Written By:
BLiP - Date published:
8:00 am, July 11th, 2018 - 13 comments
Categories: uncategorized -
Tags: humour
Parliament’s website has a list of selected terms which, over the years, have been deemed to be “unparliamentary”. It is not, by any measure, an exhaustive list and hasn’t been updated since 2006, but the featured terms do make for fun reading. Some also reflect the times in which they were uttered.
. . . “His brain could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides” – hahahahahaha!! “The member for Pretoria” – ouch!
My favourite was Nandor Tanczos’ 29 June, 2000, “drunk in charge of a country”. He was referring then to the hypocrisy of government which was, and still is, fine with liberal laws around alcohol but draconian in its approach to cannabis. Mind you, Nandor Tanczos’ comment wasn’t deemed unparliamentary. Your favourite un/parliamentary one-liner?
(NOTE: This work is based on Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Services’ website content (linked to above) which is licensed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and/or the Parliamentary Corporation on behalf of Parliamentary Service for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Full licence available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.)
It would be interesting to collect a series of how the public describe them.
“I would cut the honourable gentleman’s throat if I had the chance”
I thought, “John Key”, but then read, 1946.
Saying it or being the recipient of?
He mimed the act, remember. Didn’t use a prop however
Waheguru. Thank Christ BLiP is back
“His brain could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides Is probably tied with “Could go down the Mount Eden sewer and come up cleaner than he went in” but there’s something about “Silly old moo” which sounds like something straight out of an old school British situation comedy…easy to imagine Rene describing Edith as a silly old moo cow*
*Please note I do not in anyway agree with calling women silly old moo cows in this day and age, in fact in any day and age.
a silly person is a silly person be they man or woman. you pussy whipped pusillanimous piece of pulverised pulchritude!
Speaker Ron Algie rebuked a constant interjector in the House. “Quiet, man, you’re an impediment in other people’s speech!”
Winston Peters in 1996 rebuked an interjector saying he did not want to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. Peters recycled this a few weeks ago at the expense of Simon Bridges at Question Time.
“Like a snail leaves a slime behind him …” 1969.
Such incredible foresight to foresee John Key as PM well into the future!
Nicky Wagner is probably the b****. Deborah Russell just pontificates badly in the style of Rachel Maddow.
Great to see you back Blip. This makes a refreshing change from John key’s lies!!
Would that make John Key’s outburst of ‘Get some guts’ be unparliamentary?
Petulant petticoat not yet used?
Sounds appropriate for the westie who cut the TIA and lorded it over her former peers as minister.