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- Date published:
11:00 am, May 31st, 2011 - 82 comments
Categories: caption contest, leadership -
My contribution: Key does the vertical plank. Not pictured, National’s economic plan .
A planker and a plonker.
Max Key proves that planking is a million miles from it’s ‘roots’ by planking on the Key family furniture while Dad supervises to make sure the assets don’t get scratched….. nothing to do with needing to be in front of a camera, eh John?
Arent Politician’s children out of bounds, or family members for that matter, also.
Now you come to mention it Brett I have to agree. It’s a long-standing convention that exists for very good reason.
So presuming that this was published with JK’s knowledge and consent… it begs a very hard question about his judgement here. Exploiting his son for a photo-op cracks opens a door that should have been left closed…no?
PS bad taste pun wholly intentional…
Politicians are always going to use their family, it doesn’t mean the opposition can have a go at a son of family member.
Tell me of another NZ PM who has made their family a PR tool.
If you turn people into a tool, don’t be surprised that they come in the firing line. You can’t use a PR tool and then whine when it gets turned on you.
And, as it happens, I don’t see anyone seriously criticising Max. They’re taking the piss out of ol’ smile and wave.
Nathan Guy would front up at most campaign meetings around Kapiti in 2005 with wife and very young children in tow, the little bastards wouldn’t stop crying.
I can think of one wannabe PM who did. His wife’s from Singapore you know.
I actually agree with Brett though: Key has gone too far this time, kids should be out of bounds.
Shame on him and good on Brett for bringing it up.
“John Key makes guest appearance in boy’s arse.”
So wrong and yet so funny.
“And for my next trick, Don and I, the double blanks, will do a double plank atop the Reserve Bank”
John Key displays his new method of child discipline
John Key’s extra security detail come in handy when the Prime Minister needs a photo taken on his Blackberry.
Haha beautiful!
“And how much is King’s charging for your education, Max?”
Saw the item on Breakfast this morning and some punters in the street were interviewed as to how they viewed Key’s latest publicity stunt – my favourite was a woman who labelled Key a dick. If I could get that on a video loop it would make my week, the truth being spoken at last.
PM’s research into Max Planck reference draws blank
tee hee!
Lol! Brilliant!
Hahahahaha thats great!!
Oooh, that is good.
“I jist tazered Max’s arse cause e sed he blieves in climit chinge.”
The only plank photo I want to see Key in is one of him walking the plank.
He can share Dons Plank.
Hold on, so when his son puts it up on facebook, it is a publicity stunt by the evil John Key?
It is a publicity stunt if his Dad told him to, or his Dad got in the picture in the knowledge that it was likely to be posted online.
Of course, we’re unlikely to ever know whether this is a genuine publicity stunt, or whether his son (assuming that’s who this is) is merely just a bit of a dick, too, and thought it was a good idea all by himself.
His kid had this his facebook page? Yeepers if someone at kiwiblog did this with Goff’s kids, you all will be outrage.
Not his personal facebook page. The facebook page of some Planking League or something.
Still the media lifted it from there and published it, and now the standard has oput it here to have a go at Key.
IMHO that is wrong.
I don’t think you can genuinely blame Eddie here Brett, after it had already been front page on newspapers, on breakfast telly and the front page of stuff. And no-one’s being nasty to Max here.
If you’re looking for reasons to be upset with the media for taking stuff off facebook, I’d go with all the pictures various newspapers etc took off Emily Longley‘s family’s private pages, rather than a photo on a public facebook Planking page. There was great media excitement when her boyfriend posted the last photo of her alive on his facebook page, which seemed awfully voyeuristic.
Just relatively speaking.
FFS Brett even Kiwiblog has published it. Stop being so fucking precious.
Yes. Key’s son is a Crosby Textor plant.
If Key wants to get “down with the kids” he should have “krumped” like Mallard and Hodgson.
It was on the planking website
Are you so naive that you think all the major news outlets just happen to get a pic off that website at the same time?
This is Key trying to hop on a trend.
The lamest trend ever, btw. Does anyone really think planking is cool? It’s boring, just dudes lying down.
Planking itself is incredibly lame. I did see a news article about an inversion of it, where two young women were ‘planking’ simply lying face down on the concrete at popular tourism destinations, as a way of advertising their country. That was only interesting because of how stupid planking is in general, though.
I prefer a Pillow and a blanket ta.
And a soft mattress too
This is actually condition called myotonia congenita but it obviously missed ShonKeys generation but poor Max’s got it real bad.
“Critics non-plussed about new David Lynch film”
The latest work from Director David Lynch, who normally gets the glitteratti’s hearts to flutter with his biting and surrealist depictions of the modern socio-political landscape, has fallen flat at advanced screenings. Critics have described The internet is making us stupid as ‘pretty sophomoric stuff’ with a few wearing Tshirts emblazoned with ‘Who killed David Lynch’ in reference to a more admired earlier work.
“He used to be genuinely, refreshingly, almost frighteningly weird”, said an EW reviewer in Cannes, “but this is just taking the piss”.
‘PM John Key keeps watchful eye on son after reports Darren Hughes is in the area’
So what happened with that whole DH saga anyway? Did the complaint ever get made into formal police charges?
And did anyone get charged for running around Hataitai in the nick?
No Lanthanide; it’s three months on Thursday since the alleged incident happened, and still no word from the Police. It can’t be a pleasant time for either Hughes or the complainant.
Max Key mimes an over inflated description of New Zealand’s growth rate since his admiring father became Prime Minister.
“Two planks are all you need, one in each direction”
As two short planks
a very good impersonation of a whine axis
“Prime Minister not taking planking concerns lying down”
Duncan Garner grills Key in hard hitting interview
Lol 🙂
Max Key scores more publicity in a single shot than Ashaf Choudery has got in 6 years in Parliament
yup, because that’s what life and politics is all about: photo-ops
Planking is one where the participant exposes himself to a dangerous situation and then is photographed in that dangerous position. In this case young Max is obviously telling the public that his Dad is a dangerous situation. So Max is telling the public to stay away from the dangerous stunt that is his father.
Max should be given a medal for being honest about his father.
Planker and Wanker
Spot the plank competition.
Use your skill and judgement to place a X over where you think the plank may be in this picture.
Not happy with stuffing up the country, our glorious leader throws a father-son planking competition.
Son quickly rolls over to avoid being caught wanking by his wanker father
Shouldn’t laugh but can’t help it lol 🙂
Caption: Father and son share time together, lefties wonder what it is.
Happy place. I’m in my happy place I’m in my happy place I’m in my happy place.
Most of the attempted humour here is Intermediate School level. Naughty, naughty children’s jokes and some very sick suggestions. The worst comedians are those who think they are funny.
Single digit IQs. You know who you are (wonkers, wankers, plankers. giggle giggle honk honk snort snort) pathetic children
Yes, very true. Oh, and Liz Hurley is hot.
A famous actor once said that theatre critics are like eunuchs in a harem – they know what should be done, they see it done every night (often badly), but try as they might they can’t do it themselves…
Please enlighten us, steve.
Welcome to the Standard, the humor doesnt get better, very mean spirited sometimes.
Shock horror the PM is human !
Given the way the country has been managed in the last 2.5 yrs, there’s no shock that the PM is human – he fucks up just as much as the rest of us
Sure but he admits it and changes what he is doing – unlike she who never once admitted any personal responsibility for the continuous stuff-ups that she presided over.
As much as I’m not a National party supporter it is refreshing to have a PM who isn’t teflon coated to the point of ridiculousness.
“Sure but he admits it and changes what he is doing”
[citation needed]
So, ACT then?
The thing is Key is human, he is a dad and he has a personality – something that Goff lacks. The majority of people will continue to warm to this aspect of Key.
For sure, I’ve had my kids planking around the house like that – I laughed at them as well.
Can’t believe anyone would waste grey matter or time on this rubbish! Oh sh**t I just did!
As the lad mimics our growth rate, what I’d like to see from Mr Key is a PLAN, not a plank.
What the #*?@ happened to my comment???
Right Son!
Where’s the cane, mum?
And take the shorts down a bit, so that I can give you the right kind of smacking straight onto your best part of the bottom!
I heard a coment on NatRadio that some hack said that Key claimed to have discovered “planking” on the internet before anyone else, told his kids about it and that this photo was taken months ago. How bloody tragic and cynical is that, trying to claim Key is so hip. I would on the other hand believe it if his spinners said he was the man on the grassy knoll. Anything to be part of history.
He also invented the internet, the post-it and does stand-up.
This man is just a fount of hip, 21st century innovation! I can’t wait to see what he does with the economy!
Dont beleive everything you hear on the radio.
Oh I see……….you wanted to have a “PLanking” competition Max.
Don Key’s son symbolically presenting his father’s economic policies: Flat, flatter and more flat = NO GROWTH!
Thinks, “Bugger Section 59! Should I? Who would find out? Max might tell.
Oh sod S59. You should be bloody grateful to Bradford, Max.
She just saved your bacon. Now get up and go to your room before I change my mind!”