernova, i.e. a superego.
Global politics is less stable, in no small part because of demagogues.
But this isn't the 1990s, it's 2019. Instability is all there is.
The thing, as ever, we are supposed to be winning, is the world itself.
'WE' arnt supposed to win anything….those winning (with the assistance of demagogues) are those seeking to retain their wealth and power
In the good old days, I understand, the aggrieved one would demand a duel to the death to defend his honour. Why don't these two boofheads do that, maim or kill each other as all un-needed animals that aren't behaving fashionably are being left to do, and the rest of us can turn to the problem and trying to ameliorate it. Kindly and practical are my watchwords!
I think Boorish Johnson is a case of toxic masculinity plus add-ons of being-up-himself, spoilt-brat syndrome and superior strategic telescopic education.
However Corbyn is holding on so far with his old-fashioned well-worn masculinity, slightly threadbare, but may continue to serve its purpose until the end of the road.
Brexit: Opposition MPs agree strategy to block no deal
At present, the default position in law is that the UK leaves the EU on 31 October with or without a deal.
MPs opposed to no deal want to pass a new law to change that.
They have already done that once – in April, faced with the possibility of a no-deal exit on the original Brexit date of 29 March, they passed a law forcing Theresa May to ask for an extension to the UK's EU membership.
The SNP’s Ian Blackford said he was “proud” of MPs for coming together.
So the UK is making a bid to show that toxic masculinity can be overcome by concerted smarts from willing, thinking pollies committed to putting their own personalities and preferences aside to enable the work of serving the common good.
I just had the perfect comment via Facebook:
"It's easy to blame testosterone, fascism and all things detestable for the situation in Brazil, but they're (a) superficial and (b) suit other political interests. He might just be a git."
Toxic masculinity is a poisonous term, that much is clear.
But there is also a lot of confusion around "aggression". So often it is confused with anger, or violence. It is neither of those, although is useful for both for anger and violence – you can hardly be angry or violent while being 'defensive'.
But aggression is a good trait when not used for those other bad purposes. Aggression is an assertiveness, a confidence, a stepping forward with boldness and without delay. It is a crucial element in the human condition.
Aggression is not a bad thing, it is good. It is violence and anger which needs the control.
Agression can be good/useful, and it can be bad/harmful.
Aggression, anger & violence are all necessary to varying degrees, in certain situations.
Unnecesary aggression, anger and violence are not good, IMHO. Can't imagine enjoying life in a hyper-aggressive society, even if it was violence free – the idea doesn't appeal.
I’d go as far as to say that there is no default state in general; the only default is change.
Fear, anger, aggression, violence, stress, et cetera, are all useful and even necessary responses to changing conditions and stimuli, be it from ‘inside’ (internal) or the external world (environment). They become problematic if there’s a faulty off-switch, if the response stays switched-on and becomes chronic.
Chronic stress is a condition of modern times and modern man. This includes chronic stress on the environment (e.g. CC) and chronic ‘health’ conditions. We cannot (easily) remove all stressors but in order to survive and live well, we must learn to respond differently to stressors. Not easy when our biology, physiology, and psychology, for example, are all primed to respond in certain ways to known and novel stressors. In many ways, we need to rewire ourselves. Our adaptability or lack of it will determine whether we as the fittest will survive or not. So far, the signs are not all that clear and convincing …
Thinking about this, it is or becomes counter-intuitive and in fact counter-productive to aim for BAU and status quo; it is not the natural state of and for being. Indeed, it leads and can only lead to pain and suffering …
Thanks Incognito – the (illusory) promise of cost-free BAU as a chronic condition? Food for thought.
There's an enormous, almost overwhelming 'force' (momentum) pushing BAU (with minor tweaks if you must) as the only way 'going forward'. At least three or four times a day RNZ tells us what's happening on the stock markets, what the currency exchange rates are, what gold is worth – when did that start? On the BBC ‘News’ channel, a hyperactive Aaron Heslehurst mutters how little time he has been allocated to inform viewers about the latest market trends, as news segments pop up between investment and tourism ads.
BAU (with or without minor tweaks) cannot continue, but how to engineer/assist a timely stop or, better yet, U-turn for a 7.7 billion (and growing) juggernaut? We see the iceberg, but can’t change course. Or, we see the red light ahead (I hope it’s still ahead), but seem to be having some trouble finding, let alone applying the brakes, despite knowing that crashes are typically less damaging at slower speeds.
Let’s do our best, and support those doing better – Robert Guyton's efforts and achievements are inspirational, not to mention WeTheBleeple, Weka, Greywarshark and many more. Andre's recently-described 'decreased consumption lifestyle' is something I’m aiming for. As many as possible should get there in their own time/way, ideally with encouragement/education/assistance.
There would be a deal of satisfaction in coercing the deliberate laggards, but they’re a distraction, not worth the bother. Chin up
Cost-free BAU? Nah, there’s no such thing as a free lunch and we all know that. The trick is to get somebody else to foot the bill, e.g. the business, the IRD/Taxpayer, the client/customer. Cost externalising is the smart way of doing business. If you’re not doing it, you’re doing it wrong!
It’s hard yakka rowing against the stream of 7.7. billion fellow humans.
With the Titanic, the passengers had no inkling and were not in control of the steering wheel or the helm. Are we, is humankind in the same boat?